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Subject : Physics Paper Set : 1

Alpha quiz 26-6-24
Standard : 11 Date : 25-06-2024
Total Mark : 120 (Solutions) Time : 0H:0M

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physics - Section A (MCQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(1) Two spherical balls having equal masses with radius of 5 cm each are thrown upwards along the same vertical direction at an interval of 3 s with
the same initial velocity of 35 m/s, then these balls collide at a height of . . . . . . . . . .m. (Take g = 10 m/s2 )
(A) 80 (B) 10 (C) 60 (D) 50
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
When both balls will collied
y1 = y 2
35t − 12 × 10 × t2 = 35(t − 3) − 21 × 10 × (t − 3)2
35t − 12 × 10 × t2 = 35t − 105 − 12 × 10 × t2
− 21 × 10 × 32 + 12 × 10 × 6t
0 = 150 − 30t
t = 5sec
∴ Height at which both balls will collied
h = 35t − 12 × 10 × t2
= 35 × 5 − 21 × 10 × 52
h = 50m

(2) A balloon was moving upwards with a uniform velocity of 10 m/s. An object of finite mass is dropped from the balloon when it was at a height
of 75 m from the ground level. The height of the balloon from the ground when object strikes the ground was around.(In m) (Takes the value of
g as 10 m/s2 )
(A) 125 (B) 250 (C) 300 (D) 200
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
S = ut + 12 at2
−75 = +10t + 21 (−10)t2
⇒ t = 5sec
Object takes t = 5s to fall on ground
Height of balloon from ground
H = 75 + ut
H = 75 + 10 × 5 = 125m

(3) A ball is released from a height h. If t1 and t2 be the time required to complete first half and second half of the distance respectively. Then,
choose the correct relation between t1 and t2 .
√ √ √ √
(A) t1 = ( 2)t2 (B) t1 = ( 2 − 1)t2 (C) t2 = ( 2 + 1)t1 (D) t2 = ( 2 − 1)t1
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
For first h2
= 12 gt21
For total height h
h = 12 g (t1 + t2 )2
√1 = t1

t1 +t2
1 + t1 = 2
t1 1
= √2−1

t2 = ( 2 − 1)t1

(4) A boy is standing on top of a tower of height 85 m and throws a ball in the vertically upward direction with a certain speed. If 5.25 s later he
hears the ball hitting the ground, then the speed with which the boy threw the ball is .......... m/s (take, g = 10 m/s2 and speed of sound in air
= 340 m/s )
(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 12
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
Given, sound of ball (hitting the ground) is heard 5.25 s after the ball is thrown.
Sound of ball reaches top of tower in time,

t1 = Ds
= 340 = 0.25 s
So, ball reaches ground in time,
t2 = 5.25 − 0.25 = 5 s
If u = initial speed of ball at t = 0, then for the ball,
s = −85m, a = −g = −10 ms−2 , t = 5 s
Using, s = ut + 21 at2
−85 = u(5) + 21 (−10)(5)2
⇒ 5u = 125 − 85 ⇒ u = 8 ms−1

(5) The position of a body moving along x-axis at time t is given by x = t2 − 4t + 6 m. The distance travelled by body in time interval t = 0 to
t = 3 s is ...... m
(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 4 (D) 3
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
x = t2 − 4t + 6
= 2t − 4
At t = 2s, particle
 is at rest and reverses its position so,
x|t=0 = 6 m
x|t=2s = 2 m

x|t=2s = 2 m
x|t=3s = 3 m
Distance = (4 + 1) m = 5 m
Displacement = 4 − 1 = 3 m
(6) A bodyq is dropped from a height H. Theqtime taken to cover second half ofq
the journey is ............ q

