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Effective listening skill is the ability to actively understand the communication. It is an

essential part of spoken communication. Speaking and listening go together and oral
communication cannot be effective without proper listening.
Listening gives learners the functional language they need for real-life and career
development. It is useful for working in various fields. It has become one of the most important
communication forums.

Stages of the Listening Process

➢ Hearing
➢ Focusing on the message
➢ Comprehending and interpreting
➢ Analyzing and Evaluating
➢ Responding
➢ Remembering
Types of Listening
❖ Appreciative listening
❖ Empathetic listening
❖ Comprehensive listening
❖ Critical listening

Barriers to Listening
➢ Linguistic Barriers
➢ Psychological Barriers
➢ Emotional Barriers
➢ Physical Barriers

Five Steps to Better Listening

1. Receiving
The act of absorbing the information being expressed, whether verbally or non-verbally.
Avoid distractions, don’t interrupt the speaker, and don’t rehearse your response.

2. Understanding
Understanding takes place after the information is received from the speaker, and begin to
process its meaning.

3. Remembering
Remembering is about retaining information, and the most effective way to do so in an
important conversation is to move the key elements of a message.

4. Evaluating
After the message is absorbed, processed, and remembered, sort the information into

5. Responding
It is important to understand the transition between listening and speaking though, and be
aware of the ways responding is still a part of the active listening process.

Steps to Effective Listening

1. Listen to the words and try to picture what the speaker is saying.

2. Listen and re-listen at different speed.

3. Ask questions only to ensure understanding.

4. Learn actively by taking notes.

5. Practice listening at slow, moderate, and fast speeds.

6. Give the speaker regular feedback.

7. Pay attention to nonverbal cues.

Exercise 1
Link: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=TED+TALK%3A+Patricia+Ryan

Explain what you understand

1. What is the topic of her talk?

2. What is important about the reference to learning names of plants in Arabic fromgrandparents
and great grandparents?

3. What ‘sad’ fact does she say about languages?

4. Why was the recruitment of English teachers 25 years ago mutually beneficial to
Kuwaitand the UK?

5. What has happened to English in the last 25 years? What is significant about the
exampleof the mono-lingual Dutch speaker?

6. What are the reservations she points out about English as a global language?

7. What’s the main negative point mentioned about tests?

8. What is said about employment?

9. Why was the Kenyan boy given a Heroes award?

10. General opinion.

Exercise 2
Link: https://eslvideo.com/quiz.php?id=31688

Listen and choose the suitable answer

1. In a recent survey of millennials, over 80 percent said that a major life goal
was for themto ____________ .
a) become famous b) work harder and achieve more c) get rich

2. The speaker says, “But what if we could watch entire lives as they unfold
through time? What if we could study people from the time that they were
teenagers all the way into old age to see what really keeps people ?”
a) happy and wealthy b) happy and healthy

3. The Harvard Study of Adult Development has tracked the lives of 724 men,
year after year, for how many years?
a) 60 b) 75 c) 90

4. The oldest participants in the study are, now how old?

a) 60 b) 75 c) 90

5. Who is the speaker?

a) He’s one of the participants b) He’s a doctor who works with the participants of
the study. c) He’s the fourth director of the study

6. The first group started in the study when they were sophomores at Harvard
The second group was a group of boys from .
a) other colleges b) Boston’s poorest neighborhoods c) the military

7. The speaker says, “And then these teenagers grew up into adults who entered
all walks of life. They became factory workers and lawyers and bricklayers
and doctors, one President of the United States. Some developed
alcoholism. A few developedschizophrenia. Some the social ladder
from the bottom all the way tothe very top, and some made that journey in
the opposite direction.”
a) Timed b) worked c) climbed

8. The speaker says, “Every two years, our patient and________research staff
calls up our men and asks them if we can send them yet one more set of
questions about their lives.”
a) Dedicated b) educated

9. What did the researches do about a decade (10 years) ago?

a) They requested medical records. b) That many lessons can be learned from the
participants’ lives c)That good relationships keep us happier and healthier
d) They asked the wives if they would join the study.

10. What was the first lesson learned from the study?
a) That social connections are really good for us, and that loneliness kills.
b) That people who are more socially connected to family, to friends, to
community, are wealthier.

11. According to the speaker, people who are more connected to family, to friends,
, are happier, healthier, and they live longer.
a) Beauty b) community c) opportunity

12. What was the second lesson learned from study?

a) That it’s not the quantity of friends you have, but the quality of your close
relationshipsthat matter.
b) That a person’s happiness is largely determined by the number of friends he or she

13. According to the study results, the people who were the

intheir relationships at age 50 were the healthiest at age 80.

a) most satisfied b) low-conflict

14. The speaker says, “Our most happily partnered men and women reported, in
their 80s, that on the days when they had more physical pain, their mood stayed
just as happy. But the people who were in unhappy relationships, on the days
when they reported more physical pain, it was__________by more emotional
a) magnified b) intensified

15. What was the third lesson learned from the study?
a) Good relationships with family, friends, and community helps keep the mind
b) When you have good relationships, you have countless good memories.
c) Having good relationships with family, friends, and community helps keep
the mind sharp.

