GrutBrushes Plugin Guide 02 Installing Manually

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How to manually Install the GrutBrushes plugin


Copy the 2 GrutBrushes folders from ​\.ASSETS\HTML​ in the zip file into your ​\CEP\extensions folders.

Windows installation Instructions​:

1. Make sure Photoshop is closed first.

2. Unzip the GrutBrushes plugin zip file
3. Inside the unzipped folder you will see a folder called ​.ASSETS

4. Inside the ​.ASSETS\HTML folder you will find two folders called
'​com.GrutBrushes.SelectorPanel​' and '​com.GrutBrushes.WebPanel​'
​(Don’t see the .assets folder? See troubleshooting section below)
5. Copy those two GrutBrushes folders into your ‘user’ extensions folder found here:

​ FOR EXAMPLE: If your login name is ​JaneDoe​ and Windows was installed on the C: drive the path
location to place those two GrutBrushes plugin folders would be

**If you don’t see​ that folder or are using Windows 10​ , your extensions folder may be here:

C:Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 22015\Required\CEP\extensions\

That's it, you're done!​ ​When you start Photoshop your GrutBrushes plugin panel should be
accessible from the Window > Extensions menu .

PC Troubleshooting

Don’t see the ‘​.assets’ folder?

MAC Installation Instructions:

1. Make sure Photoshop is closed first.

2. Unzip the GrutBrushes plugin zip file
3. Inside the unzipped folder you will see a folder called ​.ASSETS
4. Inside the ​.ASSETS/HTML folder you will find two folders called
'​com.GrutBrushes.SelectorPanel​' and '​com.GrutBrushes.WebPanel​'
​(Don’t see the .assets folder? See troubleshooting section below)
5. Copy those two GrutBrushes folders into your extensions folder found here:

"~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/"
EXAMPLE: If your login name is​ JaneDoe​ the path location for the folders would be here:

/Users/​JaneDoe​/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/

That's it, you're done!​ ​When you start Photoshop your GrutBrushes plugin panel should be
accessible from the Window > Extensions menu .

You can see a ​video​ of this process here: ​

Mac Troubleshooting

Don’t see a /Library directory?

OSX by default hides the library Folder. It’s there, you just can’t see it. Here’s a good way to
get to it. In Finder, go to the Top Menu bar and select Go > GoToFolder

In the pop up window type (or copy and paste) the shortcut path to your CEP folder:
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP
This will open a window view into this CEP folder.
Inside this CEP folder, there should be able to find the “extensions” folder mentioned above.
Return to step Mac installation step 5.

If you are still having trouble finding your User Library folder, this document from Adobe may

Any questions, just ask me in an email at


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