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(Từ ngà y 3/10/2022 đến ngà y 9/10/2022)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

NGÀY 3/10/2022
I. Vocabulary
STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa & Ví dụ
1 Candidate n /ˈkændɪdət/ - ứ ng viên, ngườ i xin việc
candidate for sth: He is the best candidate for
the job.
- thí sinh
2 Audience n /ˈɔːdiəns/ ngườ i dự , nghe, theo dõ i buổ i nhạ c, vở kịch,…;
khá n giả
The audience was/were clapping for 10
minutes. His book reached an even wider
audience when it was made into a movie.
3 Rival n /ˈraɪvl/ đố i thủ
The two teams have always been rivals.
4 Contestant n /kənˈtestənt/ thí sinh tham dự mộ t cuộ c thi
She had once been a contestant in the
Miss World competition.
5 Post n /pəʊst/ - (a job, especially an important one in a
position large organization) vị trí, cô ng việc, chứ c vụ
She took up a teaching post at Basle University.
- bưu điện; thư từ ;…
6 Regulation n /ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn/ quy định, luậ t lệ
It's against safety regulations to fix these
doors open.
Regulate v /ˈreɡjuleɪt/ (to control sth by means of rules) quy định,
điều khiển
The activities of credit companies are regulated
by law.
7 First aid n /ˌfɜːrst ˈeɪd/ sự sơ cứ u
a first-aid course
8 Course n /kɔːrs/ - khoá họ c
I want to do a course in art and design.
- quá trình, tiến trình
course of sth: She repeatedly raised the issue
during the course of the campaign.
- s}n golf;…
9 Selective a /sɪˈlektɪv/ cẩ n trọ ng, có chọ n lọ c, lự a chọ n khắ t khe
selective about/in sth: You will have to be
selective about which information to include in
the report.
10 Feasible a /ˈfiːzəbl/ khả thi, l{m đượ c
practicable, viable It's just not feasible for such a small firm to
compete with the big boys.
Feasibility n /ˌfiːzəˈbɪləti/ tính khả thi, thự c tế
practicability I doubt the feasibility of the plan.
11 Inclusive a /ɪnˈkluːsɪv/ tính toà n bộ , tấ t cả , kể cả
The rent is inclusive of water and heating.
12 Shortage n /ˈʃɔːrtɪdʒ/ sự thiếu
deficiency, lack Refugees are facing serious food and fuel
13 Outdated a /ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ lỗ i thờ i
It is an outdated and inefficient system.
14 Unprecedented a /ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd/ chưa từ ng có
The flood waters have risen to unprecedented
15 Obtain v /əbˈteɪn/ (to get sth, especially by making an effort) có ,
đạ t đượ c, sở hữ u
I've been trying to obtain permission to publish
this material.
16 Adequate a /ˈædɪkwət/ đầ y đủ
They'll need an adequate supply of hot water.
Adequacy n /ˈædɪkwəsi/ sự đầ y đủ , thoả đ|ng
There are concerns about the accuracy and
adequacy of food labelling.
17 Deficient a /dɪˈfɪʃnt/ thiếu hụ t
Their food is deficient in iron.
Deficiency n /dɪˈfɪʃnsi/ sự thiếu, thiếu hụ t, khô ng đủ
shortage Vitamin deficiency in the diet can cause illness.
Deficit n /ˈdefɪsɪt/ số tiền thiếu hụ t (do chi lớ n hơn thu)
The trade balance has been in deficit for the
past five years.
18 Excessive a /ɪkˈsesɪv/ hơn, qu|, qu| mứ c
They complained about the excessive noise
coming from the upstairs flat.
Excess n /ɪkˈses/ sự vượ t quá , quá mứ c
He started drinking to excess after losing his job.
19 Intake n /ˈɪnteɪk/ - sự nạ p và o (thứ c ă n)
You need to reduce your daily intake of salt.
- số lượ ng sinh viện nhậ p họ c; …
20 Handle v /ˈhændl/ giả i quyết, xử lí
deal with We all have to learn to handle stress.
21 Attain v /əˈteɪn/ đạ t đượ c, gi{nh đượ c
achieve We only consider applicants who have attained a
high level of academic achievement.
22 Shoulder v /ˈʃəʊldər/ - gá nh vá c, gá nh lấ y (trá ch nhiệm, tộ i lỗ i…)
women who shoulder the double burden of
childcare and full-time work

- gá nh, vá c lên vai; len lỏ i, l|ch qua;…
23 Relevant a /ˈreləvənt/ có liên quan, thích hợ p, x|c đ|ng; hữ u ích
relevant to sb/sth: These comments are not
directly relevant to this inquiry.
24 Sufficient a /səˈfɪʃnt/ đủ
enough, adequate Is £100 sufficient for your expenses?
Sufficiency n /səˈfɪʃnsi/ sự đủ
a sufficiency of well-trained teachers
25 Connective a /kəˈnektɪv/ liên kết
connective tissue (mô liên kết)
26 Include v /ɪnˈkluːd/ - thêm, đưa v{o
include sb/sth in sth: You should include some
examples in your essay.
- bao gồ m
The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.
27 Contain (not v /kənˈteɪn/ chứ a, chứ a đự ng
used in the I lost a file containing a lot of important
progressive documents.
28 Comprise (not v /kəmˈpraɪz/ gồ m có , bao gồ m (bộ phậ n cấ u thà nh)
used in the consist of The collection comprises 327 paintings.
29 Background n /ˈbækɡraʊnd/ - xuấ t thâ n, hoà n cả nh
somebody's family/educational background
We come from very different backgrounds but
we get on well.
- nền; hậ u cả nh, vị trí khô ng quan trọ ng;…
30 Basement n /ˈbeɪsmənt/ tầ ng hầ m (củ a toà nhà )
31 Foundation n /faʊnˈdeɪʃn/ - cơ sở , nền tả ng
Respect and friendship provide a solid
foundation for marriage.
- quỹ tà i trợ , tổ chứ c; sự thà nh lậ p
32 Qualified a /ˈkwɑːlɪfaɪd/ đạ t tiêu chuẩ n, đủ khả nă ng
qualified for sth: She's extremely well qualified
for the job.
Qualify v /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ/ đủ tiêu chuẩ n, tư c|ch
It is the only course in the country that qualifies
you to be a tabloid journalist.
Qualification n /ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ - tiêu chí, trình độ chuyên mô n
What qualifications do radio presenters require?
- chứ ng chỉ, bằ ng cấ p; bà i kiểm tra đ|nh gi|…
Qualifier n /ˈkwɑːlɪfaɪər/ độ i thắ ng, đượ c quyền và o vò ng trong; từ hạ n
33 Unemployed a /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd/ thấ t nghiệp
jobless How long have you been unemployed?
Unemployment n /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ tình trạ ng thấ t nghiệp
an area of high/low unemployment
Employable a /ɪmˈplɔɪəbl/ có kỹ nă ng, bằ ng cấ p để ngườ i khá c thuê mình
training schemes that aim to make young people
more employable

Employability n /ɪmˌplɔɪəˈbɪləti/ khả nă ng thích ứ ng vớ i thị trườ ng là m việc, lao
độ ng
Acquiring enhanced IT skills will improve
your employability.
Employ v /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ thuê, mướ n
employ sb as sth: For the past three years he
has been employed as a firefighter.
Employment n /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ sự là m cô ng, sự thuê
How long have you been looking for
Employee n /ɪmˈplɔɪiː/ ngườ i đượ c thuê
Employer n /ɪmˈplɔɪər/ chủ
Employed a /ɪmˈplɔɪd/ có việc là m
In April the number of employed people in the
region dropped by 1,900 to 637,500.
34 Responsible a /rɪˈspɑːnsəbl/ chịu, gá nh trá ch nhiệm
responsible for (doing) sth: He was responsible
for the accident.
35 Potential a /pəˈtenʃl/ có tiềm nă ng; tiềm tà ng
possible We have compiled a list of 10 potential
First we need to identify actual and potential
36 Likely a /ˈlaɪkli/ có khả nă ng l{, có thể rằ ng
Children from an underprivileged family
background are statistically more likely to
become involved in crime.
37 Possible a /ˈpɑːsəbl/ có thể thự c hiện đượ c, có thể xả y ra;…
New technology has made it possible to
communicate more easily.
38 Reference n /ˈrefrəns/ - sự tham khả o
for reference: I wrote down the name of the
hotel for future reference (= because it might
be useful in the future).
- sự đề cậ p, nhắ c đến; viết tắ t; ngườ i giớ i
39 Investigation n /ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃn/ sự điều tra, dò xét
a criminal/murder/police investigation
40 Evidence n /ˈevɪdəns/ bằ ng chứ ng, minh chứ ng
Researchers have found clear scientific evidence
of a link between exposure to sun and
skin cancer.
41 Admission n /ədˈmɪʃn/ - sự nhậ n và o, cho và o, kết nạ p, đậ u và o (tổ
chứ c, trườ ng họ c…)
gain admission: Not all of those who applied
gained admission to the classes.
- sự thú nhậ n; tiền vé và o cử a;…
42 Allowance n /əˈlaʊəns/ - tiền trợ cấ p
an allowance of $20 a day
- tiền khấ u trừ thuế;…
43 Acceptance n /əkˈseptəns/ sự chấ p thuậ n; đồ ng ý, chấ p nhậ n
44 Well spoken a /ˌwel ˈspəʊkən/ nó i lưu lo|t, trô i chả y
45 Deadline n /ˈdedlaɪn/ hạ n chó t
The deadline for applications is 30 April.
46 Due date np /ˈduː deɪt/ thờ i hạ n, ngà y dự kiến; ngà y dự sinh
If payment is not made by the due date, 10% will
be added to the bill.
The baby was born exactly on its due date.
47 Confirmation n /ˌkɑːnfərˈmeɪʃn/ sự xá c nhậ n
I'm still waiting for confirmation of the test
48 Indication n /ˌɪndɪˈkeɪʃn/ sự biểu thị, dấ u hiệu
sign The size of the crowd is a clear indication of the
strength of public feeling.
49 Symbol n /ˈsɪmbl/ biểu tượ ng
The new school stands as a symbol of hope for a
better future.
Symbolic v /sɪmˈbɑːlɪk/ tượng trưng
symbolic of sth: The dove is symbolic of peace.
Symbolize v /ˈsɪmbəlaɪz/ tượ ng trưng cho
represent The use of light and dark symbolizes good and
50 Symptom n /ˈsɪmptəm/ triệu chứ ng
symptom of sth: to experience symptoms of
anxiety and depression
Symptomatic a /ˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk/ biểu hiện, triệu chứ ng
symptomatic of sth: These disagreements are
symptomatic of the tensions within the party.
51 Expertise n /ˌekspɜːrˈtiːz/ chuyên mô n, sự thà nh thạ o
The company is keen to develop its own expertise
in the area of computer programming.
52 Count v /kaʊnt/ - quan trọ ng, có giá trị
matter count for sth: The fact that she had apologized
counted for nothing with him.
Every point in this game counts.
- đếm; tính tổ ng số ;…
53 Accessible a /əkˈsesəbl/ - dễ dà ng sử dụ ng, truy cậ p
available, Public areas and buildings are now more
reachable, handy accessible to people with disabilities.
- dễ hiểu; dễ nó i chuyện
Accessibility n /əkˌsesəˈbɪləti/ sự dễ dà ng truy cậ p, sử dụ ng
Improving the accessibility of woodlands to the
public is seen as a key issue.
54 Restricted a /rɪˈstrɪktɪd/ - bị hạ n chế, giớ i hạ n
The officers were caught photographing in a
restricted military zone.
- tuyệt mậ t;…
55 Approachable a /əˈprəʊtʃəbl/ - dễ tiếp cậ n
The summit was approachable only from the
- dễ gầ n
Despite being a big star, she's very
56 Reachable a /ˈriːtʃəbl/ có thể đi tớ i, vớ i tớ i đượ c
The farm is only reachable by car.
57 Prioritize v /praɪˈɔːrətaɪz/ ưu tiên, đặ t lên h{ng đầ u
You should make a list of all the jobs you have
to do and prioritize them.
Priority n /praɪˈɒrəti/ sự ưu tiên
give priority to sth: Priority will be given to
children of families with low incomes.
58 Disregard v /ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑːrd/ ngó lơ, khô ng chú ý
ignore The board completely disregarded my

