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Specialized Engineering Programs

Spring 2022- Final Course Code: ASU011s Time allowed: 2 Hrs.

The Exam Consists of 60 MCQ in 5 Pages Maximum Marks: 60 Marks
STUDENT NAME: ........................................................ Code…………..
‫تعليمات هامة‬
.‫حيازة التلفون املحمول مفتوحا داخل لجنة األمتحان يعتبر حالة غش تستوجب العقاب وإذا كان ضرورى الدخول باملحمول فيوضع مغلق فى الحقائب‬ •
.‫ال يسمح بدخول سماعة األذن أو البلوتوث‬ •
.‫اليسمح بدخول أي كتب أو مالزم أو أوراق داخل اللجنة واملخالفة تعتبر حالة غش‬ •

Choose the correct answer from (a), (b), (c) or (d):

1. The students ……………… their exams yesterday.

a. finished b. finishes c. have finish d. are finishing

2. If I ___________ time tonight, I will finish the novel that I am reading.

a. will have b. am having c. have d. has

3. If he calls me "lazy" again, I ________ help him when he is in trouble.

a. won't b. am c. don't d. can't

4. He __________ brush his teeth yesterday evening.

a. didn't brush b. was brushed c. didn't brushed d. wasn't brush

5. My mother didn't _______________ to the work because she was ill.

a. went b. going c. go d. goed

6. He had an accident two weeks ________.

a. since b. ago c. at the moment d. now

7. My uncle ____________ his arm while he was playing football.

a. broken b. break c. breaks d. broke

8. Emma __________ me several letters last year.

a. writes b. wrote c. writing d. write

9. Why ________ you __________ this hat? It looks bad.

a. were / buy b. was / buy c. did / buy d. did / bought

10. How much money ________ you _________ in the market?

a. were / spent b. did / spend c. did / spent d. were / spend

11. Yesterday, his father ___________ his car in front of our house.
a. washed b. washes c. did wash d. was wash

12. I ____________ my sister with her homework last night.

a. help b. was help c. was helped d. helped

13. Who _________ this window?

a. broke b. did broke c. did break d. was break

14. If he __________ hurry, he ____________ miss the train.

a. isn't / won't b. doesn't / will c. does / will d. won't be / will

15. We will go for a picnic if it ________ fine tomorrow.

a. is b. will be c. is be d. does

16. If you ____________ borrowing money, you __________ in trouble.

a. won't stop / will be b. aren't stop / will be
c. don't stop / will be d. won't stop / are

17. If you crash my car, I ___________ forgive you.

a. don't b. am c. am not d. won't

18. If my father _____________ his work early, he ____________ home.

a. will finish / comes b. finishes / will come
c. finish / comes d. won't finish / don't come

19. They __________ go for a walk if the weather _____________.

a. will / clears b. are / clear
c. aren't / won't clear d. will / clearing

20. If we ___________ by bus, it __________ cheaper.

a. will go / is b. going / will be c. go / will be d. are going / is

21. If I ___________ well tomorrow, I'll stay home.

a. am not feeling b. haven't feel c. won't feel d. don't feel

22. _______ you write to me if I give you my address?

a. Will b. Do c. Are d. If

23. If I __________ late this evening, _______ wait for me.

a. will be / won't b. am / don't c. do / won't d. be / don't

24. Their house _________ every year

a. is painting b. was painted c. is painted d. been painted

25. Bananas ____________ in India.

a. are growing b. are grown c. have grown d. was grown

26. Thousands of cars ___________ every year.

a. are produced b. producing c. produced d. were producing

27. Our house ____________ by solar power.

a. heats b. is heating c. is heated d. was heated

28. I am sorry, I can't come with you. I __________ to that party.

a. don't invite b. am invited c. invited d. wasn't invited

29. Some of my books __________ by my friends.

a. are borrowing b. were borrowed c. were borrow d. borrowed

30. A huge amount of money ___________ for that house.

a. was paid b. pays c. paid d. were paid

31. William Shakespeare __________ as the one of the greatest writers in English
literature history.
a. is known b. knew c. was know d. has known

32. Mona Lisa ____________ by Leonardo Da Vinci.

a. painted b. is painted c. paints d. was painted

33. Wine __________ from grapes.

a. makes b. is make c. is made d. was made

34. My mother ____________ the dished at six o'clock yesterday.

a. were washing b. was washed c. was washing d. washes

35. Katie and Emma ____________ a picture when I entered the class.
a. was drawing b. were drawing c. drew d. were drew

36. I broke a glass while I __________ tea.

a. drank b. was drink c. has drunk d. was drinking

37. My sister burnt her finger while she _______.

a. cooked b. was cooking c. cooks d. was cook

38. My father _____________ the newspaper while my mother ____________ the

a. was reading / was vacuuming b. read / vacuumed
c. was read / was vacuuming d. has read / has vacuumed

39. The students ______________ when the teacher entered the class.
a. were talk b. talked c. were talking d. were talked
40. I couldn't watch the match because I __________ my homework at that time.
a. was do b. was did c. did d. was doing

41. Emma _____________ to work when I saw her.

a. walked b. was walked c. was walking d. walks

42. I broke that window while I ___________ the room.

a. was painting b. was paint c. painted d. has painted

43. I burnt my shirt while I ___________ it.

a. am ironing b. was ironing c. ironed d. irons

44. He usually _______ to bed early. He _________ till midnight.

a. doesn't go / stays up b. goes / stays up
c. not to go / doesn't stay up d. is going / isn't staying up

45. He is not a vegetarian but he _____________ meat.

a. is eat b. never eat c. always eat d. occasionally eats

46. I ___________ it would be a good idea to stay with them one more night.
a. think b. thought c. am thinking d. would think

47. A: If she keeps up the good work she will be promoted to manager.
B: I_________ so.
a. am hoping b. hope c. would hope d. will hope

48. A: I am sure the boss ________ about the latest plan to improve the
B: ____________ so.
a. thinks / am thinking b. think / think
c. is thinking / think d. to think / would think

49. You must take a taxi if you ___________ to catch the next train.
a. intend b. will intend c. would intend d. intending

50. It is very cold here in winter, so they ___________ Australia.

a. going to b. usually go to c. goes to d. are sometimes go to

51. If you _________ still ill tomorrow you ought to stay home.
a. will be b. be c. were d. are

52. He __________ a lot of reading in his free time.

a. does b. is c. reads d. doesn't

53. Why haven't you ___________ your work? You have plenty of time.
a. finished b. finish c. finishing d. were finish

54. Everybody usually knows when someone ____________ garlic.

a. have eaten b. is eaten c. has eaten d. eat

55. They ______________ the gates, so you cannot get there.

a. locked b. have locked c. has locked d. lock

56. You _____________ enough lately. This is why you feel terrible.
a. haven't eat b. not eaten c. didn't eat d. haven't eaten

57. We ____________ the bus. Now we will have to walk.

a. were missed b. have missed c. miss d. are missing

58. Do you know the lady who _________ the shop?

a. have already left b. hasn't never left
c. has just left d. has just leaves

59. He _____________ eating _____________ he arrived.

a. have stopped / for b. has never stopped / since
c. has already stops / until d. have stopped / since

60. _______ your dog _________ bitten anyone?

a. Did / ever b. Was / never c. Have / just d. Has / ever

Best of Luck,,,,,,,,,,,


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