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Hi Baby,

How are you? I hope you are doing fine? I am writing to let you know that I
am about to leave the house to the airport for my flight, I will write you
immediately I get there, I have been thinking about you in my sleep and I can't
wait to chat with you again, I am really falling for you and I think its a good
thing, please take care of yourself for me, okay sweetie? Take care, kiss kiss

Hi baby,
How are you? I hope this messages gets to you in good health, I had a safe
trip and I am currently in Afghanistan as I write this message to you, I have been
thinking about you all through my trip and I have missed chatting with you already,
did you miss me? I hope to hear from you soon sweetie. Kiss kiss.

My lovely Seagull,
Did you want to come with me? Why didn't you tell me? Would you like to come
visit me here? Although, I wont want you to come here, its very dangerous here
sweetie, I am in the military base here. I am here with my laptop and I can get
access to the website, you said a lot of men here has contacted you, why are they
contacting you? I hope to hear from you soon. Love you

My lovely Seagull,
How are you today? I hope you are doing fine my sweetie? Why do I think about
you a lot these days and I have not met you yet. I miss chatting with you, I'm just
here thinking about you and I hope you're as happy as me? The thought of you in my
arms right now sounds so good to me, I just want you to know how much I like you.
Ever since the first time we started chatting, I miss you every second. I knew I
found someone special. I always remember how sweet you are and you make me smile. I
hope to hear from you soon. Kiss kiss

My lovely Seagull,
I am a fun loving man and I'm looking for a lady/woman who is outspoken and
confident in herself(some sort of personality with high self-esteem of whom can
never be influenced by peer pressure). An individual who is respectful,
hardworking, lovely, honest and truthful. I am here to look for the real woman who
can bring out the best in me, someone that will share the solid foundation of
relationship such as trust, love, companionship, understanding and friendship with

So, if what you feel for me is real and what you say is true, then with all my
heart do I trust you. If you want me as your love as much as I want you as my love
then so be it. I give you this heart of mine and ask nothing less or nothing more
but just that you don't go breaking my heart. My love and trust is all I have to
give to you, sealed with honesty throughout and as time goes by, may it grow
stronger to fulfill your heart's desire.

If it pleases you, call me your lover from this day forth and you're mine. For
your love am I, your best friend too and your husband, as our body, mind and soul
combine, so do our hearts become one. I miss you my baby, I hope to hear from you
soon. kiss kiss

My Queen,
An ideal day should begin with a cute little yawn on your face, a cup of
coffee in your hand & a message from me. Eyes are not meant for tears and heart is
not meant for fear, never get upset but always cheer because you are the one who
can make people smile for years. Good morning my Queen and have a great day.

Hi Baby,
how are you my love? I hope you are doing well? I have been extremely busy
and when i get off from work, always feel very tired and try to rest a little,
thinking that when i wake up I will be able to chat with you, but before I wake up
they would have called me for another emergency, thats why I have not emailed you,
I miss you so much my love, I have been thinking about you and looking at your
picture almost all the time, I love you baby and I will surely come home to you
soon, okay baby? I can't wait to be with you, sometimes when I think about you, I
imagine that you are in my room right now waiting for me to get back from work and
come to cuddle you, I wish you could send some nude pictures of you so that i can
dream of what I will be coming home to do to you. I miss chatting with you my love,
what have you been doing today? I hope to hear from you and I wish you could send
some nude pictures to me. Love you... kiss kiss

Hi Baby,
How are you? Nice to read from you, I will let you know the date I will be
coming back, okay baby? I will come online right now so that we can chat about how
your day was, I will be waiting for you online. Love you. Kiss kiss...

Hi Baby,

I miss you too my love, I thought I would chat with you, I waited online to
chat with you, but I understand that you had to do what you had to do, I miss you
so much, I have been thinking about you a lot these days, me finding you, chatting
online, confessing my love. Thank you, Baby, what more can a man say to the woman
who opened her heart to him, allowing him to feel the warmth of her love across the
great distance that separates them? You truly have no idea what I feel for you over
here, how i wish i can make it home now to come and hold you tight and make you
feel the real man in me..

I try to put this feeling into words, but fail miserably. This feeling of
being both scared and at peace, of having both butterflies and a sense of calm, is
a feeling that I have only dreamed about. As the days continue to pass, my love for
you continues to grow. I never thought I had the capacity to love anybody as much
as I love you right now. Yet, my love for you continues to mature, growing beyond
the realm of my heart. It seems that you have become the fiber of my soul, the very
reason for my existence.

