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o Information is stored by

Storage recording it
Management magnetically.
o Read – write head
 The management of the data “flies” just above each
storage equipment’s that is surface.
used to store the o Divided into Circular
user/computer generated tracks, which are
data. subdivided into
 A tool or set of processes Sectors.
used by administrators to o Sector – has a fixed
keep your data and storage side and it is the
equipment safe. smallest unit of
 A process for users to transfer; commonly
optimize the use of storage 512 bytes until 2010
devices and to protect the and migrating to 4KB
integrity of data. sector.
Key Attributes:  Heads – are attached to a
o Performance Disk arm – that moves all the
o Reliability heads as a unit.
o Recoverability  Cylinder – set of tracks at a
o Capacity given arm position.
o Each track may contain
Mass – Storage Structure hundreds of sectors.
 The disc drive motor spins it
Hard Disk Drives (HDD) at high speed.
 Each disk Platter – a flat o Rotate 60 to 250 times
circular shape; diameters per second or
range from 1.8 to 3.5 inches. Rotation per minute
o Rotation speed relates
to Transfer Rate.
 Transfer Rate – the rate at
which data flow between the
drive and the computer.
 Positioning Time/Random –
Access Time – consists of
two parts.
o Seek time – time
necessary to move the
disk arm to the desired
o Rotational latency –
the time necessary for
the desired sector to
o Two surfaces are rotate to the disk head.
covered with a  Typical disks can transfer
magnetic material. tens of hundreds of
megabytes of data per
second, and they have seek o Solid – state – disk
times and rational latencies of (SSD)
several milliseconds. o USB drive – also
o DRAM buffers – known as thumb drive
increase performance. or flash drive or DRAM
 Storage capacity measured in stick.
gigabytes and terabytes.  NVM devices are more
 Disk head flies on an reliable than HDDs.
extremely thin cushion o No moving parts and
(measured in microns) can be faster because
o The danger that the they have no seek time
head may make or rational latency.
contact with the disk o Consume less power.
surface is called Head o Negative side: More
Crash. expensive per
 Head Crash – Head will megabyte; less
sometimes damage the capacity
magnetic surface. o SSDs and similar
o Cannot be repaired. devices are now used
o The entire disk must be in some laptop
replaced. computers to make
o Data on the disk are them smaller, faster,
lost unless they were and more energy
backed up to other efficient.
storage or RAID  Some systems
protected. use it as a direct
 HDDs are sealed units and replacement for
some chassis. disk drives.
o Allow their removal NAND semiconductor:
without shutting down  Read and written in “page”
the system or storage increment but data can’t
chassis. overwrite.
o Removable – including  Data must first be erased, and
CDs, DVDs and Blu – erases happen in larger
ray discs. “block.”
 Can only be erased a limited
Nonvolatile Memory Devices number of times before worn
(NVM) out.
 Electrical rather than  NVM lifespan is not measured
mechanical. in years but in Drive Writes
 The device is composed of a Per Day (DWPD) – measure
controller and flash NAND die how many times the drive
semiconductor chips; used to capacity can be written per
store data. day before it fails.
 DRAM with battery backing so
it doesn’t lose its content. Volatile Memory Devices
 Flash – memory – based  DRAM is frequently used as a
NVM – frequently used in a mass – storage device.
disk – drive – like containers.
o Can have file system, Kinds of buses available:
be used like very fast o Advanced technology
secondary storage. attachment (ATA).
 RAM drives (RAM disks) – o Serial ATA (SATA).
act like secondary storage but o eSATA
are created by devices drives o Serial Attached SCSI
that carve a section of the (SAS)
system’s DRAM. o Universal serial bus
o Present it to the rest of (USB)
the system as it if were o Fibr Channel (FC)
a storage device.  Most common connected
 The “drives” are used as raw method is SATA.
block devices.  NVM devices are much faster
o File systems are than HDDs.
created on them for o Industry creates a
standard file operation. special, fast interface
 DRAM is volatile, and data on for NVM devices called
a RAM drive does not survive NVM express (NVMe).
a system crash, shutdown, or  Directly
power down. connects the
 Caches and buffers are device to the
allocated by the programmer system PCI bus.
or operating system.  Increasing
 RAM drives allow the user to throughput and
place data in memory for decreasing
temporary safekeeping using latency.
standard file operations.  Controller/Host – bus
o Used as high – speed adapters (HBA) – the data
temporary storage transfers on a bus are carried
space. out by special electronic
Managing RAM: processor.
 Linux - /dev/ram  Host controller – the
 MacOS – controller at the computer end
diskutil of the bus.
 Windows - third- o Can perform a mass
party tools storage I/O operation.
 Solaris and  Using memory –
Linus – create mapped I/O
/tmp and type ports.
“tmpfs.” o It sends commands via
 NVM devices are fast, DRAM message to the Device
is much faster, and I/O controller.
operations to RAM drives are  Device controller – built into
the fastest. each storage device.
o Usually has a built – in
Secondary Storage
Connection Methods
 Data transfer at the drive
 Attached to a computer by the
happens between the cache
system bus or an I/O bus.
and the storage media, and to
the host, at fast electronic o Divided by the total
speeds, occurs between the time between the first
cache and DRAM via DMA request for the service
and the completion of
Magnetic Tapes the last transfer.
 If the desired drive and
 an early secondary – storage controller are available, the
medium. request can be serviced
 A nonvolatile and can hold immediately; if it’s busy, any
large quantities of data. new requests for service will
 It accesses time is slow be placed in the queue of
compared with that of main pending requests for that
memory and drives. drive.
 Random access to magnetic  In Multiprogramming system –
tape is about thousands of device queue may often have
times slower than random several pending requests.
access of HDDs; a hundred  In HDDs interface, much
thousand times slower than effort was spent on disk
random access of SSDs. scheduling algorithms.
 Used mainly for backup,
storage of infrequently used FCFS Scheduling
information, and as a medium  First Come, First Served
for transferring information.  Simplest form of disk
 A spool and is would or scheduling.
rewound past a read – write  This algorithm is intrinsically
head. fair, but it generally does not
provide the fastest services.
HDD Scheduling

 It is the responsibility of the

OS to use the hardware
 Meeting this responsibility
entails minimizing access
time and maximizing data
transfer bandwidth.
Two major components:
o Seek time – the time
for the device arm to
move the heads to the
cylinder containing the
desire sector.
o Rational latency – the
additional time for the
platter to rotate the
desired sector to the
 Bandwidth – total number of
bytes transferred. SCAN Scheduling
 Sometime called the Elevator
 The disk arm starts at one
end of the disk and moves
towards the other end,
servicing request as it
reaches each cylinder, until it
gets to the other end of the
 At the other end, the direction
of head movement is
reversed, and the servicing
 Continuously scanning back
and forth.
 First servicing all the request
going up and then reversing
to service request to the other
way. Error Detection and Correction

