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Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach.

Chapter 4
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1. Macrosociolgy Analysis of social life that focuses on broad features of so-

ciety, such as social class and the relationships of groups
to one another; usually used by functionalists and conflict

2. Microsociology Analysis of social life that focuses on social interaction;

typically used by symbolic interactionists

3. Social Interac- What people do when they are in one another's presence;
tion includes communications at a distance

4. Social Structure The framework of society that surrounds us; consists of

the ways that people and groups are related to one anoth-
er; this framework gives direction to and sets limits on our

5. Social Class Large numbers of people who have similar amounts of

income and education and who work at jobs that are
roughly comparable to prestige.

6. Marx/Social For Marx, there were two social classes, the capitalists
Class (the major stockholders who held the power) and the

7. Status The position that someone occupies in a social group (also

called social status)

8. Status Set All the statuses or positions that an individual occupies

9. Ascribed Statues A position an individual either inherits at birth or receives

involuntarily later in life

10. Achieved Status Positions earned, accomplished or involved in at least

some effort or activity on the individual's part (can be

11. Master Status A status that cuts across the other statuses that an indi-
vidual occupies.

12. Wealth
Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach. Chapter 4
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Sociological definition is the material resources the owner
will never use to replicate their lifestyle not matter how

13. Status Inconsis- Ranking high on some dimensions of social status and low
tency on others; also called status discrepancy

14. Role The behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a


15. The Big Six So- Poloty

cial Institutions Education
(PERFEC) Religion

16. Poloty A combination of politics and government. Their main job

is regulation.

17. Education Transmit knowledge and skills across generations; include

the manifest functions: the core curriculum, and latent
functions: conformity, socialization, etc.

18. Religion Concerns about life after death, the meaning of suffering
and loss, desire to connect with the Creator; its function in
society is to provide ethical and moral values.

19. Family Regulate reproduction, socialize and protect children.

20. Economy Produce and distribute goods and services.

21. Community An institution that explains how people have socialized for
a long time. It has a foundation of shared associations.

22. Group People who have something in common and who believe
that what they have in common is significant

23. Social Institution The organized, usual, or standard ways by which society
meets its basic needs.
Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach. Chapter 4
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24. Daycare vs. Ear- This is important for the development of a child. Parent(s)
ly Childhood Ed- need to ask the question: does the room contain the
ucation materials that can be used by children based on their
developmental status?

25. Origin of Division The sexual division of labor, i.e. the hunter (male) gatherer
of Labor (female) lifestyle.

26. Social Integra- The degree to which members of a group or a society

tion are united by shared values and other social bonds; social

27. Mechanical Soli- The unity (a shared consciousness) that people feel as a
darity result of preforming the same or similar tasks

28. Division of Labor The splitting of a group's or society's tasks into specialties

29. Organic Solidari- The interdependence that results from the division of la-
ty bor; as part of the same unit, we all depend on other's to
do their jobs.

30. Gemeinschaft vs. An society with intimate relationships vs. a society domi-
Gesellschaft nated by impersonal relationships

31. Stereotype Assumptions of what people are like, whether true or false;
his sociological definition: an expectation of how someone
will behave of that person's group (social) membership

32. Dramaturgy Social life is analyzed in terms of drama or the stage;

"All the world's a stage." We learn our lines, our cues,
and our entrances/exits. There's always a front stage and

33. Body Language The ways in which people use their bodies to give mes-
sages to others

34. Impression Man- People's efforts to control the impressions that others
agement receive of them

Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach. Chapter 4
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Front Stage vs. Where people give performances vs. Places where peo-
Backstage ple prepare for their performance, rest from their per-
formances, discuss their presentations, and plan future

36. Role Perfor- The ways in which someone performs a role; showing a
mance particular "style" or "personality"

37. Role Conflict Conflicts that someone feels between roles because the
expectations are at odds with one another

38. Role Strain Conflicts that someone feels within a role

39. Sign-Vehicle Refers to how people use social setting, appearance, and
manner to communicate information about the self

40. Teamwork The collaboration of two or more people to manage im-

pressions jointly

41. Face-Saving Be- Techniques used to salvage a performance (interaction)

havior that is going sour

42. Ethnomethodolo- The Study of how people use background assumptions to

gy make sense out of life.

43. Background As- A deeply embedded, common understanding of how the

sumption world operates and of how people ought to act

44. Thomas Theorem William I. and Dorothy S. Thomas'; If people define situa-
tions as real, they are real in their consequences"

45. Social Construc- The use of background assumptions and life experiences
tion of Reality to define what is real


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