Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities

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A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which cach term is either a constant or the product of a constant and (the first power of) a single variable, mathematically it is represented by aX + BY = ¢ where, a, band ¢ are constant while X and Y are the unknown variables. Linear equations can have one or more variables. This section will be limited in the discussion of linear equations with no more than two variables. A System of Linear Equation is the common point (ordered pair) of any two given linear equation aX+bY=o => Firstequation @X+bY=a => — Second equation An equation of form, aX + bY = c, where a, b # 0 is called standard equation of the first degree in X and Y. Take note that Li stands for the graph of the first linear equation and L: for the second linear equation. A. Inconsistent. An inconsistency has a solution of empty set and the graphs consist of two parallel lines. It can be determined using the ratio test 1. = 2 ai- 4h & Figure 1.1 B. Dependent. A dependent solution contains an infinite number of solutions and the graphs are two coincident lines and can be determined using, the ratio test & LG. a, b, Figure 1.2 ‘Scanned with CamScanner C. Consistent. A consistent contains only one solution, and the graphs are two lines, which intersect at one point. It can be easily deterrhined using the ratio test 4. % a Figure 1.3 x 12345678 Example: Determine the type of system of linear equation using ratio test and plot the graphs. 1, 4X+2Y=16 2. 2X+Y=6 3. 2X+Y=16 2X+Ye=11 4X+2Y =12 X+2Y=11 Solution: 1. m=4, bh =2, c=16 m=2, bal, a=ll 4,216 2° 1° 11 Thus, the system is inconsistent. Let us graph the given equations using intercepts to show its graphical representation. 4X +2Y = 16 2X+Y=11 Let X=0 Let Y=0 Let X =0 Let Y =0 4(0)+2Y¥=16 = 4X+2(0)=16 = -(0) + Y= 11 2X+0=11 2Y=16 4X = 16 Y=11(0,11) 2X=11 Y =8 (0,8) X=4 (4,0) X=5.5 (5.5, 0) Figure 1.4 Notice that the graphs are parallel to each other. 11 Oy il Vasasere 2m=2 bel, 186 m=4, he 212 2 tot §-h-8 ate ja Thus, the system is dependent. ‘Scanned with CamScanner Let us also graph the given equations using intercepts for its graphical representation. 2X+Y¥o6 4X + 2Y «12 Let X «0 Let Y=0 Let X «0 Let ¥ <0 20) + ¥o6 2X +066 40) + 2Y © 12 AX + 2(0) = 12 Y=6(0,6) 2X =6 2¥ = 12 4X =12 X #3(3,0) Y « 6(0,6) X=3G,0) Figure 15 Notice that the coordinates of the two linear equations are the same (0, 6) and (3, 0), which resulted to the same graphical representation. Thus, there is an infinite solution. G0) [| 12345678 3. a=2, b=, = 16 mel, b=2 aell 201 a i" ‘Thus, the system is consistent. Graph the given equations using intercepts. 2X46 X+2V=n1 Let X= 0 Let ¥=0 Let X=0 Let Y=0 20)+Y=16 2X +0=16 0+2Y=11 X+2(0)=11 0+¥= 16 2X = 16 2211 X+0=11 Y=16(0,16) X=8(8,0) Y=55(0,55) X= 11(11,0) Figure 1.6 Notice that the two lines intersect on point (7, 2) which serves as its solution. @ Enrichment Exercise 1.1 Determine whether the following, pairs of equations are consistent, dependent or inconsistent. 1, 2X4 5Y = 10and 3X + 4¥ 15 3. X4#YeSand 2X + 2¥96 2 3X + 2Y © 1and 9X + 6Y © 12 4. 5X =-3¥@7and7X42Ye4 ‘Scanned with CamScanner After identifying that the system of linear equation is consistent, we can compute for the solution of the two intersecting lines. There are different methods of solving the solution of a linear equation involving two unknown variables. The solution in the example below will be determined using five methods namely: elimination, substitution, equivalent equation, Cramer's rule and graphical. Example: Solve the system of linear equation of 2X + Y = 16 and X + 2Y = 11 using the five method: Solution: A. Elimination Method by Addition or Subtraction * It is of high importance to consider the following steps in performing the elimination method in determining the solution set of a simultaneous solution of a linear equation. Jimination, substitution, equivalent equation, Cramer’s“rule and graphical. AaSteps in Solving System of Linear Equations by Elimination Method 1, If the coefficients of the variables we choose to eliminate contain the same coefficient, we proceed to step 2. In cases that the coefficients are not the same, we multiply one equation or both by a number, which will make the coefficients of the variables equal. 2. Add or subtract the resulting equations and solve for the value of the remaining variable. 