 Determines if a problem has

 Parity is one form of
Checksum – uses modular
arithmetic to compute, store,
compare values of fixed –
length words.
 Cyclic redundance check
(CRC) – a common method in
o Uses hash function to
detect multiple – bits
 Error – correction code
(ECC) – not only detects but
can correct some errors.
C – SCAN Scheduling
o Soft errors – are
 Circular SCAN (C – SCAN)
 Variant of SCAN
o Hard errors – are non-
 Provide a more uniform wait
 When the head reaches the
Storage Device Management
other end, it immediately
returns to the beginning of the
 OS is responsible for several
disk without servicing any
other aspects of storage
requests on the return trip.
device management.
 The new storage device is a
blank slate.
o Just a platter; a set of across the
uninitialized devices.
semiconductor storage o Logical Formatting –
cells. creation of a file
 NVM pages must be initialize, system.
and Flash Translation  Stores the initial
Layers (FTL) file – system
o Also called as Low – data structures
level formatting or onto the device.
Physical formatting  The partition
 Low – level formatting – fills labeled for boot
the device with a special data is used to
structure for each storage establish the
location. root of the file
o Data structure for a system.
sector or page typically  A computer’s
consists of header, “file system”
data area and a trailer. consists of all
 Header and mounted
Trailer contain volumes.
information used  Cluster – a group blocks
by the controller. together into larger chunks.
Three Steps: o Device I/O is done via
o Partition – the device blocks, but files system
is being partitioned into I/O is done via Cluster.
one or more groups of  OS gives special programs
block pages. the ability to use a partition as
 Mounting – a a large sequential array of
file system is logical blocks, without any file
making the file – system data structures.
system available o Sometimes it is called
for use by the Raw disk.
system and its o I/O to this array is
users. called Raw I/O
o Volume – creation and  Bypassed all the
management. file – system
 Implicit, when a services such
file system is as:
placed directly  Buffer Cache
within the  File Locking
partition.  Prefetching
 Explicit, when  Space
multiple Allocation
partitions or  Filename
devices will be  Directories
used together
as a RAID set Boot Block
with one or
more file  Bootstrap loader – stored in
systems spread NVM flash memory firmware
on the system motherboard or over a four – conductor
and mapped to a known copper cable.
memory location. Suitable for use of host –
 The tiny bootstrap loader attached storage:
program is also smart enough o HDDs
to bring in a full bootstrap o NVM devices
program from secondary o CD
storage. o DVD
o Full bootstrap o Blu – ray
program – stored in o Tape drive
the “boot blocks” at a o Storage – Area
fixed location. Networks (SANs)
o Boot/System disk – a
device that has a boot Network – Attached Storage
partition.  Provide access to storage
 Boot partition – contains the across a network.
OS and device drivers.  Either a special – purpose
 Master boot record (MBR) – storage system or general
place its boot code in the first computer system that
logical block on the hard disk provides its storage to other
or fist page. hosts across the network.
 Once it identifies the boot  Remote – procedure call
partition, it reads the first (RPC) – interface such as
sector/page from the partition NFS for Unix and Linus
called Boot Sector. systems or CIFS for Windows
o Directs it to the kernel. machine.
o Disk has moving parts o Carried via
and small tolerance; Transmission Control
Prone to failure. Protocol (TCP) or
 Most disks even come from User Datagram
the factor with Bad block. Protocol (UDP) over
an IP network.
Storage Attachment  Usually same
Local – Area
Access in Three ways: Network (LAN)
 Common Internet File
Host – Attached Storage System (CIFS) and Network
 Access through local I/O File System (NFS) provide
ports. various locking features,
 High – end workstations and allowing the sharing of files
servers generally need more between hosts accessing a
storage or need to share NAS with those protocols.
storage.  Provides a convenient way for
 User more sophisticated I/O all the computers on a LAN to
architectures, such as Fiber share a pool of storage with
Channel (FC) – a high – the same ease of naming and
speed serial architecture that access enjoyed with local
can operate over optical fiber host – attached storage.
 It tends to be less efficient o An application simply
and has lower performance pauses access until
than some direct – attached connectivity is
storage options. restored.
 Internet Small Computer
Systems Interface (iSCSI) – NAS
latest network - attached o Protocols were
storage protocol. designed for use LANs,
o Can be used as the which have lower
interconnected latency than WANs
between host and their and are much less
storage. likely to lose
connectivity between
Cloud Storage the storage user and
the storage device.
Difference: o If the LAN connection
fails, a system using
Cloud Storage NFS or CIFS might
o Provides access to hang until recovers.
storage across a
network. Storage – Area Networks

NAS  One drawback of the network

o The storage is – attached storage system.
accessed over the o Consume bandwidth
Internet or another on the date network,
WAN to a remote data thereby increasing the
center that provides latency if network
storage for a fee. communication
 SAN is a private network,
 How the storage access and connecting servers and
presented to user. storage units
 The power of a SAN lies in its
Cloud Storage flexibility.
o Application Program  Multiple hos and multiple
Interface (API) based. storage arrays can attach to
o Use the APIs to access the same SAN
the storage.  A SAN switch allows or
prohibit access between the
NAS host and the storage
o Access as just another  SAN connectivity is over short
file system. distances and typically has no
 Reason that APIs is used.  Nas can have many more
 The latency and failure connected hosts than SAN.
scenarios of WAN.
Storage Array

