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IEEE 6-Bus Test System

The IEEE 6-bus test system contains 6 buses (substations), 7 transmission lines, and 3 conventional generating units with a total capacity of 360 MW.
Network and generator configurations and data for the IEEE 6-bus test system are described as follows [1].

Fig. 1. IEEE 6-Bus Test System One-Line Diagram

Table I. Generator Data for IEEE 6-Bus Test System

Unit 𝑃𝑃�𝑔𝑔 𝑃𝑃𝑔𝑔 𝑎𝑎𝑔𝑔 𝑏𝑏𝑔𝑔 𝑐𝑐𝑔𝑔 𝐶𝐶𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑢 𝐶𝐶𝑔𝑔𝑑𝑑 ℎ𝑔𝑔+ ℎ𝑔𝑔− ���
𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 𝑀𝑀𝑔𝑔+ 𝑀𝑀𝑔𝑔−
(MW) (MW) ($/MW2) ($/MW) ($) ($/MW) ($/MW) (MW) (MW) (h) (h) (MW/min) (MW)
1 220 100 0.0004 13.5 177 100 50 55 55 4 4 60 0
2 100 10 0.001 40 130 200 100 50 50 3 2 60 30
3 40 10 0.005 17.7 137 0 0 20 20 1 1 60 30
Table II. Hourly Load Demand for IEEE 6-Bus Test System (Base Values)

Hour Total Demand 𝑓𝑓

𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡 𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑒
(h) (MW) (MW) (MW)
1 191.36 166.4 24.96
2 179.4 156 23.4
3 173.42 150.8 22.62
4 167.44 145.6 21.84
5 167.44 145.6 21.84
6 173.42 150.8 22.62
7 191.36 166.4 24.96
8 227.24 197.6 29.64
9 260.13 226.2 33.93
10 271.7 247 24.7
11 283.14 257.4 25.74
12 286 260 26
13 283.14 257.4 25.74
14 286 260 26
15 286 260 26
16 277.42 252.2 25.22
17 274.56 249.6 24.96
18 274.56 249.6 24.96
19 265.98 241.8 24.18
20 263.12 239.2 23.92
21 263.12 239.2 23.92
22 278.07 241.8 36.27
23 260.13 226.2 33.93
24 215.28 187.2 28.08
Table III. Day-Ahead Price of Energy products for IEEE 6-Bus Test System (Base Values)

Hour 𝜌𝜌𝑡𝑡 𝑙𝑙𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠 𝑙𝑙𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛

(h) ($/MW) ($/MW) ($/MW)
1 29.225 2 2
2 26.397 1.7 1.7
3 22.47 1.27 1.27
4 21.07 1.12 1.12
5 23.163 1.35 1.35
6 30.863 2.18 2.18
7 31.556 2.17 2.17
8 47.39 2.34 2.34
9 49.7 2.51 2.51
10 52.1 2.69 2.69
11 55.35 2.94 2.94
12 55.5 2.95 2.95
13 57.01 2.77 2.77
14 54.42 2.87 2.87
15 63.12 2.92 2.92
16 65.59 3.32 3.32
17 67.24 3.23 3.23
18 63.87 2.97 2.97
19 55.61 2.96 2.96
20 52.55 2.73 2.73
21 47.55 2.35 2.35
22 39.63 1.76 1.76
23 37 1.57 1.57
24 30.51 1.16 1.16
B. IEEE 24-Bus Test System

The IEEE 24-bus test system contains 24 buses (substations), 38 transmission lines, and 12 conventional generating units with a total capacity of
3375 MW. Network and generator configurations and data for the IEEE 24-bus test system are described as follows [2], [5].