Description of the activity:

Ideas emerged:

Learning outcomes:
Assessment Rubric for Listening Skills
Area of concern Needs work Good Very good
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
The student was The student found The student was The student was
not able to it difficult to mostly attentive able to
concentrate on concentrate on and usually able concentrate fully
Ability to focus.
the listening task the listening task, to listen with and listen very
and inattentive. but was able to good attentively
attend concentration. throughout the
occasionally. assessment.
Student did not While the student The student The student
understand did not showed a good showed a very
enough understand a lot general good general
General vocabulary or of the vocabulary understanding of understanding of
understanding. information to and information, the vocabulary all vocabulary
answer the he/she was able to and information, and information,
questions. complete some of with most completing all the
the questions. questions questions.
Student was Although the The student was The student
unable to grasp student showed a able to include included all the
Listening for specific details limited ability to most specific specific
details. when listening, listen for details, information and information and
and did not specific details in his/her details in his/her
include them in information was answers. answers.
the answers. included.
The student’s The student Answers were The content was
answers were included a small mostly accurate always accurate
Accuracy of
mostly left out or amount of and related to the and related to the
unrelated to the information, information, with information
information only a few errors. given.


1 Exercise 1 20
2 Exercise 2 30
Total 50
Total 100

Signature of the faculty


Exercise 1
Link: https://takeielts.britishcouncil.org/take-ielts/prepare/free-ielts-practice

Listen to the video and complete the notes below. Write no more than two words and/or a
number for each answer.

Questions: transport from Bayswater

1. Express train leaves at (1) …………………….

2. Nearest station is (2) …………………….

3. Number 706 bus goes to (3) …………………….

4. Number (4) ……………………. bus goes to station

5. Earlier bus leaves at (5) …………………….

Complete the table below. Write no more than one word and/or a number for each answer.

Transport Cash fare Card fare

Bus Q (6) $ _______ $1.50

Train (peak) $10 $10

Train (off-peak)
Q(8) $_________
before 5pm or after Q (7)

Q (9) ___________________ ferry $4.50 $3.55

Tourist ferry Q (10) __________________) $35 –

Tourist ferry (whole day) $65 –

Exercise 2

Link: https://eslvideo.com/quiz.php?id=27099

Listen and answer the questions

1. According to Cathcart you have to think,

a) Like your teachers
b) Like the person you intent to become
c) Like your parents

2. What does the cap represent?

a) Artists, singers, dancers
b) The person you want to be
c) Coaches, mentors, role models, guides, parents

3. Jim believes part of our responsibility in life is,

a) To find out who we are
b) To find out our capabilities
c) To find out our true love

4. What is the first thing we need to do?

a) Respect our neighbors
b) Respect our grandparents
c) Respect our nature

5. Earl Nightingale said that if you spend one extra hour each day
studying yourchosen field,
a) National expert in that field in 5 years or less
b) National expand in that field in 5 years or less
c) National experienced in that field in 5 years or less

Exercise 3

Link: https://ielts-up.com/listening/short-answer-2.html

Answer the questions below.

Write ONLY ONE WORD OR A NUMBER from the dialogue for each answer.

1. How many days did the scientists spend under the waves?

2. What answer did Rob choose?

3. What’s the name of the laboratory

4. Where is the laboratory situated?

5. What is the world record, in minutes, for holding breath underwater?

Description of the activity:

Ideas emerged:

Learning outcomes:
Assessment Rubric for Listening Skills
Area of concern Needs work Good Very good
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
The student was The student found The student was The student was
not able to it difficult to mostly attentive able to
concentrate on concentrate on and usually able concentrate fully
Ability to focus.
the listening task the listening task, to listen with and listen very
and was easily but was able to good attentively the
distracted. attend concentration. assessment.
Student did not While the student The student The student
understand did not showed a good showed a very
enough understand a lot general good general
vocabulary or of the vocabulary understanding of understanding of
information to and information, the vocabulary all vocabulary
answer the he/she was able to and information, and information,
questions. complete some of with most completing all the
the questions. questions. questions.
Student was Student showed a The student was The student
unable to grasp limited ability to able to include included all the
Listening for specific details listen for details, most specific specific
details. when listening, specific information and information and
and did not information was details in his/her details in his/her
include them in occasionally answers. answers.
the answers. included.
The student’s The student Answers were The content was
answers were included a small mostly accurate always accurate
Accuracy of
mostly left out or amount of and related to the and related to the
unrelated to the information. information information
information given, with a only given.
given. a few errors.


1 Exercise 1 20
2 Exercise 2 20
3 Exercise 3 10
Total 50

Total 100

Signature of the faculty


Exercise 1
1. Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions
AF capable of two-front war, countering China: Air Chief B S Dhanoa
Making it loud and clear that the Indian Air Force has the capability to take on China and
Pakistan simultaneously, if the situation demands, IAF chief Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa
admitted that they have ‘Plan B’ ready for it despite force’s depleting combat strength. IAF chief’s
statement came days after the Army chief General Bipin Rawat had said that the country should
be prepared for a two-front war, stressing that China had started “flexing its muscles” and there
seemed to be no scope for reconciliation with Pakistan, whose military and polity saw India as the
“We need strength of 42 squadrons to carry out full spectrum operations, but it doesn’t
mean we can’t fight a two-front scenario. There is a Plan B,” Air chief Marshal Dhanoa said, while
maintaining that the though the possibility of two-front war scenario is ‘low’. IAF at present
operating with 32 squadrons and on the verge of losing out more squadrons as MiG 21 and MiG
27 fleeting is ageing and the Air Force would achieve its sanctioned strength of 42 fighter
squadrons by 2032. IAF will have 83 indigenous Light Combat Aircaft Tejas, 36 Rafale and 36
additional Sukhoi fighter jets by end of 2019. In response to Pakistan’s recent boast of short-range
nuclear weapons to counter India, IAF chief said the Air Force has the capability of locating, fixing
and striking across the border, but making it clear that any decision on a surgical strike would be
the government’s.
Speaking at the customary press briefing ahead of the Air Force Day, Air chief Marshal
Dhanoa indicated that the tension at the China border still continues, despite both armies had
decided to disengage at the standoff site at the tri-junction at Dokalam after over two months. The
IAF chief said Chinese troops were currently present in the Chumbi valley, which is in the
Dokalam Plateau, and added that a peaceful resolution of the issue would be in the interest of both
“The two sides are not in a physical face-off as we speak. However, their forces in Chumbi
Valley are still deployed and I expect them to withdraw as their exercise in the area gets over,”
Dhanoa said. The Chumbi Valley is north of Doklam. Doklam is remote, uninhabited territory
claimed by both China and India’s ally Bhutan. It is believed that barely 10 kilometres from the
location of the standoff, China is expanding an existing track, reinforcing its claim to the disputed
and remote Doklam Plateau. China is trying to reinforce its claim in the area, which has been
objected both India and Bhutan, with nearly 500 troops.
About 350 troops were deployed by India at the face-off site and a similar number of
Chinese soldiers were camping in the area since June 16 after Indian troops stopped the Chinese

