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The Creature of

Cremorne Gardens
That ever-reliable rag, The Illustrated Police News, has lately been carrying stories about the so-called Creature of Cremorne Gardens (sometimes
called the Creature of Chelsea Harbor and, more rarely, the Creature of Cheyne Walk). The creature, described as a “fish-like thing” or a “fish
man,” has been terrorizing pleasure seekers from the shadows, giving a fright when glimpsed skulking about, but rarely making direct contact. Men
and women alike have been lured to the end of a nearby pier by a “strange song” while promenading, though with no memory of how they got there
once the song’s “spell” ended. All of this could easily be chalked-up to hysteria, or perhaps some elaborate hoax by someone who resents Cremorne
Gardens, if not for a physical attack upon a young couple, Simon Piedmont and Beulah Thrum. Mr. Piedmont and Ms. Thrum described how the
creature leapt at them from a crouched position, like a cat, and tore at Ms. Thrum’s coat. Scotland Yard is investigating.
Direct the following to a hunter of your choice: You have a connection to Thomas Simpson, the proprietor of Cremorne Gardens, having
worked there one summer. What was your job, and what did you do to lose it?

Questions & Opportunities Dangers

Unlock the next appropriate Question. The creature’s sad, ethereal song can cause people to throw themselves in the
harbor or otherwise be lured into a trap. It has no power over the hunters if
the threshold question hasn’t been answered or if the creature is determined
Resolve the Threat by luring the creature to you, then destroying it or
to be a hoax. If the creature is real, the song is a danger, possibly requiring a
convincing it to go back wherever it came from (your choice).
Day/Night Move roll to escape its thrall. Side Characters are always
IF NOT REAL, WHO PERPETRATES THE HOAX AND WHY? (Complexity: 4) vulnerable to the song; in the case of a hoax, it’s because of mass hysteria
Resolve the Threat by laying a trap for the perpetrator and unmasking them. provoked by the story in The Illustrated Police News.

The Mask of Revelry If the hunters begin to disrupt the operations of Cremorne Gardens in
any way, or if they are seen to be harassing pleasure-seekers, a group of
Each hunter narrates a flashback to the last truly fun day they had. off-duty police officers with truncheons may ask them to leave, or even
assault them.

The Creature
May or may not be real. If it’s real, it’s a fish-like, bipedal creature with
fins, scales, and a sucker-like mouth. It is unnaturally strong and a very THE DANCING PLATFORM

fast swimmer; if it makes it to the water of Chelsea Harbor, there’s no A large pagoda, crammed with revelers at night. Hundreds of lanterns
catching or defeating it. It also possesses a siren-like song capable of glowing overhead. A dance floor scuffed by thousands of shoes.
hypnotizing those who listen to it. Paint the Scene: T A sense of wild abandon—of an unshackling of the social
constraints of the day—hangs in the air here. What do you see or otherwise
perceive that indicates this?
The stories about it will continue to circulate in the tabloid press, and the
events surrounding it will become increasingly violent, leading to the THE AMERICAN BOWLING SALOON
closure of Cremorne Gardens and paralysis of trade in and around Chelsea The thundering crash of bowling balls hitting their mark. Pinboys dashing
Harbor as people become too frightened to conduct their business. If it to and fro. The slightly stilted sound of the barrel piano cranking out a
continues to be ignored, the Mastermind will leverage the situation to “jaunty” tune.
their advantage, either to show that the Crown is incapable of protecting Paint the Scene: This place embraces “Americana” and the idea of the Wild
the people, buying up huge amounts of property near Chelsea Harbor on West, but to an American, it would all seem a little off. How do we know that?
the cheap, or worse. THE BANQUETING HALL
Waiters in well-tailored black livery. Dazzlingly white tablecloths. Stacks
of fine crystal goblets next to enormous casks of wine.
Moments Paint the Scene: You smell something savory and unctuous as you step inside. What is it?

A cry of distress from the crowd, and then relief, as the Blondin wavers on THE PROMENADE
the tightrope, nearly falls, but then recovers. Well-manicured lawns. Neatly-ordered flower beds. Ancient trees.
Paint the Scene: You see something truly beautiful along the promenade. What is it?
A rapturous crowd applauds from the balloon ascent observation deck as
an enormous red and gold striped balloon climbs into the air. THE HEDGE MAZE
Towering hedges that seem to block you off from the outside world. Stone
Gas lamps in emerald green glass globes held aloft by statues of Artemis,
benches and fountains. The occasional animal.
Athena, and Aphrodite hiss and sizzle in the night.
Paint the Scene: Unbeknownst to people entering it the first time, the hedge maze is
A waft of incense fills your nose as you pass a purple tent; the sign out designed to scare patrons. What frightening display do you see when you turn a corner?
front advertises the services of Greco, the Second-Sighted Boy.
The regular pop of small firearms echoing out from the shooting gallery, The smell of roasting coffee beans. The whistle of steamer ships in the
and the occasional shatter of glass from exploding milk bottles. distance. The hopelessly stupid giggling of young lovers.
A man in a full suit of medieval armor places a rose crown on his “Queen Paint the Scene: This street along the harbor, and just a few hundred feet from
of Beauty,” a blushing elderly woman with a corncob pipe in her mouth. Cremorne Gardens, will become the center of an artistic movement in London in
a few short years. What do you see right now that hints at this future?
Side Characters
Pert mustache. Thinning hair. Nervous and excitable. Thomas is A fabulous fascinator on her head. A glass of wine in her hand. A sharp
dismissive of or, at most, annoyed by, stories of the creature. His principle remark on her tongue. Albertina loves Cremorne Gardens, and comes at
desire is to make money. He is very sensitive to comparisons with other, least two or three times a week. She knows all the regulars and can usually
more successful pleasure gardens. be found near the dancing platform.
Quote: “Certainly Vauxhall Gardens was a spectacle in its day—I myself Quote: “Oh, I know all the new dances—the polka, the Portland, the Boston
spent some time there before they, sadly, closed—but our vision for Cremorne —but the Viennese Waltz is how I made my reputation with this set. Have you
Gardens is much more ambitious. Did you know our dancing platform can heard of the tango? South American—very dramatic.”
accommodate up to 4,000 people?” ABEL KNOX, A HARBOR WORKER
ABIGAIL SIMPSON, A DAUGHTER Grizzled. Missing an eye. Briny smell. Abel claims to have seen the
Simple, utilitarian dress. Hair pulled back in a neat bun. No-nonsense. creature and is determined to catch it.
Her father may be the visionary of Cremorne Gardens, but Abigail is the Quote: “I reckon the Zoological Society would pay a very nice price for a living,
person who makes sure everything runs smoothly. She is intimately breathing fish man—assuming it breathes, of course. I reckon it has gills, but
familiar with every aspect of the Gardens, and always a little annoyed by maybe lungs like us. Or both! What do you think?”
her father’s grandiose ideas.
Quote: “If there really was a fish man creeping about, my father would have
already captured it, put it in a tank, and raised a tent—a joey to go in and have Clues
a look, thank you very much.”
A stack of overdue bills.
Fresh-faced. Smells of lavender. Grandiose manner of speech. Simon is A rubbery smell in an unusual place.
more than happy to discuss his experience with the creature, especially if Oily fish scales, discarded.
you buy him an ale or flatter him. A large dorsal fin, seemingly torn off.
Quote: “When it leapt at my Beulah, I was terrified, but something overtook
Numerous reports of drunk and disorderly behavior.
me—something ancient, something… primal. At that moment, I was one with
my ancestors, protecting my hut from the beasts in the bog. I had no choice but to A book of sailors’ hymns.
fight, you see.” A letter, written by one Side Character, condemning another Side
Pale complexion. Flower print dress. Doe-eyed. Beulah still bears the scars An apparition in the form of a drowned woman (only available if a
from where the creature tore at her coat and broke the skin underneath. hunter has The Cosmic Passage marked).
She is genuinely frightened of encountering it again.
A piece of scrimshaw depicting a fish-like man rising from the water.
Quote: “I mostly remember being scared for Simon. He was completely
shocked, the color drained from his face entirely. I managed to wrench myself A set of clothes, hastily removed, in an unusual place.
free from the thing's grasp and shake Simon out of his stupor… and then we A rumor that Madame Tussaud’s is creating a “Horrors of the Sea”
ran.” waxwork.
JAMES WHISTLER, AN ARTIST A ring of keys for Cremorne Gardens in an unusual place.
American. Head of curly hair. Handsome, in a rakish way. Whistler is a resident
A vicious argument between two Side Characters; the subject of the
of Cheyne Walk, and spends much of his time in the Gardens, painting.
argument is unclear.
Quote: “Some of my neighbors hate Cremorne Gardens—too noisy, too many
drunkards—and they work tirelessly to ensure Mr. Simpson will be denied when he A large, flawless pearl.
tries to renew his license. I think they’re fools—the Gardens are totally original, and Large, glowing eyes peering at a hunter from the darkness (only
the possibility of a sea monster terrorizing the place makes it all the more enchanting.” available if the hunter is Most-Beloved).
D.I. PETTIGREW, AN OFFICIAL A scrawled message: “Albertina will pay for this!”
Spotless tweed coat. Tidy mustache. Smoking pipe. He is aware of A piece of missing jewelry.
Hargrave House and the work they do, but will generally resent the
hunters sticking their noses in things; he won’t hesitate to knock the A strong fish oil smell in an unusual place.
hunters down a few pegs if the opportunity presents itself. If a hunter has An unusual substance smeared on a surface (pick one: slime/oil/bile/
The Darkened Threshold marked, Pettigrew will have a bad feeling about something else).
Hargrave House and be outright hostile to the hunters. A girl singing an unusual song.
Quote: “The details are what matter here. Anyone with half a brain can tell
you the idea of a fish man is complete nonsense, but it’s the details that will
reveal the perpetrator of this hoax.” Rewards
Greco can be consulted via dreams on an ongoing basis (only a hunter
“Mystical” face paint. A jewel representing his “third eye.” Sounds distant
with The Cosmic Passage marked can take this reward, and only if
when he speaks. Greco sees much—and “sees” much—around the
they spoke with Greco).
Gardens. He likes Mr. Simpson, but is less fond of Abigail, who he
believes is a bit pushy. Enjoys sweets. If a hunter has The Cosmic Passage A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
marked, Greco will seek them out in a waking dream. then add it to your Personal Quarters.
Quote: “I’ve always been able to… see things. And… feel things.” A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
SVEN ANDERSSON, A HANDYMAN then add it to your Personal Quarters.
Tall and broad-shouldered. Thick Swedish accent. Great, unkempt blonde A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
beard. Sven is extremely loyal to Abigail Simpson, maybe even a little in then add it to your Personal Quarters.
love. He thinks Mr. Simpson takes the work Abigail does at Cremorne
Gardens for granted. A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
Quote: “Mr. Simpson’s head is always in the clouds. And poor Ms. Simpson—this then add it to your Personal Quarters.
place hasn’t turned a profit in months, and it’s her that holds it all together.”
Figg’s Piggs
Direct the following to the Most-Beloved (or to the hunter of your choice if no one has that Condition): The Figg family sent you
one of their famous Figg’s Piggs, a meat pie with a little pig stamped on the crust. You enjoyed the first few bites before realizing it contained
human meat. What gave it away?
You called Scotland Yard and Mr. Figg was arrested; his wife and two sons managed to escape capture. Mr. Figg is being held at Bethlem Royal
Hospital. He won’t tell the inspectors anything about where his family might be, though he has been singing a little song about them:
Sing a song of three Figgs
The apples of my eye
Snatch a bunch of long pigs
and bake them into pies
First comes little Patrick
About on paw or hoof
He thinks he’s an animal
And has since troubled youth
Obert the Blade has fine taste
More than most I know
It has to be the right pig, see?
The meat must be just so
My love, La bella Hortencia
The gravy to my crust
To hold that which she loved and lost
She’ll do what she must
Sing a song of three Figgs
Their names you all now know
You’ll see them down old London town
And in the sack you’ll go!
Amazingly, Scotland Yard has asked for Hargrave House’s help in capturing the Figgs. They want to keep the investigation of the Figgs’ pie shop in
Shoreditch fairly quiet, without official police presence, so as not to set-off a pie hysteria throughout the city. You have come to the conclusion that Mr.
Figg’s song is a guide for how to find the other Figgs; it has helped you form some questions, the answers to which will lead to their capture.

