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‘Abd al-Majīd al-Najjār’s Perspective on Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah

Faishal Agil Al M unawar

UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Received: 09-07-2021 Revised: 23-10-2021 Accepted: 11-11-2021

Abstract: Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah is a discipline that gives enlightenment on understanding and development of
Islamic law. Moreover, it can also be used as a verdict (Istinbāṭ) for a Mujtahid. This particular
research discusses ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār and his unique perspective on Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah.
The research encompasses library research category with descriptive qualitative approach to point out
and reveal Abdul Majid An-Najjar’s Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah views. The result displays Majority of
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah experts (Maqāṣidiyyūn), the core of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah is to manifest Al -
Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Khams (five substances), but ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār has different notion which is
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ‘Alā Dawāir Al-Ḥayāh Al-Insāniyyah (human life Maqashid Al- Sharī’ah)
that realizes Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Thamān (eight substances) that contains Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn (preserving
religion), Ḥifẓ Insāniyyah Al-Insān (preserving humanity), Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs Al-Insāniyyah (protecting
soul), Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql (preserving mind), Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl (preserving heirs), Ḥifẓ Al-Kiyān Al-Ijtimā’ī
(preserves social behavior), Ḥifẓ Al-Māl (taking care of property) and Ḥifẓ Al-Bīah (preserving
environment) with noble purposes to gain benefits and salvation for here and hereafter. According to
‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār, realizing benefits for mankind by materializing merits and avoiding
perilous things here and hereafter are the supreme objective of Islamic Sharī’ah.
Abstrak: Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah merupakan disiplin ilmu yang memberikan pencerahan bagi
pemahaman dan pengembangan hukum Islam. Selain itu, juga dapat digunakan sebagai
putusan (Istinbāṭ) bagi seorang mujtahid. Penelitian ini membahas tentang ‘Abd Al-
Majīd Al-Najjār dan keunikan perspektifnya tentang Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah. Penelitian ini
termasuk kategori penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk
mengungkap pandangan Maqāṣid Al-Sharīah Abdul Majid An-Najjar. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan mayoritas ahli Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah (Maqāṣidiyyūn), inti dari Maqāṣid Al-
Sharī'ah adalah mewujudkan Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Khams (lima zat), tetapi 'Abd Al-Majīd Al-
Najjār memiliki perbedaan paham yang merupakan Maqāṣid Al-Sharī'ah 'Alā Dawāir Al-
Ḥayāh Al-Insāniyyah (kehidupan manusia Maqashid Al-Sharī'ah) yang mewujudkan Al-
Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Thamān (delapan zat) yang mengandung Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn (memelihara agama) ,
Ḥifẓ Insāniyyah Al-Insān (memelihara kemanusiaan), Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs Al-Insāniyyah
(memelihara jiwa), Ḥifẓ Al-'Aql (memelihara akal), Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl (memelihara ahli
waris), Ḥifẓ Al-Kiyān Al-Ijtimā' (memelihara perilaku sosial), Ḥifẓ Al-Māl (menjaga
harta) dan Ḥifẓ Al-Bīah (melestarikan lingkungan) dengan tujuan mulia untuk
memperoleh manfaat dan keselamatan dunia dan akhirat. Menurut ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-
Najjār, mewujudkan manfaat bagi umat manusia dengan mewujudkan pahala dan
menghindari hal-hal yang berbahaya di dunia dan di akhirat adalah tujuan tertinggi
syariat Islam.

Keywords: Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah, Perspective, ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār, Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ‘Alā
Dawāir Al-Ḥayāh Al-Insāniyyah.
210 ║ Jurnal Ilmiah Syari‘ah, Volume 20, Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021
INTRODUCTION Al-Ḍarūriyyāt (the primary needs) of
society (Jābir, 2011: 5).
T here have been many new issues and
important cases to discuss during Imām Abū Ḥāmid Al-Ghazālī (Died
rapid development of the world. Hence, it in 505 H) in his book Al-Mustaṣfā wrote:
needs knowledge that is able to enlighten “the intention of Sharī’ah in making the
the understanding and development of five primary needs is for people to
preserve, protect, and take care of their
Islamic law that is the knowledge of
religion, souls, minds, heirs, and
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah.
properties, because maintaining those
For those who want to reach mujtahid
needs is a utility. In other words, ignoring
level, they have to fulfill the first
requirement on which they have to them is a fault. Avoiding any action of
understand Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah omitting those needs is considered as the
completely and comprehensively. As Abū strongest significance (Aqwa Al-Marātib
Isḥāq Al-Shāṭibī urged (Died in 790H) (Al- Fī Al-Maṣāliḥ), because the purpose of
Thūfī, 1987: 46). Sharī’ah is to give benefit to people. As
long as it does not against prohibitions
The knowledge of a mujtahid
such as being infidel (Taḥrīm Al-Kufr),
towards Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah will lead to
murdering (Taḥrīm Al-Qatl), doing
the understanding of God’s provisions
and decrees. The mujtahid will also adultery (Taḥrīm Al-Zinā), stealing
develop Islamic law based on God’s will (Taḥrīm Al-Sariqah), drinking alcoholic
(Al-Khādimī, 1998: 52). beverages or getting drunk (Taḥrīm Shurb
Thus, Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah in this era Al-Muskir) (Al-Ghazālī, 1997: 287-288).
is highly required by a mujtahid in order to The researcher found that there is a
contemporary Islamic scholar from
be implemented as istinbāṭ method of
Islamic law in solving contemporary Tunisia that had expertise in the discipline
of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah just like
matters (Al-Qaḥṭān, 2010: 328).
Muḥammad Al-Ṭāhir bin ‘Āshūr (died in
Generally, the essence of Maqāṣid Al-
Sharī’ah is Jalb Al-Maṣāliḥ Wa Daf’ Al- 1973 M), he is ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār
Mafāsid (gain benefit and avoid all kinds (born in Bani Kheddache of Tunisia on
of damage or hazardous things) to gain May 28th 1945) who has different
benefit and salvation for here and viewpoint from the majority of Maqāṣid
hereafter by realizing five primary needs Al-Sharī’ah experts (Maqāṣidiyyūn) in
discussing it based on his book Al-
(Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Khams): preserving
Sharī’ah Bi Ab’ād Jadīdah. He also has
religion (Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn), protecting soul
around 28 books. Thus, it is interesting to
(Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs), preserving minds (Ḥifẓ Al-
‘Aql), preserving heirs (Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl), and discuss this notion in this article (Al-
taking care of property (Ḥifẓ Al-Māl) (Al- Najjār, 2008: 294-295).
Shāṭibī, 2004: 222). Most of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah experts
All things in the world are created (Maqāṣidiyyūn) defined the essence of
for humans to give benefit, as long as Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah as the realization of
five primary needs (Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-
there is no Naṣ (Al-Qur’an and Ḥadīth
Khams) which concerns with preserving
texts) which forbid (harām) them, neither
religion (Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn), protecting soul
the explanations of their dangers. This
(Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs), preserving minds (Ḥifẓ Al-
prevention is to maintain and look after
‘Aql), preserving heirs (Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl), and
‘Abd Al-M ajīd Al-Najjār’s Perspective on M aqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ║211

