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Flesh Eater Courts

Translated by And_Mart in AoSCoach’s discord

Battle Formations
- Cannibal Court: 1 Noble Deed Point at the end of enemy turn to characters in
enemy territory
- Royal Menagerie: One monster gains Strike First on a 3+, in your turn only.
- Lords of the Manor: Any time you use an ability to return a model to a unit, you
instead add that many plus one. Works on any recursion
- Ghoul Patrol: Fight with 2 Ghouls units sequentially

Command traits
- Cruel taskmaster: roll 3 extra dice when friendly units wholly within 12" use the
rally command.
- Stronger in madness: +2 health and ward a ward of 5+ if this hero has 6 noble
deeds points
- Salvage beyond reason: while this unit has less than 6 NDP, it weapons have
critical two hits. While it has 6NDP it weapons have critical mortals.

- Heart of the gargant: Once per battle if this unit is in combat, +1 to atks for
all this unit weapons (companion included).
- Grim garland: Passive, reduce 2 from enemy units control score within 12" of this
- Charnel vestments: If not priest, hero become priest. If priest, get +1 to chant

- Deranged transformation (unlimited): +2" move and +1' to wound to a unit.
- Miasmal shrouds: same effects as before, but roll 7 dice now.
- Charnel fest: 6 to cast, same effect has before. but now you choose a infantry
unit ww 6" to return a model for each wound inflicted.

- Chalice of Ushoran: gives a unit a control score buff based on the number of
models slain near it
- Corpsemare Stampede: does d3 mortals to units it passes over while moving, save
and melee characteristics bad.
Cadaverous Barricade: prevents the use of run and retreat abilities while also
halving movement.

- Blessed Feast: FEC Heal 1 per model slain in target unit, or D3 per model if
chant on 10
- Charnel Conviction: 5+ ward or two units if chant on 10.
- Summerking’s Favor: You pick a enemy w 18" and a hero, each time a model on the
unit dies the hero gains 1 NDP. If the chant is 10+ is all heroes

Ghoul king on terrorgheist:

H 16, M12", wizard (1)
10", 1/+4/+2/-2/D6
Bites are 3 atks, have critical mortals and 6 damage. Didn't gave his other
In the combat phase, choose a hero he is in combat and on a 3+ it get criticals on
5+ against it.
Said it is more cheap than now.

Ghoul king on zombie dragon:

10" D6/+2/+4/-1/3
Said the other profiles are basically the same.
Monsters ww 12" of him can run and charge.
Rampage pick a unit it is in combat and roll a d6, if you roll above its control
score it can't use commands.

Mention he is more expensive
H6, Save 5+
wizard (2)
spell is the same, but just affect 1 unit.
On a 3+, return 1 knight or 3 serf to a unit ww 12".

Same has before, only change is that +1 to dagame buff don't affect ranged weapons.

Priest (1)
Pick a hero ww 12", on a 2+ it gains d3 NDP. (Don't mention in which phase, I
imagine it is in your hero phase)

Save 5+, same health
7/+4/+3/-1/2 (anti infantry +1 rend)
other attack is the same but with anti infantry as well.
Can still move over terrain as if it has fly.
End of any phase, can retreat and heal if killed any model that turn.

Mostly the same. Only change is that his spell is now a ability: If he is not in
combat, pick up to two serf or knight units ww 12". Remove all of them and set up
again more than 9" from enemy units and ww 12" of each other.

King on foot:
If all attacks are against a hero, +1 damage.
If he charged, gains strike first.

Same as before, 5+ kills a hero it damaged.

Infernal courtier:
save 5+
The same, but the range for his buff is ww12"

Haunter courtier:
save 5+
After it fights, pick a horror in its combat ranged and they can fight in sequence
with a +1 to hit.

No changes to stats, still gain rend near heroes, only auto-wound on 6s

Weapons now have crit auto wound.
Gain +1 rend while ww 12" of a courtier or abhorrant.
Everything else was said to be the same.
Same attacks, same teleport. Just lost the rule that looks at bravery.

Morbheg Knights:
2/+3/+4/-1/1 (charge +1 damage)
3/+4/+3/-1/2 (companion)
Can retreat and charge, and don't take mortals when they retreat.
After they charge roll a d3, on 2+ doe that many mortals.

H1, M 6", Save 6+
3/+4/+4/-/1 (anti monster and beast +1 rend)
Monsters in combat can't do rampages and reduce the damage of monsters and beasts
in 1.
Roll a d3, on a 2+ deal that many mortals. Does +1 mortal if the target is monster
or beast. (didn't say the timing for this)
Can't be reinforced.

H10, save 4+
In your hero phase, if you don't have a archregent, pick a hero ww 3" to be the
regent and put it into the throne. Regent gains D3 NDP.
Regent can't move while on the throne, uses the throne to measure abilities and
attacks that target him have to target the throne instead.

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