II. Structure
STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Blame sb/sth for (doing) sth đổ lỗ i, khiển trá ch ai về việc gì
(cụm từ cố định) A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.
2 Deal with sth (cụm động từ) đố i mặ t, giả i quyết vấ n đề
The government must now deal with the problem of high
3 Consist of sb/sth (cụm động bao gồ m ai/cá i gì
từ) The committee consists of ten members.
4 Be capable of sth/doing sth có khả nă ng, nă ng lự c là m gì
(cụm từ cố định) The port is capable of handling 10 million tons of coal a year.
5 Make sense (thành ngữ) - hợ p lí, có lí
It makes sense to buy the most up-to-date version.
- dễ hiểu, có nghĩa
This sentence doesn't make sense.
6 Pay off sth (cụm động từ) trả hết nợ
We paid off our mortgage after fifteen years.
7 On the basis of sth (cụm từ cố dự a và o, vì lý do gì
định) She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications.
8 For the sake of sb/sth| for vì lợ i ích củ a ai/cá i gì
sb’s/sth’s sake (thành ngữ) They stayed together for the sake of the children.
9 Not to mention (thành ngữ) chưa kể đến, chưa nó i tớ i
He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa
in France.
10 Come up with sth (cụm động nghĩ ra, đưa ra ý tưở ng
từ) Is that the best you can come up with?
11 Make a commitment (to do hứ a, cam kết l{m điều gì
sth) (cụm từ cố định) We’ve made a commitment to help, and we will.

12 When it comes to (doing) sth khi đề cậ p đến, nó i đến việc gì

(thành ngữ) When it comes to getting things done, he’s useless.
13 Take on sb (cụm động từ) - tuyển dụ ng (=employ)
She was taken on as a trainee.
- đố i đầ u, thi đấ u
14 Take up (cụm động từ) bắ t đầ u thó i quen; chiếm thờ i gian…
15 Take sb out (cụm động từ) rủ ai đó đi chơi
16 Take off sb (cụm động từ) nhạ i, bắ t chướ c giọ ng ai; đuổ i ai khỏ i sâ n
17 Make/Write a list of sth (cụm lậ p danh sá ch
từ cố định) I made a list of things to do.

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bổ trợ làm bài đọc điền
STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 Disqualify v /dɪsˈkwɑːlɪfaɪ/ - loạ i
bar He was disqualified from the competition for
using drugs.
- l{m ai đó khô ng đủ khả nă ng, khô ng phù hợ p
A heart condition disqualified him for military
2 Degree n /dɪˈɡriː/ (the qualification obtained by students who
successfully complete a university or college
course) bằ ng cấ p
She's pursuing a degree in biochemistry.
3 Certificate n /sərˈtɪfɪkət/ giấ y chứ ng nhậ n, chứ ng chỉ, vă n bằ ng
A certificate of completion will be issued to all
who complete the course.
Certify v /ˈsɜːrtɪfaɪ/ chứ ng nhậ n, chứ ng thự c
Beef exports must be certified safe and disease-
Certification n /ˌsɜːrtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ sự cấ p giấ y chứ ng nhậ n
4 Diploma n /dɪˈpləʊmə/ chứ ng chỉ (hoà n thà nh mộ t khoá họ c, họ c phầ n)
diploma in: He has a diploma in marketing.
5 License n /ˈlaɪsns/ sự cho phép, giấ y phép
Applicants must hold a valid driver's license.

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Regard sb/sth/yourself as cho l{, xem l{, đ|nh gi| l{
(cụm từ cố định) Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.
2 Leave sb/sth out (of sth) bỏ ra, khô ng đưa v{o
(cụm động từ) She left out an ‘m’ in ‘accommodation’.

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bổ trợ làm bài đọc

STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 Visualize v /ˈvɪʒuəlaɪz/ hình dung, mườ ng tượ ng
imagine I can't visualize what this room looked like
before it was decorated.
2 Ease v /iːz/ là m dịu, là m thoả i má i, thanh thả n;…
alleviate It would ease my mind (= make me less
worried) to know that she was settled.
3 Transpose v /trænˈspəʊz/ đổ i chỗ , ho|n đổ i

reverse Two letters were accidentally transposed and
‘gun’ got printed as ‘gnu’.
4 Confuse v /kənˈfjuːz/ nhầ m lẫ n, lẫ n lộ n
confuse A with B: Be careful not to confuse
quantity with quality.

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Ride on sth = depend on dự a và o, phụ thuộ c cá i gì
sth (cụm động từ) My whole future is riding on this interview.
2 Keep up with (cụm động - bắ t kịp tố c độ
từ) Wages are not keeping up with inflation.
- (to learn about or be aware of the news, current events, etc.)
theo kịp, nắ m bắ t kịp
She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.
3 Put up with chịu đự ng
sb/sth(=tolerate) (cụm I'm not going to put up with their smoking any longer.
động từ)
4 Write down sth = jot down viết, ghi chú lạ i
something (cụm động từ) I'd better write this down, otherwise I'll forget it.

BÀI TẬP NGÀY 4/10/2022

I. Vocabulary
STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa & Ví dụ
1 Accelerate v /əkˈseləreɪt/ tă ng tố c độ (khi chạ y), xả y ra, l{m điều gì đó
xả y ra sớ m hơn v{ nhanh hơn
They use special chemicals to accelerate
the growth of crops.
2 Proceed v /prəʊˈsiːd/ tiếp tụ c là m gì, tiếp diễn
proceed (with) sth: We’re not sure whether
we still want to proceed with the sale.
Work is proceeding slowly.
3 Advance v /ədˈvæns/ tiến bộ , cả i tiến (if knowledge, technology,
develop etc. advances, it develops and improves)
Technology is advancing at an incredibly
rapid pace.
4 Futurologist n /ˌfjuːtʃəˈrɑːlədʒɪst/ nh{ tương lai họ c
5 Predict v /prɪˈdɪkt/ dự bá o
forecast He predicts a bright future for the business in
the next financial year.
Prediction n /prɪˈdɪkʃn/ lờ i dự đo|n, tiê n đo|n
I've learned not to make predictions about the
Predictable a /prɪˈdɪktəbl/ có thể đo|n trướ c, dự đo|n đượ c
The ending of the book was entirely
6 Foretell v /fɔːrˈtel/ tiên đo|n, đặ c biệt nhờ và o phép thuậ t, thầ n
thá nh
The witch foretold that she would marry
a prince.
7 Forestall v /fɔːrˈstɔːl/ chặ n trướ c, ngă n ngừ a trướ c rủ i ro
Try to anticipate what your child will do and
forestall problems.
8 Mutation n /mjuːˈteɪʃn/ sự độ t biến
The disease is caused by genetic mutations.
9 Abnormal a /æbˈnɔːrml/ kh|c thườ ng, dị thườ ng
They thought his behaviour was abnormal.
Abnormality n /ˌæbnɔːrˈmæləti/ sự bấ t thườ ng
congenital/fetal abnormality
10 Normality n /nɔːrˈmæləti/ trạ ng th|i bình thườ ng
They are hoping for a return to normality now
that the war is over.
11 Realistic a /ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk/ thự c tế; có thể thự c hiện đượ c
We have to be realistic about our chances
of winning.
Reality n /riˈæləti/ hiện thự c, thự c tế
become a reality: After years of hard work,
his dream has become a reality.
Realist n /ˈriːəlɪst/ ngườ i có ó c thự c tế; nh{ vă n hiện thự c
12 Treatment n /ˈtriːtmənt/ - (sth that is done to cure an illness or
injury, or to make sb look and feel good) sự
chữ a trị treatment for sth: They were taken
to Cape Cod hospital for treatment for burns
and smoke inhalation.
- sự đố i xử , xử sự ;…
Treaty n /ˈtriːti/ hiệp ướ c, thoả thuậ n
Treat n /triːt/ sự đ~i ngộ , niềm vui sướ ng
It’s a real treat to see you again.
13 Therapy n /ˈθerəpi/ - (the treatment of a physical problem or an
illness) liệu ph|p điều trị
They recommend exercise therapy for patients
with chronic back pain.
- (the treatment of mental illness by
discussing sb’s problems with them rather
than by giving them drugs) liệu phá p tâ m lý
14 Operation n /ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃn/ - cuộ c phẫ u thuậ t
He underwent a three-hour heart operation.
- sự vậ n hà nh;..
15 Artificial n /ˌɑːrtɪfɪʃl trí tuệ nhâ n tạ o
intelligence (AI) ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/
16 Majority n /məˈdʒɔrəti/ phầ n đô ng, đa số
majority (of sb/sth): The majority of people
interviewed prefer TV to radio.
17 Popularity n /ˌpɒpjuˈlærəti/ sự phổ biến
Her novels have gained in popularity over
recent years.
Popular a /ˈpɒpjʊlə(r)/ (liked or enjoyed by a large number of
people) phổ biến, đượ c nhiều ngườ i ưa
chuộ ng
This hotel is very popular with tourists.
Popularize v /ˈpɑːpjələraɪz/ đạ i chú ng hoá , là m nhiều ngườ i biết đến
The programme did much to popularize little-
known writers.
18 Proportion n /prəˈpɔːrʃn/ - tỷ lệ, phầ n
A significant proportion of the books have
been translated from other languages.
- sự câ n xứ ng…
Proportionate a /prəˈpɔːrʃənət/ tỷ lệ, tương xứ ng vớ i
proportional The number of accidents is proportionate to
the increased volume of traffic.
Disproportionate a /ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːrʃənət/ khô ng c}n đố i
The area contains a disproportionate number
of young middle-class families.
19 Augmented np cô ng nghệ cho phép lồ ng ghép thô ng tin ả o
reality (AR) và o thế giớ i thự c v{ ngượ c lạ i
20 Amplify v /ˈæmplɪfaɪ/ - (increase the size or effect of sth) l{m tă ng
thêm (hậ u quả , cả m gi|c…)
A funeral can amplify the feelings of regret
and loss for the relatives.
- l{m tă ng lên (thườ ng là â m thanh)
to amplify a guitar/an electric current/a
21 Reinforce v /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːrs/ củ ng cố , tă ng cườ ng
support, Success in the talks will reinforce his
consolidate reputation as an international statesman.
Reinforcement n /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːrsmənt/ sự củ ng cố , tă ng cườ ng
the reinforcement of existing prejudices by the
22 Aspect n /ˈæspekt/ - mặ t, phương diện
aspect of sth: The book aims to cover all
aspects of city life.
- bề ngoà i, dá ng vẻ; hướ ng (nh{)…
23 Burden n /ˈbɜːrdn/ gá nh nặ ng
burden on sb: Buying a house often places a
large financial burden on young couples.
24 Labor-saving a /ˈleɪbər seɪvɪŋ/ tiết kiệm sứ c lao độ ng
modern labour-saving devices such as washing
machines and dishwashers
25 Time-consuming a /ˈtaɪm kənsuːmɪŋ/ tố n thờ i gian
It’s quite time-consuming having to check all
the labels individually.
26 Record-breaking a /ˈrekərd breɪkɪŋ/ phá kỷ lụ c
(only before a record-breaking jump
27 Mass-produced a /ˌmæs prəˈduːst/ sả n xuấ t nhiều, hà ng loạ t (sử dụ ng má y mó c)
mass-produced goods
28 Disrupt v /dɪsˈrʌpt/ (to make it difficult for sth to continue in the
normal way) l{m gi|n đoạ n, là m ả nh hưở ng
Bus services will be disrupted tomorrow