Questions & Opportunities Dangers

Lure “the animal” out in the open and then capture or destroy him. Tall for a woman. Smells of blood and sweetness. Missing an arm. La
Hortencia will do anything for her children: when the boys were young,
she and them were trapped in a cave-in, and she fed them her arm rather
Lure Obert Figg to you and then capture or destroy him.
than letting them starve. She prefers to lay traps rather than attacking
WHAT DID LA HORTENCIA FIGG LOSE THAT SHE’S TRYING TO RECAPTURE directly: covered pits, falling or collapsing objects, fires.
OR REMEMBER? (Complexity: 2)
Quote: “The most difficult part of preparing the meat is the ribcage; even if I
Find La Hortencia and then capture or destroy her.
had two hands, cracking open the ribs would be a devil. I usually have to ask
SPECIAL RULE: All three loose Figgs must be captured or destroyed for
Obert or Patrick for help. But that’s what’s lovely about running a family
this Threat to be considered resolved. business, isn’t it? Everyone pitches in! Now: why don’t you go ahead and crawl
in the sack so I don’t have to call one of the boys for help?”

The Mask of the Pig OBERT THE BLADE

Long, bloody apron. Thin, oily smile. A butcher’s knife as long as your leg.
Each hunter narrates a dream about the pagan swine god, Moc’h. Did Moc’h Obert Figg is the maestro of the Figg family, a real wizard when it comes
demand a sacrifice of riches, status, or blood? What did they each sacrifice? to catching and cutting up the meat. He’s a follower of the swine god,
Moc’h, and dedicates his kills to the porcine deity. He wields his massive
knife with surprising grace.
The Figgs Quote: “There are only two states of being: a piglet suckling at the teat of
Moc’h, swollen and happy, or food for the trough. Which will you be today, I
Are a family of cannibal pie makers. All but Patrick are extremely wonder? Will you join me at the breast of the great he-sow, or shall we grind up
dangerous. your blood and bones for the slop?”
They will continue to kidnap and murder, saving the meat for when Mr. Sweet disposition. Easily-frightened. Crawling on all fours. Patrick has
Figg is able to bake the pies again. Mr. Figg has become obsessed with believed himself to be an animal ever since he was little, when he and his
cooking the Most-Beloved into a pie, and his family will try to help him mother and brother were trapped in a cave-in, and his mother fed him
realize this dream; they will prioritize the Most-Beloved in a confrontat- part of her. Patrick will never attack the hunters unless he is cornered,
ion and eventually invade Hargrave House in order to capture them. and he shouldn’t be encountered at all until Hargrave House has answered
the Question associated with him.
Quote: “[Appropriate animal noises]”
Locations Clues
BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL A small book of pressed flowers; written on the inside cover: “For my
Sometimes surprisingly clean; other times not. Nurses and doctors little sweet one.”
dashing to and fro. Wailing and chattering coming from deep within.
Dots of now-dried marmalade making a path, as if leading something
Paint the Scene: In your estimation, are the patients treated well or treated
in or out of a particular room.
poorly? Why do you think this?
A carefully folded bundle of long, blonde hair.
A few small tables and chairs. The smell of grease and burnt flour. Plaster A great amount of hay scattered around a place.
statue of a pig in a chef’s hat. Blocks of salt in an unusual place.
Paint the Scene: How do you know this was a popular pie shop when it was
A book of nursery rhymes; all the references to birds have been
crossed out.
A heap of clothing, discarded; the dominant color is red.
Bundles of herbs and garlic hanging from the ceiling. Enormous brick
oven. A light dusting of flour on most surfaces. Mice skeletons in an unusual place (pick one: a chocolate box/a
Paint the Scene: The Figgs enjoy working together. What do you see that bouquet of flowers/a soup tureen/something else).
confirms this? A taxidermied (pick one: rabbit/fox/goose/something else) in an
Comfy beds. Delicate, cream-colored wallpaper. The smell of lemon and
A very large collection (pick one: torn opera tickets/lost buttons/
thimbles/something else).
Paint the Scene: The Figgs were a loving family. Looking around, how do you
know this? A collection of skeletal hands, each one smaller than the next.

FIGG’S PIGGS (BASEMENT) Constant reminders of the seaside: shells and starfish, wool bathing
Walls covered in streaks of dried blood. A preponderance of bones with suits, bottles of sand, etc.
bits of meat still on them. Written on the walls in ash: “All praise the A dusty skeleton dressed in finery.
Great He-Sow!”
Paint the Scene: This is where the Figgs’ victims met their grisly ends. Looking Piles of velvet cushions caked with dried blood.
around, how do you know the kills were quick and painless? A collection of elegant footwear and hosiery for both men and
women, cleaned and well-maintained, neatly arranged.

Side Characters A dog collar and leash, sized for a very thick neck.
A pile of bibles, rosaries, and other religious items.
Spotless tweed coat. Tidy mustache. Smoking pipe. He is aware of Detritus gathered and formed into a giant nest.
Hargrave House and the work they do, and will generally resent that his An obvious attempt to block out the sun.
superiors asked for their help; he won’t hesitate to knock the hunters
down a few pegs if the opportunity presents itself. If a hunter has The A wedding dress stored in a reverential manner.
Darkened Threshold marked, Pettigrew will have a bad feeling about
Hargrave House and be outright hostile to the hunters.
Quote: “The details are what matter here. Anyone with half a brain can tell
you this family will strike again, but the key is where will they strike again, and Obert Figg’s butcher knife. Add it to your Personal Quarters.
how? The details will reveal it to us!”
A large baking peel with the shape of a pig carved into it. Add it to
DR. RODNEY WALTERS, A PHYSICIAN your Personal Quarters
A head of luxurious, silver hair. Pipe with a Flying Dutchman motif.
A holy symbol of Moc’h. Describe it, add it to your Personal Quarters, and
Extremely clean smell. Dr. Walters considers Bedlam a mere stepping
then tell the Keeper to unmark the Mask of the Pig (if it is marked). The
stone to a greater position in the world of academia. He’s fascinated by
Mask of the Pig can be marked by any hunter while investigating any Threat.
the Figgs and would love to have the complete set under his care, and so
will help Hargrave House in any way he can. A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
Quote: “Mr. Figg has been mostly non-responsive—he just sings his little song then add it to your Personal Quarters.
when you ask him anything. A fascinating case, really; I don’t think any of the
A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
literature has ever covered such. Someone needs to write an article, and it might
then add it to your Personal Quarters.
as well be me, eh?”
A great ogre of a man, really. But with soft, pink hands. And the bluest Moments
eyes. Titus Figg won’t talk. If questioned, he will respond by singing his
song, and then beating on the door of his cell. A naked body, the head removed and replaced with that of a pig, posed as
the figurehead of a shrine; human teeth and tusks are scattered around in
the shape of pagan sigils.
Hard look, for his age. Eye-watering smell. Surprisingly loving to those
who show him kindness. Ragg is a street urchin and pickpocket, and he A trussed up corpse with an apple stuck in its mouth; the blood has been
mostly works the lanes in and around Shoreditch. The Figgs were always drained and replaced with marmalade.
kind to him, and he especially misses La Hortencia, who treated him like A gang of barnyard animals running loose down an alley: goats, pigs,
her own. He has seen a lot and knows a lot, but will be hard-pressed to geese, sheep. They are being chased by a gang of children wielding
betray the Figgs. sharpened sticks.
Quote: “I liked those Figgs, what of it? So they put people in their pies. Maybe A thick cloud of blackbirds swarms everyone in the streets.
those people deserved to be put in pies, did you ever consider that? Mrs. Figg
The spectacle of two large men fighting in a pit of mud, a crowd of
was the nicest, but I liked Patrick well enough, too. I’m the only person he spoke
spectators cheering them on.
to like… a person.”
Thick sheets of human skin stretched out and hanging from hooks, like
grisly wall tapestries.
The Limehouse Lurker
Jenny Johnston, the proprietor of an opium den in Limehouse, tells you a story that has not yet reached Scotland Yard or the papers: three people have
been found dead in recent days, the bodies completely exsanguinated. The first was a prostitute called Soft Jimmy, found in a dark corner of the opium
den; the second was a young mother, Charla Bell, found in an alleyway behind the Limehouse School; and the third was a Chinese sailor, Zhao Donghai,
found outside a pub near the Regent’s Canal Dock, the Dog & Whistle. Jenny, an informal community leader in Limehouse, has been keeping the bodies
in her basement; she’s hesitant to go to the authorities because she fears it will cause trouble for the small but thriving Chinese immigrant community in
the district. She heard that Hargrave House has experience with matters such as this, and has asked for your help.
Pose the following to the hunter with the highest Reason (or whoever you choose in the case of a tie): Hargrave House knows about
creatures that drink the blood of their victims; they’re called vampires. A detail in Jenny’s story convinces you this particular vampire has the body
of a small child. What is it?
The vampire is physically a child but that doesn’t mean it’s young. Vampires never physically age beyond how old they were when they were
“turned,” and an old vampire has to be handled in a very different way from a young one…