taking care of property (Ḥifẓ Al-Māl), MAZAHIB Islamic Legal Thought Journal
meanwhile ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār in 2017.
determined the essence of Maqāṣid Al- Fourth, there is an article written by
Sharī’ah as the realization of eight primary Siti Amaroh which is “Maqāṣid Al-
needs (Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Thamān) and has Sharī’ah-based Social Performance
a new term of it as Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah in Assessment at Converted Sharī’ah
the area of human’s life (Maqāṣid Al- Commercial Banks in Indonesia.
Sharī’ah ‘Alā Dawāir Al-Ḥayāh Al- Fifth, there is an article written by
Insāniyyah) which deals with preserving Marziana Madah Marzuki and Wan
religion (Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn), preserving Zurina Nik Abdul Majid entitled “Fraud
humanity (Ḥifẓ Insāniyyah Al-Insān), Prevention in Malaysia: Maqasid al-
protecting soul (Ḥifẓ Al-NafsAl- Shariah Perspective” which was published
Insāniyyah), preserving minds (Ḥifẓ Al- by Global Business and Management
‘Aql), preserving heirs (Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl), Research: An International Journal in
preserving society behavior (Ḥifẓ Al-Kiyān 2020.
Al-Ijtimā’ī), taking care of property (Ḥifẓ This research aimed at revealing and
Al-Māl), and preserving the environment answering the main issue: how is ‘Abd Al-
(Ḥifẓ Al-Bīah) in order to get the benefit Majīd Al-Najjār’s perspective on Maqāṣid
and avoid the damage, thus people can Al-Sharī’ah? Thus, researcher discussed
gain salvation here and hereafter. ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār’s perspective on
Even though the researcher did not Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah in order to find out
find any article related to ‘Abd Al-Majīd and explain why the essence of ‘Abd Al-
Al-Najjār’s Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah, but most Majīd Al-Najjār’s Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah is
of the articles which mentioned him different from the essence of most of
discussed Sharī’ah economics, except one Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah experts
that discussed Islamic law. Hence, it is (Maqāṣidiyyūn).
interesting to discuss.
First, there is an article written by
Houssem Eddine Bedoui dan Walid
Mansour entitled “Performance and This research is a library research
Maqasid al-Shari’ah’s Pentagon Shaped because it discusses the document and
Ethical Measurement” which was sources from libraries which are related to
published by Springer Science + Business ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār’s Maqāṣid Al-
Media Dordrecht in 2014. Sharī’ah. The approach used in this
Second, there is an article written by research was qualitative descriptive which
Wasyith. The title is “Beyond Banking: was intended to reveal and explain ‘Abd
The Revitalization of Maqāṣid in Sharī’ah Al-Majīd Al-Najjār’s Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah
Banking”. It was published by Economica: (Salim and Syahrum, 2012). The result of
Islamic Economics Journal 2017. this research was about ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-
Third, there is an article written by Najjār’s perspective on Maqāṣid Al-
Sayed Sikandar Shah Haneef and Mohd Sharī’ah. The intention was to answer and
Abbas Bin Abdul Razak entitled explain ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār’s
“Stabilizing Muslim Marriages: Some perspective on Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah.
Reflections on Ethical Management of
Family Law” which was published by
212 ║ Jurnal Ilmiah Syari‘ah, Volume 20, Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021
RESULT AND DISCUSSION has been prescribed and there are
The Definision of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah kindness and benefits (Al-Najjār, 2008: 16).
Based on ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār The meaning of the definition above
The definition of Maqāṣid Al- is the wisdom contained in Sharī’ah is the
Sharī’ah stated by ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al- law of Sharī’ah, namely Allah Subhanahu
Najjār is based on the definition proposed wa Ta’ala created humans to live on Earth
by two contemporary scholars of Maqāṣid as the leader (khalīfah) in order to
Al-Sharī’ah, they were Muḥammad Al- worship Him, to objectify virtue and
Ṭāhir bin ‘Āshūr (died in 1973) and ‘Allāl benefit which is the highest level of
Al-Fāsī (died in 1974). purpose of Islamic Sharī’ah, to achieve
The definition of Maqāṣid Al- blessedness in the world and hereafter.
Sharī’ah according to Muḥammad Al- Thus, the definition of Maqāṣid Al-
Ṭāhir bin ‘Āshūr: Sharī’ah according to ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-
Najjār is “the meanings and wisdoms
‫"مقاصد الشريعة العامة هي املعاين واحلكم‬ guided by Al-Shāri’ (Allah Subhanahu wa
"‫امللحوظة للشارع يف مجيع أحوال التشريع أو معظمها‬ Ta’ala) in every form of Sharī’ah
determination or in most of them” and
“Generally, Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah is the
“the purpose of Sharī’ah and the secrets
meanings and wisdoms guided by God
appointed by Al-Shāri’ (Allah Subhanahu
(Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) in every
wa Ta’ala) in each of Sharī’ah laws.
form of Sharī’ah determination or most of
According to Abū Isḥāq Al-Shāṭibī
them (‘Āshūr, 2007: 49).
(died in 790 H), there are four Al-Shāri’s
Meanwhile, according to ‘Allāl Al-
(Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) purposes: 1)
Fāsī, Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah is:
Qaṣdu Al-Shāri’ Fī Waḍ’i Al-Sharī’ah, it is
‫ واألسرار‬،‫ الغاية منها‬:‫"املراد مبقاصد الشريعة‬ the purpose of Al-Shāri’ (Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) in determining the
."‫اليت وضعها الشارع عند كل حكم من أحكامها‬
Sharī’ah; 2) Qaṣdu Al-Shāri’ Fī Waḍ’i Al-
“The definition of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah is Sharī’ah Li Al-Ifhām, it is the purpose of
the purpose of Sharī’ah and the secrets Al-Shāri’ (Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) in
determined by Al-Shāri’ (Allah determining the Sharī’ah to be understood
Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) in every law of its easier; 3) Qaṣdu Al-Shāri’ Li Al-Taklīf Bi
Sharī’ah laws (Al-Fāsī, 1993: 7). Muqtaḍa Al-Sharī’ah, it is the purpose of
Based on both definitions from those Al-Shāri’ (Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) in
contemporary scholars, ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al- determining the Sharī’ah to be applied
Najjār defined Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah as based on His commands; and 4) Qaṣdu
follow: Al-Shāri’ Fī Dukhūl Al-Mukallaf Taḥta
‫"الغاية اليت منأجلهاوضعتتلك الشريعةفيكلياهتا وجزئياهتا‬ Hukm Al-Sharī’ah, it is the purpose of Al-
Shāri’ (Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) in
‫متحرية أن جتري حياة اإلنسان املشرع له على ما فيه‬ guiding humans to be under the auspices
."‫خريه وصالحه‬ of Sharī’ah law (Al-Shāṭibī, 2004: 219).
Allah didn’t determine Sharī’ah without
“Every purpose from which its cause is
beneficial purpose for humans. (Al-Najjār,
determined by Sharī’ah both kullī
2008: 18)
(general) dan juzī (specific) where
According to ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-
freedom is given to live the life as what
Najjār, there are four ways (masālik) to
‘Abd Al-M ajīd Al-Najjār’s Perspective on M aqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ║213

