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Fractional synergetic tracking control for robot


Asma Saif, Raouf Fareh, Saif Sinan & Maamar Bettayeb

To cite this article: Asma Saif, Raouf Fareh, Saif Sinan & Maamar Bettayeb (2024) Fractional
synergetic tracking control for robot manipulator, Journal of Control and Decision, 11:1,
139-152, DOI: 10.1080/23307706.2022.2146008

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Published online: 21 Nov 2022.

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2024, VOL. 11, NO. 1, 139–152

Fractional synergetic tracking control for robot manipulator

Asma Saifa , Raouf Fareha , Saif Sinana,b and Maamar Bettayeba,c
a Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE; b Department of Electrical Engineering, École de technologie
supérieure, Montreal, Canada; c CEIES, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


This work takes advantage of synergetic control theory and fractional calculus to develop and Received 10 January 2022
propose fractional synergetic control (FSC) strategy for Four Degrees of Freedom (4-DOF) robot Accepted 7 November 2022
manipulator. The proposed fractional synergetic control is designed to track a joint space as well KEYWORDS
as workspace desired trajectories. Fractional calculus gives more flexibility in the design since Synergetic control; robust
it has a wider stability region. Added to that, as stated in the literature, compared to a similar control; robot manipulator;
approach such as sliding mode control, the synergetic control approach converges faster to the fractional controller
equilibrium point, without chattering with a fast response. This paper proposes a new control
strategy that takes advantage of fractional calculus and synergetic control theory. This proposed
control strategy is tested experimentally on a 4-DOF manipulator to study the performance of the
proposed control scheme. The stability of the closed-loop system is proved using the Lyapunov
approach. The experimental results have shown that the proposed FSC design has achieved a
good tracking performance.

1. Introduction
chattering phenomena (Lee & Utkin, 2007), due to the
Recently, robot manipulators have become a desir- discontinuous control actions in finite time. SMC has
able topic for researchers and developers, where they common properties with synergetic control where both
are capable of carrying out many different and repet- techniques are similar in forcing the system trajectories
itive tasks with high speed and precision. Moreover, to reach the manifold and stay on it. However, there
they play a great role in various fields such as edu- is a main difference in the way of directing the sys-
cation, industries, medical applications and perform- tem trajectories, SMC makes an undesirable noise in
ing dangerous operations that pose a risk for human the system which is known as chattering. Whereas, in
workers. Controlling the motion for these types of synergetic control, this issue is solved since the system
nonlinear systems with different complexities is con- trajectories reach the manifold asymptotically without
sidered a challenging task for researchers. In addi- causing any noise with a constant switching frequency
tion, several aspects cause difficulties in controlling the (Santi et al., 2004). In addition, the factor for the speed
robot, such as external disturbances in the workspace rate of convergence toward the manifold in synergetic
and time-varying. Many researchers proposed different control can be controlled by choosing an appropriate
control techniques for tracking control problems. There positive definite matrix. While in SMC, the speed rate of
are popular techniques such as; Proportional Integral convergence depends on system dynamics and cannot
Derivative (PID) (Cervantes & Alvarez-Ramirez, 2001), be controlled (Ahifar et al., 2018; Santi et al., 2004).
Computed Torque Chen et al. (2012), Neural net- The authors in Ahifar et al. (2018) proposed a termi-
work (Commuri et al., 1997) Adaptive Neural net- nal synergetic control for robot manipulator and prove
work (Shuzhi et al., 1997) distributed control (Fareh that this designed controller provides a fast and pre-
et al., 2016), Sliding mode control (SMC) (Dumlu cise convergence compared to a similar approach such
& Yıldırım, 2018) and Active Disturbance Rejection as a terminal sliding mode controller. Hence synergetic
Control (ADRC) (Fareh et al., 2020). control technique is considered as an improved version
However, these control techniques have their advan- of SMC. Synergetic control has been recently adopted
tages and disadvantages. For example, the PID con- for robotic systems mainly for robot manipulators. An
trol technique has a drawback in controlling com- adaptive Finite Integral Non-singular Terminal Syner-
plex electro-mechanical systems like robots (Sankaran, getic Control technique has been proposed in Wang
1999). In the computed torque technique, it is hard to et al. (2016) for robot manipulators to solve the sin-
obtain a good performance in high-speed operation gularity and the chattering in the control signal. To
(Lewis et al., 2003). SMC technique suffers from the improve the performance of the proposed controller, a