(A) 2 2H
(B) H
(C) H
( 2 − 1) (D) 2H
× (
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
The total time of journey
−s = ut − 12 gt2
⇒ H = 12 gT 2 . . . (i)
= ut − 12 gt2 ⇒ T = 2H g
⇒ H2
= 12 gt2
⇒ 2 gT 2 = gt2
(∵ ut = 0)
⇒ t = √T2
  q   q √
⇒ Second half time = T − t = T − T

=T 1− √1
= 2H
1− √1
= H
( 2 − 1)

(7) The motion of a particle along a straight line is described by equation x = 8 + 12t − t3 where x is in metre and t in second. The retardation of
the particle when its velocity becomes zero is...........m/s2
(A) 24 (B) 0 (C) 6 (D) 12
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
Give : x = 8 + 12t − t3
velocity , v = dx
= 12 − 3t2
W hen v = 0, 12 − 3t2 = 0 ort = 2 s
a = dv
= −6t
a t=2 s = −12 m s−2
Retardation = 12 m s−2
(8) A car travels a distance S on a straight road in two hours and then returns to the starting point in the next three hours. Its average velocity is
(A) S/5 (B) 2S/5 (C) S/2 + S/3 (D) None of the above
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(d) Average velocity = Total displacement
= 0

(9) If the velocity of a particle is (10 + 2t2 )m/s, then the average acceleration of the particle between 2s and 5s is..........m/s2
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 12 (D) 14
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(d) Average acceleration = Change in velocity
Time taken
2 2
[10+2(5) ]−[10+2(2) ]
= vt22 −v1
= 3
= 60−18 3
= 14 m/s2 .

(10) A bus travelling the first one-third distance at a speed of 10 km/h, the next one-third at 20 km/h and at last one-third at 60 km/h. The average
speed of the bus is ........ km/h
(A) 18 (B) 9 (C) 16 (D) 48
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
vavg = v1 v2 3v 1 v2 v3
+v2 v3 +v3 v1
vavg = 10×20+20×60+60×10
vavg = 18 kmh−1

(11) A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the top of a tower with a velocity u. This ball reaches the ground level with a velocity 4 u. The height of
the tower is
(A) 3u2
(B) 4u2
(C) 6u2
(D) 15u2

Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(4u)2 = u2 + 2g · h
h = 15u

(12) Brakes are being applied in a car moving with speed 20 m/s which produces a retardation of 5 m/s2 . The distance travelled by car till it stops
(A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 40 (D) 50
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
Stopping distance = u2
= 2(5)
= 40 m

(13) Velocity of a particle moving along a straight line is given by v = t2 − 3t − 4 (m/s). Find the velocity at the instant when no net force is
applicable on particle.......m/s
(A) −1.25 (B) 6.25 (C) 1.25 (D) −6.25
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
If Net force is zero, then its acceleration must
be zero at that instant
v = t2 − 3t − 4
a = dvdt
= 2t − 3 = 0 ⇒ t = 3/2
at this time
v = 32 − 3 32 − 4
= 49 − 92 − 4 = −254

(14) In the s − t equation s = 10 + 20t − 5t2 , match the following columns.
Colum I Colum II
(A) Distance travelled in 3 s (p) −20 units
(B) Displacement in 1 s (q) 15 units
(C) Initial acceleration (r) 25 units
(D) Velocity at 4 s (s) −10 units
(A) (A → r, B → p, C → s, D → p) (B) (A → p, B → p, C → s, D → r)
(C) (A → r, B → s, C → p, D → p) (D) (A → s, B → p, C → r, D → p)
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
Comparing the given equation with general equation of displacement, s = s0 + ut + 12 at2 , we get
u = +20 unit and a = −10 unit

(15) An engine of a train, moving with uniform acceleration, passes the signal-post with velocity u and the last compartment with velocity v. The
q with which middle point of the train passes the signal post is q
(A) v 2 +u2 (B) v−u
(C) u+v
2 (D) v 2 −u2
2 2

Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(v ′ ) = u2 + 2ad

v = (v ′ ) + 2ad
2 2

solving,q we get
v′ = v 2 +u2

(16) A ball of mass 0.5 kg is dropped from the height of 10 m. The height, at which the magnitude of velocity becomes equal to the magnitude of
acceleration due to gravity, is . . . m. (Use g = 10 m/s2 ).
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
v 2 = u2 + 2as
100 = 0 + 2(10) s
s = 5m
Height from ground = 10 − 5 = 5 m

(17) The velocity of the bullet becomes one third after it penetrates 4 cm in a wooden block. Assuming that bullet is facing a constant resistance
during its motion in the block. The bullet stops completely after travelling at (4 + x) cm inside the block. The value of x is.....
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 0.5 (D) 1.5
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
V 2
= V 2 − 2a(4) ⇒ a = 8V
= 9
0=V2 − 2a(4
 + x)
V 2 = 2 V9 (4 + x)
4.5 = 4 + x
x = 0.5

(18) Match List I with List II

List I List II
A Spring constant I (T −1 )
B Angular speed II (M T −2 )
C Angular momentum III (M L2 )
D Moment of Inertia IV (M L2 T −1 )
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(A) (A) − (II), (B) − (I), (C) − (IV ), (D) − (III) (B) (A) − (IV ), (B) − (I), (C) − (III), (D) − (II)
(C) (A) − (II), (B) − (III), (C) − (I), (D) − (IV ) (D) (A) − (I), (B) − (III), (C) − (II), (D) − (IV )
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
Spring Constant
[K] = [F ]
= M LT
= M T −2
[ω] = [θ]
= 1
= T −1

(19) A body of mass (5 ± 0.5)kg is moving with a velocity of (20 ± 0.4)m/s. Its kinetic energy will be
(A) (1000 ± 140) J (B) (1000 ± 0.14) J (C) (500 ± 0.14) J (D) (500 ± 140) J
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
k = 12 mv 2
k = 12 × 5 × 400 = 5 × 200 = 1000 J
= ∆mm
+ 2∆v
= 0.5 2×0.4
 + 20 10+4 
1 4
∆k = 1000 10 + 100 = 1000 100 = 140 J

(20) The speed of a wave produced in water is given by v = λa g b ρc . Where λ, g and ρ are wavelength of wave, acceleration due to gravity and
density of water respectively. The values of a, b and c respectively, are
(A) 1 1
, ,0
2 2
(B) 1, 1, 0 (C) 1, −1, 0 (D) 1
, 0, 12
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
v = λa g b ρc
using dimension formula
   a  1 −2 b  1 −3 c
⇒ M 0 L1 T −1 = L1 L T M L
 0 1 −1   c a+b−3c −2b 
⇒ M L T = M L T
∴ c = 0, a + b − 3c = 1, −2b = −1 ⇒ b = 12
Now a + b − 3c = 1
⇒ a + 12 − 0 = 1
⇒ a = 12
∴ a = 12 , b = 12 , c = 0

(21) The quantities which have the same dimensions as those of solid angle are:
(A) stress and angle (B) strain and arc (C) angular speed and stress (D) strain and angle
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
Solid angle dΩ = dAr2
has dimensions M0 ⌞0 T0
Strain = ∆l has dimensions M0 L0 T0
Angle measured in radians is also dimensionless M0 L0 T0
θ= r

(22) A force defined by F = αt2 + βt acts on a particle at a given time t. The factor which is dimensionless, if α and β are constants, is:
(A) αt/β (B) αβt (C) αβ/t (D) βt/α
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
From principle of homogeneity
[F ] = αt2 = [βt]
[α] = [F ]
and [β] = [F ]
[t2 ] [t]

∴ [α][t] = [β]
∴ αt
= dimensionless

(23) If momentum [P ], area [A] and time [T ] are taken as fundamental quantities, then the dimensional formula for coefficient of viscosity is :
(A) P A−1 T 0 (B) P AT −1 (C) P A−1 T (D) P A−1 T −1
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
Viscosity = pascal.second
 1 −1 −1 
x y z
 A T = M x L2 yT 1 z
M 1 L+1 T −1 L T = M 1 L−1 T −1
M x L+x+2y T −x+z = M 1 L−1 T −1
x = 1 x + 2y = −1 − x + z = −1
y = −1
Viscosity = P 1 A−1 T 0

(24) Which of the following is dimensionally incorrect?