Fig. 2. IEEE 24-Bus Test System One-Line Diagram

Table IV. Generator Data for IEEE 24-Bus Test System

Unit 𝑃𝑃�𝑔𝑔 𝑃𝑃𝑔𝑔 𝑎𝑎𝑔𝑔 𝑏𝑏𝑔𝑔 𝑐𝑐𝑔𝑔 𝐶𝐶𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑢 𝐶𝐶𝑔𝑔𝑑𝑑 ℎ𝑔𝑔+ ℎ𝑔𝑔− ���
𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 𝑀𝑀𝑔𝑔+ 𝑀𝑀𝑔𝑔−
(MW) (MW) ($/MW2) ($/MW) ($) ($/MW) ($/MW) (MW) (MW) (h) (h) (MW/min) (MW)
1 152 30.4 0.0128 13.32 108 1430.4 715.2 152 152 8 4 40 20
2 152 30.4 0.0697 13.32 108 1430.4 715.2 152 152 8 4 40 20
3 350 75 0.003 20.7 118 1725 862.5 350 350 8 8 70 35
4 591 206.85 0.0109 20.93 94 3056.7 1528.35 240 240 12 10 180 90
5 60 12 0.0283 26.11 84 437 218.5 60 60 4 2 60 30
6 155 54.25 0.0098 10.52 118 312 156 155 155 8 8 30 15
7 155 54.25 0.0109 10.52 118 312 156 155 155 8 8 30 15
8 400 100 0.0283 6.02 177 0 0 280 280 1 1 0 0
9 400 100 0.0283 5.47 177 0 0 280 280 1 1 0 0
10 300 60 0.0098 2 177 0 0 300 300 0 0 0 0
11 310 108.5 0.0128 10.52 118 624 312 180 180 8 8 60 30
12 350 140 0.0128 10.89 118 2298 1149 240 240 8 8 40 20

Table V. Hourly Load Demand for IEEE 24-Bus Test System (Base Values)

Hour Total Demand 𝑓𝑓

𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡 𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑒
(h) (MW) (MW) (MW)
1 2042.210 1775.835 266.375
2 1920.287 1669.815 250.472
3 1828.845 1590.3 238.545
4 1798.364 1563.795 234.569
5 1798.364 1563.795 234.596
6 1828.845 1590.3 238.545
7 2255.576 1961.37 294.206
8 2621.345 2279.43 341.915
9 2895.671 2517.975 377.696
10 2798.928 2544.48 254.448
11 2798.928 2544.48 254.448
12 2769.773 2517.975 251.798
13 2769.773 2517.975 251.798
14 2769.773 2517.975 251.798
15 2711.462 2464.965 246.497
16 2711.462 2464.965 246.497
17 2878.151 2623.995 254.156
18 2874.175 2650.5 223.675
19 2874.175 2650.5 223.675
20 2798.928 2544.48 254.448
21 2653.902 2411.955 241.196
22 2529.902 2199.915 329.987
23 2225.095 1934.865 290.229
24 1920.287 1669.815 250.472

Table VI. Day-Ahead Price of Energy products for IEEE 24-Bus Test System (Base Values)

Hour 𝜌𝜌𝑡𝑡 𝑙𝑙𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠 𝑙𝑙𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛

(h) ($/MW) ($/MW) ($/MW)
1 29.225 2 2
2 26.397 1.7 1.7
3 22.47 1.27 1.27
4 21.07 1.12 1.12
5 23.163 1.35 1.35
6 30.863 2.18 2.18
7 31.556 2.17 2.17
8 47.39 2.34 2.34
9 49.7 2.51 2.51
10 52.1 2.69 2.69
11 55.35 2.94 2.94
12 55.5 2.95 2.95
13 57.01 2.77 2.77
14 54.42 2.87 2.87
15 63.12 2.92 2.92
16 65.59 3.32 3.32
17 67.24 3.23 3.23
18 63.87 2.97 2.97
19 55.61 2.96 2.96
20 52.55 2.73 2.73
21 47.55 2.35 2.35
22 39.63 1.76 1.76
23 37 1.57 1.57
24 30.51 1.16 1.16
C. IEEE 39-Bus Test System

The IEEE 39-bus test system contains 39 buses (substations), 46 transmission lines, 10 conventional generating units with a total capacity of 1990
MW. Network and generator configurations and data for the IEEE 39-bus test system are described as follows [3], [5].