Questions & Opportunities Dangers

Unlock the next appropriate question. Broad shoulders. Neatly-pressed uniform. Wooden truncheon. Police
Constable Lansing works the Limehouse beat. He isn’t aware of the
exsanguinated bodies, but he senses there is something wrong in
WERE TURNED? (Complexity: 4)
Limehouse. He will turn up at inconvenient times for Hargrave House. If
Resolve the Threat by luring the vampire into a scene reminiscent of its
he learns about the murders, Scotland Yard will get involved, which will
home life and then destroying it or making arrangements for it to safely
make it much more difficult for Hargrave House to do its job.
feed on a regular basis.
Quote: “I have a nose for trouble. That’s what makes me good at my job.”
Resolve the Threat by infiltrating its nest and then destroying it or
convincing it to leave London. If the vampire is old, it can perform dangerous feats of blood magic,
including (but not limited to): making blood rapidly evacuate a body,
teleporting through blood portals, literally inhabiting a body and then
The Mask of the Sun tearing its way out, changing someone into a vampire by feeding on them
over the course of weeks, and mesmerizing someone whose blood it has
Each hunter narrates a dream they once had of primordial Earth: back in tasted.
time across the ancient seas, back in time when the spirits walked, when
the Sun was new, and the Old Gods held court.
Dim and smoky. A heavy, ammonia-like smell. People lounging on
The following can be freely shared with the hunters. If the vampire is cushions.
young, it’s scared; it will lash out like a wild animal, and its kills will be Paint the Scene: People from all walks of life patronize Jenny Johnston’s.
sloppy and haphazard. It retains some vague memories of its life before What do you see that indicates this?
being turned, and those memories can be used to manipulate it. If the
vampire is old, it’s far more calculating and dangerous; it will have access
Filthy children all over the place. A frustrated mistress storming away
to supernatural powers such as blood magic. In both cases, the vampire is
from a group of girls (not) learning to sew. The smell of unwashed bodies.
weak in direct sunlight and can be destroyed by plunging a wooden stake
Paint the Scene: Workhouses like this are where poor children are sent to be
through its heart or submerging it in running water.
managed until they’re old enough to be turned out. What signs of deprivation do
If the vampire is young, more people in Limehouse will turn up dead, and
Jenny Johnston won’t be able to keep it secret much longer. If the vampire
Dull, brass fixtures. A stack of tin mugs. A painting of a dog (but no
is old, it will spread its killing and influence beyond Limehouse, and will
even start to create new vampires to join its nest.
Paint the Scene: This pub caters to sailors and folk who work at the canal.
How do you know this?
Coal dust on everything. Sailors playing dice games. Prostitutes and
A Side Character floating in the air; a pair of small hands opens them up
tinkers peddling their respective wares.
from the inside, spilling their guts on the cobblestones.
Paint the Scene: Do you find the teeming humanity here to be exhilarating or
The Sun is extra warm and throbbing. revolting? Why?
You can hear your own heartbeat.
A vision of being drowned in a fathomless ocean of blood.
You only just notice a cat gently chewing on your exposed flesh, lapping
at the blood.
You are lifted into the night air, and then suddenly dropped. Take a
Condition: Battered and Bruised.
Side Characters Clues
JENNY JOHNSTON (CHEN BAO), A COMMUNITY LEADER Dried bloodstains in an unusual place.
Soothing disposition. Pretty but faded. Dark taffeta gown. Jenny runs a
A passage, hallway, or other thoroughfare that has been made
very successful opium den and is the unofficial leader of the small Chinese
unreachable by the Sun.
immigrant community in Limehouse. She takes her role very seriously,
and looks after almost anyone who comes to her for help. A copious amount of flowers of a specific type (pick one: roses/
Quote: “I came here to make a life for myself. People turn their noses up at East gardenia/lilies/something else).
London, but all I see is opportunity. Children? No… never had them, never even A missing book about an ancient civilization (pick one: Egyptian/
wanted them. This place is my child.” Sumerian/Greek/something else).
THE MAN IN THE SUN MASK, A PATRON OF THE OPIUM DEN Crude drawings of a Roman phalanx in an unusual place.
Gold smoking jacket and yellow silk pants. Soft slippers on his feet. A sun- A painted mural depicting the suns of another world.
shaped half-mask obscuring his identity. The Man in the Sun Mask claims
A wooden toy Viking ship, lost or discarded.
to be a member of the Royal Family, or some other important member of
society, depending on when you ask him; he says he wears the mask to Stories of a victim behaving unkindly toward children.
hide his identity. Always speaks cryptically, with an emphasis on the Stories of a victim behaving unkindly toward the elderly.
existence of other worlds and dimensions. Special rule: If a hunter
Fresh blood dripping down from a high place.
removes the sun mask for any reason, they are immediately retired from
play; the Keeper describes it. A pool of half-coagulated blood in a dark, subterranean place.
Quote: “There is a world beyond this one, you know? It’s like our own world— Things with a specific pattern go missing (pick one: checkerboard/
is, in fact, our world, but impossibly ancient. It’s a world where the Sun is new, Indian “cone” pattern/vertical stripes/something else).
and where old spirits and old gods play and make war with each other. I have
Things in sets of three go missing.
seen it with all my eyes. It is magnificent and terrible and bloody and every
other awful, wonderful thing you can imagine.” Violently discarded milk and sweets.

RORY BELL, A HUSBAND The smell of recently charred flesh in an unusual place and in full
Covered in soot. Sour smell. Hangdog look. Rory is a stevedore at daylight.
Regent’s Canal Dock. He wants to go to the police about his wife Charla’s A Bible; the pages telling the story of Noah and the Ark have been
murder, but Jenny Johnston is putting a lot of pressure on him to be quiet ripped out.
and let her handle the matter.
A drunkard claims a small, childlike voice from the shadows has been
Quote: “I mean, don’t get me wrong: I like old Jenny. I’ve been in her establishment
castigating them for their excessive drinking.
from time to time, it’s a nice place, and she even helped me and Charla once when
we were having money trouble. But how much longer does my wife’s body have to An opium den patron claims a small, childlike voice from the shadows
stay in her basement? We need to go to the authorities about this!” has been castigating them for their vice.

FRANKLIN HORSFORD, A PUB OWNER A Side Character claims to have seen something supernatural (pick
Sweaty forehead. Hairy arms. Black apron. Franklin does a brisk business one: a spiral of blood hanging in the air/a great gathering of dogs and
at The Dog & Whistle, and he agrees with Jenny that no good will come of wolves/a sudden heavy fog/something else).
getting the authorities involved in the current troubles. A thick swarm of bats over a specific place.
Quote: “Have you met that Constable Lansing? Dreadful man; always poking
around, asking questions, looking to stir up trouble. He’s bad for business, if you
ask me.” Rewards
ELMA THORPE, A REGULAR Jenny Johnston becomes a recurring Side Character; you get 1 extra
Unkempt gray hair. Wrapped in a blanket, complaining of cold. Just finishing Clue on the Information Move when you seek her counsel about
her drink. Elma is a regular at The Dog & Whistle. She sees a lot around the events in East London.
Canal Dock, and she’ll talk about what she knows if you buy her a drink.
The Man in the Sun Mask becomes a recurring Side Character; you get
Quote: “It’s always so damn cold in here! I keep begging Rory to fix the seals on these
1 extra Clue on the Information Move when you seek his counsel
about other worlds.
The vampire becomes a recurring Side Character if you resolved the
Handsome grin. Briny smell. Dingy sailor’s whites. Lin Bohai was a friend
Threat by making arrangements for it to safely feed on a regular basis;
and shipmate of Zhao Donghai. Their ship is set to sail in a week; he’d like
the Factotum can add it to the Hargrave House Informals move.
to find out what happened to his friend before that.
Quote: "Zhao Donghai was so excited to be here. We had some good times those A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
first few days in port. Have you been to The Dog & Whistle yet? Who—or what then add it to your Personal Quarters.
—could have done such a horrible thing to him…” A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
LAWRENCE CHESTERFIELD, A HEADMASTER then add it to your Personal Quarters.
Fidgety. Brown three-piece suit. Voice always starts low but ends high.
Lawrence is the headmaster of the Limehouse School. He is overworked,
exasperated, and doing his best to quell rumors of blood-sucking monsters.
Quote: "Look: I barely knew Charla Bell. She did some work with the children
here from time to time—teaching them how to mend and wash, that sort of thing
—but I never sat down and talked to the woman. And I certainly don’t believe
these ridiculous rumors that someone murdered her and drank her blood!”
Uniformly filthy. Frequently foul-mouthed. Eager to talk about what they
think they know. Many children at the workhouse claim to have seen the
vampire, and some of them actually have. Can be plied with sweets and
other comforts. Some names, if you need them: Sally, Alice, Jennifer,
Thomas, William, Bennett.
Sally No-Face
The Daily Telegraph has a story about a washerwoman named Clara Yarborough who was found dead in a hallway of her tenement house in
Whitechapel; her face had been carefully removed. This is the third such crime this month—the other two victims, Edward Clive and Dolly
Merryweather, also lived in Whitechapel. People are already saying it’s old Sally No-Face who’s doing it, but Sally No-Face is just a legend;
children have been singing her song in the streets for as long as anyone can remember: “Poor old Sally/trapped in a fire/her looks burned up
without a trace/If you’re lovely/with fate most dire/she’ll come and take your lovely face!”
Direct the following to a hunter of your choice: You have a history with Clara Yarborough. What is it?

