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Solutions of JEE REGULAR MODULES PHYSICS | Class XI | Booklet 1 | 1 i 1. Foundation Physics S.-S.21 . Units, Dimensions and Measurement $.22-8.44 . Motion in One Dimension S.45-S.76 |. Motion in Two Dimensions ‘ §.77-S.106 . Newton’s Laws of Motion (Without Friction) $.107-S.138 . Newton’s Laws of Motion (With Friction) 8.139-S.169 Work, Power and Energy . $.170-S.195 . Centre of Mass, Conservation of Linear Momentum and Collision $.196-S.223 . Dynamics of Rigid Body: Part 1 §.224-S.253 ). Dynamics of Rigid Body: Part 2 $.254-S.283 . Gravitation and Mechanical Properties of Solids $.284-S.318 . Mechanical Properties of Fluids $.319-S.346 . Thermal Properties of Matter a $.347-S.370 |. Kinetic Theory of Gases and the First Law of ‘Thermodynamics $.371-S.399 . Simple Harmonic Motion $.400-S.430 . Waves and Acoustics. $.431-S.460 Gy Bat a135° 2a i) tan tan = = (si). en? tan = Se 12.) Tag, sink20°= sin(180°-60") (i) Troe, tant 35° = tan80° 45") = -tan ds ip Ts, 210 = a80°4 30) =030" = (iv) Tre, 00s210"= cos(180° +30") =—c0s3t (9) True, cos(360"45°)= cos4s® (vi) Troe, tan 750° tan(2 «360° +30") = tan30" 3.9 Yex= 1 forr=0, 4 and fory=0,x=1 ao & a “Tus, the graph sa stg line having slope Itysx-1 40 "Thus, concavity is upward. Hence, option (c) is corect. 5,(@) We can write the equation ofthe line as 5 Tt means it should have intercept of +3 from xaxis and ~2 from y-axis 6.(0) Gradentstope of the tie m= 222 aA 15-18 = ach 6-2 4 Hence, wecan waite y=22+C ‘The line is passing through (2,7, it means qe2x24C> Hence equation ofthe line will be 7.@) Forside Da: m= 0-@) 8.(6)U=Sx, it isthe equation of parabola with concavity is upward At iteans graph is pssing through ovigin Hence, opin (0) cone. 10 yedad Gi) y=3x7 44x45 4 de ded aE TLO 53x34 422440 290 +8 Gi) y= 4K +3) Let. uxt and y=243 use4l ai aa 224 0=2x vers PanaH 4 aya +F #41 4 ey ason oe Bag egOaae0=3¢ A ewyaub aye a ae GP ABE +P 43) DE =3x'43x 4 2x4 46x sSr' 43x" 46x #1 Fn og ep See—y-e-y Loran a @uy (2 H)2e-(0 ae ay BG H1-P 49 a? GF 2. (i) y=sin(ax+b) & infx+0)} a d(ax+5) fsn(ax+b)} A artb)=cos(artbyxa __Physics Gi) y= lar saxe5) or 8.462 sare5 AEP Loe sae woe sacs ateste.t| “Fees, 6x44 = B+2x44x140) abe ares +1 S (2240) west Fat AW yar 49re15 Wy aye Sot 19049 = De of t-ar43=0 x= lor3 Base -tne49 At P62 492415 Yan =O)? 641) 4931415 = 19 ay At 283, a 6x3-122650 Sie At x53,yhas minimum valu, yar 6x4 9r415 Yin = 6X3 4943415 21-544.27415=15 Foundation Physics ( yox-02 s110x49 ¥ Baap -126r0100 %» Formaxima and minima, 2=0 a 4p -10tx+1m9=0 / or P-3ie420=0 / (e120) 20 or rh 5-6 4x? —124r+120 at x=1,yhas local maxima, yo! 6x?41201+9 Yan #56245" 4120549 Yan=5*~ 625? 4120x549=-1647 iy 0-6 AZ sinx(-67 -104=208>0 At Fag 6-62 (6)? +120%(-6)+ 9-316 5. se(arbn® _dfa+t0"} arin arb) dt a aocrbyt ot by oS = 6b(a+ bi)? Teste panicles 4 fn 08 tas =6b (5(a-+ be)". }=306"(a+ bt) 6.(a,b) ‘The maximum value of potential energy is 97 83 7.6,b,0) 1. (@) From figure, areas in first quadrant. Hence, itis positive. 2.(Q) Area =30x 10-30 (20-10)=0 3.(a,b) . set 40 jew (rl aly —pyebatel S i Pape? w eae (fl Jox+arar- [oscar oye" =fOnr +4) Gx 4471 1 32 =tpsa3--2. pO Gy [esas seosnae = finite sf ened = costal? +4finalf? Siem 1 wlygeld ~hosnsar-oyeteae oileenetee ete 4 fZ] oh Pelee Let =HP-o1etr-op0-0 1 17 apriaasded 5.0) o taresy? “ Decal ~flost+5)-2x0457) Lip _sy=} 643-125) =2!82 363m ng Se poring = 6 6.0) w=f 10 “Diglceme frit =e of gh 1 1 wbewabess-2 Laver bess-2 5 =10-3+10-25=7.5m 2 8. (©), Weconsideradxelément at distance. from end O, The was of considered ements d= Adx= Ane 10) 2@) eT, 3.0) L.(@) A+B=16 (given) Bsin tana= a A+ Bes 4.0) tan 90° A Bete 0=0 = cota 8-4 BV 2AB ed By solving Bas. (), i and Gi we get A=6N, B=10N 2.(9 IPl=5,1O1=12 and 1R1=13 = cos" ( E i 5) ® 3.0) 2 ra BAB ead tan90°=: Bsind => A+Beos0=0 A+ Beosd rn cos@=— 5 B ss tom ) Foe ost = cos. A 50° Physics i) in Io it) @) Foundation Physics 4.(0) Resultant R= P+6 +P. ‘The angle between P and 2P is zero. 5.00) (6.(@) Tftwo vectors A and Bare given then range oftheir resultant cean be writen as (A~B)SR<(A+B). Ryy A+B and R,, = A~B IEB= 1 and A=4 then their resultant willie in between 3 Nand SN. Itcan never be 2. 7.(@) A=3N,B=2N then R= VA +B*+2ABe0s0 RaVor4s i200 @ Now A=6N, B=2N then R= V36+44 D088 ‘From (i) and (i) we get cos 8= 1 o=120" 2 8. (© Resultant of two vectors A and B canbe given by B IRi=1A+ 3 \= VA BP DAB COs Mf 020° then IRl= A+B =1AI+1B1 9.8) Ry =A+B=17 when Ry TA-B=T when 0=180° By solving we get A=12 and B=5 Y then RAP 3 Raf +OF =F0 «13 10.0) C+A=B. ‘The value of Clies between A~B and A+B Now when 0=! I1a as =15-081-97= 15-08 at = 6 +3144 = v2 3F—12+3 Speed at any time 29, t=ve+3=x (--3)-0-91=38 fya=(0-3)'=0 230, Netmovement lng direction S,= (6-4) 608 45°F 1 22x defen e 4 ion ae sy Net motement log pieton = (644) sin 45° 1 iocesfitn Nammeneemsn eit ite vas = (5) +6) Angle whic as witht dcon sf 252 km =1a0") 31, For 7 Nboththe vectors shouldbe parle. anglebetween them shoold be zero. For 7N both the vectors should be antiparallel ie. angle between them shou be 180° For 13 N both te vectors should be perpendicular to each ‘other ie. angle between them should be 90° 32. From polygon law, thre vectors having summation zero should form a closed polygon (siange) since thewo vectors are having same magnitude and the third vectoris V2 times that of either of two heving equal magnitude, That is, the triangle shouldbe right angled triangle. ‘Angle berweea A and B, a'=90" ‘Angle between Band C, ‘Angle between A and C, 38, A+B=ai-3}+6i +8] =107 +5) VAs Bley +6 =5N5 tnd-D-1 => onun(3) 1072 3 ) 35. 2. 40. 41. 204+) Av 1=20V2 and diction 0 tan'(1)= 45° ie SW : Let and ae thetwo unit vectors, then the sum is Fahy thy or nf=nltnd +2np, cos =14142c080 ‘Since itis giea that, is also a unit vector, therefore T= 141420086 or ona 2 O12? Now the diffzence veto isn, = n,n, oF Abani =dapycond =141-Devs(l20%) 2-241)=241=3 =n, =09 Let Pbe the anal force and Q be the greater fore then according to P+Q=18 ~di) R= PEO BPO cos = 12 Ay 2808 aap PF eas P+ 0.08000 Ai By solving Eqs (Gi) and (ii) we will get P=5, snd Q=13 += Omeans yaris => y=Omeans xaxis 9 Fr=2f soresuliat F= Fi +P, =27+7 A 2B +36 =i + -26)- +367 -28) i + j-67 42k + 81 ~6k = 200 -: From the figns\OAl=« snd OB l= a Also from triggle rule 05-04 = AB: om = AB=a-40 4 a So Ida tsad0 aa ‘ho means change in magnitude of 0 vector ie. !OBI~1Al => a— So Ma=0 isle VF + Om = 05 =25 ai44j ‘Unit vector in the diresion of A will be So routed veer af Ee} =151 420) Letthe compontats of A make angles « Band y with x,y and zavisrespecivey then a= f= ° 42, Unityector along yaxis =} sothe required vector a. 49. 50, sh. 2, sk 3}-+28)+ (37 +6j-16)] =—4i-2). A=2F, B=\2F, R=Vi0F RK 4B =2ABeosd = OF =4F*42F* 420m) IF cos = cosB= 1/2 = 0245 ‘Lethe two fores ae A and Ben given A~B= 10,474 B50" Solve to getA=40N,B=30N Resultant oftwo forces: (#12) -+(F/2) = F/ V2 ‘The third force shoud be oppose to the resultant and of ‘same magnitude, Hence answer: F //2. Let Pe the unknown force P= (20V3)? +20" -2(20)(20)3) cos 30° or 91600-1200 =400 20N ab toby tad, c0s"(0") => apegeeel =Aed If A and B are perpendicular to eack other then A.B=0. > 4240240, =0 $0, 2-4)+3-6)+(-DA=0 = A=-26 WAP FCH =Vieo = Via IBlayened +4? =JV9F16 = 26 A.B =2(-1)+3x3+(-1(4)=3 ecto of Aoad -42 a2. The projection of AonB =A nee Bl a6 F= FScos0 = 50% 10 co = 5010 2.=250 Sa5-F Foundation Physics 5 -isj30.a0 sj +1sb =[0x4)-Gx-s)}fs[0x3)-Gxaj+[ox-9-@xD]k 11+ 1x114315)=100 e 6]-13k 53. (A+B) is perpendicular to (A~B). Thus. ‘59, We know that angular momentum ‘L=7 xp intams of component becomes +i) GB =00 A +B.A- Becatcofcommutative propery of ards 1 AB =0 oa or ASB ue “Thus the roof magatudes AB =1 ‘Asmotion is inxy plane (2= 0 and P,=0), ‘54, For motion of the particle from (0,0) to (a, 0) 5 rae so D=K(p,-y,) Fe-K(i+aj) > F=-Kaj =b, Py Displacement 7 =(ai +0)=(0F +09) are - So work done from (0) 0 (a, 0) given by 2 LaF fvexo-bmv]=-rmbk WF 60, Given resultant displacement is 6 kam due east For motion (c,0)10 (a, 2) ‘F=-K(ai+aj) and isplacement F=(ai +a) +0) =a) ‘So work don fom (2,0) 0 (2,4) ~K(ai +4)). So total work done=—Ka? which may be expressed as 67 Given displacements are () 2m due east or 27 5 ax (Gi) 5 km 37° south of east its components Seos37* along x-axis j-8j-ak slong yards = Ssin37?=Sx= 5 Compering the two sides a= Oand b=3 “ eG « Unknown displacement = 3) yg G1. G0) =P+G 42700050 0 2 0 =P'4g'+2PQcos 180-9 ti) 99? =P +9" +2PQcos0 40° -2PQc088 —p (2-2)f +(446)7+B+1DE oi +10} +156 D = ‘Adding 100? =2P* +20" = aed =SB= th or 82 Pog 4 P « & Pa eri @ 62, Angle of resultant is 90° Physics also given (2a}* = 8 +(o)?