Writing Ch 2_ Analytical Paragraph

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Data analysis forms a critical part of writing today.

An analytical
paragraph refers to a descriptive paragraph which is usually written on
the basis of a flowchart, table, graph, chart, etc. Since it is usually short,
crisp, and to the point, the choice of words and grammatical structures
is of utmost importance in an analytical paragraph.

Learning Objectives
 Students will be learning to write formal analytical paragraphs
based on flowcharts, graphs, tables, excerpt, cues, etc., in order to
demonstrate analytical abilities, reasoning of research skills.
 Students will be learning to understand writing as an analysis -
oriented skill which requires thinking, reasoning, logical application,
understanding visuals, etc.

Learning Outcomes
 Students shall be able to write after analysing the information
given through newspapers, articles, research papers, etc.
 Students shall be able to understand the changes, fashion, situation,
differences, etc., and write a paragraph on the given data or
Marking Scheme
One question will be based on analytical paragraph as per the latest
2023-2024 syllabus of English Language and Literature. The detailed
breakup for the analytical paragraph question is given below:
Content refers to the body of the paragraph or the matter that is written
inside it.
• Title of the paragraph
• Introduction + Overview
• Concluding line
Expression refers to using the right words, accurate spellings, and the
correct grammatical structures of the phrases.

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• Structure of the paragraph
• Language used

• Title: It tells what the paragraph implies.

• Introduction: Start by reiterating the given assumption or
information in the question as the introduction.
• Overview: Clearly write 2-4 arguments, trends or reasons in
favour of or to counter the given topic to secure full marks. It is very
important to stay on topic and not digress. The word limit is 120
words so it is necessary that you are able to convey all the required
information briefly.
Note the trends in the flowchart/graph/table very carefully and
report it using the accurate words. Any mismatch in the data or any
factual error would lead to lose marks.
• Conclusion: Reiterating the main inference or stance you have
taken from the data provided.
• Expression: Be cohesive between paragraphs or from one idea to
the next using connectors to structure the ideas logically from one
to the next.
Also, focus on the language by providing proper punctuation, spellings,
appropriate words, and accurate grammatical structures.

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For an analytical paragraph, it is very important to use the appropriate
vocabulary which is also called ‘functional language’ by CBSE. For
instance, the terms like increase, decrease, plateau, peak and stable
should be used accurately in the passage to fetch you marks under
Types of Analytical Paragraphs
I. Flowchart / Data / Graph based
II. Excerpt / Cue based

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OBJECTIVE Type Questions

1. Answer the questions given, with reference to the context
According to the recent study given on what Americans are afraid
of, it turned out that most of the Americans fear ‘public speaking’
the most.

(A) Based on the graph given above, choose the option that
lists statements which are TRUE with respect to the fears
of Americans.
(I) Height is the second most feared thing for Americans.
(II) Claustrophobia is the only phobia that makes it to the
list of top fears.
(III) 20% of Americans are afraid of flying.
(IV) Same percent of Americans fear ghosts and drowning.

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(a) (I) and (IV) (b) (I) and (II)
(c) (III) and (IV) (d) (II) and (IV)
(B) Select the correct title for the analytical paragraph based
on the context.
(a) Understanding the Fears of Americans
(b) What Americans are Afraid of ?
(c) Coward Americans
(d) Scared America
(C) Choose the tone in which this analytical paragraph must
be written.
(a) Sarcastic (b) Humorous
(c) Informative (d) Enraged
(D) “................... is the highest feared thing for Americans while
.............. is the lowest”
Choose the correct option.
(a) Needles and bees
(b) Public speaking and ghosts
(c) Drowning and heights
(d) Clowns and zombies
(E) The reason behind Americans fearing public speaking is
(a) it makes them feel grounded
(b) it makes them arrogant
(c) it makes them feel anxious
(d) it makes them feel important
(F) Select the correct option based on the given statements.
(I) Social gatherings and social networks make people
(II) Millennials are increasing their social life and networks.

