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Actually, Andrea will lend me his laptop.

I will switch of the smartphone.

Are you going to do anything tomorrow?

Chris is going to update his computer soon.

My plane leaves in an hour.

The programme about robots begins at 9pm.

They are having a party for their 50th anniversary on Saturday.

Craig is thinking of selling his MP3 player.

I think that in 50 years there will be many robots on earth that will help people with any tasks. I also
think that there will be many different neural networks that will help people a lot in the future.

Caution – care
Probable – likely
Is badly affected – suffers
numerous - countless
take part in – are involved in
destroys - butchers
confess - admit
normal - regular
cuts - chops
pity - shame
raises - increases
risks – dangers

In my class all teens have a mobile phone. Most teens in my class use mobile phone to texting. Some
tacking pictures or video. A few to playing games. I use my phone for texting and playing games.

1. Had
2. Wishes she had been a good cooker
3. Wishes if her boyfriend wasn’t be so jealous
4. I wish my kids were more organized
5. Evelyn wishes she could know how to play the guitar
6. My sister wishes to lose some pounds
7. I wish a beautiful dress to wear on a date
8. They wish a house to get married next month
9. I wish I was blonde
10. I wish i had enough money to go on an important game tonight
was not raining
could go
could rich
could be taller
could lie
will be

Had studied
hadn’t ate
had brought
had gone
hadn’t tell
had met

Hello Sam. Did you get a new player?

Hi Andy. Actually, it’s a MP3 player. My grandparents gave it to me for my graduation.
Oh! So what do you think of it?
Well, I’m not pleased with its memory. It’s extremely small.
Really? That’s a pity. Is there anything else wrong with it?
Well, I’m very frustrated with the battery. Battery only lasts for two hours so that it’s impossible to use
Hmm, I’m sorry to hear that. MP3 players are usually really useful devices.
I know, but it’s getting on my nerves! I think I will return it to the shop and buy another one.

These days, more and more teenagers have a mobile phone.

There are benefits of using a mobile phone for teenagers. In the first place, useful in case of
emergencies. For instance, if someone needs help or something happens, the teenage can call an
ambulance or to firefighters to prevent dangerous situations. Furthermore, parents can contact children
easily. To give an example, parents can quickly find out where the teenage is.
On the other hand, can cost a lot of money. The main argument, if a teenage breaks or loses the phone,
then repairing or buying will be expensive. Against, distract students from schoolwork. For example,
instead of studying, students ply or chat with each other on their phones. Also, call and send texts
instead of doing homework. For this reason, teenagers are distracted from homework and can get bad
grades for not done homework.
All thing considered, there are advantages and disadvantages when it comes to using a mobile phone. I
believe mobile phones will benefit all people on earth and will use it for the right way.
Huge – massive
interesting - fascinating
extreme - severe
dangerous - harmful
inexpensive - cheap
harmless - innocent
proof – evidence

Because a single can of cola contains over ten teaspoon of sugar

Eating over the limit can lead somebody unnecessary weight
It can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes
Home-cooked food contain fewer calories than fast food
The purpose of the text to staying fit and healthy

Everyday - daily
whole - entire
portion - order
healthy – nutritious
shape - condition
obese – overweight
advise - suggest
quantity – amount

The locals were using the springs to soak away their pains, bronchial, circulatory problem and keep
Amazing northern lights

Serpentine Hot Springs is one of the most visited areas in Bering Land Bridge
National Preserve. With a gravel airstrip, hot springs piped into an enclosed
bathhouse, and a bunkhouse open year-round, Serpentine offers an
accessible way to experience the unique and remote landscape of this
region. Frequented by travelers and locals alike, Serpentine is a place of both
cultural importance and geological significance. From the Serpentine Hot
Springs area, one may observe wildlife, bathe, relax, and hike among the
extraordinary granite spires, also known as “tors,” which tower over the

Hello sir. Are you ready to order?

Yes. I’d have chicken wings followed by smoked salmon with baked potato.
And for dessert?
For dessert, I’d like Fruit salad.
What would you like to drink?
Tea for me, please.
We use the passive:
- when the person who carries out the action is UNKNOWN, UNIMPORTANT, or OBVIOUS from the

Ex.: The window was broken. (unknown)

Her lunch is delivered every day. (unimportant)

The cows are milked once a day. (obvious)

- when the action is more important than the person who does this action, e.g.NEWS HEADLINES,

Changing from active to passive

The OBJECT of the active sentence becomes the SUBJECT of the passive sentence.

