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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree
of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Electrical Power)

School of Electrical
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

JULY 2020

This thesis is dedicated to my father, who taught me that for his own sake, the
best kind of knowledge to have is what is learnt. It's also dedicated to my mother
who taught me that if it is done one step at a time, even the biggest task can be


First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my

supervisor, Prof. Ir. Dr. Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim for his constructive advices,
patient guidance, and his encouragement during the entire of this project. I would
like to address special thanks to my Final Year Project coordinator, lecturers who
have provided useful guideline to do this project

Besides, I would like extend my special thanks to my university, University

Technology Malaysia (UTM) for giving me this big opportunity to learn and explore
new things in the process of doing this project.

In addition, I also take this golden opportunity to thank all my beloved

friends and course mates for your contribution to help me finished the project on
time. and teach me the knowledge that related to project information in order to get
more idea for develop this Real-Time Smart Bus Tracker System for PAJ.

Last but not least, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my family who
support me in mental and health during the Corona Virus and Movement Control
Order on completing this project


Public transport bus is used by all the citizens in every country that travel from
one place to another place. Bus is getting today’s demand transportation because people
can save their energy from walking in a long distance and took a shortest period of time
to reach their destination. Pengangkutan Awam Johor (PAJ) was becoming a popular for
public transportation in Johor as they expanded to all districts in the state of Johor and
provided a free bus service for users that have registered Bus Muafakat Johor (BMJ)
members card. However, end user does not have a real-time platform mobile application
for tracking live location of PAJ bus position and its route. This project aims to create
mobile application-based where the users or admin can detect the real-time location of
the bus shuttle, bus routes on that day, and getting update the latest information of the
bus PAJ through mobile application. Real-time PAJ Bus Tracker Mobile Application is a
system for Pengangkutan Awam Johor (PAJ) users to track the location of the bus as
everyday they had to face the same problems with delaying bus, bus not coming on the
right time, the driver of the bus does not follow the schedule in the time table of the bus.
By studying from existing vehicle tracker system that has been developed, this system is
created to be more friendly user and have more attractive interface while more
functionality. Android Studio has been used to develop this software mobile-based
application while Java has been selected as the programming language used for this
function bus tracker mobile application. After this mobile application have been
developed, this system helps the user to track the bus location in real-time where the user
can know the bus movement is headed. This project also helps the user getting update
the latest information of PAJ through this interesting mobile application interface.


Bas pengangkutan awam digunakan oleh semua warganegara di setiap negara

yang bergerak dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Bas pengangkutan mendapat banyak
permintaan pada hari ini kerana orang dapat menjimatkan tenaga mereka dari
berjalan dalam jarak jauh dan mengambil masa singkat untuk sampai ke tempat
tujuan. Pengangkut Awam Johor (PAJ) menjadi popular untuk pengangkutan awam
di Johor kerana mereka meluas ke semua daerah di negeri Johor dan menyediakan
perkhidmatan bas percuma untuk pengguna yang telah mendaftar kad ahli Bus
Muafakat Johor (BMJ). Namun, pengguna tidak mempunyai aplikasi mudah alih
untuk mengesan lokasi secara langsung kedudukan bas PAJ dan laluannya dalam
masa yang nyata. Projek ini bertujuan untuk membuat aplikasi mudah alih
berdasarkan pengguna atau pentadbir dapat mengesan lokasi masa nyata bas ulang-
alik, laluan bas pada hari itu, dan mendapatkan maklumat terkini bas PAJ melalui
aplikasi mudah alih. Aplikasi Mudah Alih Penjejak Bas PAJ dalam masa nyata
adalah sistem untuk pengguna Pengangkutan Awam Johor (PAJ) untuk mengesan
lokasi bas kerana setiap hari mereka terpaksa menghadapi masalah yang sama
dengan menunda bas, bas tidak datang pada waktu yang tepat, pemandu bas tidak
mengikut jadual dalam jadual waktu bas. Dengan mengkaji dari sistem penjejeak
kenderaan sedia ada yang telah dibangunkan, sistem ini dibuat agar lebih mesra
pengguna dan mempunyai antara muka yang lebih menarik sementara lebih banyak
fungsi. Android Studio telah digunakan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi berasaskan
perisian mudah alih ini sementara Java telah dipilih sebagai bahasa pengaturcaraan
yang digunakan untuk aplikasi mudah alih pelacak bas ini. Setelah aplikasi mudah
alih ini dikembangkan, sistem ini akan membantu pengguna untuk mengesan lokasi
bas secara real-time di mana pengguna dapat mengetahui pergerakan bas menuju.
Projek ini juga akan membantu pengguna mendapatkan maklumat terkini PAJ
melalui antara muka aplikasi mudah alih yang menarik ini.




1.1 Project Background 1
1.2 Problem Statements 2
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Scope 3
1.5 Significance of Project 4
1.6 Outline of Thesis 4


2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Basic theories of mobile-based 5
2.3 Existing of Mobile Application 6

2.3.1 Research on Singapore Bus Services (SBS – iris
Next Bus) System 6
2.3.2 Research Analysis on Bas Kita of National
University of Malaysia (UKM) 9
2.3.3 Research on Rice Bus Tracking System of
University Alaska Anchorageesearch on Rice
Bus Tracking System 11
2.4 Comparison between existing application and
proposed system 14
2.5 Review Summary Publications Journal 15
2.6 Summary 21


3.1 Introduction 22
3.2 Justification 23
3.3 System Development Methodology 24
3.3.1 Requirement Planning 24
3.3.2 System Design 25
3.3.3 Development 26
3.3.4 Cutover 26
3.4 Requirement Specification 27
3.4.1 User requirement 27
3.4.2 Software requirement 28
3.4.3 Hardware requirement 28
3.5 Tools and Technology Used 28
3.5.1 Smartphone 29
3.5.2 Android Studio 29
3.5.3 Java 30
3.5.4 Mapbox Map SDK 30
3.5.5 JavaScript Object Notation 31
3.5.6 GPS/GSM Tracker Device 31
3.5.7 Router 32
3.5.8 Programming Language 32
3.5.9 Database System 32

3.6 Use Case Diagram and Description 33
3.6.1 Use Case Description 34
3.7 Sequence Diagram 37
3.8 Summary 37


4.1 Introduction 38
4.2 PAJ Bus Tracking Mobile Application System
Configuration 38
4.2.1 Online Server Configuration 38
4.2.2 Mobile-Based System Development 39
4.3 Software Installation 39
4.3.1 Android Studio Installation 40
4.3.2 Firebase Installation 41
4.3.3 Mapbox Maps SDK Installation 42
4.4 Algorithm coding of System Main Function 43
4.4.1 Registration 44
4.4.2 Login 45
4.4.3 Appear Bus Marker 46
4.4.4 Read Data JSON File 47
4.4.5 Locate Bus Location 48
4.5 Mobile Application Interface Design 49
4.5.1 Login Page 49
4.5.2 User Forgot Password Page 50
4.5.3 Registration Page 51
4.5.4 Home Page 52
4.5.5 About Us Page 53
4.5.6 Bus location page 54
4.6 System testing 55
4.6.1 Functional Testing 55 Unit Testing 55
4.6.2 Non-Functional Testing 63 Usability Testing 63

4.7 Summary 64

5.1 Introduction 65
5.2 Objective Achievements 65
5.3 Future Work 66
5.4 Conclusion 66





Table 2.1 Comparison between existing application and proposed

system 14
Table 2.2 Summarize of Literature Review 15
Table 3.1 Software Requirements 28
Table 3.2 Hardware Requirements 28
Table 3.3 Check Schedule 34
Table 3.4 Update Schedule 34
Table 3.5 View Route 35
Table 3.6 Latest Update Information 35
Table 3.7 Latest Update Location 36
Table 4.1 Software used in PAJ Bus Tracker System 39
Table 4.2 Test Case for Login Module 56
Table 4.3 Test Case for Registration Module 57
Table 4.4 Test Case for Forget Password Module 58
Table 4.5 Test Case for Logout Module 59
Table 4.6 Test Case for Read JSON File Module 59
Table 4.7 Test Case for Contact Module 60
Table 4.8 Test Case for Map View Module 61
Table 4.9 Test Case for Bus Marker Module 61
Table 4.10 Test Case for Bus Location Module 62
Table 4.11 Summary feedback of user regarding interface design for
this project 63
Table 5.1 Objective Achievements 65



