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1 Heat Conduction


1.1.1 Conduction
Conduction is caused by the temperature gradient through a solid material. For
example, Figure 1.1 shows that heat is conducted through a wall of a building or a
container from the high-temperature side to the low-temperature side. This is a one-
dimensional (1-D), steady-state, heat conduction problem if T1 and T2 are uniform.
According to Fourier’s conduction law, the temperature profile is linear through the
plane wall. Fourier’s Conduction Law

dT T −T
q″ = − k =k 1 2 (1.1)
dx L


q″ ≡ or q = q ″ Ac

where q" is the heat flux (W/m2), q is the heat rate (W or J/s), k is the thermal con-
ductivity of solid material (W/m K), Ac is the cross-sectional area for conduction,
perpendicular to heat flow (m2), and L is the conduction length (m).

FIGURE 1.1 1-D heat conduction through a building or container wall.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003164487-1 1
2 Analytical Heat Transfer

One can predict heat rate or heat loss through the plane wall by knowing T1, T2, k,
L, and Ac. This is the simple 1-D steady-state problem. However, in actual applica-
tions, there are many two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D) steady-state
heat conduction problems; there are cases where heat generation occurs in the solid
material during heat conduction. Also, transient heat conduction problems take place
in many engineering applications. In addition, some special applications involve heat
conduction with a moving boundary. These more complicated heat conduction prob-
lems will be discussed in the following chapters.

1.1.2 Convection
Convection is caused by fluid flow motion over a solid surface. For example,
Figure 1.2 shows that heat is removed from a heated solid surface to cooling fluid.
This is a 2-D boundary-layer flow and heat transfer problem. According to Newton,
the heat removal rate from the heated surface is proportional to the temperature dif-
ference between the heated wall and the cooling fluid. The proportionality constant
is known as the heat transfer coefficient; the same heat rate from the heated surface
can be determined by applying Fourier’s Conduction Law to the cooling fluid. Newton’s Cooling Law

q″ = − k f |at wall = h ( Ts − T∞ ) (1.2)
−k f |y= 0
q″ dy
h= = (1.3)
Ts − T∞ Ts − T∞


q″ = or q = q ″ As

FIGURE 1.2 Velocity and thermal boundary layer.

Heat Conduction Equations 3

Typical Values of Heat Transfer Coefficient
Type of Convection h, W/m2 · K
Natural convection
Caused by ΔT: air 5
Caused by ΔT: water 25
Forced convection
Caused by fan, blower: air 25–250
Caused by pump: water 50–20,000
Boiling or condensation
Caused by phase change
Water ⇌ Steam 10,000–100,000
Freon ⇌ Vapor 2500–50,000

where Ts is the surface temperature (°C or K), T∞ is the fluid temperature (°C or K),
h is the heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K), kf is the thermal conductivity of fluid
(W/mK), As is the surface area for convection, exposed to the fluid (m2).
It is noted that the heat transfer coefficient depends on fluid properties (such as
air or water as the coolant), flow conditions (i.e., laminar or turbulent flows), surface
configurations (such as flat surface or circular tube), and so on. The heat transfer
coefficient can be determined experimentally or analytically. This textbook focuses
on analytical solutions. From Equation (1.3), the heat transfer coefficient can be
determined by knowing the temperature profile in the cooling fluid during convec-
tion. With this analytical profile, the temperature gradient near the wall, dT/dy, can
be used to determine the heat transfer coefficient. However, this requires solving
the 2-D boundary-layer equations and will be the subject of the following chapters.
Before solving 2-D boundary-layer equations, one needs the heat transfer coefficient
as the convection boundary condition (BC) in order to solve the heat conduction
problem. Therefore, Table 1.1 provides some typical values of heat transfer coef-
ficient in many convection problems. As can be seen, in general, forced convec-
tion provides more heat transfer than natural convection; water as a coolant removes
much more heat than air; and boiling or condensation, involving a phase change, has
a much higher heat transfer coefficient than single-phase convection.