find out Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah: 1) Maslak Thus, Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah can be

Al-Amr Al-Ilāhī, it is the understanding of one of istinbāṭ methods of Islamic law (the
Sharī’ah which is related to God’s method of determining Islamic law),
commands and guidance both obeying the because the knowledge towards Maqāṣid
rules and avoiding sins; 2) Maslak Al- Al-Sharī’ah will lead mujtahid to
Bayān Al-Naṣṣī, it is the understanding of comprehend God’s provisions and
Naṣ (the written form of Al-Qur’an and decrees, and develop Islamic law based on
Ḥadīth) both qaṭ’ī and ẓannī or explicit and God’s will (Al-Khādimī, 1998: 52).
implicit meanings; 3) Maslak Al-Istiqrā’, it As stated by Nūr Al-Dīn bin
is the understanding of Al-Istiqrā’ Mukhtār Al-Khādimī, there are many Naṣ
(inductive) method from Kullī (general) to (the written form of Al-Qur’an and
Juzī (specific); 4) Maslak Al-‘Amal Al- Ḥadīth) that discuss Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah,
Nabawī, it is the understanding of the but it is quite difficult to sort them, but
practice done by Rasulullah Muhammad some of the scholars use certain Naṣ as the
Sallallahu Alayhi wa Salaam. (Al-Najjār, basic law of Maqashid Asy-Syari’ah (Al-
2008: 25-35) Khādimī, 2001: 78).
According to Wahbah Al-Zuhaylī Several Naṣ that become the basic
(Died in 2015) something can be said as law for Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah are:
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah if it meets four 1) Al-Quran, there are 7 verses: The Quran
requirements: 1) Thābit, it means 2: 185 (Al-Baqarah), The Quran 4: 28 (An-
consistent and doubtless; 2) Ẓāhir, it is Nisa’), The Quran 5: 6 (Al-Maidah), The
clear and no contradiction of ‘illah (the Quran 7: 157 (Al-A’raf), The Quran 22: 78
reason of Sharī’ah purpose; 3) Munḍabiṭ, (Al-Hajj), The Quran 65: 7 (Ath-Thalaq).
it is measureable and has clear standard َ‫اللهُ بِكُمُ الْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ الْعُسْر‬
َّ ُ‫يُرِيد‬
limits (jāmi’ māni’); 4) Munṭarid, it is
“Allah desires for you ease and He
generally applied. (Al-Zuhaylī, 1986: Jilid
does not desire for you difficulty” (The
2, 1018)
Quran 2: 185, Al-Baqarah).
Meanwhile, Nūr Al-Dīn bin Mukhtār
Al-Khādimī states that something can be ‫لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَ َها‬
said as Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah if it meets “Allah does not obligate anyone
four main requirements: “1) it must have beyond his capacity” (The Quran 2: 286,
purposes and secrets; 2) the purposes and Al-Baqarah).
secrets are part of Sharī’ah law; 3) the
purposes and secrets must be based on
‫يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ أَن يُخَفِّفَ عَنكُمْ وَخُِلقَ الْإِنسَانُ ضَعِيفًا‬
obedience to God (’ubūdiyyah); 4) the “Allah wants to lighten for your
purposes and secrets to be achieved must difficulties, and mankind was created
be beneficial both for here and hereafter”. weak” (The Quran 4: 28, An-Nisa).
(Al-Khādimī, 1998: 52) ‫مَا يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ لِيَجْعَلَ عَلَيْكُم‬
Therefore, the wisdom that meets “Allah does not want to lay any
requirement can be called Maqāṣid Al- hardship upon you” (The Quran 5: 6, Al-
Sharī’ah, meanwhile everything which is
merely based on unconscious possibility
(wahm) or imagination is definitely not ْ‫وَيَضَعُ عَنْهُمْ إِصْرَهُمْ وَالْأَغْلَالَ الَّتِي كَانَتْ عَلَيْهِم‬
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah.
214 ║ Jurnal Ilmiah Syari‘ah, Volume 20, Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021