CONTACT Raouf Fareh W9-227 University of Sharjah, 27272 Sharjah, UAE

© 2022 Northeastern University, China

140 A. SAIF ET AL.

type-2 fuzzy logic controller has been combined with property and therefore is robust to open-loop gain vari-
the synergetic controller. In Humaidi et al. (2020), the ation (Shah & Agashe, 2016). The authors in Sharma
authors propose a control strategy based on the con- et al. (2015), studied the performance of fractional PID
cept of synergetic control theory to control a single link on 2-DOF robot manipulators. The results have con-
robot actuated Pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs) in firmed that the fractional PID is more robust than the
opposing bicep/tricep positions. Although there are integer and traditional PID when the robot is subject
many advantages of the synergetic control technique, to external disturbance and random noise as well as
it has some drawbacks such as the requirement of the time-variation payload conditions. A Fractional order
complete system model for the controlled system, and control has been developed in Chhabra et al. (2016),
it can be affected by system uncertainties and external to precisely and closely track the desired trajectory
disturbances (Liu & Hsiao, 2012). Thus, fractional cal- with minimum control effort. Multi-objective particle
culus is used in this work to improve the performance swarm optimisation (MOPSO) has been adopted to
of the conventional synergetic control strategy. tune and optimise the FPID parameters. Compared to
Real objects and dynamic systems usually tend the integer PID, the fractional PID has shown better
to be fractional (Chen et al., 2009). Hence, frac- robustness towards parameter uncertainties and trajec-
tional calculus allows describing these systems more tory tracking.
accurately than non-fractional calculus ‘integer-order’. More advance fractional controllers have been
Using non-fractional calculus was the gap in the solu- applied to robot manipulators. A Fractional-Order
tion methods of fractional differential equations. Frac- Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode has been proposed
tional calculus has been known for over three centuries in Wang et al. (2016) for the tracking problem of robot
since L’Hopital and Leibniz first mentioned derivative manipulators. The proposed control strategy does not
of order n = 12 in 1695 (Loverro, 2004). In recent years, require detailed information about the robot. Com-
fractional-order dynamic systems have attracted much pared to the integer-order Nonsingular Terminal Slid-
attention from scientists and engineers where dynam- ing Mode, The experimental results have shown that
ics and behaviours of real systems are defined more the fractional version can ensure faster convergence
precisely while using fractional order format. Presently, with less tracking error. A fractional-order adaptive
there are a lot of approximation methods for the solu- backstepping control has been developed in Nikdel
tion of fractional derivatives and integrals. Numeri- et al. (2016) to solve the control and finite-time sta-
cal simulation for fractional-order differential equa- bilisation of robot manipulators. This work aims to
tions cannot be exactly implemented as in the case of improve the response characteristics of the robot in
ordinary differential equations. Since the exact analyt- the presence of model uncertainties and nonlineari-
ical solutions are hard to implement, there are several ties as well as external disturbances. The comparison
numerical approximations techniques proposed by the between the non-adaptive version shows that the pro-
researchers such as Charef’s method (Charef, 2006) posed method provides better experimental results in
and Oustaloup’s method (Sabatier et al., 2002). There terms of trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection.
are many different forms of fractional differintegral in A fractional-order position/force hybrid control strat-
the literature, the most popular and frequently used egy has been adopted in Machado and Azenha (1998)
are Grunwald-Letnikov (GL) definition, the Riemann- to control a robot manipulator. The authors studied the
Liouville (RL) and the Caputo definitions (Lazare- controller’s performance in the time and the frequency
vić, 2015). Currently, fractional calculus is consid- domain with the effect of the dynamic backslash and
ered as a trend in control engineering for modelling flexibility.
and control design. In 1994, I. Podlubny presented In Ni et al. (2017), fractional-order fixed time non-
the fractional PID controller (Podlubny, 1994). Many singular terminal sliding mode control is proposed for
researchers have used fractional calculus with several stabilisation and synchronisation of fractional-order
control techniques to improve the performance of the chaotic systems with uncertainties and disturbances.
control strategy. Existing studies have shown that frac- Their method achieved chaos synchronisation and sup-
tional order controller outperformed integer order con- pressed chaotic oscillation in a fractional-order power
troller (Chen et al., 2009). system within a fixed time. A fractional nonlinear syn-
Fractional order PID has been widely used for ergetic controller was developed by Ardjal et al. (2019)
robotic systems, in Angel and Viola (2018), the authors for controlling a generator and grid converters of a
have combined Fractional PID with computed torque wind energy conversion system. The results confirm the
control to solve the problem of tracking control of par- proposed control scheme’s excellent performance and
allel robot manipulator. Compared to the integer-order ensure the closed-loop system’s stability. The authors
PID, the fractional version has shown better perfor- in Djennoune and Bettayeb (2013) presented nonlinear
mance in tracking and disturbances rejection. Addi- and linear fractional-order controllers based on syn-
tionally, the fractional control warranties iso-damping ergetic control theory. They defined a macro-variable

