Idioms and Slang Phrases Copy

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What do they actually mean? Try to paraphrase them. Make up short dialogues using the
following phrases.

 You are pulling my leg. – Vleči nekoga za nos. – You can’t be serious. – You are kidding.
You are pulling my leg, I know you didn’t do it.

 They get on / along really well, don't they? – Se razumeta. – They have a good relationship.
They get along really well, afterall they are best friends.

 I don't get it. – Ne razumem. – I don’t understand.

I don’t get it, can you help me.

 I'm completely broke. – I have no money. – Brez penija v žepu. – Brez denarja. – Penniles..
I can’t buy this, I’m completly broke.

 Break a leg! – Good luck! – Srečno.

I know you will do great, break a leg.

 That's a piece of cake. – That’s easy. – Z lahkoto.

 I must be off. – I must leave. – Moram iti.

 Do you feel like a cup of coffee? – Ali be rad kavo. – Would you like a cup of coffee.

 Can I have a word with you? – Can we talk. – Se lahko pogovoriva. – Can I speak to you?

 It's up to. – Kakor hočeš. – It’s your decision.

 Are you with me? – Ali ste z mano? – Are you following me? – Do you understand me?

 He got the sack. – He got fired. – Dobil je odpoved zaradi neprimernega obnašanja.

 Take it easy. – Ne jezi se. – Ko nekdo komplicita,... – relax, calm down

 She's fed up with him. – She’ sick and tired of him. – Sita ga je. – She cannot stand him.

 He has dumped her. – He has broken up with her. – They are no longer in a relationship. – On
jo je pustil.

 It rings a bell. – Da ti nekaj zveni znano. – It sounds familiar.

 Give me a break. – Daj mi mir. -

 It serves you right. – To si zaslužiš. – You deserve it.

 She thinks the world of him. – To have a good oppinion of someone. – Kovati nekoga v

 I haven't a clue. – Nimam pojma. – I have no idea.

 It's a rip-off / bargain. – Dobra kupčija. – High quality product for a reasonable price. – Poor
quality product for a high price.

 I'm not made of money. – I don’t have that much money. – Nimam toliko denarja. – Nimam
denarja na pretek. (when buying things that you don’t need)

 It makes no odds. – To ne spremeni ničesar. – This doesn’t change anything. – To not be

important, eather way this would happen. – I don’t mind whether you come or not, it makes
no odds.

 I couldn't help laughing. Come off it! Cut it out! – Ko nekdo reče nekaj in se ne moreš nehat
smejat. – Stop it.

 Would you fancy going out tonight? – Would you like to go out tonight? -Bi šel z mano ven
danes zvečer?

 I don't think much of it. – Ne razmišljam preveč o tem. – I don’t think about that a lot. – I try
not to think about that.

 Can you lend me a quid? – Ali mi posodiš en funt ?

 I get butterflies in my stomach if .... – I am nervous.

 Let's get a move on. – Let’s hurry up. – Podvizaj se.

 The drinks are on the house. – The drinks are free. – Pijače so zastonj. – Hiša časti. X (We go
dutch. – sam plačaš pijačo.)

 He came out of the blue. – He came out of nowhere. – He came unexpectedly.

 The shopping mall is an eyesore. – Da je nekaj tok grdo, te oči bolijo. – Very ugly.

 I smell a rat. – I think he’s lying. – To become suspicious.

 It was a hair-raising experience. – It was very scary. – Napetost. –(ride with a rollercoaster)
 It's raining cats and dogs. – It’s pouring down with rain. – It’s bucketing rain. – It’s raining

 I got it for a song. – I got it for little money. – Cheap.

 I haven't seen you for ages. – I haven’t see you for a long time. – Celo večnost.

 I can't make head or tail of it. – When you don’t understand. – I don’t understand.

 Drop me a line when … - Send me a postcard. – Write me a few lines.

 She's down in the mouth. – She’s sad. – She’s in a bad mood.

Do you know more?

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