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Part 2: Country Profiles

List of Countries

Country/Economy Page Country/Economy Page Country/Economy Page

Albania 94 Ghana 190 Nicaragua 286
Algeria 96 Greece 192 Nigeria 288
Angola 98 Guatemala 194 Norway 290
Argentina 100 Guinea* 196 Oman 292
Armenia 102 Guyana 198 Pakistan 294
Australia 104 Honduras 200 Panama 296
Austria 106 Hungary 202 Paraguay 298
Azerbaijan 108 Iceland 204 Peru 300
Bahamas 110 India 206 Philippines 302
Bahrain 112 Indonesia 208 Poland 304
Bangladesh 114 Iran, Islamic Rep. 210 Portugal 306
Barbados 116 Ireland 212 Qatar 308
Belarus* 118 Israel 214 Romania 310
Belgium 120 Italy 216 Russian Federation 312
Belize 122 Jamaica 218 Rwanda* 314
Bhutan 124 Japan 220 Saudi Arabia 316
Bolivia 126 Jordan 222 Senegal 318
Botswana 128 Kazakhstan 224 Serbia 320
Brazil 130 Kenya 226 Singapore 322
Brunei Darussalam 132 Korea, Rep. 228 Slovak Republic 324
Bulgaria 134 Kuwait 230 Slovenia 326
Burkina Faso 136 Kyrgyz Republic 232 South Africa 328
Burundi 138 Lao PDR 234 Spain 330
Cambodia 140 Latvia 236 Sri Lanka 332
Canada 142 Lebanon 238 Suriname 334
Cape Verde 144 Lesotho 240 Swaziland* 336
Chad 146 Liberia* 242 Sweden 338
Chile 148 Lithuania 244 Switzerland 340
China 150 Luxembourg 246 Syria 342
Colombia 152 Macedonia, FYR 248 Tajikistan 344
Costa Rica 154 Madagascar 250 Tanzania 346
Côte d'Ivoire 156 Malawi 252 Thailand 348
Croatia 158 Malaysia 254 Trinidad and Tobago 350
Cuba 160 Maldives 256 Tunisia* 352
Cyprus 162 Mali 258 Turkey 354
Czech Republic 164 Malta 260 Uganda 356
Denmark 166 Mauritania 262 Ukraine 358
Dominican Republic 168 Mauritius 264 United Arab Emirates 360
Ecuador 170 Mexico 266 United Kingdom 362
Egypt 172 Montenegro* 268 United States 364
El Salvador 174 Moldova 270 Uruguay 366
Estonia 176 Mongolia 272 Venezuela 368
Ethiopia 178 Morocco 274 Vietnam 370
Fiji 180 Mozambique 276 Yemen 372
Finland 182 Namibia 278 Zambia 374
France 184 Nepal 280 Zimbabwe* 376
Georgia 186 Netherlands 282
Germany 188 New Zealand 284
* New countries

The Global Gender Gap Report 2013 | 83

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