by a fractional-order integral of state variables. Opti- combined with synergetic control in robotics. The Lya-
mality and stability properties were analysed. Moreover, punov stability approach proves the stability analysis for
the simulation results showed a good performance of the obtained control law. Non-fractional and fractional
the developed fractional synergetic control. In Mehiri synergetic controllers are applied experimentally on a
et al. (2019), fractional nonlinear synergetic control 4-DOF robot manipulator to show the effectiveness and
was applied to control the three-phase Inverter grid- feasibility of the proposed fractional synergetic control
connected PV system. They compared their simulation strategy.
results with other controllers like SMC and PI, and the The rest of this paper is organised as follows: Section
proposed control scheme gave the best performance 2 describes the model of the 4-DOF robot under study
among the other controllers. In Ardjal et al. (2019) in this work. A brief background of fractional calculus
the authors presented a new design of fractional non- integration and differentiation and synergetic control
linear synergetic controller for a wind energy conver- theory are given in Section 3. Section 4 presents the
sion system with variable speed, to achieve maximum mathematical formulation of the proposed fractional
power point tracking (MPPT). They compared the sim- synergetic control schemes followed by the experimen-
ulation results to conventional synergetic controller tal results in Section 5. Finally, and the conclusion is
results, and concluded that, the fractional nonlinear given in Section 6.
synergetic controller had improved the performance.
Various applications of fractional order PID controller
in mechanical and robotics systems are reviewed in 2. Modeling and system description
Sondhi and Hote (2012). In this work, 4-DOF robotic arm manipulator is used.
All the stated works by Sondhi and Hote (2012) This robotic arm is an open-source platform where it
showed that the performance of the fractional-order can be used to test and study control theories of the
PID controller has better robustness and improved robot. The robotic arm is composed of four lightweight
the disturbance rejection with minimisation of the serial links with four revolute joints and two fingers
steady-state error compared to conventional PID con- end-effector. The robot can be controlled in three-
troller. The authors in Fareh et al. (2020) construct dimensional space and operate to grasp or release
a smooth synergetic controller design using a man- objects with two fingers. Figure 1 shows the architecture
ifold with nonlinear and exponential terms to con- of the 4-DOF robotic arm.
trol the 4-DOF robot manipulator. Based on their Kinematics is a mathematical formulation of the
experimental work, the proposed synergetic controller movement between rigid object and end-effector,
achieved good tracking in finite time and minimal regardless to the forces that cause the motion. The
steady-state error without chattering phenomena. In inverse kinematics is a mathematical representation for
Liu and Hsiao (2012), a finite time synergetic control unknown joint angles that reflect the position of the
scheme is proposed to track a class of nonlinear sys- robot’s end-effector. At the same time, forward kine-
tems. The proposed control scheme was applied to the matics is used to describe the relationship between
2-DOF robot manipulator and the simulation results the position of the end-effector and the known joint
showed the validity of their proposed scheme. angles. The Denavit Hartenberg notation (standard DH
The work of synergetic control theory and fractional parameters) has been used to represent the robot’s
calculus in the robotics field is still elementary and frames
there are a lot of possible developments. Moreover, the A homogeneous transformation matrix is used to
fractional-order synergetic control topic is not yet well represent the forward kinematics of the robot as follow:
covered for robotics applications. This paper’s main
contribution is to implement and develop a fractional ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
x (−c1 c2 s3 − c1 c3 s2)L34 + c1 c2 L2
synergetic controller to track the desired path trajec- ⎣y⎦ = ⎣ (−c2 s1 s3 − c3 s1 s1)L34 + s1 c2 L2 ⎦
tory in joint space and workspace for a 4-DOF robotic
z (−c2 c3 − s2 s3)L34 − s2 L2 + L1
arm. This work aims to take advantage of the frac-
tional control ( (((( combined with the smooth
convergence of the synergetic control to design a new
fractional synergetic controller to solve the tracking where si is sin qi , ci is cos qi and Li is the arm length.
problem control of the robot manipulator. The track- Using a geometric solution in addition to know-
ing trajectory is considered in the joint space as well ing the position of the end-effector, the unknown joint
as workspace. The inverse kinematic is used to obtain angles can be found by applying inverse kinematics.
the desired joint space trajectories from the desired One solution can be as follow:
workspace trajectories. The point is to show the perfor- ⎡ ⎤
mance of the proposed fractional synergetic controller q1
to distinguish the use of the fractional calculus method ⎣q2 ⎦
and highlight the importance of fractional order control q3
142 A. SAIF ET AL.