“And relieves them of theirs burden, Prophet “haven’t you heard what they
and of the shackles that were upon them” have said?” The Prophet said “I said:
(The Quran 7: 157, Al-A’raf). wa’alaikum (even for you)” {Al-Bukhari
ٍ‫وَمَا جَعَلَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ مِنْ َح َرج‬ (Al-Bukhari 2002: 1713)}.

“And He has not laid upon you any ْ‫ اسْتَأْذَنَ رَ ْهطٌ مِن‬:‫ت‬
ْ َ‫عَنْ عَائِشَةَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهَا قَال‬
hardship in the religion” (The Quran 22: ‫ السَّا ُم‬:‫الْيَهُودِ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّ ُه َعلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فَقَالُوا‬
78, Al-Hajj).
ٍ‫لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا مَا آتَاهَاۚ سَيَجْعَلُ اللَّهُ َبعْدَ عُسْر‬ ‫ يَا‬:َ‫ فَقَال‬،ُ‫ بَلْ عَلَيْ ُكمْ السَّامُ َواللَّعْنَة‬:ُ‫ فَقُلْت‬،َ‫عَلَيْك‬
‫يُسْرًا‬ :ُ‫ قُلْت‬،ِ‫عَائِشَةُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ رَفِيقٌ يُحِبُّ الرِّفْقَ فِي الْأَمْرِ كُلِّه‬
“Allah does not charge a soul except ‫ت وَعَلَيْكُمْ (رواه‬
ُ ْ‫ قُل‬:َ‫ قَال‬،‫أَوَلَمْ تَسْمَعْ مَا قَالُوا؟‬
what he has given it. Allah will bring
about, after hardship, ease” (The Quran
65:7, Ath-Thalaq). Narrated by Abu Hurairah, he said:
2) The Prophet’s Ḥadīth. There are 3 “Rasulullah SAW said: “Indeed, this
Ḥadīths: religion is easy, and no one will ever
overburden himself in religion, except that
:َ‫عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صََّلى اللَّهُ َعلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَال‬
it will overcome him. So, seek what is
(‫يَسِّرُوا وَلَا تُعَسِّرُوا وَبَشِّرُوا وَلَا تُنَفِّرُوا (رواه البخاري‬ appropriate, and come as close as you can,
and receive the glad tidings (that you will
Narated by Anas bin Malik, The be rewarded), and takeit easy; and gain
Prophet said “Make things easy for the strength by worshipping in the mornings,
people, and do not make it difficult for afternoons, and during the last hours of
them, and make them calm with glad the nights.” (Al-Nasā’ī, 2010: 1713)}.
tidings, and do not repulse them” {Al- Therefore, Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah that
Bukhari Ḥadīth, (Al-Bukhari, 2002: 30)}. aims at getting benefit has strong
foundation in its discovering and
ْ‫ اسْتَأْذَنَ رَ ْهطٌ مِن‬:‫ت‬
ْ َ‫عَنْ عَائِشَةَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهَا قَال‬ developing.
ُ‫ السَّام‬:‫الْيَهُودِ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ َعلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فَقَالُوا‬ The theorem to create the basic law
of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah definitely does not
‫ يَا‬:َ‫ فَقَال‬،ُ‫ بَ ْل عَلَيْكُمْ السَّامُ َواللَّعْنَة‬:ُ‫ فَقُلْت‬،َ‫عَلَيْك‬ lay on some verses and hadīth only, but
when other certain verses and Ḥadīth are
:ُ‫ قُلْت‬،ِ‫عَائِشَةُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ رَفِيقٌ يُحِبُّ الرِّفْقَ فِي الْأَمْرِ كُلِّه‬
studied and result in benefit, moreover it
‫ت وَعَلَيْكُمْ (رواه‬
ُ ْ‫ قُل‬:َ‫ قَال‬،‫أَوَلَمْ َتسْمَعْ مَا قَالُوا؟‬ has the same result with other studies of
verses and Ḥadīth, then it can be
(‫البخاري‬ concluded inductively (Istiqrā’) that all
‘Aisha said that the Jews came to the Sharī’ah laws aim at giving benefit.
Prophet and said, “As-Samu ‘Alaikum” Hence, to continue it, the scholars
(death be on you). ‘Aisha said to them, have to do their best in determining
“Death be on you, and may Allah curse Islamic law in order to achieve the
you and shower His wrath upon you!” kindness that God wants for humans.
The Prophet said, “Be calm, O ‘Aisha! You The existence of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah
should be kind and lenient, and beware of as legal theory that eventually becomes an
harshness and bad words.” She said to the independent scientific discipline is
‘Abd Al-M ajīd Al-Najjār’s Perspective on M aqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ║215