Fig. 3. IEEE 39-Bus Test System One-Line Diagram

Table VII. Generator Data for IEEE 39-Bus Test System

Unit 𝑃𝑃�𝑔𝑔 𝑃𝑃𝑔𝑔 𝑎𝑎𝑔𝑔 𝑏𝑏𝑔𝑔 𝑐𝑐𝑔𝑔 𝐶𝐶𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑢 𝐶𝐶𝑔𝑔𝑑𝑑 ℎ𝑔𝑔+ ℎ𝑔𝑔− ���
𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 𝑀𝑀𝑔𝑔+ 𝑀𝑀𝑔𝑔−
(MW) (MW) ($/MW2) ($/MW) ($) ($/MW) ($/MW) (MW) (MW) (h) (h) (MW/min) (MW)
1 200 80 0.00048 12.1 82 42.6 42.6 90 90 3 2 70 35
2 320 120 0.00031 12.6 49 50.6 50.6 130 130 4 2 70 35
3 150 50 0.002 13.2 100 57.1 57.1 70 70 3 2 40 20
4 520 250 0.00211 13.9 105 47.1 47.1 250 250 5 3 40 24
5 280 80 0.00398 13.5 72 56.6 56.6 110 110 4 2 48 10
6 150 50 0.00712 15.4 29 141.5 141.5 60 60 3 2 20 10
7 120 30 0.00079 14 32 113.5 113.5 50 50 3 2 20 10
8 110 30 0.00413 13.5 40 42.6 42.6 45 45 3 2 0 0
9 80 20 0.00222 15 25 50.6 50.6 35 35 0 0 0 0
10 60 20 0.00173 14.3 15 57.1 57.1 30 30 0 0 0 0

Table VIII. Hourly Load Demand for IEEE 39-Bus Test System (Base Values)

Hour Total Demand 𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡

𝑓𝑓 𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑒
(h) (MW) (MW) (MW)
1 1015.45 833 132.45
2 1052.25 915 137.25
3 1161.5 1010 151.5
4 1321.35 1149 172.35
5 1421.4 1236 185.4
6 1530.65 1331 199.65
7 1606.55 1397 209.55
8 1631.85 1419 212.85
9 1673.25 1455 218.25
10 1600.5 1455 145.5
11 1585.1 1441 144.1
12 1560.9 1419 141.9
13 1536.7 1397 139.7
14 1472.9 1339 133.9
15 1504.8 1368 136.8
16 1472.9 1339 133.9
17 1359.6 1236 123.6
18 1215.5 1105 110.5
19 1141.8 1038 103.8
20 1054.9 959 95.9
21 1014.2 922 92.2
22 1017.75 885 132.75
23 1052.25 915 137.25
24 959.1 834 125.1

Table IX. Day-Ahead Price of Energy products for IEEE 39-Bus Test System (Base Values)

Hour 𝜌𝜌𝑡𝑡 𝑙𝑙𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠 𝑙𝑙𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛

(h) ($/MW) ($/MW) ($/MW)
1 29.225 2 2
2 26.397 1.7 1.7
3 22.47 1.27 1.27
4 21.07 1.12 1.12
5 23.163 1.35 1.35
6 30.863 2.18 2.18
7 31.556 2.17 2.17
8 47.39 2.34 2.34
9 49.7 2.51 2.51
10 52.1 2.69 2.69
11 55.35 2.94 2.94
12 55.5 2.95 2.95
13 57.01 2.77 2.77
14 54.42 2.87 2.87
15 63.12 2.92 2.92
16 65.59 3.32 3.32
17 67.24 3.23 3.23
18 63.87 2.97 2.97
19 55.61 2.96 2.96
20 52.55 2.73 2.73
21 47.55 2.35 2.35
22 39.63 1.76 1.76
23 37 1.57 1.57
24 30.51 1.16 1.16
D. IEEE 118-Bus Test System

The IEEE 118-bus test system contains 118 buses (substations), 186 transmission lines, 19 conventional generating units with a total capacity of 6859
MW. Network and generator configirations and data for the IEEE 118-bus test system are described as follows [4]-[6].