because of the bridge closure.
29 Interfere v /ˌɪntərˈfɪr/ can thiệp, xen và o
I wish my mother would stop interfering and
let me make my own decisions.
Interference n /ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns/ sự can thiệp
They expressed resentment at outside
interference in their domestic affairs.
30 Intervene v /ˌɪntərˈviːn/ - xen và o, can thiệp v{o để cả i thiện tình hình
The President intervened personally in the
- ngắ t lờ i…
31 Rush hour np /ˈrʌʃ aʊər/ giờ cao điểm
Don’t travel at rush hour.
32 Contribute v /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/ - đó ng gó p, gó p phầ n, tham gia và o
contribute to/towards sth: England fans are
contributing hugely to the success of this
- l{ nguyên nh}n g}y ra; quyên gó p, đó ng gó p
Contribution n /ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn/ sự đó ng gó p, gó p phầ n
make a contribution to: He made a very
positive contribution to the success of the
33 Better v /ˈbetər/ là m tố t hơn, cả i thiện
an important step towards bettering relations
between the two countries
34 Appoint v /əˈpɔɪnt/ - chọ n, ấ n định (thờ i gian)
He arrived at Ella’s office at the appointed
- bổ nhiệm chứ c vụ , chỉ định
35 Dedicate v /ˈdedɪkeɪt/ cố ng hiến, hiến dâ ng
devote dedicate yourself/sth to (doing) sth: He
dedicated his life to helping the poor.
Dedication n /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn/ sự tậ n tâ m, hết mình
commitment dedication to sb/sth: I really admire Gina for
her dedication to her family.
36 Distribute v /dɪˈstrɪbjuːt/ - phâ n phá t, chia
distribute sth to sb/sth: The organization
distributed food to the earthquake victims.
- lâ y lan, trả i đều
37 Propose v /prəˈpəʊz/ gợ i ý, đề xuấ t
suggest, offer I propose going to an early film and having
dinner afterwards.
Proposal n /prəˈpəʊzl/ đề xuấ t
His proposal that the system should be
changed was rejected.
38 Radically adv /ˈrædɪkli/ về că n bả n; tậ n gố c, hoà n toà n
The new methods are radically different from
the old.
39 Basically adv /ˈbeɪsɪkli/ quan trọ ng nhấ t, về cơ bả n
essentially here have been some problems but basically
it’s a good system.
40 Metropolitan a /ˌmetrəˈpɑːlɪtən/ (thuộ c) thủ đô , đô thị lớ n
(only before the New York metropolitan area
41 Transform v /trænsˈfɔːrm/ chuyển đổ i, biến đổ i thà nh cá i gì
convert transform sth/sb (into sth): They’ve
transformed the old train station into a
science museum.
Transformation n /ˌtrænsfərˈmeɪʃn/ sự thay đổ i, biến đổ i
transformation (from sth) (to/into sth):
He’s made a complete transformation from
comedian to dramatic actor.
42 Transport v /trænˈspɔːrt/ vậ n chuyển, chuyên chở
to transport goods/passengers
Blood transports oxygen around the body.
43 Transfer v /trænsˈfɜːr/ - chép (dữ liệu)
You can transfer data to a memory stick in a
- chuyển đến nơi ở mớ i; truyền tín hiệu; lâ y
44 Transmit v /trænzˈmɪt/ - truyền tín hiệu; truyền nhiệt, á nh sá ng
transfer a short-wave radio that can transmit as well
as receive
- truyền, lâ y bệnh
HIV can be transmitted by sexual contact.
Transmission n /trænzˈmɪʃn/ - sự truyền tả i tín hiệu, phá t só ng
a break in transmission (= of a radio or
television broadcast)
Do you know the date of transmission?
- sự lâ y bệnh…
45 Diagnostic n /ˌdaɪəɡˈnɑːstɪk/ hê, chương trình chẩ n đo|n
Diagnosis n /ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊsɪs/ sự chẩ n đo|n
a diagnosis of lung cancer
Diagnose v /ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊs/ chẩ n đo|n
He has recently been diagnosed with angina.
46 Address v /əˈdres/ - b{n đến, đề cậ p đến để tìm cá ch giả i quyết
The policy fails to address the needs of the
- nhắ c đến ai
I was surprised when he addressed me in
- xưng hô ;..
47 Productivity n /ˌprəʊdʌkˈtɪvəti/ nă ng suấ t; hiệu suấ t là m việc
Wage rates depend on levels of productivity.
Productive a /prəˈdʌktɪv/ sả n xuấ t, tạ o ra nhiều, nă ng suấ t cao
He had an amazingly productive five years in
which he managed to write four novels.
Produce v /prəˈduːs/ sả n xuấ t, chế tạ o; tạ o ra
manufacture We are now producing the same quantity of
goods with far fewer workers.
Production n /prəˈdʌkʃn/ sự sả n xuấ t, tạ o ra;…
48 Quantity n /ˈkwɑːntəti/ số lượ ng
number Lamb is consumed in large quantities in rural
49 Modify v /ˈmɑːdɪfaɪ/ điều chỉnh, thay đổ i
adapt A modified version of my article was published
in the newspaper.
50 Adapt v /əˈdæpt/ thay đổ i cho phù hợ p; thích nghi, thích ứ ng
modify, adjust Some animals have a remarkable ability to
adapt to changing environments.
- cả i biên (s|ch, phim…)
Adaptable a /əˈdæptəbl/ có thể thích nghi, thích ứ ng
We need adaptable workers who are willing to
learn new skills.
Adaptation n /ˌædæpˈteɪʃn/ sự thích nghi, thay đổ i; sự cả i biên
making adaptations to your home
Adaptability n /əˌdæptəˈbɪləti/ khả nă ng thích nghi, thích ứ ng
He was praised for his adaptability to different
51 Adopt v /əˈdɒpt/ - chấ p nhậ n, thô ng qua, theo mộ t cá i gì mớ i
I think it's time to adopt a different strategy in
my dealings with him.
- nhậ n là m con nuô i; chọ n là m ứ ng viên…
Adoption n /əˈdɑːpʃn/ sự đó n nhậ n
The widespread adoption of new information
technology could save $162 billion a year.
52 Apply v /əˈplaɪ/ - á p dụ ng, ứ ng dụ ng và o
The challenge allows students to apply
economic principles they learn in class.
- ứ ng tuyển;…
Applicable a /ˈæplɪkəbl/ thích hợ p, có thể á p dụ ng đượ c
relevant Much of the form was not applicable (= did not
apply) to me.
Applicant n /ˈæplɪkənt/ ngườ i nộ p đơn, ngườ i ứ ng tuyển (cô ng việc,
trườ ng họ c…)
Application n /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/ - ứ ng dụ ng, app
a database application
- đơn ứ ng tuyển; sự ứ ng dụ ng;…
53 Obsolete a /ˌɑːbsəˈliːt/ lỗ i thờ i
out of date With technological changes many traditional
skills have become obsolete.
54 Fascinating a /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ hấ p dẫ n, lô i cuố n, quyến rũ
Her letters offer a fascinating insight into
early Victorian family life.
Fascinated a /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd/ hứ ng thú
I've always been fascinated by his ideas.
Fascinate v /ˈfæsɪneɪt/ lô i cuố n, hấ p dẫ n
attract The private lives of movie stars never fail to
Fascination n /ˌfæsɪˈneɪʃn/ sự hấ p dẫ n, mê hoặ c
Water holds a fascination for most children.
55 Glimpse n /ɡlɪmps/ - cá i nhìn thoá ng qua về vấ n đề gì
glimpse into sth: Take a glimpse into the
future of rail travel.
- sự nhìn thoá ng qua
56 Absorbing a /əbˈzɔːrbɪŋ/ hấ p dẫ n
interesting, Fishing can be a totally absorbing hobby.
Absorb v /əbˈzɔːrb/ - thu hú t, lô i kéo ai
engross His work absorbed him completely.
- hấ p thụ ;…
Absorption n /əbˈzɔːrpʃn/ sự hấ p thu; sự lô i kéo, thu hú t
57 Willing a /ˈwɪlɪŋ/ sẵ n lò ng, sẵ n sà ng, khô ng ngầ n ngạ i
Many consumers are willing to pay more for
organic food

II. Structure
STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Use up sth (cụm động từ) dù ng hết
The oil had all been used up.
2 Take up sth (cụm động từ) - chiếm (thờ i gian, khô ng gian)
The table takes up too much room.
- bắ t đầ u mộ t sở thích, thó i quen
They’ve taken up golf.
- là m quầ n á o ngắ n hơn…
This skirt needs taking up.
3 Run up (cụm động từ) - l{m tă ng, chấ t đố ng (khoả n nợ , ho| đơn…) (=accumulate)
How had he managed to run up so many debts?
- giương cờ
4 Turn up (cụm động từ) tă ng }m thanh; xuấ t hiện;…
5 Stock up sth (cụm động từ) tích trữ , l{m đầ y kho h{ng, đồ ă n…
We need to stock up the freezer.
6 Run on gas/electricity etc. (má y mó c, thiết bị) hoạ t độ ng, chạ y bằ ng gas, điện…
(cụm động từ) Does your car run on premium or unleaded?
7 Make a prediction about/on đưa ra dự đo|n về điều gì
sth (cụm từ cố định) I've learned not to make predictions about the weather.
8 Take sth into câ n nhắ c, xem xét điều gì
account/consideration = The candidates' experience and qualifications will be taken
Take account of sth (cụm từ into consideration when the decision is made.
cố định)
9 Bound to do/be sth sắ p sử a; chắ c chắ n xả y ra
It's bound to be sunny again tomorrow.
10 Thanks to sb/sth (cụm từ cố nhờ và o ai, cá i gì
định) It was all a great success—thanks to a lot of hard work.
11 In the hands of sb/In sb’s đượ c kiểm soá t bở i ai
hands (thành ngữ) The matter is now in the hands of my lawyer.