actually from the agreement of the some of the property (Al-Najjār,

majority of scholars and mujtahid (Ijma’). 2008: 38-39).
From Ijma’ perspective, salaf and c. Al-Maqāṣid Al-Wahmiyyah, it is
khalaf scholars have agreed that Islamic Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah that prioritizes
Sharī’ah contains easiness and removes the use of mind and its clear clause
burden (taklif) which cannot be carried by cannot be found in Naṣ. It can even
people (Nūr Al-Dīn bin Mukhtār Al- contradict the will in Naṣ and it can
Khādimī, 2001: 11). be determined through the principle
of simplicity (al-taysīr) which crosses
‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār’s General the line. Thus, the danger (mudharat)
Perspective on Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah of it is more than its value (al-naf’),
‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār classified such as getting the benefit of
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah generally into five alcoholic beverages to warm body
aspect just like what the majority of the (Al-Najjār, 2008: 40).
experts (Maqāṣidiyyūn) did towards it 2. Al-Maqāṣid Bihasabi Al-Manāṭ, it is the
(Al-Najjār, 2008: 38-49). Those aspects are: Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah as the object
1. Al-Maqāṣid Bihasabi Quwwah Al- which is divided into 3 categories as
Thubūt, it is Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah from well:
the aspect of legal force which is a. Al-Maqāṣid Al-Kulliyyah, it is the
divided into three categories: Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah that covers all
a. Al-Maqāṣid Al-Qaṭ’iyyah, it is the micro-scaled matters. It needs
absolute (qaṭ’ī) and successive maximum and sustainable efforts to
(mutawātir) Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah realize and implement it from the
stated in Naṣ (the written forms of micro to macro scales, such as the
Al-Quran or Ḥadīth) with the result principles of al-taysīr (easiness) and
that it becomes doubtless knowledge raf’u al-ḥaraj (removing difficulty)
(fī al-dīn al-yaqīn) and is required by (Al-Fāsī, 1993: 45-46).
Sharī’ah such as the purpose of qiṣāṣ b. Al-MaqāṣidAl-Nau’iyyah, it is
law to get rid of the threat for the Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah that has several
sustainability of human life {Hifẓ al- provisions of Sharī’ah law only for
ḥayāh (Al-Najjār, 2008: 38)}. achieving one purpose only, such as
b. Al-Maqāṣid Al-Ẓanniyyah, it is the Sharī’ah law for family rule, for
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah which is example to strengthen and maintain
written in Naṣ, but does not reach kinship (Al-Najjār, 2008: 41-42).
the level of mutawatir and can be c. Al-Maqāṣid Al-Juziyyah, it is
studied only by ẓannī way through Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah that its purpose
finding ‘illah (the reason of Sharī’ah can only be realized through specific
law) or ‘istiqra’ (inductively), such as determined law, such as wudhu, it is
the disallowance of ihtikār and kanz for purifying (Al-Najjār, 2008: 41-42).
al-amwāl (hoard and monopolize 3. Al-Maqāṣid Bihasabi Al-Shumūl, it is
property), especially for primary Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah based on scope
needs, that is the reason beyond the and it is divided into two categories:
law of buying and selling and ease a. Al-Maqāṣid Al-‘Āmmah, it is
the agreement and order to give Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah that has general
purpose. It can be determined
216 ║ Jurnal Ilmiah Syari‘ah, Volume 20, Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021

through Islamic law itself by adding (certain medium) (Al-Najjār, 2008:

and setting new law on ḍarūriyyah 45-46).
level (primary needs) and ḥājiyyah 5. Al-Maqāṣid Bihasabi Quwwah Al-
(secondary needs) such as justice (Al- Maṣlahaḥ, it is Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah
‘Adālah) and freedom (Al-Ḥurriyyah). from the angle of Maṣlahaḥ capacity
(Auda, 2008: 6-7; Auda, 2007: 5). which is divided into 3 categories:
b. Al-Maqāṣid Al-Khāṣṣah, it is a. Al-Maqāṣid Al-Ḍarūriyyāh, it is
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah that has specific Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah that shows the
purpose and is determined through level of need that must be fulfilled
certain discussion in Islamic law, (primary need), if it is not fulfilled,
such as children welfare in the area then it will threaten human safety
of family law, taking preventive both in the world and hereafter
action in criminal jurisdiction (Lihasasanah, 2008: 19), such as five
(jinayah), taking preventive action in primary needs (Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-
transaction law when there is Khams): preserving religion (Ḥifẓ
monopoly towards individual or Al-Dīn), protecting soul (Ḥifẓ Al-
certain group (Auda, 2011: 197). Nafs), preserving minds (Ḥifẓ Al-
4. Al-Maqāṣid Bihasabi Al-Aṣliyyah, it is ‘Aql), preserving heirs (Ḥifẓ Al-
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah based on its Nasl), and taking care of property
source. It is divided into two categories: (Ḥifẓ Al-Māl), (‘Awdah, 203).
a. Maqāṣid Al-Uṣūl, this Maqāṣid Al- And also like qiṣāṣ law to get rid of
Sharī’ah has basic purpose that will the threat for human’s life (Al-Najjār,
be achieved by Islamic law provision 2008: 47-48).
itself, such as five primary needs (Al- b. Al-Maqāṣid Al-Ḥājiyyah, it is
Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Khams): preserving Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah that shows the
religion (Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn), protecting level of secondary needs. If this level
soul (Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs), preserving cannot be fulfilled, then it will not
minds (Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql), preserving bring any harm to human’s life, but
heirs (Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl), and taking care it can bring difficulty (mashaqqah),
of property (Ḥifẓ Al-Māl), and also because removing all burdens are the
basic principles that are basic spirit of Islamic Sharī’ah, such
automatically parts of the Islamic as rukhṣah (relief) for wayfarer or
law itself such as the principle of traveler for not fasting in Ramadan
justice (al-’adālah), the principle of and pay it back in another day (Al-
freedom (al-ḥurriyyah), the principle Shāṭibī, 2004: 222).
of human equality (al-musawāh), the c. Al-Maqāṣid Al-Taḥsīniyyah, it is
principle of wisdom (al-ḥikmah), Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah that shows the
and the principle of kindness for level of tertiary needs. This need will
humanity (maṣāliḥ al-‘ibād). not bring any harm to the
b. Maqāṣid Al-Wasāil, it is Maqāṣid Al- sustainability of any of five primary
Sharī’ah that is a medium to achieve needs (Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Khams) on
Maqāṣid Al-Uṣūl (basic purpose), the level of Ḍarūriyyāh (primary
thus, it has to go through Maqāṣid needs) and it will not bring any
Al-Wasāil or Al-Maqāṣid Al-Tābi’ah difficulty (mashaqqah) as well on
ḥājiyyah (secondary needs). Thus,
‘Abd Al-M ajīd Al-Najjār’s Perspective on M aqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ║217

