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MIS555: Management Information System MBA 2th Semester|Rajrshi Janak University

information technologieS
In general computer is a super typewriter or super calculator with big display unit.
But in technical term, computer is an electronic device which calculates raw data and gives us desire
result with 100% accuracy.
In another words any electronic device which performs ‘IPO’ cycle is known as computer.
‘IPO’ cycle

Input process output

(Raw data) (Unseen) (Result)
[Input device] [Processing device] [Output device]
Input (data):
Input is a collection of alphabets, numbers, symbols, image, etc. given to the computer to produce
meaningful result or information. We can give data to the user by using input devices.

Input device:
The part of computer through we can feed data or information to the computer is known as input
device. For example: keyboard, mouse, scanner, joystick, track ball, touch pad etc.

Process is the manipulation of data as per given instruction. It is totally inner procedure of computer
system. Cup is the main processing device.

Output is the processed data given by the computer at final stage. It is also called result or information.
It is valuable or meaningful that can be used in future. We can get the output with the help of different
output device.
Output device:
The part of computer through which we get result is known as output device. For example, monitor,
printer, speaker, plotter etc.

Advantages of computer:
Computers have numerous advantages. Some of them are listed below;
1. The processing speed of computer is very high.
2. Computer can work continuously for long time.
3. Computer does not make any mistake.

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4. A single computer can perform variety of job such as printing, publishing, displaying, playing
music etc.
5. Computer can process large volume of data.
6. Computer can store large amount of data.
Disadvantages of computer:
The different disadvantages of computer are as follows:
1. Computer cannot think since they do not have their own brain.
2. Computer always need stored program for their functionality.
3. Computer need electric power to operate.
4. An operator is necessary to give instruction to the computer.
5. computer cannot memorize as long as they are not given the instruction to store in the
secondary storage.
6. Computer is very expensive in comparison to other electronic devices, so every people cannot
afford it.
7. Computer requires technical person for the maintenance, if it does not work properly.

Characteristics of computer:
There are different characteristics of computer. Some of them are discussed below;

1. Speed:
Computer performs any calculation at very high speed. The speed of computer processing is
measured in fraction of second and they are termed as millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond,
picosecond, femtosecond. Were,

1 milli second = 1/1000th of second (10-3s).

1 micro second = 1/1000000th of second (10-6s).
1 nano second = 1/1000000000th of second (10-9s).
1 Pico second = 1/1000000000000th of second (10-12s).
1 femto second = 1/1000000000000000th of second (10-15s).

2. Accuracy:
Accuracy means correctness. Computer always give 100% accurate output. It does not make any
mistake. But if we give wrong instruction to the computer then the output will be ambiguous.
This is called GIGO (garbage- in- garbage out).
3. Vast storage:
Computer can store very large amount of data that can be used in future by the help of
secondary storage device like: floppy disk, hard disk, compact disk, pen drive etc. storage
capacity of memory is measured in following units;
0 or 1 = 1 bit (binary digit)
4 bits = 1 nibbles

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8 bits = 1 byte/ character

16 bits = 1 word
1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte (KB)
1024 KB = 1 megabyte (MB)
1024 MB = 1 gigabyte (GB)
1024 GB = 1 terabyte (TB)
1024 TB = 1 petabyte (PB)

4. Diligence:
Diligence is a capacity of performing repeated operation without any tiredness and mistake.
Human being can suffer from weakness and tiredness. Human being has feelings. They
become sad, bored, depressed, negligent. Human being cannot work same task over and over again
with same precision and enthusiasm as first time. After some time, people become tedium that
directly affect the performance of work.
But computer can work many hours continuously without taking any
rest and without decreasing its speed, accuracy and efficiency. Computer can never get tired, bored
and laziness to do the task. So, computer is called diligent machine.
5. Versatility:
Versatility means an ability to perform various task related to different fields like: education,
science and technology, business etc. Any kind of data can be processed by a computer. Hence,
computer is a versatile machine.
6. Reliability:
Since computer can do its work very fast, without making any mistake, stores large amount of
data, can perform the task for longer field and can perform the task for different fields. Hence,
we can say computer is very reliable machine.

Application of computer:
Although early computer was capable of just fast mathematical calculation, but due to the development
in technology, modern computers have played an important role in society because they have been
used in the various sectors of the society in order to make the human life more efficient and
comfortable. The different common application of computers are discussed below:

1. Home: Computer in the past were hudge, very expensive and limited in its use. But now a days,
due to the development in technology, microcomputer have been developed. after
development of microcomputers, it has become necessary device in home which can be used in
storing the personal records, photos, videos, playing games, listening songs and movies. It can
be used even to connect the internet and use services like e-mail, voice mail, chat, surfing net,
Face book etc.
2. Communication: Now a day, it is easy to communicate from one part of the world to another
part. Text, voice, data and picture can easily be transmitted now a days using modern
communication system such e-mail, internet, which heavily depend upon computer officers and

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managers can contact any branch office anywhere in the world through the computer network.
Computer network means set of computers connected each other through hardware as well as
3. Bank: Computer also helps in banking system. With the help of computer your bank account can
be transformed from one country to another. With the help of computer, you can draw or
deposit money in your own account anywhere in the world.
4. Education: Computers have brought revolution in the field of education. Now a days, computers
are used as a tool for studying history, mathematics, geography etc. similarly science and statics
are taught with the aid of computers. People also use computer in library to read magazines and
journals. Hence, computer have become and educational tool.
5. Health and medical field: Computer have played a vital role in medical field as it has been used
in hospital to help the doctors, nurses and technicians to diagnose diseases, getting information
about patients, diseases and drugs. Similarly, many computerized equipment’s such as city scan
machine, eye testing machine and many other computerized machines are used for right
experiment and diagnosis. Surgeons also use the computerized device to get the correct
information about the condition of patients.
6. Reservation: By using the computer with internet facilities, the reservation for the air ticket,
train ticket, bus ticket, theater ticket etc. became possible. If there had not been the
computerized system without network, then there would be problem issuing the same ticket to
more than one person or passenger. It also stores information regarding passenger such as
name, address, age, destination, date of journey, class, fare etc. due to the credit card and debit
card facility, the passengers can reserve and purchase the tickets even from their own home

generation of compUter
Generation of computer: Generation of computer means classification of computer into different
groups according to their manufacturing date, memory device and other hardware and software
technology used inside those computers. Generation of computer is a step in advance technology. It
provides the framework for the growth and development of the more powerful and useful computer
When computer generation goes higher i.e., from 1 st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd and so on, then we find
the processing speed, storage capacity and accuracy are increasing but their size, cost, weight, power
consumption and heat emission are increasing gradually.
There are 5 generations of computers, which are discussed below:

1. First generation of computer: The computers which were made approximately between 1941 to
1955 AD are classified as the first generation of computers. All the computers which were made
during the first generation has used vacuum tube as their memory and processing device,

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vacuum tube was developed by lee de forest in 1908 AD. First generation computers used
machine level language. The machine level language uses 0s and is (binary code). the first-
generation computers were mainly used for scientific calculations. ENIAC, EDSAC, EDVAC,
UNIVAC-I, IBM 701, IBM 704, IBM 709, IBM 650, MARK-I, MARK-II, Z-3, Z-4, etc. are examples of
this generation of computers.
The first generations of computer have the following features:
I. The first generation of computer was used vacuum tube as the main component.
II. They were extremely large in size (1500sq. ft.).
III. The operation speed was limited (millisecond).
IV. Storage capacity was limited (1 to 4 KB).
V. They consume a lot of electricity and produce lots of heat.
VI. They were very expensive.

2. Second generation of computer: The computers which were made approximately between
1956 to 1964 AD and having the transistor as memory device are classified as the second
generation of computer. Transistor was invented by three scientists William Shockley, john
Bardeen and Walter H. Brattain in 1947 AD at bell laboratories in USA. One transistor could do
the work of 1000 vacuum tubes. Assembly language was used for computer programming. IBM
1401, ICL 2950/10, IBM 1620, IBM 7090, IBM 7094 I, IBM 7094 II etc. are examples of second
generation of computer.
The main features of second-generation computer are as follows:
I. They were small in size compare to first generation of computers (51 sq. ft.).
II. Processing speed was faster than the first generation of computer (micro second).
III. They require less electricity and emit less heat.
IV. Storage capacity was increased than the first generation of computers.
V. They were less expensive than the first generation of computers.
VI. They use transistor as the main component in place of vacuum tube.

3. Third generation of computer: The computers which were made approximately between 1965
to 1975 AD and having IC (integrated circuit) as the main component are classified as third
generation of computer. IC was developed by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce in 1958 AD. A small
chip consisting the capacity of 300 transistors called IC. They used high level language for
programming. IBM 360 series, ICL 1900, Honeywell 2200 series, star-100, CDC 7600, IBM 370
Series, UNIVAC 9000 etc.
Some of the main features of this generation of computer are as follows:

I. IC were used in place of transistor.

II. They were much smaller than first generation of computer.
III. The operation speed was in nano second.
IV. Storage capacity was increased in megabyte.

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V. They consumed much less power than second generation computer.

4. Fourth generation of computer: The computers which were made approximately between 1976
to till now are classified as fourth generation of computer. These computers were designed
using VLSI (very large-scale integration) or microprocessor. Marcian "ted" Hoff presented
microprocessor designs in 1969 AD. The first microprocessor is intel 4004. Later, intel 8080 was
developed in 1974 AD. Microcomputer is developed in fourth generation of computer. The first
microcomputer named Apple-I was developed by Steve wozniak and Steve jobs in 1976 AD. IBM
PCs, ACER, GATEWAY, APPLE, DELL, IBM 3033, HP 300 etc. are examples of it.
The main features of fourth generation of computers are:

I. Microprocessor or VLSI were used as main component.

II. Processing speed is very high in picoseconds.
III. Very small in size varies from desktop to palmtop.
IV. Storage capacity was very high in GB.
5. Fifth generation of computer: Although the computer of this generation has not come yet in
reality but computer scientists are trying since 1990 AD. It is said that the computer of this
generation will use ULSI (ultra-large-scale integration) or biochip. Bio-chip will be made from
biological organism and protein fibers obtained from the living organism.
It is estimated that these computers of 5 th generation will have an AI
(artificial intelligence). Ai means human like thinking capacity and understands natural languages.
the features of fifth generation will be as follows:
I. Biochip or ULSI will be used.
II. These computers will have AI.
III. The computers will understand natural languages like English, Nepal, Hindi, etc.
IV. Instead of HLL (high level language) natural language like English, Nepal, Hindi, etc. will be used
to give introduction and making computer program.
V. They will have extremely high efficiency and reliability.

hiStory of compUter
 History of computer: History of computer can be classified into three eras. They are as follows:
1. Age of mechanical calculating era.

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2. Age of electromechanical computer era.

3. Age of electronic computer era.

1. Age of mechanical calculating era: The era in which mechanical technologies were used to
develop different devices are called mechanical calculating era.
The different mechanical devices
are discussed below:
I. Abacus:

Fig: Abacus

Abacus is the early counting and calculating device that was developed by Chinese
people. The abacus was first used for computation in 3000 BC.
An abacus consists of rectangular frame containing a number of
rods or wires which is divided into two unequal parts called earth and heaven by the
mid bar. The upper part is called heaven and the lower part is called earth. The lower
part contains 5 beads/ rings and the upper part contains 2 beads/ rings in earth wire. By
moving the beads/rings, it is used for counting as well as to find addition and

II. Napier's bone:

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Scottish mathematician named john Napier invented a principle of calculation called

logarithm in 1614 AD and based on the same principle, he invented some bone rods
engraved with numbers in 1617 AD, which was called Napier's bone. With the help of
this device, people could do multiplication very fast.
III. Slide rule:

English mathematician William ought red discovered a device in 1620 AD with 2 rulers
engraved with numbers for calculation, which was based on Napier's principle that was
called slide rule. This device could perform multiplication and division and was first
analog device.

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IV. Pascaline:

In 1642 AD, a France man named Blaise pascal begun to design a mathematical adding
machine called Pascaline. This machine had capacity of adding or subtracting 8 digits
number. This adding machine could add and subtract only, it could not carry out
multiplication and division.
V. Leibniz's calculating machine:

In 1671 AD, a German philosopher Gottfried von Leibniz created a more reliable adding
machine that could add, subtract, multiply, divide and calculates square roots, called
Leibniz' s calculating machine. It was the first calculator that could perform the above-
mentioned arithmetical calculations automatically.