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(a) (I) is the reason for (II)
(b) (II) is the result of (I)
(c) (II) contradicts (I)
(d) (I) is true and (II) is false
Ans. (A) (b) (I) and (II)
Explanation: In the given question, statements (I) and (II) are
true as height is the second most feared thing in Americans
and no phobia other than claustrophobia is included in the
list whereas statements (III) and (IV) are false as per the data
given. Hence, (b) is the correct answer.
(B) (a) Understanding the Fears of Americans
Explanation: From the context, it is clear that it talks about the
different kinds of fears of Americans. Option (b) is an unclear
title, options (c) and (d) are rude and inappropriate titles while
(a) is correct for the analytical paragraph. Hence, (a) is the right
(C) (c) Informative
Explanation: An analytical paragraph is written to inform and
spread awareness in readers about a particular topic. It should
never be (a) sarcastic, (b) humorous or (d) enraged in tone but
(c) informative. Hence, (c) is the right answer
(D) (b) Public speaking and ghosts
(E) (c) it makes them feel anxious
(F) (c) (II) contradicts (I)
Explanation: Both statements are true which makes option (d)
wrong. Neither (I) or (II) are right as the statements are not inter-
dependant. However, they contradict each other. On one hand,
people get anxious in social gatherings and public speaking and
on other, they are now trying to increase their social network
and participate in public speaking more than ever. Hence,
(c) is the right answer.

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SUBJECTIVE Type Questions
2. Study the concept chart from the self-help magazine section
of a monthly publication.

Assess di iculty of work and

Write a paragraph in not more than 120 words analysing the

listed responses to the situation when one faces setbacks.
You may begin like this: Setbacks often leave us with a feeling
of disappointment ...
You may end like this: Hence, developing a healthy response to
setbacks must be seen as a learning opportunity though it may
take time and effort. [Mod. CBSE Term-2 SQP 2022]
Ans. The question tests the following writing LOs:
• Convey ideas convincingly using appropriate language.
• Organise content and structure ideas logically, sequentially,

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• Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structure appropriate
to the content and context.
• Use of functional language to show comparison, contrast,
emphasis, conclusion, etc.
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-2 SQP 2022]

Setbacks often leave us with a feeling of disappointment and may
even lead to acute depression. There are two ways to handle any
setback-one for the better, i.e., healthy and the other for the worse,
i.e., unhealthy. When we take the setback in a healthy way, we
learn from it and let go of the emotions inside. The optimistic
approach provides us an ability to feel, reflect and align. In other
words, we observe the pattern of the setback, especially assess
the difficulty of work and possibility of future success by doing the
In particular, the person reaches a healing state to transform
anxiety, shunning away bitter life experiences that are the result
of not meeting some particular expectation. On the contrary, a
negative approach to setback gives rise to a feeling of inadequacy
and incompetency and the affected person is unable to accept
the situation. It leads to a vicious cycle of undesirable feelings and
the person becomes a victim to self-criticism and self-doubt as
opposed to a person with a positive response to setbacks. The
victim even resorts to blaming others and sees everything as a
danger and threat.
It is imperative to channelise thoughts in the right direction and
avoid anger, anxiety and depression. Hence, developing a healthy
response to setbacks must be seen as a learning opportunity
though it may take time and effort.


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OBJECTIVE Type Questions

3. Answer the questions given, with reference to the context
You are Amit Dey. You have read an excerpt in the newspaper –
“The doctors report that they have seen a big spurt of mental
illness for the first time in 100 years during the pandemic. This
lockdown played a devilish role in traumatising people with
negativity and fears.”
(A) Select a relevant theme for the given context.
(a) The empty mind during the lockdown.
(b) Social anxiety in coming out of homes.
(c) Ill-effects of staying at home during lockdown.
(d) The fear aroused due to the pandemic.
(B) Which of the following options is NOT considered a mental
(a) Stress and anxiety
(b) Panic attacks
(c) Depression and violent behavior
(d) Diffiiculty in breathing
(C) Select the solution to the problem stated in the context.
(a) Visiting doctors for therapies.
(b) Taking rest for maximum hours.
(c) Taking online prescriptions from doctors.
(d) Home treatments.
(D) “The doctors report that they have seen a big spurt of
mental illness for the first time in 100 years during the
pandemic”. Replace the underlined word with the correct
(a) Severe decline
(b) Extreme rise
(c) Great power
(d) Strong attack

