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7.14, Motion of an elliptic cylind: ( To determine the velocity potemtial and stream function when an elliptic cylinder moves in an infinite liguid with velocity U parallel to the axial plane through the major axis of a cross- section. [Kanpur 2009] For any cylinder moving, with velocities U and I’ parallel to axes and rotating with an angler velocity @, we know that w=Fx—-Uy+ (1/2) x@(x? +97) + const. Hence the stream function is given by w=-Wy+4 a) Let the cross-section be the ellipse x’/a” + y*/b” = 1. This is the same as E=a, if a=c cosh, 6 = ¢ sinha and c* = a? — b*. The elliptic co-ordinates are x= ceoshacosn, y=csinhasinn me) Using (2), (1) becomes w=-Uesinhasinn+A QB) Here V=0, @ Since y contains sin n and the liquid is at rest at infinity, yr must be ofthe form ¢ *sinn, We, therefore, assume that b+ ips Be SD ~(4) Be™*siny () ‘Then at boundary E=c, we must have so that ve —Be™* sinn =—Uesinhasinn +A for all values of 1. This gives A=0 and B=Uce" sinha. 7 w=—-Uce* sinhasinn, © is a stream function which will make the boundary of the ellipse a stream line, when the cylinder moves with velocity U. But csinha=b and e* = f(arb)a—B)). by Art. 7.13 A) Using (1), (6) may be re-written as asby”? --0( 222) eF sing, (8) From (4), 6= Be~ cosy. Hence, as before _(asbN? aun SE} eFcosn o a as5y? webenyau(222) etn), (10) 7.18. Motion of a liquid in rotating elliptic cylinders. Let the elliptic cylinder containing liquid rotate with angular velocity ©. The stream function 'w must satisfy the Laplace's equation d*w/ax? + 2% w/a? =0 and on the boundary it satisfies the condition W=(2) xo +y7)+4 1) ‘We, therefore, assume that w= BQ?-y7) 2) On the boundary of the cylinder, we must have BoP-y)=/2) xo +y)+4 ot (B-/2)x*-(B+ 0/2)? =A —*_,_¥ ANB- 01D) AK-B-01D “Bl Let the boundary of the cylinder be la? + 776? = 1, Then comparing it with (3), we have AMB-012) _ AK-B-012) so 'thet pet a or a a+b" 0-9?) A) The form (2) for y, suggests that we must take o=-2By so that wie ay 5) The velocity q is given by FP = (-Ob/ax)? +(-09/4y)? -=( = ae +97), using (5) KE, of the liquid contained in rotating cylinder is given by y0lfaaesy 1oe'( $= a) fo? rdaiy (4) [[fePaets fsa] © ffasdy=Moment of inertia of the elipse 2 + 7621 about its minor axis Tr = (1/4) xMB? = (1/4) x (nab) xB? = (1/4)x nab™ O Similarly, Jf? aay - 14) «x04 _® Using (7) and (8), (6) reduces to 1 42(@2=82) 7 2abyat 2(@-8y T=s , = Pb: at each point S @) Also, ¥4g = V2 =0 6) Let $=41-b, then Vib = Vy — Vy =O. Hence $ is a solution of Laplace's equation and so it represents irrotational motion in which Pd=p(d-$2)=0, by (4) Hence q= 0 by (1). But q? = (V4). Thus, we have (vay? = so that } =constant ie.) ~4_= constant, showing that the two motions are the same. Theorem IIE. Acyclic irrotational motion is impossible in a liquid bounded entirely by fixed rigid walls. Proof. Since at every point of the rigid boundary walls Q}/On=0, it follows by (1) that J,rar=0. Since ¢ cannot be negative, q = 0 everywhere and hence the motion will be impossible. ‘Theorem IV. Acyelic irrotational motion of a liquid bounded by rigid watls will instantly cxase Uf te boundaries are brought 10 res Proof. This is an immediate corollary to Tore ‘Theorem V. Agile rotational motion is impossible In aliquid which bat rest at infty and is bounced internally by fced rigid walls Proof: Since the liquid sat estat infty ane there is no Mow over the internal boundaries, the kinetic energy is all given by (I) Hence hee }/n=0 at each point ofS. Hence as shown {in theorem Ill the motion is imposible ‘Theorem VL The cyeic irotaional motion of liquid of rest at infinity xd bounced Internally by rigid walls will instantly cease ifthe boundaries are brought forest. Proof. This is an immediate corllary to Theorem V. ‘Theorem VIL. The acyelicirotational motion of a liquid at rest at infinity, due t0 the prescribed motion of an immersed slid, is uniguely determined by the motion ofthe solid. Proof: If posible, let hubs be the velocity potentials of two dient mosions Then Vv =0%4, © Also given {ben = Aba 2m, at each pint of surface o and i= 42st iniity © Let 8 db, and g= 4,~ 4, Then, we fave 0% = V2} 0%, #0 by (Hence & mst bo the velocity potential of a possible mation. Furhermae, 6/an1= Ab; /On— 24, /0n=0, a each pint of sxface © and G=h-G=0 atin a) From (1) and (1), we have = 0. But g? =(¥4)®. Thus, we have (y?