3. Substitute the value obtained in step 2 to get the value of the second variable to any of the original equation. 4, Check by substituting the values of the variables in the original equations. Using the equations in the problem, we have 2X + Y = 16 = First equation X +2Y =11 = Second equation Step 1: See if the coefficients of the variables have the same coefficient. If so, then that variable may be eliminated. Otherwise multiply each equation that will result to their Least Common Multiple (LCM) or multiply one equation or both by a number, which will make the coefficients of one variable equal. In our example we choose to eliminate X. To eliminate the X variable by subtraction in the given system of linear equations, we have to multiply the first equation by 1 and the second equation by 2. Thus 1(2X + Y = 16) => First equation AX+2Y=11) = — Second equation Step 2: Subtract the second equation in the first equation and solve for the value of the remaining variable Y. 2X +Y=16 Step 3: Substitute the value of Y in the first equation or in the second equation. In this example we will make use of the first equation. Scanned with CamScanner 2X+Y=16 First equation. 2X+2=16 Represent Y as 2. 2X = 16-2 Collect like terms. 2X=14 Combine like terms. X=7 Divide both sides by 2. Step 4: Check the result if the solution satisfies the two given equations. Firstequation: — 2X+Y=16 Second equation: X + 2Y=11 277) +2=16 7 + 2(2) 144+2=16 7+4=11 16=16 llell Thus, the solution set is (7, 2). # Enrichment Exercise 1.2A Solve the system of linear equations by elimination method -2and 2X+Y=0 1, 2X-Y=4and X-3Y=7 2 4X+Ye= B. Substitution Method Another method of solving system of linear equations is by substitution. The example below illustrates this method. 7 Steps in Solving System of Linear Equations by Substitution Method 1. Choose the simpler equation and solve for one variable in terms of the other. . Using the other equation, substitute the expression obtained in step 1 to find the value of the other variable. }. Substitute the value obtained in step 2 to get the value of the second variable to any of the original equations. }. Check by substituting the values of both variables in the original equations. = First equation = Second equation Step 1: Choose the simpler equation and solve for one variable in terms of the other variable. In this example, we will represent Y in terms of X. First equation Step 2: Using the second equation, substitute the expression 16 ~ 2X in the value Y of the second equation and determine the value of X. X+2¥=11 Second equation X + 2(16 -2X) = 11 Replace Y by 16 - 2X. Distribute 2. Collect like terms. Combine like terms. Divide both sides by -3. Step 3: Substitute the value of X in the first equation to obtain the value of Y. Y =16-2X = 16-2(7) = 16-14=2 Thus, the solution set is (7, 2). ‘Scanned with CamScanner 4 Enrichment Exercise 1.2B Solve the system of linear equations by substitution method. 1, 2X-3Y = 14and 2X +4Y = 21 2, 2X+Y=11 and 8X - ¥ = 29 C. Equivalent Equations The third method of solving system of linear equations is by equivalent equation. The example below illustrates this method. Steps in Solving System of Linear Equations by Equivalent Equations 1. Choose one variable and solve for one variable in terms of the other. 2. Form a new equation from the equivalent equations and solve for the unknown. 3. Substitute the value of the first variable in step 2 to get the value of the second variable. 4, Check by substituting the values of both variables obtained in the original equations. 16 = First equation = Second equation Step 1: Choose a simpler equation and solve for one variable in terms of the other variable in both equations. In this example, we will solve for the value of Y in terms of X. 2X+Y=16 Y=16-2X = First equation X+2Y=11 2Y=11-X 11-X Y= ad Second equation Step 2; Equate the given equations and solve for the unknown. Since Y = Y it follows that 16 -2x- 11-X 2 fis-ax = a Multiply both sides by 2. 2(16 - 2X) = 11-X Simplify. 32-4X =11-X Distribute 2. -4X +X=11-32 Collect like terms. 3X =-21 Combine like terms. X=7 Divide both sides by -3. Step 3: Substitute the value of X to obtain the value of Y in the first equation. Y =16-2X = 16-2(7) = 16-14=2 Thus, the solution set is (7, 2). ‘Zénrichment Exercise 1.2C Solve the system of linear equations by equivalent equations. 1._X+Y=Oand3X+2¥=1 2. 