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KNOW YOUR FIELD Recall properties of addition and ~ Carry out addition and subtraction up to subtraction - 8-digit numbers with regrouping > Identify the operations to be used in > Infer, estimate and round 6ff numbers each situation Organize numbers in columns and add or subtract them NET PRACTICE 1. Magic Letters Here are some more We have made a magic V with five letters that can be consecutive numbers (Numbers that come made magical. Find one after the other). Notice that the sum the numbers so that of numbers on their arms is equal. the total of their arms becomes equal. Magic N Magic W 2. Ashu and Vishu were carrying balloons with points written on them. Who has more points in total? @09 O00 Ashu Vishu ‘Scanned with CamScanner PROPERTIES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION Let us also recall the properties of addition and subtraction of numbers: 1, If 1 is added to a number, we get its successor. Example: 4789 + 1 = 4790 If 1 is subtracted from a number, we get its predecessor. Example: 10000 - 1 = 9999 2. Addition or subtraction of zero does not change the number. 3. The order of numbers in addition can be changed to get the same sum. Example: 789 + 351 = 1140 and 351 + 789 = 1140 In subtraction, we cannot change the order of numbers. 4. Grouping property holds true for addition but is sometimes not possible { subtraction. Example: (123 + 456) + 789 = 123 + (456 + 789) = 1368 ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION FACTS We have learnt that any two numbers can be added to give a number larger than either of the numbers. The numbers are called augend and addend and the answer is their sum. This can be written as, Augend + Addend = Sum Conversely, if addend is subtracted from the sum, we obtain the augend and vice versa, That is, Sum-Addend =Augend and Sum-Augend=Addend Example 1: In a particular year, 4240 trees were planted in Bhagalpur and 2530 trees were planted in Amarpur. In total, 6770 trees were planted. This can be written as, 4240 + 2530 = 6770 Varun knows that the total number of trees planted were 6770. How do you find the number of trees planted in each town? If he knows the number of trees planted in one town, he can subtract it from the total and find the number of trees planted in the other town. From this, we have two subtraction facts. 6770-4240 = 2530 and 6770 - 2530 = 4240 Example 2: If 4,72,90,013 - 3,28, 19,865 = 1,44,70,148, write the addition fact. The addition fact for 4,72,90,013 - 3,28,19,865 = 1,44,70,148 is: 3,28, 19,865 + 1,44,70,148 = 4,72,90,013 Addition fact can be used to check if our subtraction is correct. Similarly, in subtraction, a smaller number called subtrahend is subtracted from a larger number known as minuend, The result is called the difference. The difference is lesser than the minuend. ‘Scanned with CamScanner This can be written as, Minuend — Subtrahend = Difference It follows that the two smaller numbers can be added to get the larger number. Thatis, | Subtrahend + Difference = Minuend Example 3: Write the subtraction facts for 3643071 + 2307538 = 5950609 For 3643071 + 2307538 = 5950609, the subtraction facts are: iTh ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF LARGE NUMBERS Example 4: Arrange vertically and add: 8367142 + 283967 + 10345 Arrange the numbers in their respective places and then add them. Catch Your £. Mistakes L.iTTh : Th Example 5: Subtract 4,56,07,659 from 6,08,43,234 Arrange the numbers in their respective places with the greater number on the top, and then subtract. Answer: One crore fifty-two lakh thirty- five thousand five hundred seventy-five Example 6: Subtract 646125 from ten lakh and check your answer. Scanned with CamScanner Innes 2. 