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to make iteasy to look up. told you to see ‘ered 1.0 in the Core R to be ‘Core Concepts! ' BATTLEPACKS spEARHEAD: FIRE AND Jape Fire and pATH TO GLORY: ASCENSION follows th ner their banner grow more p attlepack is the ideal place and engage in collab MATCHED PLAY: FIRST BLOOD (p, 234 8 you to build your own army and play full an to Matched Play ze to cith hed battles. [tis the perfect intiodn ble upon the field ce i in the shadows. ‘ harper their kriives int 0 Protected by armour forged by the gods themselve Mi for every gleaming warrior amongst their #2 ‘THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE While you're playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar, you might encounter a rules situation that you aren't sure how to reselve. Ifyou'e new to the game, we recommend discussing with your ‘opponent and agreeing on a fair and reasonable solution so you can get on with the | game as quickly as possible, ‘Otherwise, the Special Riles section inchides detailed instructions on how to resolve _ these situations, RULES UPDATES Weare committed to i supporting Warhammer Age ‘of Sigmar rules via regular free ‘updates based on community { feedback, Please check — to download the latest updates | and FAQs. RULES SUMMARIES Corina Sian red boxes in th eer ro additional but do not contain any rules CORE RULES 1.0 CORE CONCEPTS tatestioin hoot wun tos baladell tl ow Wo bcweput hasranes Each player is the commander of an army. Each army belongs to a faction and is made up of groups of models called units. Models and units in your army are referred to as friendly models und nits, and models and wnits in ‘your opponent's army are referred to as enemy models and units 2.0 TOOLS OF WAR To fight a battle, you will need + A tape measure + Some dice + A surface to play om (the battlefield) «+ armies of Citadel Miniatures 2.1 MEASURING DISTANCES Distances in Warhammer Age of Sigmar are m in inches ("), between the closest points on the b ofthe models you're measuring to and from, You ‘can measure distances whenever you wish. When measuring the distance betweer. units, always ‘measure the distance between the closest points on the bases of the closest models in each unit, Ifa model does not havea base, measure to and from the closest point on the model instead, 2.1.1 WITHIN AND WHOLLY WITHIN ‘A model is within a certain distance of something (e.g. another unit. 2 territory or an objective) ifany part of its base is within that distance, ‘A model is wholly within a certain distance of something ifevery part ‘ofits base is within that distance, ‘A unit is within a certain distance of something if any part ofthe base of any model in the unit is within that distance. A tnit is whelly weithin a certain distance of something if every part of the bases of all ofthe models in the unit is within that distence, 2.2 DICE os ‘Wathammer Age of Sigmar uses six-sided dice, often . abbreviated to D6. +» Some rules refer to ‘206, “SD6" and so on—in such ‘cases, roll a number of dice equal to the number before ‘De’ and add the results together, «A roll of 24° means roll of 2 or more, a roll of 3+’ means a roll of 3 or ‘more, and so on. «Ifa rule requires you to roll a D3, roll a dice and halve the total, rounding up. For D3 rolls, a roll of'2+° means.a result of 2 or more after halving the total and rounding up. « Effects that allow you to modify. dice roll are called modifiers. Ufyou are instructed to roll off, cach player should ralla dice. Whichever player has a higher roll wins the roll-off. Ifthe result isa tie, each player should roll off again until there is « clear winner, unless otherwise specified, 3,0 FACTIONS i y belo butte formations, enhenceme battle trai at vost commonly i the faction’ bart cree oe In vari 4.0 WARSCROLLS . are contained on a warscrol ARSCROLL + @ CLAWLORD Warpforged Halberd naw beasts Chisel Fangs The MOVE characteristic determines how quickly the unit can move across the battlefield (see 15.0). he HEALTH characteristic determines how many damage points can be allocated to & unit before a model in the unit is slain (see 18.2). @ CONTROL characteristic determines how well each model in the unit can contest objectives (see 32.2). ‘The SAVE characteristic determines how well armoured the unit is. This characteristic is the roll you need to equal or exceed to save a model from harm, 0 a lower value is better (see 17.0) ‘ON GNAW-BE Tro, Cavan Wan 69) @ tee UNIT TPE @ 18 KEYWORDS that the unithas(see5.1) ‘The WEAPONS the unit is armed with. Weapons are eit ier melee weapons, used to make combat attacks, or ranged weapons, used vo make shooting attacks. Each weapon has its own characteristics (see 16.0). Any special ABILITIES the unit can use (see 3.0). sana 1x02 Ei Ability icons give you an idea what kind of effect the ability F Movement Ability X Offensive Ability 1B Defensive Abit % Shooting Abitity ¥ Rallying Ability & Special Ability © Control Ability 5.0 ABILITIES Hed abilities, This isu OXI TT os Declate: Pick WRUN or Retina ab ® 8 bility Then pk oso ore e © ° Effect: Resolve shooting attacks against 5.1 KEYWORDS. ‘ome abilities have one or more keywords listed at th bility on their keywords bar, e.. th Cone, ATrAcK and SHoor keywords. Units a their warse rol Keywords let you know which abilities can be use i picked as largets foran ability. For e argc’ abi used by a unit if it did not use an al Ruw of RETREAT keyword earlier in the turn. The singular and rm ules purposes 5.2 USING ABILITIES The timing of an ability tells you when