 Charles Babbage:

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Charles Babbage was a great mathematician at Cambridge University. He developed two

electromechanical calculators called difference engine (1822 AD) and analytical engine (1833
AD). They were very big achievement in the history of computer and calculators. Not only those
calculators, he invented the working principle of computers on which modern computers are
based. So, he is known as 'father of computer'.
Difference engine and analytical engine contained all the components,
equivalent to modern digital computers. They are:

I. The store (equivalent to memory).

II. The mill (equivalent to CPU).
III. The input section using punched card.
IV. The output section using punched card.

 Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace:

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She was a great follower of Charles Babbage and first to suggest Babbage to use binary system
in his machine. Not only this, she made the first program to be used in Babbage machine. So,
she is called "The First Programmer". To honor her work, a programming language called 'ADA'
was made and used in US defense department for a long time.
 Dr. Herman Hollerith and Tabulating machine:

Dr. Herman Hollerith was an American census statistician. He developed tabulating machine in
1886. This machine was used to tabulate us census record in 1890. Hollerith established this
tabulating machine company in 1886 AD to manufacture his inventions. This company later
merged with other companies and form the international business machine (IBM) company
which is the largest computer manufacturing company in the world. IBM company was
established in 1923 AD.

2. Age of electromechanical computer era: The era in which electromechanical technologies were
used to develop electromechanical computer Is known as electromechanical computers era.
There are different electromechanical computers discussed below:

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I. Mark-I:

Mark-I is first electromechanical computer. Mark-I was developed by Howard Aiken in 1937
AD (completed in 1944 AD), which was based on the principle of Charles Babbage. It was 51
ft long, 8 ft tall, 3 ft wide and 32 tones in weight. This consisted of 7 lakh 50 thousand
different parts and 18000 vacuum tubes. Nearly, 500 miles long wire cut into pieces to
connect different components. It took 1 second to perform 3 additions and 4.5 seconds for

The full form of ABC is Atanasoff berry computer. It was the first digital computer
developed by J.V. Atanasoff and his student Clifford berry in 1942. It used vacuum tubes
and capacitors for the storage of electric charge. This machine was mainly used by military
to compute, firing and ballistic.

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3. Age of electronic computer era: The era in which electronic technologies were used to develop
electronic computers are known as electronic computer era. The different electronic computers
are discussed below:

ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. It is the first electronic
computer that was developed by john Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert in 1946 AD. It was
based on decimal number system. 18000 vacuum tubes were used in it. It weighs 30 tons
and occupied a space 3000 cubic feet. It could calculate 300 times faster than any
calculating device at that time.

EDSAC stands for Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer which was made by
Maurice Wilkes in 1949 AD by applying Neumann's stored program technique. It also used
vacuum tube. (3000 vacuum tubes).

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EDVAC stands for Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic computer which was made by
John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert's in 1952 AD by applying the principle of stored
program technique. It also had vacuum tube and some internal storage.


The full form of UNIVAC is Universal Automatic Computer. It was first computer
manufactured for commercial uses and general-purpose use. Before this all the computers
were used either for defense or census. It was also developed by john Mauchly and j.
Presper Eckert in 1951 AD.

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 John von Neumann:

He was a mathematician and in 1945 AD, he discovered a principle of stored program. So, he is
called the 'Father of stored program'. Before his principle, programs required for the computers
were integrated and written permanently in chips, so modification of programs was not
possible. But after Neumann, such programs were stored inside the computer in the some
storage media, so modification became easy and flexible.
The principle concept developed by him is still in
use by modern computer and will remain in the industry for so many years to come.

COMPUTER SYSTEM:-The integration of input unit, processing unit and output unit with
suitable memory unit is known as computer system. If any one unit is absent then it is not
called computer system. These units are connected to each other with the help of bus.

COMPONENTS OF COMPUTER:- The different components of computer system are-

1. Input unit e.g. keyboard, mouse, scanner, joystick, etc.
2. Processing unit e.g. CPU
3. Output unit e.g. monitor, printer, plotter, speaker, etc.
4. Memory unit e.g. RAM, ROM, hard disk, etc.

INPUT DEVICE:- The device through which we feed data or instruction to the computer
system is known as input device. In another words, the part of computer through which we give
input to the computer system is known as input device. Modern computer system can take
input in various forms such as text, graphics, audio, video, etc. The different examples of input
devices are keyboard, mouse, scanner, joystick, trackball, light-pen, etc.

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1. KEYBOARD:-Keyboard is one of the most commonly used and popular input device of
computer. It enables to give data or instructions to the computer system. The early
keyboard were having less number of keys and lacks many function keys and functions
but modern keyboard has sufficient number of keys and can perform all types of
possible works.
The keyboard of computer looks like keyboard of typewriter. The keyboard of
typewriter contains letter engraved which strikes on the carbon before paper so that
imprint of letter appear on the page. But the keyboard of computer is totally different in
architectural design and technical design. When we press any key from the keyboard,
keyboard circuit (also called encoder) transmits 8 bits signal to the processor. At the
same time, processor instructs the memory and monitor display that character on the
The mostly used keyboard is QWERTY keyboard and it is called QWERTY keyboard as the
first six keys arrangement of left-top characters are the alphabets: Q, W, E, R, T and Y
and it was designed during 1800 AD for mechanical typewriter.
Keyboard consists of four types of keys. They are:-
i. Alpha keys (A to Z, a to z)
ii. Numeric keys (0-9, +, -, *, etc.)
iii. Function keys (F1-F12)
iv. Special keys (Alt, Ctrl, Del, Shift, Tab, etc.)

TYPES OF KEYBOARD:- There are three types of keyboard. They are-

i. XT Keyboard
ii. AT Keyboard
iii. Enhanced keyboard
i. XT Keyboard:- The keyboard having 83 keys is known as XT keyboard.
ii. AT Keyboard:- The keyboard having 101 keys is known as AT keyboard.
iii. Enhanced Keyboard:- The keyboard having 103 or more keys is known as enhanced
2. MOUSE:- Mouse is a small handheld pointing input device, which is used to point
particular place or icon on the screen and give instructions to the computer. It consists
of metal or plastic casing having 2, 3 or 4 buttons at the top. When mouse is rolled over
the flat surface, cursor also moves in the direction of mouse movement.
The idea of mouse was developed by Daughlas C. Engelbart at Stanford Research
Institute in 1963 AD and the first mouse was manufactured by Xerox Corporation.

