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What is the traditional of performance appraisal?

Traditional appraisals help evaluate and quantify an employee's performance. Managers can use a numerical scale to
rate and rank employees as per their level of performance. Thus, it facilitates decisions regarding salary increments,
promotions, and other benefits based on resources' rankings.

What is a Performance Appraisal?

A performance appraisal is a systematic and periodic process of measuring an individual’s work performance against the
established requirements of the job. It’s a subjective evaluation of the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, relative
worth to the organization, and future development potential.

Performance appraisals are also called performance evaluations, performance reviews, development discussions, or
employee appraisals.
If you conduct a successful performance appraisal, you can get a handle on what the employee does best and identify
areas that require improvement. Appraisals also come in handy for deciding how to fill new positions in the company
structure with existing employees.

Performance Appraisals

Performance appraisals are an integral part of employee performance and development. Employees who get rewards for
their good performance are more likely to stay loyal, perform better every year, and even motivate others to deliver
quality performance. This is why it is important to measure employee performance in a fair and unbiased manner.
Generally, there are two types of performance appraisal methods- Traditional performance appraisal methods and
modern performance appraisal methods. Today, we are going to discuss traditional performance appraisal methods in
detail. Let’s begin

Traditional Performance Appraisal Methods

Generally, traditional methods of performance appraisal focus on employees’ ability to take initiative, leverage resources,
and perform tasks with innovation and creativity. Moreover, employees are also evaluated based on their leadership
qualities, interpersonal skills, intelligence, and integrity.

Three Basic Functions

Performance appraisal has three basic functions:

(1) to provide adequate feedback to each person on his or her performance;

(2) to serve as a basis for modifying or changing behavior toward more effective working habits; and

(3) to provide data to managers with which they may judge future job assignments and compensation.
Traditional Methods Of Performance Appraisal

▸Rating Scales Method

This performance appraisal method involves the use of a rating scale that spans from 1 to 10. In this performance
appraisal method, employees’ performance is measured against several factors including their attitude, timeliness,
efficiency, and interpersonal skills.

⋄ Useful For:

The rating scale is an effective appraisal method for assessing unique traits and behaviours within your workforce.

⋄ Pros:  Useful in considering ⋄ Tips To Implement:

candidates for promotion.
 Helps in assessing  Attempt to be as objective
employee attributes and ⋄ Cons: as possible when posing
how they relate to their your questions.
 Responses are open to
current role.
interpretation.  Avoid asking subjective
 They are structured and questions.
 The final rating can be
standardized in nature.
deceiving.  Clearly establish criteria
 It is useful for comparing and expected outcomes.
 Average results can be
employees against one
difficult to interpret.  Limit your questions to
those that are behavioral
 Recent events can
 Helps assess salary in nature.
influence answers.

▸Checklist Method
The Checklist method is one of the easiest traditional performance appraisal methods. Under this traditional method of
performance appraisal, HR prepares a checklist and forwards it to the manager. The checklist may include a list of
questions (depicting behavior and job performance of employees), and the manager has to answer them in just ‘YES’ or
‘NO’ form.

The manager analyzes the question and the employee and answers them according to their evaluation of the employee.
Questions in the checklist carry a numerical value based on their importance to job performance. Therefore, the
appraisal score is calculated by adding up the scores of all these individual factors.

⋄ Useful For:

Making employee performance easy to evaluate as their supervisors have to simply choose between yes/no.

⋄ Pros: ⋄ Cons: ⋄ Tips To Implement:

 Helps managers avoid  Doesn’t allow elaborate 1. Focus on objective

discrimination. explanations. questions that can be
answered in yes/no form.
 Ensures clarity of  Time-consuming process.
evaluation criteria. 2. Try to not put in a lot of
 Costly to prepare.
questions as it can be very
 Helps the manager to be
 Easy to overlook some time consuming.
objective in their reviews.
important evaluation
3. Make sure that you don’t
 Provides an organized factors.
include a lot of negative
view of the performance.
▸Forced Distribution Method
This strategy is widely used in large corporations. It is predicted that employee performance varies widely within an
organization, with some individuals being more productive than others. As a result, with this strategy, the management
must distribute employees based on their performance over the entire bell curve. Some are exceptional, while others are
average, and still, others are at the bottom of the spectrum.

⋄ Useful For:

Creating an unmistakable separation between the performances of every employee in the organization.

⋄ Pros:  Encourages discrimination  According to the method’s

among employees. core principle, teams that
 Helpful in eliminating the
perform better should be
leniency of the appraiser.  Can have a negative
rewarded with various
impact on innovative
 Highlights future front-line benefits.
employees due to limited
categories of evaluation.  Appraisers are unable to
 Relatively quick and easy appraise employees at
⋄ Tips To Implement:
model to understand and their discretion; instead,
implement.  All guidelines should be they must adhere to
communicated to certain guidelines.
⋄ Cons:
appraisers in a precise
 In order to achieve
 Does not work well for manner by the HR
internal equality,
high-performing department. Each
businesses should
employees who are manager should be aware
calibrate their
introverts in nature. of how reviews should be
interpreted and what each
statement represents.

▸Critical Incident Performance Appraisal Method

The critical incident technique is a performance review method that examines an employee’s behaviour in specific
circumstances, both in which he did admirably and those in which he could have improved. A series of methods are
utilized to collect data and analyze it. The critical incident technique involves observing critical human behaviours,
abilities, and on-the-job situations.

