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Crea ng React notes involves se ng up a basic React applica on and showcasing some

fundamental concepts. Here’s an example of how you can create React notes using JSX (JavaScript
XML) and func onal components:

### Step 1: Se ng Up React Environment

To get started with React, you typically need Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed
on your machine. Here’s a basic setup guide assuming you have Node.js installed:

1. **Create a new directory for your React project:**


mkdir react-notes

cd react-notes


2. **Ini alize a new React project using Create React App:**


npx create-react-app .


This command sets up a new React project with all the necessary configura ons and

3. **Start the development server:**


npm start


This command starts the development server and opens your React applica on in the browser.
### Step 2: Crea ng React Components

Once your React environment is set up, you can start crea ng React components. Here’s an
example of a simple React applica on with notes:



import React from 'react';

import './App.css';

func on App() {

return (

<div className="App">

<h1>React Notes</h1>

<div className="note">

<h2>Note 1: Func onal Component</h2>

<p>This is a func onal component in React.</p>

<Func onalComponent />


<div className="note">

<h2>Note 2: Using Props</h2>

<p>Passing data from parent to child using props.</p>

<PropsComponent name="Alice" />


<div className="note">

<h2>Note 3: State and Lifecycle</h2>

<p>Using state and lifecycle methods in React.</p>

<StateComponent />



func on Func onalComponent() {

return <p>This is a func onal component.</p>;

func on PropsComponent(props) {

return <p>Hello, {}!</p>;

class StateComponent extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {


this.state = {

count: 0


componentDidMount() {

document. tle = `Clicked ${this.state.count} mes`;

componentDidUpdate() {

document. tle = `Clicked ${this.state.count} mes`;

render() {

return (

<p>Count: {this.state.count}</p>

<bu on onClick={() => this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 })}>

Click me

</bu on>



export default App;


### Explana on:

1. **React Component Structure**:

- The `App` component is the root component of the React applica on, which renders three
`note` divs.

- Each `note` div represents a separate note containing different concepts of React.

2. **Func onal Component** (`Func onalComponent`):

- Demonstrates a simple func onal component in React, which returns JSX (`<p>` element).

3. **Component with Props** (`PropsComponent`):

- Shows how to pass data (props) from a parent component (`App`) to a child component

4. **Component with State and Lifecycle Methods** (`StateComponent`):

- `StateComponent` is a class component that manages its own state (`count`) and updates the
document tle based on the state changes.

- Demonstrates usage of `componentDidMount` and `componentDidUpdate` lifecycle methods

for side effects.
5. **CSS Styling**:

- Styles can be added in the `App.css` file or inline styles within the components

### Notes:

- **JSX**: JSX allows you to write HTML-like syntax in JavaScript, which gets transpiled to
JavaScript func on calls.

- **Func onal Components vs. Class Components**: React supports both func onal and class
components. Func onal components are simpler and recommended for most use cases unless you
need state or lifecycle methods.

- **State and Props**: Understanding how props and state work in React is crucial for building
dynamic and interac ve applica ons.

- **Component Lifecycle**: React provides lifecycle methods (`componentDidMount`,

`componentDidUpdate`, etc.) for performing side effects such as fetching data or upda ng the

This example provides a founda onal understanding of crea ng React components and using
props, state, and lifecycle methods. It’s a star ng point for building more complex React
applica ons and understanding React’s component-based architecture.

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