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S c i e n c e T r a n s l at i o n a l M e d i c i n e | R e s e a r c h A r t i c l e

INFECTIOUS DISEASES Copyright © 2024 The

Authors, some rights
Primary exposure to Zika virus is linked with increased reserved; exclusive
licensee American
risk of symptomatic dengue virus infection with Association for the
Advancement of
serotypes 2, 3, and 4, but not 1 Science. No claim to
original U.S.
Government Works
José Victor Zambrana1,2†, Chloe M. Hasund3†, Rosemary A. Aogo3†, Sandra Bos4, Sonia Arguello1,
Karla Gonzalez1,5, Damaris Collado1, Tatiana Miranda1, Guillermina Kuan1,6, Aubree Gordon2,
Angel Balmaseda1,5, Leah C. Katzelnick3*, Eva Harris4*

Infection with any of the four dengue virus serotypes (DENV1–4) can protect against or enhance subsequent dengue
depending on preexisting antibodies and infecting serotype. Additionally, primary infection with the related flavivirus
Zika virus (ZIKV) is associated with increased risk of DENV2 disease. Here, we measured how prior DENV and ZIKV im-
munity influenced risk of disease caused by DENV1–4 in a pediatric Nicaraguan cohort. Of 3412 participants in 2022,
10.6% experienced dengue cases caused by DENV1 (n = 139), DENV4 (n = 133), DENV3 (n = 54), DENV2 (n = 9), or an
undetermined serotype (n = 39). Longitudinal clinical and serological data were used to define infection histories, and
generalized linear and additive models adjusted for age, sex, time since last infection, and year, and repeat measure-
ments were used to predict disease risk. Compared with flavivirus-­naïve participants, primary ZIKV infection was associ-
ated with increased risk of disease caused by DENV4 (relative risk = 2.62, 95% confidence interval: 1.48 to 4.63) and

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DENV3 (2.90, 1.34 to 6.27), but not DENV1 infection. Primary DENV infection or DENV followed by ZIKV infection was also
associated with increased risk of DENV4 disease. We reanalyzed 19 years of cohort data and demonstrated that prior
flavivirus immunity and antibody titer had distinct associations with disease risk depending on incoming serotype. We
thus find that prior ZIKV infection, like prior DENV infection, is associated with increased risk of disease with certain
DENV serotypes. Cross-­reactivity among flaviviruses should be considered when assessing vaccine safety and efficacy.

INTRODUCTION through the Fcγ receptor, improving infection efficiency and activating
Dengue virus, composed of four distinct serotypes (DENV1–4), and target immune cells (14, 15). Increased risk of future dengue disease
Zika virus (ZIKV) are antigenically related, mosquito-­borne flavivi- severity after a DENV infection is well established (11, 14, 16), and two
ruses that cause a substantial global health burden (1–3). Both flavivi- studies have reported an association between prior ZIKV infection and
ruses are transmitted by female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, co-­circulate DENV2 disease risk (17, 18). This last finding is consistent with some
in many countries, and cause major epidemics worldwide (1). DENV studies in macaques exposed to ZIKV and then DENV2, which have
and ZIKV infection each induce antibodies that cross-­react with the shown increased viremia compared with ZIKV-­naïve macaques (19,
other viruses, but how these antibodies modulate subsequent disease 20). It is unclear whether primary ZIKV infection modulates second-
risk has only been partially elucidated (4, 5). ary dengue caused by other serotypes.
After a DENV or ZIKV infection, neutralizing antibodies at high Symptomatic and severe disease occur more frequently in sec-
titers are observed to provide long-­lasting protection against the infect- ondary DENV2 and DENV4 infections as compared with DENV1
ing virus, a phenomenon termed homotypic protection (6). Cross-­ and DENV3 infections (10, 11, 21–24). In line with this observation,
reactive neutralizing antibodies can provide protection against an a higher neutralizing antibody titer is needed to protect against
incoming heterotypic infection (7–9). However, DENV infection also symptomatic DENV2 versus other serotypes (9, 23, 25). We previ-
elicits low-­to-­intermediate cross-­reactive antibody titers, which can ously showed that a broad range of preexisting anti-­DENV binding
increase risk of a symptomatic infection and enhance disease severity antibody titers is associated with increased DENV2 disease, low ti-
in a subsequent DENV infection with a different serotype (10–13). ters can enhance DENV3, and high titers protect against disease
This increased risk has been attributed to a phenomenon known as caused by DENV1 and DENV3 (18). Less is known about the effect
antibody-­dependent enhancement, whereby non-­neutralizing or of preexisting antibody titers on disease caused by DENV4.
poorly neutralizing antibodies facilitate DENV entry into host cells In 2022, all four DENV serotypes co-­circulated in Nicaragua, which
includes populations affected by the 2016 Zika epidemic (26). This large
2022 dengue epidemic (n = 374 cases) in the Nicaraguan Pediatric Co-
hort Study enabled us to evaluate whether prior ZIKV and DENV infec-
Sustainable Sciences Institute, Managua 14006, Nicaragua. 2Department of Epide-
miology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA. tions modulate risk of secondary dengue caused by DENV1, DENV3,
Viral Epidemiology and Immunity Unit, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, National or DENV4. We also evaluated whether individuals with a prior DENV
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, infection followed by a ZIKV infection (DENV-­ZIKV) had similar out-
MD 20892-­3203, USA. 4Division of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, School of
Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-­3370, USA.
comes as individuals with a primary ZIKV infection followed by DENV
Laboratorio Nacional de Virología, Centro Nacional de Diagnóstico y Referencia, infection (ZIKV-­DENV), a group we had not been able to evaluate in
Ministerio de Salud, Managua 14062, Nicaragua. 6Centro de Salud Sócrates Flores the Nicaraguan cohort until now. Furthermore, we measured the effect
Vivas, Ministerio de Salud, Managua 12037, Nicaragua. of flavivirus immunity and preexisting DENV antibody titers on symp-
*Corresponding author. Email: leah.​katzelnick@​nih.​gov (L.C.K.); eharris@​berkeley.​
edu (E.H.) tomatic DENV1–4 infection over 19 years of cohort data and performed
†These authors contributed equally to this work. a mediation analysis to examine the relative contribution of antibody

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S c i e n c e T r a n s l at i o n a l M e d i c i n e | R e s e a r c h A r t i c l e

titers to the relationship between infection history and DENV infection continuously since 2004 (table S1). In 2022, for the first time since the
outcome. Last, we evaluated the long-­term antibody kinetics in indi- cohort was established, all four DENV serotypes were detected in cases
viduals with varied flavivirus infection histories. circulating simultaneously (Fig. 1A). A total of 10.6% of all participants
experienced symptomatic DENV infections; 374 cases met the dengue
case definition and were confirmed by real-­time reverse transcriptase
RESULTS polymerase chain reaction (rRT-­PCR) or paired acute and convales-
All four DENV serotypes co-­circulated during the 2022–2023 cent serology of the 3412 active cohort participants with complete in-
dengue epidemic in Nicaragua fection histories. Most infections were caused by DENV1 (n = 139)
The Pediatric Dengue Cohort Study has followed ~4000 participants and DENV4 (n = 133), followed by DENV3 (n = 54) and DENV2
ages 2 to 17 years for arbovirus infection in Managua, Nicaragua, (n = 9), and a subset were confirmed by serology (n = 39) (Table 1).

A Dengue and Zika cases


Number of cases


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2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

B Infection history distribution by year

Frequency (N)

Infection history





















C DENV titer distribution by year


Frequency (N)

DENV iELISA titers

2000 21−80






















Fig. 1. Nicaragua experienced a large dengue epidemic in 2022–2023 with co-­circulation of all four serotypes. (A to C) Monthly dengue and Zika cases (A), the
proportion of individuals with various infection histories (B), and DENV iELISA titer distributions (C) by epidemic year in the Pediatric Dengue Cohort Study (2004 to 2022).