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bổ trợ làm bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 Anticipate v /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ - mong đợ i, chờ đợ i

We eagerly anticipated the day we would leave
- thấ y trướ c, đo|n trướ c, biết trướ c
Try and anticipate what the interviewers will
2 Massively adv /ˈmæsɪvli/ mộ t cá ch rấ t lớ n, nhiều
extremely Women have contributed massively to economic
3 Greatly adv /ˈɡreɪtli/ (very much) rấ t nhiều
People's reaction to the film has varied greatly.
4 Gadget n /ˈɡædʒɪt/ (a small tool or device that does sth useful) đồ
dù ng, cô ng cụ tiện ích
kitchen gadgets
5 Robotic a /rəʊˈbɑːtɪk/ như ngườ i má y
a robotic arm
6 Out-of-work a /ˌaʊt əv ˈwɜːrk/ thấ t nghiệp
(only before unemployed Some of us have been out of work for years.
7 Out of date a /ˌaʊt əv ˈdeɪt/ cũ , lỗ i thờ i
8 Sensor n /ˈsensər/ thiế t bị cả nh b|o, b|o độ ng
security lights with an infrared sensor (= that
come on when a person is near them)
9 Signal n /ˈsɪɡnəl/ (a movement or sound that you make to give
sign sb information, instructions, a warning, etc.) tín
She made an impatient signal to him, but he
ignored her.
10 Sign n /saɪn/ (an event, an action, a fact, etc. that shows that
indication sth exists, is happening or may happen in the
future) dấ u hiệu
If I had noticed the warning signs, none of this
would have happened.
11 Signature n /ˈsɪɡnətʃər/ chữ ký
They collected 10 000 signatures for their
12 Prescription n /prɪˈskrɪpʃn/ đơn thuố c
The doctor gave me a prescription for
Prescribe v /prɪˈskraɪb/ kê thuố c
He may be able to prescribe you something for
that cough.
13 Subscription n /səbˈskrɪpʃn/ sự đă ng ký th{nh viên, truy cậ p
Subscribe v /səbˈskraɪb/ truy cậ p, trả tiền để sử dụ ng dịch vụ
14 Inscription n /ɪnˈskrɪpʃn/ chữ đượ c khắ c
Inscribe v /ɪnˈskraɪb/ khắ c chữ , tên

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Take out sth (cụm động từ) - vứ t (rá c)
- nhổ , loạ i bỏ

How many teeth did the dentist take out?
2 Out of order (cụm từ cố - lộ n xộ n, khô ng theo thứ tự
định) Some of the names on the list are out of order.
- khô ng đú ng mự c, khô ng phù hợ p
3 Stock up (on/with sth) (cụm tích trữ , mua để sẵ n
động từ) We ought to stock up on sun cream before our trip.
4 Pick up on sth (cụm động chú ý, phả n ứ ng lạ i điều gì
từ) She failed to pick up on the humour in his remark.
5 Wipe out sb/sth (cụm động - là m ai mệt mỏ i, kiệt sứ c
từ) All that travelling has wiped her out.
- phá huỷ, cà n quét, là m biến mấ t
Whole villages were wiped out by the earthquake.
6 Wipe down sth (cụm động lau sạ ch bằ ng khă n
từ) She took a cloth and wiped down the kitchen table.
7 Wipe sth off sth (cụm động là m mấ t đi, xo| đi
từ) Billions of pounds were wiped off share prices today.

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bổ trợ làm bài đọc

STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 Trigger v /ˈtrɪɡər/set off gâ y ra, dẫ n đến
Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction.
2 Catastrophic a /ˌkætəˈstrɑːfɪk/ thả m khố c, gâ y thiệt hạ i nặ ng nề
disastrous a catastrophic earthquake/flood/wildfire
Catastrophically adv /ˌkætəˈstrɑːfɪkli/ gâ y ra nhiều thiệt hạ i
disastrously catastrophically injured victims
Catastrophe n /kəˈtæstrəfi/ thiên tai, thả m hoạ
disaster Early warnings of rising water levels prevented
another major catastrophe.
3 Engineer v /ˌendʒɪˈnɪr/ - sắ p xếp, bố trí; thiết kế
She engineered a further meeting with him.
the men who engineered the tunnel
- thay đổ i cấ u trú c gene
4 Dicey a /ˈdaɪsi/ liều lĩnh, nguy hiểm, rủ i ro
risky The fog made driving pretty dicey.
5 Hold v /həʊld/ - mang lạ i, đem đến điều gì
I don't know what the future holds.
- nắ m giữ ;…
6 Demographic a /ˌdeməˈɡræfɪk/ liên quan đến dâ n số
demographic changes/trends/factors
7 Dramatic a /drəˈmætɪk/ - độ t ngộ t, mạ nh mẽ…
a dramatic
- kịch tính, gâ y chú ý, gâ y ấ n tượ ng mạ nh mẽ
8 Urbanization n /ˌɜːrbənəˈzeɪʃn/ sự đô thị hoá
The 18th century was a period of rapid
9 Reinvent v /ˌriːɪnˈvent/ xuấ t hiện vớ i mộ t hình ả nh mớ i hơn
The former wild man of rock has reinvented
himself as a respectable family man.
10 Discreet a /dɪˈskriːt/ thậ n trọ ng, cẩ n trọ ng
tactful He was always very discreet about his love
11 Unobtrusive a /ˌʌnəbˈtruːsɪv/ kín đ|o, khô ng phô trương
The service at the hotel is efficient and
12 Overlay v /ˌəʊvərˈleɪ/ thêm và o, phủ lên
The place was overlaid with memories of his
wood overlaid with gold
13 Virtual reality np /ˌvɜːrtʃuəl thự c tế ả o
(VR) riˈæləti/ the use of virtual reality in computer games
14 Driveless (also a /ˈdraɪvərləs/ khô ng ngườ i lá i
self-driving, The company began testing driverless cars in
autonomous) Pittsburgh.
15 Lifespan n /ˈlaɪfspæn/ (the length of time that sth is likely to live,
continue or function) tuổ i thọ , thờ i gian số ng
Worms have a lifespan of a few months.
16 Disturb v /dɪˈstɜːb/ là m mấ t yên tĩnh, quấ y rầ y
If you get up early, try not to disturb everyone
Undisturbed a /ˌʌndɪˈstɜːbd/ yên tĩnh, khô ng bị xâ m phạ m, độ ng và o
The treasure had lain undisturbed for centuries.
Disturbance n /dɪˈstɜːbəns/ sự là m mấ t yên tĩnh, quấ y rầ y
The building work is creating constant noise,
dust and disturbance.
17 Migration n /maɪˈɡreɪʃn/ sự di trú
migration from rural to urban areas
18 Long-haul a /ˈlɔːŋ hɔːl/ đườ ng dà i
long-haul flights/routes

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 By nature (cụm từ cố định) bả n chấ t
Apes are curious by nature.
2 Under the umbrella of sth dướ i sự bả o trợ , điều khiển(về mặ t chính trị) (to be part of a
(thành ngữ) larger organization or involved in the work done by it)
Many previously separate groups are now operating under the
umbrella of a single authority.

NGÀY 5/10/2022
I. Vocabulary
STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa & Ví dụ
1 Means n /miːnz/ phương tiện, cá ch thứ c
Email is a highly effective means of
2 Method n /ˈmeθəd/ phương ph|p, c|ch thứ c, biện phá p
Developing new methods to keep insects out of
food packages is critical.
3 Vehicle n /ˈviːəkl/ - phương tiện để bà y tỏ cả m xú c, để đạ t đượ c
điều gì
Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda.
- xe cộ
Don’t forget to lock your vehicle while it is
4 Inscribe v /ɪnˈskraɪb/ Viết, khắ c (chữ ), ghi (chữ , tên), đề tặ ng (sá ch,
ả nh...)
The trophy was inscribed with his name.
5 Ascribe v /əˈskrɑɪb/ đổ tạ i, đổ cho, gá n cho
attribute ascribe something to somebody
He ascribed his failure to bad luck.
This play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare.
6 Prescribe v /prɪˈskraɪb/ (y họ c) cho, kê đơn (thuố c..)
give medicine The doctor prescribed some pills.
7 Invest v /ɪnˈvest/ đầ u tư, bỏ thờ i gian, cô ng sứ c và o
invest (heavily) in sth: We’ve invested heavily
in foreign markets.
Investment n /ɪnˈvestmənt/ sự đầ u tư
This country needs investment in education.
Investor n /ɪnˈvestər/ nhà đầ u tư
8 Export v /ɪkˈspɔːrt/ xuấ t khẩ u
90 per cent of the engines are exported to
9 Trade v /treɪd/ buô n b|n, trao đổ i
Our products are now traded worldwide.
10 Transact v /trænˈzækt/ hợ p tá c, giao dịch kinh doanh
There are new rules about how they transact
business with customers.
11 Expert n /ˈekspɜːrt/ chuyên gia
Police consulted their own team of forensic
12 Scholar n /ˈskɑːlər/ họ c giả , nh{ thô ng th|i; ngườ i nhậ n họ c bổ ng
13 Standard n /ˈstændərd/ tiêu chuẩ n, chấ t lượ ng
standard of: higher standards of service in
14 Dependable a /dɪˈpendəbl/ đ|ng tin cậ y
reliable She is loyal and totally dependable.
Dependant n /dɪˈpendənt/ ngườ i số ng dự a v{o ngườ i khá c