2X-7Y =7 and 5X +3Y=-3 Scanned with CamScanner E. Graphical Method The fifth method of solving system of linear equations is by graphical. This method is illustrated using the same example. A, Steps in Solving Linear Equation in Two Variables by Graphical Method 1. Solve the two given equations for X and ¥ values (coordinates) 2. Graph each equation on the same Cartesian Coordinate Plane. 3. Find the point of intersection. The point of intersection is the solution set. 4, Check by substituting the obtained values of the variables in the original equations. 2X+Y=16 = First equation X+2Y¥=11 = Second equation Step 1: Solve the intercepts of both equations. 2X +Y =16 X+2¥=11 Let X=0 Let Y=0 Let Let ¥ = 20)+Y=16 — 2X+0=16 0+2¥=11 X+200)=11 0+Y=16 2X = 16 2=11 X+0=11 6 (0,16) X= 8(8,0) Y¥=55.(0,5.5) X=11 (11,0) Step 2: Plot the coordinates of the given equations and sketch the graph as shown in Figure 1.6. Trace the point of intersection of the two lines. Figure1.6 | 4019 u 2 et Notice that the two lines 10) Ht intersect on point (7,2) which {ess 7 r serves as its pollution. ‘ 1 i) AEC ESB Taos 123 567891011 Step 3: Thus, the solution set is (7, 2). 4 Enrichment Exercise 1.2E Solve the system of linear equations by graphical method. 1. -3X +2Y= Zand 3X-Y=~9 2 2X+3Y26and2X-2¥=1 An inequality is a statement that one quantity or expression is greater or less than another quantity or expression. Mathematically, for any two real numbers a and b, (a <1) or (b > a) if and only if (ba) is a positive number, that is, if and only if b-a>0. Scanned with CamScanner Inequality is the opposite of equality because equality (also called equation) states that one quantity or expression is exactly equal to another quantity or expression. Inequalities with <,> or, # are called strict inequalities. Symbolically, inequalities are written and read as follows: X > Y means “X is greater than Y”, (or X — Y is a positive number). X < Y means “X is less than Y”, (or X - Y is a negative number). X = Y means “X is greater than or equal to Y.” X s Y means “xX is less than or equal to Y.” X b Example: Ifa=3andb =5, only one of the three (<, =, >) will hold true in any two given numbers, thus, 3 <5. B. Addition Property. For all real numbers a, b, and c: Ifab,thenatc>bt c. Example: Givena=10,b=17,ande=5 Given a = 10,b = 17, and c =-5 10 <17 => 10 + 5<17+5=15< 22] 10<17=>10-5<17-5>5<12 Also ifa = 19,b=11,andc=5 Also if a = 19,b = 11, and c=-5 19> 11 => 19+5>11+5= 24> 16] 19>11=>19-5>11-5=19>6 Notice that the inequality symbol does not change when adding or subtracting the same number to both sides of the inequality. C. Multiplication Property. For any real numbers a, b, and ¢: Ifa 50 < 85 On the other hand, ifa= 10, b = 17, and ¢=~5 10<17 => 10(-5) > 17(-5) => 50 > 85 It can be noted in the example that if the multiplier is positive the inequality sign does not change, but if it is negative the inequality will be reversed. D. Division Property. For all real numbers a, b, and c: Ifa< band cis positive, then 2.<2. ee Ma< band cis negative, then 25 ©. ee ‘Scanned with CamScanner Example: Given a= 10, b= 15, and ¢ = 5 10<15 = 10< 15 5 2<3 5 5 Conversely, ifa= 10, b= 15, and ¢= 10<15=> 10 5 15 25.3 It can be scen in the example that if the divisor is positive the inequality sign does not change, but if it is negative the inequality will be reverse. E, Exponential Property. For all real numbers @, b, and c: Ifa< band cis positive, then a br. Example: Givena=2,b=3,andc=4 2<3 = Y<3 >16<81 On the contrary, ifa = 2, b= 3,and c= —4 1 4,1 > eee tee 16 81 2<32M>Ft=> 1 2 It can also be noted that if the divisor is positive, the inequality sign does not change, but if it is negative the inequality will be reversed. # Enrichment Exercise 1.3 Place the appropriate symbol, or between the following pairs of numbers. 9 8 6. 7(8) __ (8) 2-3) ____ 5(-3) 7. (4) ___ -V4(-5) » 5(-3) 4(-3) 9. 12413 11413 . 6+ (-8)__ 5 + (-8) 10.543 1 2 3. (3 ___(%)-3 . 7 8 4, 5 The solution of an inequality consists of all the values of the variable that make the inequality a true statement. The two types of inequality are absolute and conditional. A. Absolute Inequality. It is a condition where the inequality is true for all values of the unknown involved. Example: X?+4>0 It is an absolute inequality since every value of X (whether X is positive negative or zero) is true for X? > ~ 4. B. Conditional Inequality. It is a condition where the inequality is true for certain values of the unknown involved. Scanned with CamScanner Example: 2X-57 2X-5+5>7+5 Adding 5 to both sides. 