Figure 2.1 Screenshot of the Singapore Bus Services system (SBS -iris
NextBus) on website page 7
Figure 2.2 Application layout (SBS -iris NextBus) screenshot –
Mobile Application 7
Figure 2.3 Mobile Application SBS iris NextBus estimation time
arrival interface screenshot 8
Figure 2.4 Mobile Application National University of Malaysia shuttle
tracking screenshot 9
Figure 2.5 Mobile Application National University of Malaysia route
bus screenshot. 10
Figure 2.6 Rice Bus Tracking System application screenshot on
Webpage 11
Figure 2.7 Rice Bus Tracking System application screenshot bus route
on Webpage. 11
Figure 2.8 Rice Bus Tracking System application bus route screenshot.
Figure 2.9 Rice Bus Tracking System live shuttle tracker and
estimated arrival time screenshot 12
Figure 3.1 Project Flow 23
Figure 3.2 Rapid Application Development(RAD) Model Cycle 24
Figure 3.3 Flowchart of Designing Apps 26
Figure 3.4 Android Studio Project Activites (Source: Android Studio) 29
Figure 3.5 Java Logos 30
Figure 3.6 Mapbox logos 31
Figure 3.7 JSON logos 31
Figure 3.8 Use Case Diagram for PAJ Bus Tracker. 33
Figure 3.9 Simple sequence diagram how the system works. 37

Figure 4.1 Android Studio Setup Interface 40
Figure 4.2 Android Studio Setup Selected Components 41
Figure 4.3 Firebase Authentication in Android Studio 42
Figure 4.4 Connect Firebase Button in Android Studio 42
Figure 4.5 Implementation of Mapbox Map SDK. 43
Figure 4.6 Registration Process Coding 44
Figure 4.7 Forgot Password Coding. 44
Figure 4.8 Login Process Coding 45
Figure 4.9 Bus Marker Icons Coding.. 46
Figure 4.10 Data JSON in text arrangement 47
Figure 4.11 JSON File Coding. 47
Figure 4.12 Handler timer coding in initial of the loop data. 48
Figure 4.13 Login Page 49
Figure 4.14 Forgot Password Page 50
Figure 4.15 Automatic reply email to change password account user 50
Figure 4.16 Registration Page 51
Figure 4.17 Authentication database Firebase 51
Figure 4.18 Home Page and Main Page 52
Figure 4.19 About Us Page and Contact Us Pop Up 53
Figure 4.20 Real-time bus location page. 54


PAJ Pengangkutan Awam Johor

BMJ Bas Muafakat Johor
RAD Rapid Application Development
GPS Global Positioning System
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
SBS Singapore Bus Service
API Application Programming Interface
GSM Global System for Mobile
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
JSON Java Script Object Notation


C++ - Programming Language Compiler Symbol

() Paranthesis Bracket Coding for Function
; Ending Command Operator in Souce Code
+ Symbol Sign for Adding Object
!= Not Equal Symbol
== Equal Symbol
““ Open Bracket and Close Bracket Symbol
\n Symbol for Comment in Programming Language Assign Name for the Object
@ Calling Function in Android Studio
</activity> Activity Spacing Title in Android Manifest
>= Greater than or Equal Symbol
<= Less than or Equal Symbol



Appendix A Gantt Chart for Project Schedule FYP 1 and FYP2 70

Appendix B Questionnaire for feedback user 73
Appendix C Video Demo Presentation 75
Appendix D Source Code 76



1.1 Project Background

Public transportation in Malaysia has been significantly increasing for the past
couple of years. Bus transportation is the most convenient, most available time and has a
cheaper ticket for public transportation especially in a busy town or city. Nowadays,
people usually making their transit by bus instead of driving own vehicle. The reason
why consumers choose a bus for transit instead of driving own vehicle because driving
own vehicle needs to face the traffic jam which can take a long time to arrive at some
places. Other than that, driving own vehicle can have disadvantage such as expensive
parking fee, no parking slot and also to prevent from drowsy driving [1].

However, bus transportation services have a very poor management system to

deliver live information to the consumers or the admin when an unpredictable
situation happened [2]. Bus users usually do not know the time arrives for a bus, but
only know the fix scheduled arrival time. Compare to other public transport such as
train or flight transportation, bus transport services do not have a proper system to
locate all the buses in real-time position. These problems happened because current
bus services do not provide a real-time tracking platform for the user to track on each
bus location on the road and also have a lack of medium to update the latest
information regarding the bus user used.

To solve these problems, this project is focused on developing a mobile

application for bus Pengangkutan Awam Johor (PAJ), more specifically for Bus
Muafakat Johor (BMJ). It provides consumers to know the real-time location of the

shuttle bus, the latest route of the PAJ bus, and the latest information regarding the
PAJ. The consumer can know the location of the bus and can get the latest updated
information regarding the bus. For example, if the bus delay or bus stop on that time
due to unexpected delays in traffic jams or bus breakdown or technical problems on
the road, the information regarding the bus will automatically send to the user app.
Hence, the user will not have to wait for a longer time and being clueless about why
their bus is still not arrived at the place.

1.2 Problem Statements

The consumer does not have a real-time platform mobile application for
tracking live location of PAJ bus route position. When the bus routes have any
congestion traffic or due to technical problem on the bus, the user will be having
serious communication problem between the user and bus management team.
Therefore, they can track easily their bus position through this mobile apps.
Consumers also mentioned that they need to wait for a bus without knowing where
location of the bus but the consumer only know fix schedule time arrival. This
mobile application based is also help the BMJ members user to keep update the latest
information of PAJ. Public can notice the location of the bus and will alert the user if
the bus is near to the location of user. System management of the bus PAJ still have
poor management for their schedule as they need to keep update the schedule at PAJ
webpage but the time table for the bus are fix. Time wasted a lot waiting for the bus
as that time user can actually spend on the other matter.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of this project are as follows:

a. To provide mobile user access to the latest bus information of PAJ through
mobile application.
b. To design and display the real-time PAJ bus location from data text Web API
and show the real-time bus movement on the map using mobile phone.
c. To develop PAJ Bus tracking system in mobile application using GPS/GSM
tracking technology into bus transportation system and show simple and
understandable interface of this bus tracking application using Android studio
to operate

1.4 Scope

For this bus tracker system application, the scope of the research project has
been highlighted according to the project progress and priority. First of all, literature
review will be done on variety of journals that related to bus tracking system. This is
the important step to gain all the knowledge from the previous researchers on
specific topic to develop this application software. By reviewing their works, various
type of information and different approach can be obtained and taken as a reference
to design our own tracking system. Besides, by studying other researchers’ works,
the basic knowledge to code this software application can be achieved.

The next scope is to do a research regarding the Global Positioning System

(GPS), Global System for Mobile Communications (cellular phone technology), Android
Studio and the programming language, Java. Although the programming language is
very complex, and code through multi stages, everything is, however, start from the
basic. This application is created by Android Studio development in mobile application
that will upload in Google Play Store. User can easily download from the Google Play
Store and access directs in smart mobile phone to use it. User also can

leave feedback and comment about the service easily, so the developer can improve
and fix the application.

Next, the tracking bus location algorithm will be studied to get the accuracy
of the bus location. Intensive efforts will be carried in to improve the features of the
mobile application. Bus route via Mapbox in mobile-based will also be covered and
will undergo step. The interface of this mobile application also important part in this
project as PAJ consumers and admin are the user of the application. The feedback
and rating can get from them while they use this application.

1.5 Significance of project

First of all, this project will bring some significant results that may help the
consumer knows the live location of the PAJ bus. Next, this bus tracker application
system will reduce time taken for information to reach the user. Last but not least,
this mobile application system will create a platform for Android to reach PAJ
mobile application using mobile phone.

1.6 Outline of Thesis

In conclusion, this report was organized in five chapters. The first chapter
concluded with background of the project, problem statement, research objectives of
the project, research scopes of the project and its significance. Then, the second
chapter will continue with literature review section that will covered and discussed
more details about the basic requirements to design this PAJ Bus Tracker System.
Next, in chapter 3, all the research methodology including the RAD approach,
component inside the software development, source code development, and hardware
implementation in this project while Chapter 4 shows the results of the project that
have been carried to develop this mobile application. Last but not least, chapter 5
will be the conclusion for this project design and recommendation for future works
planning that can be done.



