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Trillium Tek:

Growing Strong, Thermally-stable DMT Crystals…


I have spent several years trying to achieve ‘rock-like’ pebbles of DMT. I had seen it on several forums (yet
nobody knew/explained how it was done)… and once when buying from a dealer in the wild. However,
whenever you read about growing large crystals, the usual response would always come back “you need to
perform slow evapora on over a long me”. At last, two weeks ago, I managed to find a method of crea ng
these rocks in only 48hrs. It is not overly difficult, and you do not need a lot of expensive equipment to do it
yourself. It is worth no ng that, if you follow this tek, rocks are very possible- but not guaranteed. What you
*WILL GET*, however, is thermally stable, tough, glass-like crystals.

I grew four ‘rocks’ (Images 1&2 below) the first me this tek succeeded for me. I knew I needed to run some
experiments (despite wan ng to treasure these!) and immediately sacrificed one to perform general tes ng.
The most notable a ribute to this form of DMT is that it is STRONG. The sound of it dropping onto a plate was
like a rock falling into a glass- it is solid and robust. It is tough between my fingers, can cannot be easily crushed
between them. I then held one in the palm of my hand for thirty minutes to see what body heat would do to
it… absolutely nothing (Image 3). Not only did it not so en, but there was no residue on my skin, either.
I took a sharp knife to it. It was possible to ‘carve off’ a piece of the rock, it crumbles and breaks under pressure
or a sharp blade. When I pressed down firmly with a blunt object on this piece of DMT it sha ered, like I was
crushing a crystal made of rock-salt. I then placed the rock on a piece of paper and put it in the oven on ‘warm’,
measuring the temp every 10 seconds or so with an infrared thermometer. There was no discernable change
un l the oven reached ~ 160 degrees Fahrenheit / 71 Celsius. At this temperature the rock became shiny- I
touched it and it was s cky to touch. The rock measured 122F / 50C itself, so that seems to be where the form
begins to melt. I stopped the experiment at that stage (See Images 4 & 5 below).

Of course, no experiment is complete without being able to replicate results- so my last challenge was to make
more rocks. It proved difficult, but I was able to replicate the process well enough that I can get the same
tough, thermally stable crystals every me… it’s just the final shape that some mes varies. Batch #2 gave me a
solid rock, but it was not as uniform as the first round. I did get several lovely shards though, all of which were
as tough as rocks (and beau ful in their own way). Batch #3 provided a large chunk that is REALLY dense- it
feels like a piece of crystallized sugar and makes a loud ‘ nkling’ sound when dropped into my glass jar (See
photos 6 & 7).

More photos (including some

macro images) at the end of
the tek!

Your results may vary depending on many factors, all of which I will go over a er the tek below. However, the
main takeaway is that the Trillium Tek creates thermally stable, strong crystals- just like having salt, sugar etc. at
room temperature.

Now the ques on: why would you do this? For me, it was mostly the challenge of working out how it was
done, having seen it before. The applica ons are few- but there ARE applica ons. For example, these tough
crystals would be much easier to load for people who use the E-Mesh ROI. Also, they are easier to
gi /transport in general- there is no le over ‘dust’, and it would likely be more resistant to absorbing
contaminants from dry plas c containers (if you choose to store it this way, I personally recommend glass!)
Either way, DMT appears to be a polymorphic molecule- it is magic in all its forms… however, I do love that I
have found a way to bring out its “tough side”. Hopefully you have success with this tek and show the world
some beau ful crystals when the me comes.

Materials Required:

 *CLEAN* DMT – I must stress that it is quite important to ensure the star ng product is as
pure and clean as possible. Color does not ma er, despite what some will tell you, yellow
DMT can be just as pure as white DMT… however, we need to ensure there is no oily residue
or traces of plant fats AT ALL, as it will affect crystal type. I greatly recommend a “mini a/b”,
or “back-salt” (depending on your terminology), as well as a water-wash.

The star ng material that successfully yielded my first batch of rocks was bone dry (i.e. – not
oily, fa y) and yielded rocks. My second batch I just did a re-x from my ini al pulls… and
nothing crystallized at all. More on this later. Here is a photo of my refined star ng product
(note that it is very yellow, this does not ma er):

 High quality NPS – you should be able to use naphtha, but if you can get your hands on
heptane, hexane, bes ne etc. then opt for this.

 A water-bath with variable temperature adjustability – okay, this may not be something you
have lying around… but you can pick them up for a reasonable price. I bought mine for
$50.00 (USD) and it allows me to vary the temperature within 0.1 degrees Celsius.

HOWEVER, you can achieve the result with any way of keeping the water at the same
consistent temperature. If you own a sous vide, and are not concerned about it running for
several days, it will work.

 A completely air ght glass container / bo le – I recommend borosilicate glassware. They

come in different sizes. Make sure the bo le you plan to use fits in your water-bath!