Married women received only the basic
pension as their husband's dependant.
15 Chaos n /ˈkeɪɑːs/ sự hỗ n độ n, lộ n xộ n
in chaos: The house was in chaos after the party.
Chaotic a /keɪˈɑːtɪk/ lộ n xộ n, hỗ n độ n
The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour.
16 Harmony n /ˈhɑːrməni/ - sự hà i hoà , hoà thuậ n, hoà hợ p
in harmony with sth: The tribes lived in
harmony with nature.
- (â m nhạ c) sự hoà â m
Harmonious a /hɑːrˈməʊniəs/ hoà hợ p, hoà thuậ n; hà i hoà
17 Space n /speɪs/ - vũ trụ , khô ng gian
in space: Valentina Tereshkova was the first
woman in space.
18 Purchase n /ˈpɜːrtʃəs/ - sự mua sắ m
make a purchase: The statement lists all the
purchases made with your card.
- mó n đồ ; sự nắ m, bíu v{o;…
v /ˈpɜːrtʃəs/ mua, sắ m, tậ u
buy Tickets must be purchased two weeks in
19 Viewpoint n /ˈvjuːpɔɪnt/ ý kiến, quan điểm
point of view viewpoint on sth: She will have her own
viewpoint on the matter.
20 Sight n /saɪt/ tầ m nhìn; thị lự c; cả nh…
21 Scene n /siːn/ - cả nh trong phim, truyện,…
They shot the opening scene 15 times.
- hiện trườ ng (tai nạ n), quang cả nh, cả nh
tượ ng;…
22 Afford v /əˈfɔːrd/ - đủ khả nă ng chi trả
None of them could afford £50 for a ticket.
- cấ p, ban cho;…
Affordable a /əˈfɔːrdəbl/ (giá cả ) rẻ, đủ khả nă ng chi trả
We offer quality products at affordable prices.
23 Assess v /əˈses/ - xem xé t kỹ lưỡ ng, đ|nh gi|
Exams are not the only means of assessing a
student's ability.
- định gi|, định mứ c
24 Access v /ˈækses/ - tiếp cậ n
Being informed is the first step toward accessing
better health services.
- truy cậ p
25 Accord v /əˈkɔːrd/ ban cho, chấ p thuậ n…
Our society accords great importance to the
26 Transport n /ˈtrænspɔːrt/ hệ thố ng xe cộ vậ n chuyển, chuyên chở ;
phương tiện vậ n chuyển…
27 Revolutionize v /ˌrevəˈluːʃənaɪz/ cá ch mạ ng ho|, thay đổ i hoà n toà n
Aerial photography has revolutionized the study
of archaeology.
Revolutionary a /ˌrevəˈluːʃəneri/ - (thuộ c) cá ch mạ ng, khở i nghĩa

a revolutionary leader
- thay đổ i hoà n toà n
The effects of technological development are
Revolution n /ˌrevəˈluːʃn/ cuộ c cá ch mạ ng, sự thay đổ i
A revolution in information technology is taking
28 Urbanize v /ˈɜːrbənaɪzd/ đô thị hoá
an increasingly urbanized society
29 Industrialize v /ɪnˈdʌstriəlaɪz/ cộ ng nghiệp hoá
The southern part of the country was slow to
30 Commercialize v /kəˈmɜːrʃəlaɪz/ thương mạ i hoá
Their music has become very commercialized in
recent years.
Commercial a /kəˈmɜːrʃl/ mang tính thương mạ i; đem lạ i lợ i nhuậ n…
They are keen to see the technology licensed for
commercial use.
n sự quả ng cá o = advertisement (đếm đượ c)
The marketing campaign is starting with four
online commercials.
Commerce n /ˈkɑːmɜːrs/ thương mạ i
(không đếm trade Leaders of industry and commerce met at the
được) summit in Paris.
31 Wonder n /ˈwʌndə(r)/ - kỳ quan
marvel wonder of sth: The Grand Canyon is one of the
natural wonders of the world.
- điều là m ngạ c nhiên (sự kinh ngạ c), điều tạ o
nên sự hà i lò ng
(the wonders of modern technology)
32 Illusion n /ɪˈluːʒn/ ả o giá c, ả o ả nh; ả o tưở ng
33 Formula n /ˈfɔːrmjələ/ cô ng thứ c (thườ ng là cô ng thứ c tính toá n trong
to|n, lý, hó a…,)
34 Upgrade v /ˌʌpˈɡreɪd/ nâ ng cấ p
We are constantly upgrading our software to
meet customers' needs.
35 Livable a /ˈlɪvəbl/ ((of life) worth living) đ|ng số ng
It's not the best kind of life, but it's livable.
36 Lifelong a /ˈlaɪflɔːŋ/ suố t đờ i
lifelong learning: việc học cả đời, lâu dài
37 Alive a /əˈlaɪv/ cò n số ng; cò n tồ n tạ i; đầ y sứ c số ng;…
38 Depression n /dɪˈpreʃn/ - sự suy thoá i kinh tế; sự trì trệ
The country was in the grip of (an)
economic depression.
- sự suy yếu, suy nhượ c, trầ m cả m
She suffered from severe depression after losing
her job.
Depressed a /dɪˈprest/ chá n nả n, buồ n bã
She felt very depressed about the future.
Depressing a /dɪˈpresɪŋ/ gâ y phiền muộ n, chá n nả n
39 Poverty n /ˈpɒvəti/ sự nghèo khổ

More than 1.5 million Americans fell into poverty
last year.
40 Prosperity n /prɑːˈsperəti/ sự già u có , thịnh vượ ng
affluence The country is enjoying a period of peace and
Prosperous a /ˈprɑːspərəs/ già u có , thịnh vượ ng
affluent Farmers are more prosperous in the south of the
Prosper v /ˈprɑːspər/ già u có , phá t triển
thrive The economy prospered under his
41 Drawback n /ˈdrɔːbæk/ mặ t hạ n chế
disadvantage, drawback (of/to sth): The one big drawback of
snag the new plan is its high cost.
42 Damaging a /ˈdæmɪdʒɪŋ/ gâ y hạ i
harmful damaging to sb/sth: Lead is potentially
damaging to children's health.
43 Beneficial a /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl/ có ích, có lợ i, thuậ n lợ i
advantageous, A good diet is beneficial to health.
Benefit n /ˈbenɪfɪt/ lợ i ích
Freedom of information brings great benefits.
Beneficiary n /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃieri/ ngườ i đượ c hưở ng lợ i; ngườ i thừ a kế
Beneficent a /bɪˈnefɪsnt/ tử tế, tố t bụ ng
44 Pessimistic a /ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk/ bi quan
They appeared surprisingly pessimistic about
their chances of winning.
45 Optimistic a /ˌɑːptɪˈmɪstɪk/ lạ c quan, tích cự c
positive She's not very optimistic about the outcome of
the talks.
46 Monitor v /ˈmɑːnɪtər/ giá m sá t, theo dõ i
track Each student's progress is closely monitored.
47 Neglect v /nɪˈɡlekt/ sao nhã ng, khô ng chú ý, bỏ mặ c
Local communities have been neglected in
favour of private sector interests.
Neglectful a /nɪˈɡlektfl/ sao nhã ng, cẩ u thả , khô ng chú ý
She became neglectful of her appearance.
Neglected a /nɪˈɡlektɪd/ khô ng nhậ n đượ c sự quan t}m, chă m só c, bị
ngó lơ
neglected children
a neglected area of research
48 Investigate v /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/ điều tra nghiên cứ u
49 Low-cost a /ˌləʊ ˈkɔːst/ rẻ
cheap low-cost housing/transport/food
50 Luxurious a /lʌɡˈʒʊəriəs/ xa xỉ, sang chả nh
The car felt luxurious.
Luxury n /ˈlʌkʃəri/ sự xa xỉ, sang trọ ng
Now we'll be able to live in luxury for the rest of
our lives.
Luxuriate v /lʌɡˈʒʊriˌeɪt/ tậ n hưở ng, số ng sung sướ ng

She luxuriated in all the attention she received.

II. Structure
STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Run out (of sth) (cụm động hết, cạ n kiệt, khô ng cò n
từ) I've run out of milk/money/ideas/patience.
2 Keep out (of sth) (cụm động ở ngo{i, khô ng đi v{o trong
từ) The sign said ‘Private Property—Keep Out!’
3 Take sth out (of sth) (cụm rú t tiền
động từ)
4 Make/Undertake a trip (cụm đi, là m mộ t chuyến du lịch
từ cố định) I make about 20 business trips a year.
5 Ascribe sth to sb (=attribute) quy cho, gắ n cho, cô ng nhậ n ai l{ ngườ i tạ o ra cá i gì
(cụm động từ) This play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare.
He ascribed his failure to bad luck.
6 Make progress (cụm từ cố tiến bộ , đạ t đượ c bướ c tiến mớ i
định) Recently negotiators have made considerable progress in the
7 Dependent on/upon sb/sth phụ thuộ c và o ai, cá i gì
(cụm động từ) You can’t be dependent on your parents all your life.
8 Cut sth down (to…)/Cut down cắ t giả m, hạ n chế
(on sth) The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.
9 Point out sth (cụm động từ) chỉ ra vấ n đề
He pointed out the dangers of driving alone.
10 Give out sth (cụm động từ) - đưa cá i gì cho ai
The teacher gave out the exam papers.
- là m thoá t ra, tạ o ra
The radiator gives out a lot of heat.
11 Get out sth (cụm động từ) - cô ng bố , xuấ t bả n
Will we get the book out by the end of the year?
- nó i mộ t c|ch khó khă n
She managed to get out a few words of thanks.
12 From scratch (thành ngữ) bắ t đầ u từ đầ u, từ vạ ch xuấ t phá t (mà khô ng chuẩ n bị
trướ c)
They decided to dismantle the machine and start again from
13 Be/Get out of practice (thành mấ t đi sự nhuầ n nhuyễn, thuầ n thụ c do lâ u khô ng luyện tậ p
ngữ) I had a go on his skates, but I was seriously out of practice.

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bổ trợ làm bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 Mobile a /ˈməʊbl/ - chuyển độ ng, di độ ng; lưu độ ng
- hay thay đổ i, dễ biến đổ i, biến đổ i nhanh
2 Cargo n /ˈkɑːrɡəʊ/ Hà ng hoá (chở trên tà u, xe…)
3 Agency n /ˈeɪdʒənsi/ đạ i lý, cơ quan

4 Curable a /ˈkjʊrəbl/ có thể chữ a đượ c bệnh
Most skin cancers are curable if treated early.
4 Holistic a /həʊˈlɪstɪk/ tổ ng thể (mô tả mộ t phương ph|p chă m só c
bệnh nhâ n tổ ng quá t)
holistic medicine

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Source of something nguồ n cung cấ p cá i gì
2 As if/As though như thể là
He lost, but he played with tremendous spirit as if it was the
last match of his career.