1.1.3 Radiation
Radiation is caused by electromagnetic waves from solids, liquid surfaces, or gases.
For example, Figure 1.3 shows that heat is radiated from a solid surface at a tempera-
ture greater than absolute zero. According to Stefan-Boltzmann, the radiation heat
rate is proportional to the absolute temperature of the surface raised to the fourth
power, the Stefan–Boltzmann constant, and the surface emissivity. The surface emis-
sivity primarily depends on material, wavelength, and temperature. It is between 0
and 1. In general, the emissivity of metals is much less than nonmetals. Note that radi-
ation from a surface can travel through air, as well as through a vacuum environment.
4 Analytical Heat Transfer

FIGURE 1.3 Radiation from a solid surface. Stefan–Boltzmann Law
For a real surface,

q ″ = εσ Ts4 (1.4)

For an ideal (black) surface, ε = 1

q ″ = σ Ts4


q″ = or q = q ″ As

where ε is the emissivity of the real surface, ε = 0 — 1 (εmetal < εnonmetal), Ts is the
absolute temperature of the surface, K (K = °C + 273.15), σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann
constant, σ = 5.67 × 10 −8 W/m2 K4, and As is the surface area for radiation (m2).

1.1.4 Combined Modes of Heat Transfer

In real applications, often radiation occurs concurrently as conduction or convection
is present. This scenario represents combined modes of heat transfer. For example,
Figure 1.4 shows heat transfer between two surfaces involving radiation and convec-
tion simultaneously.
Assume surface A ≪ surrounding sky or building wall surface, T∞ ≠ Tsur (or,
T∞ = Tsur).
The total heat flux from the surface A is due to convection and radiation, and can
be found as

q ″ = qconv
′′ + qrad,net
′′ (1.5)
Heat Conduction Equations 5

FIGURE 1.4 Heat transfer between two surfaces involving radiation and convection.

′′ = h ( Ts − T∞ )

qrad,net = εσ Ts4 − αε surσ Tsur

= εσ Ts4 − Tsur
, if ε = α , ε sur = 1

= εσ ( T s
+ Tsur
)( T
s + Tsur )( Ts − Tsur )

= hr ( Ts − Tsur )

Therefore, from Equation (1.5)

q ″ = h ( Ts − T∞ ) + hr ( Ts − Tsur ) (1.6)


hr = εσ Ts2 + Tsur
( Ts + Tsur ) (1.7)


q″ ≡ or q = q ″ As

where α is the absorptivity, Tsur is the surrounding wall temperature (°C or K), εsur
is the emissivity of the surrounding wall, hr is the radiation heat transfer coefficient
(W/m2 K), and As is the surface area for radiation (m2). Total heat transfer rate can be
determined by knowing Ts, Tsur, h, ε, εsur, σ, and As.
6 Analytical Heat Transfer


If the temperature profile inside a solid material T(x, y, z, t) is known, the heat rate
q through the solid can be determined as shown in Figure 1.5. As far as thermal
stress is concerned, it is equally important to predict the temperature profile in high-
temperature applications. In this chapter, the general heat conduction equations will
be derived. The general heat conduction equation can be used to solve various real
problems with the appropriate BCs and initial condition. The heat conduction can be
modelled as 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D depending on the nature of the problem:

1-D T(x) for steady state or T(x, t) for transient problems

2-D T(x, y) for steady state or T(x, y, t) for transient problems
3-D T(x, y, z) for steady state or T(x, y, z, t) for transient problems

To determine the temperature profile, the following should be given:

1. Initial condition and BCs
2. Material thermal conductivity k, density ρ, specific heat Cp, and diffusivity
α = k/ρCp

1.2.1 Derivations of General Heat Conduction Equations

The general form of the conservation of energy in a small control volume of solid
material is

Ein − Eout + Eg = Est (1.8)

where Ein − Eout is the net heat conduction, Eg is the heat generation, and Est is the
energy stored in the control volume.
Figure 1.6 shows the conservation of energy in a differential control volume in a
3-D Cartesian (rectangular) coordinate. If we consider energy conservation in a 1-D
system (x-direction only),

 ∂q 
qx −  qx + x dx  + Eg = Est (1.9)
 ∂x 
The conduction heat rates can be evaluated from Fourier’s Law,

FIGURE 1.5 Heat conduction through a solid medium.

