Synonyms BOOK

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501 Synonyms BOOK


Gracious means courteous, kind, and pleasant. It can refer to a person who shows kindness
and consideration towards others, or to a manner or behavior that is polite and well-mannered.

Usage: The word "gracious" is commonly used to describe a person's demeanor, behavior, or
personality. It can also be used to describe a situation or event that is marked by kindness,
generosity, or good will.

Synonyms: Courteous,Polite, Charming, Amiable, Kind

🔺 Pensive
Meaning: Pensive means deep in thought, often with a tinge of sadness or melancholy. It
describes someone who is lost in contemplation, reflection, or introspection.

Usage: The word "pensive" is often used to describe a person's mood or state of mind. It can
also be used to describe an atmosphere, setting, or scene that evokes a sense of wistful
contemplation or reflection.

● She sat on the bench by the lake, lost in pensive thought as she watched the sunset.

● The old photograph of his grandparents left him feeling pensive and nostalgic.

● The pensive expression on her face made me wonder what was on her mind.

● As I gazed out the window, the pensive mood of the cloudy day matched my own.

● The somber tones of the piano music created a pensive atmosphere in the room.

Synonyms:Thoughtful, Contemplative, Reflective, Meditative, Brooding

🔺 Imposter
Meaning: Imposter (or impostor) refers to someone who pretends to be someone else, often for
deceptive or fraudulent purposes. It can also refer to a thing or an object that is presented as
something it is not.
Usage: The word "imposter" is often used to describe someone who engages in deception or
fraud, such as a con artist or a scammer. It can also be used to describe someone who is
pretending to be someone else, such as an identity thief.

● The man claimed to be a doctor, but he was quickly exposed as an imposter when his
credentials were found to be fake.

● The internet is full of imposters and scammers trying to trick people into giving away their
personal information.

Synonyms: Pretender, Fraud, Deceiver, Impostor, Charlatan ( Charlatan refers to someone

who makes fraudulent or misleading claims about their skills, abilities, or knowledge. They often
use deception or trickery to gain the trust of others and take advantage of them.)

🔺 saccharine
Meaning: sweet

🔺 Apportion
Meaning: Apportion means to divide or distribute something among several people or things. It
involves dividing something into appropriate or proportional parts based on a predetermined

Usage: The word "apportion" is often used to describe the process of dividing or allocating
resources, such as money or time, among different groups or individuals. It can also be used to
describe the act of assigning responsibilities or duties to different people.

● The company will apportion its budget among various departments based on their
needs and priorities.

Synonyms: Allocate, Divide, Distribute, Assign, Share

🔺 qualm
A feeling of doubt, hesitation, or uneasiness about the morality or rightness of an action or


● "She had qualms about lying to her friend."

● He felt a qualm of fear when he realized he was lost in the woods.

● He didn't seem to have any qualms about cheating on the exam, which made me doubt
his integrity.

● His conviction in his own abilities was so strong that he never experienced any qualms
about taking on new challenges.

Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, hesitation, reservation, scruple: The word "scruple" refers to
a moral or ethical principle that prevents a person from doing something they believe is wrong. It
can also mean a feeling of doubt or hesitation about the rightness of an action.

Antonyms: certainty, confidence, assurance, conviction

To be "wary" means to be cautious or careful about potential dangers or problems. It
implies being alert and attentive to one's surroundings and circumstances, and taking
precautions to avoid negative outcomes. Being wary can apply to a wide range of situations,
from personal safety concerns to financial decisions, and can help individuals avoid potential
risks and make more informed choices.

Usage: "She was wary of strangers in the park."

Synonyms: Cautious, careful, guarded, vigilant, watchful, circumspect.

Antonyms: Reckless, incautious, careless, heedless, unwary.

Example sentences:

● He was wary of investing his money in a startup with no track record.

● The hiker was wary of the steep and slippery trail.

● She was wary of giving out her personal information to online strangers.

"Sumptuous" means something that looks expensive, luxurious, and grand. It is often used to
describe things that are very fancy or elegant, such as fancy clothes, a luxurious home, or a
gourmet meal.

Meaning: Splendid and expensive-looking, suggesting great expense and luxury.

Usage: "She hosted a sumptuous dinner party for her guests."

Synonyms: Luxurious, lavish, opulent, grand, magnificent, deluxe.

Antonyms: Simple, plain, modest, frugal, austere.

● The hotel room was decorated in a sumptuous style, with plush carpets and silk curtains.

● The bride wore a sumptuous gown of silk and lace, adorned with intricate beading and

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