Questions & Opportunities Dangers

Resolve the Threat by infiltrating the killer’s lair, then capturing or The Dapper Boy is an uplifted street urchin, no more than 12 or 13 years
destroying them. old, and a devotee of Sally No-Face. He believes Sally is a true visionary,
and will do whatever it takes to make sure the surgeon can continue doing
their work. The Dapper Boy is always dressed in a very fashion-forward
Resolve the Threat by luring the killer to you, then capturing or
blazer, short trousers, cricket cap, shiny leather shoes, and fine wool socks
destroying them.
held up with garters. He will fight with a knife, if pressed, but prefers to
WHAT IS THE TRUE IDENTITY OF THE KILLER, AND WHAT DROVE THEM rely on a gang of goons, each of whom are comically terrified of him. Play
TO THIS MADNESS? (Complexity: 8)
the Dapper Boy in a way that is excessively formal and ridiculously fussy,
Resolve the Threat by empathizing with the killer, then bringing them in particularly as it relates to his clothing.
Quote: “I can tell, sir, that you are trying to get my goat. But I must warn you,
sir: my goat is not easily got.”
The Mask of Beauty THE EXHIBIT
The Exhibit is a strange, neverending drinks party, in which a number of
Each hunter narrates a flashback to a time when they felt truly beautiful. mannequins dressed in finery have been carefully arranged all over; some
display a face (or part of a face) taken from one of Sally’s victims. There
may be musicians and waitstaff, and the Dapper Boy, or even Sally
The Killer themself, might be lying in wait somewhere.
Paint the Scene: What do you see or experience that is beautiful on the
The killer is a surgeon of remarkable, almost superhuman skill. When in
surface, but entirely artificial underneath?
the guise of Sally No-Face, they are seen wearing a long white coat that
hugs close to the body, black rubber gloves, and a featureless wooden
mask. Their weapon of choice is a scalpel—with which they are wickedly Locations
dangerous—but they also employ paralytic poisons when needed. They
seem to be obsessed with beauty standards, and, whether true or not, WHITECHAPEL TENEMENT HOUSE
openly suggest that they are on the cutting edge (pun intended) of the Three stories. Beggars and prostitutes all over. Poorly lit.
new field of cosmetic surgery. Paint the Scene: This building was originally a charity project, now
Quote (put your hands over your mouth to simulate the sound of Sally’s abandoned, for some wealthy do-gooder. What faded remnants of their largesse
voice behind their wooden mask): “I recently performed surgery on a one do you see around you?
Dame Margaret Teasdale. She represents some of my very best work, though, in
truth, I was lucky she wasn’t a complete ogress when I started. Renovating a
Stacks of other peoples’ washing. Peeling wallpaper. The smell of mildew.
house is so much easier when the foundation is solid.”
Paint the Scene: Clara Yarborough didn’t have much, but she kept a few
IF HARGRAVE HOUSE IGNORES THE KILLER... small, pretty things. What are they?
More people will turn up dead. Unlike some other Threats, Sally No-Face A MORTUARY
doesn’t go out of their way to goad Hargrave House—they don’t want or Brightly-lit. The smell of chemicals. Everything neatly arranged.
need the hunters’ attention; they are singularly focused on their work.
Paint the Scene: Is there a certain beauty in death? If so, what do you see that
However, if a hunter has the Condition Most-Beloved, Sally will become
confirms this?
obsessed with them and want to take their face, intact and unblemished.
Reams of fabric. Enormous vases filled with flowers. Finished gowns on
Moments mannequins.
Paint the Scene: What lies are people telling themselves in this place?
A string quartet playing furiously, ceaselessly, each of their faces wrapped
with bandages seeping blood.
Stacks and stacks of documents. Books strewn about. Gray light coming
A woman’s portrait, the face of which has been marked with notes from the window.
highlighting its flaws. Paint the Scene: Do you have a formal education? If not, why not?
A statue that has been literally de-faced. SALLY’S LAIR
A man carefully oiling his mustache. Artistically-lit. The smell of tomato vine. Flecks of blood on everything.
Paint the Scene: You see a piece of art that Sally has endeavored to make
Women quietly gossiping behind open fans, only their eyes visible to
more beautiful. What is it and how did they improve upon it?
Dancers in white, their faces covered by gauzy fabric.
Side Characters Clues
D.I. PETTIGREW, AN OFFICIAL Blackened veins, indicating the presence of poison.
Spotless tweed coat. Tidy mustache. Smoking pipe. He is aware of
A red smudge believed to be blood, but, on closer inspection, rouge.
Hargrave House and the work they do, but will generally resent the
hunters sticking their noses in things; he won’t hesitate to knock the A receipt for several bolts of very expensive fabric.
hunters down a few pegs if the opportunity presents itself. If a hunter has
A whispered conversation between two seemingly-unrelated Side
The Darkened Threshold marked, Pettigrew will have a bad feeling about
Hargrave House and be outright hostile to the hunters.
Quote: “The details are what matter here. Anyone with half a brain can tell A Side Character’s name written in an unusual place.
you this is the work of a diseased mind, but it’s the details that will help us Flecks of blood in an otherwise pristine place.
uncover who that mind belongs to.”
A missing plant: the highly toxic Oleander (nerium oleander).
Dingy white coat. Sweaty. Appears too young. Peter takes his job at the A letter indicating that an unnamed doctor was recently ejected from
mortuary very seriously, but can be easily swayed by the appearance of the Royal Academy for “untoward medical procedures.”
A name, currently without meaning: Victoria Callas.
Quote: “Nobody here but me and the dead! And now you, too, I suppose. That’s
very good: I was starting to feel a little lonely being the only one here with a A woman’s finger, perfectly preserved.
pulse.” A Side Character in a place they should not be.
WILMA PLUNKETT, A LANDLADY Rumors of a townhouse in a tony neighborhood that is always well-lit
Stout frame. Straw-colored hair. Corncob pipe. She has seen a lot, and can at night, but no one is ever seen coming or going.
be persuaded to talk, unless the hunter questioning her has The Cosmic
Passage marked, in which case she will be unnerved and clam up. A gold-embossed card inviting the holder to an extraordinary new
exhibit of art and medicine; no address or date is given.
Quote: “No one notices you when you get to be my age. But that also means
they don’t notice me noticin’ them.” A shadowy figure in the back alleys of Whitechapel, ranting about
ANTONY AND MRS. SCARBOROUGH, A MIDDLE-CLASS COUPLE “(getting) even with those who rejected (them).”
Plump, rosy cheeks. Un-frayed hems. A few noisy brats tugging for Increasingly florid love letters, unsigned, to someone named Gregory.
attention. The Scarboroughs feel terrible about the state of East London,
and do everything they can to help the poor, maligned souls who live The smell of expensive perfume in an unusual place.
there to find honest work and live good, decent, Christian lives. Rumors of someone in well-to-do social circles going on about having
Quote: “What a horror, these Sally No-Face murders. But this is what it’s discovered the fountain of youth.
come to, hasn’t it? London is the crossroad of the world: all its beauty and
A new victim, their face removed in a grisly, imprecise fashion.
wonder, but also all its sin and degradation, right there for anyone to grab hold
of.” Tales of a young romance gone awry.
Nappy velvet gown. Too much rouge. Smells of cheap liquor. Vera sees a
lot and knows a lot, and will tell what she knows if the price is right. Rewards
Quote: “Hello, Captain… would you be interested in docking your ship in my
Sally No-Face’s wooden mask; add it to your Personal Quarters.
port o’call tonight?”
Sally No-Face’s scalpel; add it to your Personal Quarters.
Wild eyes. The smell of urine. A surprisingly handsome pocket square of A mannequin; add it to your Personal Quarters.
blue silk. Old Boot sees a lot and knows a lot, and will be happy to talk if
A victim’s face; add it to your Personal Quarters.
the hunters confirm his suspicions that there is an unseen world, just
beneath the surface. If a hunter has The Cosmic Passage marked, Old A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
Boot will seek them out and give them a Clue, no roll needed. then add it to your Personal Quarters.
Quote: “Everything you see around us is a lie—a facade meant to keep us… A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
pliable. I have seen beneath the artifice; I have seen what lies just beyond then add it to your Personal Quarters.
normal perception. Have you seen it, too?”
Stiff facial features. Waxen complexion. Finery and jewels. Dame
Margaret has received back-alley cosmetic surgery from Sally No-Face.
She doesn’t know Sally’s true identity—the Dapper Boy arranged the
encounter—but she is very pleased by the work that was done.
Quote: “I reject, out-of-hand and in the strongest possible terms, that we are
all fated to shrivel up like prunes. Let others be stately, or grow old with
dignity; I seek the eternal.”
Balding. Pristine white shirt. Supple hands. Vittorio Clemenza is one of
the most popular tailors among the Belgravia set. He has an eye for all the
modern fashions, and works with only the most luxurious fabrics.
Quote: “The right clothes can turn a chimney sweep into a prince, that’s what I
always say.”
Gray waistcoat. Brass pocket watch. Hair parted right down the middle.
Dr. Van Cleef is always too busy to chat unless, of course, a hunter shows
an interest in his academic work.
Quote: “That’s Doctor Van Cleef, thank you very much.”
The St. James’s
Street Ghost
A back issue of The Illustrated Police News, a tabloid notorious for carrying salacious, blood-curdling tales of dubious provenance, has a story about
a young maid, Ginny Hess, who was found dead—apparently from shock—in her employer’s St. James’s Street townhouse some months ago. The
story claims the townhouse is haunted, and that it was almost certainly the appearance of a ghost that caused the young maid to die of fright. After
a cursory inquiry, you learn the precise address of the haunting, 18 St. James’s Street, and the name of the family that lives there, the Beales.
Direct the following to a hunter of your choice: Most tales of hauntings are complete nonsense, especially those carried by The Illustrated Police
News, but Hargrave House has some experience with ghosts, and a particular detail in this story confirms that this is a legitimate haunting. What is it?

