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Part One: Opinion

Do you think that indoor parties are better than outdoor parties?
Write at least TWO sentences:

Part Two: Plan

Write a plan for your essay in the space provided below:

Include information about:

 who the party is for

 why you want to have a party
 some things you need to consider when planning the party
Part Three: Essay
Imagine you are planning a party for a friend or family member.
Include information about:

 who the party is for

 why you want to have the party
 some things you need to consider when planning the party

Write at least 100 words in paragraphs.

MAZE (1)
Circle the correct answer
Have you ever (1) ___________ to the zoo? Zoos are places where people can see wild
animals. They are a great way to (2) ___________ about different animals from all over the
world. At the zoo, you can see animals that live on land, in the water, and even in the air! Zoos
also help to (3) ___________ animals that are endangered. This means that there are not
many of them left in the wild. By visiting the zoo, you can help to (4) ___________ these

1. Have you ever _______ to the zoo?

 (a) went
 (b) gone
 (c) goed
 (d) goedt

2. Zoos are places where people can see _______ animals.

 (a) wild
 (b) tame
 (c) small
 (d) cute

3. Zoos help to _______ animals that are endangered.

 (a) teach
 (b) play with
 (c) protect
 (d) ignore

4. By visiting the zoo, you can help to _______ these animals.

 (a) forget
 (b) save
 (c) lose
 (d) hurt
Maze (2)
Circle the correct answer

Danger in the Forest

Greenwood Forest is a large forest in the northern region which is an important habitat for

many species of animals. Many animals use this forest as their natural home. However,

deforestation and illegal (1) fishing, logging, farming have created many problems. Recently,

scientists who (2) visit, visiting, visited the forest have returned to warn of the effects.

According to their reports, some areas of the forest have (3) completely, partially, barely

disappeared. There is a lot of concern about the effects on the animal population here. Some

species of animals might leave the forest, (4) possibly, certainly, definitely never to return.

Now, these scientists warn that this deforestation must (5) increase, continue, be stopped in

the next ten years. The local government has stated that more must be done to (6) protect,

destroy, neglect this natural habitat. They announced that new policies (7) has been, will be,

was being enforced to help protect the forest and its wildlife.

One scientist said, "If we (8) take, took, taking action now, we can mitigate the effects of

climate change. That is very clear." If we save these forests, we (9) would, will, could help to

protect this area for future generations. This is another example of how we need to work

together to (10) harm, pollute, save the environment.

Reading Comprehension

(A)Read the text below and answer the questions after it:

Adventure in the Desert

Ahmed and Faris were experienced adventurers. While exploring the vast desert of Rub' al
Khali, they stumbled upon an ancient ruin partially buried in the sand. This site had been a
mystery for years. This time, when they were studying the ancient inscriptions on the walls,
they noticed a series of symbols leading towards a hidden chamber. Ahmed said to Faris, "This
could be the key to unlocking the secrets of the old civilization."

Excited, they decided to follow the symbols. The symbols led them to an underground tunnel.
The tunnel was dark and damp, with an eerie silence surrounding them. Ahmed and Faris
carefully made their way through, using their torches to light the way. As they walked, they
discussed the possible treasures and artifacts they might find.

After what felt like hours, they reached a large chamber. In the center of the chamber was a
pedestal with a golden box on it. Faris approached the box cautiously. "Should we open it?" he
asked. Ahmed nodded, and together, they lifted the lid. Inside, they found ancient scrolls and
maps, documenting the history and culture of the lost civilization.

"These documents are priceless!" Ahmed exclaimed. "We need to take these back to the
university for further study." Faris agreed, and they carefully packed the scrolls and maps.

As they were about to leave, they heard a rumbling noise. The tunnel behind them began to
collapse. "We need to get out of here, now!" Ahmed shouted. They ran as fast as they could,
narrowly escaping the falling debris. They emerged into the bright sunlight, breathless but

"That was close," Faris said, looking back at the collapsed tunnel. Ahmed nodded, holding up
the scrolls. "But it was worth it. We've made a significant discovery today."

They both smiled, knowing their adventure had only just begun.
Comprehension Questions

1. Ahmed and Faris knew about the ancient ruin because they _______.
o a) found a map
o b) heard stories about it
o c) discovered symbols on the walls
o d) read about it in a book
2. They needed someone to teach them how to _______.
o a) read the ancient symbols
o b) navigate the desert
o c) use their torches
o d) pack the scrolls safely
3. They found a golden box containing _______.
o a) ancient scrolls and maps
o b) precious jewels
o c) old coins
o d) historical artifacts
4. What happened as they were about to leave the chamber?
o a) They found another hidden passage
o b) The tunnel began to collapse
o c) They were attacked by animals
o d) They discovered more treasures
5. What did Ahmed and Faris plan to do with the scrolls and maps?
o a) Sell them to a museum
o b) Take them back to the university
o c) Keep them as souvenirs
o d) Hide them from others
(B)Read the text below and answer the questions after it:

The Wonders of the Rainforest

Hello, my name is Emily, and I have chosen to write about the rainforest for my English
project. I picked the rainforest because it's a fascinating and important ecosystem. There are
many types of rainforests, but I am most interested in the Amazon Rainforest. This rainforest is
home to a diverse range of plants and animals, many of which are not found anywhere else on

One thing that amazed me about the rainforest is the canopy. The canopy is like a roof made
up of treetops, and it is so thick that only a little sunlight reaches the forest floor. This creates
a unique environment where only certain plants and animals can live. I read about a plant
called the “corpse flower” which blooms here. It’s one of the largest flowers in the world and
has a very strong smell.