Cloud Storage
 A purpose – built device that o to address the
includes SAN ports, network performance and
ports, or both. reliability issues.
 Contains drives to store data  The composition of small,
and a controller to manage cheap disks was viewed as a
the storage and allow access cost – effective alternative to
to the storage across the large, expensive disks.
networks.  Used for their higher reliability
 Controller – compose of and higher data – transfer
CPUs, memory and software rate rather than for economic
that implement the features of reasons.
the array.  I in RAID once stood for
 Easy to add or remove “Inexpensive”
storage, and new host and
locate it storage. Improvement of Reliability via
 FC is common SAN Redundancy
 InfiniBan (IB) – a special  The solution to the problem of
purpose bus architecture that reliability is to introduce
provides hardware and redundancy.
software support for high – o Store extra information
speed interconnection that is not normally
network for the servers and needed but can be
storage units. used in the event of
disk failure to rebuild
Raid Structure the lost information.
 RAID can be applied to NVM
 Economically feasible to devices as well.
attach many drives to a  Mirroring technique – the
computer system. simplest (but most expensive)
 Having a large number of approach to introducing
drives in a system presents redundancy and it is to
opportunities for improving duplicate every drive.
the rate at which data can be o Every writing is carried
read or written, if the drives out on both drives.
are operated in parallel o The result is called a
 This set up offers the potential mirrored volume.
for improving the reliability of  Data will be lost only if the
data storage. second drive fails before the
 Redundant information can be first failed drive is replaced.
stored on multiple drives.  Mean Time Between Failure
 Failure of one drive does not (MTBF) – failure is the loss of
lead to loss of data data
 Redundant Array of Two factors:
Independent Disk (RAIDS) – o MTBF of the individual
Variety of disk – organization drivers.
techniques o the mean time to
repair, which is the
time it takes (on
average) to replace a multiple drives; such striping
failed drive and to is called Bit – level striping.
restore the data on it.  In Block – level striping –
 cannot really assume that blocks of a file are striped
drive failures will be across multiple drives.
independent. Two main goals:
o Power failures and o Increase the
natural disasters. throughput of multiple
 As the drivers age, the small accesses (that is,
probability of failure grows. page accesses) by
 mirrored-drive systems offer load balancing.
much higher reliability than do o Reduce the response
single-drive systems. time of large accesses.
 Power failures are a particular  RAID is frequently combined
source of concern, since they with NVRAM to improve write
occur far more frequently. performance and is arranged
 Power fails before both blocks into six different levels
are fully written; the two
blocks can be in an RAID Levels
inconsistent state.
o One solution to this  Mirroring provides high
problem is to write one reliability, but it is expensive.
copy first, then the Striping provides high data-
next. transfer rates, but it does not
o to add a solid-state improve reliability.
nonvolatile cache.  To provide redundancy at
 This write-back cache is lower cost by using disk
protected from data loss striping combined with “parity”
during power failures. bits.
 These schemes have different
Improvement in Performance via cost–performance trade-offs
Parallelism and are classified according
to levels called RAID levels.
 With mirroring, the rate at Three categories:
which read requests can be o Standard
handled is doubled, since o Nested
read requests can be sent to o Nonstandard
either drive.
 The transfer rate of each read Standard RAID Level
is the same as in a single  RAID 0
drive system, but the number o Has striping but no
of reads per unit time has redundancy of data.
doubled. o Offers the best
 With multiple drives, we can performance, but it
improve the transfer rate as does not provide fault
well (or instead) by stripping tolerance
data across the drives.  RAID 1
 Data Striping – splitting the o Also known as Disk
bits of each byte across mirroring.
o Consists of at least two o based on parity block-
drives that duplicate level striping.
the storage of data. o The parity information
o No striping. is stripped across each
o Read performance is drive, enabling the
improved, since either array to function, even
disk can be read at the if one drive were to fail.
same time. o results in performance
o The write performance better than that of a
is the same as for single drive.
single disk storage. o RAID 5 requires at
 RAID 2 least three disks.
o Uses striping across  recommended
disks. to use at least
o Storing error checking five disks for
and correcting (ECC) performance
information. reasons.
o Uses a dedicated o generally considered to
Hamming code parity. be a poor choice for
o RAID 2 has no use on write-intensive
advantage over RAID 3 systems because of
and is no longer used. the performance
 RAID 3 impact associated with
o uses striping and writing parity data.
dedicates one drive to  RAID 6
storing parity o similar to RAID 5.
information. o a second parity
o embedded ECC scheme distributed
information is used to across the drives in the
detect errors. array.
o Data recovery is o The use of additional
accomplished by parity enables the
calculating the array to continue
exclusive information. functioning, even if two
o RAID 3 is best for disks fail
single-user systems simultaneously.
with long record o extra protection comes
applications. at a cost.
 RAID 4 o RAID 6 arrays often
o uses large stripes. have slower write
o The user can read performance than
RAID 5 arrays.
records from any single
o Snapchat – a view of
o all write operations are the file system before
the last update took
required to update the
parity drive, no I/O
o Replication –
overlapping is possible.
 RAID 5 automatic duplication
of writes between
separate sites for  store information on various
redundancy and storage media.
disaster recovery; can  Devices, HDDs, magnetic
be synchronous or tapes, and optical disks.
asynchronous.  File – mapped by the
 In Synchronous, operating system onto
each block must physical devices.
be written locally o storage devices are
and remotely usually nonvolatile.
before the write o named collection of
is considered related information that
complete. is recorded on
 In secondary storage.
asynchronous, o represent programs
the writes are (both source and
grouped object forms) and data.
together and
 In general, a file is a
sequence of bits, bytes, lines,
or records, the meaning of
o Hot spare - not used
which is defined by the file’s
for data but is creator and user.
configured to be used Types of Information:
as a replacement in o source or executable
case of drive failure.
o The RAID level can be
o numeric
o text data
automatically, without
o photos
waiting for the failed
drive to be replaced. o music
o Allocating more than o video
one hot spare allows o etc.
more than one failure Defined Structure:
to be repaired without o Text file - sequence of
human intervention. characters organized
into lines (and possibly
File – System Interface pages).
o Source file –
Two distinct parts: sequence of functions,
o a collection of files, each of which is further
each storing related organized as
data. declarations followed
o a directory structure, by executable
which organizes and statements.
provides information. o Executable file –
 Most file systems live on series of code sections
storage devices. that the loader can
bring into memory and
File Concept execute.

File Attributes
File Operation
 A file is named, for the
convenience of its human  A file is an abstract data type.
users, and is referred to by its  The operating system can
name. provide system calls to
o Usually a string of create, write, read, reposition,
characters. delete, and truncate files.
 When a file is named, it Six Basic File Operations:
becomes independent of the o Creating File – Two
process, the user, and even steps; space in the file
the system that created it system must be found
Typically consists of: for the file, and an
 Name – the only information entry for the new file
kept in human-readable form. must be made in the
 Identifier – identifies the file directory.
within the file system; it is the o Writing a File – Make
nonhuman-readable name for a system call
the file. specifying both the
 Type – needed for systems name of the file and
that support different types of the information to be
files. written to the file.
 Location – a pointer to a  Writing pointer
device and to the location of – the location in
the file on that device. the file where
 Size – current size of the file the next write is
 Protection – Access-control to take place;
information determines who must be
can do reading, writing, updated
executing, and so on. whenever a
 Time, date and user write occurs.
identification – This o Reading a File – use a
information may be kept for system call that
creation, last modification, specifies the name of
and last use. the file and where (in
o useful for protection, memory) the next block
security, and usage of the file should be
monitoring. put.
 Read pointer –
 Extended file attributes –
to the location in
character encoding of file and
the file where
security features checksum.
the next read is
 File info window – displays a
to take place.
file’s attributes.
 Both the read
 Directory Structure – it is a and write
collection of nodes collecting operations use
information about files. this same
 Directory entry consists of the pointer, saving
file’s name and its unique space and
identifier. reducing system
o Reposition within a o File pointer - unique to
File – Directory is each process operating
searched for the on the file and
appropriate entry, and therefore must be kept
the current-file-position separate from the on-
pointer is repositioned disk file attributes.
to a given value. o File – open count –
 Also known as tracks the number of
Seek opens and closes and
o Deleting a File – reaches zero on the
search the directory for last close.
the named file; we o Disk location of the
release all file space, file – information
so that it can be reused needed to locate the
by other files, and file on disk is kept in
erase the directory memory.
entry. o Access rights –
o Truncating a File – stored on the per-
user may want to erase process table; the
the contents of a file operating system can
but keep its attributes. allow or deny
 remain subsequent I/O
unchanged requests.
 except for file o File lock – allow one
length process to lock a file
 but lets the file and prevent other
be reset to processes from gaining
length zero and access to it.
its file space  useful for files
released. that are shared
o Open (Fi) – move the by several
content of entry to processes.
memory.  Same
o Close (Fi) – In memory functionality as
to directory structure read – write
on disk. lock.
 To avoid this constant o Shared Lock – akin to
searching a reader lock in that
 open () system call be made several processes can
before a file is first used. acquire the lock
 Open – file table – OS table; concurrently.
containing information about o Exclusive Lock -
all open files. behaves like a writer
 Open count - associated with lock; only one process
each file to indicate how many at a time can acquire
processes have the file such a lock.
opened. o Mandatory/Advisory
Associated with Open File: file – locking
 If a lock is
mandatory, then
once a process
acquires an
exclusive lock,
the operating
system will
prevent any
other process
from accessing
the locked file.