Figure 1. 4-DOF robotic arm.

⎡ y ⎤
tan−1 robot, C(q, q̇) is Centrifugal n × 1 vector and G(q) is the
⎢ x ⎥ gravity n × 1 vector, where n is the number of freedom
⎢ −(α + ϕ) ⎥
⎢ ⎛ 2 2 − (x2 + y2 ⎞⎥
⎥ degrees of the manipulator. τ is n × 1 the input torque
⎢ L + (L + L )
=⎢ 2 3 4 ⎥ (2) vector. The overview of tracking control for 4-DOF
⎢ ⎜ +(z − L )2) ⎟ ⎥
⎢sin−1 ⎜ 1
⎟⎥ robotic arm is illustrated in Figure 2.
⎣ ⎝ 2L (L ) ⎠⎦
2 34

3. Background
R +L −L
2 2 2
where α = tan−1 √z−L 1
; ϕ = cos−1 2L22 R 34 ; R =
x2 +y2 This section is divided into two subsections. The first

r2 + (z − L1 )2 and r = L2 c2 − L34 s23 . Note that q4 subsection presents a brief background of fractional
is independent of the end-effector, it only effecting the calculus integration and differentiation. The second
orientation of it. subsection introduces the principle of synergetic con-
Dynamic modelling is known to define the math- trol theory.
ematical relationship between the motion of each
joint and its corresponding needed torque. Using the
Lagrange approach, the torque equation is derived, and 3.1. Fractional calculus integration and
the dynamic model equation is formed as follows: differentiation

M(q)q̈ + C(q, q̇) + G(q) = τ (3) After L’Hopital’s and Leibniz’s first reference, fractional
calculus, has been studied by several scientists. In 1823,
where q and q̇ ∈ Rn×1 are joint angle and velocity the first application of fractional calculus was intro-
respectively, M(q) is the n × n inertia matrix of the duced by N. Abel for solving the tautochrone problem

Figure 2. The overview of tracking fractional synergetic control for 4-DOF robotic arm.

using integral of order n = 12 (Monje et al., 2010). For The designing procedure of the synergetic controller
control systems, the usage of fractional calculus started starts from choosing a specific user-defined function
in 1990 when M. Axtell used Laplace transforms for called macro-variable ψ(x), Based on the selected
different integral operators (Axtell & Bise, 1990). In macro-variable, a manifold M will be constructed to
literature, there are many definitions of fractional calcu- direct the system states to reach the zero exponentially
lus, the most commonly encountered in the area of the and asymptotically where ψ(x) = 0. The manifold M is
control system are Grunwald-Letnikov (GL) definition, defined as follows:
the Riemann-Liouville (RL) and the Caputo defini- M = {x(t) : ψ(x) = 0, ψ(x) ∈ m×1 } (9)
tions (Lazarević, 2015; Shah & Agashe, 2016). The most
widely used is Riemann-Liouville’s (RL) definition and The synergetic controller design will move the sys-
considered as a general definition of fractional differin- tem states to reach a manifold exponentially by follow-
tegral. The RL definition can be given as follow: ing the desired dynamic of the macro-variable which is
The αth-order Riemann–Liouville fractional deriva- called evolution constraint and it is given as:
tive is given by Ardjal et al. (2019):
β ψ̇ + ψ = 0 (10)
α dα f (t) where β is a design parameter defined as a non-singular
t0 Dt f (t) =
dt α diagonal positive definite matrix that affects the conver-