 Extra glassware (borosilicate) for hea ng the NPS

 Thermometer that can go up to 65 Celsius

 Safety gear (fire protec on, safety glasses, respirator for fumes)

 Hotplate (you can use a kitchen stove-top, but DO NOT USE one with a naked flame burner!)
 Saucepan large enough to double-boil both vessels

- Prepare the water-bath. We want the temperature to be 104F / 40 C.

Place the bath somewhere where the temperature won’t fluctuate too
wildly (i.e. – not in sunlight, not in a basement that freezes etc.) and will
not be bumped or disturbed.

- Add DMT to your sealable vessel (dry)

- Add an amount of NPS to your other beaker- note, you will not be using
much. Our aim for this process is to make a SUPER SATURATED SOLUTION.
This means that we do not want too much solvent!! Add too much to your
DMT and you will not succeed. Approx. 35ml heptane will hold a gram of
DMT, so we are going to use very li le…

- On your stovetop (again, NO NAKED FLAMES!) boil a saucepan of water.

Once the water is sufficiently hot, add both vessels to the double-boiler;
the dry DMT in your sealable bo le, and the NPS.

- Eventually the DMT will melt into its liquid form. I generally remove the
vessel once it is completely liquid, as we do not want to boil our DMT.

- We are aiming to get our NPS to approximately 50 Celsius. We do not

necessarily want to bring it to boiling point- but close to it.

- Once the NPS is 50+ Celsius you will carefully pour a small amount into the
DMT. How much? It depends on how much material you used… however,
as li le as possible. Start with a tablespoon… swirl the heated NPS around
in the DMT bo le and get it to mix as well as possible. The solvent will
cool quite fast, as we have poured it into a (nearly cool) container. Place
the DMT bo le with minimal NPS back in the double-boiler and
allow the two to thoroughly mix.

If you no ce that there are s ll no ceable ‘chunks’ of product then

you may not have added enough. Add *slightly* more solvent to the
bo le and put it back in the double-boiler. When you are convinced
that your DMT and solvent are both completely mixed then we seal
the container with our lid.

- Immediately place the sealed container in the water-bath preheated at

40C. Leave it the container in there for at least 48hrs. Do not move the
bath or container, the crystalliza on process is delicate.
How it works:

The basic principle is the same as freeze precipita on: the solvent has a maximum amount of DMT it
can carry at different temperatures. When we freeze precipitate, we are lowering the amount the
solvent can carry… so the DMT crashes out quickly.

This tek works in a similar way- but at much higher temperatures. At 50 Celsius we have created a
supersaturated solu on… meaning that the solvent is carrying 100% at an abnormal temperature.
When it cools, the crystals will want to fall out of the solu on on their own. We are then lowering
the temperature- but not by much, only 10 degrees or so. The DMT will fall out of the solu on, but
MUCH slower and more uniformly. Within 24hrs there will be small pebbles in the solu on- then
a er 48-72hrs they will have grown to 100-150mg rocks.

My first batch produced 4x large crystals that, when dry, were between 65 – 100mg in size. It also
made several smaller “sugar sized” crystals which I plan on keeping for seeding purposes. At this
point you have a choice- you can remove the crystals with tweezers, if you have a steady hand… or
pour out the solvent and fan-dry your container to remove the last of the NPS, then use a bu er
knife to dislodge the rocks. I prefer the second op on. The solu on is now unsaturated, so you
cannot simply place it back into the water-bath to proceed… however in theory you could evap some
of the solvent to con nue- or add more DMT to the solu on- if you wanted to keep growing.

Realis cally there is no reason one couldn’t make a REALLY large rock using this tek.

Where to go from here?:

- Experiment by lowering the temperature gradually using the water-bath: Star ng off at 50C
and dropping it by 1 degree per day. It basically using the ‘slow cooling’ technique, coupled
with heat. This may result in a more uniform rock… I’ll post my own results when complete!
- Seeding the supersaturated solu on with another pre-exis ng crystals to try ‘grow’ a massive
rock. I am yet to try this- but I can confirm that the thermally made results from this tek
won’t immediately melt at 40C (I have dropped one in and it withstood the temps)… so it’s
- Experimen ng with white/clear DMT to make some colorless examples

Troubleshoo ng:

If the tek fails to produce anything, check the following:

- Was the solu on supersaturated? If not, the DMT will linger in the solvent. Try evapora ng
some, rehea ng to 50C and start again…
- S ll not producing anything? Are you SURE your product is “clean”? Just because it LOOKS
clean (i.e. – white, fluffy, “smells like DMT”, “doesn’t have any red in it” does not mean it’s
devoid of things that will interfere with the crystalliza on process under heat. If you have not
done so already, perform a mini-ab + water wash, try again.
- STILL not producing anything? Check temps… lower it a li le bit

If the tek only products standard product (and the crystals are weak), check all of the above… but
also ensure that your water-bath / hea ng method is holding the temp steady. You want to keep a
steady temperature for several days- if it fluctuates up and down a lot (due to weather, defec ve or
inadequate device) then your results may be affected.

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