File Types

 always consider; the

operating system recognizes
and supports file types.
 a user tries to output the
binary-object form of a  UNIX system uses a crude
program. Magic number – stored at
o This attempt normally the beginning of some files to
produces garbage. indicate roughly the type of
 common technique the file
 to include the type as part of  Not all files have magic
the file name. numbers.
 split into two parts—a name Access Method
and an extension, usually
separated by a period.  information must be accessed
 two forms of binary and read into computer
executable files. memory.
o Shell script -
containing, in ASCII Sequential Access
format, commands to
the operating system.  Simplest access method.
 Information in the file is
processed in order, one
recorded after the other.

Direct Access

 Also known as Relative

 a file is made up of fixed-
length Logical Records –
that allow programs to read
and write records rapidly in no
particular order.
 based on a disk model of a o Could Computing –
file, since disks allow random fire sharing as well.
access to any file block.  Anonymous Access –
 The file is viewed as a allows a user to transfer files
numbered sequence of blocks without having an account on
or records. the remote system.
 no restrictions on the order  FTP is used for both
 great use for immediate anonymous and authenticated
access to large amounts of access.
information.  WWW uses anonymous file
 Relative Block Number - e exchange almost exclusively.
block number provided by the  DFS involves a much tighter
user to the operating system integration between the
o an index relative to the machine that is accessing the
beginning of the file. remote files and the machine
providing the files.
File Sharing
File – System Implementation
 very desirable for users who
want to collaborate and to  Several on-disk and in-
reduce the effort required to memory structures are used
achieve a computing goal. to implement a file system.
 Multiple Users – The system  On disk, the file system may
can either allow a user to contain information about how
access the files of other users to boot an operating system
by default or require that a stored.
user specifically grant access o Boot Control Block
to the files. (per volume) –
 Remote File System – contains information
networking allows the sharing needed by the system
of resources spread across a to boot an operating
campus or even around the system from that
world. volume.
o File Transfer Protocol  If the disk does
(FTP) - manually not contain an
transferring files operating
between machines. system, this
o Distributed File block can be
System (DFS) – empty.
remote directories are  first block of a
visible from a local volume.
machine.  In UFS, it’s
o World Wide Web called Boot
(WWW) – a reversion block
to the first and a  In NTFS, it’s
browser is needed to called Partition
gain access to the Boot sector
remote files. o Volume Control
Block (per volume) –
contains volume (or  Disks provide most of the
partition) details. secondary storage on which
 In UFS, this is file systems are maintained.
called a Two Characteristics:
Superblock. o A disk can be rewritten
 In NTFS, it is in place.
stored in the o A disk can access
Master File directly any block of
Table. information it contains.
o Directory Structure  To improve I/O efficiency, I/O
(per file system) – transfers between memory
used to organize the and disk are performed in
files. units of blocks.
 In UFS, this  Each block has one or more
includes file sectors.
names and  File system provides efficient
associated and convenient access to the
inode numbers. disk by allowing data to be
 In NTFS, it is stored, located, and retrieved
stored in the easily.
master file table. Two Different Design
 in-memory information is used Problem:
for both file-system o defining how the file
management and system should look to
performance improvement via the user.
caching. o creating algorithms and
o Mount table – data structures to map
contains information the logical file system
about each mounted onto the physical
volume. secondary-storage
o Directed – Structure devices.
cache – holds the  The file system itself is
directory information of generally composed of many
recently accessed different levels.
directories. o I/O control – consists
o System – wide open – of device drivers and
file table – contains a interrupt handlers to
copy of the FCB of transfer information
each open file, as well between the main
as other information. memory and the disk
o Per – process open – system.
file table – contains a o Basic File System –
pointer to the needs only to issue
appropriate entry in the generic commands to
system-wide open-file the appropriate device
table, as well as other driver to read and write
information. physical blocks on the
File – System Structure
 Each physical UNIX file systems)
block is contains information
identified by its about the file, including
numeric disk ownership,
address permissions, and
 also manages location of the file
the memory contents.
buffers and
caches that hold I/O Systems
filesystem,  The two main jobs of a
directory, and computer are I/O and
data blocks. processing. In many cases,
 A block in the the main job is I/O, and the
buffer is processing is merely
allocated before incidental.
the transfer of a  vary so widely in their function
disk block can and speed.
occur.  varied methods are needed to
o File – Organization control them.
Module – files and Two conflicting trends:
their logical blocks, as o Increasing
well as physical blocks. standardization of
 translate logical software and hardware
block addresses interfaces.
to physical block o increasingly broad
addresses for variety of I/O devices.
the basic file  To encapsulate the details
system to and oddities of different
transfer. devices, the kernel of an
o Logical File System – operating system is structured
manages metadata to use Device – driver
information. modules.
 Metadata  Device - driver modules –
includes all of uniform device access
the file-system interface to the I/O
structure except subsystem, much as system
the actual data. calls provide a standard
 manages the interface between the
directory application and the operating
structure to system.
provide the file- Most fit into the general
organization categories of:
module with the o storage devices (disks,
information the tapes)
latter needs, o transmission devices
given a symbolic
(network connections,
file name.
o File Control Block
(FCB) – (an inode in
o human-interface
devices (screen,
keyboard, mouse,
audio in and out)