⋄ Useful For:
In comparison to other approaches, which
may be highly objective and need only
rankings to assess employee performance,
this method is quite subjective.
⋄ Pros: ⋄ Cons: ⋄ Tips To Implement:

 It aids in the detection of  Many instances may go  Begin by identifying and

unusual events that might undetected or be reviewing occurrences
otherwise go unnoticed by inaccurate since incident that happened during the
other means. reporting is based on the course of the job.
respondent’s perception.
 This method is  The process of fact-finding
inexpensive and gives you  It’s possible that biases includes acquiring
a lot of information. will emerge in response to information about the
recent events. incident from members.
 The viewpoint of the
respondent is taken into  The instances described  Examine the facts and
account. may or may not be data gathered from the
reflective of scenarios that participants by the
 Respondents are not
occur on the job on a interviewer and determine
compelled to fit within any
regular basis. the concerns.
certain framework.
 Determine whether the
 There are numerous ways
remedy will be able to
to apply the method,
eliminate the cause of the
including observation,
problem that has been
surveys, and interviews.

▸Essay Method
The management uses this strategy to produce a description of the employee’s behaviour and performance. In this
method, the review description contains all pertinent information, such as the employee’s mindset, job knowledge,
present performance, and potential for growth.

⋄ Useful For:

Giving managers the flexibility to focus on whatever they personally find important about the individual’s performance.

⋄ Pros: ⋄ Cons: ⋄ Tips To Implement:

 The essay method is far  It takes a long time and is  Make sure to keep the
less rigid and constraining. tough to administer. evaluation essay short and
crisp in content.
 Allows the manager to  A biassed essay could be
emphasize practically any written by a manager or  Try to highlight the
significant issue or supervisor. weaknesses and strengths
performance aspect. of the employee.
 It’s tough to draw
 The method is fairly open- conclusions about  Avoid the usage of any
ended and adaptable. organisational demands. flowery language.

 Subjective in nature.  From a business  Divide your remarks into

standpoint, it is several pointers, making
unprofitable. them easy to analyze.
▸Paired Comparison Method
Employees are evaluated using this method based on any single attribute. Each employee is compared to others on a
one-to-one basis, in pairs, based on a particular quality/attribute, for example, creativity. The formula N (N-1)/2 is used
to calculate the number of potential pairs. While the letter N denotes the number of employees to be appraised.

⋄ Useful For:

Companies that have a limited number of employees and funds.

⋄ Pros: ⋄ Cons: total of ten pairs to

 It aids the manager in  It’s beneficial when the
determining priorities priorities are unclear.  Make a table with six rows
when competing demands and seven columns.
 This method is especially
on a company’s resources
useful when you don’t  Compare element “A” to
have any objective data to elements “B,” “C,” “D,”
 In nature, it is cost- assess. and “E,” and set “point” in
effective. each column.
⋄ Tips To Implement:
 It’s simple to pick the  Finally, add up the totals
 Make a list of the options
most significant problem of all the values for each
you’ll compare (elements
to address or the solution of the variables to
as A, B, C, D, E for
that will give you the most combine the findings. You
benefit. might choose to translate
 By applying the formula these numbers to a
5(5-1)/2, there will be a percentage of your overall

▸Field Review Method

This method is based on the supervisor’s assessment of the employee’s performance, behaviour, and skills. The HR
professional invites seniors to respond to questions about the employee’s job and then evaluates the person based on
the feedback obtained from managers. This is an evaluation conducted by someone outside of the employee’s

⋄ Useful For: Managerial level promotions or when a comparable analysis is needed.

⋄ Pros:  Observation of actual 2. Interview the employee

employee behaviors is not and ask questions.
 Reduces the chances of
biased performance 3. Record the responses of
reviews.  Highly time-consuming the employee.
 Useful for managerial level 4. Based on the interview,
performance evaluations.  The process is not very assign a rating to the
employee-friendly. employee.
⋄ Cons:
⋄ Tips To Implement: 5. Take the manager’s review
 Outsiders are generally
into account before
not familiar with 1. Prepare a set of
calculating the final
employees’ performance; predetermined questions
hence, the review might to assess the talents and
be inaccurate. abilities of an employee.
Drawbacks of Traditional Performance Appraisal Methods
These methods are highly subjective. The performance appraisal is dependent on the appraiser’s judgement, which is
subject to favouritism and bias. Because the reviewer has not gotten enough job training, he is unable to effectively
assess the performance of others.

These performance appraisal techniques have several flaws, which include the following:

Drawbacks Of Traditional Performance Appraisal Methods

▸Halo Effect:

This is one of the major drawbacks of traditional performance appraisal methods. When appraisers allow one significant
attribute to affect their performance evaluation process, the phenomenon is known as the halo effect. Regardless of the
employee’s performance, the appraiser assigns the same scores to all factors.

▸Leniency and Strictness:

The appraisers have different tendencies when it comes to rating. Some are more liberal, while others are more rigorous.
The evaluator’s habits mirror their rating of employees. You may have noticed that a lenient evaluator gives the
employees good scores, whereas the stricter one gives them low scores for their performance.

▸Central Tendency:

When the evaluator lacks appropriate knowledge about the employee and his performance and the time to devote to
the performance appraisal process, he may play it safe and rate all employees’ performance as average. This propensity
is a major flaw in the performance evaluation system.

▸Personal Bias & Favoritism:

The evaluator’s bias towards employees based on sex, religion, caste, color, or status is fairly widespread. This makes
objective appraisal difficult. The evaluator can be swayed by the member’s seniority and give him a high rating. Some
supervisors want to purposely rate their subordinates low so that they can outperform.

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