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GSL Speech:-

Egypt, officially known as the Arab Republic of Egypt is

a sandy and desert filled region. However we Egyptians
don’t let this hold us back and have one of the best
tourist location with many UNESCO heritage sites and
historical monuments.

Egypt as many of us know, is a country present in the

African continent. Cairo being our capital is our largest
city, Our country boasts a population of approx. 100
million citizens making us the 14th most populous
country. Egypt has one of the longest historical
significance dating back to the 6-4th millennia BCE.

Egypt has borders

Delegates, imagine I press this one button right now, and your
families are entitled to be devastated, bombarded and blown to
This is what is happening to the innocent civilians of Palestine.
20,000+ civilian deaths, starvation, bombing of hospitals and
refugee camps cannot be the casualty to find and exterminate the
unrightfully Hamas terrorist organization.
This so-called country of Israel has never abided by international
law and has the shame to be a part of the United Nations, talking
about peace. There are several violations of Articles 18,19 and 33 of
the IV Geneva Conventions, article 51(2) of Additional Protocol I,
CRC article 6(1), Protocol III of the CCCW, Israel has never followed
the principle of proportionality and distinction and Jus in bello
which essentially is the law that governs armed conflicts.
And delegates, the credibility this state thinks it has to hide
behind all of this under the excuse of "none of it is signed/ratified".
Israel is nothing but a puppet of
USA, the greatest hypocrite of all time. In Iraq, around two million
were killed, countless displaced and when asked why, the reason
USA gave was WMD, and how many did they actually find? NONE.
These modern day colonizers already knew there were no WMD in
Iraq's possession, and yet they just despised the power that
Saddam had in the Middle East. Delegates, the USA does not give
a damn about human rights and democracy, their priorities will
only lie with power and domination of lands that don't belong to


Delegates, I would like to state that Israel was offended by simple facts. I hope
you paid close attention to their lack of accountability as they ever have. This
country invades OUR land, kills OUR people, destroys OUR homes and calls it
an act of ‘self-defence.’ Delegates, the loss of lives in the West-Bank? Has
Israel forgotten about that, oh well, how sad, there was NO Hamas in the West
Bank delegates. Keep our people aside, this country can’t identify between
their own people and Hamas, and has admitted to killing three of their own
citizens, who even had Hebrew signs of help held up. Delegates, what is it that
we expect from a country who’s trained military forces are smart enough to
NOT realise the difference between names of terrorists and a calendar. This
country has always been hiding behind excuses, or simply the ‘United States of
America’ and if we are to ever get rid of this incompetent tyranny, we must
start holding this so-called ‘country’ accountable for all its stupidity.

This isn't about paperwork, it's about lives. 20000 Innocent lives who have
been killed in Gaza . Don't hide delegates . Stand up, face the blood on your
hands, and regulate these hellhounds before they devour us all!


Delegates, I’d like to begin by saying USA doesn’t care about

democracy or human rights. All they care about is power, oil and
profit. What the U.S.A has done is essentially create terrorist
organizations by invading countries in the Persian gulf FOR OIL,
you have supplied arms to them for your own profit, you created Al
Qaida under the CIA’S nurturing to push Iran back.You invade our
land,Kill our people and have the audacity to question our
governance. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan the list never ends.
A prisoner who was also a British citizen, spent 13yrs in Guatemala
bay prison without any charges. USA has broken so many treaties
and articles that I cannot mention due to time constraints.
Biden is the first US president who did not pass the abc test.
Delegates do you think a man who cannot even remember the
alphabets is capable of handling and governing a nation.
Delegates, it is time that we recognize the state of USA for what it

Fellow delegates,

Imagine this: amidst the chaos of a conflict zone, where civilians tremble
under fire, there operates a hidden world. Enter the private military and
security companies, PMCs, shrouded in ambiguity and whispers of profit
amidst human suffering. We gather today, not to demonise shadows,
but to shed light on their existence, to ask: can these mercenary forces
wield their guns in ethical unison with our global conscience?