-+2abensA $2. Speed =50mis : SeXy +Ke 426400 2bx(-4) A) =Gi-1))+3x50- L sa=6t or at or a=? ore * “se oa? 150 3 - 25 # HATS -24) 6. () lal=3ib1=4,121=10 ct ee / aft} 40f aaj =48i-151) @. Vavear = 4]-+10(047 +03)) =3)24j447+03) iat} ela =n 70, Resultntot X47 = ¥+Z (10)? + (5¥3 ~1)° + 2-10-(5y3-1eo8 (0) + V5 +! +2-10-(545 + e088 or G81 ~(S45 +1) =2-100080[ (55 +)-G5-0] (25.3\-2) =2-10c0s 612} : sin 120° w10x =55 (i) Given e= Pago 4, qb, = ~S=3p+2bq Sereniasbecee 58 (10j+8 i +7,))=5(0c0s54i+105in53)) roping value og =s0(t0x34s10%43) si Spi NB TD 2523p 418 p je +R j sso! +40] 64, (a) +. Resultant along x =1000(V3 ~ 1) ‘by comparing two sides, we yet along y =~1000(2~V/3)7 i=30) > Rj=-20} 6) F= YF ~10(8 =a. 2 Reet} 45, Redan cs slog pis stat ts ang ys Ug) = QF HGF «s0V7 at 1= 10 seconds fa yeiteat=10(6! +87) = 607 +80) ‘Acceleration willbe zero if third force makes the resultant 8 Resultant F, = Psin60?= 20> 108N (0}+301 -30)) =-304 40 72, 1n130 seconds the displacements (2500-100)i + (1200-200) j+(100-100)& 66, 7 =2(0f +7409} andy =-2mi+4mj Fon =R-CQ+ 0-4} =2400/ +1000) icl@@r= Ver =sm Magnitude of displacement (2400) + (L000)* = 2600 coe 0 67. ¥=50-AB Ad= (9-2) +(25-D} + Velocity = 20 ales and unit vector along velocity. +24) 1ABI= Gy Hea 1 =14i +48] =25 Wiss} 1B (2400 i +1000) Foundation Physics TB @ Faa-bre (Si +4} 6-28 +2}+30+ aja) L@ = Si+2i+4i +4)-2]+3}-6k-3k +28 a1 +5}-7 20) (©) cosrorange between 7 and z-axis ee 3.0 Turoro vss 4@) Fer =36=3c+8+e? orc? +36-28=0 P+ Te-4e-28 =0 = (e+ T)-4 (C+) 0 (-#(e47 4 15, =P) =P +0? +2PQcosd (PP =P +Q-2P0cos8 ‘Adding them SP =2P? +20 or 37° = 20" §.(@) pe a8 16, Sum ofl given forces =0 => xi -10j-15e0853% +1 laaend 6.(@) ~yoos37°f -ysin37°j=0 saedt yt si-tsxdi-y-Aieo Tess $13 Objective Type ‘As the mukipl of inthe given vector is 0 therefore ths vector ies in XZ plane and pseton ofthis vetor on yas is 20. Tra poin have corn (, 2) hen ts positon vector wala y soy F c08 60° Fs 60° ‘The component of force in vertical direction = Fos = F eos 60? 2 Bia YP +6F = NOS =25 +4) Unit vector inthe diction ofA willbe A etl soni vecoc ans 4h Lette components of A mates angles Band 7 wit and zasisresetvely then a= B= 7 cos" as cos" Br cost lt) ° Aa2isaj-st Vale Crna AE tena Fe os es 7 os Resultant bm we id ie 8.0) RaR+a ‘Thee should be minimum three coplanar vectors having different magnitude which should be added to give zero resultant. AN fa Compret along B 2 AB 2-16-j) ‘ pe aco 8 =e Par 9.(@)_ Diagonal ofthe hall ees iecace 7 A (component of A along B ) afi? 7 i stejti- = S004 1444196 Toy a =V40=20m s.14 | | 10.@) ‘ne 15.(a) 1.@) 18.0) 20.(a) ‘Tota angle = 100 x2 = 25 » ‘So all he fore will pass through one point and all forces ‘will be balanced, Thats, ther resultant will be zero. ~2}+08)-(4i-4j +08) = Fa-6+ 2] +08 We OF HOF CO = 3644 = 00 = 241 Aid 1g, 1G ar Be + Jeti + Length in plape= i+ RE = VET = V0 If the angle beween all forces which are equal and !ying in fone plane are equal then resultant force willbe ze, +] P+ G=PP+06 Magninude of eit vector: = 057 +08) +e ot By solving weget eu: Displcement = Hs HE AC = (AB) +(BCY = (400)* + (300)? =500m Distance = ABs BC = 400-300 = 700m Resutantof veto 4 and B Ra AeBadisa}vot—is3j-sk jak Bhysies AB 9416425 BBD) cos = AT = TANBI YO+16+25,9 + 16425 50 SGT cose: Deon", 25,(b) Resultant of vectors A and B + B= 4i 3] +8 +8) =128 +5) R_ uhssj__ nies} RI (12) +65) B +3 G+ j) 243 _ 5 i Oe ORE AB__ Gi+4j+5hai +4j-56 21.00) cosd= AP Ey cos Aust VOr16+25 9+16+25 _DH6~5, 50 => cosd= 26.(0) . 0=90° 25. (a), For 17 Nboththe vectors shooldbe parallel ie. angle betes them should be zero. For 7 N both the vectors should be antiparallel ie. angle between them shouldbe 180° For 13 N both the vectors should be perpenticur to each ‘other. angle between them should be 90° 29.) Ab Baal 3} +6148) =107 45) VA+Bi= ok +67 =5y5 1) 20 4 “(g mePmagny = Oana) 30.(@) From figure =20} andy, =-205 = tan") = 45° ie. SW 31.(b) Let fi, and A, are the wo unit vectors, then the sum is +i, orn +n} 42a cos = 141+ 2c08 Since it is given that n, is also a unit vector, 1 therefore 1=1+1+2e056 => cosO==2 :. 0= 120° or nj =af-+n Dn, 0080 =1+1~2eox(120%) +123 0,25 a 2hsj-ojs2ksisi—6b 33.(@) P= mysin6i -mvcos8} and Ps = mvsin6i +mvcos 0} So change in momentum B=P,-F,=2mve0s6}, 18 34.00) R=VAT+BP+2ABeOs =F and R=F we get 35.(@) tftwo vectors A and B ae given then the esaltnt Rug = AtB=IN and 2 =4-3=1N inet fore on the parle is between IN and 7 36.(b) If E lies outside the plane then resultant foree cannot be 80. Mo Faia VIF Rc =F 38. (c) caVaeR The angle between Aand Bis = z 3 d a 3.0 B= + 7}+3+4j t=O HF = Ver AP eI 1S +36 = VIDS =14.31m » -2}sk, Bai-3j+sk, C=2i- jak Ale ecay P= V9eeel Ve Bla Pa Cop oS = S194 25 85 Vale Pa ay = VS 16 = VT ‘As B= VAC therfore ABC willbe right angled wing 42.) Crd=B ‘The value of Clis between A-B and A+B \G1 A+Beos=0 48.(a) Resultant R= P ++, ‘The angle between P and 2P is zero. 49.(0) > 50.(a) According to problem P+Q=3and P-O=1 By solving we getP=2and Q=1 Pp Fan = Pao a 0 51 Reh +h=0 24 s6}+5 =0 A 2.6) sero) ener 53. (€) Resultant veloiy= 20 1 = 4004 205 = VES = 25 kane 54.) C=VROB = B+ =5 «Angle between A oO el aL the magnitude of veetor remains same, only direction Abanges by Bthen Nagin fangs in wa (e202) UBiterstoxsi( 5) = 10/8 = 4m Direction is south-west as shown in figure. Sé.(0) AC: AC = (AB) (BC) =. ji)? +(20)* = 005 = V5H5 ~ 22.6 kin z ee 57.(b) cos: ign 1)-208)108-5}-15%) - 50-50+309 SIO 400viOT 25205 VS25 50 Beare Baas '58.(@)_Iftwo vectors Aand B ar given then range oftheir resultax: canbe wniten ss (A 2}$.8< (AB). ie, R= A+B and R,=A-B oir resoltant will ie in bexweea tO. 3Nand SN. ean neve 59.(@) A=3N, B=2N then R= VA" 4+B? + 2AB cond RaVOe44 Ded fl) Now A=6N, B=2N then 2R= V6 + He0sd ‘rom (i) and (i) we get cos ts, oni 2 60.(@) IF forces of equal magnitude works on a single point and ‘her resultant i eo then angle between any two forces is [these three vects are represented by three sides of triangle ‘thea they form equilateral triangle __..Phisis As Bava oP Dabo If 8=0° then |Rl= A+B 2.) Ryy=A+B=17 when On Ry =A-B=7 when 0= 180" by solving we get A=12 and B= 5 Now when 6=90° then R=Vih+B 3 R= OF HGF = Vi =13, ‘3. (@) If two vectors are perpendicular then thei dot prodict must ‘be equal to zero. According to problem G+B)\A-B)=0 = 44-19+BA-BE=0 = WB 0 3 Pet ‘ A=B if. two vectors ate equal to each other in magnitude, 64.(02) R,,=A+B when 2=0° VAR DAB eos Als 1B Rg 212482 20N 65.40) Mf A=B=P and 0=120° then 66. (s) Sum of the vectors VIE = TK magnitude of R-II ‘97. (¢), Given vectors can be rewritten as A= 2/+3}+86 and Batis dj rok Dot productofthese vectors shod be equal to zero because they ae prpendicula AB=-S+12 +8020 = Bae-4 = @=-1/2 68.) =2643}-k and B=—4i-6}-446 A and B are paraliel to each other 69. (@) 2 70..a) WPS =(4i+ j+3b 0 sj +158) (4x1 +111 +3%15)= 100) 11.(@) A+B) is perpendicular o (AB). Thus (A+B) .A-B =0 or A'SBA-A.B-B=0 ‘Because of commutative property of dot product A. #-B 20 of A=B ‘Thus the rjo of magnitudes A/B = 1 72.) Let A@GxA)=A. ‘XA which is perpendicular to both wictors BAe) these two is always 90°. ‘Butif the angle between A and B is Oor x, ‘Then AxB=BxA=n. ij gl 74.0) AxB=|3 12 2 2 4] a (bed-2x-2F 4x2 dD +Ox 21K =8i-8)-8% - Magnitude of AxB=1AxBl= 8) +87 +8 i oj & ferxF =]3 20 3 tested) =[2x4)-Gx-9)] +[29)-Gx4)] s{@x¢3)-(x2)}é =171-6j-138 16. (8) From the property of veetor product, we notice that © most te perpendicular tothe plane formed by vector A and B. The @ is ppendicnarto bth Hand B and AB) ‘esto lio must i inthe plane formed by vector A and “thas © must be perpediclacto (A+B) also butte eros prot (AB) gives a vector © whic cat be erpediclr to isl Taste ast statements wrong. 77.0) Wekaow tat anglar momentum - Sates of component besomes lr.) Pe ‘As motion is in x-y plane (2 = 0 and (9, -9P) ), s0 Here x=v,y=b, p,=mv and P,=0 i —mvok prx0-bm} 78.(@) BF, =Q]+583}+4h) =6+20=20+6=26 79. (@) Force Flies inthe xy plane soa vector along z-axis will be perpendicularto F. | 80.(0) AB=1A1.1Bt.cos0=A.B.c0s90?=0 8L@ ~ vi o V oot ‘Accodingto problem 1, +, = Waletit a7! So V, and ¥, willbe mutually perpendicular. 82.) W=FF=(1+3)0i-j)=10-3=7). a 246-4 a =0 3 0=90? Yaar 84. G+ ).Gri=0+0+14+0=1 83.0) cosd jiuene! 0: =: os VanBt Vax 2 85, (b) P= FV =20x6+15%(-4)+(-5)x3 10 -60~15 = 120-75 = 45 Js 0260" 86.10) 81.00) 88.0) 89.(0) 90.0) 91.