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bổ trợ làm bài đọc

STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 Aspect n /ˈæspekt/ khía cạ nh, lĩnh vự c
aspect of something
The book aims to cover all aspects of city life.
2 Suddenly adv /ˈsʌdənli/ độ t ngộ t, mộ t cá ch bấ t ngờ
3 Radiate v /ˈreɪdieɪt/ - phá t ra, toả ra (nhiệt, |nh s|ng…)
give off sth The hot stars radiate energy.
- (cả m xú c) lan toả ;…
4 Disordered a /dɪsˈɔːrdərd/ mấ t trậ t tự , lộ n xộ n
It is likely that the universe started out in a
chaotic and disordered state.

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Be in danger (cụm từ cố trong mố i nguy hiểm, đang gặ p nguy hiểm
2 Revolve around/round xoay quanh, tậ p trung và o cá i gì
sb/sth (cụm động từ) The discussion revolved around the question of changing the
club's name.
3 Day after day (thành ngữ) ngà y nà y qua ngà y khá c (lặ p đi lặ p lạ i gâ y nhà m chá n)
She hates doing the same work day after day.

NGÀY 6/10/2022
I. Vocabulary
STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa & Ví dụ
1 Engaged a /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ - tham gia và o
engaged in sth: They are engaged in
talks with the Irish government.
- đính hô n; bậ n (đườ ng d}y điện
thoạ i);…
2 Salary n /ˈsæləri/ (a fixed amount of money that you
earn each month or year from your
job) tiền lương (trả hằ ng thá ng, theo
nă m cố định v{ l}u d{i v{ đố i vớ i nhữ ng
cô ng việc dà i hạ n có hợ p đồ ng)
The average monthly salary for an
unskilled worker is $550.
3 Interest n /ˈɪntrəst/ lã i suấ t
to pay interest on a loan
4 Pension n /ˈpenʃn/ tiền lương hưu, trợ cấ p
He retired on a generous pension from
the company.
5 Bonus n /ˈbəʊnəs/ - tiền thưở ng thêm, cá i tặ ng kèm
productivity bonuses
a £100 Christmas bonus
- điểm cộ ng , phầ n thưở ng
One of the great bonuses of retirement is
having time to spare.
6 Satisfying a /ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ/ là m hà i lò ng, thoả mã n
rewarding She finds writing poetry deeply
Satisfactory a /ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri/ đủ tố t, có thể chấ p nhậ n đượ c
acceptable a satisfactory
Satisfied a /ˈsætɪsfaɪd/ hà i lò ng, thoả mã n
pleased She's never satisfied with what she's got.
Satisfy v /ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ là m thoả mã n, hà i lò ng
It’s impossible to satisfy everyone.
Satisfaction n /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃn/ sự thoả mã n, hà i lò ng
I get a lot of satisfaction from working in
the garden.
7 Occupation n /ˌɑː.kjəˈpeɪ.ʃən/ nghề nghiệp, việc là m
In the space marked "occupation" she
wrote "police officer".
Occupational (only a /ˌɑːkjuˈpeɪʃənl/ liên quan đến nghề nghiệp
before noun) occupational health
8 Factor n /ˈfæktər/ nhâ n tố
Obesity is a major risk factor for heart
9 Substance n /ˈsʌbstəns/ chấ t; thuố c (cấ m); …

a sticky substance
Some frogs produce toxic substances in
their skin.
10 Internship n /ˈɪntɜːrnʃɪp/ thờ i gian thự c tậ p, cô ng việc thự c tậ p
do an internship: I did an internship in
the Consulate of Chile in Munich.
Intern n /ˈɪntɜːn/ thự c tậ p sinh
a summer intern at a law firm
11 Interview n /ˈɪntərvjuː/ buổ i phỏ ng vấ n
get/have an interview: I’ve got an
interview for a job as an interpreter.
12 Overview n /ˈəʊvərvjuː/ mô tả ngắ n gọ n, tổ ng quan
13 Detriment a /ˈdetrɪmənt/ sự thiệt hạ i, sự gâ y tổ n hạ i
Too many tests are a detriment to good
Detrimental a /ˌdetrɪˈmentl/ gâ y hạ i
damaging This move could be seriously
detrimental to the economy.
14 Exploitation n /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn/ sự bó c lộ t
Working people will now be vulnerable
to exploitation by unscrupulous
Exploit v /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ bó c lộ t, khai thá c, lợ i dụ ng
Children are being exploited in many of
these factories.
15 Destruction n /dɪˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n/ sự phá huỷ
The building must be saved from
Destroy v /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ phá huỷ
An earthquake destroyed the town,
killing about 20,000 people.
Destructive a /dɪˈstrʌktɪv/ (negative, not helpful) tiêu cự c, gâ y bấ t
lợ i
They don't think about how damaging
and destructive their words are.
16 Lease v /liːs/ cho thuê
rent lease sth (out) (to sb): Parts of the
building are leased out to tenants.
17 Loan n /ləʊn/ cho mượ n, cho vay tiền
loan sth (to sb): The bank is happy to
loan money to small businesses.
18 Inherit v /ɪnˈherɪt/ - thừ a kế (tà i sả n, tiền bạ c…)
inherit sth from sb: She inherited a
fortune from her father.
- thừ a hưở ng (tính nết, đặ c điểm…)
Inheritance n /ɪnˈherɪtəns/ tà i sả n thừ a kế; nét tính c|ch, đặ c điểm
đượ c thừ a hưở ng
19 Endure v /ɪnˈdʊr/ - chịu đự ng (=bear)
He can't endure being defeated.
- kéo dà i, tồ n tạ i (= last)
traditions that endure
Enduring a /ɪnˈdʊrɪŋ/ lâ u dà i
long-lasting, lasting What is your most enduring memory of
Endurable a /ɪnˈdʊrəbl/ bearable có thể chịu đự ng đượ c
I felt that life was no longer endurable.
Endurance n /ɪnˈdʊrəns/ sứ c chịu đự ng
They were humiliated beyond endurance.
20 Commute n /kəˈmjuːt/ quã ng đườ ng đi l{m
I have only a short commute to work.
v di chuyển giữ a đi l{m v{ về bằ ng
phương tiện như t{u, bus…
She commutes from Oxford to London
every day.
Commuter n /kəˈmjuːtər/ ngườ i đi l{m bằ ng phương tiện cô ng
cộ ng
The five o’clock train is always packed
with commuters.
21 Expedition n /ˌekspəˈdɪʃn/ cuộ c thá m hiểm
Captain Scott's expedition to the South
22 Voyage n /ˈvɔɪɪdʒ/ hà nh trình dà i, thườ ng là trên biển hay
ngoà i khô ng gian
The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage
(= first journey).
23 Tour n /tʊr/ chuyến du lịch, chuyến tham quan;
chuyến lưu diễn…
Tourism n /ˈtʊrɪzəm/ hoạ t độ ng du lịch
The area is heavily dependent on
Tourist n /ˈtʊrɪst/ khá ch du lịch
The tourist season here peaks in spring.
24 Intellectually adv /ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəli/ vậ n dụ ng trí ó c
mentally intellectually challenging
Intellectual a /ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl/ - trí tuệ
mental Students were asked which task
represented the greatest intellectual
- có trí thứ c, hiểu biết
Intellect n /ˈɪntəlekt/ trí tuệ
Intellectual np sự thiểu nă ng trí tuệ
disability (ID)
25 Inferior a /ɪnˈfɪriər/ - thấ p kém hơn, hạ đẳ ng
inferior to sb/sth: Modern music is
often considered inferior to that of the
- (cấ p) dướ i, thấ p hơn
n ngườ i thấ p kém hơn, hạ đẳ ng
She considered everyone her intellectual
26 Familiar a /fəˈmɪliər/ quen thuộ c, thô ng thạ o, biết rõ
familiar with sth: Are you familiar with
the computer software they use?

familiar to sb: The smell is very familiar
to everyone who lives near a bakery.
27 Alternative n /ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪv/ c|i để thay thế
as an alternative to sth: Fruit juice is
provided as an alternative to alcoholic
Alternate a /ˈɔːltərnət/ xen kẽ, luâ n phiên
Stretch up 30 times with alternate arms
as a warm-up exercise.
n ngườ i là m thay cô ng việc (khi ngườ i
khá c di vắ ng)
Alteration n /ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃn/ sự thay đổ i
They are making some alterations to the
Alter v /ˈɔːltər/ (make sb/sth become different) thay
đổ i
He had altered so much I scarcely
recognized him.
28 Temporary a /ˈtempəreri/ tạ m thờ i
These measures are only temporary.
29 Stable a /ˈsteɪbl/ ổ n định
steady People have become accustomed to a
stable economic situation.
Stability n /stəˈbɪləti/ sự ổ n định
30 Permanent a /ˈpɜːrmənənt/ l}u d{i, vĩnh cử u
Are you looking for a temporary or a
permanent job?
31 Boom n /buːm/ - sự bù ng nổ , tă ng vọ t
boom in sth: a boom in car sales
- tiếng nổ ; s{o că ng buồ m;…
32 Bloom n /bluːm/ - sự rự c rỡ , tươi đẹp
the bloom of youth
- hoa, bô ng
33 Confine v /kənˈfaɪn/ hạ n chế, giam cầ m; giam giữ , nhố t;…
restrict be confined to (doing) sth: The work
will not be confined to the Glasgow area.
She was confined to bed with the flu.
34 Confide v /kənˈfaɪd/ giã i bà y, thổ lộ , tâ m tình
She confided all her secrets to her best
35 Discipline n /ˈdɪsəplɪn/ kỷ luậ t
The school has a reputation for high
standards of discipline.
36 Law n /lɔː/ luậ t phá p; luậ t lệ
Police don't have the resources to
enforce the law against dumping waste.
37 Standard n /ˈstændərd/ tiêu chuẩ n, chuẩ n mự c
a man of high moral standards
38 Density n /ˈdensəti/ sự đô ng đú c; dà y
The population density in this city is very

Dense a /dens/ nặ ng; d{y đặ c;…
thick All that is left of the star is a small, dense
39 Gravity n /ˈɡrævəti/ - sự nghiêm trọ ng, trầ m trọ ng
seriousness Punishment varies according to the
gravity of the offence.
- trọ ng lự c
40 Exchange v /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ - trao đổ i
to exchange news/information
- đổ i tiền;…
41 Switch v /swɪtʃ/ chuyển th{nh, đổ i thà nh; ho|n đổ i
change, swap The dates of the last two exams have
been switched.
switch (over) to sth: We’re in the
process of switching over to a new
system of invoicing.
42 Oppose v /əˈpəʊz/ chố ng đố i, phả n đố i
The children strongly opposed the idea.
Opposed a /əˈpəʊzd/ chố ng đố i, phả n đố i
He remained bitterly opposed to the idea
of moving abroad.
Opposition n /ˌɑːpəˈzɪʃn/ - sự phả n đố i
resistance Delegates expressed strong opposition to
the plans.
- sự phả n kh|ng; phe đố i lậ p…
43 Deny v /dɪˈnaɪ/ bá c bỏ , phủ nhậ n
to deny an allegation/a charge/an
44 Attributable a /əˈtrɪbjətəbl/ gâ y ra bở i
attributable to sb/sth: Their illnesses
are attributable to a poor diet.
Attribute v /əˈtrɪbjuːt/ cho cá i gì là nguyên nhâ n; quy cho
She attributes her success to hard work
and a little luck.
45 Solely adv /ˈsəʊlli/ duy, chỉ, mộ t mình
only He became solely responsible for the
She was motivated solely by self-interest.
46 Individually adv /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəli/ theo cá nhâ n, từ ng thứ mộ t
separately The manager spoke to them all
47 Alone a /əˈləʊn/ (used after a noun or pronoun to
emphasize one particular thing) mộ t
mình, chỉ
The shoes alone cost £200.
48 Lonely a /ˈləʊnli/ cô đơn; vắ ng vẻ, hẻo lá nh
She lives alone and often feels lonely.