soldiers from building a road in the disputed area. Incidentally, Nirmala Sitharaman is also
traveling to Sikkim and Arunachal in the weekend to take stock on the situation after Dokalam
About a possible confrontation with China, he said India’s air power was “adequate”. At
the same time, he talked about what China could or could not do from Tibet. “Our capability is
adequate,” he said. Clarifying that no air force assets were used during the Myanmar operation and
the surgical strike in PoK, IAF Chief maintained that a war-like situation may arise if the IAF
crossed the border. “Surgical strike is a decision that has to be taken by the government. The IAF
has the capability to carry out the full spectrum of air operations,” he said. “The IAF is prepared
to fight at a short notice in full synergy with the other two sister services should the need arise,”
he said, adding that the force was in a high state of readiness to fight a war.
IAF also briefed about force’s expansion plans including acquisition of S-400 Triumf long-
range air defence missile systems from Russia and 36 Rafale combat jets alongwith mid-life
upgrading of Mirage 2000, Mig 29s and Jaguar fleets, adding that the IAF was working to fully
achieving a network-centric operational capability.
1. IAF chief said the Air Force has the capability of___________ across the border.
A) Locating B) Fixing C) Striking D) All the above

2. India need strength of __________ squadrons to carry out full spectrum operations.
A) 43 B) 44 C) 42 D) 46

3. Chinese troops were currently present in the ___________.

A) Doklam Plateau B) Bhutan Plateau
C) Chumbi valley D) All the above

4. Surgical strike is a decision that has to be taken by the _________.

A) Air force B) Government C) Army D) Navy

5. Doklam is remote, uninhabited territory claimed by both China and _____________

A) India B) Bhutan C) Pakistan D) Tibet

6. By end of 2019, IAF will have ___________ additional Sukhoi fighter jets.
A) 38 B) 89 C) 37 D) 36

7. The closet meaning of ‘spectrum’.

A) Borderline B) Range C) Area D) expansion

8. The closest meaning of ‘acquisition’.

A) Gaining B) Enduring C) Instalment D) Everlasting

9. The IAF is prepared to fight at a short notice in full_________.

A) Claim B) Spectrum C) Reinforce D) Synergy

10. The closest meaning of ‘confrontation’

A) Disputed B) Uncertain
C) Dubious D) Hostility

Exercise 2
Biofuels and the Environment
Leading investors have joined the growing chorus of concern about governments and
companies rushing into producing biofuels as a solution for global warming, saying that many
involved in the sector could be jeopardising future profits if they do not consider the long-term
impact of what they are doing carefully. It is essential to build sustainability criteria into the supply
chain of any green fuel project in order to ensure that there is no adverse effect on the surrounding
environment and social structures. The report produced by the investors expresses concern that
many companies may not be fully aware of potential pitfalls in the biofuel sector.
Production of corn and soya beans has increased dramatically in the last years as an eco-
friendly alternative to fossil fuels but environmental and human rights campaigners are worried
that this will lead to destruction of rain forests. Food prices could also go up as there is increased
competition for crops as both foodstuffs and sources of fuel. Last week, the UN warned that
biofuels could have dangerous side effects and said that steps need to be taken to make sure that
land converted to grow biofuels does not damage the environment or cause civil unrest. There is
already great concern about palm oil, which is used in many foods in addition to being an important
biofuel, as rain forests are being cleared in some countries and people driven from their homes to
create palm oil plantations.
An analyst and author of the investors’ report says that biofuels are not a cure for climate
change but they can play their part as long as governments and companies manage the social and
environmental impacts thoroughly. There should also be greater measure taken to increase
efficiency and to reduce demand.
1. ____ are worried about the boom in biofuels.
a. Few people
b. Many people
c. Only these leading investors

2. Biofuel producers ____ know about the possible problems.

a. do not
b. might not
c. must not

3. Environmentalists believe that increased production of corn and soya.

a. has destroyed rain forests.
b. may lead to the destruction of rain forests.
c. will lead to the destruction of rain forests.

4. Biofuels might,
a. drive food prices up.
b. drive food prices down.
c. have little or no impact on food prices.

5. The increased production of palm oil.
a. just affects the environment.
b. just affects people
c. affects both people and the environment.
Exercise 3
4 Metro stations to get bicycle docking points

Vidhana Soudha will be among the Metro stations to get cycle docking stations. The Public
Bicycle Sharing system (PBS) in the city could have nearly 4,000 unisex bicycles equipped with
GPS and 350 docking stations at places that witness high footfall. Four Metro stations in the
Central Business District (CBD) area are set to have such bicycle parking lots in their vicinity
according to a proposal sent recently by the Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT) to the
state government for approval.