Common Concept

 Port – a connection point

where a device
communicates with a
computer system by sending
signals over a cable or even  Daisy Chain – an
through the air. arrangement wherein in terms
 Bus – a set of wires and a of the electronics, the
rigidly defined protocol that messages are conveyed by
specifies a set of messages patterns of electrical voltages
that can be sent on the wires. applied to the wires with
It is used if devices share a defined timings.
common set of wires. Buses  Controller – collection of
are used widely in computer electronics that can operate a
architecture and vary in their port, a bus, or a device.
signaling methods, speed,  Host Adapter – a separate
throughput, and connection circuit board that plugs into
methods. the computer.
o PCI bus – the common  Disk Controller – a circuit
PC system bus, board attached to one side of
connects the a disk drive. It implements the
processor–memory disk side of the protocol for
subsystem to fast some kind of connection.
devices. o SCSI or Serial
o Expansion bus – it Advanced Technology
connects relatively Attachment (SATA).
slow devices, such as o It has microcode and a
the keyboard and serial processor to do many
and USB ports. tasks.
o Small Computer
System Interface
(SCSI) bus
composed of four disks
– Protection
connected together
and plugged into a and Security
SCSI controller.
o PCI Express (PCIe) –  a technique to avoid
throughput of up to 16 tampering with logical and
GB per second. physical resources.
o Hyper Transport –  The system must be
throughput of up to 25 protected against
GB per second. unauthorized access, viruses,
worms etc.
 Give just enough privilege to
DIFERENCE BETWEEN perform their tasks.
PROTECTION AND SECUTIRY  Simplifies design decisions
and keeps the system
Protected consistent and easy to
 Deals with who has access to understand.
the system. Failure or Compromise:
 Tackles the system’s internal o May result damage like
threats. lost, misused, and
copied information
 Gives the system access only Audit Trail
to authorized users.  Allow us to trace all protection
 Tackles the system’s external and security activities.
 Protected from one another’s 1. Hardware Objects
activities. 2. Software Objects
 A mechanism for controlling CPU
the access of programs,  Can only execute.
processes, or users to the Memory Segment
resources defined.  Can be read and written.
GOALS OF PROTECTION  Can only be read.
Tape Drives
Several reason to Provide  Can be read, written, and
Protection rewound.
Data files
 To prevent the mischievous,  Can be created, opened,
intentional violation of an read, written, closed, and
access restriction by a user. deleted.
 To improve reliability by Program files
detecting latent errors at the  Can be read, written,
interfaces between executed, and deleted.
component subsystems.
Need-to-know principle
Mechanisms  Useful in limiting the amount
 How something will be done. of damage a faulty process
can cause.
Policies  Minimize the risks of
 What will be done. possible security violations.
Principle of least privilege Protection Domain
 A key  The resources that the
 Time-tested guiding principle process may access.
of protection.
Access right Implement policy decisions
 To execute an operation on o Involves which rights
an object. should be included in
the entry.
 A collection of access
rights, each of which is an
ordered pair.
Static  Allowing controlled change in
o If the set of resources the contents of the access-
available to the matrix entries requires three
process is fixed additional operations:
throughout the 1. Copy
process’s lifetime. o Allows the access right
Dynamic to be copied only
o More complicated within the column for
Domain Switching which the right is
 Enable the defined.
process to o Denoted by an asterisk
switch from appended.
one domain to

Domain can be realized in a

variety of ways:

 It occurs when the user
 It occurs when one process
sends a message to another
process and then waits for a
Procedure Three copy right:
 Occurs when a procedure call  Copy
is made.  Transfer
 Limited Copy
2. Owned
 The general model of o Allows additional of
protection can be viewed new rights and
abstractly as a matrix. removal of some
 Rows represent Domain. rights.
 Columns represent Object.
 Consists of ordered pairs
<domain, right-set>.
 Define all domains with a
non-empty set of access
right for that object.

Capability List for Domain

 A list of objects together
with the operations allowed
on those objects.
3. Control o An object is often
o Applicable only to represented by its
domain object. physical name or

A Lock-Key Mechanism
 A compromise between
access lists and capability
Confinement Problem o Each object has a list
 Generally unsolvable. of unique bit patterns.
 Problem of guaranteeing that Keys
no information initially held in o Each domain has a list
an object can migrate outside. of unique bit patterns.
 Can be used on files within a
Several methods file system.
Global Table Role-Based Access Control
 Consist of a set of ordered (RBAC)
triples <domain, object,  Solaris 10 advances the
rights-set>. protection available in the
Drawback: operating system by explicitly
o Tables are usually adding the principle of least
larger and thus privilege.
cannot be kept in
main memory. Privilege
o Virtual memory  The right to execute a
techniques are often system call or to use an
used. option within that system
Access List for Object  Can be assigned to
 Each column for one object, processes, limiting them to
the empty entries can be exactly access they need to
discarded. perform.
 The capabilities point
indirectly, not directly, to
the objects.

 A unique bit pattern that can
be associated with a
 It can be neither modified
nor inspected by the process
that owns the capability.
Master key
o Associated with each
object; it can defined
or replaced with the
set-key operation.


1. Immediate versus Delayed.  Provides considerable
2. Selective versus General. flexibility.
3. Partial versus Total.  It implements a fixed set of
4. Temporary versus possible access rights,
Permanent. including such basic forms of
access as the right to read,
Revocation write, or execute a memory
 Is immediate and can be segment.
general or selective, total or Auxiliary rights
partial, and permanent or o When the definition of
temporary. an object is made
 The capabilities are known to Hydra.
distributed throughout the Rights amplification
system, we must find them o Allows a procedure to
before we can revoke them. be certified as
trustworthy to act on
Re-acquisition a formal parameter of a
 Periodically, capabilities are specified type on
deleted from each domain. behalf of any process
 Reacquire the capability. that holds a right to
execute the procedure.
 A list of pointers is CAP System
maintained with each object,  Can be used to provide
pointing to all capabilities secure protection of user-
associated with that object. defined objects.
Data capability
Indirection o It can be used to
provide access to
objects, but the only 3. Efficiency
rights provided are
the standard read, SECURITY
write, and execute of
the individual storage  Not only an adequate
segments associated protection system but also
with the object. consideration of the
Software Capability external environment.
o Protected, but nor
interpreted, by the THE SECURITY PROBLEM
CAP microcode.
 Total security cannot be
 We must have mechanisms
 Protection is provided in to make security breaches a
existing computer systems; it rare occurrence, rather than
is usually achieved through the norm.
an operating-system kernel. Intentional (Malicious)
o Easier to protect
COMPILER-BASED against accidental
ENFORCEMENT misuse than against
malicious misuse.
 Specifying the desired Accidental
control of access to a o Protection mechanisms
shared resource in a are the core
system is making a protection from
declarative statement about accidents.
the resource.
Advantage: Intruder and Cracker
o Protection needs are  Those attempting to breach
simply declared, rather security.
than programmed.
o Protection Threat
requirements can be  The potential for a security
stated independently of violation.
the facilities provided.
o The means for Attack
enforcement need to  The attempt to break
not be provided by the security.
designer of a
subsystem. Accident and malicious security
o A declarative notation violations:
is natural because of
access privilege. Breach of confidentiality
Merits of enforcement based  Unauthorized reading of
solely on a kernel: data.