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S c i e n c e T r a n s l at i o n a l M e d i c i n e | R e s e a r c h A r t i c l e

Table 1. Characteristics of participants in the Pediatric Dengue Cohort Study with documented infection histories in 2022–2023.
population DENV cases
Overall, DENV1, DENV2, DENV3, DENV4, Dengue serol-
Variable N = 3564* N = 374* N = 139* N = 9* N = 54* N = 133* ogy, N = 39* P value†

Age 10.4 (4.0) 11.0 (3.6) 10.6 (3.8) 10.2 (4.7) 11.1 (3.7) 11.9 (3.3) 9.7 (3.3) 0.003
Sex 0.2
Female 1768 (50%) 193 (52%) 64 (46%) 4 (44%) 25 (46%) 78 (59%) 22 (56%)
Male 1794 (50%) 179 (48%) 74 (54%) 5 (56%) 29 (54%) 54 (41%) 17 (44%)
DHF/DSS 3 (<0.1%) 3 (0.8%) 1 (0.7%) 0 (0%) 2 (3.7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0.2
DwWS/SD 57 (1.6%) 57 (15%) 27 (19%) 1 (11%) 4 (7.4%) 23 (17%) 2 (5.1%) 0.076
Time since last 5.5 (3.0) 5.81 (2.87) 5.90 (3.01) 6.25 (3.65) 6.41 (2.97) 5.35 (2.73) 6.18 (2.33) 0.049
Geometric 665 (1985) 390 (1400) 314 (1263) 6 (11) 58 (198) 684 (1876) 154 (563) <0.001
mean titer
 Naïve 1559 (46%) 123 (35%) 55 (43%) 4 (50%) 19 (37%) 24 (19%) 21 (62%)

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 DENV-­ 113 (3.3%) 12 (3.4%) 3 (2.3%) 0 (0%) 4 (7.8%) 4 (3.1%) 1 (2.9%)
 DENV 299 (8.8%) 33 (9.5%) 11 (8.6%) 0 (0%) 1 (2.0%) 20 (16%) 1 (2.9%)
ZIKV 742 (22%) 110 (32%) 37 (29%) 4 (50%) 21 (41%) 41 (32%) 7 (21%)
 DENV-­DENV 63 (1.8%) 12 (3.4%) 7 (5.5%) 0 (0%) 1 (2.0%) 4 (3.1%) 0 (0%)
 DENV-­ZIKV 174 (5.1%) 25 (7.2%) 6 (4.7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 17 (13%) 2 (5.9%)
ZIKV-­DENV 334 (9.8%) 25 (7.2%) 7 (5.5%) 0 (0%) 4 (7.8%) 13 (10%) 1 (2.9%)
2+DENV 56 (1.6%) 2 (0.6%) 1 (0.8%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.8%) 0 (0%)
2+DENV-­ZIKV 43 (1.3%) 6 (1.7%) 1 (0.8%) 0 (0%) 1 (2.0%) 3 (2.4%) 1 (2.9%)
 DENV-­ZIKV-­ 3 (<0.1%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
ZIKV-­DENV-­ 15 (0.4%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
2+DENV-­ 11 (0.3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

*Mean (SD); n (%).   †Kruskal-­Wallis rank sum test; Fisher’s exact test.

Before the 2022–2023 epidemic in Nicaragua, the ZIKV pandemic 9.4%] for the flavivirus-­naïve group, our reference group, and was sig-
affected the cohort in 2016, followed by a large DENV2 epidemic in nificantly higher for participants with one prior ZIKV infection (risk:
2019, with minimal flavivirus circulation observed between these epi- 14.8%, 95% CI: 12.5 to 17.6%, P < 0.001), two prior DENV infections
demics. Furthermore, DENV2 was the only serotype detected in cases (DENV-­DENV) (19.0, 11.4 to 31.7%, P = 0.001), and one prior DENV
between 2014 and 2021. Thus, based on the young ages of the cohort, and then ZIKV infection (DENV-­ ZIKV) (14.4%, 10.0 to 20.7%,
nearly half of the participants (n = 48.6%) were only ever exposed to P = 0.003) (fig. S1). We were unable to calculate risk for some of the
ZIKV or DENV2. In 2022, 45.7% of the cohort were flavivirus naïve, more complex infection histories, including those with different se-
21.7% had experienced only a prior ZIKV infection, 8.8% had only quences of DENV and ZIKV infections followed by DENV infection
had one prior DENV infection, and 23.8% had experienced different (DENV-­ZIKV-­2+DENV, ZIKV-­DENV-­DENV, and 2+DENV-­ZIKV-­
combinations of DENV and ZIKV infections (Fig. 1B). DENV sero- DENV) because of low numbers of individuals in these groups and
positivity and population anti-­DENV antibody titers declined after lack of any symptomatic DENV infections (Table 1).
the DENV3 epidemic in 2009 to 2011, titers increased after the ZIKV
epidemic in 2016, and seropositivity and titers increased again after Primary ZIKV infection is associated with risk of
the DENV2 epidemic in 2019 to 2020 (Fig. 1, B and C). symptomatic DENV2, DENV3, and DENV4 infection,
but not DENV1
Prior DENV or ZIKV infections increased the crude risk of To investigate the role of infection history on outcome by serotype,
dengue cases we first evaluated whether primary ZIKV infection was associated
During the 2022–2023 dengue epidemic, the overall risk of experienc- with the risk of symptomatic infections caused by DENV1, DENV3,
ing a dengue case was 7.8% [95% confidence interval (CI): 6.7 to and DENV4 during the 2022–2023 epidemic. Only nine DENV2

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S c i e n c e T r a n s l at i o n a l M e d i c i n e | R e s e a r c h A r t i c l e

cases were detected in 2022; thus, we could not analyze DENV2 case models (GLMMs) adjusted for age, sex, time since last infection,
risk by infection histories. Using log-­binomial generalized linear and cohort epidemic year, with clustering at the individual level to
models (GLMs) adjusted for age, sex, and time since last infection, account for repeat measurements. Similar to observations for the
we found that primary ZIKV infection was associated with signifi- 2022–2023 epidemic, we found that compared with flavivirus-­naïve
cantly increased risk of symptomatic DENV infection compared individuals, a prior ZIKV infection was associated with significantly
with flavivirus-­naïve individuals [risk ratio (RR) = 1.61, 95% CI: increased risk of symptomatic dengue overall (RR = 1.87, 95% CI:
1.20 to 2.17, P = 0.002]. When these analyses were stratified by in- 1.54 to 2.27, P < 0.001) as well as with risk of dengue with warning
fecting serotype, risk of disease was elevated for DENV3 (RR = 2.90, signs or severe dengue (DwWS/SD) (RR = 3.62, 95% CI: 2.44 to
95% CI: 1.34 to 6.27, P = 0.007) and DENV4 (RR = 2.62, 95% CI: 5.38, P < 0.001) (Fig. 2B and table S3). Primary ZIKV infection was
1.48 to 4.63, P = 0.001), but not DENV1 (RR = 1.20, 95% CI: 0.72 to also a risk factor for elevated risk for a subsequent symptomatic
1.99, P = 0.479) (Fig. 2A and table S2). DENV2, DENV3, and DENV4, but not DENV1, infection. Further
To increase statistical power and resolution and to include DENV2, analysis on the entire study excluding the 2022–2023 epidemic
we performed the above analyses on data from the entire Pediat- showed that the effect of a primary ZIKV infection on sympto­
ric Dengue Cohort Study time frame (2004 to 2023). We used matic DENV2 infection, any dengue case, and severe dengue disease
both log-­binomial and log-­Poisson generalized linear mixed-­effects hold (fig. S2). However, the effect of ZIKV on DENV1, DENV3, and