1 dm t f (τ ) gence rate of macro-variable to the desired manifold.
= dτ (4)
(m − α) dt t0 (t − τ )α−m+1
m ψ̇ is the derivative of the aggregated macro-variable.
The stability of the closed-loop system can be proved
where m is considerd as any integer, α ∈ + is the by using the Lyapunov approach:
fractional order of the derivative, where m − 1 < α ≤
m,  is Euler’s Gamma function and t0 is the initial V = 12 ψ T ψ (11)
time. Then, the initial time is taken as zero. The Euler’s Finally, the control law is developed so that the closed-
Gamma function is defined as: loop system is asymptotically stable (V̇ < 0).
(α) = e−t t α−1 dt (5)
0 4. The mathematical formulation of the
proposed synergetic controller
The definition of the fractional order integral α ∈ +
of Riemann–Liouville is (Ardjal et al., 2019): This section presents the mathematical formulation
 of the non-fractional synergetic control and fractional
α 1 t f (τ ) synergetic controller, where both will operate a 4-DOF
t0 It f (t) = dτ (6)
(α) t0 (t − τ )1−α robot manipulator. To get the form of multivariable
nonlinear system of Equation (8), The dynamic model
In this work, fractional order integration and dif- Equation (3) of the robot manipulator is rearranged as
ferentiation will be used for developing a synergetic a second-order system as:
control scheme to be applied on 4-DOF robot manipu-
lator. Më − C − G − M q¨d = −τ (12)
where qd ∈ nx1 is the reference input of the desired
3.2. Synergetic control theaory trajectories for robot manipulator. The tracking error in
joint space and its derivatives are defined as e = qd − q,
The synergetic control theory is related to the Analyti- ė = q̇d − q̇ and ë = q̈d − q̈.
cal Design of Aggregated Regulator (ADAR) In terms of tracking error, the model dynamic in
(Kolesnikov et al., 2000). The following nonlinear Equation (12) can be written as follow:
dynamical system presents the synergetic control the-
ory: ë = M −1 C + M −1 G + q̈d − M −1 τ (13)

dx(t) Let us define the state variables as x1 = e and x2 =

= f (x, u, t) (7) ė, the state space model can derived as second order
The basic concepts of synergetic control will be given 
here. Consider a class of nonlinear systems as follows: ẋ1 = f1 (x, ẋ) + g1 (x)
ẋ2 = f2 (x, ẋ) + g2 (x)u
ẍ = f (x) + g(x)u (8)
where x = [x1 x2 ]T ; f (x, ẋ) = [f1 f2 ]T , f1 = x2 , f2 =
where x ∈ f (x) ∈
Rn×1 , and g(x) ∈
Rn×1 are Rn×m M −1 C + M −1 G + q¨d and g(x) = [g1 g2 ]T ,
known nonliear functions. u ∈ R m×1 is the input con- g1 = 0, g2 = −M −1 are nonlinear function. u = τ is
trol signal. input control.
144 A. SAIF ET AL.

4.1. Non-fractional synergetic control V̇ = ψ T (kp ė + kd ë)

As mentioned in the previous section, the first step in V̇ = ψ T [kp ė + kd M −1 C + kd M −1 G + kd q¨d
designing a synergetic controller is defining a macro-
variable. In this paper, the first macro-variable to be − kd M −1 (Mk−1
d kp ė + C + G + M q¨d
developed for controlling 4-DOF robot manipulator is + Mk−1 −1 −1
d β kp e + Mβ ė)]
selected as follows:
V̇ = ψ T [kp ė + kd M −1 C + kd M −1 G + kd q¨d
ψ = kp e + kd ė (15)
− kp ė − kd M −1 C − kd M −1 G
where kp and kd ∈ n×n are diagonal positive definite − kd q¨d − β −1 kp e − kd β −1 ė]
matrices. Using Equation (15), Equation (10) becomes:
V̇ = ψ T [−β −1 kp e − kd β −1 ė]
βkp ė + βkd ë + kp e + kd ė = 0 (16)
V̇ = −ψ T β −1 [kp e + kd ė]
Using Equation (14), the error dynamics Equation (16) V̇ = −ψ T β −1 ψ (20)
From the above, V is a positive definite function and the
βkp ė + βkd (M −1 C + M −1 G + q¨d )
time derivative V̇ is negative as long as β > 0. Hence,
+ βkd (−M −1 )u + kp e + kd ė = 0 (17) the stability of the controlled system is guaranteed. The
macro variable given in Equation (15) depends on the
Let us now propose the following control law: tracking error and its derivative. The Lyapunov func-
τ = Mk−1 −1 −1 tion V(t) is a continuous function of ψ.Its derivative
d β kp e + Mβ ė
V̇(t) is nonincreasing in time t. Then, we can conclude
+ Mk−1
d kp ė + C + G + M q¨d (18) that the macro-variable ψ(t) ∈ L∞ . Therefore, from
Equation (15), the error e(t) ∈ L∞ . The second deriva-
The block diagram of the control law in
tive of the Lyapunov function V̈ (t) = −2ψ T β −1 ψ̇
Equation (18) is shown in Figure 3
is bounded. So, according to Barbalat’s Lemma (Slo-
The error dynamics are found by substituting the
tine & Li, 1991), V̇ and ψ → 0 as t → ∞. Therefore,
control low in Equation (18) in the modified dynamic
e and ė → 0 as t → ∞.
model from Equation (13):