Fig. 4. IEEE 118-Bus Test System One-Line Diagram

Table X. Generator Data for the IEEE 118-Bus Test System

Unit 𝑃𝑃�𝑔𝑔 𝑃𝑃𝑔𝑔 𝑎𝑎𝑔𝑔 𝑏𝑏𝑔𝑔 𝑐𝑐𝑔𝑔 𝐶𝐶𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑢 𝐶𝐶𝑔𝑔𝑑𝑑 ℎ𝑔𝑔+ ℎ𝑔𝑔− ���
𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 𝑀𝑀𝑔𝑔+ 𝑀𝑀𝑔𝑔−
(MW) (MW) ($/MW2) ($/MW) ($) ($/MW) ($/MW) (MW) (MW) (h) (h) (MW/min) (MW)
1 550 150 0.01088 12.8875 6.78 440 17.78125 150 150 8 8 180 0
2 185 100 0.01088 12.8875 6.78 110 17.2375 150 150 8 8 180 0
3 320 100 0.01088 12.8875 6.78 100 17.2375 150 150 8 8 180 0
4 414 100 0.003 10.76 32.96 100 12.11 175 175 8 8 210 0
5 107 25 0.06966 26.2438 31.67 40 28.891 15 15 1 1 60 30
6 119 25 0.0128 17.82 10.15 59 19.42 50 50 5 5 60 0
7 304 50 0.0024 12.3299 28 100 13.05 125 125 8 8 150 0
8 148 50 0.0044 12.3299 28 100 13.05 125 125 8 8 60 0
9 255 50 0.0044 13.29 39 100 14.39 100 100 8 8 120 0
10 260 50 0.01059 13.29 39 100 14.39 100 100 8 8 120 0
11 491 100 0.01059 8.3391 64.16 250 13.8459 210 210 10 10 252 0
12 492 100 0.01088 8.3391 64.16 250 13.8459 210 210 10 10 252 0
13 805 80 0.01088 12.8875 6.78 100 17.02 150 150 8 8 180 0
14 577 150 0.01088 12.8875 6.78 440 17.78125 150 150 8 8 180 0
15 104 100 0.003 10.76 32.96 440 11.96 150 150 8 8 180 0
16 1100 200 0.01088 12.8875 6.78 100 17.2375 150 150 8 8 180 0
17 352 100 0.01088 12.8875 6.78 110 17.2375 150 150 8 8 180 0
18 140 25 0.0283 37.6968 17.95 30 38.48926 10 10 1 1 60 20
19 136 25 0.0128 17.82 10.15 50 19.42 50 50 5 5 60 0

Table XI. Hourly Load Demand for IEEE 118-Bus Test System (Based Values)

Hour Total Demand 𝑓𝑓

𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡 𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑒
(h) (MW) (MW) (MW)
1 4704 4090.4348 613.5652
2 4435.2 3856.6957 578.5043
3 3897.6 3389.2174 508.3826
4 2688 2337.3913 350.6087
5 3360 2921.7391 438.2609
6 4032 3506.087 525.913
7 4704 4090.4348 613.5652
8 5241.6 4557.913 683.687
9 5510.4 4791.6522 718.7478
10 5656.487 5142.2609 514.2261
11 5720.765 5200.6957 520.0696
12 5399.374 4908.5217 490.8522
13 5142.261 4674.7826 467.4783
14 4885.148 4441.0435 444.1043
15 5656.487 5142.2609 514.2261
16 5785.043 5259.1304 525.913
17 5463.652 4966.9565 496.6957
18 5720.765 5200.6957 520.0696
19 5829.1 5492.8696 336.23
20 5793.239 5726.6087 66.63
21 5791.207 5746.087 45.12
22 5785.043 5259.1304 525.913
23 5592.209 5083.8261 508.3826
24 5270.817 4791.6522 479.1652

Table XII. Day-Ahead Price of Energy products for IEEE 118-Bus Test System (Base Values)

Hour 𝜌𝜌𝑡𝑡 𝑙𝑙𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠 𝑙𝑙𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛

(h) ($/MW) ($/MW) ($/MW)
1 29.225 2 2
2 26.397 1.7 1.7
3 22.47 1.27 1.27
4 21.07 1.12 1.12
5 23.163 1.35 1.35
6 30.863 2.18 2.18
7 31.556 2.17 2.17
8 47.39 2.34 2.34
9 49.7 2.51 2.51
10 52.1 2.69 2.69
11 55.35 2.94 2.94
12 55.5 2.95 2.95
13 57.01 2.77 2.77
14 54.42 2.87 2.87
15 63.12 2.92 2.92
16 65.59 3.32 3.32
17 67.24 3.23 3.23
18 63.87 2.97 2.97
19 55.61 2.96 2.96
20 52.55 2.73 2.73
21 47.55 2.35 2.35
22 39.63 1.76 1.76
23 37 1.57 1.57
24 30.51 1.16 1.16
E. Illinois 200-Bus Test System

The Illinois 200-bus test system contains 200 buses (substations), 245 transmission lines, 40 conventional generating units with a total capacity of
3316.19 MW. Network and generator configirations and data for the Illinois 200-bus test system are described as follows [5].

