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Are your friends mostly your age or different ages?

Most of my friends are about the same age as me because we met at school or university
several years ago. I've got a few friends who are older or younger that I met through work.
Dou you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends?
I tend to meet up with my friends at weekends for playing football or having dinner together,
because everyone's too busy during the week with their own activities
The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?
It was about 1 month ago as far as i remember. I went to my friend’s married party which
held in Yogyakarta. We took a lot of photos as a remembrance
In what ways are your friends important to you?
I think it's important to have friends that you can talk to and share experiences with. My
friends make me laugh, but I know I can also rely on them whenever I need help or support.

What games are popular in your contry?
Well, if we can consider sports as games, then football is definitely the most popular game in
my country, but we also love board games like chess.
Do you play any games?
Not regularly these days. I play the occasional game of football with my friends on
playstation. Recently I played a basketball game on the playstation. But actually I wasn't
very good at it.
How do people learn to play games in your country?
I think children teach each other to play games. I remember a friend at primary school
teaching me to play chess, for example.
Do you think it's important for people to play games?

Yes, it's really important, especially for children. I think research has shown that play
can improve brain development, intelligence, creativity, and the ability to cooperate
with others.
When do people give gifts or presents in your country?
I think like in most countries we give gifts on special occasions; the main ones would be birthdays,
weddings, graduation from college or university, maybe when people buy their first apartment or
home; really anything that people think is an event to celebrate.

Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in

their home? Why? /Why not?
Yes, I do take gifts with me when I visit someone because giving
gifts to friends and families help create a stronger bond among each
other. This is true for neighbours and colleagues as well

When did you last receive a gift? [What was it?]

The last time I received a gift was about several months ago when
my elder brother gave me a beautiful smartphone which he
purchased when visiting a foreign country.

Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people? [Why/Why not?]

I like looking for gifts, but the pressure to find something that the receiver will
like or not and whether it will be useful to them or not, makes the experience
a little stressful.

1. How often do you make telephone calls?
I probably make three or four phone calls every day, usually just
to make arrangements with work colleagues or to speak to
family and friends.
2. Who do you spend most time talking to on the telephone?
I think it would be one of my closest work colleagues. We often call each other rather
than meeting face-to-face.
3. When do you think you'll next make a telephone call?
My family are expecting me to phone them as soon as I finish this exam. They'll want
to know how it went.
4. Do you sometimes prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning?
Yes. I prefer to send a text message when I'm arranging something simple, like a
time to meet someone. In those situations, a phone call isn't necessary.

How popular are bicycles in your hometown? [Why?]

Well, I would say bicycles are moderately popular in my

hometown especially for weekend. They ride with family
or friends around the city and countryside to get relax for
their body.
How often do you ride a bicycle?
Actually, I used to ride a bike when I was a student studying at primary school and high school.
After I came to the university, I used motorbike because my university is far from my home.
3. Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages?
Yes, people of different ages can use bicycles because of their convenience and they are very
easy to use. It only depends on the distance people have to travel. They will prefer to use cars or
motorbikes for far destinations.

4. What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car?

It is the fact that riding bicycles can help people become healthier and have a well-built body.
Using bikes and reducing cars also decrease air contamination and severe accidents.

How do you usually spend your weekends? [Why?]

Answer: I usually like to spend my weekends outdoors by hanging out with
my friends and families at our favourite restaurants, enjoying some of our
favourite food. Of course, I also like to travel to some nice places where I
have never been to when I have a long weekend.
Q. Which is your favourite part of the weekend? [Why?]
Answer: I would say that the whole weekend is my favourite. However, if I have to
pick a preferable part from my weekends, I’d pick the morning. since I don’t really
have to worry about waking up early, getting ready to reach the office and
take a drive to my office.
Do you think your weekends are long enough? [Why/Why not?]
To tell you the truth, I sometimes do feel that my weekends are not long
enough mainly because it doesn’t allow me to fully recover from the extreme
burnout of my work weeks.
How important do you think it is to have free time at the weekends?

It is absolutely important to have free time during the

weekends as it helps us to recover from the fatigue of our
works during the week and get ready to face the challenges of
the next week. Besides, it also helps us enjoy some quality
times with our family and friends which are very crucial to
maintain a work-life balance.


I enjoy listening to pop music because I find it relaxing and

entertaining. I most enjoy songs by Taylor Swift and Rihanna, and I
like anything in the charts, really.
At what times of day do you like to listen to music? [Why?]the best
time for me is just before going to bed at night. I like it to listen to music at
that time as things around us at night become much quieter, and therefore it
makes me fall asleep quickly also.

Did you learn to play a musical instrument when you were a child?
[Why/Why not?]

Yes, I did learn to play the guitar a little when I was a child because I thought
that it was really “cool” to be able to play the guitar. Besides, I also wanted to
become a “famous” man by playing the guitar. But, unfortunately, I couldn’t
go very far with my “passion” because my parents had rather wanted me to
pay more attention to my studies.