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There are two types of mouse. They are-

i. Mechanical mouse
ii. Optical mouse
i. Mechanical mouse:- The mouse that uses metal or plastic ball to detect the
cursor movement on the screen is known as mechanical mouse.
ii. Optical mouse:- The mouse that uses laser beam to detect the cursor movement
on the screen is known as optical mouse.
3. JOYSTICK:- Joystick is an input device used to move the cursor on the screen. Mostly, it
is used to play computer games. It is like a gear leaver of car. The ball on the bottom
moves as the joystick is moved. The cursor can be moved left, right, up or down with the
joystick. It may contain click button.
4. SCANNER:- Scanner is an input device used to convert text or images into the computer
readable form. In such process, scanner convert a picture on text by throwing light on it
and sensing the intensity of reflection of each point of text or image and then convert it
into digital form.
There are three types of scanner. They are-
i. Pen type scanner (scans one line of text at a time)
ii. Hand held scanner (scans barcode or picture)
iii. Desktop scanner (scans a complete page of text or image at a time)
5. LIGHT-PEN:- Light pen is pointing input device of computer that allowing natural
movement on the screen. With the help of this, we can draw picture or do signature
directly. This simplifies the input method but very accurate position and high
concentration is required for this purpose. Such type of input device is generally used in
engineering designing or free hand designing.
6. OCR:- The full form of OCR is Optical Character Reader. It is a direct entry input device
that is used to scan or detect the alphanumeric characters printed on the pages and
transfer the data into the computer. It is generally used in departmental stores for
7. OMR:- The full form of OMR is Optical Mark Reader. It is an input device which reads the
mark such as pencil mark on the page. It is used to read form and multiple-choice
question papers. The marks are the exposed to beam of light sensing and OMR scores
the test by identifying the position of mark.
8. BCR:- The full form of BCR Bar Code Reader. Vertical bands of line with different
thickness and spacing are known as bar code. It is an identification code given on
different product.

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The device used to read the bar code, convert it into electrical signal and then sends
them to the computer for processing is known as Bar Code Reader (BCR).
9. TOUCH PAD:- Touch pad is pointing input device of computer system. It is pressure
sensitive device that responds or answers yours finger movement on the pad surface. It
is used to select the screen position and icon on the screen and give commands to the
computer. Laptop computers use touch pad for pointing device. We can purchase
desktop computer’s keyboard that are equipped with a built-in touchpad.
10. TRACK BALL:- Track ball is an input device. A track ball used a hard sphere or ball to
control the cursor movement. The ball can be rolled by hand in any direction to move
the cursor on the screen. Track ball can be used instead of mouse.
11. MICROPHONE:- Microphone is an audio input device which records the speech and
convert it into digital form. Sound card is required along with the microphone for this
conversion. This conversion process is called digitizing. Microphone is also used in PC for
audio conferencing over the internet.
12. DIGITAL CAMERA:- Digital camera is hand held input device that captures still or moving
images. After the image has been captured, it is downloaded by cable to computer using
software (supplied with camera). Once stored in computer, the image can be
manipulated as per requirement.

OUTPUT DEVICE:-The part of computer through which we get output or result is known
as output device. In another word, it is a device which receives the information from
processing device and presents it to the user in a form that can be understandable and
usable. For example: monitor, printer, plotter, speaker, etc .
Computer produces two types of output. They are-
i. Soft copy output
ii. Hard copy output
i. Soft copy output:-Soft copy output refers to the output displayed on the screen. The
output on the screen is lost, when the computer is turned off. The most commonly
used soft copy output device is monitor.
ii. Hard copy output:- Hard copy output refers to the output given by computer in a
permanent medium such as on the paper. The most commonly used hard copy
output device is printer.


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1. MONITOR:- Monitor is an output device through which we get result or output. It is also
known as VDU (Visual Display Unit) or VDT (Visual Display Terminal) or soft copy output
devices. It looks like television. They are-
i. CRT monitor
ii. LCD monitor
iii. LED monitor
i. CRT monitor:- The CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube and it is the most common
type of output device of modern digital computer. It has electron gun located at
the back of picture tube which produces the electron beam. The screen has layer
of phosphor which emits light when it is struck by the electron beam.
The monitor is composed of number of rows and columns (24 rows and 80
columns). The sharpness of monitor is determined by the number of pixels. The
smallest unit displayed on the screen is called pixel. We can set up the sharpness
of monitor by using different adaptors. Different adaptor contains different
number of pixels. The higher resolution generates greater and fine picture
The CRT monitor is classified into two types according to their color capabilities.
They are-
a. Monochrome monitor
b. Color monitor
a. Monochrome monitor:- The monitor which displays output only in two colors i.e. one
for background and another foreground is known as monochrome monitor. These
monitors are also called black and white monitor.
b. Color monitor:- The monitor which displays multi colors by mixing three main colors
(Red, Green and Blue) is known as color monitor. It is also called RGB monitor.
ii. LCD monitor:- The full form of LCD is Liquid Crystal Display and it is a flat panel
screen especially designed for portable computer like laptop, notebook, etc.
They are not heavy and bulky like CRT monitor. A special liquid is sand witched
between two plates. The upper plate is transparent and the bottom plate is
reflective. LCDs do not emit their own light hence it is not harmful for our eyes. It
is expensive, less durable and picture quality is not good as CRT monitor.
2. PRINTER:- Printer is also common output device of computer which is used to produce
hard copy output like text and graphics on the paper. Printer produces information in
permanent readable form.
Printers can be classified into different types according to different factors. They are-
A. Types of printer on the basis of how they print
B. Types of printer on the basis of their printing speed

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A. Types of printer on the basis of how they print:- There are two types of printer on the
basis of how they print. They are-
a. Impact printer
b. Non-impact printer
a. Impact printer:-Impact printers use the electromechanical mechanism. They print by
striking the printer head or pins against an inked ribbon and paper. Dot-matrix and Daisy
wheel are most common examples of it. Impact printers are noisy printer because they
produce sound while printing.
Impact printers can print multiple copy of output at a time by using carbons between
the papers. They are slow and noisy and their print quality is not so high.
b. Non-impact printer:-The printers which do not make mechanical support between
printer head and paper to print text or graphics is known as non-impact printer. Laser
and inkjet printers are common examples of it. They print on the paper by using
thermal, electrostatic, inkjet or laser beam technology. They are faster and less noisy
and they provide better print quality. The main disadvantage of this printer is that they
cannot print multiple copies of output at a time.
B. Types of printer on the basis of their printing speed:- There are three types of printer
on the basis of their printing speed. They are-
a. Character printer
b. Line printer
c. Page printer
a. Character printer:-The printer that prints one character of text at a time is called
character printer. It is very slow for printing, inexpensive and its printing quality is not so
high. Dot-matrix, Daisy wheel, etc. are the examples of character printer.
b. Line printer:-The printer that prints one line of text at a time is called line printer. It is
faster and expensive than the character printer. Drum printer, chain printer, etc. are
common examples of it.
c. Page printer:-The printer which can print one page of text or image at a time is called
page printer. They are faster, expensive and their printing quality is very high. Laser
printer is an example of it.
3. PLOTTER:- Plotter is an output device of computer which is designed to produce large
images or drawings such as construction plan or blue prints. A plotter uses a robotic
arm to draw with color pen on a large sheet of paper. A plotter receives the instruction
from the computer and draw lines, curves and images accordingly.
There are two types of plotter. They are-
i. Pen plotter

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ii. Electrostatic plotter

4. SPEAKER:- The speaker is an output device. There are two types of speaker: internal and
external speaker. The computer’s internal speaker is designed to produce beeps when
the computer starts or encounters an error. The external speaker is designed to produce
good sound from the PC. To produce good sound from the PC, we need to install sound
components such as external speaker and sound card with suitable software.