(@) P,=2eost, B,=2sint = (-2i +15} +68\10})=150 Be2oosri +2sint j sensi e2eost} AP ast’ +2005 B --asati +2} FP =0 2.0090" 92.(a) 1AxBt 93.(b) AxB=0 = sind=0 2. 0= 0° ‘Two vectors will be parallel to each other. (25 Biya + 4j)t =15E1=5 ants 94.00) Avi and Bx A are parle and opositeto each ter. $0 the angle willbe x 95.(b) Vector (P +6) lies in a plane and vector (Px) is perpencicular to this plane Lc. the angle between given vectrsis =, 2 96.(@) RHF Dx IRI KCOSD By solving we get 0= 180" 776) Dot prod of wo prpeniclr vector wil be zero 4244-12 0.08) cos, < AB 564364 90A9 +16 16 of 56 c0s0= wn 99.(b) Direction of vector Ais along z-axis Direction of vector B is towards north B= bj Now Ax B=akx sj: 100,(€) cos tana aa 2 101. (0) AB= (4i +5}+68)~Gi+4j+5i) =74 jak D(A +6) (i +9} +38 =-3-3) 36 ‘AB and CD se parallel, because its cross-productis 0, i+ SIGE +6) =12 =) ABsin®= ABcos 8 =>-tan 0=1 104, (0) 5= x7 105.(@) will bea vector perpendicular to both 6 and So ais paralielto 5 xz 106) Ava =x} 107.(¢) 342k ja}e28) fie =}°2 1 6-32 i -t0j-18z ‘Unit vector perpendicular to both A and B -istojnt8é _i-10j-188 Vine IT ries 109. @) LaFxp-|1 3 é 4 2 {the angular momentum is perpendicular to x-axis 110.(0) xB is a vector perpendiclarto plane A+5 and hence perpendicular A+B ML.@) FFF =Cis3}riyeaisjesi 12. 113. (@) For perpendicular vector AB=0 = (5947}-3i).07+2]-ak)=0 = 10+4+30=0 > a=-8 fore _1F 1 _ V36644100 ‘Acceleration a T 115. @®) Area of parallelogram =642]+3xGi-2j +i) 114. (a) Mass=. =10V2 kg. ij ‘| =]1 2.3) =@F+@j-exf B 21 Magnitude = 60464464 =8\5 116. (b). Radius vector. 7 =%, ~7 ij 3]+)-Qi+j+i) i pe UT 9=ax7=[3 4 1] --181-13}428 5-6 6 U8.) A. ie. Z and B sctsin the oposie dreton 109.0) (AxBie ia) ABsind=Viabo060 => tand= 83: 060° I=lA+BI Now 13 [iP +B 2ABCOsB ~ feral) sues 120. (a) W a 2by-ai 425-38) Work done = 61 (given) 2 -I2¥2e-626 = c=I2 (Si +3)).2f- j) =10-3 =73 122.(¢) AxB=ABsin Of For parallel vectors 2 AxB=d a 121. (b) or 180°, sin=0 13.0 aa A 2 1,8 aq” is pe Sian sin, 0.9659 124. (According to Lam's theorem P= 2 = sina sin siny 125.0) “ Tos 30° So Tsno0" en w ‘From the figure T'sin30° = 30 li) Teosat?=W i By solving Eg.) and i), we get Wa 303 N and 7=60N 126. (o) The two cars (Say A and B) ate moving with same velocity, the relative velocity of one (say B) with respect tothe other Sysv-v=0 amy othe relative separtion betwen them (= 5 km) always remains the same. [Newitt vlc ofcar (xy C movingin poste dretion toAand Bi i, atvetogont te te vey of ar © reve oA and B ibe Ya =¥e~# But as ¥ is opposite to ve So M4 =¥_—(-30)= (Ye #30) kh, So, theme taken by ito cross the ear A and B a4. 5 wtot gO ¥eF30 > ye = 45k, 427, (b) When the man i at rest w.. the ground, the rain comes to him at an angle 30° with the vertical. Tiss the direction of the velocity of raindrops ith respect to the ground. Here ¥, velocity of rain with respect tothe ground and ¥,,= way ofthe in wth respect tothe man, Woon 3.27% ® “Taking horizontal components Eq. (i) gives sin 30? 7, 00830" = ¥ 129. (0) Relative velociy = (+ 4) - (31-4) = 61 +8) 130, (€) Relative velocity of art with espect tain =5~(-10)=54+10=15 misec 4150 va IS ce "Time taken bythe parrot Ose. BL@) 4 For shortest time, swimmer should swim along, AB, so he will reach at point C due tothe velocity of river ‘Thats, he should swim due non: Ye 295-025 mis 272 sinsot= 2 133.(@) Hj 4+9,= 9,49, =80465=145 kmh 134.) Relative speed of police with respext to thief =10-9=1ms Instantaneous separation = 100m distance _100 _ 169 see vedlotiy 1 135. (>) Amanis siting ina bus and travelling from west10 east, and the rain drops are appeared falling vertically down ‘Actual velocity of sin which is falling at an angle 0 with vertical Yjq = velociy of rain wet. to moving man If the other man observes the rain then he will find that ‘actually ran is falling with velocity v, at an angle going from west east. 136. (b) Boat covers distance of 16 km ina still water in 2 hours. | | [Now velocity of water =>», ‘Time taken forgoing upstream (As water cureat opposes the motion of boat) "Time when for going down stream 8 8 8, Prana (As water csreticp e man eft) 2 taint 4-(2e8 ie toa 4, 139.(0) sin? atsin® Basin cos" a+ 1~ cos? B+ cos" y 3 (cos? es co8! +-c0s') =3-1=2 140, (6) vectors re af equal magnituds then twn vectors cua give 210 resultam, if they workin opposite direction, But if 32 ors are of difforent magnitodes then minis tre» vectors are required to give zero resultant. ML. (6) Let P be the saaller force and Q be the greater fore according to problem P+O=IB R= P44 2PQe08! (ii) Physics ‘Aa means change in magnitude of vector ie, |OB'-!04! = a~a=0,80 Aa=0 148.00) R= RVR ER = ReV2R= RU? +1) 144. @) 145.0) 146, (0) 40j)-(01+0})=ai So work done from (0, 0)t0 (a0) i given by 141. (a). Given OA (2-27 +440) G+1Dk = 107 10) 4152 = laxble Vio 1015 = 45 = 57 Arca of AOAB=: 148, (0) Tsin P w Asthe metal sphere isin equilibrium under theeffect of tres forces therefore T+ P +' From the figure Tcos6=W a) aii) Tsind= roti Eqs. () and Gi) we'get P= Wtan and =P awe JEE (Main) 2.8) 4B=|4xB) ABcos= ABsinO => 0=45° [A-Bpe Va? +B? 24B 0545" =\P +B -iaB 3.@) [PHO = PQ? +2PQe089 =m (P? = 141+ 2c0s0= n*(L+1~20088) 4.0) [Fa P Pox? 4¥? +247 0080 XP 417 -2xY e088 [Av Bl= f2P? +0")0+ e088) Foe [A+B |= DD 4-60" For [4+ B|=\20P7 +0") 0,=90° 6. (a) Hoe Fi+Fi+Fs=0 Numerical Value Type 4, (180) PxO: = Pxi = 0-07 or 10" 2. @) Direction of P 5 ence, rin is supplemeatay nit () True itis basic rote for writing ni: ‘Gi Tue, its basic role for writing unit i) True, theangle subtended by areata points solid angle. Toe soidangle = AE? « dnensontes, Hence, itis supplementary unit, (0) True, same typeof quant is added o subtracted. 2 @) Same wok = Rs + The uit of work =m or kgmn’s? or) 1 cl Kinetic energy ‘Thus, the unit of energy =kg (ms)? = ky =m? s? (i) Power work ost akgn’y? Ww time Gi) Unit of work= Nm The formula for torgue= rx F Thus, unit trque™= Nn (i) The unit of nergy er it volume Energy jogs = Kem Saker st Volume: sm 3. The unt of Planck's constati joule second or kgm? pee second. Here, {sitofmass)(unit oflengty? 2342 (entof time) 4 8 times nz8 4. The unit of LHSis ky. The unit of RHS shouldbe kg, 6. According to the principle of dimensional homogeneity oval 3 lal (PI = (Mer 4 =(MLeT) 2}(8)" -coxeroe . Power = orunit of a= gm xem* x see*= Dyne x em” 7. From the principle of dimensional homogeneity (x] = [bt] Unit of b= kes? re Ga ", Substituting the unit of above quantities unit of G= Newton metre*kg?, 9. Ideal gas equation PV = nT (ajo) Gor) fmol} x] ‘So the unit will be Joule Knol" wer?) {mole]x1K] 1. @ ‘True it is basic concep of dimensions. (Gi) True, itis basie rule of cimensions, (i) Thue, supplementary units have no dimension for plane angle and solid ange, Plneangl, = fle) - imeaoless (Fl he nit of pane ang san whit dine: sionles. Jin = Stange in length [L] (0 ee Se = lag [7] Ttmeans unitless quantity i dimensionless. (vi) Fas, unit of velocity is same that of speed, Hence, they have same dimensions (£7~) ‘MLT* crore LE) wr} ty peer] ter] [ur] Ao (Gi) Angular acceleration ‘here A= change in angular velocity in time At ={47) (iv) A= msa8 where A/T = heat supplied to body ass of the body change in temperature ofthe body : ae [eer] 2 See = aT =[eer] Units, Dimensions ond Measurement (0 Magnet oe, F= ee q=elecicage on parle = [A] v= velocity of the particle = (L7""] r-[Mir’] FoqB er [our] x0 [acetal ig ee 4 [ee ar’] = pL) (eer) trey ye Presare=[ME"T*] [eer [er] “Thus inthe dimensionalfrol of res the meson of fae 5. Dinension of [e]=[27"] >[L]+fet] ‘Thedimensons of t-[ee'] “The dimensions of [P]=[c-'7™}= [ery ee] tere) =[me*e ce")*] =[iee'] (l-[Pe*e?] ‘The dimensions of universal gravitational constant (oe[rer"] alee Meanr i=ietetgen ar] sleete ore Mateee] “Tus, the dimensions of g inthe dimensional formula of niversal gravitational constants 2 6, From the principle of dimensional homogenity (F)=(at] wa-{5}- oa |. (wr?) Similarly (F]=(0°) melo 7, From the prineiple of dimensional homogencity {at} = dimensionless {3-5 und Similarly (21! fe l=[al (2) =(0) 8. [X= {Force}x {Density} = (LT) <(ME7] = (MPL"77"). 9. (a) = Nomber of panicle passing ffom unt area in unit time __ Novof particle WEED) ry ae EI {ne fng}=No-of parse i unit volume = (”] [Now fom the given formula pyelalazal LET ery tal) 10. According to principle of dimensional horogeneity ma 11. From the dimensional homogeneity (x"}=(B) we Aswals [0 > (MET*}= an (at=(Me"r) Now [AB]=(ME"T}x(L? 12, (P]=(MET*] vse teens mon Mel TI] creo 8] [22] | soo EFS] (ee [As IMW =10° W) 1kg PloamT [see Vo y6ct0! unit we( gets (esT na . 