A Risk of dengue disease by prior DENV and ZIKV infection histories, 2022–2023
DENV case DENV1 case DENV3 case DENV4 case DwWS/SD
1.26 0.69 3.23 * 2.08 1.60

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1.25 0.91 0.38 3.25 *** 0.60
1.61 ** 1.20 2.90 ** 2.62 *** 2.19
1.96 * 2.45 2.20 2.58 6.79 **
1.43 0.76 3.96 *** 3.46 *
0.79 0.48 1.76 1.60 0.82
0.37 0.39 0.78 1.37
1.28 0.46 2.62 2.56 2.85
1.04 * 1.05 0.98 1.07 * 1.07
0.94 1.26 1.14 0.67 * 0.62
Sex (R = male)
1.00 0.99 1.12 0.96 1.06
Time since last infection


















B Risk of dengue disease by prior DENV and ZIKV infection histories, 2004–2023
DENV case DENV1 case DENV2 case DENV3 case DENV4 case DwWS/SD

1.04 0.57 ** 1.84 *** 0.99 2.65 * 1.67 **
1.17 0.80 2.09 *** 0.78 3.28 *** 1.67 *
1.87 *** 1.04 3.62 *** 2.60 ** 2.66 *** 3.62 ***
1.45 * 1.37 0.37 2.40 ** 2.64 2.78 ***
1.47 * 0.57 2.53 *** 4.05 *** 3.26 ***
0.85 0.42 1.47 1.67 1.22
0.64 ** 0.41 ** 0.55 0.96 0.76 0.93
0.82 0.32 0.45 2.33 2.60 1.72
1.05 *** 1.10 *** 1.09 *** 0.98 1.08 * 1.08 ***
0.90 0.97 1.04 0.88 0.69 * 0.83
Sex (R = male)
Time since last infection
1.01 1.01 1.00 1.09 * 0.97 1.04























Risk ratios

Fig. 2. Prior infection history confers differential risk of symptomatic DENV1, DENV3, and DENV4 as well as differential risk of overall disease and disease sever-
ity. Log-­binomial and log-­Poisson GLMs were used to estimate the risk of any dengue case, a case caused by DENV1, DENV2, DENV3, or DENV4, and DwWS/SD by DENV
and ZIKV infection history. (A and B) Risk ratios for the 2022–2023 epidemic (A) or all years of the cohort study, 2004 to 2023 (B). Data are presented as risk ratios with 95%
CIs. Symbols indicate the degree of significance. An open circle is nonsignificant, closed circle represents P < 0.05, solid triangle indicates P < 0.01, and solid square indi-
cates P < 0.001. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. DENV2 was not evaluated for the 2022–2023 epidemic because of small sample size.

Zambrana et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 16, eadn2199 (2024) 29 May 2024 4 of 15
S c i e n c e T r a n s l at i o n a l M e d i c i n e | R e s e a r c h A r t i c l e

DENV4 cases can only be analyzed using data from the 2022–2023 a sensitivity analysis where we controlled for the age-­adjusted DENV
epidemic (Fig. 2A). seroprevalence at the neighborhood level in the year before the re-
We performed the same analyses for participants with primary corded dengue case for each participant and clustered participants by
DENV infection. When analyzed across cohort years, primary DENV neighborhood. Results were similar to our previous results (Fig. 2)
infection was associated with significantly increased risk of symptom-for both the 2022–2023 epidemic season and the complete cohort
atic DENV2 (RR = 2.09, 95% CI: 1.44 to 3.05, P < 0.001) and DENV4 epidemic seasons (2004 to 2023) across infection histories, suggest-
(RR = 3.28, 95% CI: 1.64 to 6.57, P = 0.001) infections, but not ing that spatial risk did not explain the increased risk of disease ob-
DENV1 or DENV3 infections (Fig. 2B and table S3). Unlike a prior served for the DENV-­DENV group (fig. S3).
ZIKV infection, a single prior DENV infection did not predict in- We investigated when the 12 individuals with dengue cases in
creased risk of symptomatic dengue overall (RR = 1.17, 95% CI: 0.94 2022–2023 in the DENV-­DENV group experienced their previous
to 1.45, P = 0.16); however, one prior DENV infection was signifi- infection to determine the likely prior infecting serotype. Most of
cantly associated with greater overall risk of DwWS/SD (RR = 1.67, those with tertiary DENV4 cases had their second infection 3 years
95% CI: 1.09 to 2.57, P = 0.019), although not as much as prior ZIKV previously, during the DENV2 epidemic, whereas most DENV1 ter-
(Fig. 2B and table S3). tiary cases had experienced their second infection in 2021, right be-
fore the 2022 epidemic when multiple serotypes may have already
The number and order of DENV and ZIKV infections been circulating silently (fig. S5). Although some sequential infec-
determined the risk of future symptomatic DENV infection tions in previous years may have been due to homotypic re-­exposure,
Sequential infection with different DENV serotypes is thought to the epidemiology of dengue in the cohort makes it likely that those
protect against disease by inducing broadly protective antibodies experiencing tertiary infections in 2022–2023 were infected with
against all serotypes (27). We previously found that individuals with distinct serotypes. We also evaluated time between first and second
primary DENV infection followed by a ZIKV infection (DENV-­ infection for the DENV-­DENV group, which was not associated

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ZIKV) were at increased risk of subsequent symptomatic DENV2 with risk of disease (fig. S6).
infection compared with being flavivirus naïve, suggesting that the The effect of age and the time between last and subsequent infec-
additional ZIKV infection did not broaden their protective immu- tion, here called “time since last infection,” was also explored in
nity (18). Here, we compared dengue disease risk for DENV-­ZIKV these models. Of note, consistent with previous findings, older age
infection histories with children with a previously unobserved se- was a risk factor for dengue disease as well as for symptomatic
quence of infections: ZIKV followed by one DENV infection (ZIKV-­ DENV1, DENV2, and DENV4 infections in the full cohort analysis.
DENV). In the analysis of all epidemic seasons, the DENV-­ZIKV Sex was not a risk factor except with DENV4, where male sex was
infection history was a predictor of increased risk of subsequent associated with reduced risk of symptomatic infection in both anal-
symptomatic dengue overall (RR = 1.47, 95% CI: 1.09 to 1.99, P = yses (Fig. 2, A and B). Time since infection was not a risk factor in
0.012) and, specifically, subsequent symptomatic infection with any model, except for a slightly increased risk of DENV3 in the
DENV2 (RR = 2.53, 95% CI: 1.64 to 3.91, P < 0.001) and DENV4 complete cohort analysis (Fig. 2, A and B).
(RR = 4.05, 95% CI: 1.93 to 8.49, P < 0.001), as well as DwWS/SD
(RR = 3.26, 95% CI: 1.94 to 5.50, P < 0.001) (Fig. 2B and table S3). Preexisting flavivirus immunity and antibody titers were
In contrast, the ZIKV-­DENV infection sequence had no observed associated with a protective effect against DENV1, but
association with risk of future symptomatic DENV1–4 infections, increased risk of DENV2, DENV3, and DENV4
dengue disease, or DwWS/SD (Fig. 2, A and B, and tables S2 and S3). Across infection histories, we observed that children with preexisting
In addition, a reanalysis of the 2022–2023 season changing the refer- flavivirus immunity had increased risk of DENV2, DENV3, and
ence group from naïve to the primary ZIKV group shows that naïve, DENV4 disease and DwWS/SD compared with flavivirus-­naïve indi-
ZIKV-DENV, and 2+DENV individuals were at a reduced risk from viduals. Moreover, these individuals were at reduced risk of symptom-
being a dengue case compared to those with a primary ZIKV in- atic DENV1 infection compared with flavivirus-­naïve individuals. To
fection history (fig. S4). explore how overall flavivirus immunity related to disease caused by
Counter to our expectation, we also found that across epidemic each serotype, we grouped individuals with any prior DENV or ZIKV
seasons, those with exactly two documented prior DENV infections infection, regardless of serotype or number of infections, as “flavivirus
(DENV-­DENV) had a higher risk of subsequent symptomatic den- immune” and the nonexposed as “flavivirus naïve.” Compared with
gue overall (RR = 1.45, 95% CI: 1.03 to 2.04, P = 0.035) and DwWS/ flavivirus-­naïve individuals, those who were flavivirus immune were
SD (2.78, 95% CI: 1.53 to 5.03, P = 0.001) compared with the at significantly increased risk of dengue disease (RR = 1.28, 95% CI:
flavivirus-­naïve group (Fig. 2, A and B, and tables S2 and S3). The 1.12 to 1.47, P < 0.001) (Fig. 3A), DwWS/SD (RR = 2.16, 95% CI: 1.63
DENV-­ DENV group was also at a greater risk of symptomatic to 2.87, P < 0.001), and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock
DENV3 infection (RR = 2.40, 95% CI: 1.37 to 4.23, P = 0.002) syndrome (DHF/DSS) (RR = 4.57, 95% CI: 2.09 to 10.12, P < 0.001)
(Fig. 2B and table S3). However, those with two or more DENV in- (Fig. 3B and table S4). However, distinct risks were observed for dif-
fections (2+DENV group) or at least two DENV infections and a ferent serotypes, with heightened risk for flavivirus-­immune partici-
ZIKV infection (2+DENV-­ZIKV) were not at increased risk of either pants of DENV2 (P < 0.001) and DENV4 (P < 0.001) disease, but not
symptomatic or DwWS/SD (Fig. 2B and table S3). Protective effects DENV3. Conversely, flavivirus-­immune individuals were at lower
were only observed for the 2+DENV group against symptomatic risk of a DENV1 case (RR = 0.72, 95% CI: 0.53 to 0.98, P = 0.036),
DENV infection overall (RR = 0.64, 95% CI: 0.48 to 0.86, P = 0.003) indicating protection (Fig. 3 and table S4).
and against symptomatic DENV1 infection (RR = 0.41, 95% CI: 0.22 We had previously shown that preexisting anti-­DENV antibodies,
to 0.79, P = 0.008). Individuals with multiple flavivirus infections as measured by the inhibition enzyme-­linked immunosorbent assay
may live in high-­risk areas for exposure to DENV. We thus performed (iELISA) (12), are associated with protection or increased dengue

