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Working Paper 4.

Committee: United Nations Disarmament and International security Committee
Authors: Republic of Cyprus, Ukraine
Signatories: Republic of Cyprus, Ukraine, Republic of Poland, Republic of

1. Suggests a regional treaty for the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East,
1.1. Inspired by the successful Treaty of Tlatelolco for Latin America, the Treaty for
the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East is a proposed agreement
aiming to establish a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (NWFZ) in the region of the
Middle East,
1.2. Suggests, establishing a dedicated organisation for the Middle East,
1.3. The treaty would prohibit member states from acquiring, possessing, testing, or
developing nuclear weapons,
1.4. The treaty would allow member states to pursue peaceful nuclear activities, like
energy production, under strict safeguards,
1.5. A robust verification system would be implemented to ensure compliance, this
could involve inspections, data declarations, and environmental sampling,
1.6. The treaty needs to take into account the specific security concerns of Middle
Eastern states, Building trust and addressing anxieties are crucial for successful

2. Proposes the establishment of a regional organisation, tentatively named the Middle East
Nuclear-Free Zone Organization (MENFZO), aims to provide a framework for
cooperation, verification, and dispute resolution among member states in their efforts to
achieve a nuclear-free Middle East,
2.1. The objectives of the Middle East Nuclear-Free Zone Organization (MENFZO)
are to oversee the implementation and enforcement of treaties for a nuclear-free
Middle East, verify compliance, provide technical assistance, facilitate dispute
resolution, and coordinate information exchange, thereby promoting peace,
stability, and nuclear non-proliferation in the region,
2.2. Conduct inspections of nuclear facilities and sites to verify compliance
with treaty provisions,
2.3. Monitor nuclear activities and collect environmental samples to detect any
unauthorised nuclear activities,
2.4. Maintain a database of nuclear facilities and activities in the region for
transparency and oversight purposes,
2.5. Provide technical assistance and training to member states in
implementing nuclear safeguards, enhancing physical security measures,
and developing peaceful nuclear programs,
2.6. Facilitate technology transfer and knowledge sharing among member
states to strengthen their nuclear infrastructure and expertise,
2.7. Establish mechanisms for the peaceful settlement of disputes between
member states, including mediation, arbitration, and conciliation,
2.8. Serve as a neutral forum for dialogue and conflict resolution among
member states regarding treaty compliance or other nuclear-related issues,
2.8.1. The organisation would establish diplomatic meetings, working
groups, and forums for structured discussion,
2.9. Would Coordinate closely with international organisations, such as the
IAEA and the United Nations, to align efforts and maximise effectiveness
in promoting nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament in the Middle

3. Encourages for United Nations Funding,

3.1. Advocate for the United Nations (UN) to allocate funding to support
initiatives aimed at strengthening nuclear safeguards,
3.2. Stress the importance of international cooperation and support in
implementing robust safeguards to enhance global nuclear security,
3.3. Call on UN member states to prioritise funding for programs and projects
aimed at enhancing nuclear safeguards, including capacity-building efforts
and technology development.

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