it can be used. When usiog an ability follow these steps 1. Declate the Ability: Tel your opponent which ability is being the ability has Dedlare instructions, resolve them at this sep. 2, Use Reactions: Starting with the active player (see 12.0), the pl alternate using any abilities with an appropriate Reaction timing 3. Resplve the Effect: Follow the instructions in the Effect part of the ability 5.3 THE RULES OF ONE = Avunit cannot use more than 1 Co. + A unit cannot use the sami specified otherw + A unit cannot be affect lity more than once per pl ne passive ability more than o ithin range of two di atthe same time, For example, if aunit is terrain features thet have the ‘Cover ability, the effect onty applies to it once PASSIVE ABILITIES Abilities that have the Passive timing are called passive abilities. Passive abilities are not declared. The effects af passive abilities always appby ith Conditions of the ability are met, and they must be applied if itis possible ABILITIES EXAMPLE ses the “Fight” ability. The frst ste rstroctions for the ability. In this ca {ors t0 use the ability, then they make a pile-in men Sts fess Liberators unit asthe target ofall he eat Oger FIGHT: Locked in a deadly melee, the fighters strike out at strike out a their foes peclare: Pick a friendly unit that is in combat of IRitura tousethis ality That unitcanaes aie eet Then. that unit isn comnbat, you must pick oncorme enemy units as the target(s) ofthat unit's attacks. Cork, ATTACK, Front >... declaring the ability, Ben has the frst opportunity paseany reactions. As Tight’ has the ArTACK feyword, Ben is able to-use the “All-out Attack’ ability to Jgaprove his Rat Ogors” attacks Ceres one WALL-OUT ATTACK: The warriors fight with a rencied vigour. ‘Used By: The unit using that ArTacK ability. \pffect: Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made as part of | thet Arraccability. This also affects weapons thet | ave the Companion weapon ability. Phiow that the Declare instructions hi “players have had a chance to use reactions, Ben ect of the ability, Pate tad FIGHT: Locked in a deadly melee, the fight their foes. Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is } this turn to use this ability. That unit ca ‘Then, if that unit is in combat, you must enemy units as the target(s) of that unit's attacks, P is to resolve an We any Declare » Ben picks his unit af Rat re, Finally, Ben tach fect: Resolve combat attacks against the target unit) Sup ciaeeie ave been resolved and both can resolve the resulting in 2 Liberators being slain (se fers strike out al in combat or that charged in make @ pile-in move. 1 pick one oF more Eflect; Resolve combat attacks against the target Uni) Ben's turn (o plele much about the specific Affer Ben uses ‘All-out Attack’, Jes uses the ‘All-out Defence’ ability to tey to protect his Liberators against the upcoming onslaught. Ben then passes on using any further reactions, then Jes does the same CEES ALL-OUT DEFENCE: the soldiers close ranks to hold offan incoming attack. ‘Used By: A unit targeted by that ATracK ability. Effect: Add | to save rolls for that unit in this phase: ‘all-out Attack’ and ‘All out Defence’ are examples of ‘Advanced Rules, which are used in certain battlepacks. ¢ 18.3). 6.0 VISIBILITY ey oe Say agonal Soren nth Sent model In some cases, it might not be inmeditly clear wie model is visible. 1f 0, stoop down to get a look from behind the observing model any part of the other model 4s visible, even if it is just the {Up of a spear, then that model 1s visible for rules purposes. Even though A mode how li ed by enemy models. The Rat Ogor An observing model’ visibility ca in this shot is visible to the Liberato Liberator on tie left becuse it iden by the Plague Furmace The Liberator at the back of this unit can see through their fellows, Models don't block the visibility of other models in thelr unit iis assumed that the) {fight in such a way as to not obstruct one another's attacks, ) COMBAT RANGE atally tions and an infinite disiane is measured from the edige of its sin combat with 4 visible ene i Unit's combat range extends 3” horizontally and an \ at wh : ange distance vertically from all models in the wilt moe ar rs wt , this forms a sort of ‘cloud fa 201 erenemm SETTING UP FOR BATTLE the battlepack or battlepl ep coins 8.0 THE ARMINS ed prec ai Pati, bath players wil eed @ Set up terrain, srantee Agnien Wht others i oa Py : Stine baa 9.0 BATTLEPLANS. Nien Nefore any battle, you'll need 1 pick ab poe wal available in each battlepack, and additi eager publications. Hach batileplan isa scenarla to ‘objectives and victory conditions, in tule SbectIve and ie Hi addition P 9.1 BATTLERTELD MAP Hach battleplan includes a battlefiek The map will show the locat ny objectives and th ies, Each baltlepack or battleplan will ind battlefield size based on the size of game you are playing ss ead Teco) tg ATTACKER’S TERRITORY 9.1.1 SETTING UP OBJECTIVES AND TERRAIN FEATURES Many battlefields have key locations called objectives, and almost all battlefields have terrain features such as buildings, ruins and woods. Unless otherwise specified, players should first set up objective markers at the locations indicated by a gold circles (@) on the deployment map, then set up terrain features in a mutually agreeable ‘manner. Many battlepacks and battleplans include further instructions for setting up terrain. 