100m nsec; in new system = 199 520 se nr} 13, Unit of velocity = (same) Unitofforce = M227; in new system 1 gy loom igs 10" 100secx100sec 1000 sec” Unitofenerey “= sin now system. _100mx100m_ 1 kext TODseex100sec 10 see" Uniotpessre = ME innew stem sed olige bm a 8 io" 0" "Tonto ase! 14. [Ele(MET*) 5.24 = (100 kg} «(km x 100 see}? = 100 kg t0'm? x10“ see =10*kgm? x sec"* =10' Joule 18. gm-ems! =10°kgx10°mxs" =10%kg x mxs =10°Ns 16, Given 5, = tance taeleby the body in?*see= (LT), a= acceleration = (LT), v= velocity = (LT m ‘By substituting the dimension of each quantity we can check the accuracy of the formula 1 S=usFace-p Grr ery) = IEEE) ‘Since the dimensions of each terms are equal therefore this equation is dimensionally correct: And after driving this equation fom Kinematics we can also prove that this ‘equation is carect numerically also. Tat Tas? 9 or T= KS By substituting the dimension of exch quantity in both sides WALT = K Mery Er My = M27 By equating the power of M, Land T'in both sides 4220, y-32=0, <2e-1 n, M2, y=302, 2=1/2 So tein eit cane gens, 1.) Rule. All non-zero digits ae significant, 1875 has 4 significant digits. (i) Role. All son-2ero digits are significant. 3.4768 has 5 significant digits, (Gi) Rule. The x70es appearing between two non-zero digits ae countedas significa digits. 8004s 4 significant digits, (iv) Rule, The oes appearing between two non-zero digits ‘are counted as significant digits. 20s 3 significant digits, (¥) Rule. The 200s appearing between two non-zero digits are counted as significant digits + 30Abas 3 signitican digits (vi) Rule. The zrves occuring tothe eft ofthe first non-zero Aigit are nat significant. 0.00857 has 3 significant digits (i) Rule. Ina number without decimal, 2er0es to the right ‘of non-zero digit are not significant, 9000s I significant digi _Phvscs (ly Rote. Ina guanity wih proper, as numerical ale ‘thou decimal, oes the rght of ona digits are signiean. 9000 m as 4 sigan digits. (Gx) Rule. railing eroesinanmber with decimal point are significant. <: 030004 siguitant gts (3) Role. Powers of en srenotounted as significant 136-10" has3 sigfica digs. 2.) Third signitcam digits This digit be rounded. The digit next otis 6 which greater then 5. So, the third Aigit should be increased by 1. 16468 will beome 16500. (a) Third significant digits 7. The next git tes thin 5. 12475 wil become 12.7. (Gi) Third significant digits 6, whichis even, But next digit is. 11.650 will heenme 116, (iv) The third signiican digit is 3, which is odd. The next Aigit is 5. So, third digit shouldbe increased by 1. 20,350 will become 24, (W) The third digit is 6. Tae next digi is 8 which is greater than 5. So third digit shold be increased by 1. 0.008568 x 10* wil become 0.00857. 3 @ 2+03=2+0=2 Gi) 2-08=2-1=1 (i), 224.36 + 0.0623 ~ 156.8 =724.4 + 0.1 -1458=67.1 (i) 400.128 =0512=051 (vin 120812. Lat 4 > M06 03, 400 3600 900 06 038 1 a 180 45 300 150 2 3. 300 Perse emeintoaicgh =" +100 =F 2100 91% 7, Relativeerorin measurement of length s minimum, so this measurement is mos accurate. 8, Area=1.5x1.203=1.8045em® =18 em? (Up to comect umber of significant igure). 9, Total surface area =6% (5.402) =175.09em* =175.1¢m (Upto correct number of significant figure) ‘Total volume = (5.402) =175.64em* =175.6 en? (Upto comect munber of significant igure). 10. 9.99m+0.0009m=9.999 m =10.00m (in proper significant figure). UA, 3.124x4.576=14.295 =143 (Conecto thee significant figures) 12, Value of cuent (3.23 A) has minimum significant gue (@) so the value of potential difference V(=IR) have only 3 significant figure. Hence its value be 35.0. ‘so: maximum erorin pressure (P) 4% +2x 2% =8% \ (28100) = Yc A v 5 02 100422 <100 =(5+2)% = 7% a (542) 10 Concept Application Exercise 4 1.(@) Theside ofeube, 1=10mm-+ixVC 110 mm+1x0.. mm=10.1mm Mass M Volume P : : __2m Cory plying the ele of signifian figure, Density =2.65 gon? 2.(@) Sie length of cu 102 mm 3.(0) Zewenor=-5 xVC=-5 0.1 mm=-05 mn +: Density of cube = 9 =2.65165 gem” mm +60. mm —4x 0.1 mm = 8.25 ‘Diameter of wire= reading of main scale + reading of circular seale= 1 rim +48xLC=1 mm + 480.01 m= 148mm axl ean Bean '=0.0859732 cm? = 0.086 em? 1 6 = =001mm @) Le=5=00 Zero error= +8 xLC. ‘s- Diameter of wire d= reading of main seale + reading of nm + (90x 0.01 ~ 0.08) mm. =142mm=142% 10! om (Curved surface area = ald =3.1dx 8.614210" em _10mm 7.00) Here, Bich = "2 =P tram o 10 10 Least count (LO) = = ‘Namber of divisions on circular scale 1 001mm 00" ‘Zero eror =-{(100~95) x LC=-5 x 0.01 =-0.05 mmm ‘The diameter of wire is d= reading of main soale + reading of circular seale + (2er0 01) = 2mm +(45%04 caf <1 Cross-sectional area = =— Crosssectic A _B14xO5x10F a 9049 on? * m 8.0. +. 20 divisions of Vernier scale= 16 divisions of main scale 20 VSD = 160.1 cm=1.6em 16 LYSD =42=0.08 em 20 MSD-1VSD Jem-008em=0.02em Pitch ‘Namberof divisions on circular scale = Least count (LC) = 9.(b) Least count =: 2: Thickness =5%0.1435 0001 = 0.535 em 0mm 10. (6) Pitch = 1 © Pich =F Least count = ue ‘Namberof divisions on cireular scale | | $8.28 =) -e20m 50 + Thickness of plate ma +30 «0.2 mm (50~45)x 0.2mm =446+1=11 mm 1.(@) The volume fa cube of side emis givenby V = (Lem or V=(0°m) =1040". (0) The surfice ea of a soi eylnderof radius rand height b i givenby: ‘As Area of two caps + carve suc area =2ar+2arh=2ar(r+h) Here r=2 em=20 mm,k=10em=100mm A= 2x22 2n(204100)mn? += 15086 min® = 1.508610" mm =15210'mm* 181000 m (© Here y=18 kmh J 36005 tals rew=5xle5m @ Relative density of lead = 11.3 density of water = 1gem” density of lead density of water ++ Density of eed = relative density ofead x density of water =113xigem =113g6m ‘Also in .. system density of water=10° kgm We know that relative density of lead = + Density of lead = 11.3. 10° kgm? = 1.13x10" kgm” 2.09 kents?=1010 gi" en s* 510'gem’s? (0) We know, | light year = 9.46x10"m, 1 ima igen Seto” Hever = L0S7x10Yy = 10" ly © sns*e2n10%m( ta)" =3%10" «3600 x 3600 km h™ = 3.88810" kmh” =3.9 x10" km h? (@ G=6.67x10" Nm’ kg” =661x10"(ig ms" =6.67x10"'n sky" Physics 3. Weknow that nu =m sees“ lel EE] Leal =4.23=42kem's* -.a=1,b=2e M,=aig L=hn ners eda] Us [ft ayfes eae] mda pty? 1 cal =4.2a7 BY" in new system, Henve proved. 4 The given statement is conect Mesuement is busizally 4 compaisn-process. Witt spciying t standard of Comparison, tis not pose to et an ere ide soot ‘the magnitude of a dimensional quantity, For example, the statement that the mass of the earth is very large, is reaningls. To comect two can sy tat he mas ofthe earths arg in comparison to aay object lying on its surface. (@) The size of an atom is much smaller than the sharp tip afapin, () A jet plane moves with a much larger speed than a spat a (©) The mass of Jupiter is very large 2s compared to that of coh (@) The si nse this rom conan avery lng suber roletles a compared wo tht is allon {© The given statement 8 cones (0 ‘The given satometis cone. 5. Accodingto problem, pe of igh vacuum, ¢=1 esi ‘of length s~. Time taken by light to cover distance between, son and is ean t=fiin20 42508 4 iste between sun and ean ‘ov = 1 new of eg 500s =500 new nits feat 6 Themos precise devi sth ne st oun minimum, Now: (0) Least count of Vere clipes =1MSD-1 VSD =imsp— 2a 0 L 1 gt jqgt = 0005 em ©) Least count of serew gauge Sich no, of divisionsoncircularseale 1 1 A mm = em = 0,001 em 100 000°" Units, Dinensions and Measurement _ (c) Wavelength of ight, 4= 10cm =0.00001 em ‘Least count of optical instrument = 0.00001 em ‘Thus, clearly the optical instrument isthe most precise, ‘1. Batimate onthe thickness of bari given by bane 0 aN 3, 33 om = 0035 mm mT 8. (@) The diameter of a thread is so small that it cannot be measured using a metre scale. We wind a number of ‘tums of the thread on the metre scale so tha the turns are closely touching one another. Measure the length () ofthe ‘windings onthe scale which contains numberof tums. Diameter of thread = 4 pitch least count = ish _—___ Ea ‘number of divisionsoncircularscale :, Theoretically speaking, lesst count decreases on increasing the number of divisions onthe circular scele» Hence, accuracy would increase. Practically, it may note possible to take the reading precisely due to low resolution of human eye. ©) Alarge numberof observations (sa, 100) will vez reliable result than smaller number of observations (sy, 5). “This is because larger the number of readings, closer is ‘he arithmetic mean to the tre value and hence smaller the random error, 