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Tài liệu bao gồm đủ 3 Parts lời giải mẫu cho đủ Test 1,2,3,4 trong bộ Cam 19. Hy vọng
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& Reading của Cam 19 nhé.

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International food
1. Can you find food from many different countries where you live?
[Why/Why not?]
Yes, I can find food from many different countries where I live. The area is quite
cosmopolitan, with a diverse population that brings various cultural influences.
There are numerous restaurants and food stalls offering a wide range of
international cuisines, such as Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Indian, and Japanese.
This diversity is a reflection of the multicultural community and the demand for
different culinary experiences.

2. How often do you eat typical food from other countries? [Why/Why not?]
I often eat typical food from other countries, probably at least once a week. I
enjoy exploring different flavors and cuisines, and it adds variety to my diet.
Additionally, dining out or ordering takeout from international restaurants is a
great way to experience different cultures without leaving my city. It’s also a
social activity I often share with friends and family, which makes it more

3. Have you ever tried making food from another country? [Why/Why not?]
Yes, I have tried making food from another country. I find it exciting to
experiment with new recipes and ingredients, and it’s a wonderful way to learn
about different cultures. Cooking international dishes at home allows me to
appreciate the complexity and techniques involved in various cuisines. For
instance, I’ve made Italian pasta, Japanese sushi, and Indian curry, and each
experience has been both educational and enjoyable.

4. What food from your country would you recommend to people from other
countries? [Why?]

I would recommend trying the traditional dishes of my country, such as Pho. It’s
a dish that truly represents our culinary heritage, using local ingredients and
traditional cooking methods. The flavors are unique and offer a glimpse into our
culture and history. Additionally, it’s a favorite among locals, and sharing it with
people from other countries would be a way to introduce them to our rich
gastronomic traditions.


Describe a law that was introduced in your country and that you thought was a
very good idea.

You should say:

 what the law was who introduced it

 when and why it was introduced
 and explain why you thought this law was such a good idea.

One law that was introduced in my country, which I thought was an excellent idea, is
the ban on smoking in public places. This law was introduced by the Ministry of Health,
spearheaded by a prominent health minister who was very passionate about public
health and safety. The law came into effect around a decade ago, in response to growing
concerns about the health impacts of secondhand smoke and the increasing number of
smoking-related illnesses.

The law prohibits smoking in various public spaces, including restaurants, bars, public
transport, and even certain outdoor areas like parks and beaches. The primary aim was
to protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke and to promote
a healthier environment for everyone.

I thought this law was an excellent idea for several reasons. Firstly, it significantly
improved the quality of air in public places, making them more pleasant and healthier
for everyone, especially children, the elderly, and individuals with respiratory issues. It
also encouraged many smokers to reduce their smoking habits or quit altogether, as the
inconvenience of finding designated smoking areas often led them to reconsider their

Moreover, the law helped to shift public perception of smoking. It became less socially
acceptable to smoke in public, which is particularly important for younger generations

who are impressionable and more likely to take up smoking if they see it as a common
or accepted behavior.

In addition to the health benefits, the smoking ban also had positive economic impacts.
Healthcare costs associated with treating smoking-related diseases have decreased, and
businesses in the hospitality sector have reported that non-smoking environments attract
more customers, leading to increased revenue.

Overall, this law was a well-thought-out and effective measure to improve public health,
change social norms, and reduce the economic burden of smoking-related illnesses. Its
introduction marked a significant step forward in creating a healthier and more
considerate society.

School rules
1. What kinds of rules are common in a school?
Common rules in schools often focus on promoting a safe and conducive
learning environment. These include regulations on attendance and punctuality,
dress codes, prohibitions on bullying and harassment, guidelines for respectful
behavior towards teachers and peers, and restrictions on the use of mobile phones
during class hours. Additionally, schools usually have rules regarding academic
honesty, such as policies against cheating and plagiarism.

2. How important is it to have rules in a school?

Having rules in a school is crucial as they establish a structured and orderly
environment that supports educational objectives. Rules help maintain
discipline, ensuring that students can focus on their studies without unnecessary
distractions or disruptions. They also foster a sense of fairness and safety, which
is essential for both students' well-being and their academic success. Moreover,
school rules teach students the importance of responsibility and respect for
authority, preparing them for the expectations of wider society.