=0—sothat econsant or yy constant Sine the conan ie of no significance, i follows thatthe two motions are the eae ‘Theorem VILL ifthe liquid is in motion at minty with uniform velocity, the arylic larottonal motion, de tothe prescribed motion ofan immersed sold, 1s uniquely detenmined by the motion ofthe slid. Proof. Let us superimpose on the whole system of sold snd liquid a velocity equal in ‘magnitude and opposite indirection to the velocity at infinity: The relative kinematical conitons ‘remain unchanged and the liquid is reduced to rest at infinity The resulting motion is then determined by theorem VII and we retum to the given motion by reimposing the velocity at infinity” 6.10. Kelvin’s minimum energy theorem. {Meerut 2003, 05, 08] The irotational motion of @ lipid occupying simply connscted region has less kinetic energy than any other motion consistent withthe same normal velciy of the boundary Proof. Let Tbe the kinetis ents, the Mud velocity ofthe actual iotational motion with » velocity potectial § Then a= o Let 7, be the Kinetic energy, qy the id velacty of any other posible atte of tion consistent with the sme normal veloity ofthe Eoundary 5. ‘Continuity equations fr the above 080 mations give vq) =0 sd Vg =o o ‘Let m denote the unit sonal at pont of S. Then using dhe fac that the boundary has the same normal eloity in both mations, we have o =f, a-Qe-aaVedof cas-ayav a)" V using (1) ® 1 of, 7o-ca.-apav eto, But V-[64q)—a)1= 41V-(4s—a)1+ (7044241) =(08)-(4y-4). sine @) Jas -aat= f, 91842 -an1at = f$0-Gq: -93)45,by ivergmee Theorem, Te, fon Making (9, (0 ron FT © of asa © Since RHS. of (6) is non-negative, we have T;—T,20, te, 7) $T,. Hence the result. 5.24. The Theorem of Blasius. (Ages 2008, 68, 08, Ths LAK, BORE, Memprer 2008 “Meerut 2001, 02,04, 68,09, 10,11, 12; GN.D.U. Amltsar 203, 08; Rohan 2003 {Ina seat eve-dmensona Protatonal monon of incompressible fd unde no extemal Jorced given by the complex pont w =f), f the pressive trast onthe fed eylinerof ery Shan tr ers ya free (Tad acne of ment M ea te orn of Lo (ey Lf (*) sorsfol (Sa aenainne {bof (S} a}. th th fd ety gre kn on te cof fin rot fgets sn be oer ‘in plane XOY, Let P (x, y) and Q (x + Be, y + 8) be ‘eminem Cotte =e If oie be mg eh te open PPP on de srs € mas ih mateo, Toadies 0) snl mal Pale anal (+42 he Tea top core tema pte awe ‘Shag oon pr dT, Rise =f, pon@ee2Ms=-f, psiaeds——f passing) ® raf, psntben/oie= [poodle fps in © Mf, erin 12d»: poor] =f reendd yin) « Mf, ede yi) © ow Beis eqn i ene i : Le Seekoa ott peoebog, © whe i he id i he ly. Se p en am opie id he PD =A (a conan, Agung = w+ + wre ward v are te velsy components. Then (5) redace prA-@M x0 +2?) 6 Ae elds =-nty or atelde at o sing 6), @), 6) and (4) rede to wef, [afoot s)ar ® raf, [a-fout eo} ” wt ueffalootarfodordretoh@ePrateny 00 ‘Wie senpiing@), 0) m8 (10, we ave o wee aowig ss Jo fpteaf nde [rareo ‘ich ol po ese Ci cl corer Now he mine ee ote i sean. Hc we hve desl deni ey oe aslo wai dewady sis” G4 eB) 1 Gest) = 8 60 ei) From (6) and), we have 1 ca Loft oreo ido taf oF hte) =p 0? +P) of 0-1, by wos, (A) ing at ee Revwting (10), we baw M = Rea put of afecevnn cde ey mrad Lefesiner mei, in 0) tat mast soho(S) 4}: ns 10.42 FLUID DYNAMICS aye en[-fo-or eT" = m[{G? +h) — Jir— 04)? +3] = ml? - fA? + PM?) = m (OP - AP). 10.23, Illustrative solved examples. Ex. 1. Discuss the motion for which Stokes’ stream function is given by we 07/2)x (a'r? cos8—r?)sin? 8, where r is the distance from a fixed point and® is the angle this distance makes with the fixed direction. [Agra 2002] Sol. Ifa liquid flows with velocity I” at infinity in x-direction, then we have so that jin? Ocos0 — SIP sin? 0, ~) is the stream fimction when a solid of revolution is at rest in a liquid moving with velocity 1” in ssdirection so that the term (2) gives the stream function when the solid is moving with velocity I” in the negative x-direction. But in this case the boundary condition is = (1/2) xr? sin?0 + constant. 