In his state budget speech on March 15, Chief Minister had mentioned that the ‘bicycles
on hire’ scheme would be taken up in select clusters in Bengaluru. The Phase-I of PBS, which
could cost between 60 crore and 70 crore, plans to cover 20 sqkm of the city’s total area of 790
sqkm, said N Murali Krishna, special officer, DULT. “The docking stations would be positioned
within 300m to 500m of one another,” he said. Such stations will come up on or near MG Road,
Vidhana Soudha, Indiranagar and Cubbon Park Metro stations. Each docking spot will have a
length of 12m and a width of 3m to 4m.
An internal survey carried out to identify cycle parking spots has also identified BDA
complexes, traffic and transit management centres, BBMP offices, and areas in the vicinity of
public parks. “The plan now is to run the hiring scheme between 6 am and 10 pm though it could
be increased up to 11pm in stations close to Metro stations if there is a demand for it,” the special
officer said. Swipe card and take a cycle DULT has also recommended creating a special purpose
vehicle in partnership with stakeholders like BMRCL, BMTC, BBMP to administer the project.

Elaborating on the operations aspect, a DULT official said that a person hiring a bicycle
needs to go online and register for a swipe card using an identity card or walk into one of the
registration centres that will come up in future. “One just needs to use the swipe card which works
on Radio Frequency Identification Technology to unlock the vehicle and take it around. It need not
be brought back to the same place and can be parked at any other docking station available near
one’s destination,” he added.
People are not allowed to take the vehicles back home at night. “The whole idea is to make
the bicycle readily available for others who want to make use of them,” Krishna said. To popularise
the scheme, the public would be permitted to use the bicycle free of cost for up to one hour. “The
cyclist will be charged `5 for every succeeding hour,” he said. The system is quite robust and the
GPS keeps track of the movement of the bicycle. “If a cycle is lost or stolen, it can be easily
tracked,” he added. There will be a redistribution vehicle which will ensure that cycles are rushed
to the docking stations where the demand is high.
In an interview given to CharanSadu of The Times of India on April 1, Darpan Jain,
commissioner of Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT), said that the bicycle sharing
system will ensure last mile connectivity to commuters. “It will promote non-motorized transport,
particularly for short commutes. Besides offering people last-mile connectivity to other modes of
transport, PBS will help tourists explore the city,” he was quoted as saying. Chief Minister
Siddaramaiah had, in his budget speech, proposed the idea of a bicycle sharing system to be set up
in Bengaluru. Special officer of DULT Murali Krishna told TNIE that the sharing system will
function from 6 am to 10 pm. Commuters can avail the service by registering online or at
registration centres that will come up later. Using a swipe card, commuter can avail the bicycle
1. ‘Docking points’ is _________________
A. Demand B. Position C. Space D. Stopping

2. The hiring scheme is between 6am and 10pm, though it could be increased up to ______
A. 11 PM B. 24 hours C.12 AM D. Not mentioned

3. The Public Bicycle Sharing system (PBS) in the city has ______________________
A. 350 docking stations B. 4000 bicycles
C. GPS D. All the above

4. The government popularizes the scheme by ________________________________

A. Create Awareness
B. People are allowed to take the vehicles back home at night
C. free of cost for one hour
D. Swipe card using an identity card

5. The word ‘vicinity’ refers to ______________________________

A. Near B. Distance C. Neighborhood D. Withdrawal

6. ‘Stakeholders’ is the closest meaning of _____________________

A. Invertors B. Participants C. Employers D. Public

7. The bicycle will be equipped with __________________________
A. Anti-braking system B. GPS C. Airbags D. All the above

8. The Phase-I of PBS, which could cost ____________________________

A. 60crore and `70 crore B. Around 70
C. 50crore and `70 crore D. 80crore and `85 crore

9. Each docking spot will have a length of ____________________________

A. 11m B. 12m C. 15m D. 17m

10. A person hiring a bicycle needs _________________________________

A. Use credit card B. Doesn’t need to walk into the registration centres
C. go online and register for a swipe card D. All the above

Description of the activity:

Ideas emerged:

Learning outcomes:



1 Exercise 1 20
2 Exercise 2 10
3 Exercise 3 20
Total 50
Total 100


Signature of the faculty


A Resume summarizes the most important information an employer needs to know

when hiring a person. The job seeker’s relevant qualifications, training, and work
history are listed under easily understood resume headings such as “Summary of
Qualifications,” “Professional Experience,” or “Education.”

A Job Application Letter is written to apply for a specific position. It is a

persuasive message that sells the applicant’s talents to a prospective employer. It
persuades the reader to believe in his/her suitability for a particular position. It is
basically a self-promotion instrument used by the applicant to boost his/her professional
value and career prospects.

The key elements in an application letter are

1. Gaining the reader’s attention.
2. Building the reader’s interest in the applicant’s candidature.
3. Convincing the reader that the applicant is the best candidate.
4. Motivating the reader to act.

These four elements should be included in three parts of the letter: an opening that
gains the reader’s attention, a body that builds the readers interest and convinces the
reader that the applicant is the best candidate, and a closing that motivates the reader to



[Your address Line 1]
[Address Line 2]
[Address Line 3]
[Phone Number]

[Company address line 1]

[Company address line 2]


Body of the Letter

Paragraph 1:
The opening paragraph should be short, made up of three things:
➢ Why you are writing the letter,
➢ The position you are applying for,
➢ How you found out about the position.
For example: I am writing to apply for the role of [job title], in response to an advert I
saw on [name of job site].

Paragraph 2:
The second paragraph should be about:
➢ Expanding on Resume, and give a brief summary of any relevant skills.
➢ The cover letter should not be a copy of Resume.
➢ Include notable achievements, show how these skills could benefit the employer.