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(E) Choose the correct title for the analytical paragraph.
(a) The Ill-effects of Pandemic on Minds
(b) The Side-effects of COVID-19
(c) The Increasing Mental Diseases
(d) Depression and Anxiety
Ans. (A) (c)Ill-effects of staying at home during lockdown.
Explanation: The context talks about how people got affected
during the lockdown when they were told to stay indoors
for a long period of time. This gave them negativity and
depression which resulted in mental issues in many people.
Options (a), (b) and (d) do not resonate with the context while
(c) is correct as per the context. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
(B) (d) Difficulty in breathing
Explanation: Options (a), (b) and (c) are related to mental
illness but (d) is not related to mental issues. It is a lung issue.
Hence, (d) is the right answer.
(C) (c) Taking online prescriptions from doctors.
Explanation: The context talks about mental illness in people
which cannot be cured through (d) home treatments. Also, (a) is
not possible as during lockdown people are not allowed to go
out except for emergencies. (b) can help but cannot get rid of
the problem in people with mental illness. However, people can
take (c) online prescriptions from doctors and treat themselves
by following their advice. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
(D) (b) Extreme rise
Explanation: The term ‘spurt’ means a huge rise. Hence, (b) is
the right answer.
(E) (a) The Ill-effects of Pandemic on Minds
Explanation: The context talks about the (a) ill-effects of the
pandemic on the minds of people. It does not talk about (b)
side effects of COVID, (c) General increase of mental diseases
or (d) only depression and anxiety particularly. Hence, (a) is the
right answer.

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SUBJECTIVE Type Questions
4. The following excerpt is taken from ‘The Times’ on the ill-
treatment of animals and the steps to prevent it.
“It is distressing to see the attitude of people towards animals and
find that cases of cruelty

Belief that
animals are
Indi erent man’s slaves
attitude 15%

Animals are
exploited for sel sh

towards animals is increasing. The following pie chart represents

the attitude of people towards animals.”
As Simran/Dhruv, write the analysis of the above statement in
120 words.
You may begin like this: The given statement and pie chart gives
us an accurate / inaccurate picture of how people treat animals.
You may end like this: For the above reasons, I agree / do not agree
with the statement and pie chart.
Ans. The Pain of Animals
The given statement and pie chart gives us an accurate picture of
how people treat animals.
There has been an alarming increase in the cases of cruelty to
animals. Each day one reads about the heartless treatment
meted out to the poor creatures who have no voice to speak up for
A recent study undertaken to analyse the reason behind this
callous treatment showed that the half people believe that animals

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are meant to be used to provide them help and earn more money.
Hence, they exploit animals for their selfish interests. To earn more,
they kill animals, conduct experiments on them, use their skin to
make leather and fur products. The worst culprits are the 35% of
people who have an indifferent attitude and feel that they do not
need to do anything to change the situation. These people are
worse than criminals as they witness the cruel acts of people and
do nothing to stop or prevent it.
Add to this the, 15% of people who believe that they are a superior
species and animals are meant to be kept as slaves who will work
for them. This callous attitude needs to be replaced with one of
empathy. We must understand that we are not the sole owners of
Earth, we share the bounties of Mother Nature with all the other
animals and they have the same right to live a life of freedom as
we do. Strict laws need to be enforced to prevent cruelty against
animals and any individual found guilty must be dealt with severly.
For the above reasons, I agree with the statement and pie chart.

Writing 13

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