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What is FEA (FEM)?

Finite Element Analysis (FEA), also known as Finite Element Method (FEM), is a
numerical technique used in engineering to simulate the behavior of complex
structures and systems under various physical conditions. It breaks down a problem
into smaller, manageable elements and uses mathematical methods to approximate
the behavior of the entire system.

2. Why do we need FEA?

FEA is essential in engineering for several reasons:

● It allows engineers to predict how a structure will behave under different loads
and conditions before manufacturing or construction begins.
● It helps in optimizing designs to improve performance, durability, and safety
while reducing costs and development time.
● FEA enables the analysis of complex systems that are difficult or impossible
to study experimentally.

3. Basics of Stress and Strain in Beams:

● Stress: It is the force applied per unit area on a material, measured in units of
force per unit area (e.g., N/m² or psi). In beams, stress arises due to applied
loads causing deformation.
● Strain: It is the measure of deformation of a material relative to its original
length, typically expressed as a ratio or percentage. Strain is directly related
to stress through material properties like Young's modulus.

4. Pre-Processing:

Pre-processing involves preparing the model for analysis, which includes:

● Creating a geometric model of the structure or system.

● Meshing the geometry into smaller elements to approximate the behavior.
● Assigning material properties and boundary conditions, such as applied loads
and constraints.

5. Post-Processing:

Post-processing involves analyzing the results obtained from the simulation,


● Visualizing stress, strain, displacement, and other relevant parameters.

● Evaluating the performance of the structure or system against design criteria.
● Making decisions based on the analysis results, such as design modifications
or optimizations.

6. Theories of Failure:

Mechanical failure can occur due to various reasons, including:

● Design inadequacies: Flaws or weaknesses in the design of the component or

● Material defects: Imperfections in the material used, such as manufacturing
defects or impurities.
● Normal wear and tear: Degradation of the material over time due to repeated
loading or environmental factors.

We also made a 3-D model using Ansys software and learnt modelling techniques

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