MICROPROCESSOR/CPU(Central Processing Unit):-It is electronic brain or heart of

computer. A Central Processing Unit or Microprocessor is an electronic circuit that executes
computer programs. It is major component of computer.All the computer’s works are
performed by it.
This unit is responsible for all events inside the computer. It controls all internal and
external devices,performs arithmetical and logical operations.
It accepts data and instruction from suitable input device like keyboard, mouse, scanner,
processed it and then sends them to the suitable output device like monitor, printer,
plotter, etc.
Actually, the metal box is not CPU. The metal box is called cabinet, casing or chasis.A CPU is
small squared component that lies on the mother board. Mother board is a flat system
board where all the system components are either placed on it or connected with it. 8080,
8086, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, 80586, Pentium-I, Pentium-II, Pentium-III, Pentium-IV,
etc. are different types of it.

COMPONENTS OF PROCESSOR:- There are three components of processor. They are-

III. Register
I. ALU:- The full form of ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit. It performs all the arithmetical
operations as well as logical calculations. Arithmetic operation includes +, -, *, /, etc.
whereas, logical calculation includes <, >, <=, >= and <>.
II. CU:-The full form of CU is Control Unit. It controls all hardware components as well
as software programs installed in the computer. This unit checks all the peripheral
devices whether it is able to work or not. It acts central nervous system of computer.
III. Register:- Registers are electronic memory chip made from flip-flops and transistors
which acts as temporary storage location in the CPU. The instruction execution is
performed in the CPU by taking data from registers and after completion of

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execution CPU returns data back to register. The size and number of registers differ
from processor to processor. Normally, a PC consists following types of register:
i. Memory Buffer Register (MBR)
ii. Memory Address Register (MAR)
iii. Program Counter (PC)
iv. Instruction Register (IR)
v. Accumulator Register (AR)

MEMORY:- The part of computer which stores data or instruction is called memory. In other
words, it is a space which stores data and programs so that the CPU may access and process it.
Mainly there are two types of memory. They are-
1. Primary memory
2. Secondary memory
1. Primary memory:- Though the CPU has calculating capabilities, it needs some space to
store the actual data or to calculate the data. This needed space of computer is called
primary memory. There are two types of primary memory. They are-
I. RAM:- The full form of RAM is Random Access Memory. It is running work space of
computer. Initially, the data stored in RAM. When we save then they are stored in
secondary storage media. 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB,
1GB, 2GB, etc. are capacity of RAM available in the market.
When power goes off, all the data or information lies in RAM are erased. So, it is also
called volatile memory, temporary memory or erasable memory.
Types of RAM:- There are two types of RAM. They are-

II. ROM:- The full form of ROM is Read Only Memory. It is programming chip where
system diagnostics are kept at the time of manufacture. We can see the information
of ROM at the time of booting the computer. As the name indicates, we can only
read the information of ROM. We cannot write, edit or delete the data lies on it. It is
also called permanent or non-volatile memory because the information stored in it
is not lost even if power goes off.

Note: The program written in ROM is called Firmware.

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There are three types of ROM. They are-

2. Secondary memory:- The part of computer which is used to store the data or
information as well as different types of computer software or program permanently is
called secondary memory. It is also called backing storage, auxiliary memory or storage
device. The secondary memory has huge storage capacity up to GB or TB. It is less
expensive and non-volatile in nature. Hard disk, compact disk, magnetic tape, floppy
disk, pen drive, etc. are different examples of it.


1. HARD DISK:-Hard disk is a secondary storage device. It is large and main storage
device. It consists of all the computer’s items (software) as well as the document
created by user using different software. It is fixed inside the cabinet. So, it is also
fixed disk. Data access time is less in hard disk compared to floppy disk. Time taken
to transfer data between different resources of computer is called access time.
A hard disk is made up of stock of circular metallic plates coated with iron oxide
which is called platters. There are two read/write heads for each platter, one for
each side. It may contain 6-11 platters and 12-22 read/write heads. All the
read/write heads are attached to a single arm so that they cannot move
independently. There is a spindle motor which spins platters. All the platters are
divided into number of tracks and sectors. A circular way where data or information
is stored is called track and subsection of tracks is known as sector. One surface of
platter has 300-1024 tracks and 17-26 sectors. Each sector can be able to store 512
bytes. Hard disk is packed inside the sealed metallic material and it is connected
with controlled card called HDD controller card and is connected to the
2. Floppy disk:- Floppy disk is a small secondary storage mediawhich is generally used to
transfer the data from one computer to another. It is also called diskette.
A floppy disk is round, flat piece of plastic called mylar coated with magnetic material
iron oxide on which data can be stored.
The disk is encased inside the protective plastic material called disk jacket. The central
hole of the floppy disk is called hub ring. A small hole near the floppy disk is called index
hole. The open part is called read/write area where data can be read and written. The
small notch on the rear side of floppy disk is called safety notch or write protect notch.

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When the write protect notch is open, data can be read and written in the disk or data
can be deleted whereas closing the safety notch prevents writing data into the disk or
deleting data and virus infection also.
All the formatted floppy disks are divided into number of tracks and sectors.

Types of floppy disk:- There are two major types of floppy disk. They are-
I. Mini floppy disk
II. Micro floppy disk
3. Magnetic tape:- It is high speed large volume secondary storage media similar to
commonly used audio tape recorder cassettes. This is made up of plastic material
(mylar) which is coated with magnetic material. It is 0.5’’ wide and the length may vary
such as 50ft, 100ft, 200ft, 400ft, 600ft, 1200ft or 2400ft long and may have 7 to 9 tracks
depending upon the tape unit. It can store 256 to 6250 bytes per inch. First and last 20ft
of magnetic tape is not used for the data storage.
Magnetic tape is also called sequential storage media because data must be accessed
and stored sequentiallyi.e. to access last record, the read/write head must pass through
all previous records sequentially. Example: if you need to access 1000th record,
unnecessarily, the device has to read all through 999 records.
4. Optical disk:- An optical disk is a random access storage media made up of glass.
Information is written to or read from optical disk using laser beam or light. An optical
disk has very high storing capacity. Only one surface of optical disk is used for data
storage. An optical disk is relatively inexpensive and has a long lifespan at least 20 years.
The greatest drawback of optical disk is its slow average access time.
There are two types of optical disk. They are-

Computer peripheral:-Any device that is connected to computer except CPU and

memory is called computer peripheral. For example: monitor, printer, speaker, scanner,
keyboard, mouse, etc.