Questions & Opportunities Dangers

(Complexity: 4) The ghost can attack in several ways: hurling small objects, inducing a
The hunters now have access to the custom move Old Bones (see below). feeling of intense fear or cold, and assuming the appearance of others in
order to confuse or torment.
Resolve the Threat by performing a quieting ritual. The ghost can, as an act of intense hatred or desperation, cause the
townhouse to begin collapsing, room by room, floor by floor, until it is
CUSTOM MOVE – OLD BONES: When you have The Cosmic Passage nothing but a pile of rubble.
marked and touch, listen to, or otherwise attune to a building’s architectural
details, roll with Sensitivity. On a hit, a ghost will appear and answer a
single question you pose to it or perform a small task, your choice; any Locations
answers it gives can be in the form of a Clue, at the Keeper’s discretion.
On a 10+, as above, and the ghost will not ask for anything in return. THE BASEMENT
The basement of the townhouse contains the kitchen and the servants’
The Mask of the Unquiet Paint the Scene: What evidence do you see that shows how, historically, the
servants of 18 St. James’s Street have protected themselves from the ghost?
Each hunter narrates a flashback to their childhood when they
experienced a haunting.
The first of two main rooms on the ground floor; contains a small library
and enough seating for the family and a few visitors.
Paint the Scene: What in this room indicates that the Beales are living a little
The Ghost
bit above their station?
You can fill in the exact details and description of the St. James’s Street DINING ROOM
Ghost after the hunters have had a chance to investigate. It does, The second of two main rooms on the ground floor; features a long,
however, have some characteristics that you may consider common polished table that can seat up to eight, a curio cabinet, and serving
among ghosts in the setting: only vulnerable to weapons that are blessed trolley.
or made of silver; capable of affecting the physical world, especially by Paint the Scene: Does Mrs. Beale have splendid taste or rather disappointing
moving objects or changing the temperature in its immediate taste? What do you see that confirms this?
environment; capable of limited vocalization; and usually invisible but
capable of appearing as a translucent figure.
There are four bedrooms in total on the second floor, one for each of
IF HARGRAVE HOUSE IGNORES THE GHOST… Harold, Alice, Roger, and guests.
The Beales will eventually take drastic, misguided measures to get rid of Paint the Scene: What about these rooms unnerves you?
the ghost, including an exorcism that will simply untether it from their
home, allowing it to freely roam London.
The attic has been transformed into a nursery and decorated in soft, pastel
colors. Mary Alice can usually be found here.
Moments Paint the Scene: How do you know the ghost is with you right now?

A hunter catches themselves singing a sweet song they don’t understand.

The room is icy cold, despite the presence of a crackling fire.
Weeping is heard coming from a bed, but the only thing the hunter finds
is a pillow soaked with teardrops.
When speaking to a Side Character, they casually say the words “get out,”
but have no memory of saying it.
The floorboards creak and the townhouse shudders with every seventeen
steps you take.
A hunter enters a room and finds someone who looks just like them
sitting in a chair. If spoken to, the copy will scream and disappear.
Side Characters Clues
HAROLD BEALE, A HUSBAND AND FATHER Evidence of a similar death in the house decades prior.
Patchy beard. Constantly fiddling. Worried about the cost of things.
The clocks are all turned to the same, wrong time.
Harold, a bookkeeper and amateur mathematician, moved his young
family to St. James’s Street just a year ago, after getting a shockingly-good A mirror cracks in a strange pattern (pick one: lace/star/spiral/
deal on the townhouse. something else).
Quote: “Of course, I’m perfectly happy to accept your help with this matter,
A series of numbers written in an unusual place (pick one: behind
but is it going to cost us anything? I mean, Scotland Yard is free, you know—
wallpaper/in the ashes of a fire/in the dust on a mantel/somewhere else).
one of its chief benefits, really.”
A vivid dream about violence between two unknown people from a
different era.
Sweet disposition. Lovely, but faded. Simple tartan dress. Alice follows
Harold’s lead in most things, but thinks he’s not taking Ginny’s death A glass figurine of a tiger falls off a shelf and shatters.
seriously enough. It was he who gave the story to The Illustrated Police
Mary Alice’s favorite wax doll, missing.
News after Scotland Yard came up empty-handed—a sad attempt to make
a bit of money off their tragedy. Roger’s appearance changes so that he seems subtly, but noticeably, older.
Quote: “Poor Ginny… she was a lovely girl, and so good with Roger and the
Harold’s ledger contains entries for strange household expenses he can’t
baby. And now, thanks to that ridiculous tabloid, I haven’t been able to find a
explain, like “thought-casting” and “dream whisperer” and “pig gifts.”
One of the bedroom windows doesn’t look out onto the street, but
rather on a country house that appears to be on fire.
Ruddy-cheeked. Sailor’s outfit. Learning to swear. Nine-year-old Roger is
a bit of a brat, to be honest, but finds the idea of a haunting to be A whispered but heated argument between a Side Character and an
wonderfully exciting, and frequently gives ghost tours of the townhouse unknown voice; the language they’re speaking is unknown to you.
to his friends.
A door that is always locked when you return to it, no matter how
Quote: “I haven’t seen the ghost much myself, but I reckon it’s a bloody terror,
many times you unlock it.
considering what it did to Ginny.”
A porcelain vase filled with warm, fresh blood.
Quite bald for her age, really. And fat—what a fat little monkey she is! The sound of someone falling down the stairs; there’s no one there
And listen to how she babbles—don’t you wonder what they’re thinking when you investigate.
about when they babble like that?
Rumors of an arranged marriage gone awry.
The same book keeps falling off the library shelf, a ghoulish novel
Greyhound. Brindle. Used to be quite lazy, but ever since moving to St.
about a wife who murders her husband.
James’s Street, spends most of his time nervously patrolling the house.
A single stair collapses underfoot.
Square-framed. Jowly. Smells of onion and tobacco. Irma has lived at 18 A room appears to be on fire, but it’s not.
St. James’s Street longer than anyone, having worked for the previous
A tightening felt around someone’s throat.
family, the Buckleys. She is reluctant to talk about the things she’s seen,
but is genuinely sad and terrified about what happened to Ginny Hess. A crystal decanter recently filled with port is now empty.
Quote: “I don’t know anything about no ghosts! Now, if you’ll excuse me, the
A stack of love letters from another time.
butcher’s boy is going to be ‘round soon, and Mrs. Beale has a mind for mutton
Peering eyes. Too-tight corset. Streaks of gray in her hair. Constance is a
widow, and the Beales’ neighbor. Like Mrs. Thicket, she knows things A jar of ectoplasm; add it to your Personal Quarters.
about the house on 18 St. James’s Street, having lived next door most of
A mirror that always shows a reflection of the St. James’s Street
her adult life. She’s certainly happy to tell what she knows in exchange for
Ghost; add it to your Personal Quarters.
some juicy gossip.
Quote: “I mean, it’s certainly no business of mine what goes on in their Unmark The Cosmic Passage if it’s marked and reverse any effects of
household, but what sort of neighbor would I be—what sort of community it being marked; explain why performing the quieting ritual is making
member would I be—if I didn’t stay abreast of things that go on around here?” you less attuned to the supernatural world.

A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and

then add it to your Personal Quarters.

A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and

then add it to your Personal Quarters.

A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and

then add it to your Personal Quarters.
The Whateley Camera
The Hargrave House library contains research on the so-called Whateley Camera, one of the first wet plate-type cameras ever produced. People
who are photographed by the camera have been known to disappear without a trace. An American scientist and philosopher, Atticus Whateley,
studied the camera for a number of years and proposed that it was some sort of entity—a demon, or even a god—and that the people who went
missing had been transported to another dimension. Whateley advanced an idea called the “fragrant void,” a sort-of proto-Earth that existed in
near-total darkness, and that was home to powerful entities who were banished by God on the first day of Creation. He believed some of those
entities could still operate in our world, hidden from view, perhaps through common objects, like the camera. While his research couldn’t prove
the existence of the fragrant void, he did manage to show how the camera caused people to be whisked away to another dimension; unfortunately,
before he could present his work for review, he was killed, his notes were destroyed, and the camera went missing.
One week ago, a beautiful actress, Penelope Levy, disappeared. She was last seen at the Society Obscura, an exclusive and secretive club for
wealthy photography enthusiasts located in a converted townhouse in Kensington. A missing actress wouldn’t merit attention from Hargrave
House if not for the fact her lover, Burt Broadswell, sent the hunters one of the pictures taken of her at the Society Obscura.
Pose the following to a hunter who has the Cosmic Passage marked (or whoever you wish if no one has it marked): Something
unusual about the photo unmistakably confirms it was taken with the Whateley Camera? What is it?

