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Doaa Abousaleh pulmonary MCQs

Pulmonary Questions

Which of the following cause a rightward shift in the oxygen-hemoglobin

dissociation curve?

(a) Methemoglobinaema
(b) Alkalosis
(c) Hypercarbia
(d) CO poisoning
(f) Hypothermia

In which part of the respiratory system, gaseous exchange takes place?

(a) Alveoli

(b) Pharynx

(c) Larynx

(d) Trachea

Which of the following statements is true about involuntary breathing?

(a) It is controlled by the bronchioles

(b) It is controlled by the pulmonary arterioles

(c) It is controlled by the alveolar-capillary network

(d) It is controlled by the neurons, located in the medulla and pons

Which of the following functions by filtering and keeping the mucus and dirt
away from our lungs?

(a) Cilia

(b) Bronchioles
Dr. Doaa Abousaleh pulmonary MCQs

(c) Hairs in the lungs

(d) All of the above

The exchange of gases between the external environment and the lungs______.

(a) Respiration

(b) External respiration

(c) Cellular respiration

(d) None of the above

Which of these statements is true about internal respiration?

(a) Production of ATP

(b) Exchange of gases between the bloodstream and tissue cells

(c) Exchange of gases between alveoli and the bloodstream

(d) Breathing between the atmosphere and the alveoli

Smoking is one of the causes of

(a) Hypoxia
(b) Emphysema
(c) Narcosis

How the majority of oxygen gets transported?

a) In dissolved form in blood plasma
b) In form of oxyhaemoglobin
Dr. Doaa Abousaleh pulmonary MCQs

c) In form of methaemoglobin
d) In form of carbamino haemoglobin

What is the shape of Haemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve?

a) Straight
b) Constant
c) Hyperbolic
d) Sigmoid

Every 100 ml deoxygenated blood delivers around _______ carbon dioxide to

a) 20 ml
b) 25 ml
c) 5 ml
d) 4 ml

What is chloride shift?

a) Movement of chloride ion from plasma to WBC
b) Movement of chloride ion from plasma to RBC
c) Movement of chloride ion from WBC to plasma
d) Movement of chloride ion from RBC to plasma

Chloride shift occurs in response to _____

a) H+
b) K+
c) HCO3-
d) Na+

Oxygen dissociation curve will shift to right on decrease of________

a) temperature
b) acidity
Dr. Doaa Abousaleh pulmonary MCQs

c) pH
d) carbon dioxide concentration

Gaseous exchange is held by ________

a) osmosis
b) simple diffusion
c) facilitated diffusion
d) co-transport

What is the primary site for exchange of gases in lungs?

a) Larynx
b) Trachea
c) Alveoli
d) Bronchi

Solubility of carbon dioxide is ________ than oxygen.

a) more
b) less
c) 50 times more
d) equal

. Partial pressure of oxygen in alveolar air is ________

a) 159 mm Hg
b) 90 mm Hg
c) 100 mm Hg
d) 45 mm H

Carbon dioxide is _______ times more soluble than oxygen.

a) 20-25
b) 5-10
c) 15-20
d) 25-30
Dr. Doaa Abousaleh pulmonary MCQs

What is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in alveolar air and in

deoxygenated blood respectively?
a) 50 mm Hg, 45 mm Hg
b) 104 mm Hg, 45 mm Hg
c) 45 mm Hg, 40 mm Hg
d) 40 mm Hg, 45 mm Hg

Pneumotaxic centre which can moderate the functions of the respiratory

rhythm centre is present at ____________
a) Pons
b) Spinal cord
c) Left hemisphere
d) Thalamus

Breathing rate in human is controlled by _____________

a) Medulla oblongata
b) Cerebellum
c) Hypothalamus
d) Thalamus

The primary stimulus for respiratory centre is ___________

a) Carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions
b) Oxygen gas level in blood
c) Oxygen gas level in hemoglobin
d) Conscious feeling for need of oxygen

The respiratory centre sends out nerve impulses to __________

a) Control center in brain
b) Diaphragm and rib cage
c) Carotid and aortic bodies
d) Muscles of the body that regulate the use of oxygen
Dr. Doaa Abousaleh pulmonary MCQs

Emphysema is a ______________
a) Neural disease
b) Digestive disorder
c) Pulmonary disease
d) Renal disease

Alveoli become enlarged and damaged with reduced surface area in heavy
smokers. This condition is called ___________
a) Emphysema
b) Silicosis
c) Asthma
d) Bronchitis

When CO2 concentration in blood increased breathing becomes ____________

a) shallower and deeper
b) slow and deep
c) faster and deeper
d) no effect on breathing

Carbon dioxide cannot be transported with hemoglobin.

a) True
b) False

Pulmonary ventilation movements are due to __________

a) Costal muscles and diaphragm
b) Diaphragm
c) Wall of lungs
d) Costal muscles

Partial pressure of oxygen in alveoli is ____________

a) 60 mm Hg
Dr. Doaa Abousaleh pulmonary MCQs

b) 40 mm Hg
c) 110 mm Hg
d) 100 mm Hg

Which of the following binds stronger to hemoglobin?

a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Carbon monoxide
d) Carbon disulphide

The factor which does not affect the rate of alveolar diffusion is __________
a) Solubility of gas
b) Reactivity of gas
c) Thickness of membrane
d) Concentration gradient

Blood analysis of a patient reveals an unusually high quantity of

carboxyhemoglobin content. Which of the following conclusion is most likely
to be correct? The patient has inhaled polluted air containing high amount of
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Chloroform
c) Carbon monoxide
d) Carbon disulphide

Oxygen is mainly transported as ____________

a) Oxyhemoglobin
b) Hemo-oxyglobin
c) Hemoglobin
d) Oxynoglobin
Dr. Doaa Abousaleh pulmonary MCQs

Respiration results in ___________

a) Release of oxygen
b) Anabolism
c) Release of carbon dioxide
d) Transfer of carbon dioxide

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