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HỌC KỲ 232

GVHD: PGS.TS Nguyễn Thế Bảo

SVTH: Phan Ngọc Thuận
MSSV: 2014655
Nhóm: L01

TPHCM, tháng 1/2023

1. Complete the following table of properties for 1 kg of water (liquid, vapor or mixture)
This problem is to determine the state parameters of a pure substance, we use EES app to
solve this problem

p t v x SuperHea h s
(bar) (°C) (m /kg) (%) t (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg.K)
(a) 0.056257 35 25.22 100 0 2564.5 8.352
(b) 1.0131 99.97 0.001044 0 0 419.04 1.3069
(c) 20 212.42 0.08974 90 0 2610 5.9503
(d) 1 99.606 1.3432 79.3 0 2207.2 6.104
(e) 10 320 0.26786 SH 140 3093 7.1979
(f) 5 240 0.4646 SH 88.2 2939 7.2319
(g) 4 143.61 0.44 95.13 0 2635 6.6471
(h) 40.04 500 0.085037 SH 249.5 3445.3 7.0842
(i) 20 262.4 0.115 SH 50 2933 6.6028
(j) 15 400 0.20282 SH 201.8 3256 7.269

Code EES

Code EES

2. Boiler steam at 8 bar, 250°C, reaches the engine control valve through a pipeline at 7
bar, 200°C. It is throttled to 5 bar before expanding in the engine to 0.1 bar, 0.9 dry.
Determine per kg of steam

(a) the heat loss in the pipeline

(b) the temperature drop in passing through the throttle valve

(c) the work output of the engine

(d) the entropy change due to throttling and

(e) the entropy change in passing through the engine.

At p = 8 bar, t = 250°C => specific enthalpy of steam is I 1=¿2949 (kJ/kg)
At p = 7 bar, t = 220°C => specific enthalpy of steam is I 2=¿2844 (kJ/kg)

The heat loss in the pipeline ∆ I =I 1−I 2=2949 – 2844=105 kJ /kg

In throttling process I 2=I 3
The temperature after the throttle valve (h = 2844 kJ/kg, p = 5 bar) is 195,26°C.
The temperature drop in passing through the throttle valve∆ t=200 – 195=4 , 74 °C .
After expanding in the engine, steam at state p = 0.1 bar, x = 0.9 =>h = 2345 kJ/kg.
The work output of the engine = 2844 – 2345 = 499 kJ/kg
The specific entropy before the throttle valve at state h = 2844 kJ/kg, p = 7 bar is 6.8852
The specific entropy after the throttle valve:
h = 2844 kJ/kg, p = 5 bar => s = 7.0353 kJ/kgK.
The entropy change due to throttling = 7.0353 – 6.8852 = 0.1501 kJ/kgK.
The specific entropy at state p = 0.1 bar, x = 0.9 is s = 7.3983 kJ/kgK
The entropy change in passing through the engine = 7.3983 – 7.0353 = 0.363 kJ/kgK.

3. Steam at 10 bar, 250°C flowing with negligible velocity at the rate of 3 kg/min mixes
adiabatically with steam at 10 bar, 0.75 quality, flowing also with negligible velocity at
the rate of 5 kg/min. The combined stream of steam is throttled to 5 bar and then
expanded isentropically in a nozzle to 2 bar. Determine:

(a) the state of steam after mixing

(b) the state of steam after throttling

(c) the increase in entropy due to throttling

(d) the velocity of steam at the exit from the nozzle.

The first flow has p = 10 bar, t = 250°C => h = 2942 kJ/kg
The second flow has p = 10 bar, x = 0.75 => h = 2274 kJ/kg
The rate of the mixing: G = 3 + 5 = 8 kg/min
Follow the first law of thermodynamics, the specific enthalpy of the mixing:
2942 x 3+2274 x 5
I= =2525 kJ /kg