2.1 Introduction

It is important to understand the basic knowledge about tracking system and

methodology that will be used to design a system. Hence, one must start to
understand the work flow of GPS and Android Studio. This can be done by carrying
out literature review. Literature review is one of the most important things in any
project where researcher do some investigate based on selected area of study field
that related to the project. In this project, literature review is carried out to study the
components that can be used as a reference to develop this bus tracker system. It also
includes review information on existing systems, comparison between existing
systems and proposed system, theory used in bus tracking system and proposed
system justification, and lastly produces an information evaluation report.

2.2 Basic theories of mobile-based

Mobile based is a software application that developed inside a small, wireless

device such as smartphone and tablets. There are three different type of mobile
application in mobile based, web-based application, hybrid application and native
application. [4] Web-based application is a platform to develop online program that help
developers in developing application. Native application is a program that have been
developed for user to use on a particular platform or devices while for the hybrid
application is the combination of web-based and native application. In this case, native
application is used to develop this system. Native app is built for specific device and

its operating system, it is capable to interact with hardware and software such as
advanced technology available on mobile devices including the global positioning
system (GPS) and camera [5]. It comes with a language programming
implementation such as HTML, CSS, Java and C++. In this project, Android Studio
will be used as the platform in generating bus tracker mobile based application.

2.3 Existing of Mobile Application

There are many existing applications that are related to real-time bus tracking
system which has been existed and developed. In this section, four existing system
will be review firstly, Singapore Bus Service (SBS – iris NextBus) System in
Singapore. Secondly analysis on Rice University Shuttle Bus Tracking System in
Texas, USA Third, analysis on Bas Kita in National University of Malaysia. All
these systems have its own characteristic, difference approaches and some of
advantage and disadvantage should be taken in their mobile applications. The
proposed application (PAJ Bus Tracker) will be developed based on these existing
applications as a reference. Besides, studies are also performed regarding on
technologies involved and methodology applies in the proposed system.

2.3.1 Research on Singapore Bus Services (SBS – iris Next Bus) System
(Source via website )

Figure 2.1: Screenshot of the Singapore Bus Services system (SBS -iris NextBus) on
website page

Figure 2.2: Application layout (SBS -iris NextBus) screenshot – Mobile Application

Figure 2.3: Mobile Application SBS iris NextBus estimation time arrival interface

Singapore Bus Service (SBS) iris NextBus application system is a public bus
transportation tracking system that have been developed by Singapore which provide a
real time platform to check on bus traffic status. IRIS is the acronym for Intelligence
Route Information System. This system is used for traveller to gain all the information of
the bus route where the user needs to search for the particular bus with bus service
number or just refer the name of the destination on right name of the service number.
Other than that, user can look up for the bus stop code number to know which bus used
via the bus route while the estimated arrival time just need to click on the refresh button
in right hand side of the bus and then the time will be show to user [6].

The advantage of SBS iris NextBus application is available in two different

version, which are webpage and mobile application based. This advantage allows the
user to check on the bus arrival time at any places or time instead of using webpage
through computer or laptop device. Moreover, the advantage of SBS iris NextBus
application provide the user to do manually search for particular bus route or bus stop
depends on their destination only which included the estimated arrival time for the bus.

So, this application will ease the user to find the only particular bus the users want. This
advantage can help user to reduce data loading when requesting for the bus traffic data,
because it just only information which the users want to know. Hence, the system is
clearly showed every bus shuttle with bus stop code number and bus service number and
the location to the user so that user will be able to know which bus stop it is.

However, SBS iris NextBus mobile application have limitation for the
outsider or traveller. Because this system is not friendly view in google map, the user
itself need to know and remember the exact location name, bus service number and
bus stop code to use this system. Then, the user will be received the information of
the road traffic of that bus route.

2.3.2 Research Analysis on Bas Kita of National University of Malaysia


Figure 2.4: Mobile Application National University of Malaysia shuttle

tracking screenshot

Figure 2.5: Mobile Application National University of Malaysia route bus

Bas Kita is a mobile application based to track the bus route of UKM bus
inside the campus. This bus tracker mobile application used GPS system to display
the location of the Bas Kita in maps and routes to the different location. It also can
track the bus location using client-server technology which is centralise forward to
client device. This bus tracker is developed by Android platform version 1.1 and
release on September 2017 (Source: Bas Kita Mobile Application). This project is
implemented using Android Studio and SQL domain for database.

The reason why this mobile application Bas Kita is been created is to improve
the UKM bus services and enhance the UKM students, lecturers, staffs and visitors to
ride on the bus where they able to view the information and the location of a bus
shuttle and its route with estimated arrival time of the bus. On bus driver site, bus
drivers are able to send the update data of traffic jam via this application to provide
immediate updates and the notification will be delivered to the user instantly.

This Bas Kita mobile application also have disadvantage for the user. User
from UKM student have said that this application sometimes did not show any buses
in university also have no live GPS. The tracker is just launch but have error bus
location on the map.

2.3.3 Research on Rice Bus Tracking System of University Alaska Anchorage

(Source via website:

Figure 2.6: Rice Bus Tracking System application screenshot on Webpage

Figure 2.7: Rice Bus Tracking System application screenshot bus route on

(Source via mobile application:

Figure 2.8: Rice Bus Tracking System application bus route screenshot.

Figure 2.9: Rice Bus Tracking System live shuttle tracker and estimated arrival time

The shuttle bus tracking system that show from Figure 2.6 – Figure 2.9 is
developed by Rice University located in Texas, USA. This system is embedded with
Google Map and simple interface for the user to use this bus tracking system with all
the information of the route and the estimated time arrival.

In this Rice University tracking system, the map provided is focusing on the
campus area of Rice University where this tracking system has a specialty incapable
to update the bus location and its speed [9]. The bus icon will appear on the map and
will be updating the location with an interval of 2 seconds. It is a very fast update
and efficient bus tracking system compare with other existing bus tracking system.
With high update speed, the bus icons that appear in the map is like a moving bus
from the user of view. In addition, it has similar application features like in Google
Maps that allow the user to zoom out and zoom in without affecting the bus icons'
appearance. The bus icon location and the speed are maintained.

Moreover, in Rice University tracking system, they provide an attractive

interface where they differentiate the different route in the campus with different
colour in the map. Each colour indicates the different bus shuttle ad different bus
route. On the right side of the webpage and mobile application, there are few tab
boxes to show the user about different bus shuttle and its information. Information
provided included bus route and bus scheduled arrival time.

The weaknesses of Rice University are it does not show bus stop in the map.
User will not know where the buses moving will stop if the user do not know the
exact location of the bus stop. Those, for some user it will be difficult enough to use
this tracking system. Another drawback of this system are does not show the real
time bus arrival. User has to estimate the bus arrival time based on the bus icons and
the speed of the bus.

In the other hand, Ride system mobile application make it easy to the user check
the bus movement but to in a real-time system. The Ride system mobile application
shows the bus drivers and where the bus will pick them up. It provides the location of the
bus in the map, arrival predictions and other important part of the bus.

2.4 Comparison between existing application and proposed system

Table 2.1 Comparison between existing application and proposed system

SYSTEM Singapore Rice Bas Kita PAJ Real
Bus University of Time Bus
Service Shuttle National Tracker
(SBS – Bus University Mobile
FUNCTION iris Tracking of Application
NextBus) System Malaysia
Application Public
Program Transport
Interfaces Private/On
Type of Mobile-based
Application Application
Extra Feedback
Functionality User
Make request
Power consumption low moderate high low
Platform Operating -Web -Web - Android - Android
System -Android -Varies 4.1 and up 4.1.2 and
2.3.3 and with up
up Device
Programming Java

2.5 Review Summary Publications Journal

Table 2.2: Summarize of Literature Review

From Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) with entitled
“Smart Bus Tracking System Using GPS Technology”, author have mentioned that to
monitor a location and timing of the college bus in real current location of bus, it can be
work using GPS and GSM technology. In this journal, they used both technologies to
continuously monitor a moving bus, so a microcontroller is interfaced serially to a GSM
Modem and GPS receiver used to send the position (Latitude and Longitude) of the
buses from a remote place. As a result, the android application for this system gives the
information about the college bus for students and staffs [17].