1 1. Find the sum. a) Lo: 6:3 5 Recorps The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers: 0,1, 1, 2,3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,... The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it: P For example: The next number in the sequence above is 21 + 34 = 55, it is that simple! Here is a longer list: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 0946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, Fibonacci's real name was Leonardo Pisano Bogollo, and he lived between 1170 and 1250 in Italy. “Fibonacci” was his nickname, which roughly means “Son of Bonacci”. As well as being — famous for the Fibonacci Sequence, he helped spread Hindu-Arabic Numerals (like our present numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) through Europe in piece of Roman Numerals (I, Il, Ill, IV, Ve etc), which has saved us all alot of trouble! aa “ GAs Scanned with CamScanner ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION TOGETHER Example 7: Solve: 3695 + 4395 — 6699 Step 1: Add. Step 2: Subtract from total. Ties + Use addition to find the total and subtract to find the leftover. 3695 + 4395 =8090 8090 — 6699 = 1391 Example 8: Solve: 469534 — 265932 - 159371 Step 1: Step 2: a pa 2 2 469534 — 265932 =03602 203602 — 159371 = 44231 MastTeRsTROKE No matter what you do, the answer will be the same. This is the magic of the number 10890. By making use of specific calculations, no matter what 4-digit number is chosen, the answer will always turn out to be 10890. Here's how. Step 1: Choose the number 5371. Step 2: Arrange the digits in descending order, 7531. Step 3: Rearrange the same digits in the ascending order, 1357. Step 4: Subtract the second from the first, which will give us the answer, 7531 - 1357 = 6174 Step 5: Reverse the order of digits of the answer in step 4 to get the number, 4716 Step 6: Add both numbers, 6174 + 4716 = 10890 WORD PROBLEMS ON ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION Example 9: Mr Birla bought two identical cars and a motorbike for a total of %26,38,450 for gifting to his three children. If the cost of a car is ¥12,36,050, find the cost of the motorbike. Scanned with CamScanner Cost of the car = %12,36,050 %12,36,050 Total cost = %26,38,4 Cost of two +%12,36,050 Cost of two cars —%24,72,1 such cars = €24,72,100 Cost of the motorbike = %_1,66,3 Therefore, the cost of motorbike is %1,66,350. Gooa.y a The disappearing rupee! Three friends contributed %10 each for tea at a tea stall. Since the bill was 25, the owner returned %5. Each friend picked up 1 rupee and left %2 for the waiter. This way each friend contributed 710 — 1 =%9 So, they gave %9 x 3 = 827 in all, Adding the ®2 tip, the total becomes &27 + &2 = %29 But they had initially paid 730. Where did the 1-rupee disappear? 1. Solve: a) 4395272 + 3895204 — 739582 b) 7938799 — 294771 + 3765063 What must be added to 4395970 to get 7795663? 3. Subtract 4873952 from the sum of 5956900 and 1029529. Solve the word problems. a) A, Band C contested for an election. The total number of votes were 7595394. Find the votes polled for candidate C if A and B got 2395710 and 321001 votes, respectively. Who won the election and by how many votes? N - b) Universal Public School has two libraries. The number of books in the junior library are 48,473 and the number of books in the senior library are 73,602. What is the total number of books in both the libraries? How many more books does the senior library have than the a junior library? a tora) ‘Scanned with CamScanner c) An industry's earnings are about %98,37,204. If the expenses are %6,62,509, what is the profit? d) Mrs Manju had jewellery worth %79,81,207. She spent %67,431 on repairing it. She then sold it for %85,90,500. How much money did she lose or gain in the transaction? e) Ina housing-scheme lucky draw, Rakhi got two houses. Rakhi had to pay %18,43,954 for one house and %27,27,475 for the other. Find the total value of both the houses and by how much was the second house more expensive than the first one. Crapter [Nnincs 1. Complete the addition path given below: Add 71,000 Add 43 lakhs [seme] — [_} + | Add a thousand abe bee LE] Add 20 tens Add five hundred 2. Subtract and check your answers. a) 6935180 - 4724861 b) 9462713 - 7390745 3. Solve. a) 4348919 - 289035 + 1286459 b) 7845321 + 678946 — 998987 4. Fill in the missing digits. a)_ [cj my t yh th >) Se re 3 | 6 7 2 M [zis 3 a [3 4 | 5. What must be added to 3876028 to get 9720128? ‘Scanned with CamScanner 6. Find the sum of 2674920 and the difference between 7648932 and 4569( 7. Subtract 7430912 from the sum of 3673098 and 5783621. 8, There are 92409540 men, 76585372 women and 37849075 children in a Scanned with CamScanner Real-life Connect Mr Khosla recorded the number of visitors to the Trade Fair for a few days. Help him to answer the following questions. 1. How many more visitors came on Tuesday than Monday? 2. If 2560 fewer people are expected to come on Friday than Thursday, how many visitors are expected on Friday? 3. If the number of visitors on Sunday and Monday together was 5,00,489, how many visitors came on Sunday? 4, Wednesday saw 5595 more visitors than on Thursday. True or false? 5. If the Trade Fair was closed on Saturday, on which day did the maximum number of visitors come? Cross Connect Sports Acricket match between India and Australia was watched by 1,54,38,956 viewers across India on their television sets. The number of spectators inside the stadium were 85,000 and another 1,38,956 people watched it on social media. a) How many people watched the match in all? b) If the viewership of a popular movie on that day was 1,56,53,478, which programme was watched by more people and by how many? IT Corner On MS Word, prepare the assignment by continuing counting for seven more numbers in each set: "45,80,00,000 450,996,000 6,80,00,000 —_: 450,997,000 : 47,80,00,000 ; 450,998,000 “The difference | What is added to | between # the previous row | numbers inthe _; in the column? first columnis ‘Scanned with CamScanner Maths Lab Activity Alm: To show that numbers can be added in any order You will ni Squared paper and a pair of scissors. What to do: Students are divided into pairs, They cut out strips of squared paper measuring different lengths, The partner gives a question which Is to be checked for ordering. The first student pastes paper strips of the given numbers in different order and checks the sum. The activity can be repeated to show that we cannot change the order while subtracting numbers, Examples: a) 44757 4+4811 b) 245) 46824 (546) 5 (246) 4513 CL Corr COT Cer COT Lt | Project-Based Learning Cut out 4 rectangles and 9 circles as numbered in the figure. Write numbers on the wheels and the rectangles such that the sum of numbers on wheels matches the one on its rectangle. Now jumble up all the pieces assemble the train as fast as you can. For subtraction, you may use butterflies which have numbers on their wings and their difference on their body. +s 4 ‘Scanned with CamScanner KNOW-YOUR FIELD 3 > Explain the properties of multiplication =~ Implement short cut skills of > Multiply a large number up to 4 digits multiplication NET PRACTICE 1. Solve each multiplication problem and colour the butterfly with the colour that corresponds to each answer. 15 x 80 157 x 12= .. (dark green 262 x 10 = 40 x 100 = .