Zambrana et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 16, eadn2199 (2024) 29 May 2024 5 of 15
S c i e n c e T r a n s l at i o n a l M e d i c i n e | R e s e a r c h A r t i c l e

A Risk of dengue disease by prior DENV/ZIKV infection histories, 2004–2023

DENV case DENV1 case DENV2 case DENV3 case DENV4 case

1.28 *** 0.72 * 2.25 *** 1.09 2.96 **


1.04 *** 1.09 *** 1.06 *** 0.99 1.06 *


0.89 * 0.96 1.00 0.88 0.68 *

Sex (R = male)

1.01 1.02 0.99 1.08 * 1.01

Time since last infection

Risk ratios
B Risk of severe dengue disease by prior DENV/ZIKV infection histories, 2004–2023
2.16 *** 4.57 ***
1.07 *** 1.04
0.81 * 1.13
Sex (R = male)
1.02 1.04
Time since last infection





Risk ratios

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Fig. 3. History of prior flavivirus infection exacerbates risk of symptomatic DENV2 and DENV4 as well as overall disease and disease severity. (A) Linear mixed-­
effects models were used to estimate the risks of a symptomatic DENV infection (case) by any serotype or from DENV1, DENV2, DENV3, or DENV4 infection. (B) Linear
mixed-­effects models were used to estimate the risks of DwWS/SD and DHF/DSS. Both (A) and (B) are derived from the Pediatric Dengue Cohort Study, 2004 to 2023 by
immune status [naïve or flavivirus-­immune (flavi-­immune)]. Data are presented as risk ratios with 95% CIs. Symbols indicate the degree of significance. An open circle is
nonsignificant, closed circle represents P < 0.05, and solid triangle indicates P < 0.01. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.

disease and disease severity depending on the titer magnitude and modified antibody titers, which, in turn, is predictive of disease out-
secondary infecting serotype (12, 18). The DENV iELISA measures come. We analyzed the 2022–2023 epidemic season, and our models
antibodies that compete with fluorescently labeled post-­convalescent were adjusted for time since last infection, age, and sex. We sepa-
anti-­DENV immunoglobulin G for binding to DENV1–4 antigen. rately tested the mediating effect of iELISA titers within a range pre-
With the recent circulation of DENV4 in the region, we were also viously identified as enhancing (10 to 320 versus lower or higher
able to test how preexisting anti-­flavivirus antibodies are associated titers) as opposed to protective (>320 versus ≤320). Consistently,
with risk of disease caused by all four serotypes, both for the 2022 every infection history that induced antibodies in the range of 10 to
epidemic (Fig. 4A) and across all cohort years (Fig. 4B). Here, we 320 was associated with increased risk of dengue (Fig. 5A). Titers
found that DENV iELISA titers (except those >1280) were associated between 10 and 320 explained a smaller fraction (<25%) of the total
with increased risk of symptomatic DENV4 infection compared with effect of DENV-­DENV, ZIKV-­DENV, and 2+DENV infection histo-
flavivirus-­naïve children. This effect paralleled that seen for DENV2 ries on dengue outcome, whereas antibodies in this range explained
in our full cohort analyses. The pattern was different for DENV3, a larger fraction of the effect of DENV, DENV-­immune, ZIKV,
where low titers (<21) were associated with increased risk of disease DENV-­ZIKV, and 2+DENV-­ZIKV infection histories (Fig. 5A). In
(P = 0.005), whereas high titers were protective in the full cohort addition, ZIKV infection had a direct effect (independent of titer)
analyses. Last, no enhancing effects were observed against DENV1, on increasing dengue risk, whereas the 2+DENV history had a di-
whereas higher titers of preexisting anti-­DENV antibodies had pro- rect protective effect. When we tested whether titers greater than
tective effects (P = 0.041), as seen against DENV3 infection (Fig. 4A 320 (as compared with lower titers) mediated the relationship be-
and table S3). Regarding the overall risk of dengue disease and tween infection history and dengue outcome, no substantial media-
DwWS/SD, we found that low-­to-­intermediate iELISA titers were as- tion effects were observed (Fig. 5B). A history of ZIKV, DENV-­DENV,
sociated with increased risk of both symptomatic DENV infection or DENV-­ZIKV still retained direct effects on increasing dengue
and DwWS/SD (Fig. 4, A and B, and tables S5 and S6). risk. A lack of indirect protection was partly expected, given that no
protective effects were seen for any infection history against any
Antibody titers explain the relationship between infection dengue case in 2022–2023 (Fig. 2A).
history and dengue risk
On the basis of our observations, we hypothesized that the effect of Order of infecting DENV and ZIKV infections modifies
specific DENV and ZIKV infection histories on the risk of dengue antibody magnitude and kinetics
could be partially explained by preexisting DENV iELISA titers. Us- Cross-­reactive anti-­DENV antibody titers are modulated both by
ing a well-­established approach, the mediation model, we tested the time since last infection and infection history. We have previously
degree to which each infection history influences dengue disease shown that anti-­DENV antibodies measured by the DENV iELISA
outcome directly, meaning that the infection history itself is predic- are stable or increase over time after a primary DENV and ZIKV
tive of outcome, versus indirectly, meaning that infection history infection and wane after secondary DENV or sequential DENV

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S c i e n c e T r a n s l at i o n a l M e d i c i n e | R e s e a r c h A r t i c l e