Heat Conduction Equations 7

FIGURE 1.6 The volume element for deriving the heat conduction equation.

qx = − kAx (1.10)

With control surface area A x = dy dz, Equation (1.9) can be written as

∂  ∂T 
−  − k dy dz  dx + Eg = Est (1.11)
∂x ∂x 

The thermal energy generation can be represented by

Eg = q dx dy dz (1.12)

where q is the energy generation per unit volume, dx dy dz.

The energy storage can be expressed as

∂ ( ρ dx dy dz ⋅ C p ⋅ T )
Est = (1.13)

Substituting Equations (1.12) and (1.13) into Equation (1.11), we have

∂  ∂T  ∂ ( ρ dx dy dz ⋅ C p ⋅ T )
−  − k  dx dy dz + q dx dy dz = (1.14)
∂x ∂x ∂t
8 Analytical Heat Transfer

Dividing out the dimensions of the small control volume, dx dy dz, Equation (1.14)
is simplified as

∂  ∂T  ∂ ( ρC p T )
 k  + q = (1.15)
∂x ∂x ∂t
If we consider energy conservation, in a 3-D system (x-direction, y-direction,
z-­direction), the heat equation can be written as

∂  ∂T  ∂  ∂T  ∂  ∂T  ∂ ( ρC p T )
 k  +  k  +  k  + q = (1.16)
∂x ∂x ∂y  ∂y  ∂z ∂z ∂t

The thermal conductivity k, which is a function of temperature, is often difficult to

determine. If we assume that k, ρ, and Cp are constants, then Equation (1.16) is sim-
plified as

∂ 2 T ∂ 2 T ∂ 2 T q 1 ∂ T
+ + + = (1.17)
∂ x 2 ∂ y2 ∂ z 2 k α ∂ t

where α = k/ρCp is the thermal diffusivity.

In a 3-D, cylindrical coordinate system as shown in Figure 1.7a, the heat conduc-
tion equation has the form of

1 ∂  ∂ T  1 ∂ 2 T ∂ 2 T q 1 ∂ T
r + + + = (1.18)
r ∂ r  ∂ r  r 2 ∂φ 2 ∂ z 2 k α ∂ t

In a 3-D spherical coordinate system as shown in Figure 1.7b, it has the form of

1 ∂  2 ∂T  1 ∂  ∂T  1 ∂ 2 T q 1 ∂ T
 r  + 2  sin θ  + 2 2 + = (1.19)
r ∂r
∂r r sin θ ∂θ ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ 2 k α ∂ t

FIGURE 1.7 (a) Cylindrical coordinate system. (b) Spherical coordinate system.
Heat Conduction Equations 9


The physical conditions existing on the boundary should be known in order to solve
the heat conduction equation and determine the temperature profile within the
medium. Moreover, the initial condition T(x, 0) = Ti should also be known if the heat
transfer is time-dependent.

1.3.1 Boundary Conditions
There are three types of BCs commonly found in many heat transfer applications [1].

1. Specified surface temperature T(0, t) = Ts, as shown in Figure 1.8

2. Specified surface heat flux, as shown in Figure 1.9a and b
a. Finite heat flux

∂ T ( 0, T )
−k = qs′′ (1.20)

b. Adiabatic or insulated surface, which is a special case

∂ T ( 0, T )
−k = qs′′ = 0 (1.21)

FIGURE 1.8 Boundary conditions—given surface temperature.

FIGURE 1.9 (a) Finite heat flux. (b) Adiabatic surface.

10 Analytical Heat Transfer

FIGURE 1.10 Convective boundary conditions.

FIGURE 1.11 Initial condition.