9.1,2 TERRITORIES Unless otherwise specified in the battlepack or battleplan, after terrain hhas been set up, the players should roll off. The winner decides which territory belongs to which player, Their opponent decides which player begins deployment » Aunit is within a territory if any part of the base of any model in the ‘unit is within that territory. + A.unit is wholly within a territory if every part of the base of every ‘model in the unit is within that territory, + The area of the battlefield that is neither player's territory is neutral territory, 10.0 THE DEPLOYMENT Meili ee the se called the dep ssanoe pes Untla betore tha JASE 4 MUM deploy thei loyment phase. The art ofthe fir 4 cial de STEP 1 - DEPLOY FACTION TER Br 1, DEPLOY FACTION TERRAIN FEATURag ns deployment must tise DupLoy Teean ets *. The pla player tes first is deployment. Once one player has no merc pet heir opponent must continue to use Dement alternate using Player who: OY abilities to sTEP 3 — USE DEPLOYMENT PHASE ABILITIES player who After both players have finished deployin, begins deployment can use any ary DzPioy or Deroy TeRRAIN abilities theater of ee ent then their opponent can do the same, Rite 10.1 UNIVERSAL DEPLOYMENT PHASE ABILITIES DEPLOY UNIT: Additional forces take to the field. DEPLOY REGIMENT: A mi ro lea | Declare: Pick a unit from your army roster thet has not been deployed to be the target pees ‘Tegiment from your army - hoy, + to be the target, No units in that regiment | © Effect: Set up the target unit wholly within an " " = friendly territory and more than 9" from eee eee 4 ‘enemy territory. After you have done so, it has been deployed Effect: Keep using DEPtor abilities without alternating until all unis in that regiment have | | been deployed. You cannot pick units that are | | Derior thee ________} notin that regiment as the target of any of those _| Deroy abilities DEPLOY FACTION TERRAIN; the army has taken to the field surrounding an important and powerful landmark. | Declare: Pick friendly faction terrain feature | that has not been deployed to be the target. Effect: Set up the target faction terrain feature wholly within friendly territory, more than 3° from allobjectives and other terrain features. After you have done so, it has been deployed Depioy TERRAIN THE BATTLE — ‘MOVEMENT for all attack ATTACKING coat 16.0 PICKING TARGETS ability eres When declaring an Arracx ability fora unit you must pick the t Sper tad ob geen Unit) for its attacks. The numberof attacks cach model can ake fe equal paper deere a the Attacks characteristic of the weapons it is using. In most cases, mica. pyre r attack with every weapon on their warscroll (melee weapans for combat Riese Gre attacks, ranged weapons for shooting atacks), though some warscrolie Seow eget specify that certain models in the unit are armed with special weapons or the target must be with that the unit must pick between multiple weapons when it attacks ents Cer eet ea enters eet kent Se te Cy ee Sek gone hg + Combatattacks are made with melee weapons. The target unit(s) must be within the eombat rat 7 anor inge of the attacking model and visible to it. The ting attacks if ‘model must attack with all of the melee weapons it is armed with. 1F the unit is in combat, i ea a model has more th targets as you wish, n only target units that are in combat witht If an one attack, you can spit the attacks between eli dei a + Shooting attacks are made with ranged weapons. ‘The target unit(s) must be within a distance equal o the Range characteristic of the weapon being used and visible to the attacking model. Models cannot make shooting attacks if their unit is in combat, unless otherwise specified (see 20.0 Weapon Abilities). 17.0 THE ATTACK SEQUENCE | Resolve steps 1-4 below for each attack made against a target unit, one attack | atatime, If you picked more than one target unit for the ATTACK ability, resolve all the attacks made against one unit before moving on to the next. in an order of your choosing. Once you are familiar with the attack sequence. see ‘Fast Dice Rolling’ (see 17.3) if you want o speed up play. L Rolla dice, Ifthe roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon's x characteristic, the attack scores a successful hit; move on to the next. ‘step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified hit tolls of 1 always fail. fan unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a ‘weapon is 26, that attack is a eritical hit. 2. Wound Roll: Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking ‘weapon's Wound characteristic, the attack successfully wounds: move onto the next step. Ifnot, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends, _ Unmodified wound rolls of 1 always fail. a eet -Save Roll: ‘The commander ofthe target unit rolls a dice, subtracting the Ree ‘weapon's Rend characteristic from the rol. Unmodified sie enone fail. If the roll equals or exceeds the Save characteristic of the target unit, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. If not, it is a successful attack: move on to the next step. 4, Determine Damage: Ihe attack inflicts a number of damage points ‘on the unit equal to the Damage characteristic of the weapon. Inflicted damage points are added to a temporary damage pool for the target unit. After completing these steps forall ofthe attacks made as pat of that ‘Artacx tli, he attacks for that ability ae resolved and you can move on to the damage sequence (sce 18.0). 