The answer, like the terrain of war, is far from clear-cut. PMCs offer
expertise, fill security gaps, and potentially shield our own soldiers. But
let's face it, their motives are rarely etched in altruism. We can't turn a
blind eye to the risks: blurred lines of accountability, opaque
operations, and a potential breeding ground for violations of human
rights and international law.

Egypt, a nation scarred by conflicts, understands these complexities.

We've seen PMCs operate within our borders, and we've learned a crucial
lesson: regulation is not a suggestion, it's a lifeline. Without clear rules,
PMCs become phantoms, answerable to no one but their bottom line.

Imagine again: not shadowy figures, but licensed professionals under a

global spotlight. PMCs bound by the same laws as our soldiers, held
accountable for every trigger pulled, every life touched. Transparency
becomes their armor, reports their confessions, and justice their
ultimate destination.

This is the future we must co-create. Not a world where PMCs roam
unchecked, but one where their expertise strengthens, not undermines,
global stability. Let's build a framework, an international code of
conduct, a pact with facts etched in ink, not blood. Together, we can
harness the potential of PMCs while safeguarding the principles that
hold humanity together.

This, fellow delegates, is not a battle against shadows, but a quest for
shared light. Let's step into the sun, and illuminate the path towards a
future where security and ethics march hand-in-hand, even in the
darkest corners of the world.

The Nakba: Critics argue that the establishment of Israel in 1948 led to
the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from
their homes, known as the Nakba or "catastrophe." This event resulted in
the creation of Palestinian refugee populations that continue to face
challenges and restricted rights.

Occupation and Settlements: Israel's occupation of the West Bank, East

Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip is heavily criticized. Critics argue that
Israeli settlements in the occupied territories violate international law
and contribute to the displacement of Palestinians, as well as hinder the
possibility of a viable Palestinian state.

The Gaza Blockade: Israel's blockade on the Gaza Strip, which has been
in place since 2007, is seen as a form of collective punishment against
Palestinians. Critics argue that the blockade restricts the movement of
people and goods, exacerbating the humanitarian situation and
infringing upon the rights of Gazans.

Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009): The Israeli military's offensive in the

Gaza Strip, known as Operation Cast Lead, resulted in significant
civilian casualties and infrastructure damage. Critics argue that Israel
used disproportionate force and targeted civilian areas, leading to a
high number of civilian casualties, including women and children.

The Great March of Return: Critics argue that Israel's response to the
peaceful protests during the Great March of Return in Gaza, starting in
2018, resulted in the use of excessive force, leading to many Palestinian
casualties. They claim that the Israeli military targeted unarmed
demonstrators, including medics and journalists.

The closure of the Gaza-Egypt border is attributed to several reasons,

including security concerns, fear of a spill-over of militancy, and the
desire to avoid a potential refugee crisis. Egypt has kept tight
restrictions on the movement through the Rafah crossing, primarily due
to security concerns in North Sinai, where the authorities have been
involved in a deadly conflict[5]. There is also a fear of a spill-over of
Hamas-style militancy into Egyptian territory, as well as concerns about
a potential refugee crisis and permanent resettlement of Gazans, which
Egypt is unwilling to facilitate[1][2][5]. Additionally, there have been
worries about the possible establishment of an Iranian base in Egyptian
territory and the desire to avoid being complicit in the displacement of
Palestinians[2][5]. The closure of the border has also been influenced by
political considerations and the desire to avoid undermining the
legitimacy of the Palestinian Authority[1].







Egypt is unwilling to take in Gaza refugees due to several reasons. One

of the main reasons is the fear that a large Palestinian refugee
population from Gaza will end up staying for good, as Egypt has a long,
troubled history of hosting Palestinian refugees, welcoming them, and
subsequently restricting their rights according to the political whims of
the day[1][3]. Additionally, Egypt is dealing with a spiraling economic
crisis and already hosts about 9 million refugees and migrants,
including roughly 300,000 Sudanese who have fleed their country's war[1].
Furthermore, Egypt and Jordan do not want to be seen as complicit in
the displacement of Palestinians, and they also have economic and
security concerns[2]. Finally, there is talk of Israeli plans to move Gaza’s
population across the border into Egypt's Sinai region, which has
experts and humanitarian groups concerned[4].






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