1. Security Breach of integrity

2. Flexibility
 Unauthorized modification of Physical
data.  Physically secured against
armed or surreptitious entry
Breach of availability by intruders.
 Unauthorized destruction of
data. Human
 Authorization must be done
Theft of service carefully to assure that only
 Unauthorized use of appropriate users have
resources. access to the system.
Social Engineering
Denial of service o Aimed at talking a
 Preventing legitimate use of target into revealing
system. specific information
Denial-Of-Service (DOS) or performing a
o Attackers are specific action for
sometimes accidental. illegitimate reasons.
Attackers use several standard  A legitimate-
methods in their attempts to looking email
breach security: or web page
misleads a
Masquerading user into
 One participant in a entering
communication pretends to confidential
be someone else. information.
 Attacker breach Dumpster diving
authentication.  Attempting to
Replay Attack information in
 The captured exchange of order to gain
data consists of the malicious unauthorized
or fraudulent repeat of a valid access.
data transmission.
Operating System
Man-In-The-Middle Attack  A system must protect itself
 The attacker sits in the data from accidental or purposeful
flow of a communication, security breaches.
masquerading as the sender
to the receiver, and vice Network
versa.  Intercepting data could be just
Session Hijacking as harmful as breaking into a
o An active computer, and interruption of
communication communication could
session is constitute a remote denial-of-
intercepted. service attack.

Four level of security measures:

o A macro problem.
Two mistakes:
 A user may run
with more
privileges than
 An operating
system may
allow by default
more privileges
than a normal
user needs.

Trap Door
 The designer of a program or
system might leave a hole in
the software that only she
is capable of using.

Logic Bomb
PROGRAM THREATS  A predefined set of
parameters was met, the
 Processes, along with the security hole would be
kernel are the only means created.
of accomplishing work.
o Breach of security is Stack and Buffer Overflow
the common goal of  On a network or dial-up
cracker. connection, to gain
unauthorized access to the
Trojan Horse target system.
 A code segment that
misuses its environment. Virus
Variation:  A fragment of code
A program that emulates a embedded in a legitimate
login program program.
 A self-replicating and are
Spyware designed to “infect” other
o To download ads to programs.
display on the user’s  Once a virus reaches a target
system, create pop- machine, virus dropper
up browser windows inserted the virus into the
when certain sites system.
are visited or capture Types of Viruses:
information from the File
user’s system and o Infects a system by
return it to a central appending itself to a
site. file.
o Also known as Covert Boot
o It infects the boot Multipartite
sector of the system, o Infect multiple parts of
executing every time a system.
the system is booted Armored
and before the o a coded virus to make
Operating System is it hard for antivirus
loaded. researchers to
Macro unravel and
o Written in a high-level understand.
o It triggered when a Keystroke logger
program capable of  Records everything entered
executing the macro is on the keyboard.
Source code Monoculture
o It looks for source  Many systems run the same
code and modifies is hardware, operating system,
to include the virus and application software.
and to help spread the
Polymorphic THREATS
o It changes each time
it is installed to avoid  Program threats typically use
detection by antivirus a breakdown in the protection
software. mechanisms of a system to
Virus signature attack programs.
 A pattern that  The more open an operating
can be used to system is the more services it
identify a virus, has enabled and the more
typically a series functions it allows; and the
of bytes that more likely it is that a bug is
make up the available to exploit.
virus code.  Masquerading and Replay
Encrypted attacks are also commonly
o Decryption code launched over networks
along with the between systems.
encrypted virus to
avoid deletion. Attack Surface
Stealth  The set of ways in which an
o It is modifying parts attacker can try to break
of the system that into the system.
could be used to detect
it. Worms
Tunneling  A process that uses the
o Bypass detection by an spawn mechanism to
antivirus scanner by duplicate itself.
installing itself in the  It copies itself, using up
interrupt-handler system resources and
perhaps locking out all other o Disrupting the network
processes. of the facility.

Morris’s method: Distributed Denial of Service

Grappling hook  Launched from multiple
o Also called bootstrap sites at once, toward a
or vector program. common target, typically by
o Consisted of 99 lines of zombies.
C code compiled and
run each machine it CRYPTOGRAPHY AS A

 Used to constrain the
potential senders and/or
receivers of a message.
Main program  Enable a recipient of a
o To search for other message to verify that the
machines to which the message was created by
newly infected system some computer possessing a
could connect easily. certain key.
 The action has been
characterized as both a Keys
harmless prank gone away  Selectively distributed to
and a serious criminal computers in a network and
offense. used to process messages.