1. ATTACK MOL TERS AND CAps a save roll, « hit rolls and wound subtracted from save rolls oq1n4u root MORTAL DAMAGE inilict mortal damage that number of dam: see 18.2 Alloe that ating D 3 Damage 173 EAST DICE ROLLING 5 lays ey must ta ee ° rt it rolls at th amit If Nd advance of the Stormcast Eterna} » tear apart their foes with brute 209 id 18.0 THE DAMAGE SEQUENCE follow the steps below, If the ability inflicted 4 Y one unit, follow the steps below for th i omitander allocates damage peins tot owing, starting with the active player, ’ 1. Resolve ward saves for all damage point it applicable (see 17.0), : cc 2. All ate the damage potats i the Wit’ dams models (see 18.3) 18.1 WARD SAVES Units with the WaRD keyword have the 'W ; number after the WARD keyword indicates the ‘ard valu save. Ifa unit hid WARD (34), fot ox sunt has more than one ward vale applie ve only the ward ane wi WARD SAVE: Whether through their uncanny reflexes, unmat . | toughness or a source of mystical protection, these warriors ca | otherwise lethal attacks : | | Effect: instep 1 ofthe damage sequence (see 18,0), makea ward roll | D6 for each damage point in this unit's damage pool. If the roll or exceeds this unit's ward value, remove that damage point from the poo! 7 18.2 ALLOCATING DAMAGE After resolving the effect of any ability that inflicts damage point (whether via attacks, mortal damage orboth), you must allocate the When allocating damage points toa unit, the damage points in its damage pool are allocated to it one at atime. Each time the number of damage points allocated to the unit equals the Health characteristic cof that anit, | model in that unit is slain (and removed from play) and the number of damage points allocated to that unit is reset to 0. Rep allocating damage points until there are none left in the damage pool Ifthe namber of damage points allocated to a unit is not enough to slay 8 model, keep track of the number of damage points currently allocated to the unit (most players place a dice or markers next to the unit). While a unit hes any damage points allocated to i, itis damaged. 18.3 SLAIN MODELS The commander of a unit must pick which model(s) in the unit are sla However, after each slain model is removed, the unit must be in a single coherent group (see 15.1), If this is not possible, continue to remove models, one at a time, until the unit isin a single coherent group. 18.4 DESTROYED UNITS When the last model in a unit is stain, the unit is destrayed and all remaining damage points inflicted on that unit have no effect. Similarly {something causes a unit to be destroyed, all models tn the unit aresh and removed from play {TACKING DIAGRAM a’ LE en) D6. Ifthe roll equal Roe es cre nny Se ere Co Remar at ATTACK SEQUENCE emmy a | Peer te Detender makes a save Moet eny attacking weapon's Rend Sea et erie Loot ete unre! oeeieney Certain Co err te hee kee) Lu Se eee Sarna ee BS aNicot ss rere See acs re eee Caen co eo For cach damage point j ATTACKING EXAMPLE ; Erik's Stormeast Eternals are fa 4 have charged (see 14.4), ani (see 15.3) and targeted tha to speed up play 4 close game of Speathead. Frik’s Liberators they have piled attacks (see 16.0), In this exannple wards Emma's Clawlord ‘he using fast dice rolling They can each make 2 attacks (apa Worhammer has an Attacks characteristic of 2), and Erik needs to make hit rolls equal to or higher than their Hit characteristic of 34. The Liberators score 5 successfial hits out of attacks i Erik's 4 Lierators armed with Wathamamers attack first. Erik then makes a wound roll for each of the 5 hits. ‘The Warhammers have a Wound characteristicof 3+. The _ Liberators successfully wound with 3 of their attacks. ‘Emma makes a save roll for each of the 3 successful wounds. Her Clawlord has Save characteristic of 4~, but the Warhammers have a Rend characteristic of 1, so © Emma must subtract 1 from each roll, meaning she now needs to roll a 5 or more. # ‘é " ‘The Clawlord successfully saves 1 of the 3 attacks, resulting in 2 damage points being added to his, damage pool (1 for each Warhammer, as they have a Damage characteristic of 1), ‘There may be situations when unit that has STRIKN-FiMst is not in combat at the start ofthe phase, but because of moves such as pile-in moves, itis patied into combat’ later in the phase. In such vases, SrREKE HIRST has no effect ‘on that unit because it was nnot in combat at the start of the phase. Abilities that allow a unit touuse a Freatr ability immediately after another unit donot override the STRIKE-FIRST oF ‘Stmixe-tast constraints, so you could not pick a unit with STRUEKE-LAST to fight immediately after a unit ‘with SrRIKE-Fiest, ‘mounts most effects that ‘unit's capabilities. F SPECIAL RULES ae STRIKE-FIRST AND STRIKE-LAST other units catnot be picked to use beet picked to use a Pa I there are any SratKe-LAsr units in combat, they cannot be picked Front ability if there are any units in combat that do not have SrmtKe-1.a% and have not yet used a Frome ability. Maw hhas Srmnce-rinsr and StRIKE-LAS®, (reat it as if it had peithe 20.0 WEAPON ABILITIES Some weapons have one or more of the passive weapon abilities below. Ifa weapon has multiple weapon abilities that apply on a critical hit attack sequence starts, the commander of the attacking model roust p those abilities to use. RES Anti-X (+1 Rend): Add L to this weapon's Rend charac target has the keyword after ‘Anti-’or fulfils the condition after ‘Anti Multiples of this ability are cumulative. For example, ifa weapon has oth Anti-charge (+1 Rend) and Anti-ITno (+1 Rend), then add 2 to the Rend characteristic of the weapon for attack that target a Hemo that charged in the same turn Charge (+1 Damage): Adil 1 to this weapon's Damage characteristic if it charged this turn. pa is weapon is not affected by abilities used by a friendly unit that affect the Attacks characteristic or the attack sequence. (Crit (2 Hits): If an attack made with this weapon scores a critical hit, that attack scores 2 hits on the target unit instead of 1. Make a wound rollforeachhit, 2 Crit (Auto-wound): fan attack mate with this weapon scores a critical hit, that attack automatically wounds the target. Make a save Hasnormal. é rit (Mortal): Ifan attack made with this weapon scores a critical hit, that attack inflicts mortal damage on the target unit equal to the Damage characteristic of that weapon and the attack sequence ends. __ Shoot in Combat: This weapon can be used to make shooting attacks even ifthe attacking unit is in combat. 