I have no other words to describe the way you make me feel. No words, no
actions could even come close. I believe that Ronald Regan said it best to Nancy in
a letter, telling her only that, "I more than love you". Their love was a strong
love, surviving everything, even death. I believe that even after his passing,
Nancy felt Ronald's love for her raining down upon her. That is why she has always
seemed at peace after the death of such a truly loving husband. That is the love
that I feel for you.
Forever Yours, Jerry Babcock.


Hi Baby,
I have only one guitar and I am still learning, I am not so good at it yet
but I try anytime I get the chance to use it.

I will get a lot of gifts for you, I hope you will be ready for the surprises
that I have for you? I love you baby and I will do anything to make you happy.

I love cars, an SUV is cool for me, but I love cars a lot, I believe it adds
a lot of style to anyone, lol... Which one do you prefer? Do you have a car?

Tell me how your day went, I'm just here thinking about you a lot and
imagining that we are together right now, I will spoil you baby, we will do a lot
of things together.
Baby, I did not get a response from you concerning the pictures that I asked
of you, I hope to get a response concerning that, I would love to have pictures of
you that I will be looking at all the time. I love you sweetie and I will never
ever want to lose you. Missing you.. kiss kiss

Hi Baby,
How are you my love? I hope you are doing fine? I am doing okay here, thinking
about you and thought I should write again, Its not really easy here my love, I
knew that my job here would be very difficult but I did not know that it would be
extremely difficult in a way that I would not even have some time for myself,
although I am getting a lot of compensation here but I dont get the chance to rest,
I feel exhausted almost all the time.

Baby, I swear to you that I will come to you directly from here, I will not
even go anywhere else to do anything because I dont think that there is anything or
anybody as important as you are to me right now, I know that distance is a horrible
thing but we will pass that soon, distance is not for the fearful, it is for the
bold, it's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a
little time with the one they love, it's for those knowing a good thing when they
see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough. The best and most beautiful things
in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart. To
truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it
is going to be stronger than ever, distance is pure proof of this, its just a short
time and soon we will never be apart anymore, I can assure you that.

Hear this, my declaration of love, from me to you. I love you, my Angel, with
all my heart and I will never stop loving you. You are my life, you are my
everything. Though distance may keep us apart, you will always be embedded deep
within my heart and i can't wait to make it home to spend my life with you. I hope
to hear from you soon my love. kiss kiss

Hi Baby,

How are you my love? I hope you are doing fine? I enjoyed my chat with you, I
was very happy that you were honest to me, I love you baby and I will never stop
loving you, I will take care of you very much and I will do anything to make you
comfortable in this life.

I dont have a facility or a building to start up my private practice, but I

will get everything done ones I get back, I have a place in mind that I would love
my engineering firm to be, but, if you have any ideas you can tell me so that I can
consider it too, you are a part of my life now and what is mine is also yours. I
think I am a face man, lol...

I love you baby and I cant wait to be with you very soon, you are all that I
think about right now, I love you, I love you, I love you, I will say it to you a
million times. I hope to hear from you soon. Love you. kiss kiss.

Hi baby,

How are you? I hope you are doing fine? I have been thinking about you and I
am having some rest right now, I wish you are here with me right now, there is
something I would love to discuss with you, baby I will be out of here very soon so
there is something on my mind that I would love to tell you, I was told that i
would have to go to the military base in Kuwait to check on some patients there, I
would be there for about 3 or 4 days, I am thinking of shipping my personal items
to you to keep safe for me instead of traveling around with my properties, I would
not like to lose my items and I will like to travel light, I have some important
items that I would not like to lose, I hope you understand? I miss you baby, I hope
to hear from you soon. Love you, kiss kiss.

Hi Baby,

How are you? I hope you are doing fine? I am in my room right now and I want
to have some rest, I have been dreaming about you and imagining what we are going
to do together, I don't want to lose you for anyone else, I want you to know that I
love you from the deepest part of my heart. My love for you is unconditional, the
love for you is so strong and the most powerful feeling that I have had in a long
time, and I am just at a lost for words when it comes to you. I want you to know
that I love you and always will, and there is nothing that will ever change how I
feel about you.
* Baby I have sent the items already in 2 military consignment boxes, the
military aircraft man that is caring the boxes has taken the boxes to UK for a
conference, i have asked him to help me and move out parcel down to UK so that i
will be easy for you to get hold of them.
I have also given him your contact details so that he will contact you when he
gets to UK, baby please always check your email so that you will know when he has
contacted you, okay.

Hi Baby,
How are you today? I hope you are doing fine? I miss you so much and I have
been thinking about you too, I think the package will get to you very quickly
because its not just an ordinary delivery, its a special military delivery system,
I hope you have been tracking the goods and contacting the delivery man to know the
location of the package?


How are you doing? I had sweet dreams about you yesterday. I hope you have
written the shipping company diplomatic, through their mail as i directed you?