3. What do you recommend should happen if children break school rules?

If children break school rules, it is important to implement fair and consistent
consequences that are appropriate to the severity of the infraction. Initially, a
warning or a discussion with the student to understand their behavior and
reinforce the rules might suffice. For more serious or repeated violations, schools
might consider detention, parent-teacher meetings, or involvement in counseling
programs. The goal should be not only to penalize but also to educate and
rehabilitate, helping students understand the impact of their actions and
encouraging better behavior in the future.

Working in the legal profession

1. Can you suggest why many students decide to study law at university?

Many students decide to study law at university for a variety of reasons. Some
are attracted by the intellectual challenge and the prestige associated with the
legal profession. Others are motivated by a desire to effect social change and
uphold justice. The versatility of a law degree, which can lead to careers in
various fields such as corporate law, human rights, or politics, also appeals to
many. Additionally, the prospect of financial stability and career advancement
opportunities in the legal field can be significant incentives.

2. What are the key personal qualities needed to be a successful lawyer?

To be a successful lawyer, several key personal qualities are essential. Analytical
thinking and attention to detail are crucial for understanding and interpreting
complex legal documents and cases. Excellent communication skills, both
written and oral, are necessary for arguing cases and drafting legal documents.
Integrity and a strong ethical sense ensure that a lawyer acts in the best interest
of their clients and upholds the law. Furthermore, resilience and the ability to
handle stress are important due to the demanding nature of legal work. Finally,
a commitment to continuous learning helps lawyers stay updated with ever-
evolving laws and legal precedents.

3. Do you agree that working in the legal profession is very stressful?

Yes, I agree that working in the legal profession can be very stressful. Lawyers
often deal with high-stakes cases that require meticulous attention to detail and
a deep understanding of the law. The pressure to achieve favorable outcomes for
clients, coupled with long working hours and tight deadlines, can contribute to
significant stress. Moreover, the adversarial nature of legal proceedings and the
emotional toll of handling sensitive cases, such as criminal defense or family
law, can add to the stress. However, despite these challenges, many lawyers find
the profession rewarding and are driven by a passion for justice and advocacy.

Travelling by plane
1. Have you travelled a lot by plane? [To where?/Why not?]
Yes, I have traveled quite a bit by plane. I've been fortunate to visit several
countries, including the United States, France, Japan, and Australia. Most of my
air travel has been for a mix of reasons such as vacations, visiting family and
friends, and work-related conferences or meetings. Flying has often been the
most efficient way to cover long distances in a relatively short amount of time,
making it a preferred mode of travel for these trips.

2. Why do you think some people enjoy travelling by plane?

I believe people enjoy traveling by plane for several reasons. Firstly, the
convenience and speed of air travel allow people to reach distant destinations
quickly, which is particularly appealing for those with limited vacation time or
busy schedules. Additionally, many people find the experience of flying itself
enjoyable—there's a certain excitement associated with taking off, being above
the clouds, and sometimes even the in-flight services like movies and meals.
Moreover, planes provide access to destinations that might otherwise be difficult
or impossible to reach by other means of transportation.

3. Would you like to live near an airport? [Why/Why not?]

Personally, I would not prefer to live near an airport. While the convenience of
being close to an airport can be attractive for frequent travelers, the constant
noise from aircraft taking off and landing can be quite disruptive. It can affect
the quality of life, making it difficult to enjoy peaceful moments or get a good
night's sleep. Additionally, areas close to airports often have higher levels of air
pollution, which could pose health risks over time. Therefore, I would rather live
a bit farther away from an airport to enjoy a quieter and healthier living

4. In the future, do you think that you will travel by plane more often?
[Why/Why not?]
In the future, I think it's likely that I will travel by plane more often. As the world
becomes increasingly globalized, opportunities for international travel for both
personal and professional reasons are likely to increase. Additionally,
advancements in aviation technology might make flying even more efficient and
environmentally friendly, potentially making air travel more attractive.
Furthermore, as my career progresses and if I continue to pursue international
experiences, flying will remain a crucial means of connecting with different parts
of the world.