ë + β −1 ė + k−1 −1 −1
d kp ė + kd β kp e = 0 (19) 4.2. Fractional synergetic control
To prove the stability of the closed-loop system, let us The main contribution of this work is to apply a frac-
use the following positive Lyapunov function: tional synergetic control for a 4-DOF robot manipula-
tor to have more flexibility in the design, whereas the
V = 12 ψ T ψ
stability of an integer order linear time-invariant (LTI)
The time derivative of the Lyapunov function is given system is ensured if all the roots are in the left half com-
as follows: plex plane. While for fractional-order LTI system, the
roots may occur in the right half complex plane and
V̇ = ψ T ψ̇ the system is still stable (Mehiri et al., 2019). Based on

Figure 3. Non-Fractional Synergetic control scheme.


synergetic control design, a fractional macro-variable is + Mβ −1 ė

proposed as follows:
+ Mk−1 −1
d kp ė + Mkd ki D
e + C + G + M q¨d )]
ψ = kp e + ki I α e + kd ė (21) V̇ = ψ T [kp ė + ki D1−α e + kd M −1 C + kd M −1 G
ψ̇ = kp ė + ki D e + kd ë (22) + kd q¨d − ki D1−α e
where kp , ki and kd ∈ n×n are diagonal positive defi- − kp ė − kd M −1 C − kd M −1 G − kd q¨d − β −1 kp e
nite matrices. I stands for the fractional integral param-
− β −1 ki I α e − β −1 kd ė]
eter and α is the value of fractional order m − 1 < α ≤
m. Let us propose the following control law: V̇ = ψ T [−β −1 kp e − β −1 ki I α e − kd β −1 ė]

τ = Mk−1 −1 −1 −1 α V̇ = −ψ T β −1 [kp e + kI I α e + kD ė] (25)

d β kp e + Mkd β ki I e
+ Mβ −1 ė + Mk−1 −1
d kp ė + Mkd ki D
V̇ = −ψ T β −1 ψ
+ C + G + M q¨d (23)
From Equation (25), the time derivative V̇ is negative.
Figure 4 illustrates the control law scheme for the pro- Hence, the closed-loop system is asymptotically stable.
posed fractional controller. Moreover, let us check the evolution constraint
The error dynamics is obtained by inserting the con- Equation (10) when using the proposed control strategy
trol law Equation (23) in the modified dynamic model Equation (23):
Equation (13) and given as follow:
β(kp ė + ki D1−α e + kd ë) + (kp e + ki I α e + kd ė) = 0
ë + β −1 ė + k−1 −1 −1 −1 α
d β kD kp e + kd β ki I e βkp ė + βki D1−α e + βkd ë + kp e + ki I α e + kd ė = 0
+ k−1 −1
d kp ė + kd ki D
e=0 (24) βkp ė + βki D1−α e + βkd (M −1 C

To prove the stability of the error dynamics let us + M −1 G + q̈d − M −1 τ )

propose the following positive Lyapunov function in + kp e + ki I α e + kd ė = 0
Equation (11):
βkp ė + βki D1−α e + βkd M −1 C + βkd M −1 G
1 T
V= 2ψ ψ
+ βkd q̈d − βkd M −1 τ
The time derivative of V is:
+ kp e + ki I α e + kd ė = 0
V̇ = ψ T ψ̇ βkp ė + βki D1−α e + βkd M −1 C
V̇ = ψ T (kp ė + ki D1−α e + kd ë) + βkd M −1 G + βkd q̈d
V̇ = ψ T [kp ė + ki D1−α e + kd M −1 C − kp e − ki I α e − kd ė − βkp ė − βki D1−α e
+ kd M −1 G + kd q¨d − βkd M −1 C − βkd M −1 G − βkd q̈d
− kd M −1 (Mk−1 −1 −1 −1 α
d β kp e + Mkd β ki I e + kp e + ki I α e + kd ė = 0 (26)

Figure 4. Fractional Synergetic control scheme.

