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Model A
Spring 2022 Midterm Exam Allowed Time:1hr.
ASU111: Human Rights
Instructor Name: Dr. Mohamed Kohail 1/3
Choose the correct answer from the following Questions:

1. The right to work includes ……………

a. Free choice of employment
b. Just and favorable conditions of work
c. Protection against unemployment
d. All of them
2. The right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring oneself and family an existence
worthy of human dignity is a kind of …………………….
a. Cultural protection
b. Political protection
c. Health protection
d. Social protection
3. Trade unions are formed for the purpose of …………………….
a. Track products from their point of origin to a retail location
b. Establish closer political and cultural ties between the member countries
c. Organizing workers who have come together to achieve common goals
d. Exchange of goods and services across national borders
4. How many articles are there in the Universal Declaration of human rights?
a. 20
b. 25
c. 30
d. 35
5. Which of the following countries has adopted the “Declaration of the rights of man and the
a. US
b. UK
c. France
d. India
6. Right to education is a………….
a. Cultural rights
b. Collective rights
c. Civil rights
d. None of the above
7. Right to a healthy environment is a………….
a. Cultural rights
b. Collective rights
c. Civil rights
d. None of the above
8. Right to social security is a………….
a. Cultural rights
b. Collective rights
c. Civil rights
i-Credit Hours Engineering Programs
Spring 202 Midterm Exam Model A
ASU111: Human Rights
Instructor Name: Dr. Mohamed Kohail 2/3

d. None of the above

9. …………. is called “first-generation rights.”
a. Cultural rights
b. Collective rights
c. Civil rights
d. None of the above
10. Prohibition of discrimination is a………….
a. Cultural rights
b. Collective rights
c. Civil rights
d. None of the above
11. When was the Magna Carta of human rights adopted?
a. 1210
b. 1215
c. 1220
d. 1225
12. Which of the following country has adopted the “Magna Carta”?
a. US
b. UK
c. France
d. India
13. What was the first human rights declaration adopted by the United Nations?
a. Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
b. United States Declaration of Independence
c. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
d. None of them
14. The right to life is an absolute right
a. False
b. True
15. Which of the following is not correct?
a. Human rights are indivisible
b. Human rights are inalienable
c. Human rights are constitutional
d. Human rights are interdependent
16. The employer can use limited discrimination for payment of equal jobs
a. True
b. False
17. Not hiring a qualified person because he or she has an accent is discrimination based on:
a. Race
b. Religion
c. Record of offenses
d. All of them
18. Employment-related medical examinations or questions, conducted as part of the job
screening process, are favored.:
a. True
b. False
i-Credit Hours Engineering Programs
Spring 202 Midterm Exam Model A
ASU111: Human Rights
Instructor Name: Dr. Mohamed Kohail 3/3

19. Which of the following is a collective right?

a. Right to work
b. Right to life
c. Right to education
d. None of them
20. Human rights are a set of international laws that all countries adhere to without exception.
a. True
b. False
21. Economic, Social and Cultural rights, also known as
a. 1st generation rights
b. 2nd generation rights
a. 3rd generation rights
b. None of them
22. Which of the following is not a source of human rights?
a. Historical resources
b. Judicial decisions and teachings
c. Treaties and conventions
d. Constitution of sovereign states
23. The authorities shall not interfere with the voting procedure. This is an obligation ……….
The right to vote.
a. respect
b. protect
c. fulfill
d. all the above
24. The authorities shall train police officers in acceptable methods of questioning. This is an
obligation ………. the right to prohibit inhuman treatment.
a. respect
b. protect
c. fulfill
d. all the above
25. The authorities shall allow the establishment of private schools. This is an obligation
………. the right to education.
a. respect
b. protect
c. fulfill
d. all the above

Best Wishes Exam Date: 6/4/2022

Dr. Mohamed Kohail

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