9, Hore, size ofan object= area of object =175x10%m? Size ofthe image = area ofthe image =1.55 m* 175 en? sizeof image sizeof abject < Acel magnification =: 10. (2) 0.007 m?has one significant figures. (b) 2.64 10% kg has thee significant figures. (©) 0.2370 gem’ has four significant figures. {@) 63205 as fur significant fires, (©) 6.032 N m”has four significant figures. . (© 0,0006032 m” has four significant figures 11, Given length, ()=4234 m, vend (6)=1.005 m thickness, d= 2,01 em=2.01%10%m 2(b+bd-al) = 2(4.2341.05 1.005 0.0201 + 0.0201 4234) ‘Area of sheet =2(4,360179) =8.7209678 ‘Aste least number of significant figure in tikes is 3. ‘Therefore, area has 3 significant figure, Area=8.72m" volume of metal shet=[xb>d a eee! = 4.234 x1.005 0.021 m? = 0085528917 m? After rounding off = 0.0855 m? 12, Here,mass ofthe box, m=2.3kg Masdof one gold pice, m, =20.15 g=0.02015 kg Massof other god piece, m, =20.17 2= 02017 kg (@) Total mass = m-+m,+m, =23-+0,02015+002017 = 2.34052 kg ‘Asthe result is correct only upto one place of decimal, ‘therefore, on rounding off total mass = 2.3 kg (b) Difference in masses= mm, = 20.7-20.15 = 0.02 (correct upto two places of decimal). ao “Ted Percentage error in Pis given by sa} o() 1B. ap fore, “x10 Therefore, ssanetasts beanian-n8 ‘Thus, the result has two significant figures, therefore, if P turns out tobe 3763, the result would be rounded off to 3.8. {The argument of a trigonometrical fonction, ic. angle is dimensionless, Now using the principle of homogencity of imensions. oy 22 TED. aimeasontss @ T [Fr 1, dimensic o) ot=[2r“]fr]=[2} dimension of tng © 4 not dimensionless. co altar, cinesiness, tT rl ac () and () ae wrong on dimensional grounds. 15, From principle of homogeneity of dimensions both sides of shove formula mst seinen Fors (-9°)" inate dinesoles. ‘Thsefoe instead of (1-v?)", witb (-¥ Fe) “Hence relation should be 16. (POC |= MET weer ‘By substituting the dimension of each quantity inthe given expression (MTP UT PTS = MT by equtingtbe power ofM, Land Tin boh sides: x+y =0, ad -2x-3y-2=0 by solving we get x= Wi Lt MeV / Putting dimensions of each quantities in both sides loner rer peers y Equating poner of dimensions, Wehive becal, a+ b+ Solving thes equations, So M=v *HEy and -a~26~20=0 = Oand 48, Volume of eyinder V = zr41 Pocenngeemeinvtne $Y c00=28° 1004! t00 u 3 -(vt8tto she asap 36 Mel. Yap meson pemissible ere in Hasan A A 280 og area) sod. 9en0 a1, ix 100 134449% 16% 21, 3.0%10*—LIx19% =3.6x10-0017 «10+ =(3.0-0.017)10% =(20-00)<10" =30%10+ 22, A=[b=4,576%1.243 = 5.688m" (king only fou sgiia ges) V=lbt=4516x1263x0.0122 =6.94x107'm’ (taking only three significant figures) 2 () Cieunfezeoftbe Fath = 2aR =23.14%6.37 x10" (b) Surface area of the Barth fat <413.45 (637210) 9? 510.08! 00.10¢km 42) x34 ; (ounce ($4) 224. Goria = 1.0810" km? 1.@) Couple rx angle d0= aw Ho? = kin coey and F= AW 24(0) Unit of surface sions Na Also Jn? = Nima? = Nav", 3.(@) Here (2c A) as well as (2eu/A)are dimensionless Sounitof tis same as that of J. Unit of ris same as that of A. Also bese Inthe option (8), isuniss, This is notthe case with lA 4.(@) Here Ktis dimensionless. Hence (= (/] Unit of & = see"! = hertz. 5. (0), Here unit of y and A will be same end that of x and 2 wil an att . Ect x) isdimensinless. Here and = be sume, F(er~2) is dimensiones. He Fae imeosioness, Unit of ctis same as that of Lor x 6) Unit of a= unit of ? x unit of 22 cent a dynecen! cat SMe Angular momentom, J = mir M1-(ra=(Mer ‘This is same as that of Planck's constant, 2.(2) Latent beat, L= Pt. Gravitational potential, v =O%done, tangentialsuess _T_F/A Shearingstrain 9 x/L che 10. (@) n= tn =(ME"T} Le oe of inertia) = [ML"] [Moment of force] = [MET] 12. (@) (al=(Pv") oe (Mer) 3. b=) Units, Dimensions and Meosurement _ 440) ng to gi:ss aquatics, Py : 1 —Pb—Mh = 69) Accudingtn gis: ques, PY: PbS = RT As dimensions of al the terms on LHS must be equal dimension of tem RT on RES, hence a¥ doesnot have the same dimensional formula as that of RT. ‘ 18.(@) 16.(@) weni-reni-| f v|-werss So dimensional formula of RT's same as that of energy. 17.(9 Indeed em. ele @ tel 8/9) META TAT) yer Waa aa ary 18.6) AsQ=nb (o1_twe'r") (= = (err) weer) 19, (@) Allie foarhave same dimensions ie, [MET*K"}. 20.) vear te ur} ur} nm Dimensions of ¢=| dimensions only). Lo LT UTI) 24.0) Conic of icon sadness qty. 22.6) lew (ar 4) is Simca bese isan agen af vigmomee anon, 23.0) Ifastanty depends upon wore than theft, ech sae teeth weed of dena aly tie been apg proc of fomogneiy il give onl ire eqn. veiyoftighinvacou “osigafighinmediam ‘is foals dmensonl cone bth the ie reals Namely ts xs eq race sede ah sD Hees euaton spunea nome fa ULT*} = (7) (we can add quantities of same 24.(@) Theformulacan be written as. 25.(€) The correct relation for time perio of simpie pendulum is = 2g)" So, the given relation s numerically incorect asthe factor of 2zis missing, But itis coneet dimensionally. _velocity of lightin vaccum 26.(@) AS W= © As He octyoflightiamedium hence jis dimensionless. Thus each term on the RHS of given equation should be dimensionless. Wie, em? ie, eee, 2.48) vaetaai-|Eal a | | amr’ 28, (¢) Random errors are reduced by making large number of ‘observations and taking mean of al the resus 1.(@ Ligeia ich tres in nee 2:(b) Beeanse mgnitue is abeclute. 3.(@) Wat = Joulelseoond = Ampere x vol 40 smpere? x Obm 5.(0) =Nm kg? 6.00) Ke-mlecis the unit offinear momentum 7.(@) ef musthave dimension of L = € musthave dimensions of LIT? ie. LT 8.(a) Volume of cube = a? Surface area of ede = 6a" ‘Acconding to problem a = 6a" = a =6 Vea =216 units 9.0) 2) see, 10, (a). Quantities of similar dimensions can be added or subtracted sounit of a will be same as that of velocity. 1 2@) BO [d-0F 13 (b)=[e/ =k 14. (@) Impulse = Force x time = (kgmis?}L = MET ter) u (METAUL) ips aay LT?) 1y=9.46.10" mete (G1 weer) a) i 2849 sry & ~ %.(@) Power= Work dont [MET] an stot Mr) 25, (@) Couple = Focex Arm length =(MLT™ [L}=[ML27"% 26,(b) Angular momentom = mvr = (MLT™ [E}= (M277) 1.(@) f= Cn'P, Writing dimensions on both sides: Beer} =(My iM eTsy weer }=trr) Comparing dinensions on both sides, we have 0 =x + y and=1=-2y spring is 2@ A B m Tinear density MZ" Be (MET?) Latent heat = Best energy AED erry Thus 2 has same dimensions as tht of latent heat 3.0) ise is the expression for elecrostatic energy density ie, the energy stored per unit volume ina parallel plate capacitor. leg nergy MET? oy pir 2 Leg ropeets = Bey | MET? yy ae Volume v a Alte, gL Ae ond 2aF aa PF q 2 400 xewLT* . a Kxine x +(x Rr) + Beton =(or+ by percent =330 Rk _ 50x 5.(0) Inparaliel, p, =—%! Reeeea R+R, 504100 15 Aso, Re 5199 = 48 10042100 RR rR AC 100 Rak = Pyr004 4 100422 x100=7% 50g Ts Ry =33047% Afoa ,aoon 01) 1 2|3.0" 1.000" 25)"2 (0.03 + 0,001 +.0.04] = 0.036 Percentage error in the measurerent = 0,036°x 100=3.6 7. (0) Tlere ‘a’ has the saue dimeasions us 3.0) axb=02T} 9-0) h=(M ET), aM" ET), C=[LT © GTC aM Lr Mey ee =M DT" =Mass 10. (b) Percentage error in volume 89 1004 2H 1004 22 100 Isa" "ois "528 =0.07 +0.10+0.19 =036 1. Reve desig 9B a Units, Dimensions and Measurer. BOW WD 60 + 2.05005 109 = 5.26 % 12.) Darn) 2 pt 2e) = Der} wo SFB Dimensional formula of moment of inert (a1) kg, My= 10.8 m,[,=5em,T,=15,7; oo) GS) ero it) (4 10g) Sem xl 12 x 100 40 14, (@) Let year par =(ery et Ley METS ar atb+e=-l,a~2b~ On solving, we it a=-4, b= 2nd 15.) Let Pera ‘Woitng dimensions on both sides. Ge eT= (0 T MOY eT TY (ae ere neem coer 2-34 2¢=0, 16.0 ay 11.) X= ? AX sop! 82 1004244 100 4346100 x @ 6 e Laiena43n2- 125% 18.0) Rat nS=2ohm R=Q411.25%). 9, (a) Here v= pra 2p. 0, (0). By subsiuting the dimension of given quantities (Mer? (Mr PTY = ML? ‘By comparing the power of M, I, Tin bth sides 2xn3y-2=0 The only valves of x,y,2 satisfying (), (i) and (i), comesponds to). Lev AF > Em byt arr Putting the dimensions inthe above elation (wer y= Kory erp) 3 MEP herr rty Comparing the powers of ML. and T zl Ci) xtyer=2 ti) 2-292: ‘On solving (), (i) ana (it) x-3,y: So dimension of in tenns ofv,A and ii) (W=[V47] 32) Ta=2aJllg aT = 40g =: imm To0em Here % error in| = 200 2% err in g=% error in 1+ 2(% eer in 7) 142x005 =02% (13.840.2) m and 1= (4.0033) seo Expressing it in percentage error, we have, and ® error in 7: 100 = 0.05% 3.0) 02 2138222 «10m 414% G 138 ot tne! siomesese 5 18414 1 4475 Physics 4 34.0) yada 3 2 Semorin volume =3x% enor inating, 3x01 33 35. a=s ch ld So maximum error in ais given by 100 (22am) anes 0 +. 10048. x10 (0b, + Bo, +7, +5e)% 36.