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Nama: Diva Trisyahbani Sutarman

Kelas: BC21.4

Nim: 210407512057

1. How are good strategies for teaching of reading in English

2. How are good strategies for teaching lestening
3. How are good strategies to teaching speaking and writing in English
4. What do you think about your english knowledge ?
5. Do you have some ideas for good strategies in teaching English ?
6. What do you need for English learning ?
7. Share your idea about how to be good english teacher
8. What is good strategy is teaching and learning


1. The strategy for teaching students in reading in English is by means

approach to teaching English designed according to student needs, with
the aim that students are able to master English in the field they are
working on, the English material being designed based on the result of an
analysis of student needs.

2. Set learning goals, design and organize course materials, plan student
assessments, set goals and objectives, set long-term goals and short-term
goals. Subject matter such as modules, textbooks, journals, porto polio,
home materials, authentic materials and teacher-produced materials.

3. The strategy for teaching speaking and witing in english is they able to
read literature, being able to obtain the competencies, and student wanted
to achieve in the learning process and how to improve english speaking
kills student is teacher guide the student during the discussion the discuss
with their friend and gives a comment.

4. As far as I know, my knowledge of English has reached Intermediate and I

wanna say I’m fluent but sometimes I’m insecure with my speaking kills.
5. In my opinion, as a teacher later a good strategy to teach students is to do
more speaking. Let the children speak with confidence. Also, now if we
look at students in primary to high schools they only learn about everyday
conversation which in my opinion is very basic. Even though the most
important thing they know is about speaking, listening, reading and

6. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are the main (macro) skills I
need to communicate in English. Being very good at only one of these
skills will not help me to communicate. For example I need to be able to
read well before I can write well. I also need to be able to listen before I
can speak.

7. My idea to be good english teacher is create a positive classroom

atmosphere, build relations with my students, correct and give feedback,
be ready to learn from my students, encourage and inspire, encourage an
independent language learner, and develop myself, make a better version
of myself every day

8. Create a more effective learning to make students more interested.


Esp which focuses on developing communicative skill in specific discipline such

as: English for academic purpose English for occupational purpose, English for
business purpose English for professional purpose and English for vocational
purpose English for specific purpose has emerges. English for vocational purpose
English for specific purpose has emerged as a significant field in applied
linguistics this is mostly related to the needs of students for specific academic of
occupational fields. Esp is more towards language in context than grammar and
language structure. Especially needs analysis to determine which language skills
are most needed syllabus designed according to student needs and designing
syllabus with authentic goals. From general esp to use specific learning situations
and teaching methods that are different from general English, esp seems to be
more suitable and suitable for adults who are thinner at both high academic and
professional levels, es are also used for intermediate. The level of formative
learners, writing, essays, graphics, organizing, quizzes, summative, sales tests,
formal assessment quizzes, standardized tests, program tests, and informal
assessment essay tests; porto polios, monitoring.

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