3. Specified surface convection, as shown in Figure 1.10

∂ T ( 0, T )
−k = h [ T∞ − T ( 0, t )] (1.22)

1.3.2 Initial Conditions
An initial condition, as shown in Figure 1.11, is required for the transient heat transfer

T ( x ,0 ) = Ti (1.23)


1. Steady state, ∂T/∂t = 0, no heat generation, q = 0 ,

1-D =0
∂ x2
∂2T ∂2T
2-D + =0
∂ x 2 ∂ y2
∂2T ∂2T ∂2T
3-D + + =0
∂ x 2 ∂ y2 ∂ z 2

2. Steady state, 1-D with a heat source (heater application)

Heat Conduction Equations 11

∂ 2 T q
+ =0
∂ x2 k
Steady state, 1-D with heat sink–fin application

∂ 2 T q
− =0
∂ x2 k

3. Transient, without heat generation q = 0

∂ 2T 1 ∂T
1-D =
∂ x2 α ∂t
∂ 2T ∂ 2T 1 ∂T
2-D + =
∂ x 2 ∂ y2 α ∂ t
∂ 2T ∂ 2T ∂ 2T 1 ∂T
3-D + + =
∂ x 2 ∂ y2 ∂ z 2 α ∂ t

The above-mentioned three types of BCs can be applied to 1-D, 2-D, or

3-D heat conduction problems, respectively. For example, as shown in
Figure 1.12,

∂ T ( 0, y, t )
x = 0, −k
=0 (adiabaticsurface )
∂ T ( a , y, t )
x = a, −k = h T ( a, y, t ) − T∞  ( surface convection )
∂ T ( x ,0, t )
y = 0, −k = q ″ ( surface heat flux )
y = b, T ( x , b, t ) = Ts (surface temperature )

FIGURE 1.12 Heat conduction in 2-D system with various boundary conditions.
12 Analytical Heat Transfer


1.1 Consider 1-D steady-state heat conduction through a plane wall, without heat
generation, as shown in Figure 1.13.

a. If the left side surface is at a constant temperature T1, and the right side
surface is at a lower constant temperature T2, determine the temperature
and heat flux distributions through the plane wall, T(x), q″(x). If the plane
wall has a heat conduction cross-sectional area Ac, determine the total
heat transfer rate, q(x).
b. At x = 0, T = T1, but the right side surface is exposed to a convection fluid
at a lower temperature, T∞, with a convection heat transfer coefficient h.
Determine T(x), T2, q″(x), and q(x).
c. From case (b), in addition to a convection fluid, the right side surface also
has radiation heat transfer with the surrounding surface at temperature
Tsur = T∞. Determine T(x), T2, q″(x), and q(x).
d. If the left side surface receives a constant heat flux qs″, and the right side
surface is at a lower constant temperature T2, determine T(x), T1, q″(x),
and q(x).
e. The left side surface receives a constant heat flux, qs″, but the right side
surface is exposed to a convection fluid at a lower temperature, T∞, with
a convection heat transfer coefficient h, determine T(x), T1, T2, q″(x), and
f. From the case (e), in addition to convection fluid, the right side surface
also has radiation heat transfer with the surrounding surface at tempera-
ture Tsur = T∞, determine T(x), T1, T2, q″(x), and q(x).


a. The 1-D heat conduction equation is

d 2T
dx 2

The solution of temperature distribution is

= C1

FIGURE 1.13 1-D heat conduction through a plane wall.

Heat Conduction Equations 13

T ( x ) = C1 x + C2

Apply the BCs:

x = 0, T = T1 , T = T1 = C1 ⋅ 0 + C2

x = L , T = T2 , T = T2 = C1 ⋅ L + C2

T2 − T1
Therefore, C2 = T1 and C1 =
T −T
Temperature distribution: T ( x ) = 2 1 x + T1
Heat flux distribution: q ′′ ( x ) = − k

T2 − T1 T −T
q′′ ( x ) = − k , q′′ ( x ) = k 1 2

Heat transfer rate: q ( x ) = − kAc

T1 − T2
q ( x ) = kAc
b. The temperature T(x), heat flux q′′ ( x ), and heat transfer rate q ( x ) distribu-
tions are the same as those shown in (a), but T2 is unknown. Therefore,
we need to determine T2 based on the convection fluid temperature, T∞,
and heat transfer coefficient, h:

at x = L , − k = h ( T2 − T∞ )

∂ T T2 − T1
from (a) =
∂x L

T2 − T1
−k = h ( T2 − T∞ )