A Risk of dengue disease by preexisting DENV iELISA antibody titers, 2022–2023

DENV case DENV1 case DENV3 case DENV4 case DwWS/SD

1.62 ** 1.10 2.91 ** 2.76 *** 2.16 *

1.64 ** 1.27 1.90 3.59 *** 1.67
iELISA titers

1.39 0.79 0.68 4.22 *** 1.80

1.10 0.72 1.08 3.07 ** 2.26
0.68 0.38 * 2.08 0.69
1.04 * 1.05 1.00 1.05 1.10 *
0.91 1.21 1.10 0.66 * 0.62
Sex (R = male)
1.01 0.99 1.09 1.01 1.05
Time since last infection







0 .1







Risk ratios
B Risk of dengue disease by preexisting DENV iELISA titers, 2004–2023
DENV case 1.37 *** DENV1 case 0.89 DENV2 case 1.71 ** DwWS/SD 1.83 **
<21 DENV3 case 1.67 ** DENV4 case 2.90 ***
0.95 3.32 ***

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1.62 *** 2.97 ***
21−80 1.22 3.59 ***
0.62 * 2.71 ***
iELISA titers

1.33 ** 0.94 4.45 ***

2.34 ***
0.35 *** 2.24 ***
0.96 1.68 *
321−1280 0.51 * 3.14 **
0.25 *** 0.99
0.64 ** 1.02
>1280 0.44 * 2.13
1.11 *** 1.08 ***
1.06 *** 1.08 ***
Age 1.01 1.05
0.94 1.01
0.88 * 0.81 *
Sex (R = male) 0.88 0.68 *
1.00 0.98
1.00 1.06 1.01
Time since last infection 1.01













Risk ratios

Fig. 4. Risks of dengue differ by preexisting anti-­DENV antibody titers and infecting serotype. (A and B) Linear mixed-­effects models were used to estimate the risk
of any symptomatic DENV infection as well as a symptomatic infection caused by DENV1–4 by preexisting DENV iELISA titer during the 2022–2023 epidemic (A) or all years
of the cohort study (2004 to 2023) (B). Data are presented as risk ratios with 95% CIs. Symbols indicate the degree of significance. An open circle is nonsignificant, closed
circle represents P < 0.05, solid triangle represents P < 0.01, and solid square equates to P < 0.001. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.

and ZIKV infections (28). Here, we characterized the magnitude ZIKV infections, on average, antibodies initially wane rapidly in
and kinetics of anti-­DENV antibodies in previously reported infec- the first 2 years, with a subsequent gradual waning or stabilization.
tion histories (28) and in individuals with ZIKV-­DENV infection In particular, the ZIKV-­DENV group was still experiencing rapid
histories, which we had not reported before. We noted differences waning at the last time point measured, suggesting that this infec-
in the magnitude of the iELISA antibody response measured in the tion history may be less protective long term if their antibodies
annual sample after infection. Primary ZIKV infection induced the continue to wane.
lowest antibody titers, followed by a primary DENV infection
(Fig. 6 and table S6). The ZIKV-­DENV group on average had 1.1-­
fold higher titers (P = 3.2 × 10−10) than the DENV-­ZIKV group at DISCUSSION
the same time point (Fig. 6 and table S7), suggesting that order of Our study presents insights into the complex interplay between the
infection has a modest effect on the magnitude of cross-­reactive immune responses to DENV and ZIKV infections and their clinical
anti-­DENV binding antibodies. The ZIKV-­DENV group had a con- and epidemiological outcomes. We demonstrated that primary ZIKV
sistent secondary DENV-­immune response, with similar convales- infection was associated with elevated risk of subsequent dengue dis-
cent DENV iELISA titers compared to the DENV-­DENV group ease in a serotype-­dependent manner. We also showed that DENV-­
(table S8). After a primary ZIKV infection, antibodies increased ZIKV infection histories were associated with increased risk of
(half-­life, t1/2: 2.31 years, 95% CI: 2.10 to 2.48) for 3 years and then symptomatic DENV2 and DENV4 infection, whereas ZIKV-­DENV
gradually declined (t1/2: 3.65 years, 95% CI: 3.01 to 4.33), whereas infection history was not. Preexisting antibody titers were found
after a primary DENV infection, antibodies were stable (Fig. 6 and to be associated with disease risk depending on the incoming sero-
table S7). We also found that, after sequential DENV or DENV and type. Last, we show that most infection histories could elicit both

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S c i e n c e T r a n s l at i o n a l M e d i c i n e | R e s e a r c h A r t i c l e

A Mediation analysis with DENV iELISA titers between 10 and 320 (10 < titers ≤ 320) as the mediator, 2022–2023
b). Mediation effect
a) Path diagram
Indirect Direct Total Mediation proportion

between 10 and 320
DENV-immune *
ZIKV * * **

Infection history

DENV case
2+DENV * *

0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2−0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Effect Proportion

B Mediation analysis with DENV iELISA titers above 320 (titers > 320) as the mediator, 2022–2023
a) Path diagram b) Mediation effect

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Indirect Direct Total Mediation proportion

titer > 320

. ** **
Infection history





−0.06−0.04−0.02 0.00 0.0 0.1 0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Effect Proportion

Fig. 5. DENV iELISA titer is a mediator that helps explain the relationship between infection history and disease outcome. (A) Mediation path diagram (left) and
effects and contribution of DENV iELISA titers (between 10 and 320) on disease risk attributed to prior flavivirus infection (right). (B) Mediation path diagram (left) and
effects and contribution of DENV iELISA titers (>320) on disease risk attributed to prior flavivirus infection (right). Data are presented as risk ratios with 95% CIs. *P < 0.05,
**P < 0.01.

enhancing and protective antibodies, and their relationship to DENV that that prior DENV is a risk factor for symptomatic and severe
infection outcome was dependent on antibody titer. DENV2 infection but had not evaluated DENV4 infection (18). The
We have previously shown that a prior ZIKV infection is associ- enhancing effect of ZIKV has now been observed in two separate
ated with increased risk of symptomatic and severe DENV2 (18), epidemics and against multiple DENV serotypes in Nicaragua. A
consistent with prior studies in nonhuman primates demonstrat- separate study in Brazil of 879 dengue cases, >99% of which were
ing increased DENV viremia in those with prior primary ZIKV caused by DENV2, similarly found that individuals with only prior
exposure (19, 20, 29). Here, using data from 374 cases in the 2022– ZIKV infection were more likely to experience severe disease and
2023 Nicaraguan epidemic, we showed that primary ZIKV infec- hospitalization than flavivirus-­naïve participants (17). In this study,
tion was also associated with greater risk of symptomatic DENV3 the authors found that the primary ZIKV group did not have higher
and DENV4 infections and overall disease severity. Intriguingly, a viremia or some of the pro-­inflammatory cytokines associated with
prior ZIKV infection was not a risk factor for symptomatic DENV1 severe dengue disease, leading them to propose that the mechanism
infection. The patterns observed for prior ZIKV infection were of enhanced severity may differ from classical antibody-­dependent
consistent with our analysis showing that primary DENV infection enhancement. Collectively, these observations suggest that induc-
is a risk factor for severe disease and symptomatic DENV2 and tion of primary ZIKV immunity may increase risk of future dengue
DENV4 infections across all cohort years. We have previously shown disease.

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4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0


4 4 4
DENV iELISA log10 titer

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

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2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0

Years since last infection

Fig. 6. Primary DENV and ZIKV infections, as well as the order of DENV or ZIKV infections, result in distinct antibody dynamics. Antibody kinetics in the Pediatric
Dengue Cohort Study, as measured using the DENV iELISA, are shown. Data are shown for 1 to up to 10 years for the following infection histories: DENV-­immune, primary
DENV, primary ZIKV, DENV-­DENV, DENV-­ZIKV, ZIKV-­DENV, 2+DENV, and 2+DENV-­ZIKV infections. Individual trajectories and group generalized additive model fits (black
line; 95% CIs, gray shading) are shown.