Describe a person from your country who has won a prize, award or medal.

You should say:

 who this person is

 which prize, award or medal they received
 what they did to win this
 and explain whether you think it was right that this person received this
prize, award or medal.

A notable individual from my country who has won a significant award is Nguyen
Quang Dung. He is an esteemed film director and screenwriter best known for his
contributions to Vietnamese cinema. Born in Hanoi, he attended the Hanoi Academy
of Theatre and Cinema and later became a prominent figure in the Vietnamese film
industry, known for his innovative storytelling and impactful films.

In 2019, Nguyen Quang Dung was honored with the Golden Kite Award for Best
Director, one of the most prestigious awards in the Vietnamese film industry. This
award is given annually by the Vietnam Cinema Association to individuals who have
made outstanding contributions to Vietnamese cinema.

Nguyen Quang Dung was recognized for his film "Tháng Năm Rực Rỡ" (Go Go
Sisters), a movie that resonated deeply with audiences and critics alike. The film,
which is a coming-of-age story set in both the 1970s and the present day, explores
themes of friendship, nostalgia, and personal growth. His direction brought the
characters to life in a compelling and relatable way, and the film's success highlighted
his talent for blending humor with poignant, heartfelt moments.

I believe it was entirely fitting that Nguyen Quang Dung received the Golden Kite
Award. His work on "Tháng Năm Rực Rỡ" not only entertained audiences but also

provided a reflective look at Vietnam's cultural and historical landscape. His ability to
connect with viewers on an emotional level and his dedication to advancing
Vietnamese cinema make him a deserving recipient of this award. Recognizing his
achievements with the Golden Kite Award not only honors his individual
contributions but also underscores the importance of storytelling in preserving and
celebrating Vietnamese culture and history. Nguyen Quang Dung's work exemplifies
the power of cinema to inspire and move audiences, making him a true luminary in the

Rewards for children at school
1. What types of school prizes do children in your country receive?
In my country, children receive a variety of school prizes to recognize their
achievements and efforts. These prizes can include academic awards for subjects
like mathematics or languages, certificates for perfect attendance or punctuality,
trophies for sports achievements, and badges for demonstrating leadership or
community service. Additionally, schools often organize ceremonies or events
to celebrate these accomplishments, providing a platform to showcase students'
talents and contributions.

2. What do you think are the advantages of rewarding schoolchildren for good
Rewarding schoolchildren for good work has several advantages. Firstly, it
reinforces positive behavior and motivates students to strive for excellence in
their academic pursuits. Recognizing achievements boosts students' self-esteem
and confidence, encouraging them to take pride in their accomplishments.
Moreover, rewards can cultivate a competitive spirit in a healthy manner,
promoting a positive learning environment where students are inspired to
perform their best. Additionally, receiving recognition from teachers and peers
can foster a sense of belonging and encourage positive relationships within the
school community.

3. Do you agree that it's more important for children to receive rewards from
their parents than from teachers?
While both parental and teacher recognition are valuable, I believe that parental
rewards hold a special significance for children. Parents play a crucial role in
nurturing and supporting their child's development, and their acknowledgment
of achievements can have a profound impact on a child's motivation and self-
esteem. Parental rewards often come with emotional support and encouragement,
reinforcing positive behaviors and fostering a strong bond between parent and

child. However, teacher rewards are equally important as they validate academic
achievements and encourage continuous improvement in the educational setting.

Rewards for sportspeople

1. Do you think that some sportspeople (e.g., top footballers) are paid too much
The payment of top sportspeople, such as footballers, is a topic of debate. While
some may argue that their salaries are excessive compared to other professions,
it is essential to consider the entertainment value and revenue generated by sports
industries. Top athletes often attract large audiences, sponsorships, and media
coverage, contributing significantly to the economic success of sports
organizations. Their salaries reflect their skills, market demand, and the
competitive nature of professional sports. Ultimately, the value placed on their
contributions determines their earnings.