Paragraph 3:
The third paragraph is:
➢ The chance to show why the candidate wants to work for the company.
➢ State how you can help the company and add to their success.
➢ Why you will fit in with the company culture and core values.

Paragraph 4:
➢ Let them know your availability for an interview.
➢ Thank them for taking the time to read your letter.
For example, I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely


C.Sridhar E-mail: csridhar93@gmail.com

No - 3/13, Natham (Village) Phone: 9943941641
Koramangalam (Post)
Tiruttani – 631 205

To work as a Software Developer in an organization where I can utilize my skills and
develop new skills to contribute to the accomplishment of organizational goals.

- Currently engaged with JHG Solutions as an Android Developer.
- Strong Application development skills in Android.
- Good command over Android SDK and APIs.
- Good knowledge of Core Java.


- Application testing and development and to deploy on Android Devices.
- More than 50 basic Apps developed in Android.
- Responsibility of Hardware configuration and Software testing of the Equipment.
- Hands on experience of ERICSSON WCDMA, GSM and NOKIA GSM Equipment.

B.E -ECE-Sri Venkateshwara Institute of Science and Technology, Thiruvallur, Chennai
in 2021 with 85%.
HSC - Government Higher Secondary School, 2017 with 83%.
SSLC - Government Higher Secondary School, 2015 with 78%.


- Since May 2016 with ASD Infocom as Software Engineer.
- Since April 2015 to April 2012 with ZIO Pvt. Ltd. as Assistant Software Engineer.

- JAVA, C#, .NET
- Databases: MySQL, SQLite, MS Access, ORACLE

• “ZOL” Game developed in Android.
• Received Best Student Award for the year 2018- 2019, for outstanding performance in
curricular activities.
• Won First Prize in Software Contest at Intra- college competitions by Microchip
Technologies, Bangalore.
• Certification from IBM Rational University, Bangalore.

Final Semester Project as Part of the B.E. Curriculum.
Project Name: “Use of Zigbee Wireless Network for Monitoring and Controlling Green
House Climate”.
Description: The aim of this paper is to present a Wireless Sensor Network Vased.
ZigBee Technology for monitoring and controlling Greenhouse Climate.

• A sincere hard worker.
• Able to communicate and cope up with team.
• Able to organize and integrate individual efforts into teamwork.

Dr. J. Sathish
Head of the Department
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
XXX College of Engineering
Coimbatore – 641 042

I hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and


Prepare a Job application letter as a fresher for the post of Junior Engineer in a reputed
firm. (Include a Resume)

Description of the activity:

Ideas emerged:

Learning outcomes:



1 Language 20
2 Sequence 20
3 Preparation of Cover Letter 20
4 Appropriate Details 20
5. Format - Resume 10
6 Viva-voce 10

Total 100


Signature of the faculty

Verbal Ability

Description of the activity:

Ideas emerged:

Learning outcomes:



1 Verbal Ability 100
Total 100

Signature of the faculty



A GD is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the

candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members.
In this methodology, a group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, a few
minutes to think about the same, and asked to discuss it among themselves for
20 minutes. Some of the personality traits the GD is trying to gauge may include:
• Ability to work in a team
• Communication skills
• Reasoning ability
• Leadership skills
• Initiative
• Assertiveness
• Flexibility
• Creativity
GDs can be topic-based or case-based.
Topic based GDs can be classified into three types:-
1. Factual Topics

2. Controversial Topics
3. Abstract Topics
Reasons for having a GD
• It helps you to understand a subject more deeply.
• It improves your ability to think critically It helps in solving a particular
• It helps the group to make a particular decision.
• It gives you the chance to hear others ideas.
• It improves your listening skills.
• It increases your confidence in speaking.

The main areas tested in GD are:

Content: Content includes logical arguments on the subject. Collect the important points on the
given topic and use them as a weapon for discussion. Be relevant to the topic and don’t discuss
Communication skills: Communication is a dual process from both the perspectives of listeners
and speakers. Listening is also important like speaking. Listen carefully while others speaking and
make your points in a clear and concise way. Make a note of important points and build on other’s
points and give a conclusion to the discussions made by the entire team.
Group dynamics: GD is designed to test your behavior and influence in your group. Formal
English language and mutual respect are considered while speaking. Do not give strong concluding
statements at the beginning of the discussion. Learn to disagree politely if required without saying
the words’ I disagree.
Leadership: Leadership means ‘not controlling the group’ and it is an activity to guide the group
in terms of content. A good leader allows the group to express their views and conclude the given

Elements of effective Group Discussion:

• Get prepared well before the GD on your subject related topics.

• Prepare well on some related questionnaires.

• Do research before the interview on your area of subject.

• Express clearly and communicate well during the GD.

• Don’t respond harshly to the interviewer and don’t argue with other participants.

• Be polite and try to convince the team members.

• Don’t interrupt others while they are speaking and listen carefully while others speaking.

Sample Group Discussion:

Are digital payments secure enough for the Indian economy to go cashless?
Renuka : Yes, it is a bold move taken by PM Modi ji, he is looking forward to making India as
digital India and also wants to stop black money hoarder’s, after thinking on these two points we
can say it is a correct decision. Even a street vendor is having Paytm and learning digital payment
from others to go cashless. We have to learn new things & must have to change for better, and this
decision was a good idea but not better.
Sathya: I would like to add that India as a nation is not ready for a digital economy. Only 5% of
the population is doing online transactions and remaining is doing in a conventional way. There is
lack of e-channels, banks, ATMs etc in most of the rural part of the country and also due to illiteracy
among people, they are not adopting this medium of payment. If we want to go cashless than there
should be enough resources like smartphone, connectivity at cheapest cost, No ADDITIONAL
FEE on transaction.
Ajith: According to me, digital payment is a good initiative for the rich people who have a good
knowledge plus good internet in their hand but somehow the poor or illiterate people who earn
their livelihood could definitely be cheated. So it is definitely good idea but not the best.
Priya: As per my view, Digital payments are not secure. The maximum number of uneducated
people and farmers suffer a lot. They may be cheated and disappointed by robbers. Small retailers
do not have enough resources to invest in electronic payment infrastructure.
Manju: As digital payment is just started, the companies are securing the payments from hackers
and the pin, no one can easily get. It is secured until very good hacker raise in the nation.