Do you think all children should learn to play a musical instrument?

[Why/Why not?]

Yes, I do think that all children should learn to play some forms of musical
instruments because it helps them become more creative learners. Besides,
learning to play a musical instrument like the guitar or drum kits allows
children to capture fine “motor skills” by moving their hand and wrist muscles.

Do you enjoy travelling? [Why/Why not?]
Yes, I do enjoy travelling a lot because it allows me to learn about different
places, different people, different cultures and different kinds of lifestyles. In
addition, it helps me to recover from the stress of my work life.
Have you done much travelling? [Why/Why not?]
No, unfortunately, I haven’t done much travelling primarily because of limited
financial opportunities. But, of course, I am not giving up my hope as yet to
visit some places in future that I really like, either going abroad or in my
Do you think it’s better to travel alone or with other people? [Why?]
I would think that it is better to travel with other people, especially partners
or family members because it helps strengthen our bonds and relationship
even more with them while enjoying some quality time together. In addition,
travelling with other people provide a better sense of security also.
Where would you like to travel in the future? [Why?]
I wish, I could travel all over the world because there is just so much to see
and enjoy. But one special country, which I would really like to visit in the
future, is the UK because, in my opinion, this country has the perfect mix of
vibrant culture, history and modern comforts.
Did you go to secondary/high school near to where you lived? [Why/Why not?]
Yes, in fact, both of my primary and secondary schools were in the same locality
where I lived in. My elementary school was only 5 minutes walk away while my
high school was 10 cycling away from my home. I went there as my parents
thought these were good schools and I should not travel far without them
accompany me every day.

What did you like about your secondary/high school? [Why?]

I think that I spent some of my best years at my high school because
I made so many friends there, and I gained so many life-changing
experiences. Besides, it was really close to my home which saved me
a lot of time and energy.

Tell me about anything you didn’t like at your school.

I liked almost everything at school except for the fact that we were obliged to take
scouting class once a week. I am not against extracurricular activities and I believe
that scouting classes are helpful for many, but making it mandatory to all is something
I did not like.
How do you think your school could be improved? [Why/Why not?]
Our school did not have separate playgrounds for junior and senior students and that
was one aspect that bothered me. I believe that’s something the school needs to
address as junior students often can’t play when seniors occupy the field. A separate
ground could solve the problem.

What sorts of food do you like eating most? [Why?]
I really like healthy food, like different kinds of salad, fresh fish, red
meat, and lots of vegetables. I like eating healthily because eating
this way makes me feel fantastic.
Who normally does the cooking in your home? [Why/Why not?]
Well, my wife is in charge to prepare food and look after the menu. We have a
housemaid who helps my wife in that. Sometimes i assists my wife in cooking
but this is a very rare occasion as i’m quite busy with my work.
Do you watch cookery programmes on TV? [Why/Why not?]
Cooking is not my passion and I rarely try to cook in real-life. However,
watching cookery programmes on TV is very interesting, at least to me. often
watch cookery TV shows like masterchef. I like the way they present new
menus and their excellent way of cooking
In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home? [Why?]
I usually avoid eating outside and prefer to eat homemade food. Homemade
food items have better taste, superior food values and I enjoy my dinner with
my family members more than eating in a restaurant. Furthermore, restaurant
foods are quite expensive in my country.

How often do you go out with friends? [Why/Why not?]
I go out with my friends almost two or three times a week. During my
university years, it was more frequent but these days, I cannot hang out with
friends or see them that much as I have got busy with my job and other
Tell me about your best friend at school.
Well, my best friend in my school days was John and in fact, he is still my best
buddy. He is a compassionate, talented and warm-harted individual. We had
our ups and downs in our school days but he had always been there for me.
He is now an architect and works for a large company in our city.
How friendly are you with your neighbours? [Why/Why not?]
I have a good relationship with almost all our next-door-neighbours. We live in
our area as if we are close relatives. Despite our cultural, religious and other
differences, we are all good friends and I am lucky to be in such a great
Which is more important to you, friends or family? [Why?]
I value my family over my friends. However, this does not mean that my
friends do not have a special place in my heart. Family comes first and they
are the individuals I feel most connected with. Some of our friends are quite
important while some are not. This is not the case for the family members as
all of them are supremely important to me.
Q. What type of photos do you like taking? [Why/Why not?]

I often experiment with my camera and mobile phone camera and that’s why I
like to take a wide range of photos that include nature, people, gift items, sky,
river, flower and so on

However, I am inclined to take photos of nature, especially volcano and beach.

Because it can make me glad when I look those photos.

Q. What do you do with the photos you take?

After I take around 20-30 photographs in my camera or my mobile phone, I

connect it to my laptop and sort out the best clicks. Then I name those phones
according to the theme and prepare those to upload to google drive account

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