146 A. SAIF ET AL.

From Equation (26), the proposed control law satis- the fractional synergetic controller in Simulink through
fied the evolution constraint β ψ̇ + ψ = 0. i.e. this con- DAQ. The fractional synergetic controller will use the
troller is able to move the system states to reach a man- difference (error) between the desired and actual angles
ifold exponentially by following the desired dynamic of to generate the torque signals as input for the robot.
the macro-variable. The nominal values for the acurators toqures usined in
the robot are in Campeau-Lecours et al. (2019). Finally,
forward kinematics convert the real joint space angles
5. Experimental results to real workspace angles. Figures 5 and 6 illustrates the
experimental setup.
To verify the validity of the performance for the pro- To implement a fractional-order synergetic con-
posed control law, a real robot of 4-DOF is used. The troller, the FOMCON toolbox is used
experimental work was carried out by using QUARC, (Aleksei et al., 2012; Tepljakov, 2011). It is a MAT-
which is LAB Toolbox that provides an approximation to the
open platform source and Matlab/Simulink. A data fractional order differentiation and integration based
acquisition card (DAQ) is used to communicate on integer transfer functions. The method is devel-
between the robot and Simulink software. The DAQ oped based on a mini toolbox FOTF (Chen et al., 2009;
reads the torque signals from the fractional syner- Monje et al., 2010; Xue et al., 2007). The experimen-
getic controller as an input for the robot and writes tation is carried out to examine the performance of
the real-time angles and velocity signals from the sen- the proposed fractional synergetic controller on the 4-
sors as an input for the fractional synergetic controller DOF robotic arm in comparison to another control
in Simulink. The desired workspace trajectories are techniques. There control techniques are:
defined in Matlab as a circular path. Then, inverse
kinematics is used to calculate desired joint space tra- • Fractional PID (Frac-PID).
jectories which will be considered as the reference • Fractional Sliding Mode Control (Farac-SMC).
angles in joint space. The sensors will measure the real • Non-fractional Synergetic controller (Synr).
actual angles in real joint space and send it back to

Figure 5. Experimental setup.

Figure 6. Real-time experimental setup.


The following parameters are used for the controllers Table 1. Performance index for the experimental results.
in this work: MSE for workspace
Frac-PID 3.6127e-04
• Frac−PID: kp = 150, ki = 30, kd = 100, λ, μ = Frac-SMC 0.0020
Synr 4.8142e-04
0.95. Frac-Synr 3.8373e-04
• Frac−SMC: kp = 30, kp d = 1, ki = 30 and Ks =
[152, 65, 59, 114] λ = 0.95.
• Synr: β = diag[150, 150, 100, 100], kp = 0.7, ki =
0.6, kd = 0.6. performance. For the fractional PID, it has a good per-
• Frac−Synr: β = diag[150, 150, 100, 100], kp = 0.7, formance except for the secondq2 . Although the per-
ki = 0.6, kd = 0.6 λ = 0.95. formance index for the fractional PID with respect to
the workspace in Table 1 showed less MSE than frac-
The fractional synergetic control proposed in this tional synergetic control, it is noticeable that the frac-
work is based on the conversational version of syner- tional PID draws the circle far from the desired coor-
getic control. Consequently, it would be convenient to dinate unlike fractional synergetic as demonstrated in
compare its performance to the fractional conventional Figure 8. Added to that, the difference between the MSE
version of SMC. Based on fractional sliding surface for both techniques is very small. Regarding the Frac-
given in Fei et al. (2021), the Control law used for tional SMC, the tracking performance for the x was very
Frac−SMC is: weak due to the weak performance in the joint space.
The most significant improvement for the proposed
S = kp e + ki I α e + kd ė fractional synergetic control technique can be noticed
with respect to the measurements of the torque (Figures
Ṡ = kp ė + ki D1−α e + kd ë 9–12). Although the same parameters for synergetic
u = Mk−1 −1 −1 and fractional synergetic were used, but the impact of
d [Kp ė + Kd M C + Kd M G
using fractional calculus leads to less control inputs
+ kd q̈d + ki D1−α e] + Mks sign(S) (27) (torques). That is due to the extra degree of freedom
provided by the fractional calculus concept. Finally,
The experimental results show that The synergetic Figure 13 shows a close look (zoom-in) at the mea-
control and fractional synergetic control achieved the surement of all torques, this demonstrates the smooth
best tracking performance in the joint space as shown and fewer magnate torques provided by the fractional
in Figure 7. This is confirmed in the performance index synergetic control than all the other techniques in this
Table 1. The fractional SMC provides a weak track- experiment.
ing performance for the second joint q2 and the third The experimental results have matched the theoret-
joint q3 , that is where there is a high change in the ical part of the fractional synergetic control and proved
tracking value and SMC could not provide the desired the use of fractional calculus concepts. The comparison

Figure 7. Joint space tracking for the angular position: (a) first joint (b) the second joint (c) third joint and (d) fourth joint.
148 A. SAIF ET AL.