49 Simultaneously adv /ˌsaɪmlˈteɪniəsli/ đồ ng thờ i, cù ng lú c, đồ ng loạ t

The game will be broadcast
simultaneously on TV and radio.
Simultaneous a /ˌsaɪmlˈteɪniəs/ đồ ng thờ i
There were several simultaneous attacks
by the rebels.
Simultaneity n /ˌsaɪmltəˈniːəti/ sự đồ ng thờ i, sự xả y ra cù ng lú c
the simultaneity of these two events
50 Simulation n /ˌsɪmjuˈleɪʃn/ sự tá i hiện; sự giả bộ
51 Telecommuting n /ˌtelikəˈmjuːtɪŋ/ là m việc từ xa
(also teleworking)
52 Teleshopping n /ˈteliʃɑːpɪŋ/ việc mua sắ m tạ i nhà
53 Telebanking (also n /ˈtelibæŋkɪŋ/ dịch vụ thự c hiện qua ng}n h{ng điện
telephone banking) thoạ i
54 Telecommunication n /ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn/ viễn thô ng; liên lạ c từ xa
55 Promote v /prəˈməʊt/ - (to help sth to happen or develop) đẩ y
encourage mạ nh, thú c đẩ y
We think football can help to promote
the idea of a multicultural and
multiethnic society.
- đề bạ t, thă ng chứ c;…
56 Encourage v /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ khuyến khích, cổ vũ , độ ng viên
encourage sb to do sth: Music and
lighting are used to encourage shoppers
to buy more.
57 Instruct v /ɪnˈstrʌkt/ - huấ n luyện, dạ y
teach All our staff have been instructed in sign
- hướ ng dẫ n, chỉ dẫ n (=direct,
order) You will be instructed where
to go as soon as the plane is ready.
- thô ng b|o;…
58 Direct v /dəˈrekt/ - chỉ đườ ng
Could you direct me to the station?
- kiểm soá t, quả n lí; ra lệnh;…
58 Envision v /ɪnˈvɪʒn/ mườ ng tượ ng, hình dung
imagine They envision an equal society, free of
poverty and disease.
59 Boon n /buːn/ lợ i ích, tiện ích
boon (to/for sb): The new software will
prove a boon to internet users.
60 Resist v /rɪˈzɪst/ - phả n đố i, ngă n c|i gì xả y ra; chố ng lạ i
oppose Residents who oppose the plans are
threatening to resist.
- kiềm chế, kiềm nén
He was unable to resist the temptation
of taking the wallet.

II. Structure
STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Beyond (all) expectations hơn cả mong đợ i
(cụm từ cố định) The team has performed beyond all expectations.
2 Sit through sth (cụm động từ) ở lạ i, ngồ i chờ đến cuố i để xem cá i gì khô ng thú vị
If I have to sit through one more boring meeting, I think I’ll

3 Go through sth (cụm động từ) trả i qua mộ t giai đoạ n, thờ i kỳ khó khă n
She's been going through a bad patch recently.
4 Pull through/Pull through sth - đỡ hơn, khoẻ lên
(cụm động từ) The doctors think she will pull through.
- thà nh cô ng
It's going to be tough but we'll pull through it together.
5 Put through sth (cụm động tiếp tụ c hoà n thà nh mộ t kế hoạ ch, chương trình…
từ) We managed to put the deal through.
6 Rely on/upon sb/sth (for sth) tin tưở ng, đặ t niềm tin và o ai cho việc gì, dự a dẫ m và o
(cụm động từ) The charity relies heavily on public support and donations.

7 Make fun of sb/sth (thành chọ c ghẹo, chê cườ i

ngữ) It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer.
8 In the absence of sth (cụm từ thiếu, vắ ng cá i gì
cố định) In the absence of (= because there were not) more suitable
candidates, we decided to offer the job to Mr Conway.
9 Make up sth (cụm động từ) - đi l{m bù ; đền bù
Sorry I’m late; I’ll make up the time this evening.
- hình thà nh, tạ o nên (=constitute)
be made up of sth: The course is made up of 12 tưo-hour
- bịa ra câ u chuyện;…
10 Fill in sth (cụm động từ) - điền thô ng tin
to fill in an application form
- l{m đầ y; …
11 Disagree with sb (on sth) khô ng t|n th{nh, đồ ng ý vớ i ai
(cụm động từ) I must respectfully disagree with my colleague.
12 Disapprove of sb/sth (cụm phả n đố i, khô ng đồ ng ý
động từ) He strongly disapproved of the changes that had been made.

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bổ trợ làm bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 Promotion n /prəˈməʊʃn/ sự thă ng tiến, thă ng chứ c
Her promotion to Sales Manager took everyone
by surprise.
2 Morale n /məˈræl/ tinh thầ n, ý chí
to boost/raise/improve morale
3 Drive v /draɪv/ - thú c đẩ y, tạ o độ ng lự c
The dairy products market will also be driven by
consumer demand.
- l|i xe;…
4 Truly adv /ˈtruːli/ (used to emphasize that a particular statement,
sincerely feeling, etc. is sincere or real) thậ t sự , thậ t lò ng
He truly believes he can cure himself by
willpower alone.
5 Completely adv /kəmˈpliːtli/ mộ t cá ch hoà n toà n

totally I agree with you completely.
6 Fully adv /ˈfʊli/ đầ y đủ , hoà n toà n
completely We are fully aware of the dangers.
She still hasn’t fully recovered from her shoulder
7 Evenly adv /ˈiːvnli/ bằ ng phẳ ng; ngang nhau

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Apply for sth đă ng ký, nộ p đơn
I have decided to apply for this new job.

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bổ trợ làm bài đọc

STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 Strategy n /ˈstrætədʒi/ chiến lượ c
We're working on new strategies to improve our
share of the market.
2 Cyberspace n /ˈsaɪbəspeɪs/ khô ng gian mạ ng
Many more business functions will move into
3 Bottom line np số liệu cuố i cù ng củ a việc kinh doanh
The bottom line for 2014 was a pre-tax profit of
£85 million.
4 Albeit conj /ˌɔːlˈbiːɪt/ mặ c dù , dẫ u vậ y
although, He finally agreed, albeit reluctantly, to help us.
5 Crisis n /ˈkraɪsɪs/ cơn khủ ng hoả ng
The government is attempting to solve the debt
crisis through spending cuts.
6 Platform n /ˈplætfɔːrm/ - (the type of computer system or the
software that is used) nền tả ng
The prevalence of smartphones has resulted in
the migration of company information to mobile
- phương tiện; s}n ga;…
7 Closure n /ˈkləʊʒər/ sự cấ m đườ ng, cầ u; sự đó ng cử a cô ng ty, nhà
8 Shift n /ʃɪft/ - sự chuyển đổ i, thay đổ i
shift from sth to sth: In developed countries there
has been a shift from manufacturing to services.
- ca là m việc;…
9 Witness v /ˈwɪtnəs/ chứ ng kiến
experience Recent years have witnessed a growing social

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 In terms of (cụm từ cố xét về mặ t, liên quan tớ i
định) In terms of money, I was better off in my last job.

NGÀY 7/10/2022
I. Vocabulary
STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa & Ví dụ
1 Desert v /dɪˈzɜːrt/ - rờ i bỏ (cô ng ty, tổ chứ c)
Millions of voters are deserting the party.
- bỏ trố n; bỏ hoang;…
2 Homicidal a /ˌhɑːmɪˈsaɪdl/ giết ngườ i
He had clear homicidal tendencies.
3 Suicidal a /ˌsuːɪˈsaɪdl/ tự sá t
On bad days I even felt suicidal.
4 Lessening n /ˈlesnɪŋ/ sự là m giả m bớ t, ít đi, nhỏ hơn,…
a lessening of tension
5 Loss n /lɔːs/ sự mấ t má t, tổ n thấ t, thiệt hạ i
There will be substantial job losses if the factory
closes down.
6 Reduction n /rɪˈdʌkʃn/ sự giả m xuố ng, cắ t giả m
reduction in sth: This year has seen a 33%
reduction in the number of hospital beds
Reduce v /rɪˈduːs/ cắ t giả m
They will require car makers to reduce
emissions of carbon dioxide by 30%.
7 Sack v /sæk/ sa thả i, đuổ i việc
fire She was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays.
n /sæk/ - sự sa thả i, đuổ i việc
He got the sack for swearing.
- bao bố ;…
8 Opportunity n /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ cơ hộ i, thờ i cơ
chance career/employment/job opportunities
9 Possibility n /ˌpɑːsəˈbɪləti/ khả nă ng
possibility of (doing) sth: I am excited about
the possibility of going to the Olympics.
10 Opinion n /əˈpɪnjən/ ý kiến
view opinion of sb/sth: I've recently changed my
opinion of her.
11 Belief n /bɪˈliːf/ niềm tin, đứ c tin
belief in sth/sb: belief in God/democracy
12 Permit n /ˈpɜːrmɪt/ giấ y phép, cấ p phép
I pay £5 a week for my parking permit.
13 Perk (also n /pɜːrk/ đặ c cá ch, quyền lợ i; thù lao thêm, bổ ng lộ c
formal Free theater tickets are one of the perks of this
perquisite) job.

14 Ingratiate v /ɪnˈɡreɪʃieɪt/ lấ y lò ng, cố là m vừ a lò ng ai
ingratiate yourself (with sb): He's always
trying to ingratiate himself with his boss.
15 Gratify v /ˈɡrætɪfaɪ/ là m hà i lò ng, thoả m~n mong ướ c, yêu cầ u ai đó
satisfy gratify sb/sth: I was gratified by their
16 Please v /pliːz/ khiến ai vui, hà i lò ng
I only got married to please my parents.
17 Commend v /kəˈmend/ khen ngợ i, ca tụ ng ai
The judge commended her on her bravery.
18 Vet v /vet/ (to find out about a person’s past life and
screen career in order to decide if they are suitable
for sth) kiểm tra kỹ lưỡ ng hồ sơ lý lịch
All candidates are carefully vetted for security
19 Thoroughly adv /ˈθɜːrəli/ - kỹ lưỡ ng, chu đ|o
Wash the fruit thoroughly before use.
- hoà n toà n
I felt thoroughly ashamed of myself.
20 Scrutinize v /ˈskruːtənaɪz/ (to look at or examine sb/sth carefully) dò xét
kĩ lưỡ ng
She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.
Scrutiny n /ˈskruːtəni/ sự kiểm soá t, xem xét kỹ lưỡ ng
inspection under scrutiny: The diet industry comes under
scrutiny in tonight’s programme.
21 Payment n /ˈpeɪmənt/ sự thanh toá n, trả tiền; số tiền nộ p, trả …
payment in cash/by cheque
22 Tip n /tɪp/ - tiền típ, tiền bo
He gave the waiter a generous tip.
- gợ i ý; lờ i khuyên;…
23 Wage n /weɪdʒ/ tiền cô ng (trả cho ngườ i lao độ ng theo ngà y,
giờ là m dự a trên thoả thuậ n, khố i lượ ng cô ng
Workers in these stores earn a good wage.
24 Resignation n /ˌrezɪɡˈneɪʃn/ sự từ chứ c
I handed in/gave in/sent in my resignation
this morning.
Resign v /rɪˈzaɪn/ từ chứ c
He resigned as manager after eight years.
25 Incentive n /ɪnˈsentɪv/ (sth that encourages you to do sth) độ ng lự c
inducement Bonus payments provide an incentive to work
26 Encouragement n /ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒmənt/ sự khích lệ, cổ vũ , độ ng viên We give positive
He needs all the support and encouragement he
can get.
27 Enticement n /ɪnˈtaɪsmənt/ sự dụ dỗ , sự lô i kéo, mờ i gọ i
Foreign investors were offered every imaginable
free-market enticement.
Entice v /ɪnˈtaɪs/ dụ dỗ
persuade He was not enticed into parting with his cash.
28 Stimulation n /ˌstɪmjuˈleɪʃn/ sự kích thích
While she was at home looking after her
children, she felt deprived of intellectual
Stimulate v /ˈstɪmjuleɪt/ kích thích, khuấ y độ ng
encourage The exhibition has stimulated interest in her
Stimulating a /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/ ấ n tượ ng, gâ y kích thích, hấ p dẫ n
She was a very stimulating teacher who got the
best out of her students.
29 Job n /dʒɑːb/ - vị trí, cô ng việc cụ thể (nghê nghiệp)
She took a job as a waitress.
- nhiệm vụ ;…
30 Work n /wɜːrk/ cô ng việc nó i chung (nó i c|ch kh|c, work l{ nơi
bạ n có job cụ thể)
He started work as a security guard.
31 Prospect n /ˈprɑːspekt/ - khả nă ng th{nh cô ng
prospects for sth: The war undermines future
prospects for economic growth.
- viễn cả nh, khả nă ng c|i gì có thể xả y ra trong
tương lai
The prospect of spending three whole days with
her fills me with horror.
Prospective a /prəˈspektɪv/ có triển vọ ng, đượ c kỳ vọ ng ra sao, là m gì; có
(usually before khả nă ng xả y ra
32 Manual a /ˈmænjuəl/ bằ ng tay, thủ cô ng; dù ng sứ c
manual and non-manual workers
Manually adv /ˈmænjuəli/ bằ ng tay; thự c hiện bở i ngườ i thay vì má y mó c
Tickets are checked manually at peak times.
33 Fabrication n /ˌfæbrɪˈkeɪʃn/ quy trình sả n xuấ t, là m ra sả n phẩ m, thiết bị..
từ nhữ ng nguyên liệu khá c nhau; sự bịa đặ t, bịa
34 Dwindle v /ˈdwɪndl/ trở nên nhỏ , thu lạ i
Membership of the club has dwindled from 70 to
35 Diminish v /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/ - là m giả m, hạ bớ t giá trị
I don't wish to diminish the importance of their
- giả m sú t, là m giả m bớ t; là m mấ t giá trị
The world's resources are rapidly diminishing.
36 Shrink v /ʃrɪŋk/ - là m cho, trở nên ít, nhỏ hơn về kích cỡ , số
lượ ng, giả m
Their profits shrank by 4% last year.
- co lạ i, rú t ngắ n lạ i, co và o
My sweater shrank in the wash.
37 Interruption n /ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃn/ - sự gi|n đoạ n, l{m gi|m đoạ n, đứ t quã ng
The game continued after a short
interruption because of rain.
- sự ngắ t lờ i, chen ngang
She spoke for 20 minutes without interruption.
Interrupt v /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/ - l{m gi|n đoạ n, ngắt quã ng
The game was interrupted several times by rain.
- ngắ t lờ i ngườ i khá c
38 Gap n /ɡæp/ - mộ t khoả ng thờ i gian khi c|i gì đó dừ ng lạ i,
giữ a hai sự kiện
gap of sth: They met again after a gap of 20
- khoả ng trố ng, chỗ hở ;…
39 Parting n /ˈpɑːrtɪŋ/ sự rờ i đi, sự chia tay, từ biệt
We had a tearful parting at the airport.
40 Threaten v /ˈθretn/ đe doạ
intimidate, bully, threaten sb with sth: One man has been
menace threatened with legal action.
Threat n /θret/ nguy cơ, mố i đe doạ
Officials were confident there had been no
threat to public health.
Threatening a /ˈθretnɪŋ/ mang tính đe doạ , hă m doạ
menacing She’s been receiving threatening phone calls.
41 Warn v /wɔːrn/ cả nh bá o
warn sb about/against sb/sth: He warned us
against pickpockets.
42 Bribe v /braɪb/ đú t ló t, hố i lộ
They bribed the guards with cigarettes.
Bribery n /ˈbraɪbəri/ sự hố i lộ
43 Chief n /tʃiːf/ - ngườ i đứ ng đầ u mộ t tổ chứ c
He served as chief of police between 2002 and
- thủ lĩnh
44 Block capitals np /ˌblɑːk ˈkæpɪtlz/ cá c chữ in hoa tá ch ra và rõ rà ng
(also block
45 Dismiss v /dɪsˈmɪs/ - đuổ i, sa thả i
fire, sack She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her
- gạ t bỏ suy nghĩ;…
Dismissal n /dɪsˈmɪsl/ sự sa thả i, cho nghỉ việc
He still hopes to win his claim against unfair
Dismissive a /dɪsˈmɪsɪv/ khô ng coi trọ ng, khô ng nghĩ ai đó xứ ng đ|ng
disdainful She was very dismissive of his achievements.
46 Improper a /ɪmˈprɑːpər/ sai, khô ng đú ng đắ n, khô ng thà nh thậ t, khô ng
inappropriate thích hợ p
It would be improper to comment at this stage.
He had been indulging in improper business
47 Unsuitable a /ʌnˈsuːtəbl/ khô ng phù hợ p
unsuitable for sth: He was wearing shoes that
were totally unsuitable for climbing.
48 Disagreeable a /ˌdɪsəˈɡriːəbl/ gâ y khó chịu, khô ng thoả i má i; gắ t gỏ ng, khô ng
thâ n thiện
a disagreeable smell/experience/job
a disagreeable bad-tempered man
49 Personnel n /ˌpɜːrsəˈnel/ - nhâ n viên, cô ng chứ c
There is a severe shortage of skilled personnel.
- phò ng nhâ n sự
50 Clerk n /klɑːk/ thư ký, ngườ i quả n lý sổ s|ch…; nh}n viên,
ngườ i phụ bá n hà ng

II. Structure
STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Apply for/look for/find a job Nộ p đơn/tìm kiến cô ng việc
(cụm từ cố định)
2 Strike/deal sb/sth a mortal tà n phá , huỷ hoạ i; gâ y ra cú số c
blow (thành ngữ đã ra thì This could deal a mortal blow to his credibility.
trong đề minh họa)
3 Turn up (cụm động từ) - xuấ t hiện
We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up.
- tă ng }m thanh;…
4 Take on sth (cụm động từ) đả m nhiệm, gá nh vá c
I can't take on any extra work.
5 Subject sb/sth to sth (cụm khiến ai/cá i gì trả i qua, chịu đừ ng điều gì
động từ) The city was subjected to heavy bombing.
6 Through no fault of sb’s own khô ng phả i là lỗ i củ a củ a ai
(thành ngữ) Many people live in poverty through no fault of their own.
7 By means of sth (cụm từ cố bằ ng cá ch gì
định) The load was lifted by means of a crane.
8 On behalf of sb/on sb’s behalf thay mặ t, đạ i diện cho ai
(cụm từ cố định) Mr Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on
his behalf.
9 On account of sb/sth (cụm từ bở i vì, do ai/cá i gì
cố định) She retired early on account of ill health.
10 Hand sth in (to sb) (cụm động nộ p đơn, đưa c|i gì cho ai
từ) to hand in your notice/resignation (= formally tell your
employer that you want to stop working for them)
11 Make sb redundant (cụm từ cắ t giả m nhâ n lự c, cho nghỉ việc
cố định) = lay off (cụm động 200 workers at the factory have been laid off.
12 Be called for/have/attend an Tham dự phỏ ng vấ n
interview (cụm từ cố định)
13 Account for (cụm động từ) - là nguyên nhâ n, giả i thích cho (=explain)
He was unable to account for the error.
- chiếm bao nhiêu
Electronic goods account for over 30% of our exports.
14 Jump at sth (=lep at) (cụm chớ p lấ y thờ i cơ
động từ) He jumped at the chance to go back to Australia.
15 Earn/Make a living (cụm từ kiếm số ng, kiếm tiền
cố định đã thi trong đề chính She earned a living as a part-time secretary.
thức 2021 đợt 2)

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bổ trợ làm bài đọc điền


STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa


1 Occupy v /ˈɒkjupaɪ/ - nắ m giữ (vị trí, cô ng việc) (=hold)

The president occupies the position for four
- chiếm (khô ng gian, thờ i gian…);…
2 Intermediary a /ˌɪntərˈmiːdieri/ trung gian
to play an intermediary role in the dispute
3 Appropriate a /əˈprəʊpriət/ phù hợ p, thích hợ p
suitable, appropriate for sth: Jeans are not appropriate
acceptable for a formal party.
4 Well- a có tính tổ chứ c, kỷ luậ t cao
organized a well-organized office
5 Hesitate v /ˈhezɪteɪt/ do dự , lưỡ ng lự
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you
have any queries.

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Aware of something (cụm từ Nhậ n thứ c đượ c điều gì
cố định)
2 Call/draw (sb’s) attention to thu hú t sự chú ý củ a ai v{o điều gì
sth (cụm từ cố định) I have been asked to draw your attention to the following


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