this need is only for complement and

to beautify which is related to
general behavior in the area of
mu’amalah, such as suggestion for
dressing up before going to a
mosque (Al-Ghazālī, 1997: 217).
Thus, general classification of
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah based on ‘Abd Al-
Majīd Al-Najjār is similar to the one of the
majority of the experts by which it is
divided into 5 aspects:
1) Al-Maqāṣid Bihasabi Quwwah Al-
a) Al-Maqāṣid Al-Qaṭ’iyyah.
b) Al-Maqāṣid Al-Ẓanniyyah.
2) Al-Maqāṣid Bihasabi Al-Manāṭ;
a) Al-Maqāṣid Al-Kulliyyah
b) Al-MaqāṣidAl-Nau’iyyah.
c) Al-Maqāṣid Al-Juziyyah.
3) Al-Maqāṣid Bihasabi Al-Shumūl;
a) Al-Maqāṣid Al-‘Āmmah.
b) Al-Maqāṣid Al-Khāṣṣah. ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār’s Specific
4) Al-Maqāṣid Bihasabi Al-Aṣliyyah; Perspective on Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah
a) Maqāṣid Al-Uṣūl. ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār classified
b) Maqāṣid Al-Wasāil. Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah specifically by using
5) Al-Maqāṣid Bihasabi Quwwah Al- new term, Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ‘Alā
Maṣlahaḥ; Dawāir Al-Ḥayāh Al-Insāniyyah. It is
a) Al-MaqāṣidAl-Ḍarūriyyāh. Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah in human’s life that
b) Al-Maqāṣid Al-Ḥājiyyah. is divided into 4 aspects (Al-Najjār, 2008:
c) Al-MaqāṣidAl-Taḥsīniyyah. 59-236):
1. Al-Maqāṣid Fī Ḥifẓ Qimah Al-Hayah
Al-Insaniyyah. This Maqāṣid Al-
Figure of General Classification of Sharī’ah is in the area of maintaining
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah the value of human’s life in which it
maintains two main aspects such as
Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn (preserving religion) and
ḤifẓInsāniyyah Al-Insān (preserving
humanity) (Al-Najjār, 2008: 59-83). The
purposes of those main aspects are:
a. Maqṣad Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn (preserving
religion). This aspect is divided into
two points:
1) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Tawfīr Asbābihi, it
is about preserving religion with
218 ║ Jurnal Ilmiah Syari‘ah, Volume 20, Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021

certain reasons. It is divided into 4 1) Ḥifẓ Al-Fiṭrah Al-Insāniyyah, it is

categories: about preserving humanity by
a) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Al-Taysīr, it is maintaining human nature. It is
about preserving religion by divided into 3 categories:
make it easy, because religion is a) Ḥifẓ Al-Fiṭrah Min Al-Tabdīl, it
simple. is about maintaining human
b) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Al-Ijtihād, it is nature by avoiding
preserving religion by doing inappropriate changes.
ijtihad for the religion. b) Ḥifẓ Al-Fiṭrah Bi Al-Tawāzun, it
c) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Al-Tablīgh, it is is about maintaining human
preserving religion by nature by promoting calm and
conveying it or doing da’wah. balance.
d) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Al-Sulṭān, it is c) Ḥifẓ Al-Fiṭrah Bi Al-Ishbā’, it is
preserving religion by using about maintaining human
authority power. nature by perfecting and
2) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Daf’ Al-‘Awātiq, it accomplishing the flaw of
is preserving religion by avoiding human nature.
the practice of slavery for religion. 2) Ḥifẓ Al-Karāmah Al-Insāniyyah, it
It is divided into 5 categories: is about maintaining human glory
a) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Mudāfa’ah Al- because human is the most perfect
Hawāya, it is preserving creature.
religion by avoiding the use of 3) Ḥifẓ Ghāiyah Al-Ḥayāh, it is about
carnality in all aspects of maintaining the purposes of life
religion. 4) Ḥifẓ Al-Ḥurriyyah Al-Insāniyyah,
b) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Mudāfa’ah Al- it is about preserving humanity by
Istibdād Al-Fikrī, it is giving freedom right for people.
preserving religion by avoiding 2. Al-Maqāṣid Fī Ḥifẓ Al-Dhāt Al-
the use of dictatorial thoughts Insāniyyah, it is Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah in
or oppressing action in all maintaining the essence of human
aspects of religion. which is divided into two main aspects:
c) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Mudāfa’ah Al- Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs Al-Insāniyyah (protecting
Tahrīf, it is preserving religion the soul) and Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql (preserving
by avoiding digression in all minds) (Al-Najjār, 2008: 84-110). The
aspects of religion. purposes of those aspects are:
d) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Mudāfa’ah Al- a. Maqṣad Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs Al-Insāniyyah,
Irjāf, it is preserving religion by It is about protecting the soul. It is
avoiding fear in all aspects of divided into two points:
religion. 1) Al-Ḥifẓ Al-Mādī Li Al-Nafs, it is
e) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn Bi Al-Jihād, it is about protecting the soul by
preserving religion by doing providing material aspect for soul.
jihad. And it is divided into two
b. Maqṣad Ḥifẓ Insāniyyah Al-Insān, categories as well:
the purpose of this is to preserving a) Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs Bi Asbāb Al-Baqā
humanity and it is divided into four Wa Al-Quwwah, it is about
points: protecting the soul by keeping
‘Abd Al-M ajīd Al-Najjār’s Perspective on M aqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ║219

