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A Summary Worksheet


Rajbir Singh

JR Shaw School of Business, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

COMM1101: Communication 1


June 10, 2024



Non-verbal communication encompasses a wide range of behaviors that convey messages

without the use of words. Understanding it is crucial for effective interpersonal interactions, as it

often conveys more than spoken words. This summary worksheet provides a comprehensive

overview of sources i.e. articles involved in the research process.



Article 1.......................................................................................................................................................4
Article 2.......................................................................................................................................................5
Article 3.......................................................................................................................................................7

Article 1: The Power of Non-Verbal Communication

Lawrence, Samantha, "The Power of Nonverbal Communication" (2017). Integrated Studies. 79.

1. What type of article is this?

 This is a factual and analytical article.

2. What publication did it appear in?

 It appeared in "Integrated Studies," a collection hosted by Murray State University's

digital repository.

3. What is the subject of the article?

 The subject of the article is the role and impact of non-verbal communication in various

contexts, including personal interactions and professional settings.

4. Who is the author? What do you know about him/her?

 The author is Samantha Lawrence; she is associated with Murray State University.

5. Who is the intended audience for the article?

 The intended audience includes students, researchers, and professionals interested in

communication studies, particularly those focusing on non-verbal aspects of


6. Is there anything in the article (terminology, etc.) that you do not understand?

 Kinesics-The study of body motion and expression

7. What is the main overall point or idea of the article?

 Non-verbal cues play a significant role in communication and can often convey more

meaning than verbal language alone.


8. What are the ideas that support this main point?

 Body language, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice all contribute to non-

verbal communication.

9. What evidence does the author provide to explain the supporting points or ideas?

 Research studies showing how non-verbal cues influence perceptions, emotions, and


Article 2: The Use of Non-verbal Communication in the classroom

Ali, S. A. M., & Ali, S. (2011, May). The use of non-verbal communication in the classroom.

In 1st International conference on foreign language teaching and applied linguistics (pp. 1096-


1. What type of article is this?

 This is factual and research-based article.

2. What publication did it appear in?

 It appeared in the proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Foreign Language

Teaching and Applied Linguistics.

3. What is the subject of the article?

 The subject of the article is use and significance of nonverbal communication in

classroom settings, particularly in context of foreign language teaching and learning.


4. Who is the author? What do you know about him/her?

 The authors of the article are S. A. M. Ali and S. Ali. They are scholars or researchers

with an interest in foreign language teaching and applied linguistics.

5. Who is the intended audience for the article?

 Scholars, researchers, and practitioners interested in field of language teaching, as well

as those interested in educational methodologies.

6. Is there anything in the article (terminology, etc.) that you do not understand?

 Paralinguistic: The study of vocal (and sometimes non-vocal) signals beyond the basic

verbal message or speech, such as tone, pitch, and volume.

7. What is the main overall point or idea of the article?

 The main overall point of the article seems to be examining how nonverbal

communication, plays a crucial role in the classroom, particularly in enhancing the

teaching and learning experience

8. What are the ideas that support this main point?

 The article likely discusses various forms of non-verbal communication such as body

language, facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact, and how these can support verbal

communication and improve understanding and engagement in the classroom.

 It may also address the impact of cultural differences on non-verbal communication and

the importance of educators being aware of these differences.

9. What evidence does the author provide to explain the supporting points or ideas?

 The evidence provided by the authors likely includes data collected through classroom

observations of nonverbal behavior, existing literature and theories, and case studies.

Article 3: Cultural Aspects of Non-Verbal Communication

Marianne LaFrance, Clara Mayo. “Cultural aspects of nonverbal communication”(1978).

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Volume 2, Issue 1

1. What type of article is this?

 Research Study/ Factual

2. What publication did it appear in?

 International Journal of Intercultural Relations

3. What is the subject of the article?

 Aims to increase awareness of cultural diversity and avoiding misunderstandings

4. Who is the author? What do you know about him/her?

 The authors are Marianne LaFrance and Clara Mayo. Marianne LaFrance is a Professor

of Psychology at Yale University, known for her research on nonverbal behavior,

emotion, and gender. Clara Mayo was a social psychologist who made significant

contributions to the study of intergroup relations, prejudice, and social identity.

5. Who is the intended audience for the article?

 Scholars, researchers, and practitioners interested in the fields of psychology,

communication, and intercultural studies.

6. Is there anything in the article (terminology, etc.) that you do not understand?

 High-context vs. Low-context cultures: Concepts that describe how much information is

conveyed in the context versus explicitly stated in communication.

7. What is the main overall point or idea of the article?

 Non-verbal communication differs across cultures, and understanding these differences is

essential for effective intercultural interactions.

8. What are the ideas that support this main point?

 Examples of cultural differences in body language, gestures, and personal space


9. What evidence does the author provide to explain the supporting points or ideas?

 Findings from cross-cultural studies comparing non-verbal communication norms and

practices in different countries. Evidence through empirical research, case studies, and

theoretical frameworks to explain the supporting points or ideas.



The exploration of non-verbal communication across various contexts reveals its profound

impact on human interaction and relationships. From the psychological insights offered by

Lawrence in Integrated Studies to the practical advice shared by Marianne & Clara, in

International Journal of Intercultural Relations it is evident that mastering non-verbal cues is

essential for effective communication in both personal and professional spheres.

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