Fig. 5. Illinois 200-Bus Test System Configuration

Table XIII. Generator Data for the Illinois 200-Bus Test System

Unit 𝑃𝑃�𝑔𝑔 𝑃𝑃𝑔𝑔 𝑎𝑎𝑔𝑔 𝑏𝑏𝑔𝑔 𝑐𝑐𝑔𝑔 𝐶𝐶𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑢 𝐶𝐶𝑔𝑔𝑑𝑑 ℎ𝑔𝑔+ ℎ𝑔𝑔− ���
𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 𝑀𝑀𝑔𝑔+ 𝑀𝑀𝑔𝑔−
(MW) (MW) ($/MW2) ($/MW) ($) ($/MW) ($/MW) (MW) (MW) (h) (h) (MW/min) (MW)
1 4.53 1.36 0.002 19 236.12 440 17.78125 4.53 4.53 8 8 60 20
2 4.53 1.36 0.002 19 236.12 110 17.2375 4.53 4.53 8 8 60 20
3 4.53 1.36 0.002 19 236.12 100 17.2375 4.53 4.53 8 8 60 20
4 4.53 1.36 0.002 19 236.12 100 12.11 4.53 4.53 8 8 60 20
5 9.07 2.72 0.002 19 236.24 40 28.891 9.07 9.07 1 1 60 20
6 86.5 36.5 0.002 19 236.13 59 19.42 50 50 5 5 120 0
7 27.92 8.38 0.002 19 236.74 100 13.05 27.92 27.92 8 8 60 20
8 27.92 8.38 0.002 19 236.74 100 13.05 27.92 27.92 8 8 60 20
9 27.92 8.38 0.002 19 236.74 100 14.39 27.92 27.92 8 8 60 20
10 27.92 8.38 0.002 19 236.74 100 14.39 27.92 27.92 8 8 60 20
11 27.92 8.38 0.002 19 236.74 250 13.8459 27.92 27.92 10 10 60 20
12 27.92 8.38 0.002 19 236.74 250 13.8459 27.92 27.92 10 10 60 20
13 5 1.5 0.002 23.164 607.5 100 17.02 5 5 8 8 60 20
14 18 5.4 0.002 19 236.48 440 17.78125 18 18 8 8 60 20
15 67.6 17.6 0.002 23.146 603.6 440 11.96 50 50 8 8 120 0
16 154.8 54.8 0.002 23.157 606 100 17.2375 150 150 8 8 180 0
17 133.5 33.5 0.002 23.152 604.8 110 17.2375 125 125 8 8 180 0
18 130.05 39.02 0.002 19 610.14 30 38.48926 125 125 1 1 180 0
19 130.05 39.02 0.002 19 610.14 50 19.42 125 125 5 5 180 0
20 130.05 39.02 0.002 19 610.14 440 17.78125 125 125 8 8 180 0
21 446.4 133.92 0.002 19 1261.33 110 17.2375 175 175 8 8 252 0
22 446.4 133.92 0.002 19 1261.33 100 17.2375 175 175 8 8 252 0
23 92.4 42.4 0.002 19 236.14 100 12.11 50 50 8 8 120 0
24 77.22 23.17 0.002 19 253.01 40 28.891 40 40 1 1 120 0
25 77.22 23.17 0.002 19 253.01 59 19.42 40 40 5 5 120 0
26 77.22 23.17 0.002 19 253.01 100 13.05 40 40 8 8 120 0
27 77.22 23.17 0.002 19 253.01 100 13.05 40 40 8 8 120 0
28 138.6 41.58 0.002 24.07 807.9 100 14.39 150 150 8 8 180 0
29 12 3.6 0.002 23.211 618 100 14.39 12 12 8 8 60 20
30 26 7.8 0.002 23.306 639 250 13.8459 26 26 10 10 60 20
31 9.4 2.82 0.002 23.194 614.1 250 13.8459 9.4 9.4 10 10 60 20
32 9.4 2.82 0.002 23.194 614.1 100 17.02 9.4 9.4 8 8 60 20
33 9.4 2.82 0.002 23.194 614.1 440 17.78125 9.4 9.4 8 8 60 20
34 9.4 2.82 0.002 23.194 614.1 440 11.96 9.7 9.7 8 8 60 20
35 9.4 2.82 0.002 23.194 614.1 100 17.2375 9.4 9.4 8 8 60 20
36 17.5 5.28 0.002 19 236.47 110 17.2375 17.5 17.5 8 8 60 20
37 26.6 7.98 0.002 19 236.71 30 38.48926 26.6 26.6 1 1 60 20
38 569.15 170.75 0 6.71 1272.13 50 19.42 210 210 5 5 252 0
39 67.5 20.25 0.002 23.588 701.25 440 17.78125 50 50 8 8 120 0
40 67.5 20.25 0.002 23.588 701.25 110 17.2375 50 50 8 8 120 0