In addition, from International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology, Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2017 shows that this mobile
application tracking system was modified using cloud with GPS module. This project
also used of video camera that can increase security, motion sensors to calculate bus
speed and also have RFID tags that implement E-ticketing system in the buses. For
this journal, it implemented Wi-Fi Router and Wi-Fi module in the bus terminal and
bus respectively. When the bus comes to the bus terminal, the Wi-Fi module get
connected to the router and data is sent to cloud through Wi-Fi module and retrieved
in the mobile application. As a result, the present location of the bus can be known
by selecting the present location button in the mobile application and then select bus
number from the list and then click on Map which gives the exact location of the bus
in the map [14].

Next, from IEEE International Conference Journal on Computational

Intelligence and Computing Research in 2018 in title “An Android Application for
School Bus Tracking and Student Monitoring System”, the system consists of an Internet
enabled android application which will interact with a server. A cloud server is used to
store the details of the users and all the information about the buses, routes, and
attendance of bus drivers. It used Firebase database as a platform to capture small
number of users using the same access point which provided by Google. The application
also uses wireless technologies like GPS and GPRS/GSM. For the location of the bus it
can via through Google Maps. As a result, a real-time platform is

developed between student and the bus management team. With this platform,
students able to check on real time bus arrival time for particular bus stop [18].

2.6 Summary

This chapter has been discussed about the comparison of the existing system
and the proposed system. In this chapter, few functionality, advantage and
weaknesses from existing system has been identified to be measure and taken before
the proposed system is develop. Comparison have been made so that it can make the
proposed system perform better and yet low cost. Other than that, research has been
done towards the software that will be used in developing the application using
Android Studio and Firebase database software. For the hardware, GPS tracker
device will be used.



3.1 Introduction

This project involved design for the whole system been assembled. In order
to make it simplify, a few steps and methodology approach were interpreted as
project flow as in Figure 3.1. After lots of research on literature review on smart bus
tracking system, a comprehensive methodology was applied to develop this system
as a structure planning and process development of the system. In this chapter, all the
methodology of the proposed system will be covered with details that describe all the
information method to construct this system.

There are many approaches of methodology available to develop a system.

For example, Rapid Application Development (RAD), Rational Unified Process
(RUP), Scrum Model, Spiral Model, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and
Waterfall Model. After consideration which methodology are suitable and
appropriate to develop this project, Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach
has been chosen to construct the proposed system. There are many reasons to justify
RAD is the best approach in the proposed system.[8]

3.2 Justification

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a software development process

that take times to build a complete system within range 60 – 90 days. (Walter, 1997).
In contrast with Waterfall method, RAD has a very well defined and regular structure
that involve in iterative development and constructive approach prototype which aim
to produce high quality system at relatively low cost. Prototyping is capable to
discover a problem at the preliminary stage and provide solution respectively. Since
requirements of the built system are establish in advance without any experiment on
it, prototyping can used to discover a problem improve the problems or requirement
according to the actual implementation. Moreover, RAD model is a sharp alternative
method and can provide quick review on the proposed system. Therefore, if the
function of the proposed system needs to change, adjustment can be made on the
suitability of the function at the planning stage of the proposed system .

3.3 System Development Methodology

RAD can be split into four main phases which can classified into
Requirement Planning, System Design, Development and Cutover. This system
development where prototyping cycle is built continuously until the system or the
functionality meet the requirements to achieve all the characteristic of the proposed
system. Each phase has a different of activity and play different role. Figure 3.2
below illustrate the RAD life cycle.




Figure 3.2: Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model Cycle

3.3.1 Requirement Planning

Planning has been done during the first phase. At first stage of RAD approach,
analysis of the tools and technology that related of the proposed system included the
hardware and software has been identified and all the information are collected to meet
the requirement of the system. After discussing with supervisor about the title of the
proposed system, a strategic plan was carried out by doing comparison with several
existing system in literature view part. This proposed system has been decided based on
the functionality which most commonly appears in the reviewed existing system.

Based on research studies on existing system, some common problems were
highlighted and problem statements were generated. For example, the algorithm to
code the accuracy of estimated arrival time need to be consider as a main problem as
they can determine the performance of bus service PAJ. According to the proposed
system, the development system has to provide a real time bus tracking, reduce
operational cost, and can be use in mobile based device. Scope and object of the
project also had been clarified in planning phase.

Besides system requirements, tools and advance technology is been identified

where hardware used GPS tracker device, software uses are Android Studio and
Firebase Database, and programming language used to develop this system is Java
language. Next, a draft system architecture design is made based on the system
requirement analysis to provide an overview of the system functionalities. Moreover,
use case simple model of the proposed system was constructed to show the basic
flow of the system to operate. And the user interface is drafted to give general idea
on the system.

3.3.2 System Design

After analysis and planning phase have been made, the second stage in RAD
cycle is the system design where the functional system of the proposed system has to
be developed on this phase. In prototyping methodology, design stage is a
prototyping loop point where the first prototype is produced in a first loop of the
design stage. After the first prototype have been tested by the user or the developer, it
will give a first feedback and preliminary result of the project.

From the first prototype, the mobile-based application is demonstrated to

supervisor to evaluate the error or the weakness of the first prototype whether the
mobile application is functioning as expected. Hence, a new design requirement will
be come out with a new prototype after the evaluation is done and after refined
according to the error of the demonstration. This step of process will loop back to
this stage until the proposed system meet the requirements.

Design the layout Set data text from Add handler
and interface of JSON as bus function and delay
mobile apps marker for bus movement

Read JSON file for

Appear Map View
latitude and System Testing
Design in AVD

Fetch Web API

Appear Bus Marker Debugging &
from URI
in AVD Enhancement

Figure 3.3: Flowchart of Designing Apps

3.3.3 Development

After the prototype cycle is completely designed and meet all the
requirements user and developer, this mobile application is tested on the
functionality and the validate features of mobile apps whether it can function
properly or not. In this phase, test plan is created with test strategy and the test result
will be recorded systematically for further evaluation. White box testing is used to
examine the program logic and code in Android Studio while the black box is testing
the mobile application without knowing the internal structure.

3.3.4 Cutover

After final system is developed, final testing will be made to ensure the prototype
fulfilled the goals and meet the requirements of the project. In this phase, final version of
prototype is ready to be implemented and applied on the real operating environment. All
the data are ready to be documented after the final version of mobile application is
success to be implemented including the features to detect the location of the bus, track
route of the bus on that day, the estimated time arrival of the bus, and

getting latest update information about bus PAJ. This development must be
documented in organize report so that the system can be easily improvised and
maintained in the future.

3.4 Requirement Specifications

In this project, user requirements are specifically divided into two parts which
are interface and easy to use. Next requirements specification for software and
hardware will be listed in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2.

3.4.1 User Requirements

i. Interface
A system that have full information interface where it is friendly user
to consumer so that they can easy to understand how to use the system
without getting any confusion but the user can get what they need.

ii. Easy to Use

The application that well-structured build in mobile device so the user
can easy to use in any place without having any poor connection.

3.4.2 Software Requirements

Table 3.1: Software Requirements

Items Programming Language/Platforms
Programming language and GUI design XML, Java,
Database Firebase Database, JSON
Operating System Windows 7 and above
Design Android Studio Development (Android SDK)
Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
Android Development Tools (ADT)
Android Virtual Device (AVD)
Mapbox Map SDK
Software Android Studio
3.4.3 Hardware Requirements

Table 3.2: Hardware Requirements

Items Specification
Mobile Phone Android Operating System
Installed Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
System Type 64-bit Operating System
Hardware GSM Tracker Device, Router, Smartphone

3.5 Tools and Technology Used

The equipment and technology analysis are all about the tools and technology
to be used in the project proposal. In this section, the tools and technology used in
this project will be well defined.

3.5.1 Smartphone

Smartphone also known as a mobile phone, is a hardware device application

based for user to use the mobile based application software. Smartphone or mobile
phone should at least support the Android operating systems to install and download
the bus tracker mobile apps. Minimum two unit of smartphone which one unit in
consumer site while other one unit is for admin or driver site.