Our study also shows that the order of sequential DENV and We found that having had two prior DENV infections was a risk
ZIKV infections was associated with future disease outcome. DENV factor for subsequent symptomatic and severe DENV infections as
followed by ZIKV infection was associated with greater risk of a well as DENV3 symptomatic infection. However, we did not ob-
symptomatic and severe DENV infection, whereas ZIKV followed serve increased disease risk in groups with at least two prior DENV
by DENV infection was not. When stratified by incoming serotype, infections, with or without subsequent ZIKV infection (2+DENV
we found that DENV-­ZIKV infection histories had elevated risk of and 2+DENV-­ZIKV), and protective effects were observed for the
DENV2 and DENV4, again showing immunological similarities in 2+DENV group against any dengue case and symptomatic DENV1
secondary DENV infections by these two viruses. A study in ma- infection. These groups included some individuals who entered the
caques similarly found that the DENV-­ZIKV sequence produced an study with detectable anti-­DENV antibodies and then experienced at
inferior immune response compared with ZIKV-­DENV–exposed least one DENV infection, meaning that some may have had only two
monkeys, affecting the quality of antibodies produced in response to prior DENV infections. One interpretation of these findings is that
tertiary DENV4 infection and the magnitude of recall memory im- there is something distinct about the DENV-­DENV group, which
mune response, suggesting important differences between orders of constitutes a small fraction of the overall cohort; however, because of
infection in the mechanisms guiding the humoral immune response the small numbers, any potential conclusion must be interpreted cau-
(30). A study in Sri Lanka showed that individuals with prior DENV tiously. They may be at higher risk for exposure, although our neigh-
and ZIKV infection histories or only prior DENV infection experi- borhood level analyses did not support this hypothesis. Alternatively,
enced increased risk of plasma leakage, shock, and severe dengue these findings may suggest that two DENV infections are not always
compared with flavivirus-­naïve individuals, although order of infec- enough to provide broad protection against symptomatic DENV in-
tions could not be determined (31). fection. Prior works have suggested that tertiary infections are rare in

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hospital settings (32, 33). Here, we report mild-­to-­severe tertiary in- are good correlates of protection after vaccination with dengue can-
fections because our community-­based cohort allowed us to capture a didate CYD-­TDV, whereas a lower titer was a correlate of risk (40).
greater spectrum of the disease. Our results are consistent with prior Some infection histories still retain direct effects, suggesting that
reports from the Pediatric Dengue Cohort Study that tertiary infec- there are differences in the quality of immunity that are not fully cap-
tions for some epidemic years were more likely to be symptomatic tured by our measure of anti-­DENV antibodies.
than inapparent (34). Although we previously found that having two Prior works have suggested that cross-­reactive protection against
DENV infections showed a protective effect against DENV2 cases DENV wanes within 1 to 3 years after infection, and a longer time
during the 2019–2020 epidemic, DENV2 had circulated in the years between sequential DENV infections increases the probability of
before that epidemic, implying that one of the prior infections may symptomatic DENV infections (32, 34, 41, 42). Our previous work
have been with DENV2 and thus that homotypic immunity contrib- showed that cross-­reactive antibodies after a primary DENV infec-
uted to reduced disease risk (35, 36). In contrast, DENV1 and DENV3 tion are stable by about 6 months after infection, whereas primary
have not circulated appreciably in Nicaragua for more than 10 years, ZIKV infection elicits cross-­ reactive DENV antibodies that in-
and our pediatric study population had never experienced a large creased over time up to 3 years (28). In contrast, after secondary
DENV4 epidemic. Lack of homotypic immunity against these sero- DENV or DENV-­ZIKV infection, we observed high antibody titers
types and insufficient heterotypic immunity may have driven the large followed by long-­term decay. Here, we found that, after 3 years,
dengue epidemic in 2022–2023 and explained the lack of protection DENV cross-­reactive antibodies in primary ZIKV participants be-
even in those with two prior DENV infections. gin to decay. We also showed that the ZIKV-­DENV group elicited
Our findings also support the previous observation that preex- slightly higher DENV iELISA titer than the DENV-­ZIKV group did,
isting DENV immunity differentially modulates subsequent symp- suggesting broader immunity, which could have resulted in a reduc-
tomatic and severe disease depending on infecting serotype. We tion of risk for a subsequent symptomatic DENV infection. How-
previously showed that low-­to-­intermediate preexisting DENV iELISA ever, the ZIKV-­DENV group experienced rapid antibody decay,

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antibody titers were associated with increased symptomatic and raising the possibility that the protective effect may not be long lived.
severe DENV2 and severe DENV3 disease, whereas high titers were A strength of our study is the robust study design that has been
protective against DENV1 and DENV3 symptomatic infections (18). sustained over 19 years. This extensive period of observation has en-
Here, we found that a history of any flavivirus infection was associ- abled us to detect epidemics of all DENV serotypes and ZIKV, en-
ated with increased risk of future DwWS/SD and DHF/DSS as well as compassing the entire spectrum of disease severity, from inapparent
dengue cases caused by DENV2 and DENV4 but was associated with to symptomatic and severe infections. This comprehensive dataset
protection against DENV1 and had neutral risk against DENV3 allows the capture of detailed arboviral infection histories, including
symptomatic infections. This finding is consistent with our previous single and sequential DENV and ZIKV infections, with a large sam-
observation that low-­to-­intermediate anti-­DENV antibody titers in- ple size.
crease risk of more severe forms of dengue, but not symptomatic den- Our study has several limitations. The data are derived from a
gue overall (12). We hypothesize that low-­to-­intermediate preexisting Nicaraguan cohort, and the results may not generalize to other settings
antibody titers, although not always associated with overall dengue with different DENV and ZIKV strains as well as other circulating
incidence, may contribute to increased disease severity. However, dif- flaviviruses. However, given the similarity in dengue epidemiology
ferences were observed by serotype. Low-­to-­intermediate preexisting across the Americas, our findings will likely have broader applicabil-
antibody titers predicted greater risk of DENV2 and DENV4 infec- ity in the region (43–45). In addition, the exact order of infecting
tions compared with flavivirus-­naïve individuals, and high titers were DENV serotypes was not recorded because of a lack of serotype in-
not associated with increased risk nor protection. In contrast, high formation of inapparent infections. The sequence of infecting DENV
preexisting iELISA antibodies were associated with reduced risk of serotypes, including the possibility of homotypic re-­infections, may
symptomatic DENV1 and DENV3 infections, whereas low titers were modulate disease outcome in ways we could not account for here.
associated with increased risk of symptomatic DENV3 infection. Furthermore, risk calculations using all Pediatric Dengue Cohort
Structural differences between the viruses may explain a lower prob- Study participants in the denominator assume that risk is homoge-
ability of antibody-­dependent enhancement with DENV1, which is nous, which is implausible. To account for this, we adjusted results by
associated with reduced frequency of symptomatic and severe sec- the prior year’s DENV seroprevalence at the neighborhood level as a
ondary infections (37). DENV1 has been shown to produce more proxy for spatial risk and showed that our results did not qualita-
mature viral particles in vivo, which are poorly neutralized by fusion tively change. Still, residual confounding factors cannot be ruled out.
loop antibodies, and it has been shown in vitro that some DENV1 Last, our mediation analysis should not be interpreted causally be-
particles are less structurally dynamic compared with other serotypes cause it relies on diverse assumptions that cannot be fully satisfied
(38, 39). The relatively lower circulation of DENV1 compared with using our study design.
DENV2 or DENV3, the 10-­year gap without substantial DENV1 cir- In summary, this study highlights serotype-­specific differences
culation, and the pediatric population aging out of the study make it in observed infection risk by prior flavivirus exposure. The finding
unlikely, although not impossible, that DENV1 infections in 2022 that individuals with prior ZIKV, DENV, or DENV-­ZIKV infections
were protected from disease because of homotypic immunity. were at increased risk of symptomatic dengue caused by multiple
We also showed that anti-­DENV antibodies help mediate the rela- DENV serotypes suggests that the effect of antibody-­dependent en-
tionship between DENV or ZIKV infection and observed risk of sub- hancement is not limited to DENV2 but may also extend to DENV3
sequent symptomatic DENV infection through antibodies. Across and DENV4. The findings presented here, in conjunction with other
infection histories, we found that DENV iELISA antibody titers were studies, suggest that the introduction of a monovalent ZIKV vaccine
good predictors of disease outcome. This observation is consistent that induces immunity similar to natural ZIKV infection could have
with previous studies showing that high anti-­DENV antibody titers a negative effect on dengue outcome if introduced to DENV-­naïve