Questions & Opportunities Side Characters

CAMERA TO DISAPPEAR? (Complexity: 8) Lantern jaw. Fulsome eyelashes. Trim physique. Burt is highly distraught
Resolve the Threat by reversing the process and bringing Penelope Levy about Penelope’s disappearance. He disagreed with Penelope’s decision to
back to this world. model for the Society Obscura. He views the Society as decadent,
lecherous elites. He doesn’t know much about the details of her time with
Use the camera to transport yourself to the fragrant void and make
them, but he will happily give the hunters access to her personal effects.
contact with the entity there. Doing so gives you access to the custom
Quote: “Penelope and I met on the stage. She was playing Rosalind, and I the
move Voidwalker (see below).
bumpkin William. She was radiant, I tell you. I never got the lead in that
Note: Both Opportunities unlock when the Question is answered and production, but I did manage to become her Orlando in life. And now she’s
both can be pursued. gone, without a trace… as if she were never more than a sweet waking dream.”
When you have the Cosmic Passage marked and use an object of power to attune Semi-sheer black caftan. Hair braided to look like a crown. Small, tight
to the fragrant void, roll with Sensitivity. On a hit, you travel to the fragrant mouth. Portia is the founder of the Society Obscura. The camera tells her
void and gain keen insight into a Threat of your choice; the Keeper reveals things in her dreams, including how to make it so the subject disappears
two Clues. On a 10+, no entity from the void will disturb you. On a miss, after the picture is taken, but the precise details have already faded from
unmark the Cosmic Passage and then cross it off your sheet. her memory.
Quote: “The camera, first, sees us. Then it reveals us. Many people don’t like
what they see in the image, because they know it is the truth. One cannot hide
The Camera from the lens. No matter how hard one tries.”

Is possessed by a monstrous entity from another dimension (see Dangers). CYRUS ABERNATHY, AN ENTHUSIAST
This entity’s motivations are entirely alien—to try to understand them is A form-fitting, white bodysuit, tight in all the right places. Silver cords
a pointless exercise. wrapped around his arms, legs, and neck. A distant gaze. Cyrus is Portia’s
husband. He has a keen interest in the metaphysical. He believes in the
existence of other worlds and dimensions. If the Man in the Sun Mask is
More people will go missing and the camera itself may fall into the
a recurring Side Character, Cyrus will be at ease with Hargrave House.
Mastermind’s hands.
Quote: ““I like to imagine a photograph is like a little pocket dimension—a
tiny world parallel to our own. You do believe in parallel worlds, don’t you? I
Moments believe in parallel worlds, parallel threads in time… for example, the
primordial past of this world—the time before there was light—is still with us.
The bang of flash powder immediately followed by a brief sensation of It floats alongside us. And, someday, it may call out to us.”
The smell of cigarette smoke and sweat as members of the Society Pretty. Never seen in the same revealing costume twice. Small, bejeweled
Obscura enjoy each other’s bodies. feet. Peri is a houseboy and sexual plaything. He keeps the place tidy for
Penelope Levy briefly appears in a mirror, terrified, and is then violently the Abernathys and models for photographs when called upon. He was
yanked away into a silvery void behind her. surly when Penelope was the Society’s new obsession, but now that she's
gone, he’s back to his normal, cheerful self.
A Side Character is seen floating in the air, held aloft by an unseen force.
Quote: “Can I get you a drink? Or a cigar, perhaps? I’m here to please… in
The color drains from a room, leaving only sepia tones behind. any way you fancy.”
A picture can be moved around to see the parts of the scene that weren’t VARIOUS MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY OBSCURA
in frame; any people depicted have inky black voids where their eyes Members of the Society come from a variety of backgrounds. The thing
should be. that unites them is an almost spiritual fascination with photography.
Some names, if you need them: Lurdes, Yulya, Seynabou, Brianna, Carolin,
Milosh, Venkat, Pierre, Mads, Petr.
Dangers Clues
THE SOCIETY OBSCURA A sequence of numbers in an unusual place.
If the hunters claim to be photography enthusiasts, the Society will
A monocle, a magnifying glass, and a telescope—each with cracked lenses.
welcome them warmly. If the hunters reveal they are searching for
Penelope Levy, the Society will be more guarded. Members of the Society A small pyramid, warm to the touch.
are largely harmless, but they will react violently if someone tries to take
A gray door, perfectly rendered in paint on a nearby wall.
the Whateley Camera from them.
THE ENTITY Evidence found in a (pick one: scroll/hieroglyph/painting/something
The entity can psychically attack the hunters from anywhere in the else) that the Whateley Camera existed before there were even cameras.
Society’s townhouse; telekinetic blasts and pyrokinesis are its preferred A complex mathematical equation in an unusual place.
weapons. The entity appears as a shadowy, tentacled monstrosity with a
Four veils layered atop one another: white, silver, gold, and black.
single glowing eye when confronted in the fragrant void. Any hunter who
agrees to take the Condition Drawn to the Void will be allowed to leave A copy of Dante’s Inferno, but the story is different than you remember.
the entity’s realm safely; the Condition can never be cleared. Hunters who
An orrery depicting the seven celestial realms.
refuse to take the Condition must do battle with the entity. In either case,
they have access to the Voidwalker move upon their return. A centuries-old almanac detailing the phases of the Moon.

The script for a play you’ve never heard of: Ecstasies of the Pythia.

Locations A cinnabar pendant necklace, the clasp broken.

Three small quartz rods found among a Side Character’s belongings.

A room in the Society’s townhouse used for artistic photography, The smell of warm spices in an unusual place.
decorated to look like an overgrown jungle.
A Side Character overheard speaking a dead language.
Paint the Scene: Do you find the decorations here surprisingly lifelike or
hopelessly gaudy? Why? An albino peacock in a crystal cage.

THE AMERICAN WEST ROOM A smudge of (pick one: silver/gold/black/something else) paint near
A room in the Society’s townhouse used for artistic photography, the place where Penelope’s photograph was taken.
decorated to look like a western saloon. An animal is terrified of a particular room.
Paint the Scene: This room is not quite right. What feels off about it?
Something unusual is resting at the bottom of a glass of water (pick
THE MAHARAJA’S PALACE ROOM one: egg yolk/mercury/eyeball/something else).
A room in the Society’s townhouse used for artistic photography,
decorated to look like a maharaja’s palace. A highly-detailed anatomy chart found among a Side Character’s
Paint the Scene: This room is wildly colorful but the camera can never capture belongings.
it. Describe something particularly vivid that people in the future will not be
able to properly appreciate in black and white.
A room in the Society’s townhouse used for artistic photography, The Whateley Camera. Add it to your Personal Quarters.
decorated to look like a scene from Greek myth.
Paint the Scene (only if at least one hunter has the Cosmic Passage A moon mask. Add it to your Personal Quarters.
marked): The Greek pantheon is actually watching you in this room right now. A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
How do you know it? then add it to your Personal Quarters.
THE ASTRAL PLANE ROOM A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
A strange room painted in dreamy grays and silvers. then add it to your Personal Quarters.
Paint the Scene: There are objects arranged all over that seem to be from
another world or time. Describe one. A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
then add it to your Personal Quarters.
The realm the entity resides in is a place of mists and shadow, and the
hunters can only traverse a small part of it. Vague outlines of titanic
beasts and floating islands can be seen in the distance.
Paint the Scene: In what ways are you not yourself while you are in this realm?
The Coven
This is a special Threat that can only be introduced when you are instructed to do so by The Vessel playbook. The playbook will instruct you
to narrate a scene showing the coven’s arrival in London. The scene can be anything you want, but it should be in a different part of the city
from where the hunters are. At the start of the next Day Phase, read the following aloud:
The coven has arrived in London. They are here in the guise of a group of fortune-tellers and mediums calling itself the Fellowship of Dreamers, but
you know the truth: they are very evil, very powerful, and very dangerous.
Pose the following to the Vessel: You know the only reason the coven would be in London is if they were close to finishing their grand ritual.
What will this grand ritual do when complete and why must Hargrave House put a stop to it?
You don’t know where the coven is, but you know where they’ve been: the homes of several prominent members of society, where they were guests
before performing seances and tarot card readings at the homeowners’ fetes. Those addresses are: 14 Brompton Road, 6 Boscobel Place, and the
Rutland Gardens estate.