Ajith: According to me digital payments are not secure enough for the Indian economy to go
cashless. Because the cyber security in India is very poor. The cybercrimes are increasing day by
day. The Facebook account of the owner of Facebook “Mark Zuckerberg” was hacked.
The Twitter Account of the Vice-president of Indian national congress party “Rahul Gandhi” was
hacked. Few months before the ATM passwords of SBI was hacked, then how can we say that
digital payment is safe. In conclusion, I want to say that our government needs to improve our
cyber security then we can realize that digital payment is secure.
Renuka: The digital payments are secure enough to go cashless but in India, some challenges are
seen like converting cash into digital money towards the adoption of digital wallets. To make a
habit change, if the benefit is large enough, consumers will switch in masses. By making wallets
swifter and safer than cash, I believe consumers will move to a digital wallet.
Vijay: Digital payment is secured but still you can find some of the cases of hacking accounts. It
is the responsibility of every individual not to disclosed account details. But even after proper care
the account is hacked then it is the responsibility of Bank to recover individual debt. Strict laws
required being passed regarding digital payment. It can be put in practice with a full swing
Rajan: Yes, it is secure for the Indian economy to go cashless but it is quite difficult process for
rural people because they don’t have that much of knowledge and they don’t have experience of
online things so as per my confirmation on this topic is negative because it is takes too much
time in a 10 to 15 years maximum. Everyone don’t have Paytm and net banking.
Sathya: I’m totally against this topic. According to report by times of India 28% of Indian are
illiterate and among the literate people 20% of them are unable to use smartphones or PCs and
30% of locality area is not under high-speed internet facility so it would be very difficult for them
to cope with cashless society. There comes a big question what about cyber crime
Renuka :In my point of view, in the case of digital payments each and every transaction is
accounted, so the chance of bribery is reduced. Increased cash accounts to more corruption so a
cashless society makes way for a corruption less society. The illegal transactions can be reduced.
Vijay:Well, I personally think that going for cash less payments is not secure till now. Many apps
like Paytm, ICICI Bank app, PayNow are not providing much security. If they provide security
like one-time password or before sending we need to use a username password then we can go for
cashless. Although its great opportunity for us to go towards progress.
GD Topic:

Members of the group:

Description of the activity:

Ideas emerged:

Learning outcomes:

Assessment Rubric for Group Discussion

Category Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

Contributions A leader who A strong group A satisfactory Rarely provides

contributes a lot. member who tries group member who useful ideas May
hard. does what is refuse to
required. participate.
Use of Facts / Every major point Adequately supported relevance of some Every point was
Statistics was well with relevant facts, was questionable. not supported.
supported with statistics .
several relevant
facts, statistics.
Enthusiasm Facial sometimes generate a Try to generate Very little use of
expressions and strong interest and enthusiasm, but facial expressions
body language enthusiasm about the seem somewhat or body language.
shows strong topic in others. faked.
Team work Always listens to, Usually listens to, Often listens to, Rarely listens to,
shares with, and shares, with, and shares with, and shares with, and
supports the supports the efforts of supports the efforts supports the
efforts of others. others. of others. efforts of others.
Attitude / Body Always has a Often has a positive Occasionally has a Often negative
Language positive attitude attitude about the positive attitude about the task(s).
about the task(s) task(s). about the task(s).


1 Contribution 20
2 Use of Facts / Statistics 20
3 Enthusiasm 20
4 Teamwork 20
5 Attitude / Body Language 20
Total 100

Signature of the faculty


What is a Presentation?
A presentation is a means of communication, which can be adapted to various speaking
situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team. To be effective,
step-by-step preparation and the method and means of presenting the information should be
carefully considered.

Guidelines for making Power Point Presentation:
1. Slides should include key points only, one idea per slide.
2. Avoid using complete sentences. Instead, use short phrases that capture the important
3. Follow the “6*6” rule – Use about six words per line, six lines per slide (excluding the
4. Use the same font, size, colour, and capitalization format throughout your presentation.
5. Open each bulleted point with a noun or verb in active voice.
6. Always use data labels and keep them horizontally so that the audience can read it easily.
7. Avoid border areas; maintain enough ‘white space’ on the slides to ensure that the
graphics or the texts are easy to read.
8. Use two-dimensional graphs for easy reading.

Structure of Presentation:
• Have a beginning, middle and an end. Use short sentences.

• Who are the audience?
• What points do I want to get across?
• How much time have I got?
• What visual aids are available? PowerPoint projector? Flip chart? Don’t necessarily use
these. Sometimes the best presentations are the most informal.

• Welcome the audience.
• Say what your presentation will be about: the aims and objectives.
• The introduction should catch the attention. Perhaps a provocative statement or a
humorous anecdote:
• The Middle should outline your argument or develop your story
• State two or three main points and allow everything else to support these.
• Don’t try to say pack too much content in before the conclusion. Use graphics or
anecdotes to add variety.

• Briefly summarise your main points.
• Answer any questions.
• Thank the audience for listening. Look at the audience again, smile and slow down.
• The end should be on a strong or positive note

Tell them what you will tell them (introduction), tell them (development), tell them what you
told them.