My angel, the contents of those boxes are very important to me that is why I
am sending it to you to keep safe for me until I get back, there are a few cloths,
my military documents, 2 gold bar that is worth over $1 million, some raw cash and
few jewelries. I wanted to keep the content of the box as a suprise to you, but, i
just had to change my mind. The shipping company are not even aware of the real
contents of the box, they just know it is my personal belongings.

As soon as they start the delivery process, you have to monitor the package
until it is delivered to your address and always email them to ask them the
location of the boxes. Ones the boxes gets to you, I would want you to help me go
and evaluate the gold for me, okay. I also have some raw cash in the boxes that I
kept. You can take some out of it to be taking care of yourself, until I get back.
You can take out the cash and put in the bank, after, you must have taken the one
you will be needing for anything. It's a lot of cash, and the bank, may question
you how you got it, but, if you can put it without them asking question, that would
be fine.

I want you to enjoy yourself, what is mine is also yours, spend any amount
you want. I would love you to have a lot of jewelries, so that you don't have to go
and shop for that, ones you have the money. But, baby, you have to be very careful
of the way you spend, okay. And, I need you to promise me that you will not tell
anyone about what I am shipping to your house, it must be a secret between the both
of us, for security reasons, okay. I love you so much and I can't wait to be with
you. I hope to hear from you soon my love. kiss kiss.
Yours always,

Hi Baby,

How are you my love? I hope you are doing fine? I am so sorry that I have not
replied your messages, Its a very bad situation here my love, terrible things are
happening that we dont know about, there are people suffering and injured, I am
doing my very best to do my job so that everybody will be okay. I love you baby and
I miss you so much, I love you with my heart and soul, I wish I was there with you
as you get cold, we would cuddle a lot and I will kiss and lick you on every part
of your body, I cant wait to be with you soon my love, I will soon be out of
Kuwait, maybe tomorrow or next, not sure but soo, I will get back to Afghanistan
first so that I can do my reports, then take care of a few patients before I move
out. I have made a lot of friends here both military and civilians, It feels very
great knowing them.

Baby once the boxes gets to your home, you can take out the cash and put in
the bank after you must have taken the one you will be needing, but its a lot of
cash and the bank may question you how you got it, but, if you can put it without
them asking question, that would be fine. I want you to enjoy yourself, what is
mine is also yours, spend any amount you want. I would love you to have a lot of
jewelries so that you don't have to go and shop for that, ones you have the money.
But, baby, you have to be very careful of the way you spend, okay. And, I need you
to promise me that you will not tell anyone about what I am shipping to your house,
it must be a secret between the both of us, for security reasons, okay. I love you
so much and I can't wait to be with you. I hope to hear from you soon my love. kiss
Yours always,

My Dear,
I want to use this medium to thank you for the effort you have put into this
whole transaction and I assure you that your time and effort will be rewarded once
we are able to get our package. I am very delighted at the level we have gone,
having moved boxes from the United Kingdom into your country and a safer haven. The
job at hand won't be cumbersome and delicate as it was in the UK. I will want you
to try your best to get those boxes cleared and delivered to you immediately. I do
not want any form of suspicion or for the boxes to be sent to custom terminal for
scanning. Remember this is a special military package and once you follow the due
process, our boxes will be delivered to you in less than 48hours. I am unable to do
anything from here, I also do not want to be involved at this point due to conflict
of interest should I be spotted. You will have to try your best and pay the fees so
that the boxes can be cleared and we can move on with our lives, share funds and
start investment right away. If we keep delaying, we might run into complication
and seizure of boxes. So do your best. I am very pleased with you and do not fail
me. You have a lot to gain from the boxes and that should make you optimistic and
happy. I am sure you copy.
It's the beginning of the day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want
you to know how much I sincerely love the times we've spent chatting. It means so
much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly can't imagine
life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no
regrets. I want you and need only you and that love will only grow stronger. Do not
be scared my love. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you
totally by surprise. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me
and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me.
I've truly been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go, i will love you
till the end of time.
Honey i will be more happier when you get hold of my parcel, honey write back
to me, did you send to them the fees? are they starting the shipment today.

Sweety, please you just have to understand that i can never do anything to
implicate you, i know you are so angry right now and i don't really know what to do
to calm you down right now, but the only thing i can say is trust me on this if it
is the last thing you would ever have to do for me,you have suffered a lot for me
baby and i don't want all your effort to end up this way, if only you would
understand that you have never done anything to hurt me so i see no reason why i
should be doing something to hurt you in return,i'm not the kind of man you think i
am and i believe that soon enough you would come to realise that. I'm really very
sorry now how you feel but i believe that after this misunderstanding, you would
finally come to trust me like you always did before.

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