The state of steam after mixing: p = 10 bar, h = 2525 kJ/kg => s=6.028 kJ /kgK

The state after throttling: p = 5 bar, h = 2525 kJ/kg

t=151.9 ℃
¿> s=6.295 kJ /kgK
c. The increase in entropy due to throttling
∆ s=6.295 – 6.028=0.267 kJ /kgK
d. Expanded isentropically in a nozzle to 2 bar, we have the state of steam: p = 2 bar, s =
6.295 kJ/kgK => h = 2379 kJ/kg
Enthalpy drop is transformed into kinetic energy at the exit of the nozzle:

∆ I= =2525−2379=146 kJ /kg
So, the velocity of steam at the exit of nozzle
→ v= √ 2∗146=17.09 m/ s

4. A laboratory has a volume of 470 m³, and is to be maintained at 20ºC, 52,5% RH. The
air in the room is to be completely changed once every hour and is drawn from the
atmosphere at 1.05 bar, 32ºC, 86% RH, by a fan absorbing 0.45 kW. This air passes
through a cooler which reduces its temperature and causes condensation, the condensate
being drained off at 8ºC. The resulting saturated air is heated to room condition. The total
pressure is constant throughout. Determine:

(a) the temperature of the leaving the cooler

(b) the rate of condensation

(c) the heat transfer in the cooler

(d) the heat transfer in the heater.

Take the average density of air: ρ=1.15 kg/m3

The flow rate Ga:
Ga= ρ x V room=541.5 kg /h
Consider the outdoor air is state 1, after through the cooler is 3 and in room is 4.
The processes are represented on t-d graph below:

t đs 1=29.36 ℃
( 1 ) t 1=32 ℃ → d 1=0.02522 kg /kg 3
φ1=86 %
h1=96.8 kJ /kg

t đs 4=10 ℃
(4 ) t 4 =20℃
φ4 =52.5 %
→ d 4 =0.00736 kg /kg
h4 =38.81 kJ / kg

t đs 3=10 ℃
( 3 ) t 3=t đs 4 =10℃ → d 3=0.00736 kg /kg
φ 3=100 %
h3=28.6 kJ /kg

a. the temperature of the leaving the cooler is t3= 10°C

b. The rate of condensation Gn:
Gn=G a x ( d 1−d 3 ) =541.5 x ( 0.02522−0.00736 )=9.674 kgH 20/h

c. The heat transfer in the cooler:

Q cool = x ( h1−h2 )=10.26 kW
d. The heat transfer in the heater:
Qheating= x ( h3 −h2 )=1.54 kW

5. In an air conditioning system, air is to be cooled and dehumidified by means of a

cooling coil. The data are as follows:
Initial condition of the air at inlet to the cooling coil: DBT = 25ºC, partial pressure of
water vapor = 0.019 bar, absolute total pressure = 1.02 bar
Final condition of air at exit of the cooling coil: DBT = 15ºC, RH=90%, absolute total
pressure = 1.02 bar.
Other data are as follows:
- Characteristic gas constant for air = 278 J/kg K
- Characteristic gas constant for water vapor = 461.5 J/kg K
- Saturation pressure for water at 15ºC = 0.017 bar
- Enthalpy of dry air = 1.005 r kJ/kg
- Enthalpy of water vapor = (2500 +1.88t) kJ/kg where t is in ºC

(a) the moisture removed from air per kg of dry air

(b) the heat removed by the cooling coil per kg of dry.

(a) the moisture removed from air per kg of dry air

ph 0.019
d 1=0.622 x =0.622 x =0.01181 kgH 20 /kgDA
p− p v 1.02−0.019
Exit air:
p sat
Psat is the saturation pressure for water at 15ºC = 0.017 bar
Specific humidity d2 of exit air
ph 0.0154
→ d 2=0.622 x =0.622 x =0.009504 kgH 20/kgDA
p− ph 1.02−0.0154
The moisture removed from air:
∆ d=d 1−d 2=0.01181−0.009504=0.002306 kgH 20/kgDA
b. The heat removed by the cooling coil per kg of dry
I 1=1.005 t+ d1 ( 2500+1.88 t )=1.005 x 25+ 0.01181x ( 2500+1.88∗25 )=55.21 kJ /kg