The subject becomes the agent and is either introduced with the preposition BY or omitted.

Sam made breakfast. (active sent.)

Breakfast was made (by Sam).

by+agent (who or what carries out an action)

with+instrument/material/ingredients (to say what the agent used)

to be (in the appropriate tense)+ past participle of the main verb (verb+ed)
Слово написано неправильно
Овочі приготовані прекрасно
Лист написаний моїм татом
Ці меблі переставляють раз на рік
Це не можна їсти
Ця страва зазвичай готовиться без цибулі
Нас вчать цьому що дня
Скрипку знайшли у шафі
Цю вазу не відремонтувати
Цих питань на іспиті не буде
Цей будинок побудовано з цегли
Цю колекцію викрали цього місяця
Допоможи нам, лише частину стільців принесли
Це завдання виконується
Світло буде вимкнене всю ніч

1. The word is written incorrectly.

2. The vegetables are prepared wonderfully.
3. The letter is written by my dad.
4. These furniture pieces are rearranged once a year.
5. This cannot be eaten.
6. This dish is usually prepared without onions.
7. We are taught this every day.
8. The violin was found in the closet.
9. This vase cannot be repaired.
10. There will be no questions like these on the exam.
11. This house is built from bricks.
12. This collection was stolen this month.
13. Help us, only a portion of the chairs has been brought.
14. This task is being executed.
15. The light will be turned on all night.
The causative

Jack had his parachute mended by Mr Thomas

They are having their hose cleaned

Lee has had some biscuits baked for him by Sheila

Present Cont:

-future arrangement
-at the moment

Present Perfect

-so far

-how long
-all day/week

Past Simple

-in 1996
-last year/week....
-stated time in the past

Nowadays, many people choose to give up eating unhealthy food that the full of additives and
preservatives. Although this food high in salt and fat which are harmful to health. In my opinion,
unhealthy food is bad.

To begin with, convenient food. In particular, convenient food useful for unexpected guests. Moreover,
this food can keep them in freezer.

Secondly, time saving food. Therefore, time saving food ideal for people who have no time to cook. As a
result, makes life easier for single working people.

To sum up, expensive food. For example, expensive food cost a lot of money. In additional, home-
cooked food cost much less.

Richard helps his father with the cattle, protecting them from lions. In addition, the boy invented a
flicking bulb for this purpose, which is charged from a car battery and scares away lions. Richard has
already installed 75 of these lamps across the Kenya, which makes him an incredible boy.

Thursday, the ninth of November

Class Work

The definite article "the"

1. something specific or smth has been mentioned.

-smth unique (the sun, the moon....)

-rivers (the River Thames)

-oceans ( the Pacific ocen)

Екатерина Чирик кому Все 10:34

-canals (the Coral Canal)

-groups of island (the Canary Islands)

-mountain ranges ( the Andes)

-deserts ( the Sahara Desert)

-countries when we have such words as "States/Kingdom/Republic"

-geographical terms (the North Pole)

-musical instruments (the guitar)

-names (the Brians)

Екатерина Чирик кому Все 10:40

-nationalities ending in -sh, -ch, -ese ( the Chinese)

-titles (the King) BUT Queen Elizabeth


-theatres, cinemas





-in the morning/afternoon/evening BUT at night/at noon

the Netherlands

is able to – has access to

rare – scarce
quantity - amount
goods - products
uses up - consume
influenced – under pressure
working out – calculating
repeated actions - habits
increases – adds to
cut down on - reduce
Trying – making an effort
help – make a difference
familiar with – aware of
clever – smart

To educate about your water footprint, to inform about the not everyone has access to clean water, to
persuade that it’s not just the water you drink
These days, there is a lot of rubbish on the beach. However, there has recently been a great deal of litter
on our beach.

One suggestion would be organize clean-up days. By doing this, the beach keep tidy and build
community spirit.

The situation could also be improved by installing more bins on beach. As a result, it will allow people to
properly dispose of their rubbish.

The rubbish problem is an issue that cannot be tackled alone. If we all work together, we can change
people’s attitudes and improve our community.

The distance learning school "Optima" offers a unique opportunity to students in grades 1-11. Students
can get free access to educational materials for any two subjects for 3 months.

This initiative will be implemented with the support of the Charitable Foundation "For the Future of
Children" and in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The uniqueness of
this program lies in its ability to save your child's knowledge and serve as an excellent learning assistant.
It aims to help Ukrainian students who have not achieved the proper level of knowledge or have
received low-quality education during the 2022-2023 academic year. It is also a great opportunity to
"catch up" on knowledge in a specific course or choose to study specific subjects.