(a). Weight in sir = (5,000.05). ‘Weight in water—(7,00:40.05)N Loss of weight in water =(1,0040.1)N sty = —_eightinair ow relative density =—Weistinsit_ Now la des = resin wee 5.004 0.05, 10001 + Now relative density with max permissible exut an, (aot, a) (295.21) 109 -soxati0ys 1.00 (8 1.00) oe =50311% 37.13) Volume ofeytinder V= ar ‘Percentage error in volume 001, sop 24 (2x22 10044109) -asae ( 2.0 ear} b ) es ,4Mgl 7 so maximum permisible error in Lata raebal) (eh tet 2) 100 = 0.065% 100= 6.5% 3.0) H=PRe =Ox3444 696 = 16%” 40.(@) Kinetic energy Edm? a0 Units, Dimensions and Measurement error in 1+ 2(% enrrin 7) =01+2x0.05=02% + Emorin KE. = & error inmass + 2x % error in velocity 41x3=8% 43.(b). Number of significant figures are 3, because 10° is decimal smalkplier. 4 44.0) 2 ved ®) vVepe 2 Bemoris volume =3%% error in radius = 3X1 =3% Leven 2 even 45, (@). Mean time period T'= 2.00 see and Mean absolute ero ‘Toexpress maximum estimate of ero, the tine period should ‘be written as (2.00:40.05) seo 46.10) eee 02 = 221004" 138 13 109 = 144 +75 = 8.94% 41.60) 0s 0 + Decimal equivalent up to 3 significant figures is 0.0500 48. (a) Since percentage increse in length = 2% Hence, percentage increase in area of square she 22x2% =4% 49. (€) Since for 50,14 em, significant number = 4 and for 0.00025, significant numbers = 2 (x10) =o RY 5 100 100 +52 «100 2542) = 7% ean 5 Now 147; 1=2.63-2.62= 0.01 51. (b) Averagevalue =. =2.62se0 1asT, 1-2.62-2.56= 0.06 17, 1=2.62-2.42= 0.20 aT, 1=2.71-2.62= 0.09 AT, 1=2.80-2.62= 0.18 ‘Mean absolute error LAT +1AT, 1+ 107, 17 141871 h ni | 5 254 -o.108=0.11s66 5 52. (€). Quanfty Chas maximum power Soit brings maximum error inP. '53.(€) Given, L=2.331.0m = 2.33 (comectuptotwo decimal places) L+B=233+210=443 em =44em Since minimum significant figure is 2 ‘54. (@) The number of significant figures in af the given number is4, 55. (a). Percentage error i 156, (@) Percentage exorin A aanrbprcy we i H {g)- [gAl=(ME'T"] = ={MLT“] (given) it So, fg isthe energy cae Ths A shold be 8.@ Tap ee (r)=(Mcr pe tM Equatng the exponent, a+b +e=0 na~3b+2e amd 2a~2e=1 By solving a= £9, (0) LetM be the quantity M=KVPT" mf om wen Siete toe a. (galled. weer (er : and (4) =(Mir?r") 1 ae “weer \ary 62.(9 Itisclearthat(1-P]= MP Hence, (k= ML 7? ‘Actually kis the coeicient of restitution, 63.0) 64. (@) 6.@) 6.19) ver Giver Mat 222% 10-2 Basi A tar T =2x 10% 42%3x 10-2 =3%=3x10" =2%=2x107 a) y A z a U7 10-2 +2%3x10-243x2% 10-2 =13x10? =136 123 +001) em 4=(89200)em At =(D~dy2= (4.23 + 0.01) (3.89 + 0.01) 23-388) (001 + 001) = (0.34 + 0.02V2 cm= (0.17 + 0,01) cm (2420.5)2 0.3) re=n$n=(2208)0 Percentage errorin g is $8 100M 1004 288 100 =144=5% M R Percentage erin kinetic energy is Fai 2 10022 09 = fee 3.0) vy=221x03=0663=07 + The numberof significant digits 1. 4.) 2=072+08+3.87-1.089=07+08+3.9-1.1=43" ‘Thus, the numberof significant digits 2. $.@) The volume of wire = ar'l=3.14x (046) «2.17 om? = 14418 cm? 214m? ‘Thus, numberof significant digs in'14 cm is 2. 6.04) 8is greater than 5, 2 3.8760 1.0) V65-632 =V65-63 = VO =0.447214=04 ‘Thus, numberof significant digit in 0.481 8.(8) The unit of Planck’s constant is joule second or ken? per 4 9.(@) The unt of LHS is kg. The unit of RHS should be kg, rere) BY toler “0 2 6trs! a > xs6 so. fe]=[ucr] > ver) (eb) = eer eKry eo Frese = [ocr] [evr]pry'r*]-[vr3] ine dimensional formuluof pressure, the dimension = (MN ELY (MTP ae) S0\-22=1 Al) sii) and, ¥+2Z-NZ=0 5 rom ) and Units, Dimensions ond Measurement 12.0) Be 4.Q) 15.) 16.(2) 1.) So Toe(aass)(amp)™"(A) Given 7 amp)” (2.1) eines i=l Gar-2") =10 at | ar—#) should be dimensionless, 80 x= 0. By using dimensional analysis Mit? = (ry Ul = MET? 3212-2, yadoxtytrale2t2=5 [Gensity}=[ML*] wiih] ano ez vere =pl-[r2] = [r-[ecry uy] By comparing powers of M, Land 7 xa ysOre-dyehe {9 sige) Uh (or ef eT wer epeery (Mp = ba parey-t0 2 atb4+2e=2 Eneigy «om‘a’f* (weer) =(My rye lex J ayy (a (2) #2005) Ly eon M8)(m8) (18 -os( 2) ( -on0(!Jao=4 | 18. (4) Let new wits of ent, mass and ime be Ly Mand T then 764276 : > bel0m 10M =100 ke M=108g 3607 =10s = Tals 4N=nF whee Fisuitof fore in new ye. n-th _ OkgiOm(05)" 19.(19) “he unit of Young's modulus is Nin?. This suggests that it has dimensions of Fore (Gisace) ME = MET? Nit isn Sits So, 1 Nim? =(1ks)(1m)" (1s) and Liyneen? = (18) (Len) ()° cae) ss [7] =1000x «1210 100 or Nin? =10dynelem* or 19x10"Nim? =19x10""éynelem™. 20. (2) 1400 Sim? ~see='n eae” min Prieto} = 21.0) a+y=Oand-2y=-1 Energy = M'DT? Now, according to question » wel ait! 22.0) agate? | 1 | | ver === MT? > LT eee > Waue of x42942042-2:30 oe 10 lo 10 a 10 se a a 9x10" 100 25.4) [ucr*)=c[uy [acre] On solving y=1and.x=3 26, (400) [overgy]= Marr “ 1 =10x10x2x16 4 a,=400 1.(8) From dimensional analysis, y A" PY 2 LT (MTA yer atb-0 3 mls Tnnew system Bu se}eem? 1000 (see)? 4 Now £531 uit energy in new system 101-1 sit 25una Molle Cnet Maweie Hype LG,0,a) Mean value= [SIHS3+1S3615241.54 | $ Absolut enor (153-151 000), 153 (1.53-153=0.00, (153-153 =0.00), (1.53~ 1520.01) and (154-153 = 0.01) “Mean absolote enor = 202-+000+0.00+0.01+0.01 So, choice (a) is correc. 01 lative eror = 2° 0,09653 0.01 Reltve enor = P= 0.0685 = 04 Senor = 991 .109=1% 2 bo) yf Unitof x= = unit of velo of Finite velocity Because B= vB oft unit of RC Unitof2= 3.(a,b, c,d) Velocity =lengibhine, ace = engine)? 4. (a,b, ¢,d) Pl=[29 tater] Itis dimension of acceleration. (amb ty += Dimensions of distance. (D) = [1] + =Dimension of time, Units, Dimensions and Measurement _ [C)={0)=Dimensions of distance. 5.@b,6a) (el=[4)-18] and (or}=[o] = lel 6. (b, Gd) phtl=t-[2] > tone} nae Ve 4 aR 3 2 ropes too #38 yes A=4a8 8.00, d) : or MoE s100 vere aR or 9% =3% x10 R (abe) Las. [EF err) (J (Mery (LP Mc" ‘According to homogeneity principle, -2ebta=3 10.0.) Dinas [2 | dimen ot | PB. 28, Sinesons t= dmesios of ‘Dimensions of 4 =[M°LT*] 5abaision Type 1.(b) Aelb 244457 mt = 4.45 Ces ena ae spicar g 220) Forze boner of maguinde 05 < 1 55 soul te ‘satisfied, 10" 3.(b) To find say difference between 20.17 ~ 20.15 we ge, 0.02 Ge one significant figure only) 4.(a) Given X=¥Fe™ +2Wsin(or) Now IfDim(H) ‘So Dim(X) = [LMLT™) = [ML?T™ from Eq. (@) a cen (X) _[ MET? O74 we) er Ts vie 2) Et eure ear 1) then DOO =(4T~ MEI = (ML?) 5.(@) 6.00) 1. (8) The dimension of resistance or (1° MET") where selec eurent o= where Qs electric charge. {al=Ur) > N=[0F"} Dimensions of resistance are (Q"ML'T"} m= mh or MOM LT "N= 0, (OM, BT) ~(eTeLIET ee aT lod] Lam, ae] =[ew ce] 8.00) ard i nt of apctaneof apc ts dimensions we [Pure] [ower] ayer or 11} G3 7P1= 02 mG 73) RTT dslealiaiag vee JEE (Main) Single Correct Answer Type 2 x 1.) = isa dimensionless quantiy air * 21 2 oe er Now, (7) =[a](6P aartrt 2. (a) Time period ofa simple pendulum, reasfe fe 4nt [mer] Er] baa [mer] Capac [rer] Tadcace Two] Rainy (were?) Hence, () > (0.4) (), (i) +). Go) > 0, WOW) 90) 20) @ frases Thus, Gv) >) ) @ Pressure amplitude in pressure wave = Ak (Ak Pressure =F2E = Nn? ‘Area Gi) Intensity of wave =} pxtate = POM Wg? 2 Area 3. ©) h[eT]= Mr? x= Mer [e]= Mir fe ers n-|S) Mer LT = MIT 14 “Sneqhe 7} = =F? c= EX 5. (b) kT has dimension of energy pe & is dimension - less (ae) =(aa27}) (tr?) 2 has dimension of work (oP ya) = [MT (@l-pLT") 8 (@) Given, stale] r ed ed ap)_te—| —Emerey. (29) 2] (4) dimensionless 9. @) met moe {PP(LT PME ee a c=1b=-2a=-1 = oir (ory) a $.39 =r) I. @ g=ch oie aire w[E | MOT ar w= pre) 1 peer aur dy _ 2a 4dr xe 3 Ad 1) ee ES 18-19 +40547+26) ed By chesking fom options 3 at isieane?) 1B. @) EeMET? er yarrT?) _ ayers MET) 14. (8) (8) Magnetic induction = MI? A (@) Magnetic fox = MI? 4" (©) Magnetic permeability = MLT? 47 (@)Magetiaton= MAE" A 15, (9 Timeperod, raanft AT ial yolwmetre volt ‘uperehnet Ampere 17. © fw)=1as y= on £,, 16, (&) Unit of 2 is (Unit of & is ohm power factor (cs g]}=1 sa Maton Net cnnee ()= (0747) aly ator @) = So, Q isunitlssand dimensionless. 18, (b) Density (FET) (Me) =(Merr rr] La (aera a=l; atb=3; 2ate=0 I+b=3; e=2a. 19. (a) Stunit of Rydberg constant =! ‘STunit of Plank’s constant = sz 7:?51 Stnit of Magnetic fide ‘SI unit of Coefficient of viscosity = kg m7 s7" Ow se = Volumetric: © tpg= Head 2. () Torque ¢—» nar? Inpulse f= Mar? Tension force =9MLT? Surface tension = Mr? 2 0) [M)=xUeT (TT OF }-ater pry an Lb sy rte (Poisuile's law) ~i) Physles Also MAR Mi Ah Ake aR Re Bh 08. 416 AR, =030 Ry= 240390 i6 Numerical Value Type 1 Mens rat 7 SB r00=4 x100+ 4! 100 R 7 v %enor in R=? 100+ 22100 307129 Senrin R=4+1% Senora R= 5% 2. G4) Vevolume =45. 