determination and strength for preserving minds by

it. studying methodologically.
b) Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs Bi Daf’ Al-‘Awādī, 3. Al-Maqāṣid Fī Ḥifẓ Al-Mujtama’,
it is about protecting the soul Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah in preserving
by avoiding inequity for it. society which keeps two main points:
2) Al-Ḥifẓ Al-Ma’nawī Li Al-Nafs, it ḤifẓAl-Nasl (preserving the heirs) and
is about protecting the soul by Ḥifẓ Al-Kiyān Al-Ijtimā’ī (preserving
providing non material aspect or society behavior) (‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-
moral for it. it is also divided into Najjār, 2008: 111-142). The purposes of
two: those points are:
a) Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs Bi Al-Tazkiyah, it a. Maqṣad Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl, the purposes
is about protecting the soul by of preserving the heirs are:
keeping it with purification of 1) Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl Bi Al-Injāb, it is about
the soul. preserving the heirs by giving
b) Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs Bi Al-Amn An- births.
Nafsī, it is about protecting the 2) Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl Bi Ḥifẓ Al-Nasab, it is
soul by providing safety and about preserving the heirs by
security for it. keeping the lineage.
b. Maqṣad Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql, this is the b. Maqṣad Ḥifẓ Al-Kiyān Al-Ijtimā’ī, the
purpose of preserving minds which purpose of this is to keep the
is divided into two aspects: existence and society behavior which
1) Al-Ḥifẓ Al-MādīLi Al-‘Aql, it is is divided into two points:
about preserving minds by 1) Ḥifẓ Al-Muassasah Al-
providing material aspect for it. Ijtimā’iyyah, it is done by
2) Al-Ḥifẓ Al-Ma’nawī Li Al-‘Aql, it maintaining social foundation.
is about preserving minds by This way is divided into 3
providing non material aspect or categories:
moral for it. it is divided into two a) Al-Ḥifẓ Bi Thaqāfah Al-
categories: Muassasah, it is done by
a) Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql Bi Taḥrīr Al-Fikr, it maintaining the culture of
is about preserving minds by social foundation.
giving freedom of thought. b) Al-Ḥifẓ Bi Muassasah Al-Usrah,
b) Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql Bi Al-Ta’allum, it is it is done by establishing family
preserving minds by studying. social foundation.
It is divided into 3 categories: c) Al-Ḥifẓ Bi Muassasah Al-
A. Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql Bi Al-Ta’allum Daulah, it is done by
Al-Istī’ābī, it is about establishing state social
preserving minds by foundation. Al-Ḥifẓ Bi
studying deeply. Muassasah Al-Daulah is
B. Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql Bi Al-Ta’allum divided into two categories:
Al-Tafakkurī, it is about A. Al-Mujtama’ Quwa Maṣdar
preserving minds by Al-Sulthah, it means society
learning how to think. is the source of strength and
C. Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql Bi Al-Ta’allum power for the government.
Al-Manhajī, it is about
220 ║ Jurnal Ilmiah Syari‘ah, Volume 20, Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021

B. Al-ShūrāĀliyah Al-Daulah, c) ḤifẓAl-Māl Min Al-Talaf Al-

it means forum is the Sarafī, it is about taking care of
strength and power for the properties by avoiding
country excessive damage.
2) Ḥifẓ Al-‘Alāqāt Al-Ijtimā’iyyah, it 3) Ḥifẓ Al-Māl Bi Ḥimāyah Al-
means preserving the heirs by Milkiyyah, it is done by
maintaining the relations in maintaining ownership of
society. It is divided into 3 immovable properties.
categories: 4) Ḥifẓ Al-Māl Bi Ḥimāyah Qīmatihi,
a) Al-Ḥifẓ Bi Rābiṭah Al- it is done by maintaining
Ukhuwwah, it is done by properties’ selling value.
forging the bond of 5) Ḥifẓ Al-Māl Bi Al-Tadāwul Wa Al-
brotherhood. Tarwīj, it is done by maintaining
b) Al-Ḥifẓ Bi Mīzān Al-‘Adl, it is their rotation and promoting them
done by realizing justice in to get profit.
every aspect of society. b. Maqṣad Ḥifẓ Al-Bīah, it is about
c) Al-Ḥifẓ Bi ‘Alāqah Al-Takāful, preserving the environment. It is
it is done by maintaining the divided into 4 ways:
loyalty and mutual guarantee. 1) Ḥifẓ Al-Bīah Min Al-Talaf, it is
4. Al-Maqāṣid Fī Ḥifẓ Al-Muḥīṭ Al-Mādī, done by avoiding damage.
it is Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah in 2) Ḥifẓ Al-Bīah Min Al-Talawwuth, it
maintaining material scope which saves is done by preventing pollution.
two main points: Ḥifẓ Al-Māl (taking 3) Ḥifẓ Al-Bīah Min Farṭ Al-Istihlāk,
care properties) and Ḥifẓ Al-Bīah it is done by avoiding the
(preserving the environment) (Al- excessive usage.
Najjār, 2008: 183-236). The purposes of 4) Ḥifẓ Al-BīahBi Al-Tanmiyah, it is
those main points are: done by developing, building,
a. Maqṣad Ḥifẓ Al-Māl, it is the growing, and investing it.
purpose of taking care of properties Thus, the specific classification of
which is divided into 5 ways: Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah according to ‘Abd
1) Ḥifẓ Al-Māl Bi Al-Kasab Wa Al- Al-Majīd Al-Najjār is called by using new
Tanmiyah, it is done by investing term: Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ‘Alā Dawāir
the properties in order to get Al-Ḥayāh Al-Insāniyyah from which it is
profit and also to develop them. divided into 4 aspects:
2) Ḥifẓ Al-Māl Min Al-Talaf, it is 1) Al-Maqāṣid Fī Ḥifẓ Qimah Al-Hayah
done by avoiding damage. This Al-Insaniyyah;
way is divided into 3 categories: a) Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn.
a) Ḥifẓ Al-Māl Min Al-Talaf Al- b) Ḥifẓ Insāniyyah Al-Insān.
‘Abathī, it is about taking care 2) Al-Maqāṣid Fī Ḥifẓ Al-Dhāt Al-
of properties by avoiding Insāniyyah;
useless damage. a) Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs Al-Insāniyyah.
b) Ḥifẓ Al-Māl Min Al-Talaf Al- b) Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql.
Mufsid, it is about taking care 3) Al-Maqāṣid Fī Ḥifẓ Al-Mujtama’;
of properties by avoiding a) Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl.
destructive damage. b) Ḥifẓ Al-Kiyān Al-Ijtimā’ī.
‘Abd Al-M ajīd Al-Najjār’s Perspective on M aqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ║221