Description of the activity:

Ideas emerged:

Learning outcomes:


Evaluating Students Presentation

Excellent Good Fair Weak

logical sequence No
Organization logical, interesting sequence sequence with
with more mistakes sequence
few mistakes

Subject Thorough knowledge on the fails to more explanation Fails to
Knowledge subject elaborate needed explain

Slides Few mistakes More mistakes No proper

No mistakes found
Preparation identified identified preparation

Able to communicate More grammatical Need to
Language grammatical
effectively errors improve
Answering Answers well for all the appropriately
Answers hesitantly answering
for questions questions but not


1 Organization 20
2 Subject Knowledge 20
3 Slides Preparation 20
4 Language 20
5 Answering for questions (Viva-voce) 20
Total 100

Signature of the faculty


Interview is an interaction between two or more persons usually with a question and
answer pattern. The process is a means of gathering relevant data about a candidate for a particular
job position. It is a structured mechanism for professional evaluations for employment as well as

methods such as group discussion and oral presentation.

Guidelines for a successful job interview:

1. Dress for success. Professional business clothes are always appropriate, regardless of the
type of job. Proper hygiene and a tidy appearance are important.
2. Be there on time. Try to arrive 5 or 10 minutes early to be safe. Find out ahead of time
where you are going and how long it will take to get there. Drive or travel the route a day
or two ahead, at the same time of day on the day of the interview. Confirm how often the
buses run.
3. Let your personality shine. Don’t be afraid. Employers want passionate employees, so
be yourself. Just remember to always keep it professional.
4. Be confident. Feeling nervous in an interview is perfectly normal; just don’t let your
nerves overpower your interview. Eye contact and a calm, clear speaking voice are
excellent ways to show your confidence.
5. Watch your body language. During your interview, relax and sit naturally, but don’t
slouch in your chair or lean on the interviewer’s desk. Avoid chewing gum, or fidgeting
with jewelry or your hair.

6. Be professional. This begins with a smile and a firm handshake. Remember, this is your
first introduction to the organization, so be polite to everyone you meet and turn off your
cell phone.
7. Listen and ask for clarification, if you need it. Remember to listen carefully to the
interview questions so that you actually answer the question, and never interrupt. If you
don’t understand something, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification.
8. Let them know what you have to offer. When answering the questions, let the employer
see what you have to offer their organization. Talk about your past experiences and
accomplishments without bragging, and tie those experiences to how they can help you
contribute to their organization.
9. Think before you speak. Although you want to be open and honest in your interview,
avoid talking about your personal or financial problems.
10. Don’t linger. Leave as soon as the interview is over, making sure you don’t linger. Shake
the interviewer’s hand again, restate your interest in working for the organization, and
thank them for the interview.

Answer the following questions:

1. Tell us about yourself.

2. What are your key strengths and weakness?

3. What are your short term and long term goals?

4. What do you want to achieve in the next five years?

5. What do you do to improve your knowledge?

6. Are you willing to do higher studies?

7. How do you rate your communication skills?

8. Who has inspired you in your life and why?

9. What is your greatest achievement?

10. What is your expected salary?

Description of the activity:

Ideas emerged:

Learning outcomes:


Excellent Good Fair Weak

Shake hands, not Shows up for the interview,
Shake hands,
First Well mannered optimal posture does not shake hands, and/or
smiles, composed
Impressions behaviour chews gum; does not bring a
body language
copy of resume

Interview Excellent eye Adequate eye Improper eye
Poor eye contact. Grammar
Skills/ contact. Language contact. Language contact with more
and language are not
Techniques and grammar is and grammar are grammatical
appropriate. adequate. errors
Personal Confident and some lapses in eye Egotistical; or
Attributes right volume used contact; speaks too shy, reserved. Somewhat nervous
loudly or softly
Self- Answers questions Answers a few Answers
Promoting confidently questions with some
questions in
Not answering properly
reference s. generalities with
no reference
Responses Gives well- Gives well- Answers with
constructed, constructed “yes” or “no” and
confident responses, but fails to elaborate Not responding properly
responses. sounds rehearsed or or explain

1 First Impressions 10

2 Interview Skills/ 10
3 Personal Attributes 10
4 Self-Promoting 10
5. Responses (Viva-voce) 60
Total 100

Signature of the faculty



Identify the errors and rewrite the correct sentences:
1. Exercise is good both for work as well as health.