I 2=1.005 xt+ d 2∗( 2500+1.88 xt )=1.005 x 15+0.009504 x ( 2500+1.88 x 15 )=39.1 kJ /kg

The heat removed by the cooling coil: Q=I 1−I 2=55.21−39.1=16.11kJ /kg


(a) A steam power plant operates on an ideal reheat-regenerative Rankine cycle and has a
net power output of 100 MW. Steam enters the high-pressure turbine at 10 MPa and
5500C and leaves at 0.9 MPa. Some steam is extracted at this pressure to heat the
feedwater in an open feedwater heater. The rest of the steam is reheated to 500 0C and is
expanded in the low-pressure turbine to the condenser pressure of 10 kPa. Show the cycle
on a T-s diagram with respect to saturation lines, and determine:
(i) the mass flow rate of steam through the boiler and
(ii) the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
(b) Using the same plant as in question (a) but replace the open feedwater heater with a
closed feedwater heater. Assume that the feedwater leaves the heater at the condensation
temperature of the extracted steam and that the extracted steam leaves the heater as a
saturated liquid and is pumped to the line carrying the feedwater. Recalculate:
(i) the mass flow rate of steam through the boiler and
(ii) the thermal efficiency of the cycle.

The state of points of cycle

{ {
( 1 ) p1=10 MPa → h1=3501 kJ /kg
t 1=550 ℃ s1 =6.756 kJ /kgK

{ {
( 2 ) p2 =0.9 MPa → h2=2835 kJ /kg
s2=s 1 t 2=200.9 ℃

( 3)
{ p3 = p2
t 3=500 ℃ {h =3480 kJ /kg
→ 3
s3 =7.812 kJ /kgK

{ {
( 4 ) p 4=10 kPa → h 4=2476 kJ /kg
s 4=s3 t 4 =45.8 ℃

h5=191.8 kJ /kg
( 5 ) p 5= p4 →
x5 =0
t 5 =45.8 ℃
s5=0.6493 kJ /kgK

{ {
( 6 ) p 4 =p 1 → h 6=201.9 kJ /kg
s 6=s 5 t 4 =46.2 ℃

The work per kg of cycle:

w=(h1−h 2)+( h3−h 4 )=( 3501−2835 )+ ( 3480−2476 )=1669
(i) The mass flow rate of steam G:
N 10
G= =100 x =59.93 kg /s
w 1669
(ii) The thermal efficiency of the cycle:

w−w pump ( h1−h2 ) + ( h3−h 4 )−(h6 −h5 )

η= = =0.50=50 %
q boiler h1−h6

7. Steam is generated in the boiler of a generation plant at 12 MPa and 500 0C at a steady
rate of 5 kg/s. In normal operation, steam expands in a turbine to a pressure of 0.8 MPa
and is then routed to the process heat, where it supplies the process heat. Steam leaves the
process heater as a saturated liquid and is pumped to the boiler pressure. In this mode, no
steam passes through the condenser, which operate at 15 kPa.
a. Determine the power produced and the rate at which process heat is supplied in this
b. Determine the power produced and the rate of process heat supplied of only 50% of the
steam is routed to the process heater and the remainder is expanded to the condenser

a. Determine the power produced and the rate at which process heat is supplied in this
The state of points of Back Pressure Turbine cycle
Before the turbine:

{ {
( 1 ) p1=12 MPa → h1=3349 kJ /kg
t 1=500 ℃ s1=6.488 kJ / kgK

After expanding in turbine

{ {
( 2 ) p2 =0.8 MPa → h2=2691 kJ /kg
s2=s 1 t 2=170.4 ℃

The work per kg in Back Pressure turbine:

w turbine=h1 −h2=657.3 kJ /kg
The power produced in turbine:
N turbine=Gx wturbine=5 x 657.3=3287 kW ≈ 3.3 MW
The state of saturated liquid after the process heat:

h3 =721.2 kJ /kg
( 3 ) p 3= p2 →
x 3=0
t 3=170.4 ℃
s 3=2.046 kJ /kgK

The heat is supplied:

Q=Gx ( h2−h3 ) =9851 kW ≈ 9.9 MW

So, the rate at which process heat is supplied in this mode:
Q 3287
r= = =2.997 ≈ 300 %
N turbine 9851
b.Determine the power produced and the rate of process heat supplied of only 50% of the
steam is routed to the process heater and the remainder is expanded to the condenser
The state of points of Extraction-Condensing Turbine cycle:

{ {
( 1 ) p1=12 MPa → h1=3349 kJ /kg
t 1=500 ℃ s1=6.488 kJ / kgK

At extraction:

{ {
( 2 ) p2 =0.8 MPa → h2=2691 kJ /kg
s2=s 1 t 2=170.4 ℃

After expanding in the turbine to condenser pressure

{ {
( 4 ) p 4=15 Pka → h4 =2101 kJ /kg
s 4 =s 1 t 4=53.9 ℃

The power produced in turbine:

N turbine=Gx ( h1−h 2) + 0.5 x Dx ( h2−h4 ) =4762 kW

The heat is supplied to heat process:

Q=0.5 x G x ( h2 −h3 )=4925 kW

The rate at which process heat is supplied in this mode:

Q 4925
r= = =1.034 ≈ 103.4 %
N turbine 4762

8. For a vapour compression refrigeration system using R-134a as refrigerant, the
condenser outlet temperature is 400C and the evaporator inlet temperature is -200C. In
order to avoid flashing of the refrigerant, a liquid-suction vapour heat exchanger is
provided where liquid subcooled to 260C. The refrigerant leaves the evaporator as
saturated vapour. Then the energy from the above liquid-suction vapour heat exchanger
will superheat R-134a before the refrigerant enters the compressor. The compression
process is isentropic.
a. Show the cycle on T-s and lgp-h diagrams.
b. Find the power requirement and coefficient of performance if capacity of the system
is 10 kW at -200C

a. We use EES app to look up parameters of points on the cycle

Code EES
The following figure presents this cycle
The state of points in this cycle:
t c =40 ℃ → p c =1017 kPa
t e =−20 ℃ → pe =132.8 kPa

t 3=t c
(3) x 3=0 →
p3 = p c
h3=108.3 kJ /kg
s3 =0.3949 kJ /kgK

t 4=26 ℃
p 4= p c

h4 =87.84 kJ /kg
s 4 =0.3281 kJ /kgK

p5 = p e
(5) h5=h 4 → { s 5=0.3509 kJ /kgK
t 5=t e

{ {
(6) t 6 =t e → h6=238.4 kJ /kg
x 6=1 s 6=0.9456 kJ /kgK

Heat balance equation in heat exchanger:

G∗( h3−h4 ) =G∗( h1−h6 ) → h3−h4=h1−h6
→ h1=h3 −h4 + h6=258.8 kJ /kg

{ p1 = pe
h1=258.8 kJ /kg

{ t 1=4.9 ℃
s 6=1.023 kJ /kgK

{ {
(2) p2= pc → t 2=72.85 ℃
s2=s1 h2 =306.6 kJ /kg

The results:

T-s diagram:

Log p-h diagram:

Q0=G R 134 A . ( h1−h 6 )=G R 134 A x ( 238.4−87.84 )=10=¿G R 134 A=0.066 kg /s

The power requirement

W =GR 134 A . ( h3 −h2 )=0.066 . ( 306.6−258.8 ) =3.1548 kW

Qo 10
COP= = =3.17
W 3.1548

9. Consider a 5-m-high, 8-m-long, and 0,22-m-thick wall whose representative cross

section is as given in the following Figure. The thermal conductivities of various
materials used are kA = kF = 2 W/m. 0C, kB = 8 W/m.0C, kC = 20 W/m.0C, kD = 15
W/m.0C, and kE = 35 W/m.0C. The
left and right surfaces of the wall are maintained at uniform temperatures of 300 0C and
1000C, respectively. Assuming heat transfer through the wall to be one-dimentional.
Disregard any contact resistances at the interfaces. Determine:
a. The rate of heat transfer through the wall
b. The temperature at the point where the sections B, D and E meet
c. The temperature drop

a.The rate of heat transfer through the wall
Apply thermal resistant method, consider above for a 0.12-m-high and 1-m-deep section
as Ohm’s law:

RA=( k∗A
) = 2∗(0.12∗1)
=0.04 ℃/W

R =( )
δ 0.05
B = =0.16℃ /W
k∗A B 8∗(0.04∗1)

R =(
k∗A ) 20∗( 0.04∗1)
δ 0.05
C = =0.06 ℃ /W

R =( )
δ 0.1
D = =0.11℃/W
k∗A D 15∗(0.06∗1)

R =(
k∗A ) 35∗(0.06∗1)
δ 0.1
E = =0.05 ℃/W

R =( )
δ 0.06
F = =0.25℃ /W
k∗A F 2∗(0.12∗1)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
= + + = + + → RCBC =0.025 ℃/W
R CBC R C RB RC 0.06 0.16 0.06
1 1 1 1 1
= + = + → R DE =0.034 ℃ /W
R DE R D R E 0.11 0.05
RTL=R1 + RCBC + RDE + R F =0.04 +0.025+0.034 +0.25=0.349℃ /W
The flow through the representative section 0.12*1:
T L −T r 300−100
Qrep = = =573.07 W
RTL 0.349
So, Consider a 5-m-high, 8-m-long
Q rep∗5∗8
Q= =191023.3 W
b. The temperature at the point where the sections B, D and E meet
The temperature Tmeet at the point where the sections B, D and E meet:
Consider section from A to the point B, D and E meet:
R1 meet =R1 + RCBC =0.04+ 0.025=0.065℃ /W
Follow the Fourier’s law:
T L −T meet 300−T meet
Q1 meet = =Qrep =¿ =573.07
R 1 meet 0.065
→ T meet =262.8℃
c. The temperature drop across the section F
The temperature drop across the section F is followed the Fourier’s law:
=Q rep → Δ T F =Qrep x R F =573.07 x 0.25=143.3 ℃

10. A 60-m-long section of a steam pipe whose outer diameter is 10 cm passes through an open
space at 200C. The average temperature of the outer surface of the pipe is measured to be 180 0C.
If the combined heat transfer coefficient on the outer surface of the pipe is 30 W/m 2.0C, and
assume the pipe temperature to remain constant at 1800C determine:

a. The rate of heat loss from the steam pipe

b. The annual cost of this energy lost if steam is generated in a natural gas furnace that has an
efficiency of 75% and the price of natural gas is 0,2 USD/therm (1 therm = 105.500 kJ)

c. The thickness of fiberglass insulation (k = 0,035 W/m. 0C) needed in order to save 90% of the
heat loss

a. The rate of heat loss from the steam pipe

Following the Newton’s law: the rate of convection on the outer surface of the pipe:
Q=α∗π∗D∗L∗( T sur −T amb )=30∗π∗0.1∗60∗( 180−20 )=90478W

b. The annual cost of this energy lost if steam is generated in a natural gas furnace that
has an efficiency of 75% and the price of natural gas is 0,2 USD/therm (1 therm =
105.500 kJ)
The heat loss per year ¿ 90478∗3600∗24∗365=2 853 310 058 600 J
The heat is provided by boiler to compensate the heat loss:
2 853 310 058 600
Q loss= =3 804 413 411kJ
The cost of energy loss:
0.2∗3 804 413 411
¿ =72122 USD / yr
105 500

c. The thickness of fiberglass insulation (k = 0,035 W/m. °C) needed in order to save
90% of the heat loss
To save 90% of the heat loss, the new heat load:
Q =Q∗( 1−0.9 )=9048 W
The heat transfer through a pipe with a number of concentric, cylindrical layers:
' L∗2 π∗(T sur −T amb )
∗ln(D /2+ δ
D /2
+ ) 1
α∗(D/2+δ )
60∗2 π∗(180−20)
↔ 9048=
∗ln (0.1/2+ δ
0.1 /2
+ ) 1
30∗(0.1/2+ δ )
In there, δ is the thickness of insulation
Solving above equation, the result is δ = 0.1592 m = 15.92 cm


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