3.5.2 Android Studio

Android Studio is a development framework for developing a real-time

mobile application using a full-stack programming language from the creation of the
application to the implementation of the application. Real times means that it covers
all the development process from the application 's creation until the application can
be used. Developers need to understand the Java programming language [12]. Java
Script, C++, HTML and CSS for them to be able to use Android Studio app as a
framework. Figure 3.3 shows the activities offered by Android studio to create an

Figure 3.4: Android Studio Project Activites (Source: Android Studio)

3.5.3 Java

Java is a popular computer programming language in programmer’s world. It

is multipurpose programming function that can develop mobile application, web
application, desktop application games and more applications. Java is one of the
language programming that have fast, secure, and reliable to develop apps. A
compiled Java code can run at all platform that support the Java language without the
need of recompilation again at other software programming [13]. At first, Java is
released by Sun Microsystems in 1995 and now developed by Oracle. In 2015, Java
programming language become the most popular language programming in the
world after all people keep use it in particularly for client-server web application
(Stepehen O’Gardy,, January 2015) [16]. In this case, Java language is
used to develop this bus tracker mobile application in software Android Studio

Figure 3.5: Java Logos

3.5.4 Mapbox Map SDK

Mapbox Map SDK is additional software tools used in the android mobile-
based application and web application to display the real map view. Mapbox is also a
navigation platform that can add location features like map styles, map search, map
marker, map route, and navigation tools into any application. It enables developers to
interact with Map API including the Maps, Geocoding, and Directions APIs.

Figure 3.6: Mapbox logos

3.5.5 JavaScript Object Notation

JavaScript Object Notation is a data that stores in an open standard file format
consisting of attribute-value pairs and array data types where humans can read and
understand. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) File is one of the platform methods to
exchange data between a browser in JavaScript to a server in a text file format. JSON is
a trivial data-interchange format where it is easy to read and write. Data style format in
JSON arrangement easy for machines or software to parse and generate.

Figure 3.7: JSON logos

3.5.6 GPS/GSM Tracker Device

GPS/GSM tracking device is a hardware embedded system which is used to track

the location or the position of any vehicle using Global Positioning System and
worldwide GSM cellular network for mobile communication. GSM tracker device
collect data and monitor movement of the vehicle using satellites in order to determine
the precise location while it accomplish the task by concluding data information to
server over the Internet from the cellular tower nearest to the GSM tracking device.

3.5.7 Router

Router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer

networks. In this project, router is implemented with GSM tracker device inside the
PAJ bus that will provide the internet connection to the subscriber identification
module (SIM) and store the sim card inside the router. From the router, the GSM
tracker device will send the data location of the bus to the server by using the internet
connection provider from router.

3.5.8 Programming Language

Programming language is used to code the main function in this project and
to write the algorithm for the function to run smoothly when this mobile application
is developed. Programming language help the developer to design the interface of
this mobile application and to create the layout XML file more interesting.

3.5.9 Database System

In this project, database system is used to collect all the data information in
organized system so that it can be easily referred, accessed, managed and updated. In
this project, all the database is reuse from what PAJ have been built to retrieve the
data. Firebase database is used to capture and analyze the data in this project.
Firebase database helps the programmer to construct a real-time database for the
project and all the information are saved in organize documents. It solves all the
common app development challenges by help the developer to develop high quality
apps. Firebase database ensure the application to have cloud storage, hosting,
authentication and also provide the real-time database[15].

3.6 Use Case Diagram and Description

(Shrivathsan, 2009) said that use case model is a block diagram that will be a
medium of interaction between the user (more generally, an “ actor”) and a system
that enables the user to achieve a goal. The most important part of the use case model
is to identify the functionality of the proposed system. In general, PAJ bus tracking
system has identified two actors which are PAJ user and developer. PAJ users
represent the client who choose the bus service number and the route destination,
while the developer received the notification and will send all the data information
about the bus and the route that will going on that day. This use case model is
focused on communication between the PAJ user and the developer where two-way
communication is appeared through the mobile-based application. Figure below
illustrate the use case model and how the actors is related.

Check Schedule

Update Schedule

View route

Latest Update Information

PAJ user Latest Update Location Developer

Figure 3.8: Use Case Diagram for PAJ Bus Tracker

3.6.1 Use Case Description

For the Use Case in Check Schedule and Update Schedule as shown in Table
3.3 and Table 3.4, this use case project will show the interaction between the PAJ
user to view the scheduled of the bus route with update from the developer schedule.
PAJ user need to download the application and install and run the application to view
the schedule

Use Case 1: Check Schedule

Table 3.3: Check Schedule

Name of the Use Case Check Schedule
Actor PAJ user
Preconditions PAJ user can download the application
PAJ user can install and run the application
Post-conditions PAJ user viewed the schedule
Trigger PAJ user wants to retrieve latest bus schedule
Steps PAJ user access the application
PAJ user retrieve the information from the application

Use Case 2: Update Schedule

Table 3.4: Update Schedule

Name of the Use Case Update Schedule
Actor PAJ user
Preconditions PAJ user can download the application
PAJ user can install and run the application
Post-conditions PAJ getting update of the schedule from Developer
Trigger PAJ user wants to retrieve latest bus schedule from
Steps PAJ user access the application
PAJ user retrieve the information from the application

For the Use Case in View Route, the actor will be played only by PAJ user
while the developer not involved. This is because, in this project, the PAJ user only
wants to track the latest bus route by using this view route use-case. This view route
is seen by the user using the map view design of the Mapbox.

Use Case 3: View Route

Table 3.5: View Route

Name of the Use Case View Route
Actor PAJ user
Preconditions PAJ user can download the application
PAJ user can install and run the application
Post-conditions PAJ view route
PAJ can route updated on the day
Trigger PAJ wants to track the latest bus route
Steps PAJ user access the application
PAJ user retrieve the information from the application

For the Use Case in Latest Update Information, the actor will be played only
by developer while the PAJ user not involved. This is because, in this project, the
developer only can update the latest information and news regarding of the PAJ bus
breakdown. Developer will retrieve the information from the application.

Use Case 4: Latest Update Information

Table 3.6: Latest Update Information

Name of the Use Case Latest Update Information
Actor Developer
Preconditions Developer can update the application content
Post-conditions Developer successfully update bus latest information
Trigger Developer want to notify PAJ user about bus
breakdown or traffic jam
Steps Developer retrieves information from the application

For the Use Case in Latest Update Location, the actor will be played only by
developer while the PAJ user not involved. This is because, in this project, the
developer only can update the latest location by changing the latitude and longitude
of the PAJ bus. Developer will notify the PAJ user about the bus location and
retrieves information from the application.

Use Case 5: Latest Update Location

Table 3.7: Latest Update Location

Name of the Use Case Latest Update Location
Actor Developer
Preconditions Developer can update the application content
Post-conditions Developer successfully update bus location
Trigger Developer want to notify PAJ user about bus location
and bus movement
Steps Developer retrieves information from the application

3.7 Sequence Diagram

Figure 3.9: Simple sequence diagram how the system works.

3.8 Summary

As for the conclusion, RAD methodology approach is the right decision even
there many development models available in public such as Waterfall model,
incremental mode, spiral model and rapid application development model. After
several considerations, Rapid Application Development was chosen as methodology
for the proposed system. This is because this type of method is less focus on
planning but more focusing on the development. Furthermore, it is important to
reduce the development time and relatively low cost. By following of four main
phases in RAD methodology which are requirement planning, design prototype,
testing and implementation phase, the result will be more efficient. Moreover, a draft
design and system requirements have been explained briefly with fundamental
system architecture, use case diagram and sequence diagram.



4.1 Introduction

This chapter will show the finalized result and achievements of Pengangkutan
Awam Johor (PAJ) Bus Tracking Mobile Application System which will be
compared with the scopes and objectives of the project. Other than that, the
challenges and the problems that were faced during gathering of the component,
modules, requirement and designed the system interface were also discussed. The
further enhancement of the project also will be discussed in this chapter.

4.2 PAJ Bus Tracking Mobile Application System Configuration

This section will discuss on the configuration that being involved throughout
the process of the development of the system including the online server
configuration and mobile-based system development.

4.2.1 Online Server Configuration

PAJ Bus Mobile Application System uses card reader and router inside the bus
Pengangkutan Awam Johor to send the data of the bus location and the user database to
the online server. The online server is configured when the card reader scanned the
member card of the user. The router on the bus will provide the internet connection to

the card reader when it sends the data to its server. Meanwhile, the connection between
server and database should be established as priority to access the system. Error can be
occurred if there was any failure in connecting the database to the server.