Port Scanning The most important part of

 Not an attacker but rather a cryptography
means for a cracker to
detect a system’s Encryption
vulnerabilities to attack.  Used frequently in many
 It involves a tool that attempts aspects of modern computing
to create a TCP/IP connection because it solves a wide
to a specific port or range of variety of communication
ports. security problems.
 Used to send messages
Denial of Service securely across a network
 Aimed not at gaining as well as protect database
information or stealing data, file, and even entire
resources but rather at disks from having the
disrupting legitimate use of a contents read by
system or facility. unauthorized entities.
o Use so many facility Two Types of Encryption
resources that in
essence, no useful
Symmetric Encryption
work can be done.
 Both parties need the key,  Constraining the set of
and no one else should have potential senders of a
it. message.
 Thus, complementary to
Data-Encryption Standard encryption.
(DES)  Also useful for proving that a
o By taking a 64-bit value message has not been
and a 56-bit key and modified.
performing a series of
transformations that Two Types of Authentication
are based on Algorithms
substitution and
permutation Message-Authentication Code
operations. (MAC)
 A cryptographic checksum is
Block cipher generated from the message
 A block of bits using a secret key.
at a time and its  To securely authenticate short
transformation. value.
 If the same key
is used to Digital-Signature Algorithms
encrypt an Digital Signature
extended o Enable anyone to
amount of data, verify the authenticity
it becomes of the message.
vulnerable to
attack. Key Distribution
Advanced Encryption o Via a paper document
Standard (AES)
or conversation to
o another block ciphers.
deliver the symmetric
o Can use key lengths of key.
128, 192, or 256 bits Digital Certificate
and works a 128-bit o A public key digitally
blocks; compact and signed by a trusted
efficient. party.
Certification Authorities
Asymmetric Encryption o Have their public keys
 Begins with publication of the included within the web
key to the destination. before they are
 Much more computationally distributed.
expensive to execute.
Public-key encryption USER AUTHENTICATION
o A breakthrough in
cryptography.  Major security problem.
o No longer must a key  Authentication involves
be kept secret and messages and sessions.
delivered securely.  If a system cannot
authenticate a user, then
authenticating that a message presents one part of a
came from that user is password pair, user must
pointless. supply the other part.
 Challenged and must
User’s identity is authentic if: Respond with correct answer
 The user’s possession. to that challenge.
 The user’s knowledge.
 An attribute of the user. Personal Identification Number
Password  A one-time password.
 The user identifies herself by
user ID or account name, she Two-Factor Authentication
is ask for a password.  Involved one-time password
 Used to protect objects in the generator that requires input
computer system. by the users.
 Most systems require only
one password for a user to One-time pad
gain full rights.  A list of single-use
Password Vulnerabilities  Password on the list is used
once and then is crossed out
Ways to guess a password: or erased.
 To know the user or to have
information about the user. Biometric
 To use brute force, trying  Palm or hand readers are
enumeration or all possible commonly used to secure
combination of valid password physical access.
Shoulder surfing Fingerprint reader
o The user is logging in  Accurate and cos-effective
and can learn the and should become more
password easily by common in the future.
watching the keyboard.  Read finger ridge pattern and
 Human nature. convert them into a sequence
of numbers.
System generated password
 Difficult to remember, and Multi factor Authentication
thus users may write them  Better still
User selected password DEFENSES
 Easy to guess.
Security Policy
One-Time Passwords  First step towards improving
 Avoid the problem of sniffing the security.
and shoulder surfing, a  It varies widely but generally
system can use a set of includes a statement.
paired passwords -  A living document that is
randomly selects and reviewed and updated
periodically to ensure that is
still pertinent and still Anomaly Detection
followed.  Attempt through various
techniques to detect
Vulnerability Assessment anomalous behavior within
 A way to determine whether a computer system.
security policy has been Zero-day attacks
correctly implemented. o Find previously
unknown method of
Risk Assessment intrusion.
 A value can be placed on
trying to secure the entity. Virus Protection
 Works by searching all the
Penetration test programs on a system for the
 Core activity. specific pattern of
 The entity is scanned for instruction known to make
known vulnerabilities. up the virus.
Safe computing
Intrusion Detection o The best protection
 Securing systems and against computer
facilities is intimately linked to viruses is prevention.
intrusion detection.
 It strives to detect FIREWALLING TO PROTECT
attempted or successful SYSTEM AND NETWORK
intrusions into computer
systems and its name Firewall
suggests, strives to detect  A computer, appliance, or
attempted or successful router that sits between the
intrusion into computer rusted and the untrusted.
systems.  Secure and attack-proof.
 To initiate appropriate  Do not prevent attacks that
responses to the intrusions. tunnels, or travel within
protocols or connections that
Intrusion-Detection Systems the firewall allows.
 Raise an alarm when Network firewall
intrusion is detected.  Limits network access
between the two security
Intrusion-Prevention Systems domains and monitor and log
(IDPs) all connections.
 Act as a router; passing  Can separate a network into
traffic unless an intrusion is multiple domains.
detected. Demilitarized zone (DMZ)
o An implementation has
Signature-Based Detection the internet as the
 A system input or network untrusted domain, a
traffic is examined for semi-trusted and semi-
specific behavior patterns secure network.
known to indicate attacks.
their actions through the use
of audit capabilities.
C1-class system
o Incorporate some
form of controls that
allow users to protect
private information
and to keep other
Spoofing users from accidentally
 An unauthorized host reading or destroying
pretends to be an their data.
authorized host by meeting C2-class system
some authorized criterion. o Adds an individual-
level access control
Personal Firewall to the requirement of
 Software was later either C1.
included with the operating Division B
system or added as an  Mandatory-protection systems
application. have all the properties of
 Rather than limiting the class-C2 system.
communication between  Attach a sensitivity label to
security domains, it limits each object in the system.
communication to a given B1-class
host. o Used for decisions
pertaining to
Application Proxy Firewall mandatory access
 Understands the protocols control.
that applications speak B2-class
across the network. o Extend the sensitivity
label to each system
System-call Firewall resource. Such as
 Sit between application and storage objects.
the kernel, monitoring o Physical devices are
system-call execution. assigned minimum-
and maximum-
COMPUTER-SECURITY security levels that
CLASSIFICATION the system uses to
enforce constraints.
Division D B3-class
 It includes only one class o Allows the creation of
and is used for systems that an access-control list
have failed to meet the that denotes users or
requirements of any of the groups not granted
other security. access to given
Division C named object.
 Provides discretionary o Also contains a
protection and mechanism to monitor
accountability of users and events that may
indicate a violation of o Figure b. each CPU
security policy. have a local cache that
Division A have direct access with
 Functionally equivalent to a certain local variables
B3 system, but it uses which is faster instead
formal design specification of accessing shared
and verification techniques, memory
granting a high degree of o Figure c. with caching
assurance that the TCB has and private memories
been implemented.
UMA Multiprocessors using
Multiple Processor Crossbar Switches

3 kinds of Organization Multiple


o Row – CPU and

Column – Memories
o Accessing the specific
CPU and Memory,
using closed and
opened switches
o Advantage:
Nonblocking crossbar;
no interruption
o Drawback: cost of n2 of
n processors
o Shared memory
location with multiple
Multistage Switching Network

UMA (Uniform Memory Access)

 Each CPU has given equal
access to memory o Figure a. Use in 2x2
o Figure b. a message
o For n memory modules
log 2 n stages with
o Figure a. no caching switches in each stage
only relying on the are required
share memory.
o ( n2 ) lo g n ≪ n

Omega Network

o Each node has their

own set of process,
containing CPU,
Memory, Directory and
Local bus that connect
to Interconnection
o An implementation of o Accessing Node ->
bit manipulation Block -> Offset
o Routing due to address o Using Directory can
bits values have faster access
o Conflict possible instead of
forcing retransmission interconnected network
o Interleaved memory that gives slower
system with routing access
based on low-order
bits. Master-Slave Multiprocessors

NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory

 Non uniform access to the
o There is a single o Each CPU shared
address space visible Memory were
to all CPUs containing OS and a
o Access to remote I/O
memory is via LOAD o There is one CPU that
and STORE consider a Master,
instructions other CPU will be
o Access to remote consider as a Slave
memory is slower than o Single ready processes
access to local list
memory o Avoidance of
nc-NUMA overloading
o When the access time o Master is a bottleneck,
to remote, memory is solution not well
not hidden (because of scalable
no caching)
cc-Numa Multiprocessor Operating System
o When coherent caches Types
are present

Directory-based NUMA
that they want to call or
o Four steps leading to
an error demonstrated.
The TSL instruction
o Have a User mode and may fail if the bus
Kernel Mode operation blocking fails. Blocking
o Partitioning of bus/crossbar is
multiprocessor memory required.
based on how many
CPUs are but sharing a Multicore
single copy of the
operating system code.