(A) u2 = 2a(gt − 1) (B) s − ut = 21 at2 (C) u = v − at (D) v 2 − u2 = 2as
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

(25) The potential energy of a particle varies with distance x from a fixed origin as U = A x
x2 +B
, where A and B are dimensional constants then
h formula
i for AB is h i h i h i
(A) M L11/2 T −2 (B) M L7/2 T −2 (C) M 2 L9/2 T −2 (D) M L13/2 T −3
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
x = distance
√ from a fixed origin
u = xA2 +Bx
unit of
 B is same as x . Unit of x = L
2 2
B= L
[x1/2 ]A
u = x2 +B
u(x2 +B ) 2
A= √
= kgm
× mm1/2
h s2 i
A = M L7/2 T −2
h i 
Dimensions of AB = M L7/2 T −2 L2
h i
Dimensions of AB = M L11/2 T −2

(26) The length and width of a rectangular room are measured to be 3.95 ± 0.05 m and 3.05 ± 0.05 m, respectively. The area of the floor is ....................
(A) 1205 ± 0.01 (B) 1205 ± 0.005 (C) 1205 ± 0.34 (D) 1205 ± 0.40
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
Area, A = l × b
= 3.95 × 3.05 = 12.05 m2
Now, A = l × b
⇒ dAA
= dll + dbb 
⇒ ∆A = ∆l + ∆b × A
l  b
= 3.95 + 3.05 × 12.05
0.05 0.05

≈ 0.34
So, area of floor is A = 12.05 ± 0.34 m2 .

(27) In an experiment, mass of an object is measured by applying a known force on it, and then measuring its acceleration. If in the experiment, the
measured values of applied force and the measured acceleration are F = 10.0 ± 0.2 N and a = 1.00 ± 0.01 m/s2 , respectively. Then, the mass
of the object is ............... kg
(A) 10.0 (B) 10.0 ± 0.1 (C) 10.0 ± 0.3 (D) 10.0 ± 0.4
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
As, force F = ma
⇒ ∆F F
= ∆m
⇒ ∆m m
= ∆F
− ∆a
±0.2 ±0.01
⇒ m = 10 −
So, ∆m m max
= 0.2
+ 0.01
= 0.03
Maximum error in mass occurs when error in force and acceleration are of different signs.
So, ∆m = 0.03 × m = 0.03 × 10 ⇒ ∆m = 0.3 kg
Hence, mass of object is m = 10 ± 0.3 kg.

(28) The dimensions of RC is

(C and R represent capacitance and resistance respectively)
(A) square of time (B) time (C) square of inverse time (D) inverse time
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(29) In the expression for time period T of simple pendulum T = 2π gl , if the percentage error in time period T and length l are 2% and 2%
respectively then percentage error in acceleration due to gravity g is equal to ......... %
(A) 8 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
T = 2π gℓ
T2 = 4π 2 gℓ ⇒ g = 4π 2 Tℓ2
= ∆ℓ

+ 2∆T
× 100 = ∆ℓ

× 100 + 2∆T
× 100

(30) A physical quantity X is given by X = The percentage error in the measurements of k, l, m and n are 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% respectively.
3 2
m n
The value of X is uncertain by .......... %
(A) 8 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 14
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
X= 2k3 2
m n
⇒ ∆X
= 3∆k
+ 2∆ℓ
k ℓ
+ ∆mm
+ 21 ∆n
⇒ % uncertanity = 3(1) + 2(2) + 3 + 12 (4) = 12%

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