4.2.2 Mobile-Based System Development

The development of Pengangkutan Awam Johor (PAJ) Bus Tracking Mobile

Application was carried out using Android Studio as its platform while Java as its
programming language. Integrating Java Language and Firebase database is quite
simple because it provides free plug-in inside the software Android Studio. This
mobile application also compatible with the Android Studio framework.

4.3 Software Installation

Software installation is required to complete this development of PAJ Bus

Tracker Mobile Apps where all the software installation that used in this project are
listed in Table 4.1 below. All the installation should be installed in one file folder so
mobile application created can support by the feature of the software.

Table 4.1: Software used in PAJ Bus Tracker System

Software Description
Operating System An operating system (OS) is a system software that
allow user to run any application or other software on
a computing device. In this application, Windows 10 is
used as the operating system
Android Studio A software that used to design integrated development
environment (IDE) for Google's Android operating
system in developing Android application

Java A programming language that used inside the Android
Studio to run any coding or fetch any algorithm in order
to create a project.
Firebase An assistant tool window in Android Studio for mobile
platform application development that help in
authentication user base.
Mapbox A navigation SDK tool for Android Studio that allow a
creator to build a complete application with collection
features when building navigation applications for

4.3.1 Android Studio Installation

Below are the methods of the installation:

1. First, launch Android Studio.exe in computing device to initialize the

installation of the software. Java JDK (Java Development Kit) is a pre-
requirement to install before launching Android Studio. Figure 4.1 shows the
interface of Android Studio setup.

Figure 4.1: Android Studio Setup Interface

2. After launching the Android Studio and install Java SE Development Kit
13.0.2, choose file path JDK in download folder and choose component
which feature needed to develop an application in Android Studio by tick the
check boxes. Figure 4.2 shows selected component to install for Android
Studio such as Android Studio Development (Android SDK), Android
Development Tools (ADT) and Android Virtual Device (AVD).

Figure 4.2: Android Studio Setup Selected Components

3. After installation completed, click the Next button on the console and click
finish button to complete the installation.

4.3.2 Firebase Installation

Firebase is a free developer that can be obtained from Android Studio. This tool
is used to store the registration database user after completed the registration form. It
stored all the database user in Firebase console. Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 shows the
button to click where the tools can connect the Firebase with Android Studio Project.

Figure 4.3: Firebase Authentication in Android Studio

Figure 4.4: Connect Firebase Button in Android Studio

4.3.3 Mapbox Maps SDK Installation

Mapbox Maps SDK is a tool navigation for Android Studio to configure Map
View in Android application. It will show the map route and map view to navigate
objects. Below is the step to install Mapbox in Android Studio:

1. Create an account for the Mapbox and implement the Mapbox Map SDK
installation in dependencies of Android Studio where we need to copy and
paste the line 17 ‘implementation 'com.mapbox.mapboxsdk:mapbox-android-
sdk:9.1.0' as shown in Figure 4.5 to the build gradle module.

Figure 4.5: Implementation of Mapbox Map SDK.

2. After implemented the line 17 in Android Studio, next click the console button
‘Sync now’ on the top right corner of the build gradle to complete the installation.

4.4 Algorithm coding of System Main Function

Before PAJ bus tracker system mobile application is being developed in

smartphone user, this application system needs to design a complex source code in
Android Studio software development to get a better interface and friendly user for
all age to use this tracking mobile application system. Other than hardware
implementation of GSM module inside the bus public transport with the router
device, all the programming language need to be well-defined and understand in
order to meet the system requirements specifications of this mobile application. The
discussion includes five main functions. The discussed functions are Registration,
Login, Read Data JSON file, Appear Bus Marker and Locate the Bus Location.

4.4.1 Registration

Registration is one of the main functions in PAJ Bus Mobile Application

System. It is configured to be performed by first time user. Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7
indicates the coding written in Registration function where some user can forget the
account password and email. Firstly, user need to fill in the fields required by the
system in order to store the user information. After all the fields has been filled, the
Register button will direct the user to Login Page where user need to enter their
email and password then they will be redirect to Home Page.

Figure 4.6: Registration Process Coding

For the Forgot Password page process, algorithm “setOnClickListener() and

firebaseAuth.sendPasswordResetEmail().addOnCompleteListener” is used to set up
the reset new password process which included the activity of sending new password
verification to registered email.

Figure 4.7: Forgot Password Coding

4.4.2 Login

Login is configured to be access by an account who have already registered in

this PAJ Bus Tracking mobile application. Figure 4.8 shows a partial coding written
for the Login function. User need to fill in the Email and Password field in order to
access their account. Once the field have been filled by the user, click the Login
button to access the account which will be directly enter to the Main page.

For the Login page process, algorithm “setOnClickListener() and

fAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword().addOnCompleteListener” is used to set up
the authentication process which included the database for user in Firebase Database
to ensure valid Email and Password before entering this mobile application.

Figure 4.8: Login Process Coding

4.4.3 Appear Bus Marker

Display a bus marker is one of the main functions in PAJ Bus Tracker Mobile
Application. Once the map is set up and the style has loaded, the marker icons can be
added to make an adjustment on the map. Map marker used custom images to
identify the location of the bus on a map. Markers indicate single locations on the
map. They are usually referred to as "icons." For PAJ Bus Tracking Mobile
Application, the image of bus icons is used as a marker. Figure 4.9 shows the partial
coding on how to display the bus marker icons on a map. These bus marker icons
will show the location of the bus. Bus marker icons appeared on the map by
following the latitude and longitude of the bus. Once the latitude and longitude are
changing, the bus icons will move to the new location.

Figure 4.9: Bus Marker Icons Coding.

4.4.4 Read Data JSON File

Data JSON File is one of the platform methods to exchange data between a
browser in JavaScript to a server in a text file format. JSON (JavaScript Object
Notation) is a trivial data-interchange format where it is easy to read and write. Data
style format in JSON easy for machines or software to parse and generate. In this
application, the data location of the bus name, latitude and longitude of each bus will
be read using JSON format in URL given Once the
latitude and longitude can be read and simulate in Java programming language
algorithm, it will appear all the JSON file in an array or as an object file as shown in
Figure 4.10 while Figure 4.11 shows coding on how to read JSON file.

Figure 4.10: Data JSON in text arrangement

Figure 4.11: JSON File Coding.

4.4.5 Locate Bus Location

Data latitude and longitude PAJ bus location are stored in JSON text file format.
Once the data is updated in every 10 seconds interval in Web API, it will show different
latitude and longitude of the bus. The algorithm Real-time PAJ bus location can be
detected using timer and handler in Android Studio as shown in Figure 4.12. To get the
accurate location of the bus, the coding of the timer is used after the data location of the
bus is looping and update every 10 seconds. Therefore, the bus marker icons will show
the bus is moved from one location to another location.

Figure 4.12: Handler timer coding in initial of the loop data.

4.5 Mobile Application Interface Design.

Interface design of this PAJ bus tracker mobile application is designed

accordingly to its function and component of this proposed system. Each layout has
different functionalities. This design interface layout is draw using constraint layout
in order to get the correct responsiveness of the mobile phone user.

4.5.1 Login Page

Figure 4.13: Login Page

Figure 4.12 shows the interface of the login page that will be used on PAJ bus
tracker mobile application. To operate this mobile application, the end-user or
consumer need to log in to this application by using their email and password after
the registration form is been made. Therefore, the user needs to sign up first before
entering this system by clicking the text view “Sign Up Here”. However, if the user
forgets the password of their account, they just need to click the word “Forgot
Password” and will directly to Forgot Password Page

4.5.2 User Forgot Password Page

Figure 4.14: Forgot Password Page

User can reset their password account by filling their email address on the
blank box in this page. Once the user filled their registration email in the box, the
user needs to click on “Send My Password” Button and the user will receive
automatic notification reply on their registration email to change the old password to
the new password as shown in Figure 4.14 below.

Figure 4.15: Automatic reply email to change password account user.

4.5.3 Registration Page

Figure 4.16: Registration Page

Figure 4.15 above shows the new user page to register and sign up for this
mobile application accessibility. This page requires the user to register first by filling the
username, email, password, and phone number to be able to log in the home page. The
data that the user filled will be auto-save on the Firebase database as shown in Figure
4.16. Once they finished register, the user will directly go to the Login page.

Figure 4.17: Authentication database Firebase.