Table XIV. Hourly Load Demand for the Illinois 200-Bus Test System (Based Values)

Hour Total Demand 𝑓𝑓

𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡 𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑒
(h) (MW) (MW) (MW)
1 1451.76 1262.4 189.36
2 144.24 1257.6 188.64
3 1461.535 1270.9 190.635
4 1454.29 1264.6 189.69
5 1456.245 1266.3 189.945
6 1486.95 1293 193.95
7 1520.645 1322.3 198.345
8 1555.605 1352.7 202.905
9 1593.9 1386 207.9
10 1566.84 1424.4 142.44
11 1590.27 1445.7 144.57
12 1585.65 1441.5 144.15
13 1583.23 1439.3 143.93
14 1590.71 1446.1 144.61
15 1592.91 1448.1 144.81
16 1613.04 1466.4 146.64
17 1688.94 1535.4 153.54
18 1797.51 1634.1 163.41
19 1769.79 1608.9 160.89
20 1765.28 1604.8 160.48
21 1738.77 1580.7 158.07
22 1701.59 1546.9 154.69
23 1633.5 1485 148.5
24 1555.29 1413.9 141.39

Table XV. Day-Ahead Price of Energy products for the Illinois 200-Bus Test System (Base Values)

Hour 𝜌𝜌𝑡𝑡 𝑙𝑙𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠 𝑙𝑙𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛

(h) ($/MW) ($/MW) ($/MW)
1 29.225 2 2
2 26.397 1.7 1.7
3 22.47 1.27 1.27
4 21.07 1.12 1.12
5 23.163 1.35 1.35
6 30.863 2.18 2.18
7 31.556 2.17 2.17
8 47.39 2.34 2.34
9 49.7 2.51 2.51
10 52.1 2.69 2.69
11 55.35 2.94 2.94
12 55.5 2.95 2.95
13 57.01 2.77 2.77
14 54.42 2.87 2.87
15 63.12 2.92 2.92
16 65.59 3.32 3.32
17 67.24 3.23 3.23
18 63.87 2.97 2.97
19 55.61 2.96 2.96
20 52.55 2.73 2.73
21 47.55 2.35 2.35
22 39.63 1.76 1.76
23 37 1.57 1.57
24 30.51 1.16 1.16

F. References

[1] H. Wu, X. Guan, Q. Zhai, F. Gao and Y. Yang, “Security-constrained generation scheduling with feasible energy delivery,” IEEE Power &
Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2009, pp. 1-6

[2] “An Updated Version of the IEEE RTS 24-Bus System for Electricity Market and Power System Operation Studies,” [Online] Available at: (Accessed on Feb. 2021).

[3] “UC: Unit Commitment,” [Online] Available at: (Accessed on Feb. 2021).

[4] P. Dehghanian, Power System Topology Control for Enhanced Resilience of Smart Electricity Grids. PhD Dissertation, Texas A&M University,

[5] “Electric Grid Test Cases,” [Online] Available at:

[6] “Power Systems Test Case Archive,” [Online] Available at:

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