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Step 0. Business goals Competitor

Campaign goal is defined Each competitor has his own ad group
Conversion tracking is working properly There are no broad keywords
Billing information is active in Google Ads Ad groups have different matches of
keywords: Broad Match Modified,
Remarketing Only: Remarketing tag was
phrase match and exact match
added to the website
Remarketing Only: Google Ads and Remarketing
Google Analytics are linked
Audiences added to ad groups

Step 1. Campaign settings Targeting expansion is turned off for

each Ad Group
Location targeting set to “ People in or
Inappropriate placements were
regularly in your targeted locations” only
Default ads suggestions turned off
Your IPs is excluded Step 3. Ad copy & extensions
Budget is defined
Remarketing Only: Frequency cap is General/Branded/Competitor
Remarketing Only: Content exclusions There are no overlapping negative
are enabled for inappropriate content keywords with brand or geography
There are at least three ads in each ad
Step 2. Ad groups & keywords group
There is at least one responsive ad in
General each ad group
Campaign has several ad groups Each ad has all three headlines and both
Each ad group has 5-20 keywords descriptions
There are no broad keywords Ad copy has a Call to Action
Ad groups have different matches of Location extension was added
keywords: Broad match modified, phrase Sitelink extension was added
match, and exact match Callout extension was added
Call extension was added
Promotion extension was added
Ad groups have different matches of
keywords: broad match modified, phrase Structured snippet extension was added
match, and exact match
All possible misspellings of the brand
name were added There is at least one responsive ad in
each ad group
Logo was added to responsive ads
Image was added to responsive ads
Call To Action button text was
Check search terms If you see under or overspending, adjust
Go through all of your search terms for your bidding strategy or budget
all campaigns and make sure that they accordingly.
are relevant to your business.
Check ad eligibility
Add negative keywords Check if your ads are limited by any of
If you see any irrelevancy in your search Google’s restrictions. Run ad preview for
terms, add them as negative keywords. your keywords to ensure your ads are
being shown.
Check budget
Check if your campaign overspends or Check bidding strategy report
underspends. Use the following formula: Check if your bidding strategy works
(Actual ad spend for this month/budget) good for your need.
- (Current day of the month/Amount of
Check keyword bid
days in this month). Your ideal result is 0.
Sdjust your bids for keywords that work
This means that you are spending your
budget in full and do not overspend. If
the number is below 0, -0.17 for Check Google suggestions
example, that means you underspend, in Give them a shot. Maybe they finally
this case by 17%. If your number is have something to tell...
above 0, like 0.17, it means that you
overspend by 17%.

Campaign review (how are we doing?) RLSA bid adjustments
All calls have been imported (if call Device/app exclusions (remarketing)
tracking is used) Quality score optimization (landing page
Campaigns got more conversions and ad copy)
compared to previous month Audience overlay bidding
Campaigns are spending the budget in full
Average CTR is above 3% Campaign expansion (what we can
Auction insights checked
New ad groups/keywords to test
Conversion tracking checked prepared
Analytics cross referenced with Google Ads Expand based on quality conversions
Campaign adjustments (what we can Test new Responsive HL1-HL6 +
improve?) Description 1-4
Day, time, hour bid adjustments Create new ad to test
Device bid adjustments Test new campaigns (if there is an
Demographic bid adjustments

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