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populations. These findings advocate a more nuanced and integra- year. The age limit of the study was increased to 15, 16, and 17 years
tive approach to vaccine deployment strategies, considering the his- in 2018, 2019, and 2022, respectively. Participants are provided free
tory of flavivirus infections and the degree of flavivirus immunity in medical care 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, through study phy-
the target population. Furthermore, our results suggest that intro- sicians at the HCSFV. If a child requires hospitalization, they are
ducing ZIKV vaccines is unlikely to broaden protective immunity in transferred by study staff to the study hospital, the National Pediat-
individuals with one prior DENV infection. Our findings also sug- ric Reference Hospital (Hospital Infantil Manuel de Jesús Rivera).
gest that some individuals with two natural DENV infections may Children presenting with fever and, since July 2016, rash in afebrile
remain at risk of DwWS/SD and may suggest that even some indi- cases, are screened for signs and symptoms of dengue, Zika, and
viduals who are DENV immune before receiving dengue vaccines chikungunya. Symptomatic infections are captured through passive
may remain at heightened risk for disease. The possibility that surveillance and are enhanced with periodic home visits, and 97% of
vaccine-­induced immunity could inadvertently elevate the risk of DENV cases are captured within the first 3 days of symptoms (46).
severe disease warrants an evidence-­based approach to vaccination More than 94% of participants report going to the health center
programs and longer-­term follow-­up times to evaluate protection when experiencing fever, and less than 3% percent report using an-
against all DENV serotypes. other health care provider (46). Acute (0 to 5 days after symptoms
onset) and convalescent (14 to 21 days) samples are collected for
each suspected case to confirm infection (35). Every year in March
MATERIALS AND METHODS to April (previously in July before 2011), healthy blood samples are
Study design provided by all participants to evaluate inapparent arboviral infec-
This study aimed to assess how preexisting ZIKV and DENV im- tions (35).
munity affects the risk of symptomatic DENV1–4 and severe den-
gue disease at a population level. To do this, we analyzed serological Case definitions

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data collected since 2004 from a continuous observational cohort Upon medical examination, children are categorized into A, B, C, or
study in Nicaragua, adhering to the guidelines in the Strengthening D cases, as follows: A, those meeting the 1997 or 2009 World Health
the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology checklist. Organization (WHO) criteria for dengue; B, those with undifferen-
This study did not involve any form of randomization or blinding tiated fever of undefined origin; C, those with an acute febrile illness
measures. Our analysis included all individuals, with results reported identified as a disease other than dengue, chikungunya, or Zika; D,
only for those with DENV and ZIKV infection histories that could those with other conditions (including rash) that do not include a
be clearly determined. All relevant data available during the manu- fever. A range of clinical and laboratory information is collected for
script preparation were included. The primary end point was the risk each participant, covering 189 different variables (35), including vi-
of symptomatic DENV infection influenced by previous ZIKV or tal signs, temperature, musculoskeletal pain, respiratory symptoms,
DENV immunity and the infecting DENV serotype. Secondary gastrointestinal symptoms, indicators of dehydration, rashes, and
end points were the impact of preexisting antibody titers on dengue other skin anomalies. Since 2004, all cases falling into categories A
and severe dengue risk as well as antibody magnitude and long-­term and B are tested for acute DENV infection and, starting in 2014, also
kinetics after exposure to one or multiple flaviviruses. for chikungunya virus (CHIKV). As of 2016, all cases meeting the
definitions of A, B, or D (rash without fever) are tested for acute
Ethics statement DENV, CHIKV, and ZIKV infection.
The human subject protocol of the Pediatric Dengue Cohort Study To detect cases, acute samples are examined using a multiplex
was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Boards of rRT-­PCR assay for DENV, ZIKV, and CHIKV (the ZCD assay) (49);
the University of California, Berkeley (2010-­09-­2245), the Univer- before the introduction of ZIKV into the cohort, other RT-­PCR
sity of Michigan (HUM00091606), and the Nicaraguan Ministry of methods were used (50–52). DENV-­positive samples are further
Health (CIRE-­09/03/07-­008). Parents or legal guardians of all analyzed by rRT-­PCR to determine the infecting DENV serotype,
participants provided written informed consent. Participants aged and a subset undergo virus isolation in C6/36 cells (50, 53). Paired
12 years and over provided assent. acute-­phase (days 1 to 5) and convalescent-­phase (days 14 to 21)
samples are evaluated for seroconversion of immunoglobulin M
The Pediatric Dengue Cohort Study (IgM) antibodies, an indicator of a current infection, using separate
The Pediatric Dengue Cohort Study is an ongoing prospective study in-­house DENV and ZIKV IgM capture (MAC)-­ELISAs (54, 55).
that began in 2004 and is conducted at the Sócrates Flores Vivas DENV iELISA and ZIKV iELISA assays are used to measure total
Health Center (HCSFV), based in District 2 of Managua, Nicaragua anti-­DENV and -­ZIKV antibodies, respectively, and to detect sero-
(46). This district is adjacent to Lake Xolotlán and consists of neigh- conversion or a fourfold or greater increase in antibodies (12, 54).
borhoods ranging from low to middle socioeconomic status. The For arbovirus cases from 2016–2017, we also used a computer algo-
HCSFV serves ~62,000 residents across 18 neighborhoods within rithm to help identify Zika cases from dengue cases on the basis of
District 2 (47). The illiteracy rate in this area is ~7%, and more than the results of the aforementioned antibody tests (56).
90% of the households have access to running water and a sewage To detect inapparent DENV infections before 2016, we identified
system. The streets are largely paved, and all residents have access to an inapparent DENV infection if a seroconversion or a ≥4-­fold in-
electricity (48). crease in antibody titer was recorded between annual samples as
The study tracks ~4000 active participants yearly and has fol- measured by DENV iELISA, provided that no observed febrile epi-
lowed ~9800 children since its inception. To maintain the original sode was identified as a dengue case (12). After the 2016 Zika epi-
age distribution of the cohort, ~300 participants aged 2 years, along demic, we defined inapparent DENV infections as seroconversion
with some children aged 3 to 11 years, are enrolled in the study each or a ≥4-­fold rise in DENV iELISA titer without seroconversion by

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S c i e n c e T r a n s l at i o n a l M e d i c i n e | R e s e a r c h A r t i c l e