4.5.4 Home Page

Figure 4.18: Home Page and Main Page

Figure 4.17 illustrates the interface of the Home Page and Main Page for PAJ
bus tracker mobile apps. When the user successful login to this mobile application, it
redirects to this home page. On the Home Page, the user can choose either to log out
or enter the PAJ bus apps to use all the features in this mobile application such as
news update of PAJ, about PAJ and search the PAJ bus location in Johor Bahru.

4.5.5 About Us Page

Figure 4.19: About Us Page and Contact Us Pop Up

About Us Page shows an information regarding the corporate profile of

Perbadanan Pengangkutan Awam Johor (PAJ) as shown in Figure 4.18. It also
displays the details of PAJ Vision, PAJ Mission, and 6 PAJ Objective inside the
page. This page function helps the user to know more about the history of PAJ before
this private company is built. It also provides the details regarding the PAJ email,
phone number, and fax number for the user to reach the PAJ.

4.5.6 Bus Location Page

Figure 4.20: Real-time bus location page.

Real-time bus location page is shown above in Figure 4.19. User can view all
the bus are moving along the route in this page through map view using Mapbox.
The bus icons in black and blue color illustrates the location of the bus where it stops
and moves to another location. The latitude and longitude of the bus is detected using
JSON file as mentioned above in JSON file coding. To appear the bus location,
developer need to assign using bus marker. Therefore, user can easily view and know
when the bus will arrive on their location.

4.6 System Testing

System testing is carried out whenever the implementation phase of this

mobile application is completed by the module and layout. This testing is to ensure
all outlined requirements are fulfilled with zero faultiness while to make sure the
proposed system is free with any bug in order to launch and used by the end-user.
Testing should be tested continuously during development of this project to verify all
the components and features operate correctly according its functionalities. During
this project development, the testing phase is divided into two classes, namely
functional testing and non-functional testing. Hence, all the test results are tabulated
from each test to determine the performance of this mobile application system in
order to make appropriate enhancement in the future works.

4.6.1 Functional Testing

Functional testing is a system testing that focus on functional requirements or

specifications for the coding of Android Studio where the class or module in this
project being checked by using the input and will produce testing output. The mobile
application is being evaluated to see the functional parameters are stable and free of
error. In this stage, the system will be tested using test cases in the software Android
Studio. Unit Testing

Unit testing is one of the software testing categories where the single
components or the functions of a system are tested to certify each module works as
intended. The main objective of unit testing is to identify all the required components
function match with their corresponding results. If the result of the unit testing does not
execute the expectation results, the developers have to repeat the process of debugging
and testing until the output achieves accurate results satisfactions. For this project, the
unit testing is conducted through each module designed in PAJ Real Time
Bus Tracker System. The modules for the system are Login Module, Registration
Module, Forgot Password Module, Logout Module, Read Data JSON Module, PAJ
Contact Module, Map View Module, Bus Marker Module and Location Bus Module.

Firstly, the test case login module in this project function to identify the
system functionalities for the user to login with the registered account in this mobile
application before the user enters the application. The user needs to fill in their valid
username and password to make sure the login process successfully to access this
mobile application.

Table 4.2: Test Case for Login Module

Project Development of Real Time PAJ Bus Tracker Designed by: Muhammad
Name: Mobile Application Zahid
Module: Authentication Panel Designed 1/4/2020
Test Title: Login Pre- User is
requisite: registered
No Test Test Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail
1 Login • Enter valid Username and • User login successfully Pass
valid Password • Redirect to site
• Click Login button homepage
• Enter incorrect Username • Display error message Pass
• Click Login button to notify the invalid
• Enter incorrect Password • Display error message Pass
• Click Login button to notify the invalid
• Username is left empty. • Display alert massage Pass
• Click Login button to notify user that the
empty fields must be
• Password is left empty. • Display alert massage Pass
• Click Login button to notify user that the
empty fields must be
• All the input fields are • Display alert massage Pass
empty to notify user that the
• Click Login button empty fields must be

Next, the test case registration module in this project function to check the
system functionalities for the user to register error-free with the correct format of
password, username, email and phone number. This designed module function as
authentication panel for the PA user to store their database in Firebase database
where it can use for the login module function

Table 4.3: Test Case for Registration Module

Project Development of Real Time PAJ Bus Tracker Designed by: Muhammad
Name: Mobile Application Zahid
Module: Authentication Panel Designed 1/4/2020
Test Title: Registration Pre- -
No Test Test Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail
2 Register • Input all data with • User sign up Pass
correct format and successfully
information. • Redirect to Login page
• Click Register button
• Input Email with invalid • Display error message to Pass
format notify user about the
• Click Register button invalid email address
• Input Password with • Display error message to Pass
which its length less notify user about the
than 6 characters. invalid password length.
• Click Register button
• Input registered email • Display alert message to Pass
address notify user that the email
• Click Register button has already been
• Username fields are • Display alert massage to Pass
empty notify user that the
• Click Register button empty fields must be
• Password fields are • Display alert massage to Pass
empty notify user that the
• Click Register button empty fields must be
• Email fields are empty • Display alert massage to Pass
• Click Register button notify user that the
empty fields must be
• Phone Number fields are • Display alert massage to Pass
empty notify user that the

• Click Register button empty fields must be
• All the input fields are • Display alert massage to Pass
empty notify user that the
• Click Register button empty fields must be

Test case forget password module in this project purposely to identify the
system functionalities for the forgot password page. In this page, it will provide a
platform for the user to set up new password when the user unable to remember their
old password. User need to click the forget password text and input the valid
registered email to get the result correctly.

Table 4.4: Test Case for Forget Password Module

Project Development of Real Time PAJ Bus Tracker Designed by: Muhammad
Name: Mobile Application Zahid
Module: Authentication Panel Designed 4/4/2020
Test Title: Forget Password Pre- User is
requisite: registered
No Test Test Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail
3 Forget • Click Forgot Password • Redirect to forgot Pass
Password button password page
• Input Email with invalid • Display error Pass
format message to notify
• Click Send My Password user about the invalid
button email address format.
• Input Unregistered Email • Display alert message Pass
address to notify user that the
• Click Send My Password email not registered
• Input Registered Email • Reset password link Pass
address given to the email
• Click Send My Password user
• Email address is left • Display alert massage Pass
empty. to notify user that the
• Click Send My Password empty fields must be
button filled.

• Set new password with its • Display error Pass
length less than 6 message to notify
character. user about the invalid
• Click Reset Password new password length.
• Set new password with • Display new Pass
valid format password successfully
• Click Reset Password changed and redirect
button to Login page

Besides, the test case for the logout module in this project purposely to
checks the system functionalities for the logout button run perfectly when the user
wants to logout of their account from this mobile application.

Table 4.5: Test Case for Logout Module

Project Development of Real Time PAJ Bus Tracker Designed by: Muhammad
Name: Mobile Application Zahid
Module: Authentication Panel Designed 4/4/2020
Test Title: Logout Pre- User is
requisite: registered
No Test Test Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail
4 • Click Logout button on the • Go back to Login Page Pass
bottom side of Home page

Test case for read JSON file module in this project function to check the
system functionalities for the web API in URL given and database server can be read
as a data text precisely. This test case justification for the data text is assigned with
the right latitude and longitude as a bus marker in a map view.

Table 4.6: Test Case for Read JSON File Module

Project Development of Real Time PAJ Bus Tracker Designed by: Muhammad
Name: Mobile Application Zahid

Module: Data Panel Designed 1/5/2020
Test Title: Read JSON File Pre- -
No Test Test Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail
5 Read • Enter valid URL on coding • Data JSON Pass
JSON • Click Read button successfully read as
File object and array
• Enter invalid URL on • Data JSON cannot be Pass
coding read
• Click Read button
• Assign the latitude and • Data JSON appear as Pass
longitude from JSON file bus marker
as bus marker.
• Assign the data JSON file • Data JSON appear as Pass
as object object assigned
• Search the object after
debug the project

Test case for contact module in this project function to check the system
functionalities run correctly for the PAJ user to send the enquiry to the developer.
This module is still under maintenance but the pop-up contact module have
successfully created.