Software:- A group of instructions given to computer to perform specific task is called

program and a group of programs written for computer to perform specific task is called
software. It is totally logical parts of computer that cannot be seen or touched but we can take
result from it.

Types of software:-There are two major types of software. They are-

1. System software

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2. Application software
1. System software:- The software which is used to boot (start) the computer, manage
the computer and computer program to work properly is known as system software. It
provides an environment to run and develop the software.
There are 3 types of system software. They are-
i. Operating system
ii. Language processor
iii. Utility software
i. Operating system:- An operating system is a set of programs that controls overall
operation of computer. It acts as an interface between user, program and hardware.
Operating system is a silent partner when we use computer. It is a translator
between operator and hardware. It brings the life of computer. A computer is
nothing but a dead machine without operating system through which we cannot
communicate. MS-DOS, MS-windows, UNIX, LINUX, XENIX, etc. are the different
examples of it.
ii. Language processor:- The software which converts the program written in low level
and high level language into machine level language is called language processor. It
is also called translator or translating software. The different examples of language
processor are: Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter.
iii. Utility software:- The software which helps the computer to manage the files and
folders, checking viruses, keeping PC healthy and system setting is known as utility
software. It acts as doctor of computer and computer programs. PC tools, Scandisk,
Defragmentor, AVG, Avast, Panda, Dr. Solomon’s, Kaspersky, etc. are different
examples of it.
2. Application software:- The software written for special purpose in specific language
is known as application software. It also may be defined as interface between user and
system software to allow the user to perform certain task with respect to related
There are two types of application software. They are-
i. Customized or tailored software
ii. Generalized or packaged software
i. Customized or tailored software:- The software which is used to perform only one
kind of task is called customized software. This software are developed on the
demand of any organization or company by the programming expert. It is made in
programming language. High level languages such as C, C++, Java, FORTRAN,

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PASCAL, etc. are used to prepare customized software. GMACC, POS2004, MIDIPRO,
etc. are different common examples of it.
ii. Generalized or packaged software:- Those software through which many kinds of
related works can be performed is known as packaged software. It is set of pre-
written program developed by reputed software companies by a group of
developers. Microsoft, Adobe, macromedia, etc. are loading software companies for
the development of packaged software. These software are well tries and tested
software that saves money, effort and time for solving a problem. These are
relatively fast and easy to use. MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL, MS-Power point, Adobe page
maker, Adobe photoshop, word perfect, word star, etc. are different examples of it.

End User Applications:

An information system developed by an end user developer in order to support him/her in his/her work is
known as end user applications.
An application is any program, or group of programs, that is designed for the end
user. Applications software (also called end-user programs) include such things as database programs,
word processors, Web browsers and spreadsheets.

Computer System Management:

Computer management is the process of managing, monitoring and optimizing a computer system for
performance, availability, security and/or any base operational requirement.

It is broad term that includes manual and automated administrative processes in the operations of a

Computer management is also known as PC management or desktop management.

Computer management includes various tasks such as:

 Updating or patching a computer’s operating system with the latest updates and fixes
 Installing, configuring and executing anti-virus/anti-malware software on a computer to identify,
remove and provide protection against malicious attacks
 Managing all components on the computer in relation to drivers, permissions and basic
 Creating and managing users
 Troubleshooting hardware, software and/or network and Internet errors
 Using disk defragmentation and disk cleanup services to remove unnecessary data and improve
disk response
 Enabling, disabling and optimizing startup and background applications to increase/maintain
processing speed

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Foundations of Database Management:

A field is the property or attribute of a table. For example, S.N., Name and Height are fields.
The title name of the column that holds the data is known as field.
The collection of the data horizontally for each field is known as record. For example, there are 3 records
in the above table.
A table is a collection of records or group of records. A table contains a number of rows and columns.
An organized collection of related data or information, which are used for multipurpose is called
database. Database gives very useful information for an organization during data manipulation and
decision making. It provides a base or foundation for managing large volume of data in well organized
manner. For example: phone diary, result sheet, customer records, price list, address book, etc.
Importance Of Database:
1) Database can store the data for the long time.
2) Computerized database save time while searching specific data.
3) Computerized database protects from unauthorized access.
4) Databases are designed to handle large amount of data efficiently.
5) Database can perform many processes very quickly such as sorting records in alphabetical order.
6) Database allows the sharing of data. Data can be stored once and accessed by many different
DBMS (Database Management System):
A DBMS is a set of programs that manages the database files. The DBMS allows accessing the
files, updating records, and retrieving data as an interface between the application program and data in the
database. Example: Microsoft Access, Oracle, MYSQL, SQL Server, Sybase, FOXpro, FOXbase, etc.
Objective of DBMS:
1) Making access to the data easy for the user.
2) Provides quick response to the user’s request for the data.
3) Eliminate redundant (duplicate) data from the database.
4) Allow multiple users to share the database at one time.
5) Provides data security by protecting data from unauthorized access.
6) To provide storage area for mass amount of relevant data.
7) To make the latest modification to the database available immediately.

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Advantages of DBMS
1) Sharing Data: Data stored in a database can be shared. It refers to the capacity that makes data
simultaneously accessible by many users without any interference.
2) Reduced data Redundancy: The same data may be duplicated at many times or places, is called
data redundancy, DBMS reduces such type of duplication of data from database.
3) Data backup and recovery: DBMS provides backup facilities to store data for future use. If any
files or data lost in any computer, it is possible to restore them from database server.
4) Data Security: In database system unauthorized person cannot access data from database,
although various departments may store data in database, access to specific information that can
be limited to selected users.
5) Multiple User Interface: DBMS provides variety of interfaces for various users. It provides
every language interface, form and command interfaces easily with the database.
6) Concurrent access of data: Concurrent access means access of the same data simultaneously by
more than one user. A data can be shared among the several different users. DBMS supports
concurrent access of data.
7) Process Complex Query: It provides different methods such as view, trigger, index, etc. to
process complex queries.
Disadvantages of DBMS:
1) Initial investment is high for implementing DBMS.
2) Proper training is required for staff to work properly in the database system.
3) When some fault occurs in one part of the database it affects the other part as well.
4) It is difficult to understand and implement.
5) Overhead cost for providing security, recovery and integrity functions.
6) Cost for maintenance of the hardware, software, backup and its upgrade remain forever.
7) Problem arises if the database designers and DBA do not work properly to design the database
or if the database application systems are not implemented properly.
Functions of DBMS:
The major functions of DBMS are as follows:
1. Creating database file:
Before we store data in database, it is necessary to define the structure of the database by
specifying the required table, field name, field types, field width validation rules for the fields
etc. then we can save the file as database file.
2. Entering database record:
After the database has been created, we need to enter data in the database.
3. Deleting records:
DBMS is used to delete the unnecessary records from the database.
4. Updating records:
Another function of the DBMS is to modify the existing records according to the requirements of
the users.
5. Sorting the database records:

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After the database records are stored in the database, the users need to arrange the records in
order. It can be done on the basis of numerical or alphabetical in ascending or descending
6. Searching records:
DBMS searches the specific record according to the user’s need. The database contains lot of
records but the user does not need all the records at once. The DBMS searches the required
records and presents it to the users.
7. Merging database file: DBMS is used to merge the records from two different files into a single
database file.
8. Copying records:
It is used to make duplicate copy of the complete database or copy only required record to the
next database file.
9. Printing records:
DBMS is also used to print the required records for the reports.
10. Backup Database:
It is also used to back up the database file for the recovery of the database from the accidental
data loss or corruption.
11. Provide security to data:
DBMS protects the file and data in the database from the unauthorized access or modification.
Database Model:
A database model is a collection of conceptual tools for describing data and its relationships.
Similarly, it is an organizing principle that specifies particular mechanism for data storage and retrieval.
The data models can be classified in the following categories:
1. Hierarchical database model:
It is one of the oldest database models. This model arranges the files used in the database in top-
down structures which is similar to an upside-down tree.


Science Humanities Management

Computer Physics Chemistry Biology

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In above examples, RJU is the top-level record which is called the root. The records computer,
physics, chemistry and biology are the bottom level records and are also called leaves. The
records that are in between root and leaves are called intermediate records. Each intermediate
record has a parent record and one or more child records.

2. Network model:
The network database model looks similar to the hierarchical model but it is more flexible to
access the data. Unlike, the hierarchical model, each child can be linked with more than one
parents. So, the records can be accessed from more than one parent which are linked. The model
is more flexible and has multidimensional connections.


Science Examination Library

Faculties Books Students

5. Relational Model:
In relational database model, the data is organized into tables which contain multiple rows and
columns. These tables are called relations. A row in a table represents a relationship, it is
generally referred to the mathematical term relation, from which the relational database model
derives its name.
We notice from below table (student and subject), here each student has a unique roll
number and has marks of Math, English and Computer. Here, Roll makes relation between these
two tables.

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Table: Student Table: Subject

Roll Name
Roll Math English Computer
1 Hari
1 80 90 95
2 Sita
2 90 80 85
3 Ram
3 95 95 95
For example, if we make relation between student and subject, we get following:

Roll Name Math English Computer

1 Hari 80 90 95
2 Sita 90 80 85
3 Ram 95 95 95

Centralized vs Distributed Database System

Centralized database system

Client 1
Client 2


Client 4 Client 3
Fig.: Centralized Database System

As shown in above figure, centralized database works in a client server system.

The centralized database has one central computer called database server, to store the data and files and
it provides services to all the clients in the networks. Only the central computer or database server is
responsible for processing the data. Data receive is not very difficult and security is also not so crucial
part as DBA is there as a controller of the whole database. All the rules and security mechanism have
been applied only to adatabase server. All the clients are responsible for just presenting the records to
the users in the format they desire. The client server never processes the data. It is suitable for small
organization which has different parts.

Distributed Database

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In a distributed database system, the database is stored on several computers. Distributed

databases are databases located at different places. They facilitate easy access of data from any location.
It has problem of control of security, increased problem of control of database and need more computer
resources. It can manage by people with functional knowledge. This model of processing occurs more
expense with limited security, control and protection of data.

Client 1 Client 1 Client 2

Client 2 N/W

Database Server

Kathmandu London
Client 4 Client 3
Client 4 Client 3

Client 1 Client 2


New Delhi Client 3

Client 4

Database Administrator (DBA)

In any organization, a chief administrator is needed to oversee and manage the resources of
database because the same data resources of the database are shared by all the staffs and users. Such a
chief person, who is assigned to take care database and DBMS software is called Database
Administrator. or simply, a DBA is a person who is responsible for maintaining the DBMS or RDBMS in
an organization.
A DBA is a person who has central control of both data and programs that occurs those data
over the system.

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Responsibilities of a DBA:
Although DBA has many duties to do, he/she is mainly responsible for authorizing access to the database,
for coordinating and monitoring its uses and for acquiring software and hardware resources as needed.
The DBA makes sure that the database is protected from physical harm, virus, hacker and data loss is
minimized by maintaining data security. The main responsibilities of DBA are as follows:
i. installing and upgrading database server.
ii. maintaining the database server and tuning accordingly.
iii. using the database storage properly.
iv. performing backup and recovery.
v. managing database users and security.
vi. working with program developer.
vii. transferring data from one computer to another.
viii. scheduling jobs and events.
ix. DBA provides different facilities for data retrieving and making reports as required.
x. DBA supervising all the activities in the system: the addition, modification and deletion data from
the database.
Quality of a good DBA
i. The DBA should have depth knowledge of OS in which database server is running.
ii. S/he should have sound knowledge of SQL.
iii. S/he should have sound knowledge of database design.
iv. S/he should have sound knowledge of network architecture.
v. Good knowledge of database server.
SQL (Structural Query Language):
SQL stands for Structural Query Language. It is an international standard database query language for
accessing and managing data in the database. SQL was introduced and developed by IBM in early 1970s.
IBM was able to demonstrate SQL which could be used to control relational databases. SQL is not a
complete programming language; it is only used for communicating with database. It provides the
platform which allows the user to query a database without getting depth knowledge of the design of the
underlying table. SQL has statements for data control. (A query is a request to the DBMS for the
retrieval, modification, insertion and deletion of data from the database).
SQL is made of three sub languages:
i. DDL:
DDL stands for ‘Data Definition Language’. DDL is used by the database designers and
programmers to specify the contents and structure of the table. It is used to define physical
characteristics of records. It includes the commands that manipulate the objects such as views,
Tables, indexes, etc. Examples of these commands are CREATE, ALTER, DROP, RENAME, etc.
DDL statements are used to create, rename, modify and drop database and database objects like
table, user defined datatype, index, views, etc.