21.0 HEALING Some abilities allow you to heal.a unit, To heal a unit, remove a number of damage points from the unit equal to the number in brackets after Heal’ ‘eg. Heal (2) tic if Uh 1) with the modelts) in that fhe new models ean only beet th ready in com! Dat with ts i enemy unit, 23.0 TOKENS Tokens are not considered t0 be models nored of moved out of the for rules 5 abilities. They cannot be pi et Purpose sean Stecan sie cau ea ie yen Indicate persating effets om units they are place tt: Thee purpone move or se up, pace the token agate unit 24.0 SETTING UP UNr TS a. When is impossible, you cannot. Phase v1 24.1 RESERVE UNITS. Some abilities allow you to set u to one side instead of being set up on the ba placed serve. These units 24.2 REPLACEMENT UNITS Some abilities allow you to set up a replacement unit. Wh, unit. When sett that unit it should have the same warecrolt i Pas aaa perf models as The oaginl e TPs: aban pions ahd x ee umber of model 8 the original Unt. une thera pated {reated 32 completely new ability, Many of these abilities specify the proportion otmeean ee C= pete cs replacement unit (eg. half the number of model fom ihe otig nal Pepe Inthese cases, you can pick which models ftom the sight ee of tac eile re se up streplaced used that ability earlier in the battle ‘The replacement unit is otherwise treated as a new or abilities the original unit gained during ce effects that applied to it, do not apply to the replacement unit Bach ane Can only be replaced once, and you cannot replace replaceinent units, 25.0 GUARDED HEROES All Heroes that are not Monsters or WAR Macuines have the ‘Guarded Hero’ passive ability: GUARDED HERO: The leader is shielded by their warriors, who close | ranks around thers to protect them from harm. Effect: If this Hero is within the combat range of a friendly unit that is not » HeKo: ting attacks that target this HERO. + Subtract 1 from hit rolls for shoot «If this Hero is INFANTRY, they cannot be picked as the target of shooting attacks made by units more than 12" from them 26.0 RANDOM CHA TERISTICS 27.0 MODIFIER ORDER fects of some abilities modify a ch a characteristic to a fix that multiply or divide a char add to or subtract from 2 28.0 ADVICE ABILITY RULES. aegless stated otherwise, units using or p dn the battlefield. Musing or picked as pait ofan abit ailan effect states that a unit ean do somet tes i WHO Is USING Mather to resolve that part of the eflect en at 8 Commander car THE ABILITY? ot not 4 choose staies that a unit must do something, ity aie found on «Manel Thoice and must resolve that part ofthe ete commander has no _ es en ofthe effect is applied but the ability iy tl cord poste par theobere- thebent examples «When ‘this unit’ appears in ability text (most often eo ave been sed. ing the Universal Core She unit that is using the ability es.0n warsctolly),itrmenss | | ome 6140) «fan ability affects more than one unit, the pla ‘Troose the order in which units are affected as who used the ability can = When resolving an effect, if you need to roll a dice for nits, roll and resolve the effect for one unit before movie oe atested [fan ability instructs you to pick more than L unit, one eee the ext be a different unit unless stated otherwise. each unit you pick must 98.1 PERSISTING EFFECTS Some abilities have effects that aren't immedi fave rolls for this unit for the rest of the nee ; for the rest of the turn’). ‘These effects count as t abilities (see 5.4) for their duration, ly resolved (e,p, ‘add I to ‘this unit has ‘Warp (5+) he effects of passive 98.2 ‘ONCE PER’ TIMINGS ‘he timing part of some abilities says Once Per Ph Once Per Battle. If the ability is used by a unit, it ae or of one time in that phase, tarn or battle by each unit that can use he bility. Ifthe ability is used by a player, itcan be used a mexi time n that tirinig windowby that payee Some abilities that are used by units say Once Per Phase (Army), Once Per Turn (Army) or Once Per Battle (Army). These abilities can be used a maximum of one time in that phase, turn or battle regardless of the number of units in the army that can use the ability. pea 29,0 CONTRADICTORY RULES | { | "_ Iftwo or more rules contradict, if ane of thase rules states that something | _ cannot do something, this takes precedence over rules that state it can “ormust do that thing, unless the second rule specifically overrides the “restriction of the first. For example, while the “Normal Move’ ebility states ‘you cannot move into combat ‘during that move, the ‘Fly’ ability specifies to the combat ranges of enemy models during a move. the above, the effect of the most recently used ability | precedence. | ORDER OF EFFECTS passive abilities are considered to be applied mote recently than 3¢ active player's passive abilities are considered to be applied n the effects of their opponent's passive abilities, sane w considered to be applied