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Matricle number: Seat number: Points:

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Cooperative and autonomous systems
Course: Advanced Robotics (MCS1103) Semester: WS 2021/2022
Autonomous systems (MCS1104)
Sub-course: Autonomous systems (MCS1104) Date: 08.02.2022
Examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Aumer Exam typ: Written exam
all non-electronic aids and Number of
Allowed tools:
a pocket calculator sheets:

Task 1: For a mobile robot, the number of independent generalized coordinates of a system
with lumped parameters are NDOF = 3. (2)

a) What is the number for redundant coordinates Nq? 4

b) What is the number for minimal coordinates Nmin? 3

Task 2: For Localization, there are the Localization Methods Dead-Reckoning Localization
and Range-Bearing Localization. What are the differences between both methods? (3)

DRL…is keeping track of how much a robot moves over a period of time by observing
egomotion quantities without reference to the external world.
RBL…is calculating the pose of a robot instantaneously by observing environment
quantities which provide a reference to the external world.
Matricle number Seat number

Task 3: Which functions of an autonomous system make use of maps for autonomous
driving? (8)
• Localization
Map of… Reference Features/Landmarks
(Resemblance to nautic navigation using unique features of cost lines)
• Motion Planning, Collision Avoidance
Map of…Obstacles/Free space
Traversal cost
Traversal utility
• Task planning
Map of… Subtasks and their interdependencies
Environment States linked by actions
• Mapping
Structural environment map for guiding the exploration process

Matricle number Seat number

Task 4: What are the path specification for Grid-based planners and Randomized planners?
Explain additional one for each case by a drawing.

Matricle number Seat number

Task 5: Draw in the diagram the right way from S to G by the method of the Voronoi diagram?

Matricle number Seat number

Task 6: In the following topographic maps are obstacles. Show how you find the shortest way
from S to G by the method of the visibility graph.

Matricle number Seat number

Task 7: In the following topographic maps are obstacles. Divide the map into cells and show
how to find the shortest way by the connectivity graph method.

Matricle number Seat number

Task 8: The following picture does show a room where the grey areas are obstacles. A robot
does start at the starting point S and should drive to goal G. Determine a path using the
Navigation Function (wavefront algorithm) by entering the corresponding labels and drawing in
a possible path.

8 7 6 6 5 4 4 4

7 6 5 4 4 3 3

8 7 4 3 3 2 2

8 7 4 3 2 1

8 S 6 3 2 1 G 1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2

8 4 3 3 3

8 4 4 4

9 9 5 5 5

Matricle number Seat number

Task 9: The following scheme shows a topographic map with a road network.
Show how the Dijkstra Algorithm works by finding the shortest distance from the starting
node S to node G.

Initialization Iteration 3: vj=2

Open list = {S, 1, 2, 3, G} Open neighbours ={G, 3}
V S 1 2 3 G vj=G: g(G)  g(G) +c(G, 2)
g (v) 0 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ =330+490=820; pred (G) 2
pred (v) - - - - - vj=3: g(3)  g(3) +c(3, 2) =330+270=600
< 610; pred (G) 2
Iteration 1: vj=S V S 1 2 3 G
Open neighbours ={1, 2} g (v) 0 310 330 600 820
vj=1: g(1)  g(S) +c(S,1) =310; pred (1) S pred (v) - S S 2 2
vj=2: g(2)  g(S) +c(S,2) =330; pred (2) S
V S 1 2 3 G Iteration 4: vj=3
g (v) 0 310 330 ∞ ∞ Open neighbours ={G}
pred (v) - S S S - vj=G: g(G)  g(G) +c(G, 3)
=600+210=810 < 820; pred (G) 3
Iteration 2: vj=1 V S 1 2 3 G
Open neighbours ={3} g (v) 0 310 330 600 810
vj=3: g(3)  g(3) +c(1, 3) =310+300=610 ; pred pred (v) - S S 2 3
(3) 1
V S 1 2 3 G
g (v) 0 310 330 610 ∞ S →2 → 3 → G is the minimum cost path
pred (v) - S S 1 -

Matricle number Seat number

Task 10: The following scheme displays a topographic map with a road network. The figures
at the edges indicate the distance in km. The figures in the nodes indicate the air-line distance
to the goal G. Show how the A*-Algorithm works by finding the shortest path from the Start
node S to the Goal G.

g h f = g+h
S-1 40 30 70
S-2 50 30 80
S-1-2 40+20=60 30 90
S-1-3 40+40=80 80 160
S-2-4 50+50=100 60 160
S-1-3-G 40+40+30=110 100 210
S-2-4-G 50+50+40=140 100 240


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