3) ‘Using (2) and (3), on the boundary, we have Lat 2 2 sin Ocos0 = 114? sin? 0 27 2 +. the boundary is given by Hence the given stokes’s stream function (1) gives the motion of a liquid flowing past a solid r* = a*cos0, moving with velocity 1” in x-direction at infinity, Ex. 2.4 thin stream of incompressible fluid is comained between two concentric spheres; show that the velocity at any point is equivalent to the components 2s 2 tong the Sin meridian and paraitel to latitude respectively. Also ifthe fluid be homogeneous a ie elon Irrotational, prove that =! ¥ and deduce that sind 2 briw= Fe tan(O/2)) Sol. p being constant and there being no motion along the radius vector, the equation of continuity is (setting 2p/21=0, g,=0, 4 =95 and =o in Art. 2.11, chapter 2) 2(g, sin®) | 2g, ay MOTION OF CYLINDERS 735 Sol For irrotational cyclic motion of circulation & round the elliptic eylinder, we have from Art 719 waoriy Sern so that Lip (ay (ay = | +] | pear rh) -Byae Ex. 2. Prove that when an infinitely long cylinder of density « whose cross-section is an ellipse of semi-axes a, b is immersed in an infinite liquid of density p, the square of its radius of gyration about its axis is effectively increased by p(a* —b*)? /8cab. [Garhwal 2003; Kanpur 2000, 2006; Rohilkhand 2000, 05] Sol. The kinetic energy 7; of an elliptic cylinder rotating about ils axis with angular velocity © is given by 122 1 a+h ype? =) T= Mie? = noah When the elliptic cylinder is immersed in an infinite liquid of density p, then the kin energy of the liquid [as in Art 7.17 (IV)] is given by -ey Total K.E. = 7, +7 = (1/8) x xoab(a? +67)? + (1/16) x xpm7(a? 67)? Let K’ be the effective increase in the radius of gyration, then we have 2g Jai “8 ode so that Kee Ex. 3. If an elliptic cylinder of semi-axes a, b filled with a liquid, rotates with a uniform velocity about its axes; show that the kinetic energy of liquid contained is less than if it were ‘moving as solid in the ratio (a — By : (@ + BY. [Garhwal 2005] Sol. Kinetic energy 7, of the liquid contained in the cylinder (as in Art 7.18] is given by =! 2 (a? -8?) agra ae Kinetic energy 7; of the liquid when moving as a sold (as in Art 7.18) is given by y= (/8)x nabpw?(a? +b?) TT, =@- bP: @ + BY. Ex. 4. A thin shell in the form of an infinite long elliptic cylinder, semi axes a and b, is rotating about its aves in an infinite liquid otherwise at rest. It is filled with the same liquid. Prove that the ratio of the kinetic energy of the liquid inside to that of that of the liquid outside is 2ab : (@ +B, [Garakhpur 2001, 05; Rohilkhand 2003, 04] Sol. KE. 7, of the liquid inside the elliptic boundary [as in Art 7.18] is given by 22 qe fxpabo* aby +e? 7.49, Circulation about an elliptic cylinder. In Art. 7.14 (UD, the irotational motion is eycic, with eiculation & round the eylinder, we can take it into account by taking waosiy= £@ sin a) 2 7.20. Illustrative solved examples. Ex. L. Liguid of density p ts elreulating irrotationally between two confocal ellipses &= 01, G=B where x + iy = ¢ cosh G-+in). Prove that if k is the circulation, the kinetic energy per unit length of the cylinder is (114) x pk*(B—a)/ x]. Sol. For u.vational cyclic motion of circulation k round the elliptic eylinder, we have from Art 29 waotiy: 1 xaetofil(ay (2) = xnedeff(3) (8) fom 2 Pre ht hn en mf bon of amy wre scene ellipse of semi-ares a, 8 is immersed in am infinite liquid of density p, the square of its radius of gration about its axis is effectively increased by p(a?—b*)? /Berab. [Garhwal 2003; Kanpur 2000, 2006; Rohilkhand 2000, 05] $s Teint eli ene ning sh cs hg @ is given by ik so tha G+ that Liptg? ¥ = constant ‘which represent the streamlines. fe consider the ic motion in r, Jane sucl 0, The equation of continuity in spherical polar co-ordinates becomes 82g 2 ie. ae sinOq,) = (rsin Ody) a ‘This is condition of exactness for the different equation rsinO qo dr — 1° sin qe qr 0 @ ‘Thus the expression on L.H.S, of (2) is equal to an exact differential function W such that rsin® go d,—q,r* sind dd =d'¥ = HM ar a0 a 6.2, Remark. In the above cases, the motion need not be irrotational i.e. velocity potential may not exist. In case of irrotational