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In recent years, several human activities such as releasing a huge amount of carbon dioxide

which triggered numerous detrimental influences on our atmosphere. Therefore, the onus is
on humans to take action immediately to tackle our wrongdoings. One effective solution is
promoting the utilization of renewable energy sources such as solar, and wind power, that
produce eco-friendly energy. For instance, leveraging the manufacturing of communal
transports such as buses or cars using electricity instead of oil and other non-renewable
resources to limit the amount of carbon footprint. Another rational solution that should be
mentioned is raising children's awareness of protecting the environment. Educating
adolescents about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices
from a young age can effectively mitigate air pollution. To summarize, by combining
regulatory measures and community engagement, we can create a comprehensive strategy to
combat air pollution and protect public health and the environment.

In recent years, human activities, particularly the massive release of carbon dioxide, have
caused significant harm to our atmosphere. Therefore, it is imperative for humans to take
immediate action to address these issues. One effective solution is to promote the use of
renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, which generate eco-friendly energy.
For example, increasing the production of electric public transportation, such as buses and
cars, can reduce reliance on oil and other non-renewable resources, thereby decreasing our
carbon footprint. Additionally, raising awareness among children about environmental
protection is crucial. Teaching young people about the importance of conservation and
sustainable practices can significantly help reduce air pollution. In summary, by integrating
regulatory measures with community involvement, we can develop a comprehensive strategy
to tackle air pollution and safeguard public health and the environment.

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