2. Should everyone on a team get the same prize money when they win?
The distribution of prize money among team members when they win can vary
depending on contractual agreements, team policies, and the nature of the
competition. In some sports, such as team-based events like football or
basketball, prize money may be distributed equally among players as a form of
fairness and team solidarity. However, in individual sports or competitions
where athletes contribute differently to the team's success, prize money
distribution may be based on performance metrics or negotiated terms. The goal
is to recognize and reward each team member's contribution while promoting
unity and collaboration within the team.

3. Do you agree with the view that, in sport, taking part is more important
than winning?
In the context of sports, the importance of participation versus winning can vary
based on individual perspectives and goals. While winning symbolizes
achievement and excellence, participation fosters personal growth, skill

development, and camaraderie among athletes. Engaging in sports promotes
physical fitness, teamwork, and resilience, irrespective of the outcome. For some
athletes, the journey of preparation, effort, and overcoming challenges is as
rewarding as achieving victory. Emphasizing the value of participation
encourages sportsmanship, promotes inclusivity, and nurtures a lifelong
appreciation for physical activity and healthy competition.

1. Do you prefer spending holidays with friends or with family? [Why?]
Personally, I enjoy spending holidays with my family. Family gatherings during
holidays bring a sense of tradition and closeness that is hard to replicate with
friends. There's a shared history and understanding that makes these moments
special. Also, holidays with family often involve revisiting familiar traditions,
which adds a comforting and nostalgic element to the experience.

2. What kind of holiday accommodation do you like to stay in?

I prefer staying in accommodations that offer a blend of comfort and local flavor,
such as bed and breakfasts or boutique hotels. These places often provide a more
intimate and personalized experience compared to larger chain hotels. I enjoy
the opportunity to interact with locals and learn about the area's culture and
traditions directly from them.

3. What plans do you have for your next holiday?

For my next holiday, I'm planning to visit a coastal region with my family. We're
looking forward to relaxing on the beach, exploring the local seafood cuisine,
and maybe trying some water sports. It's a destination that offers both relaxation
and adventure, which suits everyone's preferences in my family.

4. Is your city or region a good place for other people to visit on holiday?
[Why/Why not?].
Yes, I believe my city is a great place for people to visit on holiday. It has a rich
cultural heritage, vibrant arts scene, and a variety of outdoor activities. Whether
you're interested in historical landmarks, museums, or simply enjoying the

natural beauty of the area, there's something for everyone. The local cuisine is
also diverse and delicious, which adds to the overall experience of visiting here.


Describe a car journey you made that took longer than expected.

You should say:

 where you were going

 who you were with
 how you felt during the journey
 and explain why this car journey took longer than expected.

I remember a particularly memorable journey I took by car last summer when I decided
to drive from my hometown to a remote mountainous region about 300 kilometers
away. It was an adventure that turned out to be much longer and more challenging than
I initially anticipated.

I began the journey early in the morning to avoid traffic and to enjoy the scenic drive
through winding mountain roads. The first part of the trip went smoothly, and I was
enjoying the breathtaking views of lush green valleys and distant peaks.

However, as I ventured deeper into the mountains, the road conditions started to
deteriorate. Some sections were unpaved and riddled with potholes, which slowed down
my progress considerably. I had to drive cautiously to avoid damaging the car or getting

One of the most memorable parts of the journey was when I encountered a sudden
downpour. The rain made the road slippery and reduced visibility, adding an extra layer
of challenge to an already demanding drive through the mountains. I had to pull over at
one point to wait out the worst of the rain before continuing.

Despite the obstacles, the journey was incredibly rewarding. The scenery was simply
stunning, with towering peaks, cascading waterfalls, and dense forests all around. I took

several breaks along the way to stretch my legs and take photographs, capturing the
beauty of the landscape.

Finally, after several hours of driving that felt much longer due to the challenging
conditions, I reached my destination—a small, picturesque village nestled in the
mountains. The sense of accomplishment and the breathtaking views made the journey
worth every moment of difficulty.

This car journey remains vivid in my memory not only because of the stunning scenery
but also because of the challenges I faced along the way, which made the experience
truly unforgettable.