Figure 8. Circular desired and real path in the workspace.

Figure 9. Measurement for Torque 1 comparing the performance of Fractional synergetic with (a) Fractional PID (b) Fractional SMC
and (c) conventional synergetic.

Figure 10. Measurement for Torque 2 comparing the performance of Fractional synergetic with (a) Fractional PID (b) Fractional SMC
and (c) conventional synergetic.

Figure 11. Measurement for Torque 3 comparing the performance of Fractional synergetic with (a) Fractional PID (b) Fractional SMC
and (c) conventional synergetic.

Figure 12. Measurement for Torque 4 comparing the performance of Fractional synergetic with (a) Fractional PID (b) Fractional SMC
and (c) conventional synergetic.

showed the superiority and the unique feature of the space as well as workspace desired trajectories. The con-
fractional-order synergetic control, where it enhanced trol law has been introduced by using synergetic con-
the performance of the controlled system. Moreover, trol theory and fractional calculus. Inverse kinematics
having variable derivative and integral orders increases was used to find the desired trajectories in joint space,
the design’s flexibility and improves the closed-loop whereas forward kinematics was used to get the real
response. trajectories in the workspace. The stability of the con-
trolled system was proved using the Lyapunov method.
The comparison between the proposed fractional syn-
6. Conclusion ergetic controller and the non-fractional synergetic
controller, fractional sliding mode technique as well
A fractional synergetic controller has been proposed ad fractional PID showed the superiority of the pro-
and implemented experimentally to control a 4-DOF posed controller. The experimental results confirmed
robotic arm. The controller precisely tracked the joint
150 A. SAIF ET AL.

Figure 13. Close look (zoom-in) for the measurement of all Torques at T = 30.

that the proposed fractional synergetic controller could of Sharjah. He collaborates with Power Electronics and Indus-
faster track the desired reference and drive error states trial Control Research Group (GRÉPCI) in ETS, Canada,
to zero. as well as BioRobotics Lab at the University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee, USA.

Disclosure statement Saif Sinan received a bachelor and a

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). master degrees in electrical engineering
from the University of Sharjah in 2013
and 2019 respectively. He started his
Notes on contributors PhD at Ecole de technologie superieure
in 2020. His research is in nonlinear con-
Asma Saif received a bachelor and mas- trollers, power systems, robotic systems
ter degrees in electrical and electronics and nonlinear control and collaboration
engineering from the University of Shar- of multi robotic systems.
jah in 2016 and 2021 respectively. Her
reseacrh area is in robotics and control Maamar Bettayeb received the B.S.,
system. M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electri-
cal Engineering from the University
of Southern California, Los Angeles,
in 1976, 1978 and 1981, respectively.
Raouf Fareh received Ph.D. and Master He worked as a Research Scientist at
degrees in electrical engineering from the Bellaire Research Center at Shell
the University of Quebec (Ecole de Tech- Oil Development Company, Houston,
nologie Superieure) Canada in 2008 Texas, USA. From 1982 to 1988, He directed the Instru-
and 2013, respectively. He then joined mentation and Control Laboratory of High Commission
Ottawa University in 2013 as a postdoc- for Research in Algeria. In 1988, He joined the Electri-
toral researcher. He joined the Univer- cal Engineering Department at King Fahd University of
sity of Sharjah, UAE, in 2014. Currently, Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He has been
Dr. Fareh is an Associate Professor at the University of Shar- Professor at the University of Sharjah UAE since August
jah in 2014, where he is teaching courses related to robotics 2000. He is the Vice Chancellor for Research and Gradu-
and control systems. His research interests include control ate Studies at the University of Sharjah, starting September
and path planning for various types of robotic systems such 2014. He is also the Chair of the IT Governance Com-
as Manipulator, Mobile Robot, Mobile Manipulator, Paral- mittee of University of Sharjah. He has published over
lel robot, Exoskeleton Robot, Drones, etc. In control theory, 350 journal and conference papers in the fields of con-
his research interests include mathematical modelling, Linear trol and signal processing. He has also supervised over 50
and Nonlinear control such as Active Disturbances Rejec- M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. He contributed to the design
tion Control, distributed control, Fractional Control, Sliding and development of several curricula for Universities in
model control, Synergetic control, etc. In addition, He is the Gulf countries, Asia and Africa. His recent research
working on path planning for robotic systems using vision interest is in process control, fractional dynamics and con-
and image processing. He is a member of the Autonomous trol, soft computing, renewable energies and engineering
Robotics and Active Vision Research Group at the University education.

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