Table 4.7: Test Case for Contact Module

Project Development of Real Time PAJ Bus Tracker Designed by: Muhammad
Name: Mobile Application Zahid
Module: Contact Panel Designed 1/5/2020
Test Title: Contact Us Pre- User is login
No Test Test Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail
6 Contact • Click button • Pop up contact us page Pass
• Click Send Enquiry button • Display under Pass
maintenance progress

In Table 4.8, the test case for map view module in this project function to
identify the system functionalities in order to run this system successfully appeared
the basic map view in this mobile application. This map needs to pass all the
requirement functionalities for the user to find the route in the map easily

Table 4.8: Test Case for Map View Module

Project Development of Real Time PAJ Bus Tracker Designed by: Muhammad
Name: Mobile Application Zahid
Module: Map Panel Designed 1/5/2020
Test Title: View Map Pre- -
No Test Test Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail
7 View • Pinch the map with two • Map successfully Pass
Map fingers inside and outside zoom in and zoom out
• Swipe right and swipe left • Map view move to the Pass
on the map screen right and move to the
left accordingly
• Set style for the map view • Map view display Pass
as basic view same as a map style
• Click Run button created
• Rotate the map camera on • Map view is rotate Pass
map view

In Table 4.9, the test case for bus marker module in this project function to
identify the system functionalities in order to run this system smoothly without any
error and clearly show the bus marker corresponding to the latitude and longitude.

Table 4.9: Test Case for Bus Marker Module

Project Development of Real Time PAJ Bus Tracker Designed by: Muhammad
Name: Mobile Application Zahid
Module: Map Panel Designed 1/5/2020
Test Title: Appear Bus Marker Pre- -

No Test Test Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail
8 Appear • Upload an image of red • Red marker appeared Pass
Bus marker as a bus marker on the
Marker • Click Run button map
• Change the red marker • Red marker is changed Pass
icons with image bus icons with bus image as a
• Click Run button bus marker on the
• Click Search Bus button • Display map with bus Pass
marker on map.

In Table 4.10, the test case for bus location module in this project function to
test the system functionalities in order to run this system precisely with zero error
and shows the bus movement moved accurately in real-time location. This test is
created to ensure the bus can turn left and right smoothly without any delay.

Table 4.10: Test Case for Bus Location Module

Project Development of Real Time PAJ Bus Tracker Designed by: Muhammad
Name: Mobile Application Zahid
Module: Map Panel Designed 1/5/2020
Test Title: Locate Bus Location Pre- -
No Test Test Procedure Expected Result Pass/Fail
9 Locate • Click Search Bus button • User can see the bus Pass
Bus moving on map
• Bus stop at traffic light • Bus is not moving on Pass
• map
• Bus move to the right and • Bus is moving to the Pass
left right and left
• Input a timer for 10 • Bus update the Pass
second on coding. location and moving
• Click Run button on map by 10 seconds

4.6.2 Non- Functional Testing

Non-functional testing is a testing process that evaluate a project of the non-

functional aspects of a system which are different from functional testing. It is an
important role of testing because it affects the user satisfaction. It will determine all
the good quality of user experience. Usability Testing

Usability testing is a type of testing in non-functional testing which focus on

small set of target end-users that used in this developed system mobile application.
This testing function as a test its ease of use, speed performance, flexibility in
handling, and ability to meet the outlined objectives.

During the movement control order, 10 respondents were chosen to use and
test the developed system. This usability testing is divided into two parts, which are
mobile application interface design part and system functionality part. After the
usability testing has been successfully done, the respondents are been interviewed
using online conversation to answer a simple question regarding the performance of
the developed system

Table 4.11: Summary feedback of user regarding interface design for this project
Very Not
Functionality Impressed Impressed Average
Impressed Impressed
Font Style 6 2 2 0 0
Font Color 10 0 0 0 0
Font Layout 6 2 2 0 0

8 0 2 0 0

Button 10 0 0 0 0
Images 6 1 3 0 0

Table 4.11 shows the number of respondent majority responded the user
interface of this mobile application is interesting and user friendly. Based on the
respondents’ opinion, it clearly shows that most of the respondents have rated the
quality and functionality of the system as easy to use and intuitive.

4.7 Summary

This chapter has stated the finalized result and discussion of the developed
system. It described the installation and configuration of the technology that during
the entire of this system development. Moreover, this chapter also highlighted the
algorithm used in coding system main function corresponding with the mobile
application interface. Besides, this chapter clearly shows different testing on that
particular system requirements. There are two types of testing carried out in this
chapter, namely functional testing and non-functional testing. Functional testing is
concerning about testing of the functionalities while non-functional testing focused
on usability and performance of the developed system



5.1 Introduction

This chapter will conclude all the accomplishment of the developed project.
Moreover, the objective for this mobile application will be discussed and compared
with the project achievements to ensure all the outlined requirements are met.
Furthermore, the future work of the system will be mentioned in order to discuss the
improvement of this project for the future purpose to enhance this mobile application

5.2 Objective Achievements

Table 5.1: Objectives Achievements

Objectives Achievements
To provide mobile user access to the The system successfully provides the
latest bus information of PAJ through information of PAJ through this
mobile application. application which allow users to gain the
information directly.
To design and display the real-time PAJ The designed system displayed the
bus location from data text Web API and movement of the PAJ bus in a real-time
show the real-time bus movement on the on the map view while the data text
map using mobile phone. which shows bus location have been

successfully read accurately and being
tested with the speed of delay function
To develop PAJ Bus tracking system in The developed system provides user
mobile application using GPS/GSM friendly mobile application interface for
tracking technology into bus the user to seek the bus location and
transportation system and show simple information regarding the PAJ. The
and understandable interface of this bus system runs smoothly from the feedback
tracking application using Android of the users
studio to operate

5.3 Future Work

There are several suggestions for future enhancement and improvement to do

in future works. Adding the system with estimation time arrival and the distance
calculation between the bus location with the current location of the user. The system
will include the assessment standard to evaluate the performance of mobile
application and give feedback about the feature of this mobile application system.

5.4 Conclusion

In conclusion, the development of real-time PAJ bus tracker mobile

application has been successfully created using software Android Studio. Most of the
objectives of this project have been achieved. By having a real-time bus tracker
mobile application, user can know the real time PAJ bus location based on the data
text from Web API in JSON File and appear it as a bus marker on the Maps. This
project also has successfully done simulate the data using Android Studio and
provide mobile user access to the latest bus information of PAJ through Android user
mobile application. Next, the understandable interface of this PAJ Bus Tracker
Mobile Apps have been successfully developed using Java programming language,
Mapbox Map SDK, Firebase Authentication, Android Studio Development Kit
(Android SDK), Java SE Development Kit (JDK), Android Development Tools
(ADT), and Android Virtual Device (AVD)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 Meeting with supervisor and

understanding the project

2 Identify the objective and

scope of the project
3 Discuss about Literature Review

4 Study and stimulate what

software want to use to
develop the application

5 Study on the Firebase
Database and Java Language
6. FYP1 Seminar preparation

7 FYP1 Seminar

8 FYP1 Report Submission



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 Design the interface of PAJ Bus
Tracker Mobile Application
2 Simulate the data using
Android Studio
3 Analyse the coding of Java
Language and run the project
4 Analyse the performance of
mobile application
5 Improvement the interface of
mobile application
6. FYP2 Seminar preparation








PAJ Bus Tracker Mobile Application is a mobile application-based that is being

developed to assist the user in locating the real-time bus movement of PAJ and
receive latest information of PAJ

The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate the developed system in terms of user
interface design. Your feedback is extremely valuable and useful in designing and
implementing it in the proposed system. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

User Interface Design
Please rate the impressiveness of the user interface design for PAJ Bus Tracker
Mobile Application System

Very Not
Functionality Impressed Impressed Average
Impressed Impressed

Font Style

Font Color

Font Layout

Colour r





Link on Youtube:




In main activity, the source code is related about the coding function to design the map
view in this mobile application. After the map view have been successfully developed in algorithm
Mapbox.getInstance, the source code of appearing bus marker is created. Then the system will be run
again to test the algorithm correctly in “.withImage(ICON_ID,BitmapFactory.decodeResources
(MainActivity.this.getResources(),R.drawable.red_marker) to appear the bus marker. Next, the source
code to read JSON file is being developed to test the Web API given are readable from the developer.
After the data text have been read, the source code where assigned the JSON object latitude and
longitude as a bus marker is created outside the source code for read JSON file. To get the accurate
result for the bus moved in a real-time condition, the handler function is added to create some delay.









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