Questions & Opportunities Moments

WHEN AND WHERE WILL THE FINAL STEP OF THE GRAND RITUAL TAKE A tree sheds its leaves and limbs; the pattern they fall in resembles ancient
PLACE? (Complexity: 6) runes.
Resolve the Threat by stopping the ritual and/or destroying the coven. Black bile dribbles from someone’s mouth; they are totally unaware of it.
SPECIAL RULE: The coven is capable of attacking anyone in London A woman suddenly stabs her friend to death in full view of everyone
remotely via powerful hexes they cast as a group. While the coven is an around them.
active Threat, you have a new Keeper reaction: Hexcraft (see the
A dark, heavy rain cloud is centered over Buckingham Palace.
Hexcraft section of this sheet). Use the soft version of the hexes for softer
reactions; use the hard version for hard reactions. All the people and animals in a place form in a circle and bleat like goats.
An old woman approaches you and whispers, “Alea iacta est,” before
attempting to claw your face with her hard, yellow nails.
The Coven
Is somewhat undefined. The Vessel may reveal details about them via their Hexcraft
Mask of the Past, in which case you should incorporate those details in
how you present them. If the coven is introduced very early in the game, TONGUE
keep them somewhat occluded. Having them always appear behind heavy Soft: The victim cannot speak. Hard: The victim’s tongue is severed.
black veils is a good approach since black veils are creepy and it makes it
so you don’t have to describe them with too much specificity. In all cases,
Soft: The victim’s skin cracks and bleeds. Hard: The victim is drained
the coven is immediately aware of Hargrave House and considers the
entirely of moisture.
hunters an obstacle to completing their ritual.
Soft: The victim is held in place. Hard: The victim takes an action that
If Hargrave House doesn’t resolve the Threat within six Night phases, the harms themselves or others.
coven completes their terrible ritual. You can track this with the
checkboxes below. You are free to make the players aware of this. If the
Soft: The victim takes the Feverish Condition. Hard: The victim is
hunters have answered the Question by the time this occurs, they can still
resolve the Threat by destroying the coven. If they have not yet answered
the Question, the Threat is retired and no longer active. MARK
Soft: The victim is marked; they take the Mark of the Beast Condition.
[] [] [] [] [] [] Hard: As in the soft version, but the Condition can only be cleared with
ritual intervention.
Soft: The victim coughs up vermin of various types; they take the Nest
Condition. Hard: The victim ejects a swarm of vermin from their body.
Locations Clues
14 BROMPTON ROAD The coven spent a large amount of time in a house’s library; their
Bright and airy. Lots of family portraits. Thick rugs. interest was in old blueprints of (pick one: court buildings/railway
Paint the Scene: Mrs. Crawley is a consummate entertainer. Looking around, stations/lighthouses/something else).
how do you know this?
A Side Character has been plagued by dreams dominated by the color
6 BOSCOBEL PLACE (pick one: red/blue/purple/something else).
A jungle’s worth of plants. Rich jewel tones. Neatly-dressed servants.
A Side Character’s (pick one: pocketwatch/opera tickets/dinner
Paint the Scene: Mr. Bains’ taste in decor is decidedly homoerotic. How do invitation/something else) has gone missing.
you know this?
All the cats in the neighborhood have been gathering in the same spot
every twilight, gazing at the stars.
Large home on a cul-de-sac. Doorman in a powdered wig. Smells of
juniper. A tarot card reading featured nothing but The Tower in the spread.
Paint the Scene: Mrs. Blanchard is excessively formal with guests. What do A Side Character can only refer to the Sun as “the day star,” no matter
you experience that confirms this? how hard they try not to.
Objects in a place where the coven has been are arranged in threes.
The “6” is missing from all the clocks in a place.
Side Characters
A tarot card is found in an unusual place. The card is (pick one:
TABITHA CRAWLEY, A SOCIALITE Judgement/The Devil/The Nine of Swords/something else).
Goldenrod dress. Rich brown curls. Excessive blinking. Mrs. Crawley was
A tattoo of an ancient map appears on a hunter’s arm.
delighted to host the Fellowship of Dreamers, and the party she threw at
14 Brompton Road featuring them was a big success. She claims to have Water is seen moving in an unusual direction.
made contact with her deceased father during a seance. The coven shunned anything that faced west.
Quote: “They were so mysterious, that Fellowship of Dreamers! I rarely saw
A Side Character has been plagued by dreams of (pick one: black
their faces, and they always spoke in riddles. But the week they stayed here was
hounds/dead fish/spiders/something else).
very invigorating indeed—I feel so much more connected to the spiritual world
now.” A slick of purplish goo that always reappears after being cleaned.

REGINALD BAINS, A SOCIALITE The people depicted in portraiture are all pointing east.
Soft-spoken. Walks with a cane. Event mustache. Mr. Bains is a wealthy A person depicted in a portrait is holding something they weren’t before
bachelor, and mostly entertains other wealthy bachelors. His parties are (pick one: a sextant/a length of rope/a brass bell/something else).
considered scandalous in London society, and his recent fete featuring the
Fellowship of Dreamers was no exception: the guests ended the night in a A particular blue door can no longer be walked through, no matter
ritual-fueled, orgiastic mass. how hard one tries.

Quote: “The Fellowship of Dreamers… yes, yes—that will be one of my more Dogs will absolutely refuse to (pick one: walk in an easterly direction/
memorable affairs, I think. We tend to get a little… naughty at these get- be exposed to moonlight/go near water/something else).
togethers, if you know what I mean. Everyone was very surprised when the A Side Character has grown a small, useless body part.
masks and hooded robes were presented, and then positively game upon learning
we were to wear nothing else!” The words in a particular book have all gone missing (pick one: a
bible/a farmer’s almanac/a medical text/something else).
Pursed lips. Too-tight corset. A bead of sweat rolling down her forehead.
Mrs. Blanchard hosted the Fellowship of Dreamers on a dare—she
wouldn’t normally be seen commiserating with actors and circus folk, Rewards
after all. She found the experience distasteful.
A rosary made of tiny animal skulls and finger bones. Add it to your
Quote: “It was a waste of a perfectly good evening, if you ask me. I would have
Personal Quarters.
much preferred a round of Euchre or Whist, or perhaps a spirited game of
Statues—that’s always a delight. Instead, the night was given over to chanting A copy of The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, a grimoire. Add it to
and candles and waving one’s hands about.” your Personal Quarters.
VARIOUS SERVANTS A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
The servants at the various households will have seen things, since they then add it to your Personal Quarters.
will have waited on the coven, and perhaps even spied on them. Some
A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
names, if you need them: William, George, Frederick, James, Thomas,
then add it to your Personal Quarters.
Bessy, Helga, Elsie, Mary, June
A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
then add it to your Personal Quarters.
The Cursed
This is a special Threat that can only be introduced when you are instructed to do so by The American playbook. If The Pinkerton is in play when
The Cursed comes into play, tell the hunters The Pinkerton is no longer an active Threat as the Pinkerton agent was swiftly murdered by the beast.
Your companion, the American, succumbed to their terrible curse: their limbs grew long, with claws on the ends; their mouth stretched into a snout full of
sharp teeth and fangs; their body, now broad and muscular, grew dark, shaggy fur all over. Hargrave House has heard stories of creatures like this;
lycanthropes, they are sometimes called, though none has ever been known to terrorize London until now. Two nights have passed, and the stories are
alarming: a bricklayer called David Hawkins was found eviscerated at a building site on Baker Street; a prostitute, Miss Elvina Thompkins, claims to
have seen “a terrible monster, like a giant wolf on two legs” stalking around Clapham Common, where she plied her trade until very recently; and a
wealthy judge living at 14 Portman Square, Sydney Thornwick, claims to have chased the beast from his home, and that he put several bullets in it and it
did not die.
Your approach to stopping the creature will depend on whether the American’s transformation is permanent or reversible.
Pose the following to a hunter of your choice: The beast will eventually return to Hargrave House, which is when you can make your move against
it. How do you know for sure it will return?

Questions & Opportunities Moments

IS THE TRANSFORMATION PERMANENT OR REVERSIBLE? (Complexity: 4) The moon seems to be singing.
Unlock the next appropriate question. A strong smell of matted fur, blood, and rot wafts in on the air.
IF IT IS PERMANENT, WHAT IS THE CREATURE’S WEAKNESS? (Complexity: 4) A dozen men and women, stark naked, walking hand in hand toward a
Resolve the Threat by destroying the creature when it returns to moonlit pool; they are unresponsive if spoken to.
Hargrave House.
Resolve the Threat by performing a ritual or other procedure to reverse the Dangers
transformation—for good—when the creature returns to Hargrave House
(Complexity: 4; the American does not re-enter play but returns to the
Big-game hunters, lured by rumors of a legendary, presumed-extinct dire
United States)
wolf stalking the streets of London, will eventually show up at places
SPECIAL RULE: The Cursed will be drawn to places of bloodshed and strife, where the beast was known to be, and will even surmise that Hargrave
either because it draws some sort of power or satisfaction from such places, House knows something about it. They will always show up at an
or because it vaguely remembers the American’s work with Hargrave House. inconvenient time, possibly needing rescued from their own hubris. Note:
Because of this, when the hunters are investigating a different Threat and this danger will only come into play if three Night phases pass without
they uncover a Clue, you can choose to give them a Clue from this Threat resolving the Threat.
sheet instead; when doing so, explain that the Clue they found is connected
to the Cursed.
Stacks of lumber and brick. Sweaty laborers hauling things to and fro. A
Is a wolf-like creature that towers over eight feet tall when standing on its tool accidentally dropped from above, narrowly missed.
hind legs. It’s as physically strong as ten men and can leap great distances. Paint the Scene: This spot has a history of terrible accidents, even before it was
It is invulnerable to any kind of physical damage or mind control unless a building site. What do you see or sense that confirms this?
its weakness is exploited. It can split a person open with a single swipe of
its claw, and sever a head with a single snap of its jaws around the neck. CLAPHAM COMMON
Wide open field, dotted here and there with trees. The rich smell of grass
and earth. A red-roofed bandstand, the first step in turning the space into
It will continue to kill, causing widespread panic throughout London. If
a park.
the hunters ignore it for two Nights in a row, it will attack Hargrave
Paint the Scene: Three years ago, Clapham Common was the site of several
House during the next Night phase; any plans for that phase will have to
grisly murders. What faint evidence of this do you see even now?
be abandoned so the hunters can defend the mansion.
Dark, shiny wood. An impressive bookcase filled with legal tomes. Busts
of famous legal scholars on plinths.
Paint the Scene: 14 Portman Square was the site of a violent haunting that
former residents of Hargrave House had to deal with. In what ways has 14
Portman Square been permanently scarred from the incident?
Side Characters Clues
“TOUGHIE” MILLER, A FOREMAN Stories of lycanthrope communities in other countries; the
Rolled-up sleeves. Matter-of-fact personality. Smells of tobacco and communities are always located near (pick one: churches/rivers/
mortar. Toughie is very upset about David Hawkins’s death, and not just mines/something else).
because they worked together. If the hunters prod a bit, Toughie will
A large amount of black, shaggy fur in an unusual place.
reveal that he and David were lovers.
Quote: “David was a good lad—he didn’t deserve to have his guts spilled out Stories of howling mixed with cries for help, all from the same voice,
like that. He was very kind, you see. Sensitive. I used to tell him: ‘David, my and always when the moon is dim or obscured.
sweet boy, you always wear your heart on your sleeve.’ Of course, they found his A violently overturned archway made with (pick one: iron/teakwood/
heart on his sleeve, didn’t they—and a lot more of him, besides.” silver leaf/something else).
ELVINA THOMPKINS, A PROSTITUTE The feral cat population of a particular district has gathered in one
A blue velvet gown, frayed at the hems. Black finger gloves. Magpie spot, for safety or war.
hairpin. Elvina has worked around Clapham Common for several years,
stopping only for a few weeks when those murders happened three years A story of someone who escaped the beast’s pursuit by diving into the
ago. Thames.
Quote: “It was enormous—tall as an oak, and nearly as wide! And the way it A nearby shop was wrecked, though nothing was taken. The shop
breathed at me… not on me, but at me. I could sense it wanted me to… feel it, mostly dealt in (pick one: herbal remedies/precious metals/occult
you know? It wanted me to know it was there. I could hear its snarling, and feel paraphernalia/something else).
its hot breath, even from twenty paces away. Clapham Common has such a dark A large, long fang, recently extracted.
history… and now this.”
A long, curved claw nail, recently removed.
Ruddy complexion. Wooden teeth. Gray mutton chops. Judge Thornwick Freshly painted murals depicting a bright, glowing moon.
is more intrigued by the beast than scared of it. He will know Hargrave A pool of blood that reacts strangely when exposed to (pick one:
House by reputation, and by the fact that former residents helped him metal/plants/other blood/something else).
exorcise a ghost from 14 Portman Square a number of years ago.
A ward or charm in the shape of a stylized (pick one: cat/crow/bat/
Quote: “I put four bullets in the thing, and that was after running it through with
something else).
the saber I keep on the mantel—a memento from my army days. What a
magnificent and terrifying creature it must be! Impervious to bullet and blade, and Stories of a naked person found sleeping in the sept of a nearby
strong enough to rip the back door off its hinges! Poor Poppy had a real fright, let me cathedral.
tell you. The thing was in her room when I found it…” Every sixth cobblestone has been damaged with a claw mark.
POPPY, A MAID Stories of dogs abandoning their owners.
Red hair. Wild with freckles. Smells of lavender. Poppy works at 14
A vision or dream of a butterfly returning to its chrysalis.
Portman Square, looking after old Judge Thornwicket and keeping house.
She got the closest look at the beast. Mice and other vermin are seen moving away from a particular place
Quote: “It was just standing there, staring with its red, glowing eyes. But it (pick one: warehouse/sewer/church/somewhere else).
wasn’t staring at me, even though I was lying right in front of it. It was A pile of guts, seemingly human, but the organs are overly large.
looking… above me. Like there was something… there… floating above me. I
was frozen in terror, but snapped out of it when the judge charged it from A vision, dream, or story of patients at Bethlem Royal Hospital
behind with this sword from the army.” tearing each other apart like wild animals.
A series of progressively smaller claw marks.