I asked my teacher for advice on how to present my project, and she suggested I include some
pictures of the animals and plants I mentioned. I found some beautiful images of colorful
birds, frogs, and flowers. I plan to put these pictures in my report and explain what makes
each one special.

I also learned about the threats facing the rainforest. Deforestation is a huge problem because
it destroys the habitat of many animals and plants. Logging, farming, and construction are the
main causes of deforestation. It made me realize how important it is to protect these
wonderful places.

My project also includes some ideas on how we can help save the rainforest. For example, we
can support organizations that work to protect the rainforest, and we can be careful about the
products we buy, making sure they are sustainably sourced.

I hope my classmates will find my project interesting and learn something new about the
rainforest. I am excited to share what I have discovered!
Comprehension Questions

1. Why did Emily choose to write about the rainforest?

o a. Because it is the only place she has visited.
o b. Because it is a fascinating and important ecosystem.
o c. Because her teacher suggested it.
2. What is the canopy in the rainforest?
o a. The floor of the rainforest.
o b. A type of animal living in the rainforest.
o c. A roof made up of tree tops.
3. What did Emily find amazing about the canopy?
o a. It allows a lot of sunlight to reach the forest floor.
o b. It creates a unique environment where certain plants and animals can live.
o c. It is very easy to walk through.
4. What is the "corpse flower" known for?
o a. Its pleasant fragrance.
o b. Being one of the largest flowers in the world.
o c. Growing only in deserts.
5. What advice did Emily’s teacher give her for the project?
o a. To include some pictures of the animals and plants.
o b. To write a longer report.
o c. To visit the rainforest.
6. What are the main causes of deforestation mentioned in the passage?
o a. Earthquakes and floods.
o b. Logging, farming, and construction.
o c. Tourism and fishing.
7. How can we help save the rainforest according to Emily?
o a. By planting more trees in our backyards.
o b. By supporting organizations that protect the rainforest and buying sustainably
sourced products.
o c. By visiting the rainforest more often.
8. How does Emily feel about sharing her project with her classmates?
o a. Nervous and unsure.
o b. Excited and hopeful they will learn something new.
o c. Bored and indifferent.
9. Emily will probably connect the story to the theme of _________ in her English project.
o wildlife
o photography
o sustainability
10. Overall, the text is mostly about describing: _______.
o why we have animals and plants
o how people can care for the environment
o a personal experience about wildlife
(C) Read the text below and answer the questions after it:

The Wonders of the Rainforest

Hello, my name is Emily, and I have chosen to write about the rainforest for my English
project. I picked the rainforest because it's a fascinating and important ecosystem. There are
many types of rainforests, but I am most interested in the Amazon Rainforest. This rainforest is
home to a diverse range of plants and animals, many of which are not found anywhere else on

One thing that amazed me about the rainforest is the canopy. The canopy is like a roof made
up of treetops, and it is so thick that only a little sunlight reaches the forest floor. This creates
a unique environment where only certain plants and animals can live. I read about a plant
called the “corpse flower” which blooms here. It’s one of the largest flowers in the world and
has a very strong smell.

I asked my teacher for advice on how to present my project, and she suggested I include some
pictures of the animals and plants I mentioned. I found some beautiful images of colorful
birds, frogs, and flowers. I plan to put these pictures in my report and explain what makes
each one special.

I also learned about the threats facing the rainforest. Deforestation is a huge problem because
it destroys the habitat of many animals and plants. Logging, farming, and construction are the
main causes of deforestation. It made me realize how important it is to protect these
wonderful places.

My project also includes some ideas on how we can help save the rainforest. For example, we
can support organizations that work to protect the rainforest, and we can be careful about the
products we buy, making sure they are sustainably sourced.

I hope my classmates will find my project interesting and learn something new about the
rainforest. I am excited to share what I have discovered!
(1) The first paragraph is mostly about:
o What Emily did to prepare for her English project
o How Emily felt about her English project
o Why Emily chose her topic for the English project
(2) The second paragraph is mostly about:
o why the canopy is very useful
o types of plants that live in the canopy
o Emily’s ideas for the project
(3) The third paragraph is mostly about:
o Emily’s plants and animals
o what Emily wants to do for her English project
o how Emily will write up her report

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