more recently Be the: ia — ‘ e applie« : ve abilities (e-g passive abilities on a terrain abt yer’s army), The active player chooses the order in a 4 An objective marker isa Pers cere en) objective ifthe objective Sere ns ns # A player gains contra! of Senet Sctine cit PUN Tn tins Prem t react Sona ea Psat etn een eet] Sot ity Diet if no friendly models are END OF TURN 31.0 BND OF T Atte ¢ RN OVERVIEW dof each turn, follow these steps: \ The atiepapes can te any abies with he IER ot ERRAND rn ing nthe ocr of theleehormtiet theiropponent can use any abilities with Ro cm ta) ° RS it the order of thetr choosing 2. Determine which player controls each objective (if any 3. The active player scores vietory pointe as described In the buttleplac 32.0 OBJECTIVES Many battleplans award victory points for con are represented by objective markers. Uniess otherwise specified, obje markers are round and 40mm wide. Models cant move over and end the'r moves on objective markers, 1fan objective marker is on the border betwee territories, itis within all those territories but wholly within none of then Objective markers don't block visibility 32.1 CONTESTING OBJECTIVES Unless otherwise specified, ifan objective is within « model's combat range, that model is contesting that objective. If any models ia & unit are ‘contesting an objective, that unit is contesting that objective. Bach unit can only contest one objective per turn. Ifa unit would be able to contest more than one objective, its player must pick one of thove “objectives for i to contest. If both players have more than one unit that would be able to contest more than one objective, before determining objective control, the active player must pick which of those objectives are being contesied by their Units first, then their opponent does the same 32.2 OBJECTIVE CONTROL ‘At the start of the first battle round and at the end of each turn, follow this sequence for each objective in an order chosen by the active player 1. Starting with the active player, each player determines the cantrol scare of each of their units that is contesting that objective. A unit's control score is the combined Control characteristics of all the models in, that unit that are contesting the objective. Some abilities modify a unit's control score, but i cannot be reduced to less than 1. 2: Bach player adds up the control scores ofall of their units contesting that objective. This is their army control score for that objective. 3, The players compare their army control scores for that objective. Fone ‘player's score is higher, that player gains control of that objective. Once {player gains constol fan objective, it remains under their control “until their opposient gains control of it. 32.3 TERRAIN CONTROL ‘Some battleplans require you to gain control of «terrain feature. Terrain features ore controlled in the same way as objectives, but terrain features ‘do not remain in your control if your units are no longer contesting them. Fach unit éan contest } objective arn! | terrain feature at the same time, 33.0 END OF BATTLE ROUND ‘Ai the end of each battle round, the active player can use any! abilities, then their opponeat can do the same. Each batt in. will spec .¢ number of battle rounds that should be — ‘you have completed the number of battle roursds specified ix your bat | the battle has ended, and you should follow the roles included in that CED RULES ADVAN owing es Leo Meee BUILD YOUR OWN BATTLEPACK = ‘ 7 book evittains There are many, many ways to play Warhammer ng Aatvanced Rules section Age of Sigmar, from Path to Glory batlepacks. which focus on narrative-deiven battles linked in an ¥ Oigomng campaign, to Spearhead and Matched Play COMMANDS (ng 2 wai battlepacks, in which the emphasis is on balance | , vearn command points and eompetitive pla wert hat allow you to react ji ce ee anie nt ) Your opponent's turn, Ifyou are In addition to using official battlepacks, we'd the Commands rules, ignore any abilities that Send paurtavribehis Uo corns encourage you to 11se the rules in this section as a aS toolbox, mixing and matching the elements within to build your own battleplan or battlepack to play ses with your friends TERRAIN (pr into more detail about how your models Are you excited to field your entire collection against your friends or fo see which monster reigns ‘sipreme? Maybe you want to design your own battleplans and special rules, or perhaps you want to keep things simple in order to teach a younger sibling how to play. ‘These rules provide an open framework that makes each of these things poss features, such as now they can take tren draw power from arcane nexitses [AGIC (pg 224 MAG ike to wield unlimited mystical power by eae Wisadioe Pareersaisd winkifede: iinet bates, see Magic Here are some ideas to get you started: * Instead of using the Advanced Rulles for Army ARMY COMPOSITION (pg 226-229) ink soe ake ax arany based on yor favourite Black Library story or based on a ‘made-up scenario that sounds exciting to you. For instance, how would 5 different Stormcast ‘Bternals heroes fare against a pair of massive iy to build your own army roster and conomise your army with regiments, battle formations cod enhancements, sce Army Composition ‘Chaos monsters? COMMAND MODELS (p¢ 230) Here yoo will find rules for special models called + Design you¥ own battleplan by dividing portions champions, standard bearers and musicians, which are of the battlefield into a territory for each player, found in many Warhammer Age of Sigmar units, placing objectives and thinking up a fun