Driving a car
1. How interested are young people in your country in learning to
In my country, the interest among young people in learning to drive varies. While
some see it as a rite of passage and eagerly pursue getting their driver's license
as soon as they are eligible, others are less enthusiastic, especially in urban areas
where public transportation is readily available and driving may not be seen as
essential. Factors such as the cost of owning a car, environmental concerns, and
lifestyle preferences influence young people's interest in learning to drive.

2. What are the differences between driving in the countryside and driving in
the city?
Driving in the countryside and driving in the city present distinct challenges and
experiences. In the countryside, roads tend to be less congested and more scenic,
but they can be narrower and winding, requiring careful navigation, especially
around curves and hills. Drivers also need to watch out for wildlife and slower-
moving vehicles. On the other hand, driving in the city involves dealing with
heavy traffic, frequent stops and starts, and navigating complex road networks.
Urban driving requires heightened awareness of pedestrians, cyclists, and other
vehicles, as well as adherence to traffic rules and regulations. Parking can also
be more challenging in cities compared to the countryside.

3. Do you consider most drivers where you live to be good

In my experience, the majority of drivers where I live are generally competent
and follow traffic rules. However, like any place, there is a range of driving skills
among individuals. Some drivers may be more cautious and considerate, while
others may exhibit more aggressive or careless behavior on the road. Overall, I
would say that most drivers strive to be responsible, but there is always room for

improvement in terms of awareness, patience, and adherence to road safety

Electric cars
1. How popular are electric cars in your country?
Electric cars are gaining popularity in my country, albeit gradually. There is
growing awareness of the environmental benefits of electric vehicles (EVs), such
as reduced emissions and lower carbon footprints. Government incentives and
subsidies for EV purchases, along with an expanding charging infrastructure,
have contributed to increased adoption among environmentally conscious
consumers and early adopters.

2. In what ways could more people be persuaded to buy electric cars?

To encourage more people to buy electric cars, several strategies could be
effective. Firstly, increasing public awareness through education about the
environmental advantages and long-term cost savings of EVs could sway
consumer opinions. Secondly, enhancing financial incentives such as tax rebates,
subsidies, and reduced registration fees for EVs would make them more
financially attractive. Additionally, expanding the charging infrastructure to
make it more convenient for EV owners to charge their vehicles would alleviate
concerns about range anxiety.

3. Do you think all cars will be electric one day?

While the shift towards electric vehicles is undeniable and accelerating,
predicting that all cars will be electric in the future is quite ambitious. The
transition depends on several factors including technological advancements,
battery efficiency improvements, infrastructure development, and consumer
acceptance. While electric vehicles offer significant benefits, traditional internal
combustion engine vehicles still dominate global markets. It's possible that a mix
of electric, hybrid, and other alternative fuel vehicles will coexist for quite some
time before electric vehicles completely dominate the automotive landscape.

1. Do you have a favourite café? [Why/Why not?]
I don't have a single favorite café, but I do have a few that I really enjoy. What
makes a café stand out for me is a combination of factors like the quality of their
coffee, the friendliness of the staff, and sometimes even the location. It's nice to
have different options depending on what kind of mood I'm in or what I'm
looking for in terms of atmosphere.

2. Do you often go to cafés by yourself? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, I do go to cafés by myself occasionally. It can be a relaxing experience,
especially when I want some quiet time to read, work on my laptop, or simply
enjoy a good cup of coffee. Cafés can provide a comfortable environment for
solo activities without feeling isolated, as there's often a pleasant buzz of activity

3. What do you think helps to make a café very popular?

Several factors contribute to a café's popularity. Firstly, the quality of the coffee
and other beverages is crucial. Consistency in taste and preparation keeps
customers coming back. Additionally, friendly and attentive service enhances
the overall experience. Finally, a café's location can also influence its popularity,
as convenience and accessibility are key considerations for customers.

4. Why do some people prefer cafés that are part of large chains, rather than
small, local cafés?
Some people prefer chain cafés over small, local ones due to the assurance of
consistent quality and menu offerings across different locations. Chain cafés
often provide convenience with their multiple outlets in easily accessible

locations, which suits busy lifestyles. Additionally, familiarity with well-known
brands can instill confidence in service standards and product reliability, catering
to those who prefer a predictable and efficient dining experience.