Symmetric Multiprocessors (SMP)

o All processors of equal

 an integrated circuit that has
importance but with the
two or more processor cores
use of Locks to be
attached to enhance
consider before they
performance and reduce
can access the
 Enable more efficient
o One copy of operating
simultaneous processing of
system which may be multiple tasks, such as
run by each processor parallel processing and
o Still some trouble with multithreading
scalability  Multicore refers to 2-8 cores
o Kernel must be divided and Manycore refers to
into smaller critical dozens or hundreds of cores
regions, kernel must be
o Huge costs of

Multiprocessor Synchronization

 The core “C” is connected to

a router “R” through network
adaptor and the core
communicates to other cores
o CPU first will read then as well as to the external
the process will be word passing through the
send then write back to routers.
CPU with the value  The current core has Level-2
cache memory shared with
the instruction and data, and
Level-3 tag memory to feed
data from the other cores.


o Consist of CPU with

own memory allocation
which is connected to
internet in a wide area
o Use interconnection o Hardware level –
with each CPU have its where shared memory
own local memory is located at the middle
allocation of Operating System
and Hardware
o Operating System
Level – where shared
memory is located at
the middle of Run-time
System and Operating
o User-Level Software –
where shared memory
 Interconnect topologies is located at the middle
o A. Single Switch of Application and Run-
o B. Ring time System
o C. Grid
o D. Double Torus DSM Memory Distribution
o E. Cube
o F. 4D Hypercube


 Use to translate different kind
of OS to run a specific

Network Hardware

o Figure A. Pages of the

address space
distributed among four
o Figure B. Situation o Figure A. Classical
after CPU 1 references Ethernet
page 10 o Figure B. Switched
o Figure C. Situation if
page 10 is read only
and replication is used Network Interface
Load Balancing

Heuristic algorithm:
 Figure A. An overloaded node o In terms of
looking for a lightly loaded multicomputer, it
node to hand off process connects using each
 Figure B. An empty node network interface, with
looking for a work to do the use of board RAM

Distributed System Different types of Middleware

 Document-based Middleware
 File system-based
 Shared object-based
 Coordination-based
Middleware in Distributed System Middleware

The Internet
o Each message has its
own unique IP and
Network Service
File System-Based Middleware

o Figure A.
o Connection-oriented: model
no interference, no o Figure B. Remote
delay Access model
o Connectionless:
Need of address and VIRTUAL MACHINE
do the routing, it might  Fundamental Idea – abstract
have some delay and hardware of a single
subdivided into computer into several
different type of different execution
packets; unreliable; environments
might have some data o Basically, creating a
loss computer inside a
Document-Based Middleware o Host – underlying
hardware system
o Virtual Machine
Manager (VMM) or
Hypervisor – creates
and runs virtual
machines by providing
o WWW pages create a big,
interface that is
directed graph of
identical to the host
documents, referencing
o Guest – process
provided with virtual
Packet Headers
copy of the host
o A single physical
machine can run
multiple operating
systems concurrently,
each in its own Virtual

System Models

 Technique in which the guest
operation system is modified
to work in cooperation with
Hypervisor Implementation the VMM to optimize
 Type 0 – Hardware-based performance
solutions that provide support
for virtual machines creation Programming-environment
and management via Virtualization
firmware  Do not virtualize real
 Type 1 – Operating-System- hardware but instead create
Like Software built to provide an optimized virtual system
virtualization o Run in different level of
o Also includes general- environment
purpose operating
systems that provide Emulators
standard functions as  Allow application written for
well as VMM function one hardware environment to
o Direct creation of VM run on a very different
 Type 2 – Applications that run hardware environment, such
on standard operating as a different type of CPU
systems but provide VMM o Use to run a different
features to guest operating kind of application if
systems the system does not
o Implementation – it have a specific kind of
uses hosted OS that requirements that has
need to manage before been meet
using the creating an
VM and communicate Application Containment
using the Hypervisor  Not virtualization at all but
rather provided virtualization-
Hypervisor Types like features by segregating
applications from the
operating system, making
them more secure and
o Use to test and run in  Input allowing the users to
different type kind of control the system or to enter
OS using the VM information
 Output allowing the system to
Is their contemporary processing inform the user (feedback)
power huge enough to resolve all
research/everyday problems? Command-Line Interface (CLI)
 Uses text commands and a
How scalable are computer method for entering them (a
systems? keyboard for typing in
commands in a specific
What is better: connected format with specific options).
autonomous systems or many It provides a command-line
processors with shared memory? interface, or command
interpreter, that allows users
INTERFACING TO to directly enter commands to
be performed.
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
SYSTEMS AND THE  The interface is a window
SPECIAL-PURPOSE system with a pointing device
to direct I/O, choose from
SYTEM menus, and make selections
and a keyboard to enter text.
Interfacing with operating
systems Touch-Screen Interface
 Crucial for software  Interact by making gestures
development, as it allows on the touch screen.
applications to leverage the
capabilities of the underlying Batch Interface
system; Utilizing operating  Non-interactive user
system interfaces. interfaces, where the users
specifies all the details of the
Special-purpose System batch job in advance to batch
 A systems designed for processing and receives the
specific tasks or industries, output when all the
often requiring custom processing is done.
interfaces to interact with
them Choice of Interface
 Whether to use a command-
INTERFACING TO OPERATING line or GUI is mostly one of
SYSTEMS personal reference.
 System Administrators
The User Interface manage computer, Power
 The aggregate of means by Users with deep knowledge
which people (users) interact of a system.
with a particular machine,  Shell Scripts are very
device, computer program or common on systems that are
other complex tool (system) command-line oriented.
THE OERATING SYSTEM Interrupts Handler
INTERFACE  Installed at the target address
 The mechanisms for invoking for interrupts; it restores the
the operating system are states of the process that was
Interrupts. executing when the interrupt
 Modern computers will go into occurred.
a special mode called
System Mode when they THE SPECIAL-PURPOSE
handle an interrupts. SYSTEMS
 Designed and optimized for
Interrupts specific tasks or
 It stops what It is doing and environments; it tailored to
immediately transfers meed the unique
execution to a fixed location, requirements of the targeted
usually contain the starting domain.
address where the service
routine for the interrupts is Real-Time Embedded Systems
located.  Designed to handle events as
o Software Interrupts - they occur; commonly found
invoked by software. and used in robotics.
o External Interrupts -  Real-Time OS is designed for
invoked by external system that requires precise
devices. timing and quick response to
o Exceptions - invoked external events.
by the processor when
errors occurs. Multimedia Systems
 A comfortable environment for
Software Interrupts the execution of programs,
 Triggered by executing and it ensures effective
program to request operating utilization of the computer
system service hardware.
 Application Program
Interface (API) high-level Handheld and Portable Systems
languages usually provide a  Refers to small portable
higher-level operating system devices that can be carried
interface. along and are capable of
performing normal operations.
System Calls  Small computer pocket side
 Provide an interface to the computing system or
services made available by an handheld is any portable
operating system. devices.

System Mode
 Do things that its cannot do in
the normal mode, which is
called User Mode.
 The foundation of OS



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