2X>74+5 Additive inverse property. 2X >12 Combine the terms. (JJex>(ZJe: Multiply both sides by 4. x> 2 Reducing to lowest term. X>6 Solution. The above example is a conditional inequality since the inequality is only true for X>6. @ Enrichment Exercise 1.4 Determine the type inequality (Absolute or Conditional). 1, 3X-1>4 3. Xt+6>0 5. SX-8>7 2 2X43>0 0 4. X>-1 6& N>8 In graphing linear inequalities we will use the slope intercept and the test point in identifying the solution set. It is illustrated in the following examples on how to plot the graph of an inequality, 42 Steps in Grophing 1. Replace the inequality sign with an equal sign, and then plot the graph of the equation 2. Selecta test point tying in one of the half-planes determine by the graph and substitute ‘Uhe values of X and Y into the given inequality. Apply the origin whenever possible. 3. If the inequality is satisfied, the graph of the inequality includes the half-planes that contain the test point. Otherwise, the solution includes the other half-plane not containing the test point. Figneie Figure 1.7 shows a straight line that divides the Cartesian coordinate plane into two half-planes-an upper half- plane and a lower half-plane. To determine the required half-plane, we will pick any point lying in one of the half-planes. Choose the origin (0, 0) if it does not lie on the line, The following examples will illustrate the procedure. Scanned with CamScanner Example 1: Sketch the graph of X > 5. Solution: First is to set the X > 5 to X = 5, then graph it as X = 5. Secondly, cut off the lines to signify that X = 5 is not included in the graph. Using the origin (0, 0) as test point we shall have 0 > 5 which is false, thus the test point is not included in the solution. Lastly, shade the right part of the X = 5 to denote the “greater-than” part of the problem is the solution set. hed line for inequalities with less than (<) and greater 1e to indicate that the line itself is part of the solution ( Example 2: Sketch the graph of 2X + Y s 16 Solution: Step 1: Change the “less-than-or-equal-to” to equality for instance, 2X + Y = 16. Step 2: Solve using intercepts let X and Y be equal to zero. 2X+Y=16 when X =0 when Y= 0 20) + ¥ = 16 2X+0=16 0+Y=16 2X =16 Y = 16 (0,16) X=8 (8,0) Step 3: Pick the coordinate of the origin (0, 0) and substitute in 2X + Y s 16. Itshows. that 2(0) + 0 < 16=3.0 s 16is true. Since (0,0) satisfies the inequality, the area of the half-planes where (0, 0) is, thus it is the solution set of the inequality. Scanned with CamScanner Example 3: Sketch the graph of X +2Y = 8. Solution: Step 1: Change the “greater-than-or-equal-to” to equality. X+2Y=8 Step 2: Solve using intercepts let X and Y be equal to zero X+2(0)=8 X+0=8 Y=4(0,4) X=8(8,0) Step 3: Select the coordinate of the origin (0, 0) and substitute in given X + 2Y28, It shows that 0 + 2 (0) 2 8 > 0 & Bis false. Since (0, 0) does not satisfy the inequality, the solution set is the area of the half-planes that does not contain (0,0). Figure 1.10 @® Note: We can also make used of other test point other than the origin but it is more convenient to use it. In cases that the origin is part of the line itself use other point in the Cartesian plane. # Enrichment Exercise 1.5 Sketch the graph of the following inequalities. 1, X+3Y 59 2. 4X-Y28 3. X+3Y>12 2] The solution set of linear inequalities isa plane, which iscommon or the intersection of the inequalities. Let us try to solve the example below. Example: Find the solution set of the given inequalities in a graphical method X + 2Y = 4dand2X+Y <6. Solution: Step 1: Change the “greater-than-or-equal-to” of the first inequality to equality X + 2Y = 4 and the “less-than-or-equal-to” of the first inequality to equality 2X + Y = 6. Solution Set Scanned with CamScanner Step 2: Solve using intercepts let X and Y be equal to zero on X + 2Y = 4and 2X + Y =6. when X =0 when Y =0 0+2Y=4 X+20)=4 2Y=4 X+0=4 Y=2 (0,2) X=4(4,0) when X =0 when Y =0 20) + Y=6 2X+0=6 0+Y=6 2X =6 Y =6 (0,6) X=3 (3,0) Step 3; Plot the points of the coordinates in a Cartesian coordinate system. Y . Figure 1.11 Thus, the solution is the common area covered by both X + 2Y = 4and 2X + Y = 6,as shown in Figure 1.11. Enrichment Exercise 1.6 Sketch the graph of the following inequalities by X and Y intercept. 1.3X+5Y < 15and5X-3Y < 15 2. X+Y <6and2xX-Y26 Scanned with CamScanner

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