Crafting Your LinkedIn Messaging

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Crafting Your LinkedIn Messaging (Worksheet)

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Here, we are going to craft your LinkedIn Messaging sequences which we are going to market
to your Niche. This is going to be a hypothesis until it is validated — generates appointments
and clients. To truly have an outstanding message and value proposition, we need to
constantly refine, iterate, and improve it over time as we start to gather feedback from the
Market. We’re also going to be taking these insights and architecting the Messaging Sequence
specifically for our LinkedIn System. The key is to listen to the feedback, hold variables
constant, and feed it back through the Scientific Method process.


There are 2 parts to this process. The first is Pre-Market. The second is Live-Market.

Part One: Pre-Market

1. What is your Niche?

2. What is the Transformation?

3. What is the #1 biggest, most urgent problem they are facing and seeking to solve, NOW?

4. What is the #1 mass desire widespread through the entire niche?

5. Does this niche have their own verbiage, and if so, what are some of the key words, phrases,
and statements that they use? Write them below.

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LinkedIn Messaging Sequences:

● The name of the game is CONVERSATIONS.

○ The more conversations = more appointments = more clients.
● What we’ve found to work very effective, especially in today’s noisy, overcrowded
market is to first ENGAGE with your prospect with no apparent “agenda” then
progressively get more direct with your offer/value proposition, then give a call to action
to book a “quick 10 min chat” or “connect call”.
○ The call to action needs to be “low commitment” — easy to say yes to.

We want to use a hybrid “engagement x direct” approach.

First, we want to use the “engagement” approach to start the conversation, then follow up if
they do not reply with a more direct value proposition and call to action.

We want to have between 5-8 total messages in the sequence space between 3-7 days apart.

Proven Cadence/Sequence:

Connect Message:

Start testing with NO connect message at all — this seems to be working well (right now).

OR use something like this:

“Hey {FirstName}, I see we’re both _______. I’m always looking to connect with other ______. If
you’re open to it, let’s connect!”

Welcome Message — 24 Hours If No Reply:

Use the ENGAGE approach — simply get them to respond.

“Hey {FirstName}, I see we're both in the [Niche] space!

How's it going?”

If targeting GROUP Members:

“Hey {FirstName}, I saw we're both in a couple of the same [Niche] groups here on LinkedIn!

How's it going?”

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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Message 1 — 3-5 Days Later If No Reply:

Engage approach — show interest in them. Ask open ended questions.

“I saw on your profile you’re an [Niche] - are you currently running your own
[practice/firm/etc.]? .. or what is it that you currently got going on?”


“Hey {FirstName}, I noticed you run your own [Niche practice/firm, etc.], how long have you
been doing that for?”


“I noticed on your profile you’re in the [Niche] space, I’m curious what do you specialize in?”

Message 2 — 3-5 Days Later If No Reply:

This is where we can go direct with our offer/value proposition.

“Just to give you some context, I specifically work with [Niche] who [have pain/problem] and
I help them to [solve problem] and [get desired result] through [proprietary method].

I’m curious, suppose I could help you [solve problem] and [get result], that’s not something
you’d be open to learning more about, would it {FirstName}?”


You can go very direct with your offer.

“{FirstName}, I specifically work with [Niche] where I’ll help [solve problem] and [get result]
within [timeframe] and [guarantee].

Let’s jump on a quick 10 min chat and I’ll walk you through how our [system/process/offer]
works and everything. How does this week or next look for you, {FirstName}?”

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Message 3 — 3-5 Day Later If No Reply:

Direct with call to action.

“{FirstName}, I’m [positive/confident/certain] I can help you [solve problem] and [get

I specifically work with [Niche] and [solve problem] and [get result] in [timeframe] through
[proprietary method].

Let’s jump on a quick 10 min chat and I’ll walk you through how our [system/process/offer]
works and everything. How does this week or next look for you, {FirstName}?”

Direct with testimonials and call to action.

{FirstName}, I’m [positive/confident/certain] I can help you [solve problem] and [get result].

I’ve helped one of my clients [Client Name] go from [state 1] to [state 2] in [timeframe].

Another one of my clients [Client Name] go from [state 1] to [state 2] in [timeframe].

Let’s jump on a quick 10 min chat and I’ll walk you through how our [system/process/offer]
works and everything. How does this week or next look for you, {FirstName}?”

Message 4 — 1 Day Later If No Reply:

Direct call to action / ping to top of their inbox. Open ended question.

“{FirstName}, are you up for it?”

“{FirstName}, how does this week work for you for a quick chat?”
“{FirstName}, which would work best for you?”

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Message 5 — 3-5 Days Later If No Reply:

Direct call to action / ping to top of their inbox.

“{FirstName}, let’s jump on quick chat and I’ll walk you through how I can help you [solve
problem] and [get result].

How does this week or next look for you?

If it’s easier, here’s my personal calendar - please find a time that works for you!
[Insert Calendar Link]

Message 6 — 5 Days Later If No Reply:

{FirstName}, real quick.. which one of these is your biggest priority right now?

A. [Solving Problem]
B. [Getting Result]

A or B?

Part Two: Live-Market

Write your sequences below.

Connect Message:

Welcome Message:

Message 1:

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Message 2:

Message 3:

Message 4:

Message 5:

Message 6:

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