2. Although it was raining, but we went to the supermarket.

3. The management of Shakespeare’s Globe planned to took exciting new initiatives.

4. The discovery on X-rays aroused the interest of all physicists.

5. DRIVE responsibly are a common advice we see on roadside bill boards.

6. Football is a serious business for a Manipuri girls.

7. The students are required reading the passage to get a gist of the passage.

8. Even smaller manufacturers are finding, places for robots in their factory.

9. Many people enjoys morning walk.

10. My friend likes science fiction films. The video is for them.

11. To be successful, you have to believe about yourself.

12. A Air Force has the capability of locating, fixing and striking across the border.

13. Our college football team went to Chennai playing the finals.

14. Colonel Hartland Sanders left Kentucky and travelled to different states to try to cell his

15. Every students is intelligent in the class.

16. Raj needs a vehicle for his every day activities.

17. The purpose of there visit was political.

18. Rani could not decide among the two mobiles.

19. This word is very difficult to speak.

20. There are water scarcity in major parts of the city.

21. Apple plans for use Qualcomm’s modem technology for a 5G iPhone.

22. Technology have enhanced feeding, clothing and sheltering.

23. Of all the country in the world, India has the most potential.

24. Both Ilango and Banu loved her parents.

25. The recession had a negative affect on sales.

26. I would appreciate its if you could reply soon.

27. Harshitha returned back the book that she had borrowed.

28. She didn’t told us where to meet.

29. We have been waiting here since two hours.

30. The government has announced their decision.

31. The pollution is a serious problem.

32. The Indian Team wanted to be the best of the world.

33. My friend told me that you can train me.

34. Finally, could you make me a favour?

35. There is a slight increase during the first week.

36. The reasons of unemployment may be different from country to country.

37. He has to travel five days a week.

38. Shall we discuss about the project today?

39. She is my cousin sister, Roohani.

40. It’s raining outside since morning.

41. I will try my level best to give the report to you by tomorrow.

42. I woke up at 6 AM in the morning.

43. Could you please repeat once more?

44. Computer Engineering is one of the most rapidly increasing area in the industry.

45. I always try to did my homework in the morning.

46. Where I can find a bank?

47. Ravi is best student in the class.

48. Our class is composed from sixty students.

49. The mountains are covered by snow.

50. I hope he will succeed at his work.

Description of the activity:

Ideas emerged:

Learning outcomes:

Total Marks: 100


Signature of the faculty


1. Punctuate the following sentences.

1. the man bought the newspaper he was an avid reader of the hindu.

2. the great wall of china was built by shih huang ti

3. in 1989 a war broke out between the british and the boers in south Africa

4. are you going to the store

5. you are the brilliant person here arent you

6. who is the person who has influenced you and why

7. he bought the groceries eggs butter jam sugar and noodles

8. the criminal surrendered he was defeated

9. I wonder if this will work the scientist said

10. people always seem to find footballers haircuts very interesting

2. The bold words in the following message are incorrect, rewrite the correct words.

Thanks for your inquiry about the (1) pare of (2) read shoes featured in our catalog. The shoes

are (3) died to match the dress that is shown on the same page. Many people order both and like

to (4) ware them together. The shoes are on (5) sail. If you’d like to (6) by this item, you must

first pay the balance on your (7) overdo account. We are not (8) aloud to ship you (9) knew

merchandise until you pay your (10) passed due bill.



3. Select the correct word from the pair of words and write a complete letter.

To: mani@gmail.com
From: mari@gmail.com
Subject: Printing Services

Dear Mani,

Thanks for your e-mail inquiring about our printing services. Yes, we do print (1)
stationary/stationery. It is one of the (2) principal/principle services that we offer. We will be
glad to develop a logo for you.
Our (3) price/prize for designing the logo and letterhead, as well as printing 1,000 sheets
of (4) stationery/stationary and (5) envelops/envelopes, is $500.
Please tell me (6) where/ wear you would like me to send the contract. I will (7)
mail/male it to you. If you (8) except/accept these terms and would like to (9) precede/proceed,
please sign and return the contract. That will(10) insure/ensure quick service.

Good Printing Services



4. Check each sentence for spelling errors and write the correct spelling.

1. There are no any vacancies for the halls for the weaks you requested.

2. For off-peek periods, we accept reservations.

3. Hear is the answer to the question you asked in your e-mail.

4. Bee sure to click the button to list additional things.

5. You do not have to weight to file your tax application.

6. Please go to our policies page for more information regarding Web cite security.

7. Please try in the mourning when usage is lower.

8. The sail price for the computer is no longer in affect.

9. The humidity in the air will effect how long the tree lasts.

10. We received too e-mail messages from you regarding the printing machines.

5. Read the business dialogue and fill in the blanks choosing the best word from the options

Reception: Projex Limited. How can I help you?

Harshaa: (1)___________you direct me to the IT Department Manager?
Reception: That (2) ___________ be Harshitha. I will connect you. (slight pause…)
Harshitha: Harshitha speaking.
Harshaa: Hello Ms Harshitha. I am Harshaa and I (3) ____________for a large software company
called B&J Enterprises. The reason I am calling today is that I have an (4)
______________ opportunity to demonstrate some of our new networking software aimed
specifically at Marketing Companies.
Harshitha: What did you say your company’s name was?
Harshaa: B&J Enterprises. We carry a (5) __________ line of software designed for the marketing
field. I was hoping that you had some time next week to meet with me briefly (6) ___________
how some of our products might enhance your current system.
Harshitha: Oh, yes, I see. Well, unfortunately, this is not a great time of the year for us. We are
swamped for the next few weeks.
Harshaa: I see. Well perhaps you could just (7) __________ answer a quick question about your
current system? Are you happy with the programme?
Harshitha: Well, overall, I would say we are generally happy. Of course, there are (8)
__________things which could be improved but it usually organises things in a fairly easy way.
Harshaa: Are you (9) _____________ the BrandAIM software?
Harshitha: Yes, as a matter of fact.
Harshaa: And what would you change about it if you could?
Harshitha: Well, I suppose I would say that if the searching parameters were more inclusive, it
might allow us to do fewer searches overall.
Harshaa: It is funny you should mention that, (10) ____________ our current upgrade of our 5.0
DreamBrand programme works very well with BrandAIM,
Harshaa: OK, well, I appreciate your time. Have a very good day.
Harshitha: Thank you very much.

1. A. could B. may C. shall

2. A. would B. will C. may
3. A. join B. train C. work
4. A. important B. exciting C. trivial
5. A. huge B. large C. big
6. A. about B. on C. between
7. A. not B. explain C. briefly
8. A. always B. regularly C. timely
9. A. make use B. usage C. using
10. A. because B. but C. yet

Description of the activity:

Ideas emerged:

Learning outcomes:


1 Exercise 1 20
2 Exercise 2 20
3 Exercise 3 20
4 Exercise 4 20
5. Exercise 5 20
Total 100

Signature of the faculty


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