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MENOUFIA UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة المنوفية‬


‫كلية الحاسبات والمعلومات‬
‫جامعة المنوفية‬
2023-2024 2023-2024
Project Name
No. Name Section
1 ‫يسرى ياسر السيد بحبح‬

2 ‫يوسف عادل فؤاد‬

3 ‫عبدالعزيز محمد عبدالعزيز‬

4 ‫محمد إبراهيم عزت‬

5 ‫محمد عطية ذكي‬

6 ‫محمد علي محمد ابراهيم محجوب‬

Task Evaluation Task Evaluation

Project Identification Questionnaire
System Request DFD
Feasibility Analysis Data Dictionary
Project Methodology Process Specification
Time Estimation ERD
Tasks Identification Normalization
Work Plan Architecture Design
Pert Chart Data storage Design
Gantt chart Program design
Interview Interface design

Project Identification
Project Name:

Good study of programming

Current Problem:

Students cannot find a good instructor to learn programming and students are
distracted from what they should be studying in the first and basics .

Description about project:

1) Find perfect place to learn programming

2) The site has many recorded courses
3) The student can ask about any question or part that he does
not understand through a chat on the site
4) Payment are through the site.
5) The website allows the student to log in and register his
data to ultimately obtain the certificate

System Request
System Request— (PROJECT NAME)
Project Sponsor: ahmed,the vice president and marketing manager
Business Need: 1.increasing sales
2.increase the company share in the market
3.making facilities to improve customer satisfaction
4.making learing process more comfortable
Business Requirements: archieve of all the courses
2. samples for the courses
3. access for purchased courses
4. a way for purchasing course via the platform(paying online)
Business Value: 1.a 5% increase in sales
2.a 10% increase in the market value
3.100000$increase in revenue
4.a 3% increase in the market share
Special Issues or 1.the deadline is december,26
Constraints: 2.the platform should include high security level to secure the
paying process the service in requested from our customers it needs to be made
as soon as possible and with high quality
4.the system is needed with decent user interface the make it easier
to use to the customer

Feasibility Analysis
Technical Feasibility

1. Technical stack: The chosen technology stack is well-suited for

building a scalable web-based platform for programming video
content hosting.
2. -Technical Risks: Potential technical challenges
include optimizing video streaming for different
devices and ensuring efficient content management
as the platform scales. However, these risks are
manageable with a focus on optimizing code.
3. Data Management: Cloud storage solutions, combined with a
well-structured database schema, are practical and scalable. This
ensures that the platform can accommodate a growing volume of
content and users.
4. • Consultants are readily available to provide help in this area.
5. The project time frame is somewhat critical, since the system is
needed to maintain our competitive position in the market.

Economic Feasibility

1. The budget allocated for development costs,

hosting, marketing, and legal expenses, is
well-planned and takes into account
potential unforeseen expenses.
2. The platform offers multiple revenue streams, including
advertising and subscription fees. These revenue sources are
expected to cover operational costs and generate profits.
3. Intangible Costs and Benefits
4. Improved customer satisfaction. Enhanced competitive
position through expansion of our brand into the music download
5. A cost–benefit analysis was performed; Conservative estimates
show that the platform for learning programming has a good
chance of significantly enhancing the company’s bottom line. ROI
over 3 years: 280% , NPV over 3 years: $4,180,431 , Break-even
occurs after 0.17 years.

Organizational Feasibility

1. - The user interface has been designed with user feedback and
best practices in mind. It's intuitive and user-friendly, following
web navigation standards to make it easy for users
2. A 24/7 support team is available for user support, maintenance,
and content moderation. This team ensures the platform operates
seamlessly, addressing user concerns and content issues.

Schedule Feasibility

1. Schedule feasibility: The project will be implemented in a matter

of 3 years and the development phases, including the
implementation of monetization options, user engagement
features, and community-building, can be realistically completed
within their defined timeframes
Project Methodology
The way that we will follow is V-MODEL as it is
simple,straight forward and produces high quality
systems as a lot of testing is done in this methodolgy
Time Estimation
Planning Analysis Design Implementation

Standard 15% 20% 35% 30%


Estimated time Actual: 8 days 10 days 18 days 16 days

based on planning
Tasks Identification
Name of Task Technical Feasibility
Start Date 1/1/2024
End Date 15/1/2024
Person assigned to task Mohamed Henish
Priority High
Resources Needed Microsoft Word
Estimated Time day 14
Actual Time days 9

Name of Task Economic Feasibility

Start Date 12/1/2024
End Date 21/1/2024
Person assigned to task Yousef Adel
Priority High
Resources Needed Google
Estimated Time days 9
Actual Time days 4

Name of Task Pert chart

Start Date 23/1/2024
End Date 1/2/2024
Person assigned to task Mohamed ali
Priority High
Resources Needed Microsoft word
Estimated Time day 12
Actual Time days 8

Name of Task System request

Start Date 2/2/2024
End Date 10/2/2024
Person assigned to task Yousry bahbah
Priority High
Resources Needed Microsoft word
Estimated Time days 10
Actual Time days 6