Describe a place you visited that has beautiful views.

You should say:

 where this place is

 when and why you visited it
 what views you can see from this place
 and explain why you think these views are so beautiful.

One destination that left a lasting impression on me is Hoi An in Vietnam. Located on

the central coast of Vietnam, Hoi An is a charming ancient town that seamlessly blends
history, culture, and natural beauty.

Hoi An is renowned for its well-preserved architecture, which reflects its rich history as
a trading port dating back to the 15th century. The town's old quarter is a UNESCO
World Heritage site, characterized by narrow cobblestone streets lined with colorful
lanterns, ancient temples, and beautifully preserved merchant houses. Walking through
the town feels like stepping back in time, with its atmospheric blend of Vietnamese,
Chinese, Japanese, and European influences.

One of the highlights of Hoi An is its picturesque waterfront along the Thu Bon River.
In the evening, the town transforms with hundreds of lanterns lighting up the streets and
floating down the river, creating a magical ambiance. The night market offers a vibrant
array of local handicrafts, textiles, and delectable street food, adding to the sensory

Beyond its cultural allure, Hoi An is also known for its nearby beaches, such as An
Bang Beach and Cua Dai Beach, which offer relaxation and water activities amidst
stunning coastal scenery. Additionally, the surrounding countryside is dotted with rice
paddies and traditional villages, perfect for cycling tours to explore the rural landscapes
and connect with local life.
Hoi An captivates visitors with its historical significance, architectural beauty, and
cultural vibrancy. Whether exploring its ancient streets, enjoying its culinary delights,
or relaxing on its pristine beaches, Hoi An offers a unique and unforgettable experience
that showcases the best of Vietnam's heritage and natural charm.

The beauty industry
1. Do you agree that most beauty products are a waste of
It depends on individual perspectives and needs. For some people, beauty
products are essential for skincare, hygiene, and self-confidence, making them a
worthwhile investment. However, others may feel that the beauty industry
promotes unnecessary products that promise unrealistic results. It's important for
consumers to make informed choices based on their personal priorities and the
effectiveness of the products they choose.

2. How does the beauty industry advertise its products so

The beauty industry uses a variety of strategies to effectively advertise its
products. This includes celebrity endorsements, influencer marketing on social
media platforms, persuasive storytelling emphasizing product benefits, and the
use of before-and-after visuals to showcase results. Moreover, brands often tailor
their marketing campaigns to appeal to specific demographics and cultural ideals
of beauty, creating a strong emotional connection with consumers.

3. What do you think of the view that beauty products should not be advertised
to children?
I agree with the view that advertising beauty products to children should be
approached with caution. Children are impressionable and may not fully
understand the concepts of self-image and body positivity. Exposing them to
advertisements that promote unrealistic beauty standards could potentially
impact their self-esteem and perception of beauty. Therefore, it's crucial for
advertisers to exercise responsibility and sensitivity when targeting younger

Beauty and Culture

1. Why do many people equate youth with beauty?

In many cultures, youth is often associated with vitality, fertility, and physical
attractiveness. Smooth skin, clear complexion, and physical agility are traits
commonly associated with youth, which are often idealized as markers of beauty.
Media portrayal and societal norms further reinforce this association, influencing
perceptions of beauty across different age groups.

2. Do you think that being beautiful could affect a person's success in life?
Research suggests that physical attractiveness can impact various aspects of a
person's life, including career opportunities, social interactions, and perceived
competence. Attractive individuals may be perceived as more confident,
trustworthy, and capable, which can positively influence their success in
professions that value appearance, such as modeling, acting, and certain business
roles. However, personal qualities such as intelligence, skills, and interpersonal
abilities ultimately play a more significant role in long-term success.

3. Why might society's ideas about beauty change over time?

Societal ideas about beauty are influenced by cultural trends, historical contexts,
and shifting perceptions of gender, race, and body image. Changes in media
representation, diversity campaigns, and advocacy for body positivity have
challenged traditional beauty standards and promoted inclusivity. Moreover,
advancements in technology and globalization have exposed people to diverse
beauty ideals from around the world, contributing to a more nuanced
understanding of beauty beyond conventional norms.

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