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1. When I cook a new dish, I like to,

a) Follow a written recipe
b) Call a friend for an explanation
c) Follow my instinct, testing as I cook

2. When I think of some important matters,

a) I visualize the situation in my mind
b) I talk to myself in my mind
c) I move around and fidget with something

3. In my free time I most enjoy,

a) Watch television or mobile
b) Listen to music and talking to my friends
c) Playing some sports or do some activity

4. While buying a new car, I would,

a) Focus on the colour, neatness and look of the car
b) Focus on every instruction given by the sales person
c) Focus on comfort of seats, smell and steering grip

5. When I meet someone, I remember,

a) Their faces and dressing
b) Their names
c) The activities done with them

6. While remembering spellings,

a) Recognize words by sight and configuration of words
b) Use rhythmic and phonics approach
c) Poor speller, follow instinct what I feel is correct
7. When I remember my past incidents,
a) I visualize it in form of picture or frames in front of me
b) I remember the words spoken, or surrounding sounds
c) I remember it in the form of a movie in front of me

8. When I am angry, I tend to,

a) Keep replaying in my mind what it is that upset me
b) Raise my voice, do arguments and tell people how I feel
c) I scream, slam doors and physically demonstrate my anger.

9. My way of assessing any accident situation on road will be,

a) Look around and find out what happens
b) Talk and ask about it to someone and discuss what to do
c) Tries things out, touches and involve myself in the situation

10. While remembering telephone numbers,

a) I visualize picture of numbers in my mind
b) I speak the number in rhythmic way to remember
c) I imagine number as shapes and associate it with some story

11. Before doing some new work, I understand it better if,

a) I read instructions first or go through the notes in detail
b) I discuss it with some experienced person over phone
c) I will do it by trial and error method and complete

12. When I need directions for travelling,

a) Look at a map
b) Ask for spoken directions
c) Follow a compass and will follow my instinct

13. When I am teaching someone something new,

a) Write instructions down for them
b) Give them verbal explanation
c) Demonstrate first and then let them have a go
14. While selecting food from a menu, I choose by,
a) Looking at its picture, what it contains and how it looks
b) Talk through the option in my head or with my partner
c) Imagine taste of that particular food

15. My first memory is of,

a) Looking at something
b) Being spoken to
c) Doing something

16. When I revise for an exam, I generally,

a) Write lots of revision notes and diagrams
b) Talk over my notes, alone or with other people
c) Imagine making or creating the formula with movements of my hands

17. When I first contact a new person, I usually,

a) Arrange a face to face meeting
b) Talk to them on the telephone
c) Plan get together whilst doing something, such as an activity or a meal

18. I think that you can tell if someone us lying if,

a) They avoid looking at you
b) Their voices change
c) They do funny activities like smiling or clapping hands

19. While sitting on a sea shore, the first thing I notice,

a) The beautiful colour and waves of the sea
b) The sound of waves and chirping of nearby birds
c) The fragrance of moist sand and the feeling of cold breeze

20. During rains, I prefer,

a) Watching the rain and the beauty of nature sitting with my partner
b) Talking about the nature and the feelings with my partner
c) Go out for a long drive with my partner in the rain
21. When I go shopping for clothes, firstly I tend to,
a) Imagine how they would look on me
b) Discuss every small detail of that cloth with the sales staff
c) I would touch and feel the texture, warmth and material of the cloth

22. When I am anxious, I usually,

a) Visualize the incident and consequences in my mind
b) Talk to myself or talk within my mind about the incident
c) Move around, touch my face or hairs and fidget with pen or pencil

23. While reading a book,

a) I can sit and read the book quietly
b) I usually read the book aloud or dictate in low voice
c) I need frequent breaks and play with something while reading

24. I generally say,

a) I see
b) I tell you
c) I feel

25. While attending a singing program in a theatre, I usually,

a) Look at the singer, the musicians, and the crowd
b) Close my eyes and listen the tunes and song
c) Keep moving in rhythmic way with the music

26. When I am choosing a holiday destination, I usually,

a) Read a lot of brochures
b) Discuss the destination with my friends
c) Imagine what it would be like, to be there

27. I remember things best by,

a) Writing notes or keeping printed details
b) Saying them aloud or repeating words and keywords in my head
c) Doing and practising the activity by my own
28. While buying a sofa set, I usually,
a) Look at the colour, size and shape of it
b) Listen to the instructions and details given by the sales staff
c) Sit on the sofa and touch it to verify the texture and material of it

29. While watching a movie in a theatre, I usually,

a) Not disturbed or affected by surrounding sounds.
b) Gets disturbed by side talking or mobile ringing.
c) I involve totally and start feeling every emotions shown in the movie.

30. In my family time, I generally prefer,

a) Watch photo albums or TV serial together
b) Sit and talk
c) Play some indoor games like cards or doing some activities.

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