- (orange) 52x 6 25x 4= .. (red) 1000 x 7 1205x 0= .. (purple) Scanned with CamScanner 2, Answer the following questions: a) 20 less than the product of 1200 and 3 b) 65 more than the product of 3500 and 10 ¢) A3-digit number starts with 2. The next two digits forms a number which is 25 times the first digit. What is the number? d) Sixty-three thousand four hundred twenty multiplied by 2. PROPERTIES OF MULTIPLICATION 1, The product of 1 and any number is the number itself. Example: 3681 x 1 = 3681 2. The product of zero and any number is zero. Example: 2314 x0=0 3. Changing the order of the factors does not affect the product. (Commutative property) Example: 288 x 20 = 20 x 288 = 5760 4. The product of three numbers always remains the same, even if the grouping of the numbers is changed. (Associative property) Example: (20 x 16) x 8 = 20 x (16 x 8) = (20 x 8) x 16 = 2560 5. The product of any number and an even number is an even number. Example: 23 x 4=92 6. The product of two odd numbers is always odd. Example: 11x 11=121 7. If a sum or a difference of two numbers is multiplied by another number, they can be multiplied separately and then added or subtracted. (Distributive property) Example: (90 + 10) x 45 =100 x 45 (90 x 45) + (10 x 45) = 4500 4050 + 450 = 4500 4500 = 4500 (90 - 10) x 45 = 80 x 45 (90 x 45) - (10 x 45) = 3600 4050 - 450 = 3600 3600 = 3600 MULTIPLICATION OF A LARGE NUMBER BY A 3-DIGIT NUMBER Multiplication of a large number by a 3-digit number is done in four steps. First we multiply the number by the ones digit, then by the tens digit and then by the hundreds digit. Then we add the three products. ‘Scanned with CamScanner Example 1: Multiply 3172 by 137. MULTIPLICATION OF A LARGE NUMBER BY A 4-DIGIT NUMBER Multiplication of a large number by a 4-digit number is done in five steps. First we multiply the number by the ones digit, then by the tens digit, then by the hundreds digit and then by the thousands digit. Then we add the four products. Example 3; Multiply 3879 by 2463. ‘Scanned with CamScanner Example 4: Multiply 8403 by 1709. BS ee “(1000 + 700 +0 +8) step 1: 8403 x 9 = 75627 "7 step 5: 75627 + 0 + 5882100 + 8403000 = 14360727° MULTIPLICATION OF A 5-DIGIT NUMBER BY A 2-DIGIT NUMBER Multiplication of any 5-digit number by a 2-digit number is done in three steps. First we multiply the number by the ones digit and then by the tens digit. Then we add the two products. Example 5: Multiply 25183 by 42. Iie, 1. Multiply: a) 1088 by 610 b) 9895 by 472 ©) 4100 by 681 d) 5059 by 1234 e) 6093 by 6312 f) 6217 by 5021 2. Fillin the blanks. a) 9372 x 40 = b) 6555. X ve =O ©) (100 x 25) x 4=(..... eee a} d) 1X... = 8956 > ‘Scanned with CamScanner 3. Solve and choose the correct answer. Then place the letter that you find besi each answer. What word do you get? 29844045 (D) 4707675 (N) 1232000 (A) 857168 (1 a) 1352x 634 = b) 4400 x 280 = ©) 3675 x 1281 d) 6699 x 4455 = e) 1232 x 1000 =... a) b) 0 CO) e) 4. Sonia earns %50 every hour for babysitting. How much does she earn in a wee if she babysits 4 hours daily? 5. Match the followin: a) 39x 12=12x 39 i) property of 1 b) (28 +12) x56 o) 53 x (25 x20) i) commutative prop a ) distributive property (53 x 25) x 20 CEa Ome isessoctive propelan e) 2376 x 1=2376 v) property of 0 REcorDs = Hardy-Ramanujan Number - 1729 1729 is a special number. It is the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of two different cubes in two ways. Cubes means a number is multiplied to itself three times. Txix1 = 1 fe 12x 12x12 = 1728 141728=1729 9x9x9 = 729 10x10x 10 = 1000 __729 + 1000 = 1729 MULTIPLICATION BY 10, 100 AND 1000 You have already learnt that when a number is multiplied by 10, we put a zero at the end of the number. Example: 1753 x 10 = 17,530 When a number is multiplied by 100, we put two zeros at the end of the number. When a number is multiplied by 1000, we put three zeros at the end of the number. Examples: a) 2659 x 100 = 2,65,900; b) 1538 x 1000 = 15,38,000 \ULTIPLICATION BY 5, 25 AND 50 multiply a number with 5, first multiply it by 10 and then divide it by 2. Scanned with CamScanner Yo multiply a number with 25, first multiply it by 100 and then divide it by 4. Yo multiply a Number with 50, first