T1 + T∞
Therefore, T2 = k

c. Same as part (b), but T2 now can be determined as:

at x = L , − k = ( h + hr )( T2 − T∞ )
14 Analytical Heat Transfer

T1 +
( h + hr ) L T

T2 = k
( h + hr ) L

d. Same as part (a), but T1 is unknown. We need to determine T1 based on a

given surface heat flux BCs as:

at x = 0, − k = qs′′ ,given

T2 − T1
From (a) − k = qs′′

Therefore, T1 = T2 + qs′′

e. Same as part (d), but T2 is unknown, need to determine T2 based on sur-

face convection BC as:

at x = L , − k = qs′′ = h ( T2 − T∞ )

T2 = T∞ +

qs′′ L
T1 = T∞ + + qs′′
h k

f. Same as part (e), but T2 now can be determined as:

at x = L − k = qs′′ = ( h + hr )( T2 − T∞ )

T2 = T∞ +
h + hr

qs′′ L
T1 = T∞ + + qs′′
h + hr k

1.2 Consider 1-D heat conduction through a hollow cylindrical wall without heat
generation, as shown in Figure 1.14. Determine the temperature, heat flux, and
heat transfer rate distributions through the cylindrical wall with the same BCs as
shown in Example 1.1 (a) to (f).


a. 1-D heat conduction equation is

1 d  dT 
r  =0
r dr  dr 
Heat Conduction Equations 15

FIGURE 1.14 1-D heat conduction through a hollow cylindrical wall.

The solution of temperature distribution is

r = C1

dT C1
dr r

T ( r ) = C1ln r + C2

at = r1 , T = T1 = C1 ln r1 + C2

at = r2 , T = T2 = C1 ln r2 + C2

Solve for at C1 and C2

T1 − T2
C1 =
ln 1

T1 − T2
C2 = T1 − ln r1
ln 1

T1 − T2 T −T
T= ln r + T1 − 1 2 ln r1
r1 r
ln ln 1
r2 r2

T1 − T2 r
T = T1 + ln
r r1
ln 1

T1 − T2 r
Temperature distribution: T = T1 − ln
r r1
ln 2
Heat flux: q ′′ ( r ) = − k
16 Analytical Heat Transfer

 
∂ T  T1 − T2 1 
= − 
∂ r  ln r2 r 
 r1 


 
 T1 − T2 1 
q′′ ( r ) = − k  − 
 ln 2 r 
 r1 

T1 − T2 1
Heat flux distribution: q′′ ( r ) = k
ln 2 r
Heat transfer rate distribution: q ( r ) = q′′ ( r ) Ac

T1 − T2 1
q (r ) = k 2πrl
ln 2 r
T1 − T2
q ( r ) = k 2πl
ln 2
where l is the length of hollow cylindrical tube.
The temperature distribution is a logarithm with radius r:

T1 − T2 r
T ( r ) = T1 − ln
r r1
ln 2
Heat flux distribution depends on the radius r:

T1 − T2 1
q′′ ( r ) = k
ln 2 r
T1 − T2 1
q′′ ( r1 ) = k at r = r1
ln 2 r1

T1 − T2 1
q′′ ( r2 ) = k at r = r2
ln 2 r2

But heat transfer rate is a constant value at any radius r:

T1 − T2
q ( r ) = k 2πl = q ( r1 ) = q ( r2 )
ln 2
Heat Conduction Equations 17

b. Same as part (a), but the outer cylinder surface is exposed to a convec-
tion fluid at a lower temperature, T∞, with a convection heat transfer
coefficient, h. In this case, T2 is unknown, it can be determined as:

at r2 , −k = h ( T2 − T∞ )

∂T T − T2 1
where =− 1 from part (a) at r = r2
∂r r
ln 2 r2
solve for T2;

hr2 r2
T1 + ln T∞
k r1
T2 =
hr2 r2
1+ ln
k r1

c. Same as part (b), in this case, T2 can be solved as:

T1 +
( h + hr ) r2 ln r2 T

k r1
T2 =
( h + hr ) r2 r2
k r1

d. Same as part (a), but cylinder inner wall receives a constant surface heat
flux qs′′; therefore T1 is unknown and it can be determined as

r = r1 , qs′′ = − k

T1 − T2 1
qs′′ = k from part(a)
ln 2 r1

Solve for T1:

r r
T1 = T2 + qs′′ 1 ln 2
k r1

e. Same as part (d), but the cylinder outer wall is exposed to a convection
fluid at a lower temperature, T∞, with a convection heat transfer coef-
ficient, h. In this case, T2 is unknown, it can be determined as:

at r2 , − k = h ( T2 − T∞ )

∂T T − T2 1
where =− 1 from part(a)
∂r r
ln 2 r2
18 Analytical Heat Transfer

hr2 r2
T1 + ln T∞
k r1 r r
solve for T2: T2 = , where T1 = T2 + qs′′ 1 ln 2 from part (d)
hr2 r2 k r1
1+ ln
k r1

f. same as part (e), in this case, T2 can be solved as:

T1 +
( h + hr ) r2 ln r2 T

k r1
T2 =
( h + hr ) r2 r2
k r1

r r
where T1 = T2 + qs′′ 1 ln 2 from part (d)
k r1

In general, heat conduction problems, regardless of 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, steady or unsteady,
can be solved analytically if the thermal conductivity is a given constant and thermal
BCs are known constants. The problems will be analyzed and solved in Chapters
2–4. However, in real-life applications, there are many materials whose thermal con-
ductivities vary with temperature and location, k (T) ∼ k (x, y, z). In these cases, the
heat conduction equation shown in Equation (1.16) becomes a nonlinear equation and
is harder to solve analytically.
In addition, in real engineering applications, it is not easy to determine the precise
convection BC shown in Figures 1.10 and 1.12. These require detailed knowledge of
complex convection heat transfer to be discussed in Chapters 6–10.

1.1 Derive Equation 1.18.
1.2 Derive Equation 1.19.
a. Write the differential equation that expresses transient heat conduction
in 3-D (x, y, z coordinates) with constant heat generation and constant
b. Simplify the differential equation in (a) to show steady-state conduction
in one dimension, assuming constant conductivity.
c. If the BCs are: T = T1 … at … x = x1, T = T2 at x = x2, solve the
­second-order differential equation to yield a temperature distribution
(T). Express the answer (T) in terms of (T1, T2, x, x1, x2).
d. Using the Fourier Law and the results from (c), develop an expression
for the heat rate per unit area, assuming constant conductivity. Express
your answer in terms of (k, T1, T2, x1, x2).
1.4 Consider 1-D, steady-state, heat conduction through a plane wall without
heat generation, as shown in Figure 1.13. Determine the temperature, heat
flux, and heat transfer rate distributions, as those shown in example 1.1 (a),
Heat Conduction Equations 19

(b), and (c), but the left-side wall is exposed to a high-temperature convec-
tion fluid T∞1, with a convection heat transfer coefficient h1.
a. at x = 0, − k = h1 ( T∞1 − T1 )
at x = L , T = T2

b. at x = 0, − k = h1 ( T∞1 − T1 )
at x = L , − k = h2 ( T2 − T∞ 2 )
c. at x = 0, − k = h1 ( T∞1 − T1 )
at x = L , − k = ( h2 + hr )( T2 − T∞ 2 )
1.5 Consider 1-D, steady-state, heat conduction through a hollow cylindrical
tube without heat generation, as shown in Figure 1.14. Determine the tem-
perature, heat flux, heat transfer rate distributions as those shown in example
1.2 (a), (b), and (c), but the cylinder inner wall is exposed to a high tempera-
ture convection fluid T∞1, with convection heat transfer coefficient h1.
a. at r = r1 , − k = h1 ( T∞1 − T1 )
at r = r2 , T = T2
b. at r = r1 , − k = h1 ( T∞1 − T1 )
at r = r2 , − k
= h2 ( T2 − T∞ 2 )
= h1 ( T∞1 − T1 )
c. at r = r1 , − k
at r = r2 , − k
= ( h2 + hr )( T2 − T∞ 2 )

1. F. Incropera and D. Dewitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Fifth Edition,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002.

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