4) Al-Maqāṣid Fī Ḥifẓ Al-Muḥīṭ Al-Mādī; by actualizing Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Thamān

a) Ḥifẓ Al-Māl. (eight primary needs): preserving religion
b) Ḥifẓ Al-Bīah. (Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn), preserving humanity (Ḥifẓ
Insāniyyah Al-Insān), protecting soul (Ḥifẓ
Figure of Specific Classification of Al-Nafs Al-Insāniyyah), preserving minds
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah (Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql), preserving heirs (Ḥifẓ Al-
Nasl), preserving society behavior (Ḥifẓ
Al-Kiyān Al-Ijtimā’ī), taking care of
property (Ḥifẓ Al-Māl), and preserving the
environment (Ḥifẓ Al-Bīah).
‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār determined
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ‘Alā Dawāir Al-
Ḥayāh Al-Insāniyyah (Maqāṣid Al-
Sharī’ah in the area of human life) because
the highest purpose of Islamic Sharī’ah is
to get benefit and avoid perilous things
here and hereafter (Al-Maqṣad Al-A’lā
Min Al-Sharī’ah Al-Islāmiyyah Huwa Al-
Taḥqīq Maṣlaḥah Al-Insān Bi Jalb Al-Naf’
Lahu Wa Daf’ Al-Ḍar ‘Anhu FīḤayātihi
Al-Dunyā Wa FīḤayātihi Al-Ukhrā) and
Islamic Sharī’ah pay a lot of attention to
the detail of human’s life comprehensively
(Iḥtimāman Shāmilan) (Al-Najjār, 2014: 1-
The Result of Analysist Towards ‘Abd 2).
Al-Majīd Al-Najjār’s Perspective on Hence, Islamic Sharī’ah is designed
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah based on interest of mankind (Maṣālih Al-
Based on the explanation of ‘Abd Al- ‘Ibād) and humanitarian purposes
Majīd Al-Najjār’s perspective on Maqāṣid (Maṣlaḥah) from various dimensions to
Al-Sharī’ah both generally and balance human’s life individually and
specifically, the author conducted an socially, thus Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah covers
analysis and got a result as follow: that the all macro and micro dimensions
essence of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah by Abdul individual and social lives (Amaroh, 2018:
Majid An-Najjar is different from the one 18-19).
that has already been agreed by the Meanwhile, the essence of Maqāṣid
majority of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah’s experts Al-Sharī’ah based on the majority of its
(Maqāṣidiyyūn). experts (Maqāṣidiyyūn) is getting benefit
The essence of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah and avoiding damage or danger here and
according to ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār is hereafter by actualizing Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-
called by using new term, Maqāṣid Al- Khams (five primary needs): preserving
Sharī’ah ‘Alā Dawāir Al-Ḥayāh Al- religion (Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn), protecting soul
Insāniyyah (Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah in the (Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs), preserving minds (Ḥifẓ Al-
area of human life), it is implemented to ‘Aql), preserving heirs (Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl), and
gain benefit and avoid damage in order to taking care of property (Ḥifẓ Al-Māl).
get salvation here and hereafter. It is done
222 ║ Jurnal Ilmiah Syari‘ah, Volume 20, Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021

According to the majority of

Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah experts
(Maqāṣidiyyūn) including Abū Ḥāmid Al-
Ghazālī (Died in 505H), Ibnu Al-Qayyim
Al-Jauziyyah (Died in 751H), dan Abū
Isḥāq Al-Shāṭibī (Died in 790H),
everything written in Al-Quran and Al-
Sunnah becomes the theorem of maṣlaḥah,
because Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah is oriented
to the benefit for humankind, and that
benefit as the substance of Maqāṣid Al-
Sharī’ah can be realized if the five primary
needs (Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Khams) can be
actualized (Wasyith, 2017: 6).

Figure of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah

According to ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār

The essence of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah
according to ‘Abd Al-Majīd Al-Najjār is
different from the one agreed by the
majority of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah experts
According to the majority of
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah experts
(Maqāṣidiyyūn), the essence of it is the
realization of Al-Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Khams
(five primary needs), they are preserving
religion (Ḥifẓ Al-Dīn), protecting soul
(Ḥifẓ Al-Nafs), preserving minds (Ḥifẓ Al-
‘Aql), preserving heirs (Ḥifẓ Al-Nasl), and
taking care of property (Ḥifẓ Al-Māl),
meanwhile according to ‘Abd Al-Majīd
Al-Najjār, the essence of Maqāṣid Al-
Sharī’ah which is called Maqāṣid Al-
Sharī’ah ‘Alā Dawāir Al-Ḥayāh Al-
Insāniyyah (Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah in the
area of human life) is the realization of Al-
Ḍarūriyyāt Al-Thamān (eight primary
Figure of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah
needs) they are preserving religion (Ḥifẓ
According to Maqāṣidiyyūn
Al-Dīn), preserving humanity (Ḥifẓ
Insāniyyah Al-Insān), protecting soul (Ḥifẓ
Al-NafsAl-Insāniyyah), preserving minds
‘Abd Al-M ajīd Al-Najjār’s Perspective on M aqāṣid Al-Sharī’ah ║223

(Ḥifẓ Al-‘Aql), preserving heirs (Ḥifẓ Al- Muslimah Fī Al-Gharb. Al-Majallah

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Taujīhan Li Ahkām Al-Usrah Al-

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