3 weu( $a ae v4 Percentage error in volume: 3dr sow 3X085 =X 100 = 28 09 234% r 5 3. GD ‘Time period of simple pendulum T=: ae ae or FRE A eneaesai0% TT Energy of oscillation B=. fmt (fe JEE (Apvanceo) Single Correct Answer Type 1.(@) 16MsD =0 sD = 1VSD=4/5MSD LC=1MSD-1 VSD aan a, x{t-fso-(-$}ima-cen 2.(@) Leasteount = 9° = ¢0" mm Diameter of ball D=2.5 mm-+ (200.01) =27 mm 3.0) at _05/100mm ue to measuemest, Bao 1 025mm 05 2% op _ 05/100 DSmm~ 025 So eror in y de to I measurement = er in y due to 4 measurement 4.(b). Main scale division () = 005 om vrctow dame (8) 9 ‘Vernier seal division (9) == = 0.049 ener scale division (9)= F355 Least count = 0.05 - 0.049 = 0.00% em Diameter: 5.10 +24 .001 = 5.124 em tnsing: 8.@ " Also (Ada =4 cot 89 A 20088 A eo 39 = 2288 2nd sao? 6) Rae [ovs0-9D=P aa 21 mm—09 mm =0.1 mm SR + (VSR)(LC) am + (1) (01) 8.7 mm =287 em For Vener Ce: the Vernier Cis abnormal. So we have to find the reading from basis. “The point where both ofthe marks re matching: Distance measured from mai scale from Vemier sale 28 mm + (Umm) (8) =28 nm +) + (1 mi) 7) Solving x=03 mm So rating of C= 28 mm +03 mm =283¢m 7.(@) Total time taken, 7 = fet £ ne ce measured ‘Now, for an err Sin L, we have an ervor 57 in. Pacsran) , +60) BL) Lf, , ol UAB) Hot) Since, 5T/T is very small, hence 6LiZ. is also small. So taking binomial approximation, we get BE(,,18L), 1(,, 54 ne ee ie OO So, T+8r= -(ikes) ‘We are given: 10 VSD=9 MSD Tkemeans,LVSD=75 ZMSD Least count= 1 aoe lvsD =0.1 «0.1 m= 04 In F* figure, the ‘0" of VS. li before ‘0" of M.S. Zero error=-{10-6] LC. 0.01 em=-0.04 em. rom I" figure, Reading 3.1 om*1xLC =34om+1% 001 om=3.11 om “Tre diameter = Reading ~ Zero exror =3.11-(-0.04) em = 3.15 em Multiple Correct Answers Type 1.@0) 24 $42 26a) For (od) = (hte (GY (a) = (Lr PUT PLT te Pry (= np peepee On solving (), i) and (ii), we get aod ¢=3 = Mle 1 ere Similarly for 2), p-r=0 2p¥qe3r=1 pq Bad (On solving (in), (¥) an (vi), we get 13 1 7 reheated os eli =e Weve 30 Meare = (4) fleur fal= Beier Wl = ML? A) Option (a) bof l= LT (a= [at ‘Option (b} ca) Lay} Option (c) w=) leeM=1A) Option (4) Wyeth = BLT? Ay (eM = ("Tay aaa (a) and (¢) are correct. (era) wer a} 4.0, Sint B= 3 Kgl = dim(Rg0) =dintEoeey) = MET? [mF _ [rxmar* ekg Ver? *T » Oxa_ pare FP MI*xE [roan — faa (ke) Mere [revo far P xt ° p L Energy ME 5.(a, bd) ‘SNe. | 2 056 0.00) @ 057 001 @ 054 0.02, @ 059 0.03 (Den = 002 Rede Ror 14 0-10 SB =2857%) +21 x100% d&g Bay g 6.(a,b,a) (a¢]=[Mass]=[24°2r*] [/}=[Angutar momenta] = [1227-"] (2]=[Length] Now apices [a7] [er] []-f1 Poves (e)=[aar>-tr] =[aa2r>) =[2r4] P(e] Units, Dimensions and Measurement Fac (7 mar} -[or‘}-[2"1 Linear momentum [p]=[.M.7™']=[1.7] tol-(2'] 7.(ab) Given (postion) = Z = 2" (pent) LT =? {ecceleration] {L7™*] =x? [lines momentum] = MET"! = x* [force] = MET? =x" Opa @7. a avs From (il) a+p=28 x Few From (v) Mea"? From(y) = tax’ = atr-g=B Replacing the value of ain Eq, (vi) fom (8) 2B-ptr-q=B = ptqn Replacing vale of‘ in Eq vi) from (A) Rd) ‘Dimension of electri fieid (2), (£1 Dimensions of magnetic field (5), [8]= MAT? i oy £8 MALT YMA) ops | aa mer Linked Comprehension Type 1.(@ Wehave £ c (3) (a : L 2.(@) Weave C: Ines se 3 lal ere? we prt=—t (uyited Dimensions of magnetic permeability (up); =MA°T*L LE) ceye't' > (2)=(SIL1CT) _ oe Matrix Match Type L(g pokqotraks93 P. wecderon-E =merK 4} \ 9. Feo fi) = (MET |= mL 1 = wary a) BW ET -ehetMeT) am «EAGT MET") HEHE fi) he CE 6) Kear Ky Numerical Value Type 1.@ a=eSf° 0) (i) (#9) 3 (rex ©) 24) Fl inE=2lnA-at 2B yy9p224 x100-a A100 -@ E on Fortime: “xtop=15 : 15x5_75 auras, de 1S tr 100-100 ‘Using Eq. @) 15 error in E=2x(125)+ax—x100 =25 + 15=4 G enor in E=2x(1.25)+ax75° x100 3.0.30) Equivanent capacity incase of series connection of the peaieelieel CG capecitores, —=—+ = =o Ca GG 8 C+, CiCy__ 20003000 C_ = = OO =1200 CC, 200043000 ve aC, Aigo, Ma AGA a a G | = Mo (% “3 . Cy ae, AC, » tej spuamesa0" Coq ((2000)" (3000)? "” Energy stored in his combination of ca acitors ya Al = Me sx1034 U Hence % enor= 1.3, ‘Concept Application Exercise 1 1. The separation between successive metro trains is 30 kmh") x10 min » If defect in ml are preset, then time interval 1 _ 90 kmh x10 min —— S0kmh* S0kmh =16min If distance between his house and office is 5 (Gor 1" event) i) a ne o and 24 e (for 2% event) i) 6, (On solving Eqs. (i) and (i), we get s=0.6km ‘Total time =2+242424241 2115 Fisttip Second tip ts ey ts 1s eon ge gomie onan j- FARE Lastacton sis 8 a on on Sm Touadistance “Fotalelapsedtime . Average speed = <)> =. L att no Ho 5. As locity of Basvad, v= 457 os ty Letthe rate of decreasing. a=2-bt a or or v=ai{-cost],=-2,[s#-I] S46 ‘Thus, the distance of car from check post is (400 37)m 2 The braking retardation will remain seme and assumed to be ‘constant, et it be a From third equation of motion, ;*=12 +-2as fi cont, 02(e3) toe sg = OXS118) ee Cxctt 0 (10%) rans, ‘Thus, particle is moving on elliptical path is 9. Here, v,=by andy, = 4, = 0205/18) 2a IW VE an 2 | s=4,=4x20=80m 3, The distance traveled bythe hea light uf engine in 60 is ale or a+ Lat =0x60+4x0.08%(60 2 2 Rm ‘ 1 ‘The distance travelled by tail light ofthe train in 120 s is oe favetnfee Fa =Ox120+7 x004x 120) or ashy Thus the distance between thse two evens : = 200+72-288)m=16 or xn bf) ot 4 23) "34 4. Tot ime taken by amlk drop to come to growod is Hence, the trajectory i parabolic 10, lallvicoss or a =acosd a vSeveat wey aeaiient ; tied ds= a) (dsl +ayjy ity) oF ‘Th separation between fourth and second drop is naiy= Dey (© a=2ms*) 4 2a -Laioxtx or 80 _ 189-80 _ 100 ar) 5, Atr= 105, the height of balloon is h=vge Height of second drop =20. © Concept Applicaiion Exercise’? 1. Here, u=54x or ‘After 50s, car pemnanently comés i rest, uty), (1540) ( s ‘; (222 )xso-s15m 5xi0=50m ‘The initial velocity of bal is equal tthe velocity of balloon. oH Motion in One Dimension a es a asa Forbell, — “esg ve sgn 4, = 2-2)! fp ott : 4 Pig ae or v= S*-+2(-10{-50) =25+1000=1025 ese ' Cae 9. (@) Interval of ball thown=2 sc. 6, Letatt= 1 sheticopter is at height hy If we want that minimom three (more than two) balls remain Ef in sirthen tim of igh of it all mst be greater than 4s. { j T>4s ‘where ais aceleration of eicopter. The velocity of helicret eyes | y=at=ax =a ' “When balls reeased at ¢=1 5 ts velocity vp =a foeu=19.6, Fistal wil juss the ground Ga sky); { ap-p-lyant Second tell wil be at highest point (in ky); eee “Third ball wl be at point of projctoa or at ground (aotin \ ; so). . | or ~~ 20=2xa-20 10, (¢) Acceleration of body along AB is go0s0 an8ms* Distance traveled nti 15 = AB= (e080) | reals, Ab aRonoaRsio=! arena 1 ‘The velocity ofhelicopter at ¢= 5 sis 8x5=40 mst = ‘After = 5 5 the motion of helicopter is under gravity atthe time taken by helicopter to come ct ground - ‘ . | n= 7 2. Slope of paphis “= “ual ime tight of tcgeris T= + ame oat anv eat B=sa* | 1.0) Lip cshedgr® cureget oheoem ‘Thus, magnitude of sczleration is !al=3 ms Aer F secon he positon otal L 1 8.60 heats het o1=0x4 +80 > @ 3 3 ‘Velocity after travelling 1 m distance ‘ Pau +2ghav =(0) +2gx1>> For second I meter distance axe thatt oat) +at,-2=0 fig firvte “fis? 2% We . i= s Distance travelled = area of speed-ime graph 2 10845) + 510% = 4045245 m ep = Totaldistane 45 _ 15 ‘oialtime 6 2 : 5. ABCis the velocity-time graph forthe passenger tran and ODE that of the local train, 6.(0) For upward motion festive acceleation =~(g +a) ‘an for downward motion Effective acceleation =(g~a) be constant. Aisplacemeat-tine graph. So negative. — = a increasing at constant rate (Constant) => a= kt (by integration) 3 dv= kde ‘Butboth are constants, Sothe slope of speedtime graph will, 7-(2) We know that te velocity of body is given by the slope of is clear that intially slope of the graph is pstive and after some time it becomes zer0 (corespondingtsthe pak of graph) and then will become 8.(Q From given a-t graph it is clear that acceleration is __Physios = fwetfits ive. vis dependent on time puabolially and parabola is symmettic about waxis. ‘And suddenly acceleration becomes zero, i. velocity becomes constant. Hence (c) is most probable graph. 9.(a) Since total displacement is zer, hence average velocity is also zer0. 10, (€) From acceleration and time graph aceleratonis constant for first part of motion so, forth pat velocity of body increases ‘mniformly with time and as a =0 then the velocity becomes ‘constant. Then agin increased because of constant acceleration. agers bage S44045=0420-0F #=100 =10s . 2 Inte frame of iver, the Bot emsn stationary te spec of swimmer wth especies “hus the ine ae by sme et theft postions 4a242=4h Tathisime the float moves km nthe fame of aun 4 The ver fow veioity=veloiy of ft inthe fame of 15 4 = Begs bt 4 5 1 3. =90x2=25 me 18K 4,254x5 =15 ms peony) ‘Let minimom deceleration ofA = a. The acceleration of B at instant ris a, of polices v= tan53° = ms" ainda] Cupht t= 4s oe Police gm 20 om xysxytyyt 220-1218 yfyf =10+2x2=14 + Separaion =1x,=%y1=114—181=4m. 6 Velocity of ist swimmer inthe freme of grounds H1=3ms “The velocity of second swimmer in the frame of ground is -1=Sms* +, Time of covering distance between them is «Distance travelled by butterf =10x125=125 m Initial postion of buses A and B and car C are as show inthe figure Let A and B cross each other at D. |-15= Sms x a) 35 = (By +1400BC-612500=0 1400 y(t400y +4x612500 2 S.A? be Negensing negative vile, BC= 350m ‘AC =500 ~350 = 150m rime, 1-25-35 10s 3535 & oy veutat = Beorexta 3 125 125 a i = 15 Bae 3x2 36 “The distance travelled by horse in 12s is «Tota time taken by cars 2. The peed of car = nes 4. (@) Sines the distance between the two stations is quite lage a8 compared o the sie ofthe railway carriage, thecatiage can betaken to be a point object. () The distance covered by the cyclist is much more than the siae ofthe monkey. Hence, the monkey can be taken as 8 point object. {) Thesizeof he bllis appreciable as compared tothe distance through which ittwms sharply on iting the ground. Hene®, the ball cannot be considered a a point objet. (@) The sizeof the beaker cannot be neglected in comparison tothe height trough which it falls and as such t cannot be taken a a point object. 42.(@) is clear from the graph that 0Q> OP, so. lives closer to the schoct than B. () The position-time (+) graph ofA stats from the origin, so =0,1=0 forA while the (4) graph of B stats from ‘which shows that B starts lier than A aftr a time interval (0. So A starts for school (0 eae than B. (c) The speed is represented by the slope or steepness of the (1) graph. More steeper, the graph, more willbe the speed, so fester willbe the child having steeper grep. AS the (x) graph of Bis steeper than the (s-) graph ofA, s0 we conclude that B walks faster than A. (©) Corresponding to P and Q, the value of rom (x) graphs {or A and B is same i.e. OE. So both A and B reach home a the same time. (8) As the (4) graphs for A and B intersect each othe at one point je. D and B starts from school ater, so B overtakes A ‘onthe road only once 1 Since the woman starts from her home at 9.00 am, when 1=9,00am, x=0. Time taken by the woman to reach the office while walking ‘Thus, when ¢=930 am, Farther, the woman stays atthe office up to 5 pm. ‘Thus, when ¢= 5 pm, x= 25 km, Now time taken by her to returs home by an auto with a speed of 25 km/h Obviously, the moiou ofthe woman s represented by the grap shown in figue, x(n) 901 42.3 4 5505 SEES EESFEE Isclear from thes graph, thatthe time taken by the drunkard to fall nthe pit 13 m away ftom the stat = 37s. Otherwise itis clear that| x=Sm+(-3m)+Sm+(3m) +5m4(3m)+5m+(-3m)+5 m=13 0. § 18 positive for forward direction and negative for tke ( bockward direction). Obviously, the number of steps involved = 4 (5 = 3) +5.= 37 and he dine required for37 steps is 37s, Alter. Displacement ofthe dnkard in fist steps =Sm-3m=2m ‘Tine required totuke 8 steps =8 Physics displacement 2m 1 time 854 ‘Neglecting the last 5 steps of 5 m which would be taken only inthe forward dcetion (sth oud andthe dank nto the pit). Total displacement of the druakard before falling in the Pit=13m-Sm=8m ‘Time required to cover 8m =! Average veloc! ~ isplicement__8m__ time” (/4)mis Also, time required to cover last 5 ste ‘Thus, total time required =32 845 =37 8 5. Let viv, and vy be the velocities of jet ejected gases ie ‘combistion products and observer onthe ground respectively Let ete moving towards right (+¥e direction). + Ejected gases will move towards left (-ve direction), ‘According tothe statement y, = 500 km" ‘Asobserver is at ground i, atest i) et plane Relative Velocity ofthe combustion products 1500 kab (given) Ci) ve sign indicates that the combustion products move in a iretion opposite to that of jet. = Adding Eqs. () and (i), we got the speed of combustion products wat. cbserver on the ground ie, (-)+(4-m) 1000 kmh” ‘ve sng shown tht relative velocity ofthe ejected gases wir observer is towards left ic.-ve directed ice. in a direction ‘opposite to the motion ofthe jet plane. With usual notation, we are given tht Y= 126 kes = 126 x (S18) m/s =35 as, v=0,8=200 m Leta be the acceleration ofthe car and be the ime requited to stop it . For the tain A, aaaenniae Distance covered in 505, i, For the train B, Initial velocity a=ims. If sy be the distance covered in 50, La aha ia or 0Ror PQ Ax From (i), we get Instantaneous speed = Lt, Average speed = =i) eee “A dt Hence, instantaneous speed isalwaysequa tothe magnitude ofthe instantaneous velocity. (@) A particle cannot have two different positions (x, and x) at the same time (indicated by te graph (2). (©) According to ths graph, a parce has two velocities (4vand ~y) atthe same time (@) which s impossible. (©) Speedis always postive and never negative and as such the ‘graph (is imposible, (® With the passage of time, the total path length never decreases ence al the four gph are imposible and do ntrepresest ‘one dimensional motion of a panicle Fort<0, the particle is tres sx does not change wa tne. Fort> 0, increases with time, Such graph in fact represents the motion ofa particle dropped from a tower (r= 0), when 1 = 0. The trajectory (eg. parboic att) of a particle in ‘motion i represented by its velcity-time (v4) graph and not by the postion time (x) graph. ‘Were given tat sped ofthe police van, 535 10 kwh =30% => ns sox pms ‘Speed ofthe bullet, b= 150 mls ‘Thus, effective speed of the bullet, Iv (sso) (32) 3 3 ‘Speed ofthe ties car, ally! = 192 kmh a sax) (2 mis ws Since the bullet an the thie's car are moving in the sane drton, rave speed between the tlle andthe cx, is with this peed thatthe bullet hits the thiet’s ea 19. (a) The (graph shown that intially xis equal to 0 attains ss ceusia vate Of 3, again x bovumes Zotd aus veh increases in opposite direction tll it again attains a constant x(.¢.comesto rest). Therefore, it may represent 8 physical situation kicked, rebounds from the wall with reduced speed and then moves to the opposite wall and then stops. (0) From the (v4) graph, it follows thatthe velocity changes sign again and again wit the passage of time and every ime losing some speed. Therefore, it may represent a physical situation soch as ball illing freely after being thrown Op), on striking the ground rebounds with reduced speed after cach it against the ground. (©) The (4) praph shows thatthe body gets acceleration fora short duration only. Therefore, it mey representa physical situation such 5 aball moving with uniform speed iit with ‘bat fora very small ime interval 20,, This graph represents the SHM where acceleration (a) has a sign opposite to that of displacement. (@)Att=035,x<0,7<0,a>0(e v=) ()Att=125,7>0,0>0,a<0 (a5 ¥=x) (AtI=-125,1<0,v>0,0>0 (es y=-aht= aft 10,496) ‘These ideas will become very clear when we shall come to know that the given x graph represents an SHM for which xe-Asin ar, @A cos rand a= oA sin of 2n (©) Whenr=03s, ot" x03-2E x03 =54" ‘We know that sin 54” is positive, cos 54 is also positive “Thus, xis negative, vis negative and as positive. () Whenr=i.2s, of 16° We know that sin 21 negative, Clearly, xis positive, vis positive and ais negative. (©) When t=-12, ar =-216° “Asin ox =-A sin (216°) 4 cos ct =a cos(-216") = ~au cos 216° fi PA sin (-216°) = -aF A sin 216° ‘Since 216*isin the third quadrant, sin 216° and cos 216° are negative. Thus, xis negative, vis postive and ais positive 21.) Since distance covered is maximum (s3) in the interval 3 and the least (s,) in the interval 2 (ie. 85> 5, > s,), speed is greatest inthe iterval 3 and leatin the interval 2 (as all the intervals are equal). (i) Further ass; and 5, are postive and sis negative, average velocity is positive in the intervals 1 and 2 and negative ‘nthe interval 3. One ean also arrive at these conclusions by considering that the slope of (3-1) graph represents velocity, 22, (a) In the interval 2, the change in speed is maximum and as such the magnitude of te acceleration is the greatest. (&) Obviously, speed (isthe greatest inthe interval 3. (©) vis positive in all the three intervals: nega

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