ZIKV nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) blockade-­of-­binding (BOB) was not included in our analyses of infection histories but was in-
ELISA; seroconversion or a ≥4-­fold rise by ZIKV iELISA; or an ob- cluded in the titer analyses. Some children with ZIKV infections in
served dengue, Zika, or flavivirus case in that year (54). Inapparent 2016–2017 were observed to have increasing titers in DENV and
flavivirus (DENV or ZIKV without ascertainment) infections were ZIKV serological assays for multiple years when there was almost no
defined by seroconversion or a ≥4-­fold rise by both DENV iELISA circulation of DENV or ZIKV. These infections were not considered
and ZIKV iELISA; no seroconversion by ZIKV NS1 BOB ELISA; actual infections and were therefore excluded when defining infec-
and no documented dengue, Zika, or flavivirus case in that year. tion histories.
Seroconversion by ZIKV NS1 BOB ELISA with or without serocon-
version or a ≥4-­fold rise by ZIKV iELISA was used to detect inap- Severity classification
parent ZIKV infections. Dengue cases in the study were classified according to the WHO
guidelines from 1997 to 2009. According to the 1997 WHO case
Infection histories classification, dengue fever was defined as a febrile case with at least
The study participants were grouped into categories on the basis of two of the following symptoms: headache, arthralgia, retro-­orbital
their DENV and ZIKV infection history. When a child experienced pain, rash, myalgia, hemorrhagic manifestations, and leukopenia.
another infection, they were moved to the group that reflected their DHF was defined as a laboratory-­confirmed dengue case presenting
new infection status. We note that none of the groups with ZIKV with (i) fever or a history of fever, (ii) hemorrhagic manifestations,
existed before the major Zika epidemic in 2016. The different groups (iii) thrombocytopenia (≤100,000 platelets/ml), and (iv) signs of
included children who were free from DENV (from 2004 to 2015) or plasma leakage. The criteria for plasma leakage included age and
ZIKV (from 2016 to 2023) immunity at the start of the study and did sex-­specific elevated hematocrit values, ≥20% hemoconcentration,
not experience a DENV, ZIKV, or flavivirus infection during the pleural effusion, ascites, edema, hypoproteinemia, hypoalbumin-
study period (flavivirus-­naïve); entered the study with DENV im- emia, or other evidence of plasma leak. DSS is a DHF case with signs

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munity, determined using the DENV iELISA (titer ≥ 1:10) and with of circulatory failure, including (i) hypotension for the patient’s age
no antibody titers as measured in other assays or with low ZIKV ti- or a narrow pulse pressure (<20 mmHg) and (ii) clinical signs of
ters and no subsequent detected infection (DENV-­immune); were shock such as a rapid, weak pulse; cold and clammy skin; or poor
initially free from flaviviruses but were observed to have experienced capillary refill.
precisely one DENV infection (DENV); or were initially free from According to the 2009 WHO case classification, DwWS was used
flaviviruses but who experienced exactly two documented DENV when a laboratory-­confirmed case presented with symptoms such as
infections (DENV-­DENV). Since 2020, ZIKV titers were disregard- abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, fluid accumulation, lethargy,
ed for new enrollees, given that most new enrollees did not experi- mucosal bleeding, liver enlargement, or a rise in hematocrit concur-
ence the ZIKV epidemic, given their age, and there is no evidence rent with a decrease in platelet count. Severe dengue indicated
that ZIKV has circulated after 2017. Other groups included children laboratory-­confirmed cases with severe bleeding, substantial plasma
who either entered the study without flavivirus immunity and expe- leakage leading to shock, fluid accumulation resulting in respiratory
rienced more than two documented DENV infections or who en- distress, or organ failure. Organ involvement was signified by liver
tered the study with flavivirus immunity and had one or more alanine transaminase (ALT) or aspartate transaminase (AST) levels
observed DENV infection (2+DENV); and experienced only one of ≥1000, impaired consciousness, or heart or other organ failures.
prior ZIKV infection (ZIKV; these children either entered the study
without flavivirus immunity and had one observed ZIKV infection Inclusion criteria for cases in the 2022 epidemic cases
or a flavivirus infection that was most likely ZIKV based on the epi- Between 19 March 2022 and 2 July 2023, we documented 384 den-
demiology in 2016–2017 or were positive for ZIKV but with low gue cases. Fifteen of these cases were identified on the basis of
DENV titers). The DENV-­ZIKV group included children who expe- DENV serology, but they also exhibited cross-­reactivity with ZIKV
rienced one DENV infection followed by one ZIKV infection; the serology. Because ZIKV has not been detected since its initial intro-
2+DENV-­ZIKV group included children with two or more prior duction in the region in 2016, these cases were classified as DENV
DENV infections followed by one ZIKV infection; and the ZIKV-­ cases in the present study. We excluded 10 cases that had a second
DENV group comprised children with a primary ZIKV infection laboratory-­confirmed DENV infection in the same epidemic, in-
followed by one DENV infection. The ZIKV-­DENV group did not cluding 8 where both infections were confirmed by RT-­PCR and 2
exist before the DENV2 epidemic in 2019. Other infection histories where one of the infections was confirmed by DENV serology. Our
included children who had a ZIKV-­DENV infection history who analysis ultimately used 374 total cases, including 39 identified
subsequently experienced another DENV infection (ZIKV-­DENV-­ through DENV serology.
DENV); this group (n = 15) experienced no subsequent DENV in-
fections and was not included in our analyses of infection histories, Statistical analysis
but they were included in the titer analyses. The DENV-­ZIKV-­ All statistical and epidemiological analyses were conducted using R
2+DENV group consisted of participants who initially had a DENV-­ (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, version 4.5.0) and the
ZIKV-­DENV infection history and later experienced another DENV lme4, segmented, and mediation packages (57–60). Log-­binomial
infection. This group (n = 3) experienced no subsequent DENV in- and log-­Poisson GLMs were used to estimate the risk of any dengue
fections and was not included in our analyses of infection histories, case given infection history. Log-­Poisson GLMs were used when
but they were included in the titer analyses. Last, the 2+DENV-­ log-­binomial models would not converge because of rare disease
ZIKV-­DENV group consisted of participants who were initially in outcomes, that is, in instances where we had low numbers of dengue
the 2+DENV group and later had one ZIKV and another DENV cases. Models were adjusted for age, sex, and time since last infec-
infection. Again, this group (n = 11) had no further infections and tion. All analyses were also performed separately for each infecting

Zambrana et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 16, eadn2199 (2024) 29 May 2024 12 of 15
S c i e n c e T r a n s l at i o n a l M e d i c i n e | R e s e a r c h A r t i c l e

DENV serotype. We were unable to analyze DENV serotype in analyses likelihood function (62). We used these models to identify relevant
of DENV severity because of sample size limitations. GLMs were inflection points in the antibody kinetics for further analyses related
used for all 2022–2023 epidemic analyses because each participant to intercepts and slopes within each infection history group. Multi-
contributed only 1 year to the data. phasic linear models were then used to model the various phases of
For analyses using all 19 years of cohort data, GLMMs were used antibody decay or rise while estimating antibody half-­lives. Half-­
to incorporate random effects, allowing us to account for repeated lives were calculated by dividing log(2) titers by the slope. A positive
measurements by clustering at the individual level (longitudinal half-­life indicated that antibody titers waned, whereas a negative
data analysis). We performed two main analyses: one that studied half-­life represented increasing antibody titers. The 95% CIs were
the effect of infection histories on DENV outcomes and one that calculated on the basis of the standard errors, assuming a normal
categorized participants as flavivirus naïve versus those exposed to distribution with an α threshold of 0.05.
any number of DENV or ZIKV infections (flavivirus-­immune). In
addition, we adjusted for age, sex, and time since last infection and
cohort epidemic year. Given that spatial risk is a potential con- Supplementary Materials
founder in the relationship between infection history and DENV This PDF file includes:
Figs. S1 to S6
infection outcome, previous year’s neighborhood age-­standardized
Tables S1 to S8
DENV seroprevalence was also included as a proxy for exposure in
sensitivity analyses both for the 2022–2023 epidemic and the com- Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
plete cohort. In these analyses, neighborhood ID from participants MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
was included as random term in the GLM. Log-­binomial and log-­
Poisson GLMMs were used to model the relationship between pre- REFERENCES AND NOTES
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K. Gonzalez, C. Cerpas, A. Nunez, D. Corti, J. J. Waggoner, G. Kuan, R. Burger-­Calderon, acquired funding. G.K., A.G., A.B., and E.H. contributed to project administration. A.G., L.C.K.,
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