Add the head of the beast to your Personal Quarters (only if the beast
is destroyed).
Take something from The American’s Personal Quarters and add it to
your own, unmarked.
Take something from The American’s Personal Quarters and add it to
your own, unmarked.
Take something from The American’s Personal Quarters and add it to
your own, unmarked.
A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
then add it to your Personal Quarters.
The Orphan
This is a special Threat that can only be put in play when you are instructed to do so by The Mother playbook. Present it at the beginning of
any new Day phase after it has been put in play (it can be presented even if there are already three or more active Threats). The Threat
assumes several weeks have passed since the Mother attempted to bring the Child to life, so plan accordingly.
It has been three weeks since the Mother attempted to bring their child to life. The process was a success—the child could walk and talk and think—but
its own strange existence caused it to be consumed by anger and fear, and it fled. But it did not go far: you can sense this new creation is always near—
watching you—an orphan in the shadows. If you can find out what it wants, what would quiet its heart, you might be able to draw it out…
Tell the player of the Mother: You no longer have access to The Child, and you should ignore any elements of the game related to getting a body part
for the Child.

Questions & Opportunities Clues

WHAT WOULD GIVE THE ORPHAN COMFORT AND PEACE? (Complexity: 6) A strangely hollow voice emerges from the shadows, singing a lullaby.
Resolve the Threat by drawing the orphan out from the shadows and then A group of feral cats has been given plenty to eat.
destroying it or making peace with it.
A beautiful young woman or man (your choice) remarks that they feel
SPECIAL RULE: The orphan is always near, hiding in the shadows. No
like someone is watching them.
matter where the hunters go, the presence of the orphan can be felt. At
any time, a hunter can say, “I sense the presence of the orphan.” If they do Something knocked over or disturbed has been put back in place.
so, any Clues that hunter uncovers in the scene will come from this Threat A slim book of love poems, seemingly discarded.
sheet (or will be applied to this Threat in the case of Clues the players
A dreary place given life with fresh flowers.
create, such as during the Vulnerable Move). This is the only way to
collect Clues for this Threat. A religious symbol in an unusual place.
Something filthy has been made pristine.
The Orphan The sensation of a warm embrace, but there’s nothing there.
A place is suddenly illuminated by dozens of lanterns and candles.
Is a creature of the shadows. It should be rarely glimpsed; when it is seen,
it should match the physical description given to it by the player of the The smell of rich, savoury food in an unusual place.
Mother. The orphan is as strong as ten men, and when it inflicts violence The delicate, plinking notes of a stringed instrument being played in
on someone, that violence is swift and gory. The orphan also has the the shadows.
ability to create and control fire.
A beggar receives a basket of bread and fruit from a mysterious
If Hargrave House doesn’t resolve the Threat within six Night phases, the
orphan will invade Hargrave House and wreck it; each hunter must erase Horses are surprisingly calm.
three items from their Personal Quarters if they are not present to defend A cloud of butterflies in an unusual place.
the house. You are free to make the players aware of this.
A small child smiling at something in the shadows.
A sudden, pleasant warmth fills a space.
Something broken has been mended.
A prayer being whispered in the darkness.
A small child is wandering through a crowd, crying for their mother. Songbirds perched in an unusual place.
A cat is seen nursing a puppy alongside her kittens.
A boy is seen throwing a violent tantrum in public. Rewards
If the hunters destroyed the orphan, they collect no rewards. If they made
peace with it, they get the custom move The Orphan.
When the hunters are facing grave danger, a player can say, “I sense the
presence of the orphan.” If they do, the Keeper will narrate the orphan
entering the scene and saving the hunters from the danger. The move can
never be used again, and the orphan is neither seen nor heard from again.
The Pinkerton This is a special Threat that can only be put in play when you are instructed to do so by The American playbook. Present it at the beginning of
the first new Day phase that follows when it was put in play (it can be presented even if there are already three or more active Threats).
A man named Winslow Taggard called on Hargrave House, looking for the American; the American was out at the time, and so Mr. Taggard said he
would try again later. A cursory inquiry reveals that Mr. Taggard works for the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, and that he has been hired to
bring the American back to the United States. He’s staying at the Langham Hotel in the West End.
Pose the following to the American: You know Winslow Taggard by reputation: ruthless and corrupt. What criminal scheme was he known to be
involved in back home?
Taggard wouldn’t come all the way to London just to collect a bounty. If you can figure out what shady angle he’s working on the side, you might be able to
confront him with it and pressure him to give up on the bounty rather than risk being exposed to his employers.

Questions & Opportunities Side Characters

LONDON? (Complexity: 4) Glistening coiffure. Vibrant pocket square. The tiniest mustache you’ve
Resolve the Threat by confronting Taggard with his shady dealings and ever seen. Randall is extremely proud of his position at the shiny new
convincing him to leave London. Langham Hotel, and he won’t see the place scandalized. He will be icy
toward Hargrave House if they are explicit about investigating a guest.
Quote: “Welcome to the Langham, the grandest grand hotel in London! How
The Pinkerton can I help you have an experience of unparalleled luxury today?”

Taggard is a squat, stout man, with a mean, square-jawed face. He wears a VARIOUS STAFF AT THE LANGHAM

charcoal three-piece suit, red bowtie, and billycock. He always has an The hotel staff are uniformly bright-eyed and attentive. They may be more
1848 Baby Dragoon revolver at hand, and two Sheffield side knives hidden willing to talk about what they’ve seen than Mr. Mayer. Some names, if
somewhere on his person. He’s after the American, but he’s trouble for all you need them: Rufus, James, William, Scott, Tanner, Evie, Clara, Melissa,
of Hargrave House because they are sheltering his bounty. He will Rhonda, Charity
interrupt and impede their investigations at every turn, and even try to
get Scotland Yard on his side when he can. Clues
His methods will become increasingly violent. A dozen tiny diamonds wrapped in a velvet cloth.
A lockbox full of stock certificates.
Moments The address of a warehouse in Chelsea.

The press of humanity on a tight side street—sights, sounds, and smells A tin of aluminium dust.
from all over the world. Stories of Taggard regularly meeting with prostitutes, but not for sex.
A wealthy man showers coins on a crowd of poor people just to watch Word of a horse breeding facility just outside the city being burned to
them scramble and scrape. the ground reaches London; Taggard was seen there the day prior.
A barbershop quartet from New York City performs a delightful Taggard has been paying his expenses around town using a variety of
rendition of “Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!,” popular during the recently- foreign currencies, none of them American dollars.
concluded American Civil War.
A collection of forged travelling papers.
A piece of clothing with hidden pockets.
Rumors of an American inquiring about rare coins at the city’s auction houses.
Rumors that Taggard has been meeting with importers of a particular
Hotel staff dashing to and fro. Great piles of luggage. A pair of gentlemen
commodity (pick one: cotton/wheat/sugar/something else).
in comfy lobby chairs, enrapt in conversation and each other.
Paint the Scene: The Langham is one of the newer hotels in the city. What do A collection of fraudulent estate documents.
you see that shows how they are putting their best foot forward? Red handkerchiefs tied in conspicuous places.
Taggard has employed street urchins to serve as his spies.
Tall windows that let in a lot of light. Palm leaf motifs. Plush rugs underfoot.
Paint the Scene: Taggard won’t allow any cleaning staff in his room. Looking A procession of representatives from various trade unions coming in
around, how do you know this? and out of the Langham.
A small glass tube of rubies.
Rewards Chemistry equipment in an unusual place.
Local dog breeders were paid large sums of American dollars for their
Taggard’s 1848 Baby Dragoon. Add it to your Personal Quarters.
prized sires.
One of Taggard’s side knives, an adder carved on the handle. Add it to
A leather case with deeds and other documents related to mining interests.
your Personal Quarters.
A maid at the Langham is found dead, seemingly pushed out a window.
A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
then add it to your Personal Quarters.
A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
then add it to your Personal Quarters.
A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
then add it to your Personal Quarters.

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