multiply it by 100 and then divide by 2. Example 6) 6952 x 5 = (6952 « 10) «2 = GINO 42 = 41,700 Example 7) 3077 « 25 © (9077 « 100) 4 4 307700 +4 ° 76,925 Example 8; 9999 » 50 = (9999 * 100) + 2 999900 + 2 4,99,950 Innincs 3.2 1. Regroup the factors to find the following products (by 10, 100 or 1000). a) 2341 «4% 25 b) 2 = 6345 x5 ©) 9430 x 250 x4 d) 3530 x 20%5 e) 9537 x 500 x 2 1) 47777 «25 g) 2010 * 50 x2 2. Find the following products. a) 3804 x 5 b) 6315 x 50 ©) 4020 x 50 d) 2222 x 25 @) 1075 «5 £) 2176 * 25 MasterstroKe S Multiplying by the Successor Altrick for quick multiplication can be applied for special numbers whose first Mis figures are same and the digits in the ones place add up to 10. For example: In 34 and 36. The first figure is 3 and the digits in the ones place are 44+6=10 + Lot us try 34 x36 Multiply 3 by the next number: 3 x4 = 12 Multiply the digit in ones place: 4 6 = 24 Just combine the two products: 34x 36 = 1224 + Similarly, 63 67 6x7 = A2and3 x7 = 21 50, 63 x 67 = 4221 + Once more $1 x 59 5x6 = 30and 1x9 = 09 51x59 = 3009 > ‘Scanned with CamScanner APPLICATIONS OF MULTIPLICATION Example 9: If Uncle Raj’s store sells 1258 cartons of mineral water on a hot summer day, how many cartons of mineral water will be sold in the month of June? If each carton holds 12 bottles, how many bottles will there be in all the cartons? a) Number of mineral water cartons sold in a day = 1258 Number of days in June = 30 Total number of mineral water cartons that will be sold = 1258 x 30 = 37,740 cartons Thus, 37,740 cartons will be sold in the month of June. b) One carton has 12 bottles. «. 37740 cartons will have = (37740 x 12) bottles = 4,52,880 bottles Thus, there will be 4,52,880 bottles in 37,740 cartons. Example 10: The cost of a wooden table is $2375. What is the cost of 236 such tables? Cost of 1 table = = %2375 Cost of 236 tables = %2375 x 236 Thus, the cost of 236 wooden tables is =5,60,500, Goocty 1, There are 205 high-rise buildings in Dwarka. Each building has 25 floors. There are 25 steps leading to each floor. How many steps will | take to climb up and down if | visited 100 buildings? 1. Solve the following word problems. a) Mary deposits £2500 every month in her account. How much money would she have deposited in 15 months? b) Ata college cafeteria, a large vegetarian thali costs $425 and a small vegetarian thali costs %215. The college students purchased 110 large and 154 small thalis on a day. How much money did the college cafeteria collect for large thalis and small thalis—separately and in total? ‘Scanned with CamScanner 4, Afra earns %120 per hour. a) How much will she earn in a 7-hour workday? b) How much will she earn in a 30-hour workweek? ¢) How many days will she need to work in order to earn more than &712, 5. Jennifer wanted to prove that 60 x 90 is indeed 5,400 by breaking th, multiplication into smaller parts. She wrote 60 as 6 x 10 and 90 as 9 y then multiplied in a different order. You do the same and prove that 5, is indeed 20,000. 6. Fill in the blanks. a) The product remains the ................. even if the order of the factors is cha b) Multiplication is .... . of the same number. c) The product of any number multiplied by ‘0’ is always ........--:+++0+ d) The number being multiplied is called the ... e) The number by which the multiplicand is multiplied is called the aa NEP ELEMEN Mental Maths Tick (“) the correct answer. 1. 400 + 400 + 400 + 400 + 400 =? a) 5x 400 b) 5 + 400 ©) 400+5 d) 400-5 2. (40 + 50) x 200 =? a) 9200 b) 180000 ©) 8000 d) 18000 3. 1 calculator costs €2587. Cost of 100 calculators = ? a) *25,870 b) %2,58,700 c) %2,57,800 ) none of these 4. 4632 x4x 25 =? a) 43620 b) 463200 <) 46820 4d) 426300 5S. True or False, 26 x 10 = 2610. a) True b) False Scanned with CamScanner

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