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To create a table,
CREATE table table name (field1 data type, field2 data type, ………);
E.g.: CREATE table Student (SId Number (4), Name CHAR (25));
ii. DML:
DML stands for ‘Data Manipulation Language ‘. DML is related with manipulation records such
as insertion, sorting, displaying and deletion of records or data. It helps user to use query and
display records of the table. So, it provides the techniques for the database. It includes the
commands to manipulate the information stored in the database. Examples of these commands
To insert records into a table
INSERT into table VALUES (List of variables);
INSERT into Student values (22’RAM’);
To display records from a tableSELECT Fields”From table name “,
SELECT Sid, Name from Student;
iii. DCL:
DCL stands for Data Control Language. DCL provides additional features for security
table/database. It includes commands for controlling data and access to the databases. Examples
of these commands are COMMIT, ROLLBACK, GRANT, etc.
Data Dictionary:
A data dictionary is a file which contains meta-data that is data about data. It is also called Information
System Catalogue. It keeps all the information about the database system such as location, size of the
database, tables, records, fields, users, information, privileges, backup system and recovery system, etc. It
also defines the data types for each field, etc.
Data Security:
Data Security is protection of data in database system against unauthorized access, modification, failure,
losses or destruction. The authorized access means only right people can get the right access to the right
data. There are different causes of database physical destruction such as fire, water, heat, dust, power
failure, theft, etc. It might be accidental loss of physical damage in computer system. In order to protect
from such damages database is stored in different disk. Different types of data and recovery and data
locking techniques are used for the data security.
Data Security is the protection of data i.e., presenting the loss of data or misuse, discover or
unwanted modification of data.

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Data Integrity:
Data integrity refers to maintaining and assuring the accuracy and consistency of data over its entire life
cycle. It is an important feature of a database or RDBMS system. Data integrity means that the data
contained in the database is accurate and reliable.
Data integrity is normally enforced in a database system by a series of integrity constraints or rules.
These types of integrity constraints are an inherent part of the relational data model.
The term data integrity refers to validity of data contained in a database. Data integrity can be reduced in
many ways including input typing errors, hardware malfunction, and data transmission errors. To avoid
the data integrity errors, database program should use data validation procedures, which define
acceptable ranges for each field in record. If user tries to input data is out of this range, an error
message is displayed.

Data Resource Management:

Data are a vital organizational resource that needs to be managed like other important business assets. Today's
business enterprises can not survive or succeed without quality data about their internal operations and external
With each online mouse click, either a fresh bit of data is created or already-stored data are retrieved from all those E-
commerce websites, filled with data-rich photos, stock graphs, and music videos. And the thousands of new web pages
created each day need a safe, stable managed environment to hang out. All that's on top of the heavy demand for
industrial-strength data storage already in use by s co res of big corporations. What's driving the growth is a crushing
imperative for corporations to analyze every bit of information they can extract from their huge data warehouses for
competitive advantage. That I have turned the data storage and management function into a key strategic role of the
information age

That's why organizations and their managers need to practice data resource management, a managerial activity that
applies information systems technologies like database management, data warehousing, and other data
management tools to the task of managing an organization's data resources to meet the information needs of
their business stakeholders.

What is enterprise networking?

An enterprise network consists of physical and virtual networks and protocols that serve the dual
purpose of connecting all users and systems on a local area network (LAN) to applications in the data
center and cloud as well as facilitating access to network data and analytics.

In a LAN, multiple local computing devices are connected together via switches, routers, and ethernet or
WIFI connections to share applications and data. Users typically need to establish accounts for secure
access. Enterprises often run VPN software that encrypts user data when connecting to websites or servers
outside of a LAN. In addition, firewall software is used to inspect and control network traffic, both
between the LAN and the wider world (north-south) and, increasingly, within the network itself (east-wes

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MIS555: Management Information System MBA 2th Semester|Rajrshi Janak University

Enterprise networking benefits

Every enterprise needs a unique networking solution that supports the organization’s workflow,
production processes, consumer demand, logistics, etc. With the right network, organizations can achieve:

 Increased efficiency through collaboration: Employees can work together on shared resources remotely
or in an office, factory, or campus.
 Controlled access to company's resources: Organizations can deliver connectivity to applications and
data that’s controlled and secured by perimeter and internal firewalls.
 Higher productivity: Modern networking can dramatically improve employee productivity.
 Lower costs: The combination of server and network virtualization enables businesses to maximize the
efficient allocation of resources across on-premises and cloud infrastructure. Enterprise networking
includes solutions for analytics, monitoring, and security that can be installed to further optimize ongoing
business operations.

Telecommunications is a highly technical, rapidly changing field of information systems technology.
Most end users do not need a detailed knowledge of its technical characteristics. However, they need a
basic understanding and appreciation for some of the important characteristics of the basic components of
telecommunications networks.
Generally, a communications network is any arrangement where a sender transmits a message to
a receiver over a channel consisting of some type of medium. A simple conceptual model of
a telecommunications network, which shows that it consists of five basic categories of components:


Terminals are any input/output devices that use telecommunications networks to transmit or receive data.
They include:

1. Video Terminals

2. Microcomputers

3. Telephones

4. Office Equipment

5. Transaction Terminals

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MIS555: Management Information System MBA 2th Semester|Rajrshi Janak University

2.Telecommunications Processors

Support data transmission and reception between terminals and computers. They include:

1. Modems

2. Switches

3. Routers

3. Telecommunications Channels

Telecommunications channels are the part of a telecommunications network that connects the message
source with the message receiver. They include the physical equipment used to connect one location to
another for the purpose of transmitting and receiving information. Data are transmitted and received over
channels, which use a variety of telecommunications media. Media include:

1. Copper Wires

2. Coaxial Cables

3. Fiber Optic Cables

4. Microwave Systems

5. Communications Satellites

4. Computers

Telecommunications networks interconnect computers of all sizes and types. They include:

1. Host Computers (mainframes)

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MIS555: Management Information System MBA 2th Semester|Rajrshi Janak University

2. Front-End Processors (minicomputers)

3. Network Servers (microcomputers)

5. Telecommunications Control Software

Consists of programs that control telecommunications activities and manage the functions of
telecommunications networks. They include:

1. Telecommunications Monitors (mainframe host computers)

2. Network Operating Systems (microcomputer network servers)

3. Communications Packages (microcomputers)


There are many different types of telecommunications networks. However, from an end user point of
view, there are only a few basic types, such as:

Wide area networks
Local area networks
Virtual private networks
Client/server networks
Network Computing
Peer-to-peer networks

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