motion, it can easily be shown that the velocity potential @ and the Stoke's stream function ‘¥ do not satisfy C-R equations due to the fact that is not harmonic. Let a uniform stream with velocity U be in the direction of z-axis such that @ = UK. Then, from the relations we get ov ov > =u, =0 a & > where the constant of integration is found to be In spherical polar co-ordinates we have v=-Losinoy? =-Zr? sin? 0, 2 2 a=? But we have already calculated that fora source of strength 1 at origin. i(€ > 0)in spherical polar co-ordinates. ie. Guan = FF w ‘Also, we know that in spherical polar co-ordinates, @ => Y= mcos8 ‘A constant may be added to this solution and this is usually done to make ‘? = O along the axis of symmetry 6 = 0. In such case, =m (cos 0-1) Fora sink of strength m at origin, the Stoke's stream funetion is ‘¥ =m (-cos0) the system of spherical co-ordinates to coincide with the axis of the doublet, ‘we find that the velocity potential at P(r, 6, ) is a a} _2ncosd © 144 _ sind a =0 ae Tae Pf But the relations between the velocity components and the Stoke's stream function ¥ are @ @) From (2) and (3), we get OY __2usindcos OY _ 0 rr ar Integrating, we get isi pe Hsin 8 t a uniform source of fluid extends along the B of length /. Consider an clement QQ’ of length Bz ata distance z (= AQ) from A, Thus we hhave a simple source of strength m 82, where m is the constant source strength per unit length of the distribution along AB. f+ [PQB= Q, PM =a 5 The Stoke's stream function 8¥ at P for the simple source of strength mz at Q is mbz(cos0-1). Then, the value of the Stoke's stream function Y at P due to entire line source 2 3Q*Q Beeb >M zaxis ABis given by 0 Lei =m {{(c0s0—Ndz-=mf;cos0dz—mfdz QM _ QB+BM 0 = OM _ QB+ BM PQ” PQ In APQM, cos ° a? +d+b=2)* Putting 1+ b-2=x =>d2=-d) When yxal+b, when Therefore, 4 xd) mt mp Gea xty or Bp a xy! x) dx— mt zh (P+x7" 2x) ofr] 2, 12 |, = na easy Veo ms = m[AP-BP]-mAB =m[AP-BP- AB]. As p is the only variable point, the simpler form m (AP-BP) can be taken for evaluating velocity components at P. The stream surfaces are Y= constant ie. AP - BP = constant, ‘These are confocal hyperboloids of revolution about AB, with A and B as foci. We have shown earlier that the equipotentials were confocal ellipsoids of revolution about AB with the same foci. Also itis well known result that two {families of confocals intersect orthogonally. Leta doublet of vector moment j1k is situated at origin O in a uniform stream whose undisturbed velocity is -Uk. In spherical polar co-ordinates (r, 0, y), the Stoke's stream functions for each separate distribution are Uk) We pur sin°0 (for uniform stream, sin’0 (for doublet at origin) Hence the stream function for the combination is weme (Su wes? 0 ‘The equation of the stream surfaces are ‘¥(r, 0) = constant, In particular, the stream surfaces for which ' = 0 are given by (gue ~11r}sin?0=0 = sind =0 or 4Ur?-# =0 T V3 = 0 =0, mice. the z-axis or r= (#) . the surface of the sphere ua with centre 0 and radius (3) 7 FLUID DYNAMICS. no MSU] MOM pa] SP lee a2 a Me} lose 2 2 This is the required equation of motion of a sphere in a liquid at rest at infinity. From equations (10) & (12), we note that the effect of the presence of the Tiquid reduces the external force in the ration ¢ -p:o + 2. 3.6, Remark. We have already studied the impulsive actions in Unit-1, where, we had derived the relation between the impulsive pressure P and the velocit potential as P = pd. Here, we derive the expression for K.E. generated due to impulsive action, Let us consider incompressible f1 ally at rest, which is set in motion by the application of impulse I,, 1, (0 rigid boundaries $1, S>,..., Sm respectively. ‘The fluid may be of finite or infinite extent, We know that the K.E. of the irrotational motion generated in the fluid is given by =P 4m T= Ff OS 45 a where S = S) +S2+... +S, fi is outwards unit normal on cach S) Let the velocity given to S; be U;(i= 1, 2,..., m), then on S;, we have @ i=-¥6 using (2) in (1), we get @G) But the impulsive force exerted by the fluid on S; is R,, where 5 aPds=pl, pds IP=pb (4) Thus from (3) & (4), we get 6)

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