Name of Task Project Methodology

Start Date 7/2/2024
End Date 15/2/2024
Person assigned to task Mohamed atya
Priority High
Resources Needed Microsoft word
Estimated Time day 15
Actual Time days 8

Name of Task interview

Start Date 21/2/2024
End Date 28/2/2024
Person assigned to task Abdelaziz Mohamed
Priority High
Resources Needed Microsoft word
Estimated Time days 7
Actual Time days 3
Work Plan
Task name Assigned to Duration Start date Finish date Durance dependency Status
(days) varianc
request Mohamed 14 1/1/2024 15/1/2024 9 - closed
study Yousef 9 12/1/202
21/1/2024 4 - closed
Mohamed 9 23/1/202
23/1/2024 8 B closed
estimation Yousry 8 2/2/2024 10/2/2024 6 A,C closed
identification Mohamed
8 7/2/2024 15/2/2024 8 C closed
Pert chart
Abdelaziz 7 21/2/202
28/2/2024 3 C closed
Gantt chart
Yousef 5 2/3/2024 7/3/2024 4 D,E,F closed
Pert Chart (MS-Project)
activity Description predecessors duration
A System request - 5
B Feasibility study - 10
C Methodology B 5
D Time estimation A,C 5
E Task identification C 3
F Pert chart C 10
g Gantt chart D,E,F 5
Gantt chart (MS-Project)
activity Description predecessors duration
A System request - 5
B Feasibility study - 10
C Methodology B 5
D Time estimation A,C 5
E Task identification C 3
F Pert chart C 10
g Gantt chart D,E,F 5
Analysis (Project Proposal)
(include questions and answers)

1)How are you?

2)What do you think about online reservation
applications ?
3)What disadvantage did you see so we can avoid it?
4)What problems does this system solve?
5)Who has permission to use the application?
6)How do you want the external appearance of the
7)What type of data do you want the student to enter
when registering?
8)what will the system do for the student?
9)Would you rather have a rating for yourself?
10)Do you think the application will succeed?
11)What do you think of success rate?
Interview Report
Person Interviewed:


Purpose of Interview:




Summary of Interview:

Open Items:

Detailed Notes: See attached transcript.

Data Flow Diagram - Context Diagram
(Add more levels if the your system requires)
Data Flow Diagram – Level 0
Data Flow Diagram – Level 1
Data Dictionary
DFD: Data Flow
(1)Description form for Data Flow
Data Flow Description Form
Name (label):
Source Destination

Type of Data Flow

File Screen Report Form Internal

Data structure Volume/time

(2) Data Structure for Data Flow
 Data Structure for Data Flow: Structural Record
(3)Data Element for data flow
ID 1
Name Course name
Alias Course name
Description Full course name
Length 40
Input Format X(40)
Output Format X(40)
Default Value Your name
Continuous / Discrete Discrete
Type String
Base / Derived Base
Upper Limit -
Lower Limit -
Discrete -
Comments -

ID 2
Name Student degree
Alias Degree
Description Student exam degree
Length 3
Input Format G(3)
Output Format G(3)
Default Value Degree
Continuous / Discrete Discrete
Type Integer
Base / Derived Base
Upper Limit 100
Lower Limit 0
Discrete -
Comments -
DFD: Data Store
ID 1
Name Student file
Alias Students
Description Student file
File Type Microsoft Excel
File Format .xlsx
Record Size 200GB
Maximum Records 100000 Student
Average Records 50000 Student
Growth per Year 30%
Data Set -
Data Structure Uploading Data
Primary Key ID
Secondary Key Name
Comments -

Name Courses file
Alias Courses
Description Courses file
File Type Microsoft Excel
File Format . xlsx
Record Size 20 MG
Maximum Records 20
Average Records 10
Growth per Year 0%
Data Set -
Data Structure Uploading data
Primary Key Course name
Secondary Key Name
Comments -
Process Specification
 Note: apply process specification for all project processes

Process Specification Form


Name: create student record

Description: The process takes a student’s information and courses in a student file

Input Data Flow: student information

Output Data Flow: student record

Type of Process

✔ Online Batch Manual

 Process Logic: Structured English

 Tree
Start Enter Name Enter age End

If his age >= 7 If his age >= 13 If his age >= 16

Else End if
& his age < 13 & his age < 16 & his age < 19

Enroll in Enroll in Enroll in Print “No

elementary preparatory secondary courses for
school courses school courses school courses you”

☑️️️Structured English
 ✔ Decision Table ✔☑Decision Tree

Unresolved Issues:

Normal Tables

Tables after 1NF

Tables after 2NF
Tables after 3NF
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
UML – Use Case
UML – Class Diagram
UML – Sequence Diagram
Design (Project Specification)
[A] Architecture Design
1. Operational Requirements
Technical Environment
System Integration

2. Performance Requirements
Availability and

3. Security Requirements
System value estimates
Access control
Encryption and
Virus control
[2] Data storage Design

1. Data storage format:

2. Convert logical ERD to physical ERD:

[3] Program design
 Convert logical DFD to physical DFD:
[4] Interface design
1. Use Scenario Development

2. Interface Structure Design

3. Interface Standards Design
(1) Interface Metaphor

(2) Interface Template

4. Interface Design Prototyping

n (New

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