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Master of Ceremony Introduction:

Ninya: Ladies and gentlemen, to our respected guests Fire Officer 3 Charlotte Jennifer
B Samson, Fire Officer 3 Al A Casal and to our DCJE Faculty Sir John Robert Parcon,
and to all our co-interns.
Both: Welcome to the much-awaited culmination program of the Charlie Company Class
Madasigon 2023-02
I am Niña Marie C. Nillas and I am Jay Anne N. Betonio your host for today's event.
Jay Anne: As, we gather to celebrate the achievements, growth, and commitment of
these aspiring professionals who have undergone lectures and observations with the
supervision of the Bureau of Fire Protection Provincial
Ninya: This event truly marks a significant milestone in our journey towards becoming
agents of justice. Throughout our internship here in BFP Province we, the interns have
not only immersed ourselves in the practical aspects of criminology but have also
embraced the values of integrity, dedication, and resilience that define the essence of
this noble profession.

Master of Ceremony Script:

Invocation: Jay Anne: Ladies and gentlemen, as we commence this program, let us
begin this auspicious occasion with a moment of reflection. To be followed by singing of
National Anthem.
|May I request everyone to please stand||

Welcome Address: Ninya: You may now take your sit. Now, to set the tone for our event,
let's hear some opening remarks from Fire Intern Jhaive Bermudez for the opening
remarks. A warm hand please.
Message: Jay Anne: What a fantastic start! Today, it is my honor to stand before you as
one of the Masters of Ceremony, now as we proceed to our program lets have an
intermission number Please be on the center stage Ginoong Maria ng Class Madasigon
and Mr. Can Fix everything ng Charlie Company!

Ninya: Wow, that was an amazing performance partner no? Grabe ka mga anindot og
tingog aning charlie uy. So, to continue the momentous of our program. Let's all have
Fire Officer 3 Gabriel Edesin Rene A Ramirez to give us a message.

Intermission Number: Jay Anne: Thank you so much for that wonderful message sir, we
truly believe that " Succes is not an accident, It is hardwork, perseverance, learning
studying, sacrifice and most of all love what you are doing" Do you agree with that
partner? Now at this juncture. Let us all welcome Sir John Robert Parcon to give us an
another message. A warm of applause please!

Ninya: Thank you so much sir, for giving us the message that reminds us always that
we should be prepare for the challenges, threats and obstacles in life for, us to become
strong and become ready to face another battle in life. Now before we continue with our
program, let us have a delightful break. Lets enjoy the intermission number from the
Group 1 to be followed by the group 4. A warm of applause please! Please be on the
center stage.

Message: Jay Anne: Grabe ka mga talentado aning Charlie partner no? Hawd na gane
kaayo mo kanta, hawd pa jd mo sayaw, unsa nasad kaha ang mapakita na performance
ani nila unya partner no? Now, as we continue with our program let us all welcome Fire
Officer Al A Casal for giving us a message.
Intermission Number: Ninya: Thank you so much for that message sir, we should
always keep that in our mind and our hearts all the advice, support and guidance and dli
jd ma bayran ang ka hago, affort para lang na kami makakat on. And now, we've
reached a moment of recognition. It's time to honor the hard work and dedication of our
criminology interns. Let us first read the citation. (Reading of Citation) To give the
certificates may we request to all personnel of the BFP Province to be here in front
together with Sir Parcon.
Reading of Certificates:
Jay Anne: Now that we have given the certificates, let us have another delightful break
the Intermission number from Group 2 to be followed by the Group 3. A hand please

Ninya: Thank you so muuuch for that wonderful performance charlie company. Wla joy
takas aning intermission number nato karon partner no? HAHAHAHA kidding aside, And
Now as proceed to our program may we request the presence of Fire Intern Ereca J.
Larroza to give a Word Thanks Message. A warm of applause please.

Closing Remarks: Jay Anne: As we approach the end of our prgram. Let's welcome for
the closing remarks from FO3 Charlotte Jennifer B. Samson. A warm of applause
Ninya: Thank you for those words of encouragement Ma'am, surely, we will remember
those and will put in our hearts and minds. And yes, ma’am we do understand that all
those pains and sacrifices we've experienced are for our own betterment. Manifesting
maging one of the BJMP personnel here in city jail.
Jay Anne: Again, we are your host for today! I am Jay Anne N. Betonio.
Ninya: And I am Niña Marie C. Nillas
Both: Leaving you with the note that 'A single of a thousand miles began with a single
step'. Padayon.
Ninya: Thank you and good morning! We can have now our lunch

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