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Slide 1: Trang Tiêu Đề

Good morning, I’m delighted to welcome teacher and everyone to my presentation on the topic of smoke
control systems.

Look at this picture; you will see a man trying to get off from that fire with a lot of smoke around. Smoke is
among the most serious hazards (ha d) that can occur (ờ cơ) within a structure. While fires can cause (co s)
significant damage, it’s often smoke that results in the majority of injuries.

Do you know? it is estimated that 50 to 80% of deaths (đepss) in fires are due to smoke inhalation (in ha lấy
tion)? As a thermal engineers, we have an even more critical role (rô) in understanding and implementing (ím le men
ting) these smoke control systems.

So, today I will give you a brief introduction to understanding this system

Slide 2: Phần mục lục

So, To start with my presentation, I will introduce about table of contents of presentation

My presentation is divided into seven main sections.

The first is: Introduction to smoke control system

The second is: System components

The third is (thớ): operating principle
The fourth is: Standards
The fifth (phíp): calculation
The six is: Conclusion
And last one is: references
Slide 3 - 5: Giới thiệu về Hệ Thống Hút Khói

To undertand about this system, the first, I will introduce to smoke control system

Do you know a smoke control system?

The smoke control system, which consists of tools and methods to identify, warn of,
and slow the spread (rét) of smoke in a fire, is a crucial (crú sồ) part of a building's
fire safety system.

2. So the next, this system have three main fuctions:

The first is: Smoke detection

The second is Early Warning

The third is: Smoke control and extraction

3. Next, we come to the Benefits of smoke control system:

Have fourth main benefits :

The first is: Smoke evacuation

The second is: Keeping smoke and toxic (tố xịt) gases (gá xịt) away from egress (I
gress) routes (rô)

The third is: Protect human life: it helps us escape the fire safely

And the last one is: Property damage reduction

Slide 6: Các Thành Phần của Hệ Thống

A smoke controls system has many components, below I will briefly

introduce the main components of this system.

This is a Smoke Detectors: It has the function to detect smoke and activate
the smoke control system.

Fire Command Center: It is the control center, the place to receive signals

Smoke Exhaust Fans: Has the function of exhausting smoke

Motorised Smoke Fire Damper: detecting smoke within the system and
prevent the spread of smoke and fire throughout a building.

Ductwork: Exhaust smoke into the environment.

Exhaust Air Grille:

Slide 7: Nguyên Lý Hoạt Động

Next, I invite the teacher and all of you to watch a video about the operating
principle of this smoke extraction system
- So you can see? When a fire broke out in the kitchen, thick smoke (smô) rose.
With Temperatures rising and no chance of extinguishing(ex ting gui sing) the
- Residents decided that evacuation (i vá ciu ấy tion) was their only hope. They
ran out of the apartment.
- Smoke followed them as they escaped (ex cây), activating the alarm (ơ lam)
- The stair ventilation door opens to provide fresh air.
- The damper on that floor opens, the damper on the other floor closes.
- The roof exhaust (ex zo) fan begins to operate and sucks smoke through the
open damper. This causes smoke to be quickly sucked up the chimney,
and the result is ensuring safety for the walkway and preventing smoke from
entering the stairs.
Slide 8: Các tiêu chuẩn
As you can see, here are some smoke extraction standards
But currently, two standards that are commonly applied are:
 TCVN 5687 – 2010: Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Heating - Design
Standard (Vietnam)
 TCXDVN 323 – 2004: Vietnam Construction Standards for High-Rise
Buildings - Design Standard
 AS 1668.1-1998: Australian Standard for Smoke Control System Design
 DW 142/144: Ductwork Installation Standards
 MACNA: Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractor’s National
Association (USA)
 CP553: Singapore Ventilation Design Standard
 TT07 BXD 2010: National Technical Regulation on Fire Safety for
Buildings and Structures (Vietnam)
Slide 8: Tính toán hút khói hành lang

The next, I will calculation smoke extraction for corridors according to TCVN 5687 –
2010 standard
G=4300. B . n . H . K d , kg /h

This is the formulas

In which:
 G: is the smoke extraction rate, kg/h
 B: is the width of the widest door
 (ếch)H: is the height of the door, if the height >2.5 → H = 2.5 ( is more
than two point five, so H is equal to two point five
 Kd: is the coefficient (cô ịt phí sent) of "relatively extended door opening
time" from the corridor to the staircase
o kd = 1 if the number of evacuees >25 (then ti five)
o kd = 0.8 if the number of evacuees <25
 n: according to table L.1, Appendix L, TCVN 5687 - 2010

Type of Building Coefficient n Corresponding to the Widest

Door Width
0.6m 0.9m 1.2m 1.3m 2.4m
Public Buildings, Administrative 1.05 0.91 0.80 0.62 0.50
Buildings, Residential Buildings

To understand the formulas mentioned above. I will Calculate smoke extraction for the
HT-PEARL project

Look at the picture, This is The layout of Block A apartments in the HT-PEARL project I
will calculation.

This blue part is the area of the corridor area that will be calculated

Calculation data:

And Smoke exhaust flow rate:

The result is: 5555 l/s phai tháo sen, phai hớn rợt, phíp ti fai (eo s)

Overall, a smoke control system is not only a legal requirement but also a moral
responsibility for architects, engineers, and developers. It ensures that in
emergencies, we can protect people not only from fire hazards but also from the
risks associated with smoke and toxic gases. Remember, an effective smoke control
system can make the difference between a minor incident and a major disaster.

Slide 13: tài liệu tham khảo

This is a references I using for my presentation

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