twist for the battle, Have fun and experiment with different ideas ~ why not try alternating placing BATTLE TACTICS (pg 231) objectives instead of having fixed locations, or ‘Add en additional tactical challenge to your games by ‘try having two smaller battlefields connected induding secondary objectives called Battle Tactics. by realmgates? y + Leatn the Advanced Rules by introducing Nee . each module into your battles one at ¢ time for instance, start by experimenting with . Commands, then try adding Magic iato your battles, and finally put them all together to outwit your opponent and score Battle Tactics. San ihiohe COMMANDS SOO a} 1.0 COMMANDS OVERVIEW Toc) PED re Sonve abilities, called commands, require that you spend on propel Pe ad potas (GB) to uve tha ability: Any ail Ut hast command pieplimard peti Polat coat (indicated in the tap right corner of the ability) exes seer LR 11 BARNING COMMAND POINTS Sion) At the start af each battle round, afler determining the underdog, exch player gains 4 command polnts. [f there is an underd Annet omnmand | i omen vl comand point, ACthe end of the battle rourid, the pl mand Points are Feset 10 O (ainy that have not been used an SOR nt ones 1.2 USING COMMANDS SO Commands dre used in a similar manner to any other ability: However each unit can only use 1 command in each phase, each command ean only bbe used 1 time by each army in each phase, and you must spend a ournber ‘of command points equal fo the command point cost fo use « commend Duane ats 2.0 HERO PHASE COMMANDS 3,0 MOVEMENT PHASE COMMANDS | RALLY: With an inspiring call to action, REDEPLOY: | soliiers get a second wind and fresh troops take th reposition to ‘field to replace their fallen comrades, tive, the warriors hastily -my movements, || Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat to Declare: Pick a friendly unit thatis notin combat to use this ability. use this ability, Effect: Each model in that unit can move up to DS Effect: Make 6 rally rolls of D6, For each 4+, you ‘That move cannot pass through or end within the receive 1 rally point, Rally points can bespent inthe | | combat range of an enemy unit } feos fllowing ways: | Move, RUN __| + For each rally point spent, Heal (1) that unit. . a can eee ‘of rally points equal to the Health characteristic of that unit to return a slain ‘model to that unit. ‘You can spend the rally points in any combination of ncabove’ Unspent rally points are then fst MAGICAL INTERVENTION: A warrior learned in the mystic arts utters a rapid incantation ‘| todisruptthe enemy's plans, Declare: Pick a friendly WrzaRp or Priest to use this ability. +) efte friendly unit can use a SPELL or PRAYER : cattropriat) aft were Your hero * hase you ds, subat om csting rls oF pA ‘Chanting rolls made as part of that ability beg MOVERING f | | sai Hot In combat y f shooting. for that unit, but al) | rae attacks must target the nearest visible must subtract 1 from the hit rolls for po Snoon ATTACK 5,0 CHARGE PHAS! COMMANDS rion, the warriors charge forth to stall the ance or enact @ bold interception, Declare: Pick a friendly unit that {8 not in combat to can use « CHARGE ability as if it effect: That charge phase. FORWARD TO VICTORY: With their charge arousing command gives the unit renewed | energy reach their foes, ‘Used By: The unit using that CHARGE ability, fect: You can re-roll the charge roll, 6.0 ATTACKING (SHOOTING.AND COMBAT) COMMANDS. % Reaction: You declared an AYTACK ability | to hit rolls for attacks made as part of ability, This also affects weapons that n weapon ability, COUNTER-CHARGE: Seeing the need for 2 7.0 DEFENSIVE COMMANDS ICA: The soldvers close ranks 0 hold off am incoming attack. ned My: A unit sgeted by that Arrrace ability. | Bileets Ack 1 (6 nave alts for that unit in this phase 8.0 END OF TURN MANDS POWER THROUGH. Pick a friendly unit that charged t this ability, then you must pick an-ems in combat with it to be the target. The ta h lower Health characteristic than the unit s through and end Using this ability cann lis Move characteristic. it ea that move within the combat ranges of enemy units that were in combat with it at the start of the move Sut not those of other enemy units. It does not have 0 end th ombat, TERRAIN MAGIC (COMMAND MODELS er geet re at aa Meese steak ines reare a ar eens nie ser [seem | Sees aaa BATTLE Tactics Sees atte overview goncane nurs, oh re Tanne Sag Hteomnsine manures Maman adhe BATTLEPACKS While the Core Rules and the Adv anarmy and Framework for should be, where the Rules expla nv your warriors move and fight Battles, They cover things like how big the arm ties deploy and what players need to do to win. how to build packs provide a sek is a9no with one of the three differ nari Spearhead, Path to Glory and Matched Pl SPEARHEAD ‘ Spearhead is the simplest way to play Warhammer Age of Sigr ability. “The armi straight into your nea army off the shelf. Each Sp tical depth and rep! of Spearhead are pre-made. You ean w Wathammer store and grab a Spearhea army has its own set of Spearhead rules, including warserolls d with Spearhead battlepacks. If swith a wide variety of factions on the tabletop, Sp Choice, Spearhead is ideal for newcomers to Warhammer Age of Sign Rules anc wish to expe : head is the p specially for us because all you need to play are a Speashead army, the ( Spearhead battlepack, which includes a special deck « a realin battlefield upon which to play. You can find the very f athea battlepack, Fire and Jade, in its own book that comes with # PATH TO GLORY Path to Glory allows you to play through a series of linked bat 4 campaign. You begin with « warlord and a small group of w eventually, your army will grow in size and your units will unlock powerful new abilities via the Path system, Path to Glory is all about th army ~ it’s less about winning or losing and more about the narrative that “irises from your decisions in battle - and, of course, your dice rolls! Many Path to Glory players like tu keep a diary or some other retord of how cheir army fares over the course of its campaign, which can be great ‘Imagination fuel’ for writing story of your own in which the heroes and units in your army are the protagonists. It's not uncommon for two Path to Glory atmies, oreven specific warriors within those armies, to develop ongoing rivalries. Many characters in the universes of Warhammer have in Path to Glory! arisen from campaigns just like tho “Although it's entirely possible to play Path to Glory by yourself vou will sit treed an opponent for each hatle, of course), this battlepack really shines 9s acampaigo system iavolving several players with Path to Glory armies. That way, the story you create together and the influence your armies have oo ‘Gne another becomes all the more compelling. The beginner battlepack for Path to Glory is Ascension, which starts on page 236 of this book MATCHED PLAY Matched Play is a gaming mode designed for balance and equal victory Conditions for both players, The starter battlepack for Matched Play is First Blood, found on pages 234-235. It makes use of the most common Advanced Rules, and it includes a set of three battleplans that use different umbers of objectives in symmetrical arrangements. Most Matched Play pattlepacks use the Army Composition rules (see Advanced Rutles p8 226 For many players, experimenting with different army rosters, sometimes nthe it bel eee Pr petiveen players who tight nut have jet FOr or before. You can jost select an army in advance mee ae m k, turn up at the club of event, find amen at re te nt find an oppo) and then play, knowing that the game with ee ire simplicity of the battlepack means that Mayers, You can play several games 6yer the cour ‘ NEXT STEPS: THE GENERALS HANDBOOK Matched Play 8 your thing, oF you simply want fo expand your Hag voolbos with extra battleplansand special rules, then the es Handbook is essential. The General’s Handbook isan annual eement ~ released each surnmer ~ that contains rules for the current TPeied Play season. It acts a a baseline rules pack for competitive poming events ands your gateway tothe wider world of Matched Poy eros the globe, Matched Play tournaments using the General's Aemabook take place virtually every weekend. Wherever you liv. you'te fhaty to find « Matched Play tournament you can reach, and theyre se yorth attending. Not only-will you get tomect up with a warn se welcoming community of fellow hobbyists, you'l get to play some grat games and see sorne truly amazing armies. And, of cour Sr cusually prizes on offer in the form of certificates, trophies Gonietines, exclusive gaming aids! fille some battlepacks focus om balance and competitive P) Warhammer Age of Sigmar buttle is an avve inspiring SPe and terrain, if MATCHED PLAY BATTLEPACK ‘ieee, , EIRST BLOOD Xs hed Pay: First oon uses the fawn Aarne Rabie 1, PICK YOUR ARMIES: + Commands (pg 220) Hach player picks an army unig the resin Army Cemporition Terrain (pe 2 + Magte (ye + Army Composition DETERMINE THE BATTLEPLAN (pg 228) One player rolls on the following table to de termine the battleplan + Command Models (pg 230) Alter ee w pick the battleplan yeu would Like to Play SS " . , 1 Border War 2 Stake a Claim 3 shifting Priorities ge one | BATTLEEIELD SIZE 3. SET UP THE BATTLEFIELD 7 Fora 1000-paint battle, | | The players roll off, The ‘vinner chooses which player is the attacker and |. Werecommend o be = which is the defender, | 30x44" battlefield with ) Aterrain features, ) Next, the defender sets p objectives in the locations indicated by gold circles are a Naitlefield map @. Then, the defender sets up terrain features. Each ‘han 3° from the battlefield edge, more terrain feature must be set ap more U then 6" from all other terrain features and more than 3" from all objectives ‘Affer objectives and terrain haye been set up, the attacker picks which terntory is thei territory, The other territory i the defender’ terctory. the players then resolve the deployment phase. The attacker begins deployment (Core Rules, 10.0), VICTORY POLNTS Bach player scores victory point atthe end of each oftheir turns as follows: + Score 2 victory points ifyou control atleast | objective {Score 2 victory points if you control 2 or aiore objectives Score 2-victory points if you control more objectives than your opponent. TWISTS: Bach battleplan includes a twist, Twists modify the gameplay within the buttlepln, aad they may provide additional means of scoring victory points BATILE LENGTH Fist Blood battles las ford battle rounds, “The player with the most victory points at the: ‘end of the battle wins @ major victory, Iethe players ate ied on victory pots tthe end of the battle, and only one player's general has survived the battle, that player wins a minor victory. It the players are tied on victory points and both generals or neither general survived the battle, the battle is a draw. GLORIOUS VICTORY BATTLEPLAN 2 sTAKE A CLAIM Puy Nolen iiss tu vo) og es clash on land that is highly path generals. So close are the F control that rival warriors ‘ome into contact, hey choose to make fey areas

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