Graffiti is a serious problem nowadays, defacing public spaces and diminishing the overall appeal of our
One suggestion would be create graffiti parks. By doing this people could have a place to express their
Another way introduce tougher fines. Then, people would think twice before vandalizing property.
The problem of graffiti cannot be solved decision by force. Together, we can work towards a graffiti
environment that reflects our shared values and displays the true beauty of our neighborhood

Impressive – ordinary
different – same
useless – necessary
beauty – ugliness
unusual – impressive
short – lengthy
common - regular

Op Art is the art movement that plays with the way we see things

The Op Art began in the New York

Op Art starts thanks to artists Arnold Schmidt and Julian Stanczak

Thanks to a journalist who used “Op Art”

Her classic painting

Presented - featured
Stayed - stuck
Typical - classic
Mess - confusion
Move – slide
Took place – was held
Concentrate - focus
Moving – shifting

Dear theatre manager,

I am writing to say how disappointed we were at the quality the performance we attended last night.
The performance was very poorly organized.
Firstly, technical issues, including sound problems and lighting malfunctions, which significantly
detracted from our overall experience, marred the performance.
We expect the theatre management to address these issues promptly to ensure a better experience for
future audiences.

Yours faithfully,
Kirill Leshenko

Dear restaurant manager

I am writing to express my disappointment with the service I received during my recent visit to your
The wait staff was inattentive, and there were significant delays in receiving our orders.
Additionally, the quality of the food did not meet our expectations.
I would appreciate compensation for the subpar experience and hope that the restaurant can take steps
to improve its service standards.

Kirill Leshenko

Kate is a teenager. She is tall, slim with long straight fair hair. She has a pale complexion, pointed nose
and big eyes. She is wearing a striped top, jacket and jeans. She is outgoing and like meeting people.

Bill is handsome. He is slim and short with a dark hair. He has brown eyes. He is wearing a shirt and tie,
black leather jacket and trousers. He can be arrogant and thinks he is better than others.

Jane in her mid-forties. She is slim and average height with curly fair hair. She has a small eyes and thin
lips. She is wearing a cardigan, shirt and trousers. She is gentle and always kind and calm

My father in his mid-forties. He is tall and slim with short dark hair. He has a fair complexion, a small
nose and brown eyes. He is wearing a grey sweater and blue pants. He is calm and not worry about
many things
Hey there,

I hope you're doing well. So, there's this person I've been dealing with lately, and I just can't seem to warm up
to him. Let me tell you about him. This individual comes across as incredibly self-centered, always putting his
needs above everyone else's. He tend to be quite insensitive to others' feelings and are often dismissive of
different viewpoints. What's more, he have a habit of gossiping and spreading rumors, which I find really off-
putting. I value honesty and integrity, so it's tough for me to connect with someone who lacks these qualities. I
believe in surrounding myself with positive and genuine individuals, and unfortunately, this person just doesn't
fit the bill. Have you ever dealt with someone like this? How did you handle it?

White back,


Dear Roma,

Thanks for your email. I was glad to hear you enjoyed your summer holiday. I’ve also returned to after-
school club recently, but I’m finding it really difficult to make friends and one boy in particular is being
very mean to me.

Everyone thinks he is really pretty. He is quite tall and slim with a tanned complexion and brown eyes.
And he has a great sense of fashion. He always wears beautiful trainers, jeans and bright sweaters.

Damir can be really rude, especially to me. He always makes fun of my clothes and laughs at me when I
get a question wrong in class. Also, he tends to be a bit arrogant at times. He often talks about how
much pocket money she gets and where she spends her holidays.

I've tried to make friends with him, but he never gives me a chance. Do you have any advice you could
give me?

All the best,


Dear Klim,

How are you? Just dropping you a line to tell you how I'm getting on at my new house. I've made friends
with one of my neighbors. His name's Roma and he's great fun.

Roma's tall and slim, with short haircut, blond hair. He's got a pale complexion and bright eyes. He's
quite handsome and dresses casually in jeans and trainers.

Roma is a very kind who's always ready to help. I’m always laughing at his jokes. He's taking me to a
party tomorrow! He can be a bit thoughtful at times though, and sometimes doesn’t listen to what I say.

I'm really glad I've met Roma. Write back soon.

I live in Ukraine. In my country there are rivers. The longest one is the Dunay River. There are also
forests. Some are near coast, others are in the mountains. There aren’t any deserts, thought.

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