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FORMULA OF DENSITY m Density = oF m = mass v=volume an = 0 a ema) refine aS 2 = 4 2 Fe 3 o 5 " 101 UPCAT Cheat Sheets! an academic clinic 3 LAWS OF MOTION “+ Law of INERTIA Every object continues to remain at rest or in motion in a straight line unless a force acts on it to change its state. * Law of ACCELERATION The acceleration of a body is directly proportional and is in the same direction as the net force applied to it and is inversely proportional to the mass of the body. “+ Law of INTERACTION If one object A exerts a force on a second object B, B exerts an equal and opposite force on A. 2 = 6 2 = ® g o Y ENERGY ee eee Work W = Fd Kinetic Energy K.E. = % mv? Potential Energy P.E. = mgh Potential + Kinetic PE. + KE. - constant Energy Power P= w t Momentum p=mv Impulse Impulse = m(v; — v;) J z ie MOTION ae : " Quantity Formula g Speed v =¢ 3 Velocity v= a. direction e t 3 Distance d=vt d E Time t= B M Q Acceleration a= “aM TYPES OF QUANTITIES Peetu lly Length, area, quantity thathas —_ volume, speed, Scalar magnitude, butno mass, density, direction pressure, work, power Displacement, quantity thathas —_ direction, velocity, Vector both magnitude acceleration, and direction momentum, force, weight g = 3 g = 3 o oO STATES OF MATTER PROPERTY SOUD [elb]ie) GAS Same as Same as ees Fixed container container (indefinite) (indefinite) Fills entire Sean Definite Definite container (indefinite) ote No Yes Yes Canbe ; ; ey Very slightly Very slightly Yes Ve lettestah Very small Small Large Ra 000°? 2990 o 0269 eo? ° A) aeKol 101 UPCAT Cheat qa academic clinic ECOSYSTEM “+ Habitat particular place where an organism lives. “* Community made up by different types of organisms that share the same habitat. e e 2 “* Ecosystem b( Habitats and communities that i ct 1 create a self-sustaining unit are a ecosystems. ~ 101 UPCAT Cheat academic clinic GRAPHS OF MOTION t Constant Speed t Constant Acceleration Distance vs Time t Constant Speed but Opposite Speed vs Time t Constant Deceleration At Rest t Constant Speed TRANSFER OF HEAT Method Description Conduction The direct flow of heat through a material (via direct contact) resulting from physical contact. Heat transfer between a surface and 2 Convection adjacent fluid and by the flow of fluid S (via fluid) from one place to another induced by 2 temperature. E Radiation No transfer medium required. a ijodkesoacuncae The transfer of thermal energy through 8 radiation) matter of space by electromagnetic waves EL academic clinic X PROJECTILE MOTION Acceleration a,=0 a, = -9.8 m/s? V, = V,cos® Vy = Visin8 Velocity : V,! =Vy Vi = Vy +t : d, = V,+ gt?/2 Displacement d, = V,t ; 2gd = V,2 - V2 a=acceleration @ = theta (angle) V= velocity orizontal d= displacement ertical h= height final . 3 8 E o 8 oO o academic clinic Wind NE Monsoon and NE Trade Winds NE Trade Winds SW Monsoon igo) from north, northeast, east From east, southeast From southwest, south WIND SYSTEMS IN THE PHILIPPINES Dela a November to February February to May May to October ECLIPSES * Solar Eclipse (Sun— Moon — Earth) 9 a a a ic o 3 eg a <4 3 _ J S AC academic clinic D FLOW IN THE BLOO luo owuepeoe 1D CONVERTING TEMPERATURE SCALES Temperature Scale Formula °C > °F = 'Z 9/5 (°C) +32 101 UPCAT Cheat Sheets as i ne 3G 5/9 (°F — 32) °c kK e@ +273 AC academic clinic g = 3 2 & 3 Oo oO ° ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS Relationship Mutualism (Symbiosis) Commensalism Predation Parasitism Competition Description Both of the organism are benefited. One of the organism is benefited while the other is neither harmed nor benefited. One organism is benefited while the other one dies. One organism is benefited while the other organism is harmed though not necessarily dies. Organisms compete with each other over a limited resource(s). ° = © 2 £ 3 & 5 o DNA BASE PAIRING “ The rules of base pairing (or nucleotide pairing) are: “A with T: the purine adenine (A) always pairs ae with the pyrimidine — T thymine (T) mumce —*C With G: the pyrimidine —c cytosine (C) always pairs with the purine guanine (G) A base-paired DNA sequence: ATCGATTGAGCTCTAGCG TAGCTAACTCGAGATCGC METRIC PREFIXES Cn Ee Tera i 10% 1,000,000,000,000 Giga G 108 1,000,000,000 Mega M 10° 1,000,000 Kilo k 10° 1,000 2 Hecto h 102 100 3 Deca da to! 10 ° Deci d 104 O21 € Centi c 10? 0.01 3 Milli 107 0.001 3 10° 0.000 000 001 102 0.000 000 000 001 m Micro ir 10° 0.000 001 Nano n Pp Pico Cc PLATE BOUNDARY Peco Cee e aula | Miceli) | slide past towardseach away from Cag each other other each other aA eed uy (OMG O71 Menieeiaelal Tension Compression Shear Type of Fault Normal Reverse Strike-Slip aE hanging wall moves hanging wall moves horizontal; the down relative tothe up relative to the _blocks rub past each AEG footwall foot wall other Trt 4 [= G *) © CYCLONES WS Kind of Cyclone Wind Speed Tropical Depression less than 63 kph Tropical Storm 63 to 118 kph Typhoon more than 118 kph 2 = oS i : o oO *s (ON MG] Oren elma ec a academic clinic PHYSICAL VS, CHEMICAL CHANGE * No new substance is produced * Substance remains the same even with a change of state * May require addition of energy * Release of energy may occur * Outside may look different * Inside remains the same * Particles may be rearranged + Forces of attraction between particles may be weaker or stronger ahenieat CHEMIC, Final substance is substantially different than initial substance New substance is always produced Energy is usually released but may be required to get the change going + Anew substance is produced * The particles of the new substance do not resemble those of the old substance Internally, the substance produced is different than the old substances SIGNIFICANT DIGITS All non-zero digits are considered 145 = 5SD significant digits. eee Zeros appearing anywhere between 1,001= 4sp two non-zero digits are significant. Leading zeros are not significant. 0032 = 2SD Trailing zeros in a number containing a 5.600= 4SD decimal point are significant. The significance of trailing zeros ina number not containing a decimal point can be ambiguous. 1,500 = 4SD or 1,500 = 2SD 2 = 6 4 E ® 8 o o ‘academic clinic § Deere tea) in km Mercury 57,909,175 Venus 108,208,930 Earth 149,597,890 Mars 227,936,640 Jupiter 778,412,010 Saturn 1,426,725,400 Uranus 2,870,972,200 Neptune —_4,498,252,900 rT) 0.38 0.72 1.00 152 5.20 9.53 19.18 30.06 paren Crt {in earth years/days) 0.24 (88 days) 0.625 (224.7 days) 1.0 (365.25 days) 1.88 (687 days) 11.86 29.46 84 165 fae tele letol) (in earth days/hrs) 59 days 243 days 23.9 hrs 24.6 hrs 9.9 hrs 10.7 hrs 17.9hrs 19.1 hrs Astronomical unit (AU) is defined as the mean distance of the earth from the sun equivalent to 150,000,000 km. MOH’S HARDNESS SCALE 101 UPCAT Cheat Sheets Deut elses Teed a ee | 9 Aluminum oxide 8 Topaz ee | 7 Sand/auartz fie: 6 Glass beads 5 Apatite apatite —@ Z Plastic media & exe 3s Calcium Carbonate carbonate oS 0 2 Gypsum 2 °° 2 3 25 Sodium Bicarbonate oO o | * | 1 Talc i or) Thyroid Parathyroid Pituitary Adrenal Testes Ovaries academic clinic Pineal Thymus Tu Cece thyroxine calcitonin parathormone growth hormone epinephrine or adrenaline testosterone progesterone estrogen melatonin thymosin ENDOCRINE GLANDS fica} increases oxidative metabolism reduce the level of calcium inthe blood regulate calcium and phosphate balance in the blood stimulates growth stimulates reactions during emergencies stimulates dev't of secondary male characteristics and behavior maintain pregnancy promotes the dev't of secondary female characteristics controls pigment distribution formation of antibodies for immunity AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF DRY AIR ee eae Brae alacd About 19 Nitrogen 79.2 Oxygen 7.0 Argon 03 a Carbon Dioxide = So Hydrogen 0.01 13.6 2 Neon 0,00123 - 5 Helium 0.0004 0.126 im Krypton 0.00005. = 3 Xenon 0.00006 - PRESSURE 1 atmosphere 0.053 atmosphere CHANGES IN MATTER 101 UPCAT Cheat Sheets a Pets) academic clinic MOLARITY VS, MOLALITY Molarity Molality S moles of solute moles of solute A liters of solution kilograms of solution a mol mol e L kg 5 4 M molal 3 MONOCOTS VS, DICOTS es es & A> ee rootxylem bundles _parallel- _parts oneseed and _— scattered ~veined. += comein __ fibrous leaf phloem in instem as aring * o root He parts comein _ taproot phloem vascular two between bundlesin net-veined arms of a distinct 4's or 5's leaves xylem ring PHASES OF THE MOON 2 = 3 2 = 3 o oO 2) Be GAS LAWS § z Ideal Gas Law a PV=nRT © ay Boyle’s Law Charles’ Law 2 BAS SO 6 V2 V4 TT, € 3 Avogadro's Law _ Gay-Lussac's Law P Sa AR * ny Ny T, T, SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITS Series. When one bulb dies out, the rest dies out too. a ° =lh=bh=lk=..=1, y SS © Vp =V,+V,+V3+...+V, © Rp=R, +R, +R3+...+R, Parallel. /f one bulb dies out, the rest do not die out. an =U a 0 ae aa y 3a ae ARE REE RAR ° Vp=V,=V2= vw = Vy WAM AWS Rr Ry Ry R37 R, an academic clinic Sheets MOVEMENTS OF PLANET EARTH *¢ Rotation (on its axis) The earth turns on its axis once in every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds. This peri’ defines the length of one Earth day. 101 UPCAT Cheat * Revolution (around the sun) : The earth revolves around the sun, completing its journey once in every 365 % days. This period defines the length of one Earth year. qn academic clinic BUOYANCY (ARCHIMEDES’ PRINCIPLE) ee Object will... Example ae 0 G0 a o . 5) ™ 2 te Fe = Wo Float oo & E : iS Fa > Wo